O The Canaiatn Statý-sman, Bowmanville, Mar. 21, 1973 urhamAgriNe-ws by Bob Watt A ssistant Agricultural Z5oasdle Weed Cotrol3 Meetinîg The Ontari tMnisryof Agriclture andM ý_,Foad i s ýpon- soringa metin-,g for al peopl e invoived in R-tadside and Rights-oýf-WaLy Wieed Con- ti on Tursday, larch l)29th aThe Ontaria Government Builingi Lidsay from-, 9:30 ThIE rme etivng will be sim- ilarIo t'lee wries that we heid in 19714 The, pragram -will caver alaspects or roadside weed contra,,nciding legis- lation ai thre ofnsty En-ý vironmenit, vFeed..s and their contrai, ceq uiîpmnt, spray damage dis ditcontrai materials, herbicides, 2, 4, 5-T and a question period, Hionourable wi l-iam n A. Stewairt, OtrosMinister ai Agriculture a-nd Foo,-d an- nouniý-cd the oengof a Ramn Te3t Statioýn a t the KepvieCulýleg e af Agri- culturai ehaoy This Ràam Testing Station,l a ncw undertaking inOntaria, wili be (open ,ta a'il Ontaria br-eeders enrle n the Per-ý formance Testing Projgram far 5heep and wiil be on 'a pilot-! praject 'basis or 1973. The Mrnister also anue ed t'hat a spciai saile(Ai thesa station teste-d ramis w-11 be heid at the timre ai the On- tarilu he ii Day ta beý held in mdumr 1973. The, sale wiil prov7ide brfeeders and cmerilprodlucers with an oprunt apur-, te-sted rams and riuse he in their breeding programsz. Bree.ders wihVn)taenter rams an("Test at the Station should applPy ta R. H. De-nn.iss, Sec-(retary, 0OtariaR).1am Test Station Commitjtee1, Liv e StocIk Branch, Ontarlo NMin- iStýry of Agrâiclture anidFod parliament 1Build-ingýs, Toron- Orono .CjHoi.stein Good Producer Sikmnas rlia Pabst Rock- ma, urebcel Hoîstein cow in the herd -ai Pler 51k- ma, Orona, ha-ýs recentlyco- pleted a fine LRecord i QePer- fOrma.nce productiân ts.As a four-year-old in 305 days on twcea-aymlking, she piroducedt 21.033 -lbs,,,-. ilk con- tainîng 928 lb.s.fa, average test 44% butterFat, which is a Breed CasAve rage ai 185%1 for milk and 22% for fat. She is a daughter af the E,.xcellen.t and Class Extra sire, Seillng RTockman. FIRE adATMBL 37,KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Repre sentative to. Breeders and commercial 'The Anuual Provincial Junior producers who wish to obtain Farmer Banquet and Dance information on rams being will.be heid Saturday evening offered *a the xtation tested with music by "The Revised ram sale in midsuminer Lrdition". Attending from shouid write ta Mr. Denniss Durham County will be Walt- in late June or early Juiy. ter Taylor. R.R. 1 i. Eniskii- JuniornFa ialr'en and David Larmer, R.R. Junir Famer onfeence1731, Blackstock. Remember 1960 - 1965?. If A total of 350 Junior Farm- you were a Junior Farmner ers from across Ontario wiil during that 'time period, you represent uver 7,000 members probably recaîl a caunty fair at the Annual Junior Farm- booth,, an annual picnic er Provincial Conference be- variety shows, 'United King- îng held at the Innon-the- !dom visitors, Toronto Con- Park, Toronto, from March fe-rence, tobo)ggan aind skatin' 23 - 25. 