Mrs. Mel. Wiseman has re- turned fromc a month's vaca- tion in Floridai. M. andi Mrs. Si Trewln have returnet f romn a pleas- ant two week vacation at WakkHawali. Mr.John Westover spent the weekend with 'er par- ents, 14r. andi Mrs. Keith R. Miles, Norwvood. Mr. andi Mr.s. Cedlric Rus- sell, R. R. 6', Bowmanville, have recently returneti from a vacation in Flor!'-Idl. Mrs. Florence Tillson, New- castle, -of Bry-son's Smoke Shiop staff ha-25;returned fromn a two wýeeksq' vacation in 'Florida. Mr. andi Mrs. J. J. Dmn telle, Sudbury, spent the weekend with her sisýter, Mr. andti Mrs. Albert A. Hi-s, Cenitre Street. Mr. andtiMrs. Lewis Bickle, Charlene andi David lef t Sat- uirdaýy for Jtaala, where Mr. Bickle has accepted a posi- tion with the Bell Telephone Company. Miss Melissa DevItt, Nia- gara Falls, is visting her grntiparents, Mr. and Mrs Carl Devitt, Jane Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aider, Centre Street, Frientis of Michael Oke, in- jureti in an accident last surn- mer, wvill be sorry to learn that he has returneti to Ot- tawa Civlc Hospital due to infection in the Injureti leg. Newcaistle- Recreation Fig- ure' Skating Carnival to be held at the Newcastle Arena the end of March wil have as the th ene s this year "Meoots iin Music" andi "Won- derful World of Disn-ey". Mrn Ken Tahb, McMaster University, spent the week- end wvith bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb, Hîgh St. Dave Isý expected homne this week after a seas:on .vith the Windsor Sp)itfire hce team. Mr -andi Mrsý. Auistin Ryan (nee Snr ae and dau- ghter Nki Lee, of St. John's, Newfountilndc, are spending a few day.s with Mýirs. Austin's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Oake, sistýer Sherri, brothers TerryDan Dns. Bowmanville Legion Pipe Banid participaed4c In St, Pat- REHOBOTH Christian Reformned Church Segog Street Phone 623-7497 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 pa. Black to Cod fîour Dm1l 130 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. st. PC]ui'S United Church Mir.ster Rev. H. A. Turner B.A., B.D. Organlst Mr, R. Metcaîf 11 11 PUBLIC WORSHIP SUINDAY SCHOOL 9:4.5 a.m. Juniors and Intermediates Il a.m. Kindergarten and ,Primiary TeSalvatio 'n Bwvranville, Onti. CO-RPS OFFICERS: Captai-and M'rs. S. 1Hewlett 9:5ajm. - Sunday Schoel for the Whole Family il a.m. aud 7 p.m. flKnow and Grow" WORSHIP AND EVANGELISM group were there when -neeti- el The Bowmanville Drai1a, n .L l Ie re s jt W orkshop !I pr s n th Mtwmnof Chaillot iin the Bowmianvllle Hlgh Sho 2M -3303 Th-eatre in April. The dlirac- tors are Wynne Wonnacott anti John AmAresbury anid the rick's Day celebrations large cast includes (in order throughout the town of Col- of appearance): Tom Spry, lingwood on the weekend. Keni Clark, Brian StaInton, The thmembers cf te and Keith Jackson, Lyn Lwy were tietained y h aorden rir uil, jGeraldine Van- and wece unable ta getbeck te cnJh msuy to Býowmanville- until Monday Ale x Cvls, tyCvry noon. rolowr tl e, Bb he Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi McGee, dan Daee Ktney, 'Mort cf Srecialty Paper Pcotiucts Meadowsýq, -19, ghSnider, Dan- Ltd., returneti this week from ny, Hanewich, Jim Chu,,rchilll, a vacation in Floritia, Bill Jean She-ritian, Wynne Won- Webber fiew doWn ta, oin nacott. ah Godfrey, Denise them, returning