The Canadian Statesmali, Bowmanvilie, Mar. 2,17 9 ~ ~ ~ Bren ton Rickard ReceivesB&PClbHIDuhAuio AIAf',vrI ;.~ ~Bowmanvîlle. Business and lowed by a refbsns g Mes w a d in Lon5is 55Prof essmonal Women met onmeeig.Finl arneet Phone 987-4221 Thursday, ac15hite were made fororBo ot Mrs. ~ Breeton Pone 97-422 Marchl5th n theat the Commur yFiSt Newcastle - Anotlher mile- Jose presented "RB" with bis Sunday School room at St. urday, Mar-h1Vh ui ladlies are meeting in the karis, Bownianville, towel set, stonu in the history of the meminber-ship in the Lions In- Andrew's Church. In the tickets were addin \Nomen Do Love a Penny Sale' United Church Hall, New- 1007; Chris Barchard. New- Newcastle Lions Club was ternational Quarter Century absence of President, Marion,FlrneT ýcste nTuesday morning at castie, eatrrings, 1129; Jackîe celebrated by the i-meiýs, Club). Ail the while, "RB" lst Vice-Presîdent Geat u f .410 a.m. Called "Take a Mimecr, Newcastle, rillow, their wîves anid frîends, -wheni was made to sit on a productBrn very capably chaîred of tickets tobesdonat Break" the newly formed 14177; Bertha Fisher, Nev- they helci their 26th Char-ter of hisow business, namely temeig urday in cnucinwt club is a non-denominational castle, dollar bill, 1287; Gayle Anniversary and Ladies Night a toilet, which was ra-ised go A deiclous dinner was serv- our Book Booh gýroup and the meetings be- Craig, Bowmanville pilIow- lest Friday, March l6th at the that ail could watch his re- cd by the church ladies fol-MalnJfeyrdth E" ginwith exercises led byicases, 1054; Valerle Rudman, Newcastle Community Centre. action as these various, awards latest lett er fo u dpe elen Rudeli. Business is Newcastle, mirror, 1517; G. Th vnn a pndWere presented. adItrainlDrco agtrwihtl sta .............dealt with after the exercises, Player, Bowmranville, pillov- wt h sa omlte n h lmxcm sDsrc n inHwr ufa i h aiyaei go tollowed by discussions, guest !cases, 1617; Karen Anderson. -tastlls he adiernneLins Gvertrrict nno nd on O HiwardA mesagewa halth aththeidog paesrcrfwokCfeeBmaile shw,12,International-y Lion Pr-esi-Ithiat ile had recelved a tele- received fromlPast District well inrschool. Shirle Colliss sco ?'isseve, it jic fr heKtheeiAtn Nwcste en Sale Pwelonra ra fomLinsItenaio- ovrnr obrtGeds fNiewwitctahrtnleei 1 chîldi-e n. The mieeting con- cp an saucer, 1534. û S, Pwl n ýri- ri.Lin nen'Gde luds t 1:0.Bay iting Mi. ndMr. re GenCivie Welcome wes.,- extended1 ai that an application fro teaadh~wiePgwoo h Club frtemnh0 Ïs sie', t nd theD, lub e viiille r.anreturne on Sudeylf- by Reeve Aif. Gray, the Lions Clubli of Newcas tlfe are wiînte(ring in Floride. March, ADuhActo and tiieconcludedethe evenin Sndurino uieabut four volunteer a most enjoyablewe-ln Follow.ýing these event", Ds-fonr a ifde Membership for Alopeetwr ebr c elmaGcolced a siter pr eetin. Anyoneilholiday in St. Petersi-, trict Governo-r William -Eemlr iÂon R. Brenton of Lion Rickard's Cabinet number of buifu o od >%weýnting to offer their serv- Florida. Both are sporting gui-e of Cobourg was intro- kardhdbeleevdwîeh a isrc o-esadteWy en ice fo bby itingis eqest hndsme an an bth e-duced as the guest speke. nwuld bc approved by ernor, Deputy District Gov-gedrs cue andrllthae cdtoea Cro Tomso prtthy ada n rvelouAt this pointhwvetheroe Boadof Directors of enr 1 oeksfo Fdl tepnnenckl nddms 98-456 hee ii e ev tm. esacomplete changýe 0f Lions International o i-h ford, Zone Chairmen Jc eril meetings be-fore the April Th ecateLon