12 Th Canadian Statfesman, Bowman ville, Mar. 21, 1 973 Newcastle Hockey News Bantams Advance to Semi- Finals Againsf Sheiburne Newcastle Bantama have de-feated Stirling la the quart- er fials, three gamnes te oneý la a best 0f five series. They will now meet Shelburne la teOntario Semi-finals. Aftýer losing the first game la Sirling the locals came back te wia the n.ext three. Ia the third gýame la New- casle on Thrda ighit the Btaawon Î-3 In an excit- ing gaie wt'h the final gzoail scored inte an empty net by Bria M ,ikios. Scoring for Newcastle,: Brian Mikios, two goals, 2 assiss; 'Don Martin, 3 goaDzls; DBIll c eigoal, 2 assista; Kevin Hws goal; T1im ekn,2 assista and Graydon Moore, i1sit Ssturdsy nigbt la Stiring the Nlewcsstle 3Bantamsa won th ecdn garne by anl idlenticai score of "-à iii an- other cliffhianger whn illy MePlice scored his third goal ;f the nighit into aon emity net. Tm Nichols nae up ith anoither outstaniding net- mrinding 'job to hldoff Stirl- ing. Scring for Newcastle: Billy MùcPheýe picked up the bat trick plus 2 assista; Don M2rti,goals, 2 as_-sista; Bria iklods, 2 goals; Tim Jenkins, i assia,;t and Kevia Hs;ýwes, i a 9s st. Wvin Consol1ation Trophy Ncwcasà;tle Glanville's Pee Wlee B team woa c-the Conisola- tion -iTropby inthe United Countfy Hckei-y Lealgue on Saturday, Ms!rcrh 17 by a score of 4-1 uver MiIIbrooýk, Our bo-ys put eut a réal good teamiý effort to beat th e hard- fighting Ill'Ibrook teamn. Outstading plyers for Newcsstle in this gamne were: Tom GovrCrig K, 'ent, Chiris. Gosleigh and 'Marty Lowry. Scol'ýers were Craig, Kent 1, Chris. IGosleigh 3 Mary Lwry i. Tetm- Go3alie, T'omnGlo-ver; Danny cGraý'y, Mike WloCraig Ken, Marty Loewry, Deug Niîchelo, Joey Foýrget, Brian Carr, Kevin Jni '% Cris Go)sleih, andy Dnel.Ted Martin, Dl N ahol nd Mtt Lchr;Coachi, Ken G-ray:asstnAlfiýe Alldresd. Pee Wees Win Trophy Newcastle O.M.H.A. Pee Wees travelled te Fenelen Falls last Saturday te bring back the "'A" Trophy. They started the day playing Lind- say, beating them 3-2. This meant they met Oakwood, winning this one by a 5-1 score. After a very long day, the champioaship game saw the Newks take on Hraliburton, winning the gaine-by a decis- ive 4 te i score. Scoring for the day weat to Bria Allin, 4 goals, 4 assista:, Mike Dan- ilko 2 and 1, Tom Dwyer i and 2, Brady Ibbottson I andj 2, Phillip Dost, Bob Tcwns,j jamie McInnis, Danny Lang-' staff, each 1 goal,, and ]Ron Potter 4 assiats. The excellent nlaying cf thel entire team coupled wi th superb neît-minding jobs done by Dale Dubeau and Don Nicholson took the team through te the top! On Sunday, this same Pee Wee team played the Port Hope Minor Pee Wee A's ini Port Hope with the Newks emerging the vicotors by a score cf 5 te 1. The entire game was a good solid team effort. These boys are really play- ing terrificihockey right now;' let' hope it continues this coming weekend when the team takes part 'in the Little N.H.L. T'ournament in Keene. Masons Celebr aie 127th Anniversary Newcastle-The one huud- red aud twenty-seventh Anai- versary of the foundiug of Newcastle's Durham, Lodge,' No. 66, AF. & A.M., was cele- brated on Tuesday, March 13th la Newcastle by area Masoas. Rt. Wer. -Bro. Cola Mc- Keazie was