FLASHIBACK - 25 Years Ago - Ladies Major Bowl- ing League on TuEs,,day -evening saw M4el McNu1ty lead the bowlers with 279, followed by Jo Connor with 250, wnd Helen Piper with 243. High triple went ta Jo Connors wJ~th 622, Viv Pickard 609 and'Carol Martyn 608. t. i t t t FLASBACK - 10 Years Ago - Bowm anville Pee Wee Ail Stars will participate in the Ontario ILittie N.HI.L. playoffs in St. Catharines for three ,days starting April l8th. Members of thei team are Steven Forsey, Wayne McRoberts, Gary Wil- son, BiH KilLn, Mitch Donoghuie, Mike Cawker, Bob) Howves, Kim Rogers, Jim- Robson, Warren Aider, Ron Webb, Chuck Cattran, Sandy Brown, Larry Devitt, Greg Corden, Danny Nowlan, Bill Woodward, Coach George Cawker, Irv McCul. lough, Manager. p r i JUNIOR C'S END SEASON - Vowles Red Eagles hockey tpani hung up their skates for the -season with a 7-1 defeat by Lindsay on Wednesday evening in Lindsay. The "Eagles" were defeatcd three games straight in this series but, much crecdit goes ta theý coach Art Rennîck, the team and executive for a fine effort. Have a good summer.,See you in the fail. 1-. L. WOOD TRANSPORTERS- were defeat- ed bere on Wednesday by Kingston Centre 70 in the Pee Wee stries by a score of 5-4 in over- time. It had been hoped the Transporters would retain their Ontario Championship for a second year but their luck ran out. They'I1 be back in thie fall, rarin' to go and we'h1 be hearing more fron this talented teani and their coaches Badour and Morrisoni. t t t t t LAWN BOWLING- The local club is expected ta get underway in about six weeks, almost the earliest ever. A new trophy in memnory of the late Fred Cole has been donated by his wife Ede and son Gary. It will be for the men's doubles competition, with this year's ral-off in mnid-June. E LIMI1NATED - Windsor Spitf ires have been i wîped out of the play-offs by Guelph Biltmores in thiree ganies straigaht. Dave Tabb, Bowman- vie's representative on the Spitfires will now be hianging up bis skates for the season. He bas dlon. well and been a valuable member of the teanm. CARNIVALS- Two carnivals will' be held in the area which will provide an enjoyable ai;d entertain- ing evening. Plan ta attend the Newcastle Recreation Figure Skating Carnivai, 1March 3lst, and Sunday, April lst, and the Bowmanville Carnival on ýApril 27tii and 28th. t t t ARCTIC GOLF- Snowe golf is developing a Canadian folowving. It's a rather loase version of reguglar gol;f, but it makes a novel winter diver- sion and helps ta shorteà the off season. It is played on snowsboes or skis with regular clubs, t but thile golf bail is replaced by a teninisa bail. e The course is abbreviated to tlîree hales and a u pail is used instead of the 41/j incb cuip. Thte tiist f recorded tournamnent was held in 1971 at Prince Gerg, .C., aps part of a winiter carnîv. The foilowîng year the event drew an eniry field of 225 and even more are exýpected ta enter this year in ,tlie racopetition, sponsored by C.J.C.I. Radio and Molsoa's. t7 tî tî î SPORTSMEN SHOW - at the Queen Elizabieth Building, Toronto Exhibition Park, March 16-25, bas somiethin-g for everyone. This year's show fias a dog show with 1500 dogs and 115 breeds. The UJniversity V of Guelph ba1s constructed an 80 foot indoor streamr where the life cycle of the rainbow, trout may be 9 seen. Toronto Ang,-lerýs Assoc. have a pond stockedE wsth chunky trout waîting ta do battie. The top rat- ed d carver of N',orth America, Russ Sutherland, will also be on hand. Free d emnonstrat ions are also available on karate, r-olerskatingi, archery, Scottish danicing, judo and outdoor safety. 