home by car. Besu, GlraWghLn whIo hereor gooti weather tia Ferrill anti Biit Kit- whil thre.ney. Plarinenw t") attend this One of the best comments ocesentation, wo kfnow ý,it wiil hoarti lateiy oni a long suffer- ho a nmost cewarrdlng eei ing subject, the length of The Saccamient of B 1aptism men's bair, wes matie by a was atiministereti by the, Rev. mother whose four sons eacuh Wosleyv Oake at thie îmornlng sport beactis anti long hair. worshlpn service in Tcinity The 'mother says "Every timeChrc o SndyMach19 we sit down ta a meal tO- anti the fllowing£ chiltiren eether. I thlnk Its 'The Lest were wlamdinta the fol- Suz)por'." lowshtp of Chr-ist's Chrc-h Norm Labine, second year -'nd T r i nit y Congre.estin: Business Administration stu- Kimibe-riy Ano. rdaughtorc of dent at Durham Coilege, basMc r iM\rs. Iwn Calhi;jj been electeti Presitient of t'ne Mvark Walter, son of Mr. anti Student Administrative Coun-iMca-. Abel W Docker;Chr- cil, Judy Landcy executive Ann Mailene, dî obtr of M vice-presitient, Kathy Lawton iiMca. Grait Farrow:v Niki vice-president External Af- T o'c Ann. tiuhtec of Mc. and fairs, Annette Thielanti treas- Mca. Aistin Rvan (nee San- uirer, anti Janice Ritchie, sec- dca Oakc). tintI grantichilti rotary. foc Bey, ainti Mca. N. W. Oake. Effective AprIl lst, Voya- Christonher Gorge son of qeur Bus Linos will offer Mr. qsud Mrs. Alan Rabv. ro- oceatiy reduceti fares ta the cEived the( Sacramrent of Bap- Senior Citizons jn the ares tiým 0on Januarv l14th. serveti by Voyageur in Que- Mcxr. Mark R.oeigk enrer- hec anti Ontario. Ail persans tainoti at hiec home. 1.57 lng 65 years anti avec will ho able Street. West. on Saturday to travel on any of Voyageur fram il a.1 .untl 2 p.m. in bus routes ln Ontario andi honoýr of Miss Joan Beill. tiu- Ouebec et a reduction of 5017 zhteýr of Mr. aiMr.Jamnes ef the rogular tariff. Bell, Concesýsion Street E., Gloria Adcock of the mec- waemcig ao lc chandise distribution depart- on April 6th, ta , Mc. Chris ment of Goodyear along wlth BPalýon. son of Mcý. anti Mcrs. five fellow omployeos is ta- Gecatlasonl, Ha mp t on. ing the St. John 'S Ambulance Frientis of the bride and the course ln ficst aid. The course briFdai part 'attendeti. The ia sponsareti by Goodycar. tiecocations we, n of Art Etcher, shipping idept1 ., is , ce-n anti yeIlowý withi beau- ~n bis second course ant i ontifu-l lbouquiLets of spring flow- completion will be ewarded ers don-ýîateti by Mcrs. E. V. bis ficst-aiti cectificate. Hoar. adding ýta the ovecali Congra tulations are in o.Jn icture. A -palnted green basý- dec foc the followlng Good-ti- cocateti on thie top of year Tire anti Rubber Ca. Ltd.1 the hiandie wt an octupus omployoes on completing the1 made by Mcs. Ede Colo. helti recordeti number of yescs a beautiful acray of kitchen iwith the Bowmanville plant: gîftt. A dont lnc'heon. J. P. Goheen, B. G. Fogg, 30 servoti on a. geen tableclath yeacs; L. G. Nicholîs, E. W. lon'neti foc the occasion by BlkA. W. Cowoy, 25 years- Mca. PB'ycon Vntn.cnit R. G. Nash, A. G. Langstaff eti of aiiwiches anti hot titi- anti J. D. Lycett, 10 years. bits, While Mca. iHoar, frionti cf the bride, poureti coffee. The Durham County Club of Tocanto will meet Fritiay, Macch 23cti, et 8 p.m. in the Education Contre, 155, Colu geYou lg Twirl St., 6th floor McCaul Street.virer Mc. Ken