HonredLin StsThrough Cerem'ony VOLUME" 119, ne, 10 Pages t~te~ BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNE"'SDAY, MARCH 21, 1973 15e Per Copy NUMBER'12 On ridy eenig, . renton Rickard of Newcastle, a plumber by tr-de, waýs hroe~hs fellovT Lion-s for hj-is 2,5) years of service to the club. Durinig the mn rbts he appropriatýely rested comffortably on a familiar p,-roduct, whilý'e hswifo stýoodalnsie Vanstones.CreekBridgwe Are emined Unnl&ecess>aryo Town Egne Charles Watt I cannot justify the recommlen- reported ac to Towvn Coun-ation for instaiiing an1y type cil this wekor, the subjeo)f rail betwcen the roadway splash o-r guard rails for- thejan-id the sdwak"Ho pointed bridge pr'esently beinL con-lout that the niewm bridge "Iras strctd crss antoe' been dsge ...mre than Creek con Hlighway 2. aeu tely toprovîde ecl Wattýs rpot staed, "f ully lient dr-ainagýe." Iience, the pos- cos'eigAilthe asý,rpts ... , sibiity rof accumlaýtion o!o Despite bJars cexressee y he19731bludiget., prepnadby NoIrth1umnberiand - Drh-laml a d mri- i s t r a tive personnel, school teaýchrers, il peasthat which ci ut thiis year,.I's epni the Board o! Ed'ucatîon lias tures by $608M,000 from the trimnmedt their budget to meet Original estlimates. the reduced 'provincial spen-d- Mitenrance Cuts - ing ceilings withou 't in to Tirelons share o! thie cuts be ! echr o taff. wc-re r the fuinds ai- býý- o OnýsIff.TURN -TO PAGE TO At the TusaMar'ch 5t BorCi metng, the trustees WesAgo Held, in Then Got Lot Drw of Spring gKt ixed up this The lst zand 3rd Bowvman- year, if MW.'S Offiiily 1p-vilBrniad poseývd ite bazve arrived Mreh 1adGuide Com 2(jtl, blît tbIees litt3pe i'gu any Mohes Assoc.-iation, ofif fiWs m Unng.latact., eld> th7*i2ny1 annual Corn- in he evalwceek,,s beforeo!te e Box-vanviiie High iastSatudaytiseweater Shoolon Saturda, Mah was more Srngicthan ltwit1h a tremendlous thiwek O Sndy, acrwdprsent. couple o! faf robins were The fir w vas ope-ned lat 1 notied sJ ýcyfrogig for food r. by M.AlexCarhrs and looklng uýeom'pletely be- M.P.Pl for Durham., The widrewihsno W anic e bootha xvere appropriatcly dec- frustiratlng tei bateforts orated iiadconaiedmany to beat ouf GIbe ruggedsa-beautiful and uLseful !items. linga.Sixteen organisations par- -water on the road surfacet shou]d be negligible.1 ï If wouid appear thaf pcd- 1estrians using this br-idge wvill ini no -way be in any more dan- ger o! being struck by 7novinig vehicles than on any other muýI,,nicipal tret"said the re- fport. If waý,s also noted that there is a thre eWiude sep- aratimnstrp between heroad- way and the sdwl.Aedlt-l ,onally, the sdtakiseih finches, thick and âhould oTerý "al somew--ýhat formi)_dabLe babr- rier"ý aganferatat 1 gantcot aIý guarn' oi Sp ash ilwae- matcd afa over $5,000. Appar-b enti y if is niot the policýy of the Ministry of Highways to intalrails of anyI type o;ln As one council member pointed out, council! can alwayjs adopt a 'wait adsce' approach and, if al problern arises i the future, the rails con always bie1 tîcipated: Arts and Crafts, by Durham Chwristian H i g h School; Bakingi St. Paul's, U. CA..;Balbies Own, Kînettes; BabeDoil Clothe"s, Mrs. Sýul; Cady 2d Boni Fack; Canies, 'lst Brownic Pack; Country Store, 3rdc Cub Pack Mohr'Auxiliary; Handi- craf t, 2n)d Guide Cmay HobeSi-t. Pul s C.Gî.l.T.; Horicltue,3-d Guide Co-- pany; Ktchien ionNurs- es' Assciation Penny Sale, NwsleGuides; Used Books, (TU RN TO PAGE TWO) WhiiIlayor Claims BAOK TO THE GRIND The Olntario Legilature reopened yesterday for the third session of the 29th Parliamenît o!ftise Province o!' Ontario with many In- teresting items included la thse Speech from the Throne. Durham MPP. Alex' Car- rut bers probably will be happy to be back On thse job for a bit of rest oiUer the many controversini regional governiment meetin.gs he bas been attending la Port Hope and Cobourg areas reeently. EveBidsSbyed Insid#e Afier Winter Sto,7rm foý was taken Suinday m-orning after Sat- the occupants of this bird house were-n't pok-inýg their n covered everything with, ice and snow, beaks Out to see what had happened to our early the area back into -the grip of winter. Even 1 Spriing. Sp e aks at Cnda Club ovt. i bBab Bcnson Whitby's' Mvayor', Desmond Newmnan, now in his seventh ya asWhitby,'s leading (eet- cd