The Canadian Stateenianl Bowmanville, Mar. 21, 1973 aYNy UewFilms, Photiý,os And of (Course, Good books At Bowman ville The Bawmanville Public Library offered an aftnoon of free fls this past Satur- day aifternoon, March 1th. A number af superior 16 mmn short filmsu from-r the Library's collection were screened and the 45 cide and the aduIts woattenrddPart or aJil of the faur-hour secening session apapeare-d to enjoy themnselves. Several' of the youngsters even stayed 'ta see some., of their fvrtsa scoin iino-and. ead lirrln Irs. M. Stout,incad that the Lib-, ra-.ry hop-en ta screer.these films on a regular bas3is in the ftuLre. It shoufld be noted that, auy responsIble grocup or in- diiulcan take out a film miembe!cýrship on a ypearl.y or daild'y basis. There -1s also a'16 mm-ç pr vbtrwich can be rented fromn the library for a it ls se ezssential te have lnsuranee before te "f-need ,rises, tlat we, at Te James nurneAgency Limfted0 of-1 fer a free survey of your risks an'", lile to be sure cf 24 lIgSP. E,..Box 100 BOWANVILEONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623.561 0!~t Re,ît<dence 623-5023 -nominal charge. 1Two of the films shown on -Saturday were particularly Lgood. 1Rise and Fail of Great Lakes 3This highly entertalning and 1witty film, made in color by the National Film Board ai tCanada, deals with the forma- iort and the history of the SGreat Lakes. A canoeist travels through turne as the lakes dev- elop and finds himself caught ia variety of arnusing pre- dicamnents as the level or the character af the lakes changes on him. The narration takes the form ai same fine, tae-taPPîng, folk- style music. In ail, this film ts a pleasant and painles Ilearning experience.1 1The, Reason WIsy An attractive short filmn, rtc- teitly made and also lu color, which features Hollywood stars ftahert Ryan and Eli Wallach. The filmr is adapted from a He-nry Miller play and deals wýit1h man's penchant for hunt- ing and killhng. The*color pho- tagraphy is nathing short of stunning ln this recently made 20 minute short. If you h- ave a-- chance ta drap in ta the 11ibrnry, be sure ta take a book at the Photora- phic Galery doiwnstairs. The Gallery is sponsared bDy Ennis- killen-based phtographer Nefi New,ýton, thanks ta a grant fram the Canadian govern- ment. This month's display features phatagraphs by Mr. Newtan's students. Librarian Mrs. Stout also informs us that many new books dealing with Canadiana have arrived recently. For thase who are interested in the early histoiy ai this part ai the country "the Lii e and Times ai Joseph Gould", by <W. H. Higg-,ins, may be quite fascinainrg. Gould was an early Canadian MPi2 and the boaok goe's into considerable detail about lbis Uxbridge area home in the l9th centr. 9"Otarian FaliW 1i5 an- a)ther historical baok which may interest many people in thisý area. It deals wvith the geealagies (iamily trees) oi Unitedé Empire Layalists and other pioncer familles ai early Upper Canada. f exciting fiction hapPens ta be your favorite then a new baak by Charles Carpenter called ',Flight One' is highly GET'CASH TODAY FOR OL»D APPLIANCES BY USING STATES.MA N CLASSEDS Ch4e Loyers READY T GO AGAIN VIRGINIA CPICKEN nt 75'/z KING ST. EAST BOWMANVI LLE NEXT TO GRAHAM'S I.G.A. NO.TICE TUH E AN'N',ýtiu A L 1E T1ING 1OFITHE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION wilI be hield in the Council Chambers of ffte wn of BowmanviI1e on Church Street on WED., APRIL 4, 1973 nt 'S:00 pm for thle purypose of (1> Hearinig Reports (2 Eecion of Directors (3) Appo-iiintmient of Auditors (4) Anendments to By-Iaws th rfi espect te proposed amendmients to the By- Jaws1 i shul be noted that copies of such amn- endînents rnay be exarnlned at the hospital b.