Lysial, NewcastleAI A. wil spak on NowspaperYyW in -w'arus Wa-Iork, anti Grog Balson. wîn- nec of Durham Public Speak-ý A Baton Twi,,rlînrCmpti ing Conteat, will speek on tion wes helti in WYoadstack. Mc. Jack Gardon, Newcaatl.e,, In their firat comipetitian this xiii show interesting pcuesyatwO Vyoung twicrlecs e-1 ,of Durham County. Pianiistýitournietiw'hthýeszerivards., foc, the evenlng wIllI be Cath-ý In the Seni'or -Divisionï, 15-ý crine Elliott. The evening WîîîW ear-oldi Kathy BLlake vasý conei(lujde with the presentaý- scecond cunnec-up in The iss tion of the alate of officers. WosokTwýýirling Q,,ueeni Amnong the, many guesta et' Championsohp. Kathys othlerl wetingawrd re a lat in A-ivaýncet Élie 1,imningý-teech , Mieitaryg a th in AtivancI'et on Saýtuiay atternoon, Macc '-'T Strut nane Sh in lhec 1 7thi, wece aunts anti uncles,1 MadcelingDison Mc.ani Ma.Doula Baer In t'le junior Divisio;n, Il- Dunedin, FIa.; Mc. ai-i Mr-s î ýspWlo Francis CGr(een, Kent, Ohio:vear-otCaieWlnwoa Mr. ýnd Mr. Morimer irst in ber AtivancetiSeo Mc.d ani Mc MoiesRoaerant i asecond tin ber Ativan.ceti ant Mc1amnioeR T Strut. chester. N.Y. Other relatives,______ were Mr, anti Mrs. Barry Stewart, Byran, Conni.; Mc. anti Mcal. James Scha'fci, Sck o Chetaaa NY;Miss Joain ik o Baker, CNchil, NY.; Mc.1 anti Mcs. Don Ba-ker, Fult, C anvassers? ;N.Y., anti lMr. antiMcar.Thiomn-1 as 13oyle, Falois, Que. Mcr.1Wc knjow you are. Some iDennis Baccy, Bermuda, cou- of uis are f00, but have you iîi of trie goofew in forlever stoppedti to th-ink how, the wýetding as a surprise. i many vhia services your Redi Recently, Mylon -Wenzell, Cross rentiers ta eech oneo f Bowmranvî'Ile, anti five com: _yotl?. Here are, just a fw pa'nions went Ico fishîing o Thcough the Sîck Room West Lake, 100 miles east of Eupet Srie Boxv urnan ville, anti were in- ciuu,,pmnent nay hobo ýrrawed fo)r the use of sicIk persons *~cmetlin roscuing two w,',ho are beîng ca-eti for et ~ncwmobilers, who w n ýhomIe. CrutcheýIscanes, vwheel ,through the ice. Wenzeli and his haialbts ei bcompanlons mie a cenps'urinais, anti walk aida eni grabbed one nntrappet;.i rnv',o borcoweti. undjer the snow-mabile 'with Býloi TranjIsfusion Centres bis botiy submergeti in the sev ilhospitis nCnd weter fcom his wvaist ta bis anti are -espons'ilo fr al heati, puliing hlm ta safoty.1 blooti collection anti distribu- The other man managet Ito tion. free hImself. They thon ticave jvFirsýt Aid Courses are pro- the two men ta haspita.l vdedtei to mom.bers of the rBANHAl O) Son of Being! Thou art my lamp and m yilght is in Thee. BAHÂ'U'LLAH PHONE 623-3171 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 'Rev, -N., Wesley, B.Th. -Molnister Johin Crookshank - Music Iirector-Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 25th, 1973 'Il A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE AND FAMILY COMMUNION SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUES Junior, intermiediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. at Il Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE FRIDAY, M1ARCH 23lrd, 7:30 p.i.' "NO NEED TO HIDE" Color documnentary film (55 minutes) that wilI help restless youth and adufts find mean- ing and purpose ini Christ wilIlte shown ini TRINITY CIIURCII HALL. Corne and bring a friend. :Reserve Saturday, April l4th for Music Concert