13 HOCKEY ROUJD-IJP - MeGregor Mlidgets deý- feated Gananoque in a bard-;fought rugged battie n including a protest gamne, ta win the series and adanne. into the next round against Milton. A team effort, special mention goes ta "Slip" Rowe who was outstanding in the Bowmaav1lle goal. iw Mention should, also, be made of the Gananoqu4e gocalie who turned in excellentgames. Knapp's Major Banitams ineet Streetsville in the serni- r final1 rounds buitino wr as yet ta date and time. P WsenElectrie 'Miriar Bantamns met Milton mn Sunday and -were defeated 9-6 there. Next gamre in the series goes Wedniesday, bei-e. While the ý above three tennis are the only ones resnaiating in contention for Onitario Chiamipionisipsiý this year, Consumner Gas Mites are still in their own hcagule comipetitions. a MNSTOWVN SOF-TBALL - There will be a mepet- tý ing on ona evening, March 26th nt Bowmanville Town Ha-Ill in1 the upstairs auditorium at 7 :00 p.m. dk This meeting will be for the executive inember, coaches and managers. Un boree BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Liberty Str-eet North Sun@daây, Mrh2 Doors Open at 2:00 p.m. The Rebels Foy Adams & Country Hits The Jackett FamuIy ADMISSION $2.001 Now Meet -MiIt< ,McGreg EIn Rugg by David Goheen Gananoque won their pro- test, but Bowmnanville Me- Gregor Midgets are niow -th-e Eastern Ontario Champions with a 3-0 Win Saturday night and a 6-2 win Sunday night. The game Saturday was tled at the end of thec openixig period, as Bocwman-ville chec-k. cd Gananoque at every niove. Each team sent three players to the "sin bin"ý' for minor infractions as the refereEs clamped down early. Theý score remalned in the deadlock until the 5:20 mark of the middle stanza when John Wood cashed in on a pass fromi Grant Luxton and Andrew Mackenzie. Three- minutes later, Allan Emard scared, making It 2-0. Linemates Rory Gibbs and Boyd Knox collected the as- sists. Gananoque tried thelr usual tactics of using their sticks for weapons and elbows be- tween the locals' rIbs, as Gananoque tried ta knýock thGe heads off Bowmanville, but Baowmanville kept sktatý. inga and moved., around thein. Rory Gibbs pTut the lIcing on the cake, scorjP.g early In the third period after belng set up by Allan 1E mard. 1Bowma;3nville p res er v ed "Slip" Rowe's shutout as they kept Ganaque froln carrying the puck ta far down the ice. Sunday's Game The sixth and deciding gamne IithC bcest three-Out-of- five series was played inj Bowmanville Suinday night. Just 45 scojnds had ec-lap.-ed ila the opening sta,,nza -when Grant uxtoncashed in on a face-off pass from John Wood. Frourteen minutas later, Rory Gibbs scored after being set uip by Jeff Lgr and Joe Bowanvllekept skattngý but not as liard and as fa-,st as they had perfarmed Satur- day night. Th e refe-rees !et a fewr questionabIe cafls go by the wayside as they didn't crack down 7i)early enough onr thiose inor infractions that tsually turn major when the fcllo)ws learn that terfre forýýet t caýli the game thiei ma hyse it. Bowmnvlle e m e d ta Enri Jonsriton goct behind the!E clefence and beat "eSlip" on ah low shot. AIt theI end of fn 'econd period, Bowmanville fi ed 2-1. IC Harold Hgstieýd the(a, e urp at the se(,ven minute mrkn if thle third perlod. A minute hI Pfter, Gaannmoque s ca rrl, d.t] T3oyd Kni19x, skated ri1ngs f around Gananoque and de-C positeýd thie puck behind tuie goalie. Linemiates Ail1 a n