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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 3

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IlWelliîngton Street a, River When Water main Breaé7ýks we.m à, âÈ,,4 Miss Catherine Power of Teote ospent Sunday mwith hier parents, AIr. and Mrs. Gordon Power. Mr. and Mrs. Adanin Sharp of EnnisiIeai visited 1last Thursday atenon ith Mrs. Wm. HIL bnsn Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Mer- ton entcrtained the choir mcm- bers of OooUntdChurch at their borne on Wedlnesday cvening te initroduc),e ?Mr. Doug- las Dîewcll. of Ham-pton, the new organist and choirmastler. Mr. and Mrs. How,,ard Stapl)e- ton cf ùOshawa spent several days last week with hiis grand- moth,!er Mrs. Joha Mor-ris. Mrc. Cilifford Wýýinter return- cd h-omýe on Sa)turda)y are y surlgery ini the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. M.Lrs. Geo. Morton, Mr. and IMrs. Robt. Morton visited Mr. and Ms.Harold Barroeclough of Wesileyville on Suniday afternoefl. Mur. and Mrs. Carios Tam-ý blyn are nïôw, residing on Milli Street, Ooo ,r. rand Mrs. Lei, Johnson of Parry 'unMr. ,,nd Mrs. .Tim on of Pcterboro)ugb visited Mr. and Ms.Jamies L. JonoHill-crest Lane. Mr. Fred Truil, age 95, bro- the1,r of Ora (Mrs. R. G ardfiner) passed aiwayI at Cobourg on Thujirsday, Mýýarchj 22nd. After Rlent a Car for Ai DAY OR0 EEN Ask for Rae . . . CHRYLEk-ODG~LTD. Visit 'the - Specîalîing in. permis - cierm Clir;ol Wg Lat est Cutting Techiques PHONE 623-545.5 ,7 King St. W. BowmanviIie resting at the Barlow Funeralj H-ome the funeral wa-q frei :the Oro)no United Church on1 Monday afternooa. Internent. Oronio Cc-metery. A numrber of relatives and frienda from tRhe Ore-no anld TGry dstrctsattended the Open Hulse o0 atra after- ntoon and evcning to congratu- late MV)r. and Mrs.Har Jose of Newcastle on their 5th wedding anniversary. Mrs. R. Baxter and sons of Pcterborough spent a few dayi last week witb ber mother, Mrs. Wm. E. Armstrong and -,thcr relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oakly and family of Nova Scetia. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid of Kirby and other1 relatives and friends. >( Mr. and Mrs. Carmais Cor-ý nishi, Cheryl and John, cpeutt last week in Aberta visi tingl Mr. and Mra-ý. Bad Joncs auâd farnily in Edmnonton and en- joycd skiing in Jasper- Park. Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Pat- terson, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ken Bail ande grandson Kenny TMercer, ,were- dinner gucats of Mrs.ý John Mlorris 'and ber lbousei gu-tsonMondlay, Maprcb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Mer- cer and daughteLr of BelleVille, spent ithe weckenid witb their parents and other relativeés. Mrs. Rceg Sutton is a patient in 'Memïorial). Hospital, Bow- manville. The AnnuailvMasonic Ladties. Night was beld last Saturday c'vening at, the Orono United O.P.P. REPORT '!The Newcastle Detachmient 0'f the' Ontario Provincial Police investigated the fol- lowing motor vehicle olis ions and occurrences durtng the week of March !th to ýMarch llth. Twcenty motor v 'ehicle acci-, dents were investîtga.ted in whicb 8 persons sufferedper- sonaR lnjury, and 4 persons, charged with. traffic offences. O)n March 9th an elderly pedlestrian was lnjured on H-wy. No. 2 weýt of Maple Grove Road. Apparently'*when crossing the highway to catch, a bus, she, walked into, the side of a westbound vebiclc. The Newcastle officers also completed 67 general investi- gations of which 5 were break and enter, 5 theft, 1 fraud, i wilful. damage- complaint, i trespassing report, 4 dis- turbances, 3 domcstiec cer- palints, 2 missing person re- ports, and 3 erratice or dan- g erous driving complaInts. iFour occurrences involvcd the rccovery of stolen pro- perty, also there werc 3 re- port's of found property anîd i report of lest property. Two persons are charged with criminal offerces, 4 persons cbarged with lîqu-or offerices,. and 6 persons charged. with impaire-d driving. ,The following Is a sumnnary rÔîy ClanerseC/uc/del A pawnibroker ioaded his show mindow wlth uinredeemed saxophlones, banjos, tubas -'anid