guest speaker who chose as bis topic "The Purpese of Masoary". Bro. McKMnze, -s former' Grand Junior Wý1_arden of the Grand Ludge cof Canada la Onario, and a pre.sent member cf the Board c, Generai Purposes, bas recently been appointed as Representatîve of the On- tario Grand Lodge te the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Durîarg the banquet heur the Tost te the Queca was projposed by W . Bro. Jim Eng,,ilih, Mster of Durham Lodge, andf the toast to the visitors was preposed by Bro. Roy Hall and responded to by W. Bro. John Fouk, Master of Orono Lodge. The toast te Grand Lodge was proposed by Bro. Alex Hendry and re- spended te by Rt. Wor. Bro, Colin MêKeazie. t OPPORTUNITY To Be An 1 I DEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN wiffh High Earnings potential As A FUEL OIL & GASOLINE DISTRIBUTOR BOWM-ýANVILLE - NEWCASTLE AREA Calil or write Bruce Thomson Sun Oil Company Ltd. 1 Thorncliffe Square Toronto, Ontario 416-924.41 11 The work of the evening, the initiation of Ralph McIn- ais of Newtonville into the First Degree by a Degree Teamn from Port Hope's On- tario Lodge No. 26. Bro. Gerry Boon gave the Senior Warden's -questions, Bro. Eric Jones, the Altar charge, Bre. Larry Moore,,the Lesser Lights, Bro. Gordon Joic(e the Book of Constitu- tiont and Bro. Ralph Knapp the Apron Charge. The Junior Wsrden's lecture waa admir- ably presented by Bro. Franlc Scott. The Degree Teama fromn On- tario Lodge was composed cf W. Bro. Charles McCaw, W.M.; W. Bre. Wilbur Dickinson,! I.P.M.; Bro. Donald Plummer, S.W.; Bro. Frank Scott, J.W.; Bro. Andries Honing, S.D.; Bro. Douglas Mallory, J.D.; R. Wor. B3re. James Gilmer, Chiaplii; Bro. James Grim- shaw,. iG.; Bros. Eric Jones and Ralph Knapp, Stewards; V. Wor. Bro. Harry MivcCaw, D. of C. Th-e toast te the n.ewly la- itiated candidate was giv,.ea erson anid responded te by Bro Macînnis. ENFIELU Philip Wiseaer, Lakefleld Cqllege, ila at homre for the hclidays. Ken Wright la spending the holidays at Mr. Allan s Wright';s,ý Omremee. Mrs. Wallace Pascoe stayed a few days wt her sister.ý ivss Evelyn &Cuningham cof Brantford. Mr. Elimrer Balinit attended a meeting of the International, 5oaring Associa-tion at King- stoni,,ý thweek. Mr. BalinIt wrho was a filer ila Worid War Two, njsghding as nahobh' by. Mrs. Bahut, who worked apottery-mrakîng as n hobby, how bas slimoat fulI-t 'ime occu- 'pation la her successful yen- ture at the "Pot Tree". Mr. and Mrs. Balint and family are also enthusiastic skiera and sutbeweather fanda them on the sopes at Collingwood. KaeWendy and Donna L3 utch, Burlington, vited helr cousinsý, Sharon, Darlene and Sandra Av.ey7. The Avery ,girls returned te Burlington with their guests te com-plete their hoeidays. The unsavory westher that turned up, for the vjeekend spoiled a few plans for soine folk. Somne ronds were block- cd overnight and hydre was off fer a wýhile Sunday mncra- îng. ___________ TIRE KI N G nt.'RADIAL PLY TIRES Passenger, Truck, Tractor Tires (Chrome Mag. Wheels) EXCLUSIVE REMINGTON TIRES Spring Time Special 4 ONLY: Tubeles-ýs Twin White Sidewall, 2+2 Belted. G"7844 or G 78-15 $9O nst.,l ed and Balanced for..