S imard and Rory Gibbs colisi ected assists on the goal. 5î F'our minutes later, Kýno)xlC made the score 4-2,aaias ;isted by, Rory and Allan. b Four inutes la2ter, Dennis 'ý 13amnber tipped ln a pass from ' Fory Gibbs and Joe H1ume-L Dluk. O From here on in, <lara-1ir îoque were frustraqted ta thIe IV îoint where they were 100Ik- k nag ýfor trouble more thaniS b_als Sticks began ta geLta, Iligher and higher, C ross- l hckgknepeing and fssG were al iIn play to finish off L li.e Bow.7nianville team. Ce 'With a littie over threý iinutes remaining In thel oefiie, Grant Luxton scorcd, h1-1ixth goal assisted by! Fearce Wilcox. There were a total of J1i1 jeitIîes for Gainanoque with i Powmianvile collecting 13. ,E Uawmanville 21011V meetsi Mlilton whom they layed in1 the Silver Stick Tournarmnti and defeated in overtime. ým Rats- off ta owavi1',~ cheering section as, it gavcej the b)oys a a l ft. 1The series could start Fr.*- P I'ay In Milton and back h-re A 3aturday ývand Sna.Ti slil lie confirmed Inter this A veek. Bowlqing News March 1213i Shee'han--------73 Mvoare 16757! Toawnsle-y----- --- ---- 16728ý Siebath -- -- 16718i High Single. lHelen Whitel 261; High Double, Shirleyý Baumbour 4 29 (214, 215);1 High Averag-e. Mary Huis- mnan 209. N"Iight Hawks' Bowling - Maroh 141h H. Single - KE. Camlpibell 268ý Hl. Triple - K. Cam.ipbell 6î3l Teanu Stanj-dings K. RaIston - 30,271 27! C. Bruce2821 2 B. Wilbur..--29,546 2U D. Ogden 28,581 2V K. Campbell 28,335 20) B. Smlfth - 29,0413 17 Avernges A. Saman 199, L. Piper 195, D. Ogde 1î9:3, C. Buice 193, ~.Smith 190O, K.Rato 190, NI. T1rimble 18, J. MfeLeau 187, K. Campbell 185, B., R bur 185% or Midgets Oust Gananoque ed Pair of Gameson Weekend One Of the most exciting hockey series in years athered around "Slip" Rowe who piay,,ed outstan.idingil, 'nded1 here on Sunday when MeGreg(r Mifdgets finally goal throughout the series, tao offer congýratulations. ',çfeated their rugged qn xrmeygm Gananoque The photo bowshw a worriedi Coachi Ray Wity )ppanents ta advance intýo the Ontario ei-i al.At Preston in the second period when the final decisian heend of the exhiusting Sunday gane, the teani was still very mucli in dloubt. 4fnnai-ndale --Ladies e Win Curling Spiel 1Ih Ladies' Section 0of thei Wxnners of the seco)nd draw 0-e Rowm-ianville Curling Clýub were: 1. Betty Goaird, skip, eld an Ine1lu1ospe arb. 'cKay,, Ana Neale and ,a March 7th ,with rinks! Mary Caiverley frarn Llnd- rn Oshawa Golf, Oshawa1say 2. Normna Gay, skip, Curling, Whi"tby, Annandale ,Vivian Co)wan, Kay Wý,orden ý ind Bowrnanvilie. The wlin-rand Donna Preston, Bowmian- er was Janet Rowland and ville. 3. Jace i me, skip, l er rink fr-oni Annanida!L;I Ruth Howie, A.VaEn,' îep runner.up 'Marg. Cox Bobby MuýeNeili, Mississauga. iarn the Osbawa Curling Aý number o! îucky draws lub. wev on by guest-s and cýlub On Marc h i2th, there was ia1 members. Chef BII Northcatt t. Patricks Invîtational Bon-1 served azdelicustekd- piel witb rinks, fram Missis- ner. This was, folioweýd by a ;uga, Whtby, Oshawa Golf, Fashion Show of Lynda'sq Dshawa Curling, L i nds oy,lFsioswthmdlsPgy aort Perry, Lakefield, Petcr- Rowe, Lee Leader, Heleni xoraugh, and Bowmýanville.iMay, S.hirley vLocke anid Shir- linn(ers of the firs;t drüCw, ley Robson, ail m--embers ofi ~eeEinOrmiston, skUp,l the Bowmnanville Club. -Marg ,yla 1Huxtable. Mary SyerlMunday furnifshed the mrusie ýnd Ruth, Wren af the Bowý- and Reta Wiidenian was coin- .aniville Club. Second higli: entator. à Inary M e tcaf, skip, Jean Pic-, Congratulations go ta Ail- ering, Betty 'Mcflonald and ýeen Osborne, Bonspiel chair-- hirley Caznpblûcl from Osh- man, ind the many mnemabers Xwa Golf Club. Third high : whlo wrkd o liard ta make illian Hoaper, slJa this Pa most successfui and " ~ -raf Lyda leg an Bey. enjayable affair. 