,Çecreat<on -vew Tyke Muiig Pl ayoffs Gruytcrs ech had one assisi. In the came played an March The Rais' goals werc scored 12 th the Cardinals and Steelers by Tom Hoine anc and one battled ta a 4-4 tic. The assist. Anthony Clieff scored Cardînals' goals werc scored by whilc John Ootjcrs had one Marty Erwin with two, Danny assist. Elliott anc and Gary Owens anc In the fifth game, Frank's whilc Tim Whytcblad anc assist. Variety and RayaIs battled ta,à The Steelers goals wcre scorcd 1-1 tic. The Franks' goal was by Drcw Jearncy with threc scorcd by Todd Hooper while and Jcff Vyfschaft anc goal and Terry Witherspoon rcplicd far Mark Fulton anc assist. the RayaIls assisted by Dana The second gaie the Indians Peebles and Dwaync Schultz. dcfeated the Rangers 2-1. The In the sîxth garne of the week, fMdans' goals were scamed by the Scals defeated the Bisons f-0 Kevin White with two whilc on a goal by Jeff Sallows. Steveri Whyte and Jim Hogarth Pce Wcc League each had anc assist. The Ia the first game played on Rangers' goals wcre scored by Mon., March l2th, the Rangers Ken Fry assisted by Gregory and Blades playcd ta, a 1-1 tic. Dreossi. The Rangers' goals were scorcd by Douglas Pickell assisted by In the fist game of Thurs., Carias Zeppiere and Thomnas March l5th, the Blades defeated Kennedy. The Blades' goal was the Faresters 3-1. The Blades' scored by Dale Cary, assisted goals were scored by Scott by Pete Nemisz. Ward with two, and Timothy In the second game, the Prestananc while John Van- Beavers defeated the Leafs 8-2. derWcer had two assists. The The Beavers' goals were scored Foresters' goal was scarcd by by Ron Brown three, and one Michael Mason. assist, Dale Vivian twa goals Atoîn League andtwo assists, Perry Johastor In the Atorn game played on anc goal and anc assist, Ncil Thurs., March 151h, the Rayais Osborne anc goal and two defeated the Rais 7-0. The assists, Carl Smith anc assisi Raas oaswr soe yand Stephen Mayberry four. Dras Peebles with thrce, Ken- The Leafs' goals were scored'by neth lJoa two, Paul Conish and Billy Baker with two, Martir Kev in Goddard anc goal each Gruyters anc assist and David whiic Teddy Withcrspoon hiad Clemnenger two assists. twa assists. Ia the first garne of Sat.. fla the fir-st game of Sat., March 17th, the Kings defeated Mlarch l6th, the Fargo's defeat- the Beavers 7-3. The Kings' eýd the Tigers 5-i. The Fargos' goals were scared by Sic ,goals wvere scored bjy Jasan Toîliinson twa and anc assist, Johason wxithtw and anc Jin-, Mur-phy twa goals, Keith assist, wýhilc Paul Cooke, Ryan Shiechan anc goal ý and two Kcamney, had ancoal cach assists, Brent Samis and Peter while Steve Bannister bad anc 1t Burrows anc goal each and goal and two assists. The Scott Collocutt two assists. The Tigers' lone taily was scored by Beavers' goals were scored by Wayne Porter. Stephen Maybcrry with three In the second encauniter the goals, while Mîke Buttanshaw Kinsmen defeatcd the Bruins1 and Perry Jahaston each had B-2 on goals by Steve Maguire anc assist. with four and anc assist, Danny i' In the second gaie 'the MeMullen' had two goals andi Hawks dcfeatcd the Wings 6-5. Dana, Severn anc assist. The1 The Hawks' goals were scored Bruins' goals wcre scored by i by Joe Nowlan three and anc John Bissoncttc, Allen Tumney assist, Dean Rutherford three anc each, John Gruyters ane and anc assist, Rabby Tennant goal and anc assist, Rodney anc assist. The Wings' goals Johanson anc assisi. wýere scored by Leonard White In the thirdgane, thecFargo,'s, two goals and anc assist, dcfcated thc Kinsîca 7-4. The. Stephen Laurion anc goal, Scot Fairgo)'s goals wcre Linton anc goal and ance ssist, s circd by Ryan Kearney threc Paul Osborne anc goal and two Jason Johnson two goals anci a ssists, Douglas Brooks a nc twa assists, Randy Lake ancý