fficiai, adiressed oaver 75 ebrsand guests of the West Durham Canadian Club whow filledl Trinity Church hall iast Wednesday, March The ffaleNewman out- lined the -ignificance of the regional go)vernment propos- ais, flot simply as it affects this area, but in the broader context* of the Toronto cen- tered region. Mayor Newman's experi- ence, flot only as an, peeced politician but also as a mcmir-: ber of such organizations as the Canadian Council on Ur- ban and Rýegioýnai eeac and the Association of Muini-- cipalities of Ontarie, qualifiesl him as an expert on the ,p-rob- lems of local governmi,-tent. His, talk to the Canadian Club dim- r layed the iearning and unestanding of a college professor on the subjeet. He contended that region- ai government is "not simpiy (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Potstpeone Decisiýon Oni.ArenuiAdiio Barring unforeseen develop- capital forecast and thaàt$5, ments, no decision on the pro- 600 would add a subs-tanitial posed addition to the Bowman- amount to the tax bil1. ville arena-will be takeni untîl Town Council learned int 1974. At-Nrea ssan report from Recr eation Direc- tor T. A. "Bud" Fanning that' th tostry-ddtofwhc Hurt Fig hting showers and storage area, will cota et aed$560.IiTo ronto Fi re of $5,000 to instaîl pilings to James Green, a resident of support the building against Waverly Gardens, was one of sinking. three Toronto firemen injured Reeve James Bell pointed 'when a. magnesium plate ex- out that it might be unwise j3loded durîng a fire in Metro's to take any decision) before West end last week. regional government is estab- Green, a member ot the lished, especially since there local Kiwanis club,sufre might be a possibili ty oA join- burns to bis hands and Ifaze ing with Darl-ington Towvýnship ý,nd was treated at St. Jsp' to build their 8300,0N0 arena Hospital in Toronto. Hle fhas compiex.sic been transferred te tîhe Mayor Hobbs cowmented Bowmanville hospital w7,here ~l..*fh .f 41,fiolqfn ftRaditon, ho ,oll bc keDt fo- setveral have fot been ncluded ln theJ lday..------ Own Il-Page Brie f on 'Regi'onal qiGovernment by Bob .Benson TheBowanvllcChamber thcy ~~D plnitubitt nteD keproincgwiia l sovrmnt. svl ornebindinlg, prepare byCO u rse Here students lanthe Guîiace De-: ýeNot irb lnc u- prIýIment at BH-S, the brief ne ort-mbelioandDr clear, concise anof the point ham TB & RD Associato a Unlike some brie! s whichbensooig a bab)ysittin-, have 'emaaed !rom f hbe easf- iae la Centrai Public (TURN TO PAGE TWO> cooBowmIanville. If sfart- ed FebruLary 7, 1973 and wil contfinue until April 1Bth. The graduation %will be heid May % a, ~9th ini th'e Auditorium o! the !y F a rBow,\Maniviiliepublic Library. Faïr ~~Sm e ,o! tIhe experts who have spok-en 'fo)fthc "prospýect- ne ~(TURN TO PAGE TW9>? lJrb s A fireabu midnight on Thursday destroyed the aw,%a, purchased the macihne three weeks ago. Thie ýlarge barn, formerly used f'or dances, north east of barn'- is ownied by M. E. Timoli. Orono fire brigade M-vosport Park. Along with. h structure, several snow- members wrepresent, but the blaze had too imuch of ,mobiles stored there were demolished, including the a start to be brought under conitroI quickly. one in the picture. Its owner, Mike Dudlarek of Osh- I Deputy Reeve Prout in Action ThreuttoVoteA int udç ce 4 -iff lff n ee0aCMéifl-ARe. Feb.0 Builing, Whtsubiite bîIýs rpotfor WAVEULR ' DEAD 74'M Bwm nviie eds parka forJiand in BwaviesPwo h ot !Fburt h lit ncle - nt Mraay jrh i metn LIGHING Those w e the gxtrnti Th)s acti arotsed he cm--f Tw oni.Attlo s IMPROVED exprpessed bytwnt)ptypaint from ftï euyrev lpris~eei~ewf Towyn Couacil 1Yeived a ReeV v MaUnce prout to iemr- on t1he need lfo .parkLs rteratoa cnIrcio aleo report !rom the l5owmnan- bers (iftheCentraLl Lake 'Ont- than a w liesanctuary. amof $0000 . it o! the ville P17C wieýh ind-iated ýarîo Conservation Ato ity e said Bowmanuvillewudpemswreisdfore- th.at Mi lstry !FHighays (LOA)Wednesday as ho go oflithe Onfarlo Municipal dential building.si balis finaized ifs propoisais foer threatfened to vote against id- WBoard t0fihtagainst such a additional Afreet lighfting af option of the budget. plan as the to(wný "could easily Oeidsra uligpr the itreto of Wlavcrly Part o! CLOCA's 1973 bud- enforce bylaws" to restri*ct'mit was issued, that b-eing f0 Road and Hlghway 401. get o! $533.433, app)roved, in- hunting ai thýe marsh. Allun Cable Reels forthi The Town o! Bowmanville cluded a 340,000 allotmenf forý "W've te towni) been pay- $250,000 plant on the Baseline wilbe responsible for the the acquisition o 50 acres o (TrU RN TO PAGE TWO> Road, east o! Liberty Street. lighting con that- part Of W1averly Rond whleh passes ___, over the bighway. The esti-F r mated eost to the town will be *1,586, o! which 50% Ilapsf.Speakere Receive isfry o! Transportation. ..