$60 ig 10" Wide L 60-15 or 14 Located 1, Mile East of Qshawa Highway No. 2 CHARGEX 579-2114 CHARGEX 1 Young Bowlers Hold Tournamenit at Liberty BowI- On Saturday and Sunday, young adnuit bowlers the wirners, with, from right te left, Deug Clamer, frcm ail over Ontarie, teck part in a zournamient at President of the Young Aduit Bowling League; Gary Liberty BowlI in wvhat prý,oveci to 'be a 'mnest interesting, Lahoda, Executive Director cf the Bowling Proprieters two-day event. Unfcrtiunately, som-e cf thcse plaingiri Association cf Ontario; Allan Osborne, manager cf te attend were eae by the sterrn, but mest cf themý Liberty Bowl,, and Ron Selleck, Vice President cf the shewed up befer-e the tournamnent was ever. Top pi"Young Aduit Bowling League. Lower picture shows tare shows one cfî many similar trophies p-resented te seme c f the action. At a recent meeý-ting cf the Stewards of !Beth-aay United Chuýrch, Mr. arry Ryley was returned as Treasurer fcý nthrte::rm. YMr. Wcsl ey McMVahion was a ppoi nt ed Chairma,,-n of the Board and Mrs. Baýrry Preston appointed as SeCCretary. of aty f th' cemmurll ity go1l'utinoMrs. R03S Kerr and family ia the re- cent passiag c, f her fathecr Mr. Verdon Letl'angue, Por- t.yroOl. Recent Suinday , d -Innile1 guests with Mr. and Mrs. VV MýleMahon were: MNir. and Mirs James Gray, Jaretiville, Mr, and Mrs. Brian Gray, Poat,ý pool, Mr. and MOrs. Randy Longfield, Belfountaiin. lrs Norman Neals, Elin- vale, visited wIth hier mother, Mrs. T. Jackson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Emery Sml have returned home safely after vacationing la Florida. Three lucky students depajri ed for Rome Friday evenin, Miss Marlene Smith, Chr: >Kloepfer and Philip Beer a!E aIl presently enrolled In tlE 1. E. Weldon Seccadar> School, Lindsay. Bowling Resuits Mixed Bowling League -- Ladies' high single, Beulal Robinsoný 240; ladies* higt triple, ChrIs Neals 655; men1 high single, John Saushal 299; men's high triple, Jobr Saushal728. Cames -ovei 200: Beulah Robinson 214-200 Heather Hnrslin 211-200, Ear McQu.aid 210-210, Hilda Bige 1ow 213, Team standings Dingaliags 104, Bed Po.sts 91 Dead eyes 83, Happy gang 82 Diagbats 75, Alley Cats C,6 YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Alf Parrish ci Haliburton and, Oshawa were recent isitera of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stinson hoste-d a few local Senior Citi- zenis as we]1 as a few, junier Mrnmbers on Saturday evenLing w"he-n an opportunity was ai- forded te inspect their lovely new home. Miss Candy- Malcolm an. Marti Malcolm were Yelver- ton's contribution te the Man- vers contingent that partici- pated in the I. E. Weldon stu- dents' group that left for Rome Italy last Friday for a week's soi ourn in that country seeina the -sights. Sympathy is extended te the familles of, the late Verdun Lethangue and Tom Staples Who passed away last weelr Likewise te the familles of Milton Elliott of Bowmanvîlle and Hartwell Lowery of Kirby who passed away recently - both former Wardens of fth Un1ited Coýunties of Northum- berland and Durham in 1927 and 1953 respectively and both well known throughout the area. .Mr. Jack Quackenbush was scheduled te retura home Sat- urday from Port Perry hospi- tai #fter suffering a relapse that put him back in the hos- pital again. Speedy