1parties,, cammrrunity projeerts' This year's conference is Junior Farmner laesi designed ta help participants camp , To provide an o- become more aware of people portunity to share mneniorie,. in varied social situations on of those timies, the Ju;nior a personal basîs. Th:is pur- Farmers' Assýociation efOn pose resulted from a '72 Con- tario 15 extending aspia ference recomm e n da ti on invitation t eerynewh where -concern was express- was a Junior Farmer mm ed regarding the lack af undý ber btenthe yas1960 - er-standing between so maýny ,1965 )ta attend a reunion be-ý segme(nts af our society. Part iing held during thedarice,i 10f the program will also in- Saturday night. valve delegates in determin- I For further information in.g the provincial Juniori contact Diane Grcenwood Farmrer program for 1973.1'983-5380. SOLINA The ,Euchre party aït thie Bill Metcalf, Bowmanvilie, Sauina Hall on Friday night was an overnight visitar with had nine tables enjoying cards. Wayne Yellowlees. The resuits were High Lady, Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellow- Brenda YYeiiowlees; Runner- leesq were Sunday su,)ppe i up Mis. Evelyn benitz; High guests of Mrs. Clare Allen ai Man. Ross Cryderman.; Run- Bwavle ner-up Mr. Bill Moore. High Mr. and Mrs. Harî'y Jordan in the young people was Lindsay: Mýrs. Edith Mitchell. Wayîîe Yeilowlees and Fran- Bowmaýznviile, were Thursday Nne Ta'ylor was the runner- ýupper guests oi Mr. auid Mrs up anYd was the winner o! the1Frank Westlake. carrying prize. Lunch was Mi-. and Mrs. Gea. Smith and served in the lower hall, boys were Saturday evening Kelly Broomie, Bowmanvil1e, supper guests ai Mi-, and Mis spent the 'weekend with Mr-. Frank Westlake. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome. Mr.EesHcadyMr Catharine Baker visited with Ralph Davis, Mirs. Harvey Yel' Mrs. Lai-iy Welsh, llowman- lowlees, Misses Brendaý andi ville, and they attended a Janice YIeilowlees, Misý. Mur- 4hower at the home af Mrs. Y-ay Yellowlees and Mrs. Wes Chas. Johinsan, Maple Gi-ove, Yellowlees attcnded aý bridai ýhoniorJng Miss Noreeni John- shower on Thursdaýy ight at son. Oshawaý .a bride-to-be. the home afiNMrs. Daýn Thomp- Mrs. G. Clark, Gregory and son honoring Ms Darlene Jeffrey, lkchonbecrg, andi Mrs. Thampson, saa HF. Oriniston, Bowmýranville, 4-Ïfl orfniaking were Friday lun-ch-eon guiestsl The sixth m reeting ai the' of Mrs. Tom Baker. SauL eie a s heid an Mfr. and Mrs. R. Frasera-Ma-hltatteSnaC - tende theLegin Ditirimunity Hall. Deýb Dr open- Pblic s)eaking -finals held inIed the meeting and wýe repeat- Peterbor-ough on Sundayý. ýd the 4-H Pledge. Susan Mi-. and Mrs. Bahbrop ls read hier mninutes ai -the Iow.Mapie Grove, weeîatmetng e hadlthre -ail1 Sudyevenling supper gutcs ialxvihwa;Hw syu aiMi. andMs.R. Fraser. arenIvorsig " MS Mfiss Carol Knax,LodnTalradeouthebo- s1penltthe eu n with lier lets onl zipper andtheýn.wn pents. Mi-. and Mrs. eoge1v ~he p'art an zippesin -l-3MOUI Kno. emer' amphll( 'letMs wat- IUr saac H arad Stan -'onideostaî the ins;ertionI' leMrs. Eîîdicott., Landsay, ai, an invisible zipper.Mr wbere- recent visitai-s with Mi. n hoeluihw t ptnl and Mis. Joe Sniowýden an n elastic wis bad'an M Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Mont Wton lbushott-mk gomery Swere. dinneriton. We then rhad a di-ess ie- g'uests at iMr. and Mirs. Bu evi R'.Ech gil h1ad a ihn Taylor jand fam!ily. ;It eing theý M-i-. and Mis. Don Taylor and ,"A!Ier wehilpfs4l ugges- itaiiy were lFi-Iday evenînî4mibooksve hdhne guests ai Mi-. and Mrs. SýandJy-AneteTayor t\bernethy and family, the r-ess Reporte-r gccasion being Mi-. A. F. Abr -_________ nethy's birthday. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- L0 wîith Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mýi-,. and Mis. Bill Moore and The Candace Unit met Tues- Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Bentz, St. day mrnIng. Mai-ch l3th, zit Catïharines, spent the weekendj thehm of Aimna Duff wit, wvith Mr. and Mrs Clarence, j 14 embers. foui- visitai-s, arc Bray and family. itwo cude present. Aitet. QUALITY end, STOVE OIL BO-WMANVITLLE CUSTOMERS CA.LL -4COLLECT Au Oeirator for 668-3381 or Dal1-668-3381 FOR POPCUTOSSERVICE BlacktockRecreaition Centre e.î,zîarch 28th, 1973 - EDCONVERSION - MTERALHANDLING -?SACE )HEATING - OETOP SWITCH GEAR FOR -'lOA D CENTïRE EQUIPMENT R~serv a egitraionticket by -A1iaopDened -the meeting Marion Carnagýhan gave a finf devotional enttlid "Debtors, ta Everybody." stressing thai wc owe s0 much ta pastg'- eratians thant we shauld pas on what %ve ran laini-ttu Do>reen ,VanrCamnp sh0W e d sùome delightfuil pictures ài India and broght aiang mar.3' zirticles ta show us. BusinesF periad iollowed and meetin-g dlosed with beniediction. Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Hlosknt have just returned fram a delightfui trip ta hi-rida. Mr-. and Mrs. Wlbert Ar- cher accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer ai Whltby), ta, Beaverton ta visît 'Mis. Archer's sister, Mrs. Cook, on Saturday. Last Salai-day, Mn. and Mrs. Marwood MecKee and Mns. Lawson attended a bridai shower at Mns. Ball's homin Kirby in hon or of iss Ai-leneý Wa]ker, WIlliowdale. tMiss Sue Loweny, Etabi-, coke, and 1Miss Linda Mc-'ý Laugh1in of GuielphUnv- sityspntth wekndwlh Mr. and] Mrs. 'Harold Mc-ý MVILSsPattiBropColling!- wodand Jýaice Crawfrord also ai Guel-ph lJnlversity*P( Ilspn th11e12wee'kend11 i Wjt 11?Mi-r and MN1rs. Harol1d Crawýford(, and IKen.- Botter health Is xishcd for1 -Mrs, MýcQaa2de who was rush-l ed ta Port Perry HiospItai by_ ambulance last M ondiy, An excellent cýrowd attend-i ed the Family Night at Black- stock United Chai-ch an Fr-- day evenig sponsoreýd by the' ,Intermediate Suniday Schoi-,1 class. On Sunday, rnembers ci, this same ciass bravedý the1 storm ta go by, car ta Toronto' to see the play Godtspeii. iMrns. Edith Murphy i Ty-ý rane is doing we iher daughiter, Mr-. an~d Mrs. Roy; McLaughlin and Debbie, fol-! lowing here recent 11lness. In regard ta the winniers afi the card party, an error wvas made regarding the ladiesý' f irst pnîze. Mrs. Aimna 'owiei- was the wlnner ai this prize.' This week's wlInnerswee Ladies' highn, Myrtie ALsop:1' sceond, Mae Shxortrldjge; on solation, Olive Mckee:; men's high, Earl Prescott; second,1 John Weaver; consolation,' Richards NManns. Mr. and Mrs Astin flea-, cock spent a e days holiday with their daughter, MnU. andi Mrs. John Meu and famlldy oai Toronto, M.and Mrs. Hlarry Van Camp, Mvr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osh~awa, were St.