*.LI . IBITS e4 NECES I THINKIING 0F US -- Two of our friends winterilig in Florida . ..a enjoyijng their copies of The Statesman to kecep them upto-d.ate on the homretown news. . . recently1 sent al ,ong ,some interestiflg clip- pings from- area papers. Dr. Perc lre]and enclosed two pages from The Mýiamri Herald in which a story appeared about Canada's growing nationalism and apprehiension over the U.S. influence here. Jim Woodwvard, now of Collingwood, sent ani item from the DayýtonaBeach Morning Journals showing how1 in Macon, Ga., the firemen apply a thick.layer of grease to ledges at City Hall. Apparently, the pigeons won't land on the goo. Only problem, the grease hardens after a couple oie years and has to be renewed. ON TELE VISION- Allan Lawrence, North- umiberland-Durhamn's M.P. will be appearing, on CHEX leisioni, ?etecrborough, on Tuesday, .March 27th, 7.:30 p.m. fojý a haif hour interview concer.ning his feelingsý on capitalpuih nt We note that lie also miade the headlînes Tues- day with a blast at (he, Minister of Supplies and Services, the Hin Jean Pierre Goyer, for gîving him no information concemning who got federal printing contracts ini the United Counties during 1970-71. WVe know one printing firm that wasn't on the receivinig end . .. and would be happy to have the situation corrected. We're not sure though. if Mr. Lawrence really has us ini ýnind', t t t t LETTERS - Several good letters have been received this week from readers, but there is no sense i send- ing them along unless they are signed with your right name. Wîe don't publish anonymous letters, but will be happy to substitute a pen name so long as we know who wrote the material. tT t t t HEADLNES -in Saturday's Star, the Real Estate section's front page featured a story about Bowxnanville's expansion ini the housing field and nxentionedl only one firmn of dleveloperswh are undertakinig what was called the first m-ajor expansion in the towin in 15 years. Maio Veltri of Waverly Grdn mst have iodrdwhere the information camýe from for, the article becauise hie's Ïbeen build4ing bhouses here for years, plus ain apartm1ent building on the Baselin1e. But, in spite of the iaeua iitcertainly put Bow- inanrville on the VÀIap as a spot that is growi-ng by leaps and bounds ... and it sure enoug-h la. t t t tt HELP HO(SPITAL UJAY- Next Wedries- day, March 28th, the Ladies' Auxiliary -ýof Mewmoril Hospital will be holdingt their annual B.1rthday Tea at the Lions Centre fromi 2:30 to 4:30. This is their major event to raise funds for the excellent weork they do for your hospital. Please corne out and give themn your support. Rot i uarytnAddress by Bob Benson thecrhocod." Sounid ikeaho- 1 Actu'ally, 'enterfin" iý s az Last Thursday evenlng, humr affair? Ni'or.o your l!erather bndvord to dsrb March lStb, Dr- Richard Nof when the speaker is azheantl-s o! DcJcs. FHo Joncs, a former Mefhodist keg o! dynaite l'ike Dcanwsmr lveyaecdotes- minister and the head o!flic ýJoncs. n reeet tre bu Canadlan Council o! Chris-1 Every year, the 67 13a-od te ret en ol.ourtme flans and Jews (CCCJ), ad- ,Joncs ralsea over $½ Ionthn ouca ,iagine are dressed the combined meeting1for fthc CCCJ and he's been Possible. o! fthc Rotary 'clubs o! Bow- on the banquet trail for lngJoncs hS rece-ntly been manville,' Whlfby and Port cnoiugh to know ho fa - w ardd heOrero!Ca-nada Hope on'the subject o! "Bro-'terfain'ý an uience-. (TURiN TO PAGE TWO) High Wind Wrecks Servce ig This sign, point-ing thie, way to the MacDjonald Ford Service Decpf., Was, blown over and smashed on Saturday during the higli winds thaf reee the snow and ice. If is also understod tha Cuny hrslr- 3dealo 1s asin n h storm, but fortunately no o;ther extensive damage lias been reported,. bIZD Larey,.eriu remendous Crowd