ceavales- cence, John! .With the recent onslaught of our second winter (or is t our first) on March l7th, we pon aer the fact 'that if this ila typical "Irish winter", it helps to explain why the Irith are alWays fighting. Our faIse spring cauighit us wlth our trousers down, or more spe- dcfically, our snow fence, as our road crews- had optimis- tically commenced te remove land roil uip saie. Can't wln themn ail ELIZABETH VILLE-, on Wednesday, the United Mr. and Mrs. W. CasseibW Church W men U'nit Two met are holidaying in North Çaro- at Mr. and Mrs. W. Banister's lina. hlome. The president, Mirs. B. Mr. and Mrm W. Terbenche Wheeler, presided. IMrs. K. and family, Port Hope, were Trew opened the meceting with with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer, a devotional part taken fromn Sunday. the flrst few limes cf Mary Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker and Stewart pledge. Later, Mrs. Mrs. Westheuser, were With Banister, Mrs. R. Beatty an.d Thickson's, Sunday. Mrs. K. Trew put on aski t pertaining te the devotionai Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer re- part. 'The minutes were read turnied home from California and approved. WVýe pagree teo o Sunday. help the other units wxith a strawberry supper later. A fln- ancial report was given. GIA V c to Mr.M. McAllister had the G c fo program on Indiai. Mrs. Whee 1er brcught us a report on the t rs J l 3 January. The general mneetingp wvill bu heldJ on WdedyGeneralI Motors ofý Canada evening, Mrh21st at Mr. a2d LimIted announcýed today that MrN. BristoWe'3 homIe. the summer vacation schedule L,-unchi was served. for Ohw vehicle asqembly Church services were held plants will be the weeks be- Rev. J. A. Ramjit was theg in uy30adAuut6 speaker.' For fabricating operations The Sunday schoil lheld atIhe two-week 'vacation period fun, night in the baseinentonwl be set oni a departmental Fridaýy night. ýbasis, with some sectIons shut Mr. and Mrs. H-. Thiickso)n down earller and some later spent Tuesday in Toronto. thani these dates, depending Mr. Orville Kenrnedly is la ýon production chedulEs. Peterborough hospital. Mrs. A. Chamberlain held al Stanfley party on WVednesdayj CET CASH TODAT SMiss Doris Beatty was homne FRODAPIN lasti weekenid.TH UG Several attended the Stanley p3arty atM. and Mrs. A.1 STA,.T ES MA N Trew'; ýs, Milibrook, olin Mond3ay C LA S S 111 Y E 0 8 OPENING SPECIA,4L THE TRANSMISSION PLACE 337 Bloor st. W. Oshawa Park Road South Exit Phone 576-1021 1. -Remove pan and deanscmreen 2. Oit change and new gaskcet 3. Band and Linkage adjustmsnt 4. Road Test DJANCING Saturday Night - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Featuring' BowmanvIlle, v isted, Mýr. sud Mrs A. J. Hocar, T ETH A N Y aand Mrs. 3 Jode ýe Go Getters ,68, H-opefuiLs 64. ida-nce.an mlysethevckn ýd 'vlcï's Bowling League - The Park Trustees were wîftb ber brother and wife, ýyMc' high single, Steven Mc- asked to have the property'Mai. sud Mrs. John Hodgkin- ADN ýr Gfli 31 1; mren's bigh triple, deeds for, the bail park 'cor- son, Ottawa. EDN ýy Steven cGilI 768.Caerctd d over 200: Frank Ashby 298,1 The Bethany Athletic As- Capt. sud Mrs. Michael RECORDIN id ivo)r WiliaMs 298, Chýris sociation bas