Timy Asks You tb Bùy Easter Seals Thle entire centre cor area of Bawmanv,,ille wc withaut hydro power ic a period of anywhe: f rom-i three ta 10 heurs a Sunclay marning Marc 25th. The blackalut occu. red shertly after 5:00 a.i I 1< 'recs Lsein O0-,w ar Cuts0 f f y Hro Poie t-e Suxiday when a car driv- dic iÉs en by 19-yearr-olid Gary hy( or Murphy, of R.R. 6, Bow- off t-e manvîlle, struck a hydro dic rn pale on King Street Eatst, cal ýh just west oi Liberty Street. str< I- Eyewitness reports in- the :ate that, aulthough the ,dra pole was braken fat ground level, it dn't hit the graund be- iuse 'the, wires were -ng enoiugh to supportý eweIght. A spectacular shawer of' white sparks cast an unearthly glow that lit up the area 'for several bloclks for two or three minutes bef are the power f inally f ailed com- pletely. iTURN l'O PAG!.TWO> BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28', 1973 15e~ Per Coiyv NUMBER'13 This year's Timmny for the to agree with his mofhe'sý The Societyý for Crippledý local Easter Seals campaign, comments fbougb, that 'you:Childreni is asking you to --tndý sponsoredi by the Bowmanville can bardiy notice" the ad-adnto oti ersEse Rotary Club, is -four-,-yeair-old cap most of the tue. "It Seals cam1paign. it's onl1y rpeo- Robert Snoýek, sniof Mr. and doesn'f bamper Lis nori nie like you wocan igive Mirs, Has Snoek of Hampton. activities," she added, "-It's Rort, and othecrs like 'hlm, a In, most respe-cts Robert is wonderfui wbat they can doichance af ain acive, productive anoml happy 1cbild. Except at the Clinic (The Centre for h eI a' tif worth- a few thaf', he has an arîficiai leg Handicapped Children in Tn- dollaHrs?ý frýomi the knee down. 07ne has ono)" Potoby Boýb Benson Rot7arY Welcomes 'TiQmmy To Kic Îek Oûff Thîos Year's Eas fer Seals Campaigin by B'ob Ben sýon to findt a btter Timimy than Tie guost of honor atisyoung Master ýSn-oek. eehRo1tary- meeting waýs 'Timmy" sati through the 4-ear-old Robert Snoek from entire Rotary mweetng without lamnpton whio will act a this s o niu chf as onile poop, of yearis Timmy for the area comlaining, hipedth eclb Easter Sels camipign. RHotar- ih hi ockey, Draw and ian DnMricmag love.d having is picture takeni. chairman flor [the 197E triI ctrndow u h ua h a ie woul hve eenhqr prsse ito shy to get uip to the Ruised $ 2,400 »Fýor Victi sofAcciden The Be-nefit lHockey game playod on Feb. l7th for ac- cidlent vcii ae'Lefty' Wnîgit,Cie Cooke and Màike Wiikinls ralised al total cf $2,400 dom ticket sales and donations. Mrs.jean Devitt, a membenhr of the BHA texecu- tive, indiicated thatthe monnOy bas been put in a trust fund and is being adminstred as Gov' Meeing Iy Draws 50 Peoplel go towards fhings like spec- ialists' focs, compensation foý 10f ag-es and thé like. Coleen Cooke and Mike WVilkins hiave iargeiy recover- cd6 fromi the injuries tbey suffered in the Jan. 27th car accident outside London, On- tario. In fact, they were able to attend tho bohndit garre playod by the re.Juvenated i968 Ju!venîle championsbip team and the McGregor Mid- gets b. H-owever, Dave Wright Isý -1t111 in tbe New Univenityl uopital in London. Ho is ro- ported teo be sbowing signaI ,f Improvement but is sf111 iný traction and confined to a (TURN TO PAGE TWVO) The future 0jf Ca Town-MF sevn B oandwreý i r d of nt at public meeting conenrn- - élng regional governnit lheld in in the. Oronoý Town Hall on Wednesday, Manr c hi 21sf. W an A'bout .50 interestedi area rosi- The edu-cafionial mill rateý dents furnedý up f0 the meet- for Bowmaronvilie and 15 other ing, 11,1 wS sponsored by municîpalifies In Norfhbumbe- the CiiesIptComnmit- îand-Durliam will be reduced tee,teeadicsin about thîs year. the varlous alte-rnative plans The B3oard of Education te the prov.,inco's regional announced on Thursday, Mar.1 governmcent proposais. 