ClakePlanning eBd. Denies Approval of Estatve Developmenf The fClarke Township Plan- ninBor turned down an algictaon y Roy Poster far an Estate Residential De- velopnient north o! Orona and just south oe! the Seventh Con.cessýion. The develop- ment was ta caver sane 53 acres. heproposai was question- ed by the Township Planning C-onsultants, noting that the land ua most suited for agri- cufltural use. It .was alsa stated that the OffîciaI, Plan forj th-e ;owvnsih basnat yet beena esta blished andt there could be somne cnitin this Anioth-er enqu..iry7 for an Esttc eidnilDevelop- ment was alsa oturned down by the bd,ô Propo;se Developaxent Rice Construction Ca. bave made a proposaI ta develop land n the 3outh o! Clarke TonhoFor rsdniluse. The land involIved lies 'south o! the rail tnk in the ares o!f h obloc sideroad, Lots 32', 133 adC Part Lot 34. The prpo aascorne be- fore the -.Clanke Township Council and the Clarke Town- ship Planning Board. This along with -a proposed site just west of Clarke would have accommodation for 630 residences. Known as Ne(,wecas9tl1e Bluffs, the Clarke proposed development would include low density single dwelling housing along with an area for mobile homes and tawn housing. The sketch also shows an area for commercial and inclustrial developinent as wuell as open.sac.Ai- though no area -within Clarkie was specilied it is co-nsidered it would be around 150 ta 200 acres. Rice Construction bas auch a development In the Lake Simcoe area at Stroud. Considers Application The Ontario Municipal Board was ta sit in Orono on Friday to consider the appli- cation of Mr., Dyriw f'or the construction of n motel and restaurant unit at the Third Line of Clarke on Highway The application has recei.v- ed approvnl fromn the Clarke Township Planning Board and the Clarke Township Counicil. -Times. ______ LI Priz-e Winners al- Brownie, Guide Fair List o! winners: A & P Weo Stores, glasses, Lynda Moore- cralt. 9 Church St.; Aber- net'hyý'sPan & Wallpnper, i gai. paintu, Edna-'H-ughes, 227 Scugog St.; Alex McGregor Drugs, 2 cosm--etie sets, Tobi Hooper, 36 Pnrkway Cr., Mrs.' S. Siappendel, 2 Barbara St.; Anonymos, nLi,ý ero.sol assort- ment, R11. Fnhevy, Murray Me- Knîg, _Ravy-Preston. 56 Park- ayCr.; Si!!.,,Strinig, Lynn Tecnnp, 29 Suinset Dr.; Astor Stuidi*osý, pcture fiare, Mrs, A. 's,,1, Hamp[ton; Beaver Lumbeor, 2se_' laemats, Me.,. JeaneDasn Barrie, Bessie ýSteýphenson, Newcastle; Bobette Sal'on of Beauàýty, gift certific, Mrs. G. Patelin, Bowmaniville. Bowmanville Cleýaners Ltd., gift er!tif icate, Mrs. R. Van Den Wildenberg, 3 Lawrence Cr.;Bwanie Fabrics, 2 dress lengths, Grace Murdoch, 3 Kinig W,, Mrs. Laverne Tay- lor, Hampton; Bresli's Lad- les' Wear, stole, Pst Walker, 10 Victoria St.: Brock's B.P. #Service,, Turtle waxý, Carolyn Sproatt, 35 Scu,.gog St.; Bry- son's Smoke Shop, chocolates. Penrl Bal, 5 Suiicrest: Cable TV (Oshawa),Ltd., paint by number set, Don-na Hooey, Bow.; Carnation lower Shop, plant, Andy Sil, -Hamipton; Canadian Tire Store, step-on garbage aKal Alun-, A DAY OR WEEEND Ask' for Rat . . . 