shotguns. "Very iateresting display", comrnented a friend, "but dees t seil merchandise?"' "Dees it" enthulsed the pawnbroker. ««One day a fellow buys a sax or tuba and two days ater his neighbor cornes In and buysa siotguin.' CLOTHTES CARE HINT: Stains lrom beverages wMl damage garments, qutlckly. Take them to your drycleaner for expert professional attention. MARCH 15 RED CRSS ONTH SUPPORT VOUR LOCAL RED CRO'SS %. CLEANERS LT D. "gWe Specialize In Shirt Lauindering', CL MI84 KING ST. W. 423-55'0 ~Ju Tý I~ N J(' *URL'ý Spring is hene and Easter Tîme is near. Make an appoioni-ent for yaur Baster hair-do NOW; aiso for youm pcrm, colon, wash and set. OPEN Mon., Wed., Fni. 'tii 6:00 p.m. Tuesdny and Thursday evenlngs Saturday froin 8.00 ni.m. - 4:00 p-in. Coventry Wigs Stili 259o OFF Bowmanville If you don't have ca crippled child PLEASE HELP ONE 0F OURS! Support Your Local Rotary Easter Seal Campaign MARCH flnd until APRIL 2Ind DON MORRIS, 1973 Easter Seal Chairiman On Sunday mnorning, following the car-hiydre pole1 Liberty, fiiling the area b)eiV wecn the CUrbs as tie catchi tccident on ingStreetEast, a watcr main broke justi basins andi stormi sewers couldn't hanmd] i i atr in hast cf'heirelal and gushed mýany thousands of flic day,- tie PUC set ip ithese twoc pum-ps te keep the ~allons of water over the tuwnr,,Ikingr lut. 'Jhle fast- water from entering thieftire hiall and cnmda, the ]owing stream heýaed north- on Divisoi and thren broken mrainwsrpacd ook a right t Urn teou down,,toni Street to _____ __ of occurrences inves;tgated lrn the past week. A report 0fj 1break, enter and theft wasÏ rece(ived on Marcb th. 'Tw,7o construction buildings owned by Bennett Paving, north cf, Bowmanville, were entered,1 by breaking the wijndowsv. Stoln was a construction has tpler, grease gun and, eyrigallons of grease and oul. Foetp)rints at the scene indicated that two youths wcreresonsblefor the theft. Two Kendaýl residents wereý charged with auto tbeft. af-' ter a baîf ton pick-up truck was recove-redc near Port Perry on Marcb. 5th. Four juveniles were arrest- ed an March 7th wben found in possesion of a stolen car, from Torcnto.. The vebicil was orig-inally diszcovered be-i ing operated erratically on 9Hwy. 401, near Courtice Road. jAt aibout 101:45 Marchi 6th, a farmier near Solina,, heard is5 car bcbng drlien out of the farmr drivevray.v Wbcn he went rouýt iveti gate, he fou,_nd the vebicle ln thie çitch on the townsbip road. The thief 'had already fled from the scenie Two stolen mater vebicles from Toronto were -re.covereýd ait a farm near Janetville on Marcb th. 1A s7tolen, car from OCsbawýa was rcccv e r cd abandoned nortb-west of Solina on March 7th. A cottage north of Kendal was reported broken Into on jMarch 8tb. Entry was galtned by forcing open the front door of the co)ttaýge. toien were a quaintity cf tools an ~housebeid ,good,; valued at $75.00. Two automnobiles near Jan- etville , werc victimnized by theft on Marcb 11. Un.,knewçn persons eut battery cables, stealing the batteries, car- buretor and spark pluig wir- !ng, valued at ap. projximately $-,8 5. "Kiiow Thie Law" Im)paired drivers appre- hended Ir, the last while have inrae.The Irinliiq dri ver becomes a reai bazard causing grief te the every-, day motorist, and whIeh cf- ten results in tra.gedy when be is involved In a serlous accident. It is a crimInal of- fence te be in care or control of a motor vebicle If you have consumed enougb. alco- hol te register more than point 'zero eigbt on a breath tes4, and it is a criminal cf- fence te refuse te take a breath test if dcmanded te do se by a police officer, Con- viction on. either of these cf- fences will result In auto- matic suspension of driver's licence fer a period cf net less, than 3 maonthns, also a heavy fine or both fine and goal sentence. NE WTON VILLE Mfr. Waliae Buge under- went surgery last week in hospital at Don Miîs. Recent vstosw;tib M1r.and M,,rs. F. Gilmer werýe Mr. and Mý,rs. Raymonnd Gilmner of Is- lingtin; Miss inez Symnons, *MTorrish, and Mr. Jim Gilmer, 0lf port Hopje. Local peopfle attending the card -party al Da-3le on Thurs- day evcning includcd Mrs. W. Bougheni, Mrs, Bea