assiSi. oal while Paul Cooke, Mike Bantam League Grahi and Jcrry Sieberth onc In the gaie pleyed an March while Steve Bannister hed two i3th, the Cubs dcfeatcd the 'ssisLs. The Kinsmen goals Braves 6-i. The Cubs' goals wserc srored hy Stephen. were scored hy Bob Shnntz with Maguire threc, Gardon DeJager itour goals, Doug Hutton anc anc while Eddy Lat, Dana goal and four assisis, Glen Severnaend Tony Tran h-ad anc Johnson anc goal, David Huis assisi.,1 and Jirn Welbourne anc assist. Ia ganie four- the Bruins and The Braves' goal was scored by Rais battled ta a 2-2 tic. The Neil.Ryan. Bruins goals xere scoredl by laI the gaie of March l7th, llodney Johnsan qaidIDouglas the Beavers and Cubs playcd ta Alîman hlc Joh;n Bisonetjt, .a 2 -2tLic. Thle Beavers' goals- Tomm-y ineein and., John were sýcored hy Ted Raberts and rRadîiM itchllone gol ach. f ~ ~ t 'lnt'lirfo Te Cubs' goals wrc scord by Doug kHutton twa while David A DAY OR WEEEKEND Hilîs had twa assists and Bob Ask for Rae ..Shentz anc. jCOUNTY In the last Bantarn gaie, the CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Braves and Huskies playcd ta aa 623-5864-4 tic. The Braves' goals werc j scared by Trent Masters twa MEN'qS SOFTBALL Anyone 18 years or over interest.d In playîng softball, fil1 in form and leave at Frank's Variety,, or phone Terry Baker et 576-7173. N am e ----- --- ------- ------ ..... Address------- .......--------.~---- ........ Phone No, ---ge.;........Ag Shift Worker ------- - .....--............... Positions Played---------------------- ....... ENTRY FORM MUST, BE IN BY APRIL 10, 1973 "%PLAY GOLF ALL SEASON" S60, $30 Down, the balance by May 1,17 5 Day Week Membership Monday -Friday (Holidays flot Included) front APRIL -NOVEMBER, Special Rates for Leagues and Tournaments Einli Coif 'CIuh R. R. 4, BOWMANVILLE ON TAUNTON ROAD EAST PHONE: 263-2293 '£esSmale 1. ýd ce d ie Is a Is le )r a .s d Terry Clifton,- R.R. 1, Bowmanville, vîews with vehicle1 was parked off the Middle Road just north of dismay his burnt-out 1972 Mazda 1800 station wagon. thec 7th concession Darlington. Weathcr conditions Vandals set it on fire, lest Wednesday cvening et about made it imnpossible for Mr. Clifton te drive down lis 10:45 p.m. after stripping it of items worth $250. Thc laneway.1 _______________________________Photo by Neil Newton, and two assisis, Larry Burgess anc goal a'nd anc assisi, Joeywhytc one goal and Neil R\yan one assisi. The Huskies' goals were scored by Kcith Severn two goals and anc assisi, Steve Greengrass anc goal and David Down anc goal while John DeVries and Danny Walk- er anc assist. Midgct League In, the first gaie played an March l2th the Canucks defeat- cd the Mt. RayaIs 5-1. The Canucks' goals were scored by Rick Filiatrault two goals and anc assist, Toi Woolner -anc goal and anc assist, George Bowcn anc goal, Daug Severn anc goal and anc assist, Toi Wreggitt ane assist. The Mt. RayaIs' goal was scored hy Rick McKcc, assisted by Sandy Hey, Get Away From That Net! by Jlm Clarke' The third, and what couid be final, pleyoff affair of the 72-73 season will bc phayed this Sunday mraning et 10 aim. Spenccr's Real Estate, with a 2-0 edge la the best of five charnpionship series %vith Walter Frank's Real Estate crowd, wil he atteîmpting ta clirniax a greet personal year Witb captaln Lerry Permis beading a dcvastating scoring autfit, Spencers c a pt ure d first place with an 8-6-2 mark and have been even more- ovcrpawcring throughout the phayofis. Tbey disposed of Mutton's Shehi 3-1, outscoringl thcî 21-10 la their serni-final round, befare meeting Walter Franks.. In the two gaies played ln this year's final round, Spencers have postcd 8-2 and 4-3 tiuiphs. Walter Frank, who dlsposed of Brooks' Supertesi 3-0 with one draw, ta quelity for the finals, have seored 19 goals la 