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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,Mar. 28, 1973 M.J.HobsGirls Team Wins B asketball Championship The Senior Girls Basketball team from M, J. Hobbs Collette Taylor and, beside her, thie coach, Mrs, Diane School were hands down winners in the County Bas- Morse. The rest of the team (from left to right around ketball championships held in Cobourg on March l3th. the circle> are Nancy Matthiews, Mýarilyj Tink, Cindy They defeated the- teamn fromn Murray Centennial Sehool Gosick, Penny James, Annette T a',y loýr, Lisa Welch, ini the final gamne by a score of 32-12. In the centre of Diane, Robinson, Kris Morrison, Deanna Barnes and the picture, holding the basketbali, is team captain Karen Joskoski. Kven's Men Win Town League Basketball Titie In the Town 'League basketball finals, the Ken's Meni's Wear team wrapped up the championship Tues- day eveýning, March 27th, at B.H.S, gym when they defeated Hooper's Jeweliery 47-42. It was a close gaine throughout, with the outcome in doubt until the final minutes. The new champions are, from left to right, Barry Draper, George Saunders, Rick Bilinski, Jim Campbell, Don MacDonald, and Ed. Bons. Wally Seto was absent, ixed M League close ln an Doris with 775ade ajor 10 pull up hIs socks) wlth 759 Fivebowlrs oppe th 700 beufifllywith781 ('308), Russ Hafely <above his mark. Dowris Jo rligtheng 700 ) Enie Perfect fr78y(30nhead) 742 (263, 257), and 01-Monday Night mar. DrisJol rllIg lorg 2ic) Ei-à Pefet tyin t lie Patffeld, steady as usual 710 (263, 255). ih19t Other 250 gaines and over MarchsinleDonah rd John Ford 287, Jin Bruton le 76High iple, Donnar- 28,PtBagneli 269, Fia 'Dra- Bley76; hxgh ri eraonn D A N C IN G per 260, Maria Opoka 259> Donna Bradley 231. JaeDyksfra 257. Roman Teams pins pts, poa254, Barb Gilkes 253, S~ Cain.....29371 21 Saturday Night- 9 p.m. toI a.m. Mary Gray 251, Rab Vanden- S. Davis......29083 20 berg 250. 1 E. Moore .....28546 18 Featuring Team Standings B. Osborne.28446 17 (wlth six weeks left ln the H. Rogers------.28,507 16 schedule) D. Brooks------..__28159 18 Coole........21 34252 J. Patfield .28163 14 LEO %CURTIN Q uartet" ,joli ,...........-- 19 31373 D. Bradley-_. ...27692 14 POPULAR COUNTRY AND WESTERN Buday----.....----- 19 23067 H. Depew------.. _27669 il Haynes --------- 17 I/ 33325 0. Patfield ---_27403 il ARTISTS FROM OSHIAWA Crossey-------.. 17 32767 M. Cole . 26962 10 Wright-------161/ 32572 Gra Dnin ndEtetinetSheehan-------.....15 33018 Riy ----------- 15 3281 "Informai" - Plenty of Free Parking Ruei - -153 2850 NightIa k CoplmetayLae nakVandenberg . 13 32001 March 21st Corne to Dinnier. Stay for Dancing Top Týen Averages HIgh Single, D. Ogden 280; Doris Joli 241, Ernie Per- High Triple, J. McLcan 654 No Cover - No Minimum fect 240, Larry Piper 232, (227-245-182). Peggy Haynes 227, Ross Teim Standings ur u i tU PHWrlght 224, Don Bagneil 222, K. Raîston -, -- 32,971 31 THE NEUuW DUUNE VEL Ollie Patfield 221, Albert Sa- C. Bruce ----31,508 271/2 man 220, Bernice Buday 218, B. Wilbur--- 32,126 231,' Six Miles North of 401 on Ilwy. ý35 and 115 Dl rtn27 . Camell------ 31,108 22 D.