2ý2nda, despito the facfi Clarke Towýnshlpù Reeve Ted that thuir 1973 budget of' Ta1puf group , hcaded bY CO'Clieen ab LO f0ut fixe finacnr.iaI TURN TO PýAGE LTWOI , conjtributions fi'om 16 of the mirpoeand speak to the Rotary adinc, u that onfly madlehîmuitAl tho m.oreloebe Counicillor Leola Thrasher was Onnd lciropresenting tle Town iiCouncil adhe puchas- c e thiSt page oMRastr eals from Tmm.Speakýing fromI ber experiencg as a vlunteer ià previouscamaigs, rS.. Thrasher uas high in her praise of e lte rmeodos ortlet pa;st for tu11ecmaioaind againlits year CnpgnChai-nian Mri indcatd tatthe cluib, witjh ihelp froni the ladies fr-mlthe (TuRN TO PAGE TWO For Regionalu Gov'tBriefs if-anyne ýýis stil! intenest- ed in submittîng a brief on thergoa go\rnnient; proposails tbey have until SaudaMarch 3lst to do It's not that w at The Statesman widb to appear :ided, b,'tit wililcervtaii ho a relief to see the nd of ail these brief s. Our edi- torial/reporting staff ba ns been going cross,-eyed try,- ing f0 read theni al.ý Film &e s Shootng... ........ Scenjes for Mo vie Ii EnnIskillen Store 'Y o h n Siemnon's GeneLral based comipany calied Brand1y - 5 Store in Enniskillen was lit- Wine FilMost of the - erally taken over last Thu- tors are fromn Toronto. X day by a fdmn-making crew who were shootIng scenes forý Apparentiy rustic rural a feature length motion pic- settings, as well as somne ture. snow , were needed In the The film crew, num.àber1ngý film, an d t he Enniskiilen close to 30 peopie, spent a-arafitted the script to a tee. most- ail day crowded into It w.lll be at least a year be- Slemon's S-tore and sho"foting fore the film-i is released, but other socaion n the area one of thbe directors, Jeff for their MovIe. Gillani, sald the as yet un- Thie flm, wh-ich as a mur- titled film wvill defintûely be' ý der-ystry-ypethriller, is shown in this ai-ea, probabjlyý beirL ng prduced by ai Mamiim shwa A Gen'Eein tThe Wqrecked C a r M KinmenLades igh WRNGDATE Ceremony 'in On Stra vnn March guests andi învi-ted them toC After the page wvas com- 17,h, the KinsmenClub f Lino sumpntuosSmoras- pleted, ii was noted thati Bowmnviile heid their anna ord pýivaed by "ue the d(ateýs under the pictur Ladies -Night Banquet and ciChe-f,,Knsa ay B on fthie actors in the Ma Fom- Dance at th1e Lions Centre. Ilnio h Acres Restauran[,.t. Ku, womnax Of Chailot were Fe St. Patrick's Rayteven manaIedto prodiu-e, Apri 26-9-3. They should or Day themne, the hall was ap- (T -,-0TOPsGE rwo>0 have re-ad April 12-14, propiately adorned ithe - - Prloing a frmai happy :P kC horKnsn,ýï'PcMd BbLaw ree A susei Faire'yeprsd a wvelcome to ýiA 99 Kisethi ie adC4 H asi GOSONE BETTER 3oI.JitueIIM s to'S %-e: n dD i (-ur thasxks to iM1rs. E-,a75-C'n i, tii ohthec f L;berty St.N., J ~ a~ l a s~,r<O u a h the front pageL picture Of jlandýc-DuIrham, Ailan Lw tion" aseigcorr'espondà- RseiCHny plumber Lion Brentlor Rick- reci i irstdiect cm ne epnigt eehn fiiysoni ard