'unney >of the Bowmanville x ' Men's' Mjor Lge, Not anc bowler lut the 800 nark this week but Don Bag- tel won high single with 50 and higli triple 768, beat- g Mýorley Etcher out by two n,766. Rowlie Coombes 744 (279), I1 Osborne 742 (315), Gioarge- iper 741 (313), Ma.urice nnaruert'-19 (74,Si Treýwin Ken's Mens Wear won al! c-în evenits with high sînrgle 904 andc high triple 3552. Lander Hardýware hus taken ver top -spot in the tcami tadinigwt 23 points, Pepsi ~1 as 22 and K en's MeDn's Larry Piper d!ro-j-pd bis verage ta 246 but stili leads id PeFirfect by 6 poinits. Elton- rokis hitting,- 237. iti Wek -2ndSciiedule Averages 'p 10 Avemages (33 gaines>) Larry Piper 246, Diel Per- et 240. Elton Bro)ck 2117, Ross rigýht 2-'4, Morley 17tcher 34, Don O&e 233, Gord Wil- x-, 2:33, Ernie Perfect 231, onSelleck 230, G;eorgeé Piper 'earns W L Pts. inder fardware 2 10 23 >psi Cola 22 il 2 ýenes Men's cear---0 13 2 G. A. --9% ý13% 19½z, îry & .nibcr 16 17 le ýes Qabome nsu-rance - 14 19 14 )ykstra's 1 od --- 20 13 ,utton)l ici 12 21 12 ,wan Pantlae ---i - .. Il 22 il enturat ,il 22 Il Di( Tel wi Te Fe] cee I( Fi MU Si Co C l',u JQSePh S 'vuxeci Marci 18t,4 Teani Pis, Pins 3. Bil Hoiroyd - 56 30882 2. Les Hunt .. 48 30075 1. Ji*m Fair ------ 47 29496 7. George Gibbs -- 38 29312 8. M ariVastone 36 291502 5. Allen MacLean 33 28092 4. Gea. Chaýrland 28 2.889 6. MiWe Kennedy 2 3 288.078. Ladies -Hfigh triple, Mary' Bri nklow 6,51; hlgh single, Jean 1-oroyd 282. Mcn - High triple, Gary Conway 699; high sinîgle, Gary ary C ! nwa412 4-253, Jenv mnia n - 227,-21i1, L inel1 Hickey 22,Marion Vanstone 221 Grant Hardy 219, Frances Ells 218, Bill Holroyd 215,ý Vivian Hunt 210, Richard Kil-I mner 208, Allen MacLeani 207,1 Llilian Smith 205-203, Les- Hiunt 204, Donna Kennedy, 201, Cary Euls 200. COACH IRAY 'WHITEY» PRESTON -riday Night Mixed Mardi l6tb Ladies H. Single - S. Stainton, 286 H. Triple - M4. A. Richards 6)961 H. Average -L. Richýard-- 222 Higýh single 'v'. Prouit 30J ghTipl D. Orme 719 H Avoae 2M icad241ý3 R ,ent, a Caîr for jA DAY oit WEEKEND Ask for Itae jCOUNTY 623-2586 BALL DIAMOND PERMITS Applications for B8il Oiamonids - at MEMORIAL PARK CENTRAL SCHOOL GROUNDS LORD ELGIN SCHOOL VINCENT MASSEY SCHOOL GROUNDS Should b. sent to: T. A. Fannling Director of Recreation Towvn Hall, BowanvlleüQîtarjo, JiC 3A6 By NMidnight, April lst, 197 M. Richards' L. Richards G. Piper G. Wiicox .. D. Reyiiuîds D. Orrme R. SeAleck E.Mr, - M.Richrds241, D. Rpy-1 noids '23ý7, G. Wilco>x 223, E Brock 223, D. Ormec 223, L. Smiaie 222, L. Richards 222, O. Etcher 219. R. Selleck 219, IH. Brocýk 218, G. M11ssa 218, V. Prout 217. Foundry Bowling, March l3fb Team Stfindinigs Team Pins Pts. 3, Headpins --- 4,902 20 4Soreheada - .33,747 ,17 1. crebals ..33,626 17 2. Ailey Cats--...33,9ý2 1n 5, Gutter Balîs, 33,293 à5 6. Aces....33,3â6 14 High Single- Ladies, D. Bridger 235; men, G. Sirnp- son 303. High -Triple - Ladies, F.