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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 12

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112 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 28, 1973 Drdwama. Group R e "Madwoman ofC For j 3Diy RKun in The Bowm-anville Drama Workshop is harti at work these days, rehearsing their produc- tion 0f The Matiwoman 0f Chaillot which will have a three day rua ini the Bowmanvîlle High School auditorium la Apr. 'the large cast includes (in order of. appearance): Tom Spry, Ken Clark, Brian Stain- ton, Keith Jackson, Lyn Lowry, Terry Russell, Geraldine Van- tien Brink, John Amesbury, Alex Kovaloff, Kathy Coverly, Ron Lewis, Peter Lunny, How- ard Rundie, Bob Sheritian, Doreen Kitney, Mort Meadows, Hugh Saitier, Danny Hanewich, Jim Churchiili, Jean Sheritian, Wynne Wonnaïcott, Cathy Goti- frey, Denise Beaupre, Gloria Wright, Mar 'y Janie Preston anti Pat Mrjerri"son_. To cope with ail tLhese characters lhey rneetietiTWO direclors. They are WYNNE WONiNACOT)'T anti JOHIN AMESBU - 1 Wynne has retireti from nursing and is lrying to finti, enough hours in the day to work at ail the hobbies she is interesteti in. She is tirecting Act I of "The Madwoman of Chaillot" anti appearing on stage ln Act II as one of the Matiwoman's frientis., Wynne bas directed several piays, the mosl recent being "Black Comedy" in 1971. John, who directs Act II, bas playeti the part of "father" in a gooti many of our plays. Now that he is really a father, he bas switched bis stage rote to that of the "Rag, Picker" la "The Matiwoman of Chaillot". Hle has directeti several plays, the most recent of which was "The Privale Ear" in 1971. Bob Kerr is tiesigning the sets which Bob Shieridan will con- strucet. TI-e large props are beîng beggeti, borroweti or stolen by Iris lHellam. 1Heather Roddiick does the samne for the I cSale Starts Next Week AT JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE April 5 th - l4th OPPORTUNITY To Be An INDEPENDENT BUSINE$SMAN with High Earnings potential As A FUEL OUL & GASOLINE DISTRIBUTOR BOWMANVILLE - NEWCASTLE AREA Cail or write Bruce Thomson Sun Oit Company Ltd. 1 Thorncliffe Square Tcronto, OntarioJ ~41694-4111l ORTHO-GRO0 Lawn Food 22-4-4 *--1ratio o! nitrogen, phI-osphorus anti potash, p lus iro)n, a formula rec- omniee by turf experts. " Fast dsovn pellets will not hum . . ith ain or water after application. " Contains fast-acting and long-lasting plant nutriexits. " Clean, odoriess pellets easily applieti with ORTHO Whirlybird or any 2 whleel epreader. Covers 6000 sq. t. $5.95 .91 hearsi'ng April mail props. Sue Bryson anti une Brown are responsible for ostumes. Hans Luglenburg ati Chris Hughes bantile the ighting anti sounti. Cathy ýodfrey is the stage manager lith Helen Nelies anti Iris leiiam as ber assistants. The )usiness managers are Pat anti John Runtile anti Jean Sheridian anti Dorotby Kelly (assisteti by at Marersndt Mary Jane reston) bantile the pubiicity. A Bit About the Play "The Matiwoman of Chaillot" was1 witten by the French playwright Jean Giraudoux. Ris lays tiominateti the French tage in the 30's anti 40's anti Nere particulaniy noteti for the trength anti beauly of their anguage. "The Matiwomian of Chaillot" s sella Paris. In the first act we meel the various "Characters" hbo frequent the Cale Francis. bhese people are ortinary, splgooti bearteti folk. Their "leader" 15 the so-calleti "Mati- woman" of Chaillot. Into their mitist comne four people wbo are up 10 no gooti. What tbey plan is indeeti shocking! Il is the "Mýatiwoman" who rids Pa ris of those wbo Ibreaten il anti restores ber district to happiness anti peace anti bar- mony. Anti we are lef t wontier- ing - just how mati is this "matiwomant"? Is ber vision of life tbe wild impractical raving of a dementet ind or is she actually, la the final analysis, the sanest of us ail? The pay wili he performeti on April 12, 13 anti 14 anti tickets can be purbaset i a the Recreatý4in epartmrent officef in the rown Hia. MAPLE GROVE ist Maple Grove Cubs On March 21st, Il was an exclting evening at Liberty Bowl for the Cube. The wIn- ners were as fo1llows: Lane 1, Ernie Thiele; Labe 2, Tlmmy Russell; Lane 3, Doug Hooge- boomn; Lane 4, Robby Van Hemnmen; Lanie 5,, Tim Ham- stra; Lane 6, Barry Woocl;, Lane 8, Akela, who beat Ba- gheera,. Ha-Ha. Nice golng, Ernie, Robby, Timmry. On be-ý to thank the scorekeepers, Miss Cindy Ayre, Mrs. Bubar, ýMrs. Collis, Mris. Russell, Miss Russeil, Mr. Wood. Aler the bwigal Cubs anti score-ý keepers were lavýiteti to Ake-1 1a',s plaecefor, b'ot àtiogs antil coke. The boy.