in Trlnity Church. Valous W'at or Safüty Cours- os are provitedt o the Cern- munify. Rot Croýss Disaster Serv- ices Prýogramme provities omo-i-recy assistance te dis- aster victimsaet home anti abroati. Relief is centoceti in the fecm eof foot, shelter. clothtnýg, medicel assistance A WmnsWrk lCommit- tee sc.w anti kuiit on a vl tary hasts to provitie clef b- iug te the dostitute. Assistance la previtet for the vitima 0-f tire in aur owil commuuity. WihMacch cames the An. nual Rot Croýss Camrpaign anti once again yeu vwill hea- the piffeýr paitter etliflte foot anti a knock onyouc dIfoor Please ope.n your bieerta anti your vwallef s. The Red Cross is Workdng for You. Are 11011 Working for it? I.egion Ladies March lGth H.L Avg. 'cJan Sutclitte 216 H-. Triple - Icne Witney 662 H, Single -Ireno Whitney- 258 -Team tadig PltalPts. Bruce------12 21 Sutclif'e--_ ----30.84le9 17 Partner-------- 30,100 14 Sbhe eban -----28,6197 14 200 'Gamnes Icone 'Wiiiney- 258, 213, Fran Bruce 237 , 223, Joar Suteliffe 236, Bernice Partneî 2311, ilia Siminick 223, Jean Burtonl 220, Nybi Sheehan 211, Deniose Aninaert 201. Averîages Joan Suf.ellie 21C, Frin Bruce 205, NýybI Sh-eehan (3o) 204, D~enise Annaort 196, J an Burtan 194, froue Whitnoy 193, Hilti imnick 188,er. nice Pacturer (30ý) 18m, Marj Westover 185,'Mary Gray 183 ~The Sco>nd Stret Pubjliu I aîîdFive s1tlLuet, is, ild by School Choir from EYtoblcu)kp'M. . ( î y <Usýt visible S(New Toronto) sngat sev- iiý i theupper riglît 1h1and ornerI oral schoots in Darlington of thephtorah) Township last week. The '43- H ow doos a corfonEto- -nembher choir is pictured bicoke happen t.! -o coneto Dr ,bove at Maple Grove East lIngr.on Tovwuislîp, yu ninughfj Dubljc School. the last stop on ask? WeIl, rru.sic runin the thei;r six school tour. The farniîy bcuo r.lerley's choir, made up of Grade Four daughter, now Mis. Creighlton,l Reports f rom euýC HA-'MP'rON W. 1. ThE, imoutbly meeting et the H--aiiiptcn Wcmeni's Inatitute, ves b)21ioitcuTuestiay, Marcc th. M\1rs-. EBIaut,Prstt opcnu-,d thu ctigby lst iug in siug911ing the nstitute Odeý anti opeting thie Mary Stewat Colectin unisoni The, Roîl Cali - A Wccld Eveiut - -was Wei! nwrd A poern on--I"Inicomo ex"was ceati hyMca.Bryant ilu keop- ing witb that tine et'year.- The minutes were ieati at approveti anti a rep)ort on the lateofe otticers foc the com- iug year was given. Misa Jobus took thec ýhair foc the North GroupD's parfe the meeting on Cltizenship anti World Affaira. Eliza- beth anti Allen Hursf favoreti with two piano soies. The Mette was given by Mca. Ç'lacence Yeo whïo reati a peper entifleti "Open Letter te Policemen Evecywhero' written by a ministen's wite. The speaker toc 4he ater- noon waMca. Bowes, Prin- cipal et the Solina School foc Retardeti Chiltiren. There are 22pupils in this scbool rang- ing in age from 5 to 21 years Mcar BQwes spoko on bow she, aniiotlioc teacher anti four pari-timo bhelpers are tryiu-g faý teacb -thse chiltiren, ind- penden-co, si-epeself- confidence andti f0fry te hoý eýble f0 takeý a prt in thoII? aocr talk m1-1oat euighcjtening, antjfic- tho members ,vcie v- etevsit thlis inIQl en tieMca. MIounjof moývetd a vote et thenka te al f ek-1 ing part lIten rgrm Mcar. Bryant coe tho m eet ing by ling n epat ing thie'Loct's Prý,ayer in un-i son. A wloecup e ot tee asan dwiches wee