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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 28, 1973 D,.hamAgri News' Durha Bob Watt MaktAsistant Maktsharing Quota Allotmnent The Ontario Milk Marketing Board is currently unde-rtaking a program whereby market sharing quota will be distribut- e-d toprucs in order to achieve the best use of the' Qýuota. This was brought about by the fact that somne producers would flot be able to fil1 ther market share quota and, cotise- quen-tly, would be lost to sorne other Province. Under the allotment prog- ramn, a producer otaining new quota eil have toi market at [east 75 per cent of the new, quota in 1972-7-3 and 80 per cent o;f his anniual market share quota for thlir,iiýy year 1973-74. Deadline for applications under, tliis program is MWarch 31, 1973. If you are intereýsted in obtaining somneMarklet Share Quota, contact our office or Wally CAvanaugh, the Milk Marketing Board Fieldman, for more details and applications. Itegional Beef Testing Meetings A special invitation is extend- ed to al participants of the Ontario Beef Cattle Perform- ance Testing PrÉogram to attend a meeting to discuss the Beef Testing Program. The meeting for this area will be hel2d on Thursday, April 5th at, 1:00 p.m. in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office, 55 George St. N., Peterborough. Areas of discus-, sion will include recept changes in the program, formation of cooperative bull test groups and herd evaluation programs. Par ficipants are asked to bring their Breeding Herd Calvîng Record Books to the meeting. Il you have questions, or comments on the Program, this would be an excellent oppor- tunity for you to bring them up. Royal W,ýinter Fair Junior Bal'row show The firsft Performance Tested Junior Barrow Show in North America is being held at the Royal Winter Fair tis coming fal, The show is open f0 boys and girls between the ages of 15-20 as of November 1. 1973. Each contestant cao enter a maximum of four barrowks and from this up to) two cao be selecfed for showing at the Royal. The barrows wîll be weighed on test between 40 and 60 pounds and weighed off test between 170 and 220 pounds. Closing date for enfries is July I. 1973 and there is a $1.00 entry tee per barrow, If you have a youngster who is interested in titis -show, or if you are in the 4-H Swine Club and would lîke more information, please contact our office at 234 King Street East, Bowmanville -Telephone No. 416 623-3348. Dairy Farmers to Receive' Additional 50c Per Cwt, Ontario dairy farmers who cents per hundredweighî am- produce n1i1k for table use are ounîs to- only one and one third te receive ani) additional 50 centsi cents pet quart ta the dairy per hulndredeiht for their farmer, it is 00f known at this milk. ffctv April 1, tinte what the effect on the consumner price will be. Whole- ln anniounicing the increase in sale a nd retail prices are returnis f0Wth Provinice's 8,350 established by individual dair- fluid iik pr-odciers, the Chair- ies and stores in response 10 man of the Ontario Milk competitive forces.1 ,Marketing Board, George R. Mr. McLaughilin ponted oufý Mlaughlin, stated that the Milk that last summer and faîl, dairy Coniission's decision late lasI farmers had to cope with some yeair 10 permit an increase of 35 of the worst weather conditions ce-,nts per hundredweight, effec- in years. Apart from the short Ive January 1, 1973, was supply of feed for cows, which is mnadequate and failed 10 cover a world wide phenomenon, and the Iluge increýase-s in costs where prices have risen by 40 to wvhich the dairy farmner hias had 100 per cent, the quality or f0 face over thie last 18 mi-onths. available 'winter feed has re- S1duced the milk yield per cow. To WiIh the cnhnto of keep the consuming public circumnstances facwin mil pro- supplied wiîh milk, farmers diucers at Iis tinie, , he said, have been forced 10 huy extra, -'The ,onfly rsosiidctionfor' expensivýe grain supplements 10 flic Board to take is to ncrease provide the necc(ssary protein thie price. Prices are guided by