~~pu Oxxen 3,23 2 B. rnth --- 1,40 17 cvrnga oefrom surg- Averages (180 and over) ery at Shouldice Hospital in A. Saman 195,1 D. Ogden Toronto this week. 1 1 194, L. Piper 194, C. Bruce Master Louis Nasato spent 193, J. MeLean 190, K. Rais- the mid-winter holiday w,,ithi ton 190, B. Smnith 189, M. his cousin, MonacMaio. TrImble 187, K. Campbell 187 while bis parents cjyeda B. Wlbur 1834, A. Burgess brie£ respite from Oatario' 184, P. Dykstra 181, 1. Wright weather at Myrtle Beach in 180. South Carolina. BOWMANVILLE RECREATION HOCKEY SCORING STATISTICS at North-East Corner of Taunton Road Caili 1-983-5001 for Reservations The Art istirc BEAUTY SALON is pleased announce that formerly of Kut 'n Kuri, has joined our Staff. AiU Linda's friends and clientele are invited to drop ini and visit lier at ber new location. 623-2931 Bowmanville Plaza March 2th Team Pfu. Fins Hi C'S..........------30 3792c: Maple Grave -- 25 37453 Salem . - ---- 2 2 36552 EnniskIllen - 18 35614 Russels-------- 16 35742 Tyrone.....15 35557 Saulna ---------- ----10 36319 Rurals----------.8 32620 Hîgh Single - H. Bradley 287 HIgh Triple - H. Bradley 714 Top 10 Averares D. Taylor 231, K. MCGIII 230, R. Laird 224, D. Wood 222, Bl. Martin 221, W. Coombes 217, C. Goodman 214, J. Coombes 213, 'R. Vanineer 208, R. Avery 203. New-'vil le-Starkvl le Bowlin)g League Marc% 22nud H. S.- Marg MacDonald 299 H. Avg. - Marlen Sfacey 193 H. T. - Marg MacDonald 764 200 Games 1 Marg MacDonald 299, 233, 232, Olive Hende-rson 285, 231, Dorothy Stark' 272, Joyce StaceY 268, 205, 2014, June Mc- Keen 252, Peggy Milison 213, Mary"Topplie 208, Doris Tomrp- kins 206,cWod's 20j5. Baan Sila .- ---- 57 Rodrnnrs- ------ 48 Tweety Birds ~38 IYintstonei -- -34 Liherty owI Visi One of the higbligbts of ti yersYoung Aduit Bow-inig Congress of On-tario sea1son ý as pranounced a resounding suc- cess by ail those ivle recently in Boumiianville. It was the first annual combined Bowler of the Month and Most Improx'ed Bowler of the Maonth Tournament, and featured 133 howlers fromi?,1 bowling centres from across the province reaching ouf as fas as Sudbury and ottawa. Evnthe rblm caused by% thîreacwherus ýLate xinfer eahrconditions failed ta damnpen the enýthusiiasmi, of the partcipntsas they weýnf thouh neshift (of bowling on Saturday anid tw o ni Sunday at Liiert Bol.vTey een man- aged ta get iin a rousing banquet and dance Sat!urday% night wi h somïetraditianial Ukriainian food as the main course on the dinner menu. Thanks f0 the fine lane conditions provided by host propriètor, AI Osborne, scores were quite commendable and the campetition was fierce in al sections of the taurnament. Taking the title of Womnan Bowier of the Month Champion, xvas Janet Luke of New Sham- rock Bowl, Toronto, who topped her nearest competitor by 65 pins, with a fine 1,0153 s core including handicap for Four gamas. Her efforts were worf h $75 in prize money. The Men's Champion wvas Paul Higgins ai Presto Lanes, Preston. He managed a 1073 score which was a scant 16 pins more than bis nearest rivai, aiso from Presto Lanes. Brian 'ýh.e. His win w as worth1 June Sproule I ofVictoria Bau lerama. itcheiner, wan the Most lImproved Býfolr (of tbe Month CaposiLde baaiîng Tina Mae a s a Lanes iby nIy 1pins, andI taking the $75) top prize. In th en'sDivisionl, Davè March ai Aginco)urt Bow,.shot the highest four game block af th hawhoia tauýrnament. taking tirst PldculZý ild tueh- ipo ships w ith L1,3pins, an d Paoi egigAl Ma-i aguy ai Frason Lnes.Oit Wwho shot 106 iih nly 12 pins hadIcapHi, vwîn vois Worth the end of tihe tourI.nament during the