aerv- etd by the ladies of of SOLINA W. I. The Sol-)ina. Hall %vas beaiu- fifullytiorti for St. Paf- cick's on t1-e occaýsiojn r0f oaur Merch metig. hemap ùol Iroela.nti spcomiuenfly ds plaryeti oen a aiîde table,h a ~hmok pleut heside 't, Manly interestîng ,pictures ol Irelaut- dsurronundeti t -he fable. This eotting sot the mioot fou a rcai St. Patcick's inight. ThepesteMisPa Leach, opeýnet th- etn ancndufthe bsns Mca. HwadMiîon ecre- tacy-fceaa'urec, reat the in- utes anti treasurer'a reportd Amnong the correspoptendc.t a btter from 'VMrs. Nob litt, F.W'.I.C. Pros. Sh)e sug geateti we mgtobtaîn sa bolbe n the mefrie syster 0of wgtsantid auoef wvhlc!h we wij.!ll have fo lbacc The pcaject 0f twinning wit', an iustitufe Bcanch l h north. is sot esite toc the pro. senit. Our HmmalgClub girls wil bave their, Achieve- ment Day et Blackatock on ApriI b4fh. The fali project will be 'The Club Girl En- ferfains'. The Golden Plough Loçîge, Coboucg, again sent us tickets to seil on a quilt. The W. wlll purchese these. Theci wasaconsiderable discussion on thesotorssaval able. ft wsa dcý,Lidi to send aur cholco as 'aktiin-a Piu'. Our now cenu oponer and five tozon pla.ce setinigaof rinwdiahes arc ln uOtrcu boardis reaty to use. The cammittoe are to ho thanked for their efforts. The Presl- dent suggetet as >msny as inosaihie corne Vo the hall the next day fa do extra cieaning. Our Casserole Luncheon of next week wes announceti anti each was remintet o: their dufies. At aur Arril meetingz the 4-H1 girls will put on a Fasb- ion Show. Mca. Bradley, oui District PresItent, will visit us, anti ail reporta are ta be, givon, as well as electian of afficers. The Nominating eomn mittee is AIma Lagat Dorat.hy Clark anti Elaine 1Baker. 3 Mca, Stanley Milîson an- nounceti the Library project of a Fashion_ Show "Wit4 Love from SpIn" in-1t1h hall ou Aprîl 4th. Mcralh a vis gave ïisfr our Fet- ecte Nws ',Yc petalin te Institute afir. Theorcol couwes Au Inish Fact or Joke. Part cetbîthia %vas ediu- cationeal while the reat wes hu-r.or ous. TheCoup 'Ci!izeshtpct Worlt Affaira", wýss in charge of the program. Thia i s tho Bradley's gcoup untder leader-1 sbip etf Mca. Stanle Miiso anti Mca. HarveyYeowes Mc.Milison 'took ch a rge MiWsCssKathie ant iSssu Výice faVoret us wïi-,th fO vocal Winds anti Rss PsyWil- lows anti C-tt' s" hile thie secondeta tster tmowesi "Alberta But"Theiryau voicea blond in prfctba- mony. Teywee ccompani-, eti by their m1 -other, Ma Murray Vice. The motto, ,Worli Affaira are our Atteins" was givný by Mca. George Knox. She, sait with the comiug of TV anti se much worcitrvlig that everything bppe Ingl fac distant pao a nIm- pact on us. Wars, dsses tiscoveries anti-,-chiovem-,ents even tac away, rmayinfluer ce our lîves. Because ci this, wve cealize aIl pe;pie are. truly brothers - so we mnuat have more love antigiin -bs Mca. Rautiy Fraser aoe au a ew beautifll "ites sh joyrnt, W wouli have L11k- et Pd se mroe. Ma iîo eai an aLrtice ram the Unit- by a repornter wio vstt feelng bfee thoProtes- tnsantiCd hoia etthis Mca. arvoyYellowleeos de- acrbe Irlatiin other as- pet.Tho int1ustria part ta Judged the mnost fair necwspaper nf- the U.S. by pirofessional jouLrnalists ni themselves, A leading international daily. 