aeevnswenGvror M- 7th ttei etigii Anderson fromn Oshawa Cent- xctv etn ilb 24tbciosng beak or te ben abusylot ecenly. estguire pro:ceeded from the head Chicago. Governoer Bi im- rai and Jack Boyle from Wit-hn a-h29ha h umrmonths. Laqies of Wednesdey they hostedl a suri- table to a Drojector and start- prse'nal rsn htby and e message, was receiv- home of VelmaGyat8pm ~' tecommui are cordielly per to wvhich onerpieea-dtososîe. The fi-st thîs wa1s the'hghst award e rmhsohe euyGv - nvited to join tr the fun and tive of eeeh of oui- local teamrs SIIile was anial vaiewof thet ce-n be best-owýed on a ro C nesafl0 Gueiphi a. ctivities. was invited. The occasion the Village of Newcastle and Lion a1 nd it certeinly show's who- sent bis sincere re.gardsl ~ Oh nieray was the spain nggmetten another eal ie1 0 the high estceem thet his fel-Uend good wvishes and address- On SturayMai-h 3d aof Gus Bodnar, Coech 0nf the the homne of one of the mem- 10w memibers old for Lionedtto"niDuDu".. femily surprise perty for M~r. Oshawa! Generals. On Frn- bers.HanocethheR". Lion Rikr evda inRiekard iS affection -- as ateIy known iby ismny rWE'VE» jWORKE AOT and Mrs. Tom Spencer w~day the local Lioajis heid thei- reeson for the slde presenta- i lba rsdn n15 beld eit Noone's Restaurent. 26th. Charter and Ladies' tinwst oo in0 7adwn nt eo e rns. Two other pei'sonal ~R /RRPT /N The occasion was Tom end Night. Severel dignitaries of teCu0wobdonMic1 Dsrc Governor of District gifts were presented to Lion'AOSOTI LIOARS Alecia's fortieth wedding an- Lionism wý,ei'e present and the lith comiplete 25 years of A3i 916.Readby Past District Gov- niversary. About 40 members eveming proved to be somne- 10 tednean e-ls oisMgiepeet ernor Bob Garden of Tweed!TENTO of the family atrived, et tbinig extrae special for the R. bersh;pipnb th Lions Clubo of ed e bouquet of roses to L>ý')in and Past President Don Tripp Noone's around seven o'clock B. RiGikard famiIy he Lion Newcaïstle. A1lthogh ail pi -s- Rick-d's wife Jean as weil1as fMiboo to 'at he rrvai0ftheBrnto ws pesnte wth ent knew te the main rees- e bouquet to Mrs. Kay- Powl f"uests of honor. a life membesipb i e- nfor, this eveningwaBS to ife tePrsdet vTernr eiestwo sîittingo Toman Aeca ere escort- 10w Lions. A complete reporýt boânor ionic-R. EBrenton ik-atndne eeal 0f Lion Governors beseldces.oero cd te the dinner by their sons and pictureappeari te i',h paeni a o Botsfmiy ere iin ateae. Goveurlnor Rollyand rnie Aleie ws cous. ain are f this although Ihe "eit nmember of the North Oshawa Du ekrc u'igo presnte wit a eautfulMeny of our ireeders wilzeisom-nething wâs "in the ar in Club aýnd iUs wife Lana Nlo n ovro iwo corsage by their nephew siiytolano tedahwhnh riednd sews eianc, ougen hs ee fKienîe er. Othern~ Geoge Grey and Tom was oiotoo Tuse, lMer many (If bis frinadici e- frienid Gerry, and Robin, as:cusrpeetdwr:Oe Givnc otonery hinTootbof ormer rsident tivs from out of town. wcIllas 1biS brother Gainet Sound, Ajax, Whit'by, ODha- icce. Sandre Lewis. urvillage,. Miss Luci-E Br-i t. After the comiplete slde end Mrs.AnbeeRikdweCtrlOswa oth Coeauainswr hnBurial took place in Port Hpe presentation wbicli took Lion bis sister Maion and Fred, Baomile, PetrortiPeriMyl extendced by the i-est of the ls rdy isBalwoBrent beck to is hiho, a- iiste HlerodoedLk fCd.te-ornugh rii femii and he hooredcl was employed in Eatons de(- 1biis youtb, iseric n tbe Bxton His brother Staeybok NrooCbu were given eautiful giftis: ane[Wm P.Jhso