trophy' preý_sentafion ta tha host Liherfy Bowl league w hich warked sa bard uander ihe leadershi 'p 0f Pridant, Daug Creamaor. and Vice President, RBoni leck,, aan ithiYABC Assistant, Chirman, Ted Thornes, of Agýincurt Býowl, in making every thfiig g mob wifh the YABC seasan quick- now are I, ookinig fJOwrdf0Ihe Agincourf Bi (Itauirnamnent schedulad for April 20 ani' d 21, the Xetdale Lanes Hamilfon taurnamnent scheduled for May 19 and 20, and the climax ta tbe ent ire seasan, the YABC Ont- aria Champianships wbîch wiII ha heîd May 26' and 27 at Pinehill Bowl, Copper Cliff tnear Sud- bury). 11 ELIZABET VILLE Church services were, held. Mr. A. Osborne of Welcome was the guest speaker. He spoke on his trip ta the Phili- ppines in February. The choir sang, a number. On Wednesday evening the general meeting of the Unit- cd Church Women was held at Mr. and Mrs. N. Bristowe's home. The President Mrs. Bristowe presided. Mrs. W. Banister read the minutes of the executive meeting held in January. We decided on a strawberry supper in Juiy. Also decided samething should be donc about the outdoor, toilet. No anc bas signed ap for Quin-Mo-Lac Camp as yet. Financial reports were given of each unit. Mrs. H. Quan- trili lhad the devotionai part of the meeting., Her tapîc was taken froin the Parable af the Sower. Unit 1 had the pro- grain and bad an interesting @kit on the Indian and Eski- mo questions. Lunch was served by Ujnit 3. Or exýt, meeting wilI be in theform of a thankoffering, the iith of April. We have been- in- vited ta Canton and Baille-1 TePerrytown ladies have invited us on a bus trip to Toronto an April th ta aa new fabric shap. Lunch is served in Toronto. Severai other places are taking In this off er. Neil Trew spent a day wiojth Ray White, Lindsay, and Rayv was here with hlm sonne of the time. Making ornaments froin tin cans, a course that has been going on for same time at Mr. and Mrs. Scott's home, may be extended. Willie Winn had the mis- fortune ta lose bis eye in an accident some turn e ago and is being fitted for an arti- ficiai eye. Mrs, L. Muldrew is conval- escing at ber daugbter's home, Mrs. D, Whitbred, Oshawa. Mrs.,Robt. Westheuser, Aly- son, Mrs. K. Fowler, Julie and Mrs. H. Thickson spent Tues- day with Mrn and Mrs. J. DeKoker, Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. Casselton and his brothef Mr. P. Cassel- ton and Mrs. Casselton re- turned thîs week from North Carolina. M4r. and Mrs. Gardon Mor- ris are borne again fram Florida. Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock were at Mrs. W. Honey's, Mil- ligen, on. Saturday when she had a mnachinery sale. During the week Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili had John and Donna and family as well as Gloria and John and fandly visit themn. Mr. Mn Mrs. J. Fait and YELVERTON A specdy convalescence ta .Mr. Lawrence Stan1es who is Pts. PIM 34 18 27 3 26 12 22 9 22 0 ATOM Stephen Maguîre- -- Broake Bain - ----- - ------- Darrel Jones ------- Jason Johnson. ---------- Patil Cooke -- - ------ Douglas Dilling.... PEE WEE Dean Rutherford Leonard White---- Sid Toinlinson - ------------ Jim Murphy----------- Allan Brunt----------------- - BANTAM Jim Jones --------- ---- Don Childs Glenn Martin - ----- ----- Frank Leach ,------------ Bob Shantz..-- Doug Hutton------------... Joey Burns------- MIDGET Rusty MeQuaid.........