623-2586 LTD.1 Bow.; Carnegie Crest Hard- ware, agh tray, Acy Farrow, Newtonville;- Chartnan's Mcn's Wear, tic clip, Jili Colville. Blowmanville; ChIlds' Ladies' Wear, git certificate, Mrs. L. Taylor, Bow.;ý Dominion Store, tote bag, Mr. R. Van Den Wildeaberg, Bow.; D on 's Sil Service, blanket, Jean- ette Lynn, Bowmanvllle; Dyk- stra's Food Market,- eboco- lates, Mrs. Barbara Munneloe, Orono; Env. Brooks Super- test, gift certif icate, Sharon NorrIs, Oshawa; Frank's Van- iety, 3 posters, Mrs. O. Dal- nymple, Bow., Debra Walker, Bow., Linda Vet2el, Oshawa; Flowers by Jackman, plant, Kathryn James, O shaSwa; George's Men's and Boys' Wean), gif t certificate,, Mae Burley, Newcastle. GIni's Hain Fashions, 'gift certificate, Anita, Holdaway, Bow.; Harry Locke TV, re- cord, Mrs. D. S. James, Bow.; John & Judy Shoppe, uni- brella and purse set, Ken Au- ger, Bow.; Jury & Lovell, toiletnies;, Betty Spny, Orono; Knighits ;o! Columbus, candle and holden, Mrs. LInda Par-I row, Newtoinvîlle;, fancy can- dles, Mnr. A. Badgen, Wood- stock; mug tr-ce, Aleen Tur- ner, Bow.; 'clorfonni sets, Mike Blair, Bow., TIm Luna, B3ow..; Kay's Lange Size Shoppe, 2 pr. panti-hose, Mrs. K. carneow., Pat Gif- fin, Bow.; Ken's Men's Wear, 2 lint brushes, Mnrs. Joy B31lr, BEowX., Andy Su!,l, afnpton;ý lP. A. rinmp Fritncusb- ion, Dalene Wnlit, Newcas-i tlé; Kuat 'n Kuni. gif t certifi- esate, Gail Caverley, Bow.;ý Liberty ,vSt. 'S., nd 401 -Phone Q23-3373 Pr'e-Season Special, 3 DAYS ONLY ,- WVe also carry Complote Line of Chemicals and Equipment. Authiorizedi Jacuzzi and Convertible Pool Dealer. E S SwmmingPools Bowmanvîlle, 623-3058 5 Bernard St. Durham's MPP, Opens Second Annual Comrhýunity Fair TÈhe Canadian Statesmnai, Bowmanville, M&r., 21, 19735 Elect Interim Ofificers OroDno A r ea K ins men Cl1u b Ado pis Pine Ridge Name M,4ondnIy evening, March l2th at the,: New Dutch Oven Restaurant 14 members o! a paoposed IKinsmen Clubchs the n'jaine "The Kinsmnen Club )f the ýGreat Pine Ridge Ares" . AIong with the choice o! name the group elected an iaterim siate o! officers who UwillI conduct the b0usiness ,of the luib until At receives ils charter- on May l2th. The club is ta operate in the Oron-ClrkeTownship area unJ presently bý as a potential memersipof 24. Fourteen mnembeurs fromi the local ares wIIere present on Monday niht -a-ong with a siilar-, HAYDON Club 21 met at the Centre. 'pi Group 3 exehanged with Croup 2 for the meeting for- this month, with Mrs. W.1 Blackburn in the chair. Jrs,.l Blacýkburn opened thé, meet-, ing with a rendlng o! the! Legend o! the Sand Dollars. it was a devotional, pertai- ing to the'Symbols on tLhe SheI. The secretary's report vas rend and approved. The treasurer wns uniable to be: presFent, so the secretary ga1-,veý the treasurer's report. S-c-! retary Is ta get the pianoi tunfed. Mrs. Irene T ab b brought bher handiwork. Mrs. Blackburn brough.,t two quIlts to show what they had ac- complished this wi'nter. It was reported Long Sauilt, Penny Sale on May 9th, and we hope some of our members will be able to attend. Second-hand, elothes will be accepted for our bazaar In May. Blainche Jones had a reading entited "FrMother - How ta BaDke1 a- ak. Mrs. Ross Ashiton showd pitures of Sheryl and Michae Strenge's wed- Meeting, closed with the MîphBeniediction. Group served lunch of tea biscuits31 and jam. Meeting adjourned, at 'il p.m. The group for! March are, holding a social evenlnig at the Centre this1 Saturday evenIng. Everybody welcome, Mr. Delbert Potts and Ms [Susan Lewis, Arnprior, spent' the weekend with Mr. andi Mr.J. Potts and famlly. i Mr. and Mrs. Douglas[ Blackburn, Whitby, Mr. and, Mrs. Wayne Blackburn andý Susan, Orono, were Saturdayý supper guests