- twjeen the hours of 9:00 l a..nd noon and 1:30 pan. aaid 4:3-Pp,-ý011n. nuay vMonday thru Friday, beginning Marc ltand ending April 4th, 1973. Sibrary recommendcd. Il'ss upsd ta be the type aifbak ya2 eant put dawn and l'ssyldaie the saine genre as Arthur s Hailey's "Alirport". MAnthcr recent addition ta the library's collection Is a beautiful photographic tour of FVance's capital clty, en- titled MY PARIS. The pho- stos, many ai which azre ex- cellent, were taken by «Robert tDarseau and the cammentar- les were written by the fam- aus irench -bora actar Mau- rice Chevaller. While un the Li'b-rary be 1sure, taotake 7a,100k a t the, superb Karsh portrait nf 1Qucen Elizabeth 11, on dis- play in the sitting louage arca. OBITUA-RY Mrs. irthur C. Kllpatrick àFollowing- an illneýss afi short sduratio.n iMrs. Arthur Clar- ence K;ilpatrick, the former Minnie M1ary MuiLrphy pa.ssed ,away i n MemaoriailHaptl Bawminan.ville, an Monday, F-ebruýary 26, 1973, atLh age af 92, Daughter ai the la pteý Thom)nas and îSarah Murphy,'1 she was br and educaý,te-d in Camnden, England. On- April 2nd, 1904, she wajs _jmarried ta tlhe late Arthiur 1Clarenrc Kilpatrick, arriving there from England in 1914. They resided for a time la Ncwcastle districýt, coming ta Bowanvile46 years aeô, A mnember ai St. John's Anglican Chureh, she is sur- vived by four hlrn Willbia C., Harry J., Bow- manville; Mrs. Garland Cai- by, Mrs. W. Lnotm Osh- awa; 21 grandchiildrea, 47 great-grndelidr n ad 17 great - great - grandahildreni. Two sonso, Arthur andi Joseph, predeceased lher. The funeral service was i anducted by Re'v. T. Gracie fr ~ thec Marris Funeral 1Chape-l on Wednesday, Fol,. 28th. Paibeairers wiere Mess3_rs. Thomas Carby, Bruce Vivian, M \,ichael Shanle John Kilpaàt- irick, Gardon Kilpatrick and DFrank Shane. Interment was fln Bowmianville Cemetery. OBITTJARY Lt,-CoI. James Arthur C'alvert Salvation Armny (R) A courageous warriar, Lieut.eCtl James Arthur Cal- vert (R), aiter a lifetine ai devoted duty ta Godl and The Salvation Army, bias been promoted ta Glary. The son ai corps officers, thne ýC)olnel was 3baora at Bow,- mn.ville, Ontaia, when bis parents were stationed there. H1e wvas convprted nat the age ai seven ln. a Decision Sunday meeting at Cobalt, Ont. He finjished fhigh lsebool la Mon-t- real where he studieýd ta be- came a cbartered accountant but lits plans were chaaged wben ho heard ýteCall tet be an officer. There-fare, la 1922 he entered training Cal- lge frain th, Monitrllcita-, dol Corps. Follawing bis commission- ing, lie was appointed ta the Steeltan Co)rps aLt Sualt -Ste. .Maie, and ia 1924 ta the Di- visional 1Headouarters ni North Bay. 'rhe Colonel alsa serv- ed' at the iollowiag corps: Newmîarket, tho former Mount Donnis (Toron~to), Oakville, Parryv Sound, Belleville, Sher- brooke, the aid Wellingteri Street (Ottawa) and Liagarî Street (Toronto), H-amrilton Temple and London Citadol. A variety ai appointments filowed. Ia 191 th!