for, their cows. As a result theý, ai sophislticated formula whvJich have been catughtL in a vicious takes mb acount fctors circle Ihat drives their costs afcigproduion cossof still higher. The Board cannot miilk, azs well as various (rends vistualize anyv improvement in wihnthe econ)MY as aj IbSsituation until well ini thêo mWho1e.i 1973-74 ci'ojp year, AlhuhlIe puncrease of 50 Labor costs have' also in- creased substanîialliy on dairy JOHN F. Iarms. The malter of adequale ____________________ labor availahiliîy, bath in quan- Htily and quality, s ana of the, greatest prohlents lacing Ihe O EU IT ~dairy idsfytoda.Rlun ~ allowprodufceýrs Iocomipete o lohor with hellr- wageUs, or Geneal nsurnce labor w«ili nol be available and, INSUKANCX Contact : HIARRY VOERMAN 823-3111 or 623-3fé5o 33 K.ING ST. E. 00her cosîs, suWh as miachin- lryad equipmient, repairs,1 bhuilding replacement,, hydro Iand taxes, have gona up substantially over a year ago. 1"'Because of al Ihese circum- stances," Mr. McLaughlin ex- MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUMI FUEL OIL and STOVE 011 BOWMýANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1.668-3381 D"X FUEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE LIBERAL MEETING ANNUAL MEETING end ELECTION of OFFICERS of the NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION wilI be hl Mocn., A pril 2nd *8:-00 pm thtei PORT HOPE GOLF CLUB Delegates to the Ontario Libeval Leadership Convention to bie elected ï-îplained, it 15 imperative that dmilk producers obtain an im- proved return fur their milk simmediately.' They need this eincentîve and encouragement to iremaîn in dairying aI a time ewhen other alternatives are at i-an ail time high, and in order to oensure that adequate supplies of milk are oroduced in Ontario to jmeet consumer requirements. hde 50-cent increase per hnrdweight raises the farm s1price for raw iniik in Southern tOntario from $7.40 to $7.90 per shundredweight and in Northern 1Ontario froi $7T97 tu $8.47 per hundredweight. 1COURMIE Courtice U.C.W. The World Day of Prayer this year was quite well at- tended and a pleasanit tîme was spent by all. The nezt event that, Courtice U.C.W. would like ta« invite others te Is the General' Meeting on Thursday. March 29, at 8 p.m. when Mrs. BrIu SIngli, of the Indla shop In the Whitby Mail, wilI give a talk and, more than that, answer ques- dions, upon, Indla. This caun- tiry Is being studied by ahl U.C.W.'s this year. so we hope many will avail them- seles of this opportutity, t0 ask a the questions that have, been in their inds, a1bout tlfat far-away and raý- ther mysterlous lind. Th-en, Plower. Power takes aven. Thïs us the Spring Ba- zaar, te be held In AprIl in the basement o!t Courtice United Church. A more for- mal annauncement wIi ap- pear In fhils newspaper in two weeks' time. If is ta be a fan- tasy of tlowers, wifh stalls lke 'Rosebuds". «"Dandelion Dandies", "Tulip Tea Boom", te interest the, buyers. Al1 those working hard behind the scenes arehoping for the usual good attendance and,ý maybe, aven better than. usual. KENDÂL At the card party held March 16th In Kendal Orange lHall ,the prizes wvere won by the followIng people: Lady's hgh, Mrs. Trim Sr.-, lady's low, Mrs. Anne Cooper; gent's hîglh, Mr. Argus Curtis. 'cnd gent's low, Roy A. Poster. They drew twice for door prizes. The first door prIze went ta Mrs.. Roy Little and the second ýone ta Mrs., Geo. MacDonald. The 50-50 draw was won'by Reg. Ehlott. The next card party is ta be held on March 3Oth. On March l4th there was ,a. musical program held by the P.T.A. in Kendal Sehool. Most of the singing was, by the Sr. grades. A band traim Orioewais In attedance also. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoy ac- companied by Mr .and Mrs. Gus Wi;lson or Orono return- ed hom,'e on Sunday ro two week vacation nFoda Mr' filr Yung1nis aIzï der1went srer as oda y Mrs.