ý Patrlck's Day cinner guests ai Mr .and Mrs. Ted Kemnp and Mr. Jack VanCamp. Congratuiations to Miss L1 e- anne Dorrei whe received fi-st class honors In Gr. Xi Vocal Music. Leanne isa pplof Mrs, Marie 'T vlai-. SUPER.RIGHT BRAND, ILICED S ide Bacon i-lb vcpc98W SCFNtDER5 BRAND, Y VARIETIES, ILICED (ookedMeats6 or vac pac 39 SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-o-,,.c pac 78 C&A'DA GRADE "A" EVISCEIATED, PROZEN Capons 5 lbi & up lb 58KE SX BIRAND, NIAGARA COIL Polish Sausage l 8 GOLDEN SKi<LLET BRANO, NEAT & SERVE Chieken (utietS 16-.z pkg 8W RIB LB 7", CUl -FIR5T roueRWRIES NLY rOUNTRYSTL On, 0, Ey hPooC.,rCu, bit Side Baon EndCuti l j78 5HCOULOIR ANDO S'U i Check Thkese Low P- 8' OClo ck S X BRAND, 4 VARIETIES- FBSSHAN,,'PORTION Di 0 Pork Roast lb 78V Fish Crisp ~rpg53W Salmon Chunks lbs12 1aBEAZILIAN cofflI CHOIC& QUALITY. WHOLE Fabric Sfee Sail Liquid A&P IRANO. SOPI fINIR DETiRgemi 32 pefi c orpaticb 5 9 A& INDW CEAER MMOIA15-fi-oz Plastic bil 49? A & P Tea SPEI~~AI.BE bpý 7 I wm L Pj j Pj j Down Crnes The C s- fLvn WHEN YOU BUY A&P WEO QUALITýý,Y PRODIUCTS I îNCY, QUALITY, FROZ;N %&P Peas .NCY, OLUALîTY, PROZEN %8p Corn CANADA PANCY 2-lb P4g 53?-Ap 4Apesac 15i1rfi 2 C ND HO!cE,DESR 2-16 pkg 5? A'PPear 3 9-fi or tins $ 0 A&P BRAND, FROZEN, PANCY OUALITY V'IIH TOMATO SAUCE or bElON STYLE Peas &Carrots 216 k,, 9? AnnPg en îotn3 A&P BRAND.PAC QUALMY, SUCEo, FROZEN CANADA CHOICE, GIREÊEN BEANS ORl A&P ~ ' RA , GUA ORCRINKLE <lJI, vPrOeN CND COC CREAM S'IL! Frenchr Fries 2-16 pkg 4 ? A P or21411 -or tins39? PANCY OUALITY BaEP k ', LO,WHITE, QUERNSBUR.y ToiletTissuepkg of 4 rolls69 BAKEr.Y JAN£ PARKER- SLIiCED, 100% Whoie Wheî,acke Wka,60%o WIle Wheat (ACTIONPRCD 24-or boaves JANE PARKER (If's the Beattty -t, th e Crumbs op) (Save, c) Duth Apple Pie fail 8 i, 24-or pie 59 JANE PARKER, Pumpkîn Pie ful8-incl i pe59 JANE PARKER (SAVE 6') Engglish Fruit Cake, 1-4 9 or ke43Ký 'e JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CHOCOLATE Chiffon mCake JANE PARKER Rol JANE Pý Danik JAN E p A JANE Chf Ou 13-oz cake 4 5, (SAVE loc) okg cf 8 4 'ARKER, COFFEE CAKES (SAVE lOi) sh Rspbrrypkg of 6 6o9K .RKER1 (SAVE 6c) Y ont pkg of 6 53 EPARKER, SLICED mee Bread 31-rbvs$ 0 t.NE PARKER (PKG 0F SIX 43c) HOT CROçS SBUNS kq pof 1279 -f nlght (Giant Sr)41,zr box97 Kraft Velvetta2-1b pkg$,7 dANAA PACYHALV5 O ILIIs (ACTION pRICIDI Del ontPEACHES 31.lo 5Pc& S,aQn (Giant Sire) 40-oz box 97Ký Y 4SI'JARC. B vAýRIETIES IN IOMATO SAUCE Heinz Saghetti 19fl01 fin24 ppRJMîUm VALUE Tie. Tea" e ia Dags pkg of I100 9 PRIGHTSFANCY QU (Atin hled CAPRIA STANDARD QUALly(CTONPICD Peaches28-fl-ox tin AUL PRCES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED ECIi THROUGH SATUBDAY, MARCH 24th, 1973. AIwayà do what Je konoîhiend W F e oro,r'y Oo. RAINCEK: If un adv.rtiâod specll al *v.e ..d ouf, ,sk the, Manager fer a Raîinxhecl. If enftles you tao tb.cma ,Item etthtomem.opocisl prie@ the foIiowing we.L. Or if you wlsh we'IL ulve you a comparable Item of the &âme spocial prico. GUARANTEE: AUF oftu, an vriconditIonal' monoy-back guacntre. N. moterffa hot If le, ,,moter whe mak.m if, If AU .colle If, AS.P UIaarant... If. A&P Facia Tsserrnz~ ~:~O RAZIIAN OxPIEqBLDIAG 2.43 blak Pepper 'aar59 (offeeLC reamZ er 1'ôr i?89 !ONA BRANOw TADRDQALT Green Bans 4îfl-oxlns8 ? WESGATE' BR NiD, V-,11i., ChocolmI, Bt.cfhRPpIe I ce ïCream Yî galncro Chili Saue îî o bl35 L8UI'. VE A 1&P Il orFA Libby Basu-f rfn39 Mal Kan Ca food ofnl7 Corn Flakes 4-owboiv8 DESSEFRT 15 Dream ip2rpk30 Puddings pkgoffr,-r ns59 Tean WmhdR.dy ToCoow 0o o0Pc '-r p POT ROAST l BRUZSKET PLATE ROAST FREEZER CUT CUl &WRPPE NqO STEAKS & RoASTS aBRAISING R1%$ 1,03 AVERAGE WEIGRT 30 1O 35 LM YOU JUST CA%-,'T,7 EATriý A&PEO MEAT 0 dam 1