ýs aIl bati fun. Thank you Ms Van Hemmnen for a job -weill donïe. The boys will be presenteti with a bowling badge. The wlnners from the bir"ihouse contest will be announceti next week. On March 26th, thie Cube wil bave their Black Star exam to help them 10 ofinti out about the natural worlti. Gooti hock, boys. On Marcb 3 îst, Our annual Father anti Son banquet wîllî be fieldi in Maple Grove Unit-m eti Churcb, time 6:00 o'clock sharp. Sece you there. Support Scoutlng ia your area. Akzela: Antiy Van H1emmen. Wolf Cub Law: The Cub gives in 10 the oIt Wolf; the1 Cub does not give In tb hlm- .gelf. ORTHO-GRO Weed and Feed Provides a full !eetiing o! ORTHO-GRO Lawn Food containing fast acting anti long lasting plant nutri- ents. Also contains 2% Iron. *Coatrols most broatilea! lawn weetis such as dan- delion, chickweed, plan- tain, etc. Kilîs weeds roots anti al. *Easy to apply with ORTHO Whirlybirti, OR- TH-1 2 wheel spreatier or an)y drop spreader. Covers 5000 Sq. fI. 695 o e e e S W EST. VAN BELLE NOW 2 ENTRANCES 292 Ring St. W. 287 Dond St. W. Beside the Mledical Building .79-111 EAST Just 5 minutes ÇQ east of Oshawa on No. 2 Highway k ~The "BIG'l Gardlen Centre 623-4441 VAN BELLE C623-4442 Deama Croup Rehearsing 'Madwoman' Three members from the cast of The Madwomari of Chaillot hammeti it Up for the, Statesman during r7ehearsal hast week. Kathy Coverly admînisters te, a not-so-drowned Bob Sheridan while Mrs. Doreen Kitney looks on. The play will begin a three-day run in the BHS auditorium onApril 26th. _______ Clark Planing Bard S'p lits o-ýn Ho-ý-usinôg S cheMeI FoCr %Soà"uth Ena-Id of Township The Clarke Planning Boardi The Planning Býoard alaso nexýt numibeýr of years. The recently recordeti a split vote turneti down a reqiuest by -Mr. esabismet of estate res- when considering a develop- Horstman for, eight Estate (ietl lot !!s would be on an ment proposai south la Clarkel Residen-tiai lots west in Newý- idiiua asis with eacb being Townsbip for 2.'00O residents by tonville anti soýutb of No. 2- considereti on its own> merits. Rice Connstruc~tin Co.Athrnîehl HighwaY. il wa's stateti thait the -Orono Timese the hati not com'-el some imeivS takentoIîntti the propos a!. The imoition opo ithe proposaý!inlails peenom was supporteti byv Kirk Entwisie anti Roy Forrester while Ihose opposingte motion were E. R. Woodyarti anti Eari Walkey. Chairman Siti Lancaster sup- porteti the motion whicb then carnied. MVr. Waikey stateti that he couiti nol support the motion as the proposai bati not corne before the Township Council. Mr. Entwisie saiti that the proposai was not la accord wvithi the aims of the pending Officiail plan anti as such be coufli not support the proposai. Roy Forrester saiti be coulti see the lakeshor e tieveioping to a point wbere there migbt be aimost no access at ail to the lake. He also was opposeti to the developmnent because it was adjacent to the banks of the Wiimot creek near ils mouth aI the lake. John Farrow, planning con- sultant, pointeti out that at Ibis site théecliii s aI the lake were only some 20 feet la beight. tieveloprnlent couli leave coný- siterable land lantilcktianti patclrarea tepentiing ofiiiplain calleti or poe Storm seerig bforetiee open as allowetI. The Boar d titi approve that a site plan bectieviseti by th e Planning Consultants at the Coat4 of the applicant, Mr. Smith, for a proposeti camiping area plan was previously approveti by the Planning Boardi anti the Council of the Township of Carke. The proposai is now before the 0MB wbo seek further information. Revisions to the Estate Res,,- itiential section of the pentiig Officiai Plan were tiscusseti to a tieatiiock. Board members