ý Lena Cuirwash3! of Co- bouýrg spent a Icew days last week wlth Mr. and Mvrs. Gar-1 land Cathcart and Mr. Arthur Thompson, Mrs. B. E Iliot.t and heri cousin Mrs. John Thempson of Millbrock returned homeI Sunday evenlng tram a - day bus tour ta Florida witbý the Trentway Bus Lines eof Peterborough, Sympathy Is cxtendled tes Mrs. Don Webster ;and be1r famlly In the passing cf herý mother, Mrs. Ellis,-who had been vislting her. Becent visitors wlth Kss C. W. Stewart were Mrs. D. Kean and Jetfery, Mrs. Ciel- land and Susan, ail of Scar- bareugh, lasI Wednesday, also Miss Carnle Brown cf London for several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elb1ottý were Sunday evening supper guests o! Mrs. Irene Bichard- son of Peterboroughi. Mrs. W. H, Poster returned home this past weekend atter holidaying in Pl;onida with Mr .and Mrs. Bobert Caruth- ers and tamily c)f 1Bowmvan- ville. Church service wis -wlth- WI4ITE, PINK, GREEN, YELLOW <ACTION PRlCED) WHITE, PINK, YEI.LOW <ACTION PRICOD Deîirom ir Issue I lTissue GEMERAL FQQiý 0,>" NOLE&4 OTHER VAETE (pi"" , ic 0S RMc. i, Ham urgMEALMAKER pkgs 2/si1.00 Primo Pastas %Iicel pg5sil.00 SWEET TREAT, CRUSHE», CHUNKSr, StrCE» (ACTION PRICEDI IH TOMATO SAUCE Pineapple 9f-e is4/si .00 Iteinz Beans THIN CRISP CRACKERS (ACTION PRICED) MARVEI. BRAN» A&P Salt"ns 1-bpkg. 3/si.00 Ice Cream WES-ON, REGULAR OR DOUBE CHOCOLATE COOKIES <ACTION PRîCEDI. JENLE VS PITTED Wagn hels14-ex pkgs 2/si .00 Red Cherrie DIXIE MýUSHROOMls l-o. YORK CFT Stems and Pieces 3 for sî.00 WIfax Beans VEGETABLE (ACTION PRICE») YORK Heiz Soup 10ne tn / i 0 JPas and Carrots WHITE SWAN, ASSORTE» CoIOURS ORt DECORATOR (ACTION PRICE») YVORK FANCY CUT Towels pkgis cf 2 tells 2/si .00 Green Beans AUI PuICES SHOWN lm THIS AD GUARANTEE» EFFECTIVE I4RU SATUR»AV, MARCK si, 1973. 8f1.0z fins 5s 0 pint cartons5/i00 Aw, A&P POLICY fo l-oz Tins o,,,"dfitit ,*i Vr utm i4Ofor RAINCÎÎEcK na ,,,0z fo Yu te thnm 5 for $1 .00 paC, a; et hÉ*9t,k Pr. C y:u eff-oe GUARA&NTEri for $1,00 Who nlr.,, ,»,AI 5tor $j.O Outstanding Jane Parker Values! JANE PARKER (SAW 1t)c ... Angel Cake large sîze cake 79< JANE PARKER e Bran Muffins J ý - PARKER, VANULA Mailcairoon Cup JANE PARKER Golden Loaf Cal JANE I;PKËR, RAISIN TWisi Coffee cake JANE PARKER, P i4EAPPLE TOFPPo Sweet RoUis feUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 17<) cakes pkgf6 3 5 (ptJY 3 CAKES - SAVE 17<) ke 310-ex cakes $ 0 (SAVE lJ,; 14-ez cake 4 3< (SAVE l0,) pkg cf 8 43 < SUPER-RIGHT RED BRýANOD GRADE "A" BEEF MONE IN, POT ROAST S1HOULDER ROA-ST BONE» & ROLLE» lb8 8 BRISKET PLATE FREEZER CUT Primne Rib FULL, CUl, 7 RIBS lb98< Ca&WrOPped ie oSteak* or Roste 1 raising Ribt lbS$1.03 AVERAGE, WEIGHT 30 to 35 lbs Pi,,,. ellow, 2 or 3 dey# for procesting8j IRST POUR RISS ONLY Prime Rib Steaks ib1.28 SX BRAND BratwVurst Sausage ">98< SX BRAND, NIAGARA COIL, SULK Polish Sausage "88< JANI PARKER (SAVE 168( Apple Pïi fuil 8 inch3 9 JANE P'ARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON <ACTION PRICEDI Cake Don uts-3 pcgs cF 12 $1. OO JANE PARKER, WHITE, SLICED <BUY 3 LOAVES- SAVE 14c> Sandwich Bread 3 24-oz Iavez 7W< JANE M~ARKER, BROWN 'N SERVE, ROLLS PLAIN OR WI4EAT Twîn ROUiS pkg af 2 PLAIN, POPPY SEL», SESAME SFES French Rois pkg cf 10 JANE PARKER Hot, Cross Buns GOLDEN SKULET. PIEAT & SERV Chicken Cutiets SUPER-RIGIfS BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon SCHN~EIDER£ BRAN», 7 VARIETIES, SLICE Cooked M"eats - <BUY 3 PKGS - SAVE lit) éPG0 , 43t) pkg cf 12 79e< KRAFT, SMOOTH OR CRUNCIIY Peanut Butter LEMON OR REGULAR FURNiTURE POLISl4 Johnson Pledge 6 LIQUI» FLOOR POLISN Johinson Future 46-fi. A & P INSTANT COFFEE- 4 1cijr sl.1 5 ex-o icroiel lin 88< iex ltie bIti$1 .9 5 le-oz. CANAVA NO. 1GRADE, MEXICAN, VINE IPENE», 14-, CeIllepkq J AFFA Oranges SIIOULDER & 16 cx pk9 88< Butt Pork Chopa NIINCED 1ll'>v*cpfic9S<Round Steakt Steak or Roast 5-ox a i 9 Cube Steaks $1.68 1b. Shank Meat FRESX - SIIANK PORTION liN»è ON, EN» cuT$ Leg 0f Pork Roast ">78< Side Bacon doz. 99C $1.14 lb. $1.48 ib. 88C lb. mieCule lb iM Agriculturat Representative BOEES OTTOM CUT - STEA K SROUND STEAK ROAST I& dm AmSONELESS, RUMP ROAST l âm #IONELESS, SIRLOIN POINT ROASI l 1

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