o! Mr. and' Mrs. WI. Blackburn and fa- number from, the sponsoring club fram Bowmanville. The interini off icers' eleet- cýd xvere: Tony Mitchecll, -chair- man: Morris Hoaeymnan, sec- ret.ary-treasurer. Gardon M' ain, registrar and Mel Ha.rtwig, buljletin editor. Kinsman Ralph Whyte o! the Bowmnanville Club con- ducted the meeting on Mon. day alon.g with the election o! offi cers. kir' Bill Watson, Past Na- tional President o! the Kins- men co! Caniada spolie inforni- ally ta thie group. W7hen you are talking 'o! a service, club, hesad yùu -are talk-inýg about an' invc,ýstmea.t o! time for elomnand for yuýrs,,elf. iMembencrship ini Kinsmen meapnt fcllowsbip, seif-devel- -mr, Au erie. in. Watson stated thênt he i n of no better way to enjoy fel- lowshiýp than being a maem- ber of Kinsmen. Although felloýwship was a mrajor itemh in Kinsmen it was flot enoughi, said the speaker, it takes serv- ice to thae conmunty to glue the organization îand its mem- bers togethdr. Self-deweLopýment e0 'o me 3, stated Km Watson through1 partiipaton wth oýther merc- bers ini the o.rganization. He p>ointe-d out that Kinsmren was the second largest ser-vice club' in Caniada ýa lastý year rais- ed a ittýal'o $7,00,0J',00 along w ith, performoing a multitudie of other services. Thle next meeting IcOf the 7Uismen Clu,,b of the Great Pine Ridge Area-,wil1 be held on M7ýonday, Marc, 26th.- i c sale Comâiino oo TO JURY & LOVEIL DRUG STORE Alex Carruthers, MIPP, Durham, -nd his wifej bon, flanked by, f roî left ta right, Karen Dowv, Past Yvonne, wene present ta haIndie the ofca opening PresiAdent Marg Kiileen,. President Marilynn Dow and ceremionies at thle Second Annual Community Fair Dj,ýianne MeGregor. The centre pîcture shows thie Lion- spansore.d by thle First Brownie and Third GuideMoh-ettes booth that -,on first prize and týhe bottom photo ens Association on Satut-day at the BHS auiditor-ium. is of the Second Brownie booth that' came secondI. 'Ia the top picure r. Carruthers has just eut the rib- Lander's Hardware, condi- ment set, Heleni denHoan der, Orono; Larmer's Groce- ter-ia, flower bowl, Mr,-. A. Hosma,3o-w. ILibety Esso Setrvice, Edith Brook, Bow.; Lsloyd Ellis Shioes, gift criictAnnie ,Andnew, Bow.; Lynida's, gif t certificate, Mrs. J.Covl, Bow.; Mrr's -Jewellery and Gift Sbop, cup iind saucer,, Mr-,. L. Lucasý, Bo.; eGre- gor's H. -ardware, tes pot, Don- na Heard, Bowv.; Mcl'Nulty's Sport Cycle & Toys, paint by number set, Coynnie Knight, Bow.; Mother M,,od FabnIcs, pant top, Susie Grabani, Baw.; Mulders' FunIF 1tuLIrec, cake fnrks, Los PescttBw ; !Woodstjck; Pabs' Cb,3 g-n liow. Jack Lylna, BoJw., Mel- ody Mfuir, Cou1rtice. Percy's Fins, gift certifi- ente, Elinon van Meen, Bowv.; Riekabys Ltd., cake s.enven, Margaret Munday, Dow,; SIn lagt&Cook Service Sta- tion, car tune-up set, Bernice Knighat, Bow.; Stedmrans' 1Stores, colorfonnis set, Rax- anne Jaspers-Fayer, Bw Style Sihoppe, gift cert ificate, SManjonie Palier, Bowý.; Van1 ýBelle Gardens, flowerar rangemet, Olive Hull,Bo. lWestern Tire Auto Supp]y,1' thermos jug, Gayle Craig, Bow.; WIlliams.i, Grave Orcb-, ards, 4 baskets apples, Mrs. C., Bel, Bw.,AgnIes Cowllrag, BwSuzanne MeBLSin, Bow., Heat'ber Roberts, Bow. Goodytear TIre Announces Two Appointments l Denis J. Taylor bas beený appointed -director o! corpor-ý ate engineering for The Qod-i year Tire -e Rubber Company o! Canada, Liitied a nd George -Voclika bas beený named mnagýer o! machine developmnt. Taylor neceived his egn eeýring and bu'sins dnns tration ai. Soutbeast Lonýdon Technical College, a camnpusý' Appalled at Tobacco Use DoctoStrssesImp ortunce ic Exercise t'O 7luve u Coo0dleuart Dr. Keith Slemoni, Bow- i beconie a neality. maxiville, who spoke recentlyl Throughout bis topieý, "Have at the Clarke Library in the la Good Heant",, he- empiasie !irst o! a seies a! leptures, the need for exercis3e and re concluded bis speech by stat- 1 ferred ta individual sýportcs 3as ing that he would like ta see, a mnas o! obtaininig this cx- a maPjor sports complex in thelercîse for al 'age groups. ares sudý hoped that twith l pnn i drsh neina overament this m _mayoad heavege Cana_ýdian h was nactvetoo atadini o!ý th1xiestya od fct, a sleb. ibýe, Iotly 01 manile, ntnia n ade- stî'es, e!is jo)b and in is velopmen-Tt englaer in Jan'l-e- cncern for maenrial -wealthý. any 1,970 and wa laer aamed "If you can ýgrab a haInd!ull1 chie! snawtrsck e n giane e r.,o! fat at your stomaïch, yu Pior ta bis new appointment, actaft'lesi."fyu Taylor spent za yean r-at Good -____________________"If____ yesn in Akron, 0h10, Ofi spe- cial asignment. Glf L TiIi Befare eomIng ta Goodcivar,!w~ Vocilka bsd servedi as staff- F engineer, and later, manager .> or OH.App ncE!Si o! engineering, for Sieln Rubber Company ef Canad1a, trog LimIted, a. tatally -Qownedl S 1T A T E S M A N Goodyear subsidiary. CLAssIFiEDS Bah -Il be stationed in: Poo6330 Toronto.______________ Wst0WR LD WAÀR V,"TS VM Y NIGHT SATURDAY, APRIL 7th ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL iContact: ROBERT HILDITCHI 623 -36 D0 9 FORANYINFORMATION Time pulse is 80 after resting1 for five minutes, you are out of condition". The speakeç-r spoke on eýhol-ý 3 esterol and its effeet in the blood-stream and resulting damage ta the heat. He warned *'against eggyII 'a n d spreads using coca ofis. e urgc,(d tat peoplu Lut back oni Ë1ucc ifuds an~d g r;ni ofsres -le consid-red thj enjymnt i rt and rui as orie meLans of fighting stres and said 1that ther e we mnany worhwhile ctiite iwhich werecnot co)stly AppasÏll d atcigarette Use Dr. Slecmon said be was -,p- pslle2d at, the etn that tbcowasý used especiailly afirail the evidencewic p1ointls tothe damaýge thaï,tt- ebacca doe-s -taour bodies. ,Not only does tobacco cause lung cancer bu t it daniges -ithe heant. 4'You are eight yeairs aideri than your peetag e if you smoke twa pscpaka o! Cigar ettes a dyhe said". "Ef yOu stop no, in 10 yeaFrs o wil]. be as fit as one who has nLeyer smýoled," bhe si.H ssid he was deeply concerna- ed ever the incïreased use o! tobacco by students o! this day and age. Tobacca use' is on the increase and it is a great destroyer. Dr. Siemion stirred a titter in bis udeneo! some 40 when he statcd that jex wasý a great rlain aenit and ocne tha.t spread enjoymient ta others. He snid there wns no age unmit Ita this. ta mentîoning physical fýit- nshe said, jogging was one! of the best nieanis of keeping thle body in shape. Hie also referred ta tennis, badminton, handball, swim-ming, cycling, and golf if yo. aryyu own 1bag, as sýports w,,hich one cati do as an inivduiH also said that cmeiinand st ;,ress soul ot bea part eo! Coming Soon.. ApriU 13 -14 COUNTRY and WESTERN HOE DOWN featuring Smniley Bates and HBis Northern Ramnblers ----------------- . j pment and service. Kin.' 3.