sîgner-aterationdepartmet Armybis famiy life ad cf sen bis reards andbisere Fen-fodTrenton rub pn fr leca nd ath-for rmany years, had lived ithe course bis life Is aeime rt ha eas fsckness loin tefomiis ncufirîsfr o. past four yeais in Providence of the Lions Club, earsn in the C'femlily be was unable cvroejied with Lion IGes- Motor O ulOi Both Tom end Alecia, com- Ville, Lucie was tation for 25 years of perfect to atedRiekaird and bis loýevly ifc, and Ges plctely overwhelmed by the a long tîmne active miemrber in lettendanice wes made by e ,ý11 additiontef ellow Gov - Jean to en1joy an evenîn g of!FURNACE 1NTLAIN f.Party and presents, gracîousîy the Durhami Club, Toronto., memxber of his Club, who badl ernoî's were in aýttendancie danc iing.Ail in akl it was eaN EAR o2th n ed e er o e o t e Oui- d epest s m ah to the cbiieved 23 ears of service, Lý)ion Jck F ikn f te To- bIe aultifuil trbute to a g eat N Y ~thanen everyone efowntohae munity Fu- et BS auditrium onSat urdYorfkeCoob, an they crtainlydrewnMi. d Fro Italy Ms Wm St r eltvsads -nso tiý' CtNwail mey usoei a i vien n hî pctue.Irn Brtnisth hpy uie retucd homethesta week -À are *egti one helinfttlok ftrhheeothaPrpepynerfae isedelswhreifomanevalvctind in l ay To Ire enù ,icidnýIyucto osrea u i(, deubte an faily Mi. adelthoub athe eeer we nl. end Kahy, wo are tatioe epls dmelighl dSrenato Ilewcastlee iiniieadiy.eMyer1'tb 0,021 il Yo1ng, Le Till U1 9 J11à1 lV1týi 1î-vateGilslerdaPntSaebo'Ii lebrie-a, se ekeCo onmo toerdhomFoe. fi I~Ip ' happy two-wldloirnonStudy flron eek hFol ialyetrigI bed, rememberdto i i iin oiels rda byvs% UT Viuu r S ocalacu£ies na r ~- Mr. ndthes. Wm. nG r~s y eistires a ýsc-vden inthi pitur. Ier BuMani-ce.h14abot 1:0 onGig-Frind he tmpetrewee ectle - Thisbngi- ndfthe e wins aicnw wswrccdFidyevnag ntieie vhey iowe i hepnent t thetemnm'Lsimpybcas c hv- n&tLldee btebece eatfl we~~~~ -e o pesd eaenttrndnw nt us w elseund e. We d lik towrit aîî, 0 brig yo hepines wh ne Newastl Hrst Hoenschror ketthe wAtqes bas just coreoi-fvoie ujetapreuelttearud o rono.eîîdthe and îeure fen hremot faity,(O TNUES O MARH 3Is areNeweste nd he ineme no reliz i, bt te repe ties Lkimi ted h n apl es,ît witb b adugrrte. peolewhelie ei-. er metin f efailer oubtthe Dwon Marey As- ovesMi-dad rs1Juiu ili Cermay.andtedaughterd bet e ec hi cluain hpp mmris n eaers it nNecete frm e rge bilathreMrs.Floeneil- bad AIoe~If -o wfltanprnte a-efamlir e smeBeathn or$6500 T o n Intrdt lrd o erstn clmnthnyo f ui eees.C.CwaBomavil, w neartha etuich tiM ' ,- 11i1 lh, rmembred t ther ey we e tossed out Rf0their rereoer.ths i yui coum 'pon ed dal987421 i mridinwtgagedby Dn Muray aci- wesci-. ise,-S A ,,US etyornes nteu ~isvryeaytogeou r ien fWGlnirmsk arPop esbuton tesbGrgbersiadîi by \~INDY NON!Plasenew t us- jstpic upyorers9Ltd.R.Thewcspe.t es n bU AWoll f -The Thsbi-or1aifpl drop youa newsoff et Ssoiae Ld.i168fr s e ieh repr aio Renta Ca-forI oi bue 1igtontewima $5 4000andutin 1:279oa flina nohehldyinsio first %ý,,i js ,streetIon ust-east cf te rI'sop- order40f, c7 loe Brh Sidg e quiakteter.a ues e r A DAY OR WeEKnD lMy3 liply bWeausuaily hav e ine1( Cour, plant 0foven th n the-80si~d te bey weth-(a o ayl w o Cvl;yhRYS, leR- udO \vGE aeTD. Mr.Red Ous i oe.bcd a aill e t moentregrd-aceione i hesun sut I verypleasat surpise let ing uturease Kfeheibuiding.h plan butaccodingte te bing jut e au te cr nerelcnwdvip lî ie uniy Spca i 6 he arc, NcwcLisle cNedcestle nMunicipal Officee ibuthettt(e1 timec0fLwriting that( ments concernin)gur the grant-ionof;i crnliaJ ornerstanbe eurtleast0 I0T !