sittfing on til 01et tO muicgo th ositet iqhe ar n mking epe Cur J"dg )fr shame. sInce the Octobr federal ele- >sent1aiouns of wat he believe Cuny The Journaî of 'larCh th tIo. i, jjstha l mfor eiecting toC' be theiniont0f Con- , Chie uge Colini featured a ph11olo of a house- hlm as the ir Member0f1sttucit on theî issues 0f thol- broken cat tcalled Friskie, Parliamentn tay. N ± U I that 1iad been iuslinsthe Thc l ett er rCed b "As ICannot pioel e *n e cu batroo failiies sine rost costituents Il hent-'leeent y u ness Iko flush it yet, say's teatce eloe 0 and tlhc roi!of paIper is s a mystei.y, but give hier H~thýe var s ýerv1ce tirn. g- ~ ~ ~ Bwwanville turned time.9 ç Iic inîercîuo oxa WIN QUARTER FINALS Owen Sound Greys last night eliminated Biinling- ton four games fo tw%ýo lu the Ont ario Quarter Finals in Junior B IRockecy. The Greys now necet Tor- onto "Nationals" on Fniday niglit, 8 p.m,. at Nirhh Yoirk Memoriai Arena ln the semi-final senies. Dann y Cowie, son f fMr. anlflrMm Fred <Jowie, is cpanof the "'Greys". Educa7tion,- Cuts 411e's Miii Rate 224 supporting municipalifles. oducafional budget. Overal rThe net educational requis!- the Board of Educafion will -tien for 1973 wili ho $6,390,- collect $642,444 froni the: town »928. This is an increase of of Bowmanviile, a decrease only $2,169 oven last year. of $1,279 over last year. 1 n Bowmianville, the aver- 0f course, the edlucafion aýge educafional miii rate wlll miii rate is oniy one part of tdrop by .53 mnilîs, fromn 55.74,ithLfa bill. The- final fax fin 1972 te 55ý.21 this y eaýrlrâîaf e ouid onciva l f1 Thisinens h~fforevo y ces if, or eampothen wiii contributQ $ý55,21 to tlhel (TUWN 'TOPAGE WO [T'S STAR1TED - Oný Tuesday, Bowmannvîlle flire- ricii aîsweredtw calis af, the saine spot, wýay back ii thle nnhetcorn'er f arînto. ittesun] gettng trogerandthe %weafhen warmner, thegrass fire Seaison is aýpproaUching napidly1. So, a warning blas f0 be issued fo those whjo Pick- windy day7s f0 burnI their sunpl1usý grassad other oufside itemns. Botter check withti he Fin e Chief fon clearance before stant- inà a blaze thaf Lcouid cost n'tnoy and possibly a valuable buildinig. GOOD R.ESULTS - esuits of the local Heart Fund canvass have exeeeded iast y-ear's total. The students at Bowmianviiie High Sehool who undertook the canvass, raised a total of $1,455.56 through thecir efforts and the generosity of those calied on. Other sourcees, including the Legion carne through w ,ith $S5405 for an overail total of $2,004.61. THREE TEAMS --WVilh th1e hockey season coming o0 a conclusion in the nelýar future, this town bas neason f0 ho pnoud of ifs feamns compefing in provin- cial playdowns. The WeLstern Elecfric Minon Ban- famns are alreadý(Y in thýe Onftario finals, theKnps TowingMa,:jrl3nam oudhoi tfinýals i ,e xvîn !oîhf aid fh eGoo nu\Mdgfbr one ftown. Credif mu i tsfc, go' 0o ur Reereafion Dopant- mient's hockey organiza-fion, as most of these Ail- Sftan players have corne up f hrough ifs well-organiz- ed programn, and i' paying off now. i. Î_ t i t t VISITING CHOIR - Tomotrow night at Bow- manville High Sch)ools niagnificent auditoriumt, thiere's a real tryeat îa store as the guest Silver Creek, N.Y. Hligh icliooJ choir and Courtice Secondary School Choir will be performing at 8:00 p.m. 