- Tom Wreggitt --- John Turner --- -- - --- -- George Bowen ------------- Bob. Shacleton ------ family, Pontypool, were at Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercers on ThursdaY.- Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili attended the Safety Dînner at Roseneath last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Averys and family, Oshawa: Mrs. Tomn Rollin and family, Port Col- borne, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew, Sunday. Pi number of men fromn New York andA Florida whac hâve a studio in Oshawa have bee3n busy taking m-ovie pic- tuCs of a movie at tlhe faprm a,_) Mr. and Mrs. H1-. Muildrew, at Oak Hill. Due to the fact thorae is no hydro at thiis Îamtbcy had to bring a large(, generator on a truck. The--y had to rent ido suits and, then they vwere nearlY frazen. nhey took piureIs of the cattieý eating, cars driv- ing in, and the house. Thisl is to be made into a movie later;,somnetbing ta do wïth the Eskimo in- the North. It will take about two years. They have a large studio in O aand also a whole iloor in one of the hotels- rented.-7 HobbsBoys Lose in County Finals The wr weatber a few Publie School to pose f or a row, Rick Scott, Rob Burns, weeks back encouraged the team picture outside the front BrnDAdour, Dave Lepine Senior Boyvs Basketball play- entrance. and Frank Leach; front row, ers fr-om M. J. Hobbs Senior iti Hobbs boys came with- Dennis Yellowlees, Captain in a whisker of winning the Hon Jukic, coach Harvey Web- Leio Ladies county Basketball finals for ster, rd Rosn Day public sehools held in Cobourg Pascoe and Bob Kozulab. on March i3tb. According to Captain, Ron Jukic is quite Marecl 22nd coach Harvey We1bter (cen- the all-around athiete, He rec- H. Avg.--Ja Sucie21 tre), a late game charge by ently competed in the Legion - onSutcîiffe 656 hi, teami fell anly two baskets Ali-Ontario Track and Flcid Hl. Triple- Joan ueif65 short of victory. It was the meet in Maple Leaf Gardens H. S. - BernIce Partner 271 only game they had lost ail in Toronto and carted home Team Standings season. two first-place medals, one for Pinfali Pts. In the back row of the photoj the 50 metres andi the other Bruce------- 34,162 24 are Norm Caruana, Van Hersey1for the long jump. Sutcliffe........33,488 17 and Bruce Snowden; middla -McRobbie Photography P'rn ----- 2919 16 Sheehan --------3,7 5 200 Games Bernice Partner 271, Joanl Sutcliffe 264, 215, Linda Dowv- ney 252, 211, Mary Westover 251, 205, Hilda Simnick 242., Irene Whitney 239, Jean Bur- ton 235, Dot Richards 230,, Lorna Adair 220, 204, Lor- raine Bruton 211, Audrey Bate, 205. Averages Joan Sutcliffe 216, Fran Bruce 204 (35), NyhI Shechan 201 (33), rene Whitney 194, Denise Anniaert 193, Jean Buiton 193, HIlda Simnlckl 189, Mary Westover 188, Ber-ý nice Partner 186 (33), Mary Gray 182, GET CASH TODAY FOl7R OLD APPLIANCES BY USING S T A TES M A CLASSMFEDS DO YOU LIKE WORKING WUTH PEOPLE? CIAG, Onfario's leading auto insurer is growing rapidly. To develop business for ifs other însurance produets and f0 service present poiicyowners, CIAG needs more representafives'in the Bowmanvîe-Orono Area. If you are inferested and eligibie, a permanent and rewardlng career couîd be yours at CIAG. For information, please INSURANCE HOME. tIFE AUTa COMMERCIAL 15 Queen St, LEO ROY Bon 96 Port Hope 885-6329

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