ýe Col o nel served with TheSaatn Arm.iy's 'Canadian WTar Ser- ices Departmicat as an ne- counitant. Later he becaîme senior accounitant and their1 chief accounitant aversýens. When lie returned ta Canada he was appainted ta the F7inl- ance Departmnent as Terri- torial Auditar. Th-en ctamie twa appanitments in the Meni's Social Service Department as Superintendent at Victori a and at La)ndoni. Subsequent posts wore as Secretary forl Iqmigraltion and War Serv-ý ices; Chancollor af the Souith-1 cmn Ontarlo Division, Di- visional Com1mander ai the Northern Ontario Division and thoen Territorial1 Trade Secretary for eighit ears. Business bDir-ctoýry- Accountancy 115 Liberty St. S., nur.avilie Phane 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HfALL B.Comrm.. Chiartered Accaunitant 361,' King St. E, shawa Telephantie 725-6S589 hr o pr a ct 1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractar Office : 15 Elgin St., cor. 01 lHoreY St. Phane 623-5509 Office Haurs: By uppointment Dental DR, ANGUS Mf. BLAILR, DiD.S. 26 Frankc Street, Bowmranveilleý (near D)ominion Store) Office hus 9:30 am. tol9 p.mý inc-luding Saturday Tlphone 63381 Dr. W. M. ]RUDEFLL, D.D.S. 22 liCing St. E., BowmanvIlle Offic'e Haura 9 a.m. te 6 p.xn. daily ClaSed Saturday and Sunday Offce Pioïie - 623-5790O »R. WILLIAM KENr, D.D.S. ProlesinnlBIdg. Bowmanville 222 King St. E.- Suite 1016 Offtice HQurs: Weekdays 9 - -3 Telephone ?23-730 MitheI'sCorners' Teamn Wins Hockey Championiship 0 NG elà,LT (Intcnded ,fer hast week),. Mr. and Mrs. W". Vaaeyk visitcd MT. and Mrs. Albert Vaa-dyk'-, Bradford, on Sun- dey. Judly Kovacs was 'a gucst atý the ithda ty for Judýy night and Louise Kaacs as a guest at Susan Sieman'S, Hanydan, the saine niglit. Ruh aker entertaiaed saix af, her girli riendsa at her birthday party, Wednesday e-v enÀ ng. Msur, Chris., James, Ta- rontio and G. Blaker spent Saturýday with iriends at Bancot Mri. and rs. Keith al anid bosNst ron r. and14 MTrs. Bruce Býaker and Pami,[ B2urketon, Mr. Harry Baker ; Pi. vers~e 'Seek ye firstthkig i~.dam inrGiod' and rend! a seece- tOn from Patcýhwork Plce1~ Oentiticed Thie Diary oil a Bible. Tehymne uised were J esus SqlReiga Where'er l Lý Sun, Oh, Master Let Me- Walk > wi1th Thecr and What a Friend A cii. wehave Ir. Jesus0.- Evraoejydthe vers- 7 e rend by Mr.Gne The athlt,îc looiJng group af boys in the above 1are (lef t ta ighý,it) rBrett Layw , iimyGrant, EBrian'1 ayne.Mrs. Osbone led l picture ar, ie mebers ai the'Mitchell's Corners P ub1i c %Massey, Bly abrt erkKenn PtrNe!zpaerad lsd ih1h Schooi hockeS tam They recently captured the Dar- Jhn tr, Gerald Tate, Dennis; Sobil, Billy Kýellar 3 Ï1Pal iingtou owshparea public sohool championship, and Kevin Jhso.Absent Lfor the phiotograp1h îwEre An xflnt atisonal FilmY defeating Mapmle Grave tast Public Sho by a con-* Scatt Nicholas nd Neil Jus The teami was coacheýd Mrs. ý_W1s11 îDawn il, was.iWi vîncing icore ai 9-2il the final, game. PictLired above bv Mitchecll's Corners teacherGary MvcGhee. caliedfr 'Jugge-rnautý' aid show eci a hugeBrthCauba Fram theilattrMppointmnlt, (7TlS. 1H. Sïm-ith), Pnaadena, ondutcted2y( oloelAlf-ed EBr NEZERtruc-k: ï,,-i th