been ancinagGbssd daughters, Green- dc Woo)ds 241). as a non-profit organîzation weod, TN.S., are visitlng his Great1 Athetc nuta Metng dating baek to 1909. The oFr- parents, Mr. sud Mrs. J. GIbbs L-'Ms. 1 sUarpýsd _ a aiffzatinbsbeca ea s 1the ElecticaCimn attl.e credit te the comimuaîty sud Rory Gibbs spenti a few Col] annul)lal meeting of, the B1eth- th-roughcut 'the years, almoat days this week with TommyCoetoD r, any Athletic Association. The every famÎiy, at sem ieoOlitTrno folowiug offices were filled nter a en natv Betty Youngman la apeud- No E Presideat, Robe-t Kerr: Vice- participant ln events plaaned'iag the holidays witb lier rPresident, Ch a rlies McGili; by the Bethaay Athîetcti brother, Mr. sud Mrs. Allan U Secretary, Jim K 1 e e p f e r; ociat1on. Youngman a n d Christine,N Trensurer, Ms Hazel Ryle"yl A special.meeting will be Toronte., r. Parks Cemmittee Chairman. feld on Marci 25th at 8 p.m. SxMls1 Bob Ryley; sud Trustees Jack ia the Town Hall. It la hoped Anycue wishing the use of SiMle ly Palmer. Ron Jacksoýn aud Ad- that any interested persons Tyrone United Church muatý at North. dison Scott. A rafflecomt will attend thus meeting toý cntact the Clcrk cf Sess,%OCan ~tee ,vas aise aomninated, con- help make the Annual 'Vic.-IMrs. Arthur- Youngmnan, 263-'Cl1 rsistinc of WiIl Cspeling, Ro- toris Day. Celebrations suc-,234 bert Ryiey, Ro,, Jackson, Rc- cesafufl again tsis year. ubert Kerr sud Bert Riiel. y M.WlCpengrueted that plans te hoid s dancei -URKE TON Dt1JRH A M on March 31 sheuld be mrade MnsuM.H.acoad The MýJidget be-ys' hall te-nm Bowmanville, calied on Mms. î previosy won t1he Ch-ampý- J. Bailey, Sunday. E A I I i e ionship sund their iackc"t Mr. Gamect Dean is a patient:R TR IN N Lec 7hould!( be prese,-nted( at ihsiLOhw hospital. We wishi Yi Ihi~m ' speedy recovery.FO su ad Mrs. Orval Greer, C -o RKS IE-f!I Oshawa, wene dinner guestc of, -r. W. Brya on Friday. ih Mn. Frnk Holnoyd, Cnes- Check this list of full time courses. Compi ares, called ou Mn. sud Mrs.Core iht ~'rak Hlroy Sr recnt.your job opportunities. Cusswt Mr. and Mns. C. Cooper ofI Canadians are froma 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. n Orone spent Sunday witb Mrs.! Wlu ,nilpthly of the comn- ACADEMIC UPGRADING n rhunity is extended te the rela-: e-tives sud frieuds iu the pasaing Elementary Sehool Completion - Durz - IofMr. Chester Hoskins lastý applicant. The luewenhenlas Thrs- Grade Levels 9 te 12 - Each level nonr The day e wit th der 1 suthenr-s but if a student is williug te work hard er spring birds returniig, weaa individualized icarning, he can complete A Imuch different fnem ths week' s heavy snew storin and block- CM ECA RI N ed ronds. ________________TRAINING__ ..:.*.*.Our Commercial Department offers train: TYeN hand, business mathemnatics and busies I Th Mnrh Ccmitte cf arranged for periods cf ten weeks sud ion United Church Womcn ex- cd te reach a level cf proficiency te ena-,blE Iprcss their sinceneaprd- Lg tien te ahl those lu the erni- muntywhobepe mae ur ENGLISM FOR NEW CANADIANS anulS. anc'sTssc A basic Engiish course organized te deve Ld Friday evening the Euchnel Eugiish speaking people. Emphasis placec Pantr a 3tbe.Pie reading and writing are aise taught. The b weut te Mns. Hazel Ormiston, ar4p..t10pm Mrvi. Bruce Ormiston, Mn. Ev- Ail these prograins are organîzed te acc< RUbber-back8d! Dura10lei ent Watson, Mrs. Doris Manuis, ie Sanrsat Mr. K. Ceatham,M. Edna out the year. Therefore, a persen can joir ýVivian; 50-50 draw, Mrs. La-I ig Easy ta instal 1$C 95' vernueClemeas. Lies fiat. oesi'tur.