'their six playofi gemesi compaed ta 33 by Spencers.. Femp. D'uring thle regular achedlule, Kern1p.th Spencers ownied a 3-2-7 ,maxl On Tu ed Il M arch 3ththeagalnst Walter Frank and Cornts dfeatd th Canckswere outscored 19-18. Walter 1-.The Cornets' goals were Franks, w*ho sýcored 56 goals secl reb Rusty McQuaid with to Spencers' 51 during 16 lea- sixgol John Turner two goals gue contests, allowed 56, and three.assists, Dennis Knapp ..... .. . whlle Ken Veitci captured and Bob Shackleton one goal Speersgrand nus 4 each. The Canucks' goals were gol, enakbl et for scared by Rick Filiatrault tw0O ani offensive rninded clu2b. and one asýsist, Gary Reid one Walter Frank fiished In the goal, Tomr Wreggitt one goal, 7ellar of the very close four- Doug Severn onie goal and three . t... .... earn league, with a record of assists, George Bawen anc goal e 5-8-3, five points behind and one assist, Joe Guest two A Spencers. assists. In the garne played on Sat., BANTAMS WIN SECOND March l7th, the Canucks de- GAME IN STREETSVILLE feated the Cornets 4-2. The Canucks' goals werc scored by bus;y centrernan Rory Gibbs of the McGeorMdgetb is in, lis favorite Knapp's Towing Major Ban- Gary Reid with two, Allan spot, right an top of the Milton) goalie, a place that has netted him several goals tarn3 journcyed ta Streetsvilie Rigby one and George Bowen in their semni-final series. But, it's obvious that the Milton players feel he's in on Monday evcning and now one, while Torn Wreggitt and forbidden territary. Somnewhere in the heap is the Milton goalie. Bowmanvilie best three of five gamnes in Joe Guest each hiad one assist. won their two gamnes here on the weekend ta take a two ta one edge in the Ontario serni-finais. Bowman- The Cornets' goals were scorcd semni-final playoff. ville took an eariy lead in the! by Rusty McQuid onü;e and one - P garne which thcy maintained assist, Joe Bennett'one goal and througbout. Bath sides piayed Robet Mlfor on assst.chippy hockey resuiting in Roer ilod ncasit Beat Streetsviiie 6- costîy penalties. Goal, scarers were Danny Cox, assisted by n 's M ajlor Ralph Cryderman, Ted u Ranidy Beauprie put on a Kn nn' Tnunn ana sssstedby Rian as,e one-man show at Liberty 'K i ne u-w in wuut% fi e ssisted hy Gerald Brunt, Bill Bowi a he won high single earnan, unassisted. 359 added two more games 159, Laodeffot ii apl. und n of 262-248 for a big 869 triple.VVin n Sem -Fina s gLnnYgCapl. ure i Yaur favorite milkmnan was W Mj~I W Next game goes tonight at bis finest. (Wednesday) at 7:30 and l Morley Etcher had a nice Knapp's Towing Major Ban- score by the end of the sec- the scoring it was a complete Streetsvilie on Fsiday at 7:30. 818 triple with garnes af 332- tams opened their O.M.1-.A.rond. team effort. Winner of this series meets 297-189. semi - final series againstl The third period belonged Lenny Chappeli went the Paris wbo heat out Essex. Thirteen bawlers crashcd Streetsville with a 6-3 victary»t Bowmanville as they out- distance in the net for Bow- the 700 mark. Elwyn Dickey over the visiting Hawks oniscorcd the apposition 5-0. How- manville. bit 791 and a 325 single, Russ Saudy March 24tb. iever, the referees counted Streetsville goals were scor- "Dutcb" Haliman 780 and a only thmee of the five sa the cd by Les Campbell (two) and 336 game, Doug Carter 772 Streetsville carne on strofig alintegmadld2- final soews63 e rat (263) Maurce, Rchard 731Bill Leamaýn had two goals The rernaining games were Jhîp5fr (285), Gord Wilcox 726 (272- at the end of the flrst ieriod. and one assist, Raipb Cryder- scheduled for Streetsvîlle on' Ross Wright 725 (317), George aler a twa weék layoff, found!