Walkey. anti Forrester sup,- porteti the, view that no changes be matie. Boarti members Woodyarti anti Entwisie op- posei thicresolution wbiie chairmian Siti Lancaster with- helti bis tein The rev-Iision ,wouIkI eliminate the sub division aspeýct of estate resititii as ei as the stateti ,numi-ber 10 be aloweti over the O.P.PO REPORT During the week o! March l2th to -March l8th, 1973, the Newcastle Detachment of the1 Ontario Provi4ncial Police in-1 vestigated the following mot-1 or vehicle collisions, and oc- currences. A sudden and unexpected snow,ý, storÉ-i accompanied by hiv indIs was an important faccor in the cause of 32 mot-i or vehicle accidents investi- gaed Frtunately only five persons suffered personal in- jury, and as a resuit 7 -per- sons were charged with traf- fic offences including 1 crim- ital code diriving offence. On March 13 a sbrious acci- dent occurred on Hwy. 401 west of Bowmanville. An eastbound car veering out of control, rolled over onto the westbound lane. At the same time, a westbound truck load- ed w-ith cattle swerved to aivoid_ the car and rolled over into thie north ditch. Three persons were injured in the accidenit and two cows inside the truck were killed. Also investigated were 94 general occurrences of which 4 wvere break and enter, 5 theft, 4 wilful damage com-; plaints, 3 trespassing reports, 2 disturbances, 4 assaults, 4 domnestic complaints. 1 threat- ening complaint, 1 careles hunting investigation, 2 arson investigations, 1 missing per- son report and 1 erratic or dangerous' driving complaint. Three occurrences involved the recovery of stolen prop- erty, also there were 4 reports of lost property and 2 reports of found property. Two persons are charged with criminal offences, 1 per- son charged with an offence under the Petty Trespassing Act, 5 persons charged with liquor offences and a persons charged with impaired driv- ing. A resumne of occurrences in- výestigated in the past week are as follows: Break, enter andi theft occurred at the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle in the early morning hours of March 14. :Cash boxes were broken open on the shuffle board, cigarette machine and record player and a quantity of money stolen. Entry into the building was gained by forcing open the window on the east side. A report was receiveti on March 14 that the Union Jack f]ag was stolen froma the War Memorial, Ceaotaph in New- tonville. At approximately 4 a.rm. March 15, a Newcastle officer discovered the alarm sounding at Orono Electric, in Orono. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Week of Mar. 19-25 inclusive Admissions ------ ------- 70 Births-3 maie, 1 femfale 4 Discharges --------------- 69 Major operations ------- 13 Minor operatIons ------ 29 Emergency treatments- 267 Visiting hours: 3-8 daily *1 The cylînder lock wasremov- ed from the premises door; however the alarm frightened the unknown suspects away before they coulti gain entry. A further check o! the bus- iness premises in Orono re- vealeti that the lock was also removeti from the door o! the local ph'armacy. The pharm- acy was entereti and $35 casa stolen £rom the cash register. Vandalism was reporteti on March 15 and investigation revealeti that two tires o! a utility trailer parked beside a, residence in Bowmanville were deliberately slashed. with a knife, 1On March 15 an investiga- tion was conducteti by O.P.P. and assisteti by the Ontario Pire Marshal's Office, into a fire that destroyeti a barn near Mosport Park. The barn valueti at $15,000 was being useti as a snowmobile club. Also destroyedz in the fire were 13 snowmobiles andi a tent trailer valued at $104000. A motor vehicle stolen from Oshawa was recovereti abanti- oped on Solina Road, near Highway 401 on March 16. The vehicle destroyeti by lire was discovereti by Bownian- ville Pire Department, who were dispatcheti to the scene to extingush the blaze. DRIVING TIF The early spriag thaw, com- bineti with long lasting-milti temiperatures, have caused county sîde-roatis to be very treacherous..Many soft spots' are developing due to the, break-up of frost in th, ground. To drive into a soft spoý. at