'for wh1at should be a capacity crowd. B.H.S. band will aise be providing instrumental selections. Don't miss iti t tt t SOME RELIEF -- The drier weafher has brought a measure of relief for Lake Ontario cottages in this area\thneatened by the high water levels, but it rnay be- only ternperary depending on how rauch nain cornes down next monthi. Centainly that break in the fown's watermnain on Sunday took quite a bit out of the big pond thaf wiil be a while soakinig ifs mway back ln agaîn. APOLOGIES -Sorry the papers have been late aýrriving reeently on Wednesday riighhs, but we hope The Oshawa Times that does our press- work wilI sooi have their chaugeover under control and back ou scheduile. Son-e alinoyed Oshawa subseribers Whio didn't receive their papers uintîl M!ondlay are advised that the prob- lem encountered didn'it originahe at this office. Apparenflyc som-ething went wrong ah Oshawa post office, causing- the delay, t t t t t END 0F MARCH - Don't get caught napping. April Fool's Day lis Sunday. the Lions, Centre on nigt, arch 26th, 4,11meî NHL-st1 2nd h b r ou gitlong Bel leville Mem ber of Parliameuit C. Honey Q. C., Sworn In ings County Court Judge Has ti ef leao rd asoafori- wosuce ed r oney as Q.C., wvas and eacoegusatdecrmoyo reception was a Courty tho eent. inci uding E. R held 1a1tht( Four Seao na flastings Lov;ýeklin and Harry Wade o!0f ,,ote l i lvîlle. ,,Necastle.. lu is lso ;und E, Pen- sto-od that Allan Lwec~PA OCRLAU bStag Night s Ex-NHL Star nen frerihckY Film about the 1972 clubs i tne Cup finals hetweeo ouf f0Io Bosýton and INew York. Nighf afi Rot ary Cluib mem.ber Stewý Mondy MTavih gve a fine andý wiftyperformance as masteri Don as-c cromo(-niesand managedj of honor T ,-> T PAGE TWO) The BwavleDepart- nient of Rerreation is liOp- ing te ihave asocLeÀ: league for by anid undeir 14 year8 of ae s fJaur Ist of, the cirrent veair. Registr-atelns %wiII take place, in bthe Recreation of- fice nft' le Town Hli, start- inig on] April 2nd ho April l9th, Moniday through Fri- day frei 8:30 a.-m. to 5 p.ni. The formation ef a soc- cer !(ag-ue wIiI düeed on DON MESSER DIES (q-I adai's o)utstanding band try and western inusie, de tis, wvteek at the age of 63. un F ndC mig A native of Tweedside,;P a sî 'wme oi N.B, le organized bis first musical groupr in 1934 and A meeting of the Bowmian)- !ito the Canceùr Campaign fuind. frem tilen unlt il bis ea % ille and District Unit of he MnEB.D. Tilcock gave the kept Canadi a audiences Canadian Cancer Soclety was treasurier's report for Febru- tapping their tees. belcd at the home ofPresidenitar. ih the expenses of One of bis greateýst l Po liRond Coombes on March 9 192 for this month, and supporters was "Satr Afteon the minutes wcre biMmna donations total- Jini Coyie Sin. who basi been 'read and adopted, alterin $4. a friend and great admirer f rom the OntarioloHydre w 1as IMn. Ceombjes stated be bad of Mr, Messer for- manY reaid tin a coque fon sow filmu at the Angli can years. theiîr empioycees wa- donatcd TURN TO PAGE TWOi Honor 'K'insman of the Year' Kinsmen Club President Bob Faire y left>l presents 'Kin' Jiiu Lawrence with the "Kinsmnan of the Yean» aw,ý,ar d af the annual Kienmen Ladies nighit held in the Lions Centre on Saturday ni -lht, March 17f h. Almost 100 Kinsmnen, wives and guesfs aftended the fnto which wias heldinc conjuniction with St. Patrick's Day. Appanenitly even the weJin e and the mashed potafoes were green- -Mc~obiePhotography LytAll ihppened EorIy Sunayorningq 18 pages 1 mu