âirn Hutton had a goal and an ville, Wed., March 28th, at 7:30 Bebee 725 (2,5G1. Wild Bill their skating I egs ini the sec-iassist as did PaulSobil. Kirkrpm. and if necessary at, Oke 721 (294), Dave Reyn- ýJnd and scared threc goaIlKemp had a single tally and Strectsvile, Friday, March 30ý olds 708 <277), Bob Smnith' 707 (259),,Dan Oke 717 (289), only ta have Stmetsville came!,Dan Cox anc assist. Althaughiand 'at Bowmanvilîe, Sat., iHaward Bromeli 702 (267). ack with nc more ta tic thelall the players didn't figure in March 3st (aftrnoon).eD A I Frank'3 Variety had. 1350 for bigh single wbile Lander IHardware had 3651 for high triple.9 eraesat24,VMrUy tcer ocesBuy ho-rthani-qded, BU QAX Larry Piper on top of av-L c u y bB Y %A III moved into second p lace, 237,.'I IOur omo while Dick Perfect droppcd ta Our uHomo 5.A 236 for third spot. L ~ N ! l E r % I ' r 9 .~ Lander Hrdar as 26i L -%u tlrUJý.hmyser crw t4z Min pts. for a two-point lead over the Pepsi Cala kids, Ken' Mens Wear bas 22. 12hWeek - 2nd SchedulelnO e în amve% 1-tki tsà TOI) 10 Averages (36 Gaines) S e~ Larry Piper 246, Morley by Jlm Clarke %x cre In front 8-2 alter 410 three meetings, Chrysier bave Etcber 237, Dick Perfect 236. County Chrysier, wîth scv- mlinutes. Permis, who finishecl, a 3-0 record, outscoring Ross Wright 235, Gord Wil- eral valuable players missîng,!fif th In the regular season Loekes 14-8. Only two play- cox 234, Don Oke 231, Elton werc easy prey in hast Thurs-1 scoring (21 goals and aine. ers on last season's champion-s Brock 230, Ernie Perfect 229, day's opening garne af the assista), made County's net-' ship Locke club -are Inolved Ron Sellick 229, George Piper best cf five finals, as Locke! minder Randy Thiele's even- in this year's final, Ronnie 229 TV bouried tbemn 12-3. ing miserable, as he pounded Simpson ai Lockes aud Luke Team W L Pts. These', two- clubs resume ln five goals and added an Prout ai County. Lander their championship series at assist. "Bucky" contributed During the regular 1972-73 Hardware -- 26 10 26, 8 p.m. this Thursday cvcning. twa markers, wbile helping schedulc ai 18 games, Lockes Pepsi Cola _ 24' 12- 24 County coacb Lloyd Hamnil- on tbree others, while Green scored 83 and allowed 68.,C Ken's Men's ton is expecting a rnucb larg- bagged five assists. wvhile County notched 79 and c e Wear -- 22 14 22 cm player turnout and hope- George Sainsbury, with a gave up, 886. Chrysier finish- I. G. A. 211/2 141/ 2 1 ½ fully n far different, outcome. pair of goals, along with e-d with an 8-7-3 record for Jury & Brian Bradley, Don Mc- singles by Brian Howclls, 19 points however, cornpared Loveink OY 13% 201/ Murter, John Adams, Ray Joe Balson and Ronnie Simp- to Locke's markc of 8-9-1 for! rnk' 1,s17 19 Pickell and Luke Prout werc son, compieted the TVcrowd's 17,Im Beavricy 1 7 not in unIiorma for County scoring bonanza. To date la this year's play- Lumber ---- -17l during last week's eontest. Lanny Burns and Barryafs the lcading paint-ge1ter Nels Osborne These five players accounted VIrtue clicked for .Caunty's are LArry Perris <11-1-21 pts.ý Insurance 15 2 15 for 13 ai their club's 19 goals eight man crew. Lockes drew la five matchas) and "Bucky"pe 7 D y D stasduring the five gaie serai- ail four oi the gane's penal- Hughes (10-11-21 pts, ln fîve p n 7 D y Tood--------- 14 22 14 final serîes witb McNuley's tics, all mînor sentences, galles). i Mutton Sports. from officiais AI Junkin and 7 a.m. to 1 Sheil .-1----- 3 23 13 Lockcs, receiving outstand- Pat Corucîl. GET CASH TODAY Coronation ing efforts from Larry Per- 'The wiu for Lockes was TRUI Restaurant _ 13 23 1:3 ris, "Bucky" 'Hughes and their first agalust County ST TRUG Cowan Pontiac Charlie Green, jetted away ta since away back on Novem- TATESMAN Buick ----- il 25 î 1 a 5-1 first perioci lead and ber 3th. Since that timein C L A SSI1F 1E DS Gary Wilson (13-14-27), Bob top scorers et this stage of Heliai (9-15-24), and Dave the playoffs arc Spencer's Green (12-10-22) finished 2-3- Permis (9-5-14) and Craugh 4 la the scoring race, be'hind (7-7-14). Green with 2-10 Brooks' Steve Burns. Spen- and Gary Wilson et 5-4-9, of cer's top ian was Permis wha Walter yrenk's, are next. The had 10-5-15 figures, foliowed mfost valuable player lest by Daug Crough (5-9-14) and year was Mutton's George Grant F'iintoff 4-10-14. The Salnsbumvy lst WOý'RLD WAR VÊTS VIMY NIGHT SAMTURDLAY, APRIL 7th 6: 00 pa.. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL Contact.- ROBERT IIILDITCHI FOR ANY INFORMATION TIME! "Where Friendl'y People Me-et"ý f our LCar Mviik is guaranteed 10% rîcher thon iimum Ontario Standards. ta a e~01~ ~ lb, * ý, - e e i 'se aWeek DAIRY BARN STORES rn m 215 KING ST. EAST 0F LIBERTY p1.6'mIE .BOWM"AVILLE W_- Vandals Strip Then Burn Station Wagon 1- * The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 28, 1973 Invite Juvenil"es To Attend Meeting Saturday Morning b Jilm Clarke 5407) are hopeful of a good Ail Juvenile age bail play- turnout of interestedplayers ers are Invited to, attend aIbis Saturday. meigin the old town hall Juvenile baseballinl Bow- ________________~ - meetng hisSatrda nirn-manville la attemiptIng a re- Co s mes as at 10:15 thsStra on vIval In '73 after a lengthy J% tun. P0lays who bave ofhibernation. With the Locke USt C hoUrq 1171urne 10 b Januay 1st " TV Electron Intermediates in d i 19aeni e ibl e ta ply J operation again this year, a VUSL ~ enle asebîl.Juvenlle club could become n Larry Perris (623-5888). an Important producer of Lose to Toroo along wtth Jim Clarke (623- future Electron ineibers. On Thursday evening, Mar. Joe Nihili notched a marker, in Toronto. Tbey defeated 22nd, the Bowmanvllle Con. assisted by Barry Culien and Bowrnanvilie by a score of 4-1. sumers' Gas Mites travelled to the Gag squad's fourth goal Dorset Park scored three Cobourg for the second game was scored by Rod Plain who times in the first and once in in their O.M.HA. Mite Lake- is playing superb hockey Of the second for their mnargin cf shore League piayoffs, and late. The assist on the goal victory. skated to a 4-0 win, thus elim- went ta Logan.1 Ricky Erwin, who is skat- inating Cobourg frorn further Ke'odaderndte ing and checking extremely playoff competition, two games weil-deserveid shutout, conng weil, scored the lone Bowman+ straigbt.1 up with many difficuit StOps, ville taily, the assist going to Bath these clubs are evenly The Consumers' Gag Mites left-winger Jeif Logan. rnatched, with anly onie scoring now meet Oshawa in the East- Tbe Toronto lads gave the play in the first period, Biliy ern Group final, a tbree Out Gas crew quite a beating Ini 'Sainsbury firing a goal, the Of five series with the winner the checking department, and assists going ta linemates Rod playing, off with the Western for the flrst two periods, Plain and Teff Logan. Graup, champs for the Lake- moved into the Bowmanviile The second period was score- shore Mite Championship. zone.with very little difficulty. less with bath goaltenders hav- The first game wiil be play- In the third period, the locals ing ta corne up with key saves. ed on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. insîarted to play much more In the third period, Baw- the Children's Arena, Oshawa. jaggressively and bad quite a manville started ta play with imargin in play, having several rnuch more authority and On Sunday aiternoon, at 5:00igood scoring opportunities. scored three unanswered goals. p.m. the Consumers' Gag tearn Brian Ruddy and Ken-Wood- Ricky Erwin scored early in ýplayed hosts to Dorset Park,iard shared the goaltending the third from Billy Hogarth; said to be the flnest Mite team duties forSlowrnanville. SpenersCoud Wrap U Covàmme-ýrciael League Ti'tie:: ,On Sunâ%day Mo--rning -fat 10U DUANE SAWYER 623-4481