an increased speed can resuit in loss of vehicle, control. Another problem is ,spring overflow of water, causingâ errosion or washout on many side road locations. Ut is flot uncommon te find, one. or two feet of water fl-ooding low-lying roads. Remember: Always drive with caution, constantly look-' ing for road defeets that could involve you in a serieous acci-, dent, - or resijit in a costly towing bill and repairs. BYAM PLUMBING & HEATINq and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTAIO u Phone 263-2650 Chicken Loyers READY TO GO AGAIN iuw r4qw-f ýt*VIRGINIA FRIED CHICKEN 75½/2KING S.EAST BOWMA NYILLE NEXT TO GRAHAM'S I.G.A. WESLEY VILLE This community was,,sad- were accompanied by the dened to hear of the sutiden organ, an;d auto harp played death last week o! Mr. L. by J. Groeneveld, and guitars Udvarhelyi of Port Hope. He played by Ruth &ellogg and was well known here for his Bowman. A lar-ge basket of photography of birds and many colored tulipe brought floxvers, and, bis very loyal by J. Groeneveld was a beauty support for any project to re- spot, as ,veil as the bright golti tain the natural beauty of the color of a chrysantbemum area.- sent by M _ý,rs. A. Austin. Mrs. H. Payne arrîved home There wa considerable tele- safely from hier rather trying phone interruption here last w eekend in Sarnia but dîd stop week wthcrOwmen having overnight on the -way back great difficalty flnding the bhot b *ecause of, treacherous condi- spot. Then the line went com- ion of the roads. pletely dead, cause of that was Many from here attended à tree limb down on a wire. the very successful tea held But the original trouble was at Welcome church last Wed- not located tili almost the end nesday afternoon by the CGIT. o! the week when a spot was, Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Best, found un the cable whieh had' and George Tuiford. were at been ý_truck with lightning. the euchre party at Welcome f on~~~~ Frdyngtwee1 Theretý, is very littie wild lfie tables re pay ed nti Hr otO beseen any more so one is, tbought hoe tecns olin ortunate to glimpse a deer,1 pr, uhze. etecoslainbut niot as Clarke Dickinson! A meeting of th~e social com- "aw it astwekidsprt m.iJttee of the local iUCW grouplilight from two dogs. The, was held at the home of thellarger of the two was close. convenor, Mrs. A. Ford, Port ýbehînd it and may have drivený Hope on Saturday afternooa to a i into the lake. arrange for catering at aný April wedding. BURK T Mrs. V. Morton andi Mr. and B R E O Mrs. Robert Morton o! Orono visiteti with the Haroldi Bar- Mrs. F. Holroyd, Caesarea, rowclough's on Sunday. ca--lleti on Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1Mr. anti Mrs. J. Adamson, Holroyd Sr. and famaily during Bey. Darke and Ross Darke, the wee-k. ail of Toronto visited withM their mother, Mrs. Hector M. E. Stewart, Niagaral Darke tiuring îhe wveeend Falls, Ont., spent a few days Sundïay morning's sermon at last week visiting with Mr Welcome United Church was and Mrs. J. Sinclair and fam- on the third o! a lEt Of !3n,ý ily. "ýenvy",1 one which caîuSs e oMr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, of. much suiffering, both to the Orono were supper guests 0fý sinner and the one sinneti Mrs. W. Bryau on Saturday. against. They were very zob- Mrs. T, Bailey attended the ering thoughts for a" spr .ng 25th anvrayo r n m-orning buLt the service itself Mg.anenersay i o Mranti wVas onleo joy wt 15 o! thele on. Saturday evening. ir bosadgrslaig We welcome Mr. and Mrs,. th iging. Led as ýusuaibWreyn ail fTrrt orast rs. D. Croft and IMrWreanfaiyoTrnt R., La,Athy sng hapyto our village. catching song' -' iY"antiMr and Mrs. Leslie Taylor, for a seconl numiber s;ang, "The have returned from a veryl Lord Is My Shephierd"', to thejenjoyable month holidays in, tune «Happy Wanclerer". TheylFlorida.1 WE HAVE GOT A ORTHO HAS LAWN FOOD THAT MAKES LAWNS - _ FREE! WE WILL THROW IN A SPREADER TO MAKE IT REAL EASY TO APPLYý THE GREEN-ING STUFF. (Free Spreader for4 hours). ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCT FROM - -T, - - - - -

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