0One of the top three newspapers in the worrd according to e, journalistic poUs. Writner of over 79 major awards in the last five years. I including three Pui4zer Prizes. Over 3000nws paper editors read tho Monitor, I Juat send us your S narn eaid add;ess' Ifew ýrQe c;PiOs eo' the Msièonitor without ole gtin i Ï --- -- - r City THE CHS>ST;IAN SCIENCEI 1c Box 125, Aior Station I osoMassachusetts 02123 * ;A,~ s0 OSHAWA CHORAL, SOCIETY presents MR RI1E ENGAN by Basil Hood and Edward Gra at EASTDALE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Harmony Ro'ad 'North APRUL 50h-6h, t ALL TICKETS- -$2.50M ~ple Grov Pubic S hoolThe Canadien Statesman,Boxvmanvlle, a 21,1073 Area Bahais Plan Three Major E vent s ýzIn Town Ths Week The Babals of Bowman- inculcatos the principle of e A5~ ville wi welcome Baa ta equal opportunity, cigbts and W f r o mn Scarboro, Pickering, privilogea for bath sexes, ad à Ajax. Whitby anti Oshawa on vocates compulsory education, Saturtiy March 24th, %vhen abohashes oxtremes of pavei ty Yhey meet tagether at the andi wealth exalts wark per- M., 1Fly!ng Dutchman ta partiec- formet iun the spi.rit of ser- pate In a teeching conference. vice to the rank of worship, s ~A bus- will leave Scarboiro recommentis the adoption of on the Saturday mornung an auxilierY international travelling eiong No.. 2 Hlg language, anti provIdes th~e way, stopping in Pickering, necessacy egencies foc the es- Ajax, Whitby anti Oshawa tablishment anti safeguarling te piek up Baha'is footing Of a permanent anti universel transportation. peace. An Open House will be helti on the Saturday evening ta whlch the public'of Bow- Y~ C et manville are moat cordiýally3.; ~i: inviteti. Two -films from the National Film Boacti of Cen-F r m le e t ada, depicting the viviti For E 1 dnusîc teaLlier foýr tho a MaleGiove, ho got stuck anti wondcous beauty of ni~ Norhumerand- urham Bd. up ta the axlos in nuti anti it ture wiîî ho, shown antiod -n~ An iuesig footnote to-puil hirn out. The bus drciver got-togother will follow.od n usr thisstor la hatthe bus d.-iv- :ray not have be6n very amnus- eî~wh bouhtth coi t j tibyth icien bt he Douglas Martin, secretary "rset for jobs for this aiea founti out t bat tlho' yoýungster-s thought it wastbofth NainlSrtulA-ongC adesn the fo remby 0fthe Baha'is of industcy have nover. appoareti reasahoue aie not quite thie high point et the trip. It'a not1 oidwl!b th gus saie as they are lu Toronteo.ltocotot they get puileti outCnawl ho egst more attractive", Dr. Ford WhiIe lho was parking the busiet the mut in~ Etobicoke. speaker et the public meetingStso at the Flying Dùtcbman on Sisn Principal ,af the Wednestiay, Macch 28th, af Kemptville Collego of Agri- the nocth anti agicultural in ei- ho boIt etavan on Tuestoi'. 8:00 p.citucal Technology, talti avec the south. -In the south part Plans have been matie te The Baha'i Faith recognizes 2'50 ig9h achool teachers and are 2M countios, while only av the "Tweetisruir Book" the unity of Goti anti of His srithte Ontar wioasr one abot te cirnte ntimon1 snt Vo Toronto ln octier to Prophets, uphols the principle fo h nal iityo tionoti many spots of special haive if miccofilmoti, thus piro- et an untetteri e:ercli af griutr aniFo wb tcuth, condemas alI forma o travollet co Eastern anti heauty. The gypsios or tlnk-, veutîng a permanent bs et superstition anti prejutiico j Centrai Ontario to attend the o4rs were cormmetjiteti on), înlthis pricelosa book in case et teaches that the fundamentel Annual K.C.A.T. Careers Day area arounti Cork. The beau-1cnty tiful oit castie ruina attract au accident. purpose of religion ia te pro-c, euty rnany taucists, as weil as Lake ýMcs. Hector Morton gave a moto concorti- anti bacmouy.