- At the Sundsy morning ser- STARTING APRIL 16 ie Cnect ihs-Aos. SX vce, littie Craig H7oward n bciet ingned h oic ofco rs. aham, sou of Mr. sud Mrs. Drafiug - Instruction is given in mcl '~Graifo ktcen bth fmiy oo, an Graham, Hamrpton, was blueprint reading and mathematios. È den, hedroomn, basemrent. Mrs. Clara Gibbis cf the leM- Golde-n og Lod ge la a1ý STARTING APRIL 30It Yw patieuitlnBowmrranv!ille Me-- er riurul1snmia.i Mairine Milechanies & Smiall Powered 1 1Miss Pst Woodley spP.ýnt a in the re adrd ainte-nancýe of ,poDm7r m 1- VA L-AIREGARPE T f wdsys with Mr. sud Mrs., sdibadegus kdo u oe ý7 100% POLYPROPYtLËE OLEFN MFR t ArCE E. Forster, Ottawa. adîiorisýdù n oe ;hT David Heodgkinson, Ottaw,ýr ie fliI s speudlng this week witb, 0 1 F Jimmy Woodley.I DID YOU KNOW Ylou is RUBRBCE Mr. sud Mrs. Douglas Mil- ýFOR TAINNGALI 1U R AKL er enjoyed a trip te Ba&nff, .O EAISCNU - Six Colors Available Alberta, skiiag at three pîac- 1 ees, Lake Louise, Sunshine! CANADA MUANPOW 3-1 Motntaiu sud Jasper. - sq Glenn Miller la holidaylngý $2d6 with bis suai sud uncle, Mr.ý I ,uaelt 1gbefrC )f sud Mrs. E. A. Virtue, Osh- fyuae o lgbljo aa alapo' sW a. a 16-week course for $48.410 or 40-week cou l- USE VOUR CHARGEX Leslie Taylor entertaiuedý on course contact immediately: a several cf ber scbool chums )s d on ber 9M birtbday, Mcnday. MLN e VLI~IMr. sud Mrs. Gordyn Birenti. ALN ;e spent the wxeekend with thýeir h Dvso tr son sud wife, Mr. aud Ivrs.ThReaingDvso - arwae avid Breut. London, An, Duirhnmy College of Applied slada attraction was heaning ,Sinicoe Street Norýîtlh 3-iKing W., Bomnil eman Luboff Choir Concrt Oshawa, ontario 'e Phone 623-2 542 a1 tWestern University, Lo;n-ý Telephone-: 576-0210, Ext. 2 n don, Friday night. ______________Mr. sud Ms. Douglas Wilht,ý ED HALLMAN 'he Western Three GCOUNTRY AND WESTERN NG ART1STS FROM O SHAWVA Dancing and Entertainment -P, e~t of Free Pirkng nllPlim3elltary Late Snacek inner. . Stay for Dancing Cover -No 3Minimum IEW DUTCH OVEN Northi of 401 on Hwy. 35 nad 115 i-East Corner of Taunton Road 1-983-5001 for Reservations COLLEGE DIVISION R ADULTS detion et one of thevwll imp,ýrove- the 'exception cf EghhFer New -atien depends on thle individual nally takes 16 weeks te complete mcugh with our new concept cf a grade in less time. iing in typing, bookke-eping, short- ýcerrespondence. Courses can be cger depending on the tim-re requir- le a stud ent te obtain em..-picymaent. elp the laniguage skills conl Id on conversational skxills threugh hcurs cf attendance for this course ,mxnedate new entrants througlh- in them anytime. anical and architecturaldrafting, Equipment - Practical. training îowers, farm equipmi-ent, outboard saw-vs, course runàs 40 weeks. MAY QUALIFY 1LOWANCES? LT YOUR% LOCAL VER CENTRE )wer Assistance youi may enroli in irse for *120. To ensure acceptaiice iArts, & Techlnology 231, 228 1 ', - 4,