a picifnclr~~ he etiedin 96. US.., ajr Rycal-, Dixon < R). Also particiîpaýt-j U ezr CW 'lf od crt IcL e taiin lvy Fs in la1926i, aii llim, TrotJ sisr-îg in the spricweeLut-OrMrhatrno CW.tsdsnai. was ab]y suJTpprted by beýhr vgi h ooes sstorG Clone res acMjrmeetin.g wa hld Tuesday l'lie meetýing wa2s coe throumgh tirlnyeraiHen(Mca. ,ýDoul1as Henry) Norman Coles and iaierMrhltw; i 17laisitpayryMrObrn sericetagte. n addition wam ridthe son ca i the Arcbibaîd IacCoqodl. ur Qitn usa ac ta biswfe the Colo-nel is sur- late UCommisioner and Mcls. teýrment was ati Mount Pluas-, apened witli an approprîiate 27hwith Pot Luck dinner.1 vived by bis bchlîdren, D(.Ro_ r Henry. ant Cemretecy, Toronto - Wac poe-m, Mrs. Wondeul. Thank-O)fferlnig meeting an ,IESs( Gwn iheNowa;Jen The funeral service was'Cry. irs. Raymand O abornel"Tuesdiay, April 19 at '1:30 p.m.ý DELAMONTE FANCY SLICEDPEACHES ~;FL 2 CHCOICE 19 FL, OZTIN AYLERTOMTOs 29* oz,49- DELUXE Ail. F PPOSE G> CRIN IGA STAPBRITE. LIQUIýIDJ BLEACH L4 9Vscý s PAC'EEO TN o 64- n. oz. PLASTIC BEl 77PN ST.E.A For Your Convenience Treat yourself to gooid eatngeverytîme with f rom Mr. IGA (PREPRICED 21-9ç) TWIN PACK IGýA 12 INCH WIDTH 75 Fi. QUI'KKI POLY E $ RED OR GREEN 100 MýL TUBE C LOCSE,-Ul;P 7T1vOOTHPAveST E73 foxr your mone At th. -d if itihn. idoy-nlionh oe- eatl ln, . - y? rPh , a na ipd.peiid o no Y.. lPolan Y.., fond hdgal ni hon, tidelldfond doll11 a, oni W hînl n inipy f *SlOP'WISIIl SfHOP HARDER -nd iieY- purfaad dl M-ia . tsaaia,,b1. 1 ,,plî l rue (.ff 159-6633 a.,o-il. - -125 Tf7h . .... p i,,rta MIT 17 MEHR SPONSORING PROMICS FANCY PEACUES f133 AEIDMsONA EAI4CY lHALV[5l BARTLETT PEARS Jg3 PET F00D (ASSORTED FLAVOEISI ROMAR 90 2 T'M53' ILENEX (ASRORTRO CoLoRsI 6' PAPER TO ELSpe SUPER BOWL SRMi.MOicRT (biEREF0*CW4CiRE ABC DETIER5GENT ~94 WE RESERVE THE R IGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 0F CANADA VOLUME N.. iONLY THIS WEEK: (VOWMý,E 2-15 s$149 EACI4> Dinnier Plate- - oaeplt.I daun,,t.d b.utiuliyilîuîtaI-WITH A PIJICHASE 0F $500 OR MORE ta. Ska,g a aI,îannwlPLLUE ACCFSSOR Y PECES 0ON SALE Ait AU. TIMES 1 00D PRiCES EFFECTIVE WED., TURU SAT MftRCH24 'T ,and Shelly, Oohawa;, Mr. Doug Mann, Raglan, were Sunday guests of the G. Baker home, celebrating Ruth, Pain and Stevenra lirt'hdays. 1Mr. and Mrs. P. Ercegavac and Anna were guests at a fiead's wedding hcld in Ta- ronta, Sunday. Mr.,-and Mrs, F. O. Smidth, Baýwmanville, were S'aturday evening iguests and -Mr. and Mrs. L. I-armer, R.R, 1, Bow- manville, were Wednesday lunch gucste of the Snniths. Sarry tbo report Mr, Smith hips nat been so well. Sympnthy ai the commua- ity gaes out ta the wiie and lamily ai \the late Verdon LetangePontypool, who wasj drownýýed in Florida last Fýriday. His wife, the former Do âe- An, ived in aur munity for many yeiar. H AR V EY ORONO 983-52,06 0HOME HEAT SERVICE KRAFT PROCES CHEEZWHIZ JAR BUTTERMII.K 4 A OL. PRO. ORANGE EDRINK 6 i HON5,ME Y PDEm W OZ.88 Fd SpeciaS McCAIN F ANCY SOSRN FRENCFRIES45 ALORO (6 PACK) IGA 21 oz. SIZE IGA g c DE B PSTE R, iý A TASI Y CHEESE FLAVOREFD SNACK- CHEESEL GS6 O 59 BRIDGE IXTURE cFAG 4 PROUez0zMx ICZr , N. GRE SLas $1M PRODUCE 0F UA ýNa. 1 GRADE cRISP FLORiDAl CE L LEC RY STA ÀLK S JAFFA ORANGES ~o PRODUCE0 A SLOTM GRE.EN ONIONs 3u12 PRODUCE 0F U.S.4 A. A T w7i