- "The cuicont shortage (of Kiîlanney sud Kissiug thei short report on the District thvtit rnust go bant in-baud' ýfod) anti, resulting record Blanoy Sone Spots ecy1Mceiuîg Th Disric science, anti that itcoii- prices et neacly evecy Cana- Blin-ý Swc. pors viyTIetiig he istictAnuai' stitutes the soie anti ultimate dian facm produet las symto- popular are football, hucling,1 Meeting wiil beho boit aMcc- basis et a peaceful, an ordcr- matie of a new ors in the sut horso racing. Meati fec-rish on May loth. Those plan-ied anti progressive society, 1t1 footi business", hoe continueti. mienteti honey) tasorveti ta ning te attend areasakedti t visitera. Icshi whiskey is far-n-' bring a home-made nat wbich oa. ThIey mîake tweet's,~ wil ho soit foc 10 cents. The!i pýianos, anti office ACCW. roet"ae heay weaer, tr 5 C~ theds tC.CW rn thi twilla l Poetcy lu IceLautislarhythm-th it. sfic anti musical. Falcy tales The pSig". sinchage nti ,eprebauins are believet CI)rgamwsi cag U ta. he hamockla h -of Mca, Janet Spencloy anti bo.e the Thý,niuity. his the lk -Mrs. Vers Stapiesconvenorsi_____ Are Cordialiy Ituvited to was concluietiby rain a ifc Rsouios, c. .An Evening of' Jaýckson commetet con thei l,1-Fiis elosi poem on the FcientIly icish j Motto. The guest speaher, ~~ ~ FlnFlosi by Wm. Yeats. MVrs. Iteeve Harvey Malcolm ws and Fun boas passet arounti mNa- toa egahcpcuo fIntroduceti by Mca. Spencley. SATURDAY, MAR. 24th Icolandti llustrate lber tic- M.Miomi csu n7:30 p.m. acrptina Mc. Sela E- he County Planning Com- e h wacts, ho t frm Irlani rittee anti ho spoke on somre anti a new neigbbor In 1Brat- teciaian e nia-1- .FLYING DUTCHMAN îiey's section, cmeteoof< tge tthe focthcoming -,BOWMANVILLE r'ews wo hear about Iroenti. egiona-;l govecumeut in this_____________ The met;ing wss furnetdare.eHoalso tirew attention, back t-o Miss Leach. Baoth Mca. te, some past accompliymef0A Milî,son aindti Miss-. Leach'et the paî,t anti future plans, thanket aal wha piannecil anti , oe of thd-,se being a commît- lr lolvtdt belpeti with the rogýramn. tee wbich waa organizedti ,A-e VoLv-'cdt Nationale Ant h emni. ýtudy thi-t asibility et bulit- j~ Affer te very .n1oy 'g a modern arena iu the'P I VE II~ we ail joineti i0 a -r no able social time. The St. Pat- genecal ares of Grandview cic'slunh ervtiby 1hOSehool. A question anti, ans- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th group censîstot i 0 a variety epeotolwdaniMs8:0pm of decoratet cup cakes anti Sac tra Smith thankeCt1the W the green fruit jouiies, foppeti 0'ouest peaker for au informna- FLYING DUTCHMAN, BOWMýýANV1LLE xvth tee. The tbe were i\e evenug. decorateti in sîa.mrocks antd Seca guesta were isu Subieet: dainty tiahe otgreen cendy rstiu r. Tbmsn gumticops. Those wbo wec at M-QLrmrr' ~ ýunable to . attend, aA aD realy oot ovcuig. GE CAE TDAI Sp~okr: ougas Main, Seereta'y p.f the FO OD PLINCSNational Assemibiy of te Baha'is o3f BLACKSTOCK W. 1. BY IUSiNG Cnd The Marcb meceting ol the S T A 1 E S M A N NO ADMISSION - NO CO0LLE CTION Biackstnek Wonmon's Insýtitute CLASSIFIEDS was fieldtiiiathe Commrýunity, Halon March ïth. rs. kelding's group se-rv- cd1 desse-rtai.