ýUSTOMRH3 t,,:i -ep tiscolini n - ninecal kndl to sýl ,k ing rcf te i.fitend r Ofciels v Huntoo ffouiBahIr o tresa. hapfrem esir 1st(,i excteverintGndenrge taa orwne ot inees haeitDstud thesub-l t elc! od s.eelngfi-saMMd missiad o onadtiwexc-da y f prn byte ain O ffPREINiHE.1 0/o O f ncd!i ý.aLa te be de ariia t onc by5,00 ToMai-h1 H R W R K EurIiTH D AR ,A.... u f nfraio ede ai-,t tis btthere litill ,IUT t usof ur eadrs.p;ientegodato g i o INSURANCE AGENT aytoge oridnt oetthfAien! av yo ben_ A'Nseuffle et the i-ca""f-thedshere oethe 5 g. u e L.ii___ \ntheTOeM.HA. piay-off PLASTIC us -LUust p____________orties_____ Monoe t.,Newst honan Phone'987-422 ort resuied binlyduillaymsongeeOi-ng eoieteàaiosac Rert Carfor ur hose -righ en te Buan y, Lot in 92,aocesina2l fitn g it eut ith odins ie o VEAR EXPRIENE R.. 4,Coborg, eingsl'hed ui- eantams heavebjt- I DYORVEER 30etjstesto ii t c-dwie nif e. A gro te u-0f wn asrnessre eentL.b A Ask or Re . . ad wil crtaily b. plasedturnd te pliu t theBone' er iateast hrne - HO M SAUNA GOOD RLIABLMARKTOýsAVAIABLE OR"od iedin ianvut- Strli? ng. Thit em igingIb I~ moifolowngthewoun- e nt ign end ether y thg ALL CLSSES FiNSUANCgtwEriBowmliý envirslercHoptal.O.P.. T adfti-st geebei- e hs PEBITPNES0 INDIDCEN ETR EACM plt, ndMerinWilam sees wbrideotMapi-ch cdan bagd ih seui suppo artou team! nriS eca cd waof teper nCor moinlicaa Co hucecf St 1 'N j S, !1 R Nfroi i, ie ad en putaiecyourown jorneyMed 0 0 l t stLd th su_, bt.ofbu !t attend the iservice ING PANELS.AL SH ed (ý o d mbv 'vîrc 1(endrte toi' utthe Cere tl1 0H R KEITH D. ARRI - 1 -ui-cbtyof uS t.imes, Torono TheGboys end girlsteachers* SPECIA FIG RE KAT NG L's TU Cy, ar.toteamralTe ,stllere 6'x 6 SIE prouly p esetand 4hAnua teyre atsboîhae wjuRGUAR$250 G001) ELIAOE MARETS AAILABE FOR inobic JoTheinfoilowingnd-ancE AUNA win-A cn.Bre a Lknt nt i-s iii ande etNewcthie j Gir Giesa Pnn y S le. Te. N E W ! Doi riin Gu ieswîte sinere in thns- Anfce 1Cooper, KendialBULTPANLSOFnec-DRE-,LENPRE.B n PE-SAINE I CORTCE YAD aersw1253; Mra. reg, Bo m mavilpiew css 15; M. Crowe, Bcwmenvile, tow- ~ ec JUST OFF COURICE DS SUnd1ùa yA prl I - 2 p.m. berry, Orono, candie -fg ___________ Whr' rgts:¾OlpeBeceTY EF- 117;, Kelly Beers, Boman- î it osts, topers and gae o£ cmltefneTR ETAT INICHOLSMOOR viglasswarc, 1213; Tamy with minimum effort. ON HWY. No. 2 Innis, Newcestle, btro HORIZONTAL PANEL SECTIONS doil1, 11.15; Sheiila Muni-o, New-- casthle-, mixing towls, 1225; $ ville, sýiippar sox, 1265; C.16 x1W P IA Y ....s VE YO Guest Skaters: Tôomer, Newcastle, brooch SAESYO and eaarigs, 1669: Irene Bre-6'X'PRAC......$ 67 l". 5 M, U7A i rton, Newcastle, bat and MONEY. CT RINE and 1ALW O- crý!69q; D., Cameron, Newc,,- castie, fondue dishi, 1182; mrs. CEDAR LINE POSTS 7'-...... . of the ' CARL se~L. ay, Hmtosquirrel,I EA IEPSS9.....59 Osaa ktigClbi 52, Chailotte rnwt, Vf t e ' h w k tlg fu oiail, ck, 1055; _______UNE_________9'-_--__.. $8.4 AnraBlair, Bowmepnvill,M ~ -j -~ cream and, sugar, 1393: Judy* hme:Britton, Bowmnanvîlle, par- 1'x 8' TOPPER SECTIONS. $ .9 Wondrfu Word o D ineyCobb]adiek, Newcastle, sachet Bowman - World f Disney1606; Joce Chant vill,wn ca e oolts,l18; M 1 ' y e 2E-ItIII Moods in Music 142; M.nNen, Ba~hoomaes!COURTUCE 728-1611 IWAREHOUSE L M ELN 2-67 lîne Meaichin, Bo0wmanvila hll1fIIIIm Admission: Aucand0iebi sh0ýcilrn 01838; IMrS. R -~ Aduits 1.OO Publc School Cildren of varowmanvllM M M M M M M M-- MM'