ý Draper 610; ien, G. Simpsan 752. Gamnes 200 and over - La- dies, D. Bridger 235, S. Gor- donl 228, P. Draper 226-203, H. Shaatz 201, B. Partner 20-1, K. Harness 201; Men, A. Sweetman 259;-227, G. Sip- son 256, H. Ballantine 253- 242-216, D. Sniowden 2415-231. N. Cowle 241-204, G. Yeo 235. O. Knapp 234-201, R. Good 228-203, S. -Adams 217, B. Ad- ams 213, C. Ferguson 20)7. Gaines 300ý and over -G Simpýson 303, -32517 32364 32602 -32194 312000 316127 PLAYOFFS - McGregor Drugs Midgets begin best three sut of f ive semi-final series against Milton Frîday evening, there at 8:30, and, here, Satu.rday evening at 7:30. Knapp's Towing Major l3antams begin~ semni-final series ini a best thre utof five games against Streetsville here Saturday at 3:00 p.mI. Watch bulletin board at four corners for further announcements. t t t '* t CLUB 300 - Winners (20th week, M4areh llth No. 236 C. Bradley, No. 25 Randy Welburn, No. 185 J. McCallumn, No. 244 Don Welsh, No. 83 G. B y n .t t t t t SKATE-A-THON - Whitby Kinsmen are spon. saring a skate-a-thon April 22 a/t the Wbitby Curling Club starting at 8 a.m. Ail ehfildren com- peting will receive either a hockey stick or skcate guards, The top four winners wilI be presented witb a 10-speed bicycle. t t t t 't THE OSHAWA LEGION'S l6th Annual Sportsmen's Dinner is coming off next Saturday at their hiall an Sim-coc Street South. Cy Lang states that there's few tickets left and this dinner is one of the bargains of the year. Graham Leggatt, former Glasýgow CeItie and Aberdeen Dons soccer star and more recently, coach of the Tarants 'Metros,l is the guest speaker. Leggatt combined with, Jake Dunlap at the annual Sports Celebrities Dinner in Tarants ta keep more than 1,200 men rolling in the aisies. The Legion will be handing aout 41 trophies hanaring ail their sports champions in the sports in which the, Legion partici- pates. There will also bethe honoring of the Legion's, sportsman of the year. t Il t t t LAKESHORE UMPIRES' ASSOCIATION - wilI hold its annual meeting and ecection of officers on Thursday, March 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the' United Cburth Hall, Newtonville. An ,yone inter- ested is iavited to attend the meeting. t t, t t t. PARTNER'S PLUMBERS, ORONO - won, top hon- ors. recently in the, ,Newcastle Hockey League by defeating Reid's Redmen 5-2 at the Newcastle Ai-ena. Plartner's teani is as! follows: Waynie McRoberts, goal; Kim Rogers and Bill McCulloch. defence; Ron Farýrow,'Norm Tilîson and Don Arscott, forwards; Pat. McCabe, Randy Rogers, Stan. Bosiak, Bill Mc- Bride,1Randy Donoghue, Hugh Little, Bob Stilcs, Ken G reen, Normn Petherick and Andy Van~ Drunen.' Runiners-up, Reid's team, incluides: Don Todd, goal; Gary McCullough, Mike McGregor, diefence; Glen Rowe, Wayne Truil and Brian Hall, forwards; Wayne Pearce, Phil Fox, Terry Stark, Jae Reader, Bob Tug- wood, John Slater, Wayne Huber, Dan MýicLean and RickDumuh. Liberty rBelles rBowliîng Teain Standings Harstrnan . 17-117280 14 Teari Pinfal Pts. Bons 17695 12 Robinson -. 8006 2 1 Roberts 1740,0 il Kirkton------ 18657 19 Coomrbes 17086 10 Land ------- --17933 17 Iligh Single 245 Linda Ad- Dadson .--- --- - 18068 16 ama; H Iigh Double 437 (2M7, Sheehan ------- 17177 15', 200) Sjaain Lavigne. Colville .--18454 15 To;p Averageg Gibson .- 73 15 C.-oet 217, B. Stephens Stephens 17631 141/12,1 'S.« Stainon 209, S. La- vige 25,MaronGibson 202, Il. Boris 1916, May Allread 194, R rlB U g .Coomnbes 192,. S. Robinson 189, M. Kirkton 188, H. Cook M a r e h l 2 t h1 87 , M . L a n e 1 8 6 . WE'LL THOROUGHLY INSPECI YOUR MUFFIER FOR LEAKS- RUST SPOTS- DENTS If it is defectîve we '1! replace it wîth a geni-ne GM MUFFLER, for as low as 59*76 FOR SAFETY'S SAKE DRIVE IN FOR YOUR FREE MUFFLER CHECK 166 KING ST. E. 623-3396 'I Mi 166 KING SY. E.,