-dcoffee. Our Vice Presitient MUrs. Short- riig oentitheo mfeeting and, wcnie l[ahthe lde.Po 7ident r S. Tho0M Psrn was abset'due to Iilness. Mrs. Percry VanCamnp spoke I a few w-ýords a-ntivwe observt t.wo m1in-utes' silence in me- moyof Mfrs. IM, G. Smiithi. G et well cards w iere signeti toi be sent to absent imembers Th-is year -there aesix -H l girls to reeie unty Hon- ours. There was a discu]ssion reardlng g ifts. 1Thank you notes ;were rc- ceiveti focrlwosantiChit- A lettor wsreairmni ing iu50f Ithe Nodecraft C ourse to îbe hlilil-,he Scu- g IsiantiHal Mrýs. Percy VTavCnCap ask,1the ladies If tbey wouI[ld help serve the dinner fOr thle Werry Pricnic .luily 2lst. It was mnoveti that -Ive would help themi. Lýetterls *we re receiveil fromn MIvr. Alex Carruthers anti Dr Mà. B. Dymnti thainking us for our recent letters regard- lng the proposeti changes at the Community Memorlal H'ospital at Port Perry. A donation was receiveti frora Dcr. Dymonti. The quilt donateti by Mrs. Archer bas heen quilteti. Mrs., McArthur antiMcm. W. Van! Camp are a committee to plan a qulit draw. Our next meeting will be thie Annual Meeting with aý Plot Luck dinner at 12:30. AIl cnnrsare to have tboir1 reports read for that mieet. Ing. Ou£r mil cail wass "What"ýý Your Beef as a Consumeri-"I The minutes wece reat anti the treasurec's report given. 1We playoti several gamnes Cf bingo. Mca. Skelding , reati the inotto at i introduced i-our guest speaker, Mrs. Fi'tzsim- mons who zpok-e to ius anti showed us sldes on the topic "Consumner Affairs." Wle werel told w!he re we coult got fin- formlation a-boiut our problemrs.i Appreciation was expresseti to the sýpeaker anti the meet-, ing closeti wlîth O Canada. BETHIANlýY W. 1. TI-e Ma19rch 1meeting of the Bethany Women's Institute was helti et the home Lf th PreidntM.s.Aidison Scott. on March l2th. Mrs. Vincenti Jackson reai the minutes of! the previous meeting anti gave the treýasurer's report.I Donationis vwere also recelveti fcomn memibers partîcipating in the"akls Bake Sale". The WV,. 1. were a.keti11i citer to a luncheon following Spealcouncil meeting on Mîkrch 27'; anti the WomeLn's Ittuewere also asked to cater ta the Bowling Banquet wihwil be helti on Satu,!r- day, Ap:ril14H, al th, Parish 1al i ,Bthany. Plans 4for the"Gaes îgh" hvebeen temorailypospontidue to jthe bv omimns 1A District Luncheon Nvii i SALE 1973 LTD BROUGHAMýi 4-DR. HARDTOP 400 V-8, automatic, power steerig, power brakes, air conditioilg AM-FM stereo radio, power windows, steelý,-belted railtre, vinyl top, high back split-bench seat with manulre(lin, rear electric defrost, plus mny more options. Lic. E355 List Price $7,200 Nîow $5,995 1973 MAVERI(K 4- DR. SEDAN 302 V-8, automiatic, power steering, radio and more. Lie, DZR747. Lît rie 3,75Now $s3-,1e85 1973 GRAN TRN SPORTS ' i Loaded. Two to choose from.Make way do)w.ic. FEE563 and Lie. EBD384. PLUS FORD LTD- COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGONS, GALAXIE 500'S, MUSTANG MACH VS and COURI-ERS. Corne oi_ in and talk to onel of our friendly sales people and go for a ride. BILL GARRETT - *623-4481 GREN McOUAT - 623-4481 NAT B3IRK . -623-4481 WE WANT TO. HELP YOU. PHONE US. 219 KING ST. E. BWAVLE6348 "Where Frienidllýy PeopleMet