Joncs. Mrs. Hl. Trimi and Mr. Ray- mnd )c Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Far- row and Karen 0f Gatineau sý.pent thie %eekend with- Mrs. Iva Farrow and 'r.Reg Fa!l1s. There werceen éiand a half tables in play at tRie card party ýin Commrunity Hall, Friday evdning, with these, winners: High lady, Mrs. E.1 Trim; low lady, Miss Brec Milligan; bg man, Nick Wil- lems; low man, Edgar M Lýilîson;, 50-50 draw, Reg, Ellîott. MNr. Bud Joncs of Edmo(n-, ton spent the wcekcnd with bis mother, Mrs.. Bea Jonces and they were suppergus, Snaat Orone, wîth Mr and M rs. C r a C rnsh a f family wohaejsrtun Government Plans toi Proceed This Spring With Regïinal Scheme Tl'ie Hlonourable W. Zosao ac. Macdonaid, thie Lieutenan TiiTrne Speech stated, Govemnon of Ontarie, rencM y iinbs received the Speech from the Throneý proposaisrgadn regional at Queen',s Park on Tueday, gevcernmnent bath 'East and Marcb 2O)tb. Several eer oe f Metropoitan Tarante onces wcfre containcd in theland wii introduce legisîntion Thmo-ne, Speech which lndi- in Itis regard. catle that the Davis goen- "yGvmmetbiee mient is pepared te go aheadi t"at a strn and reormed as planned andi intreduce le- locta gonmc n le in tbe ileint or preinal govemis-,beet position te determine its The commente about lcal own prierities, and propose.s gavenmcnIt refamni cam7e in ta transfen te strenithened, tRie eariy part of teSecI local governments More au- uinderhining the fact that retbority and respnonsibilities grirti gverientishig o'for nmany aftRe decisions, g h inal f gevemnmetjebi nthat related te local nmatters."I "It is clear that tRie, pre-1 The Davis government aise servatien of aur physical e- announiceci its intention t ïources le one of tie miost protect faýrianCî, net only in urgenit requiremnents facing ;the seriously endangered Nia- ail goeemnmcnts ýteday. Theigara Peninsula fJruit belt Area, meejt important of these me- bu thoubout thie pr-ovince. sources s l and." :"IMy gevemnment willl take AIse, '"one of the principal Isteps te ensure proper policy' pupse f thie reorgainizal- ce-ordination a', initiatives tien a o cal q1 go-vemnment' invelving Rland use controls strctres iste encourage wbcre agricultural lande are more, effective planning at concemncd se that geed farm thie local le, pamticulariy in land may be retaàined for regard ta tie control andi useagricultumai puirposes." Citizen sGroup dcci- by Viola Ashton and Ada Yellowiees. They were then invited ie othe hall.' beautifuliy decerated for St. Patrick's day. Promptiy at 1 .. Miss Penrl Leach.j President \of the Institutl e, welcemed ýail the guests and1 askcd tlSem te proceed te the lewer bail, from where da- licieuLs smttlls were comîing. No onie needed a second inivi- TIhe tables were attractive ,with pussy wiilows and for- sythia. yelloxv cioths, and serýviettes. After the singing -~f the blessing, each anc en- i eyed a wonderfui variety- of m fany' different casseroles, -a]ads, relishes, home-made relis, desserts beyond descrip- tion and plenty of tea. The -,,okcs used talent, imagina- tien + generes7,1ity the dis- piay- of gourmet feeds avail- able. Thcy certainiy kept up with their reputation, per- haps surpassedi it. After ail had caten te the- fuiR cvery- one rcturne-d te tRie upstairs fer the program - demon- stratien of Pot Trece Comm- ice by Mrs. Geraldtine Balint fromi the Pot Trcc Schooi of Ceramic Arts, Taunton Rd. E. at Zion Rond. Mr-s. Balint had a display )f ber pottery for ail1 to sec. She was iteue by Miss Penn iLcachi. Afteri descnib-1 ing bier tchiue indte- ing about bier Pot Tree Shop, Mms. Bâiint invited ladlies f romntb e audcli enkce e nco0m e up1 and take aà smal smp o f' ber dlay to mrold into a picce of pcttery. Alae number accepted b er invitation. M1Vrs. Balin1t tenPocceded tl'er potrsW1-p.V1 make -severai iceus-. weefascinaited tesec tRi cup, bowl and vase mnateýrial- ize fromn only a big lumnpef: dcay. These of cour se neeidd te wait a î s hla todry. ae theywud be fircd in Mmet,.' Balint's kilo. I The articles made by sev- eral ladies wouid _bc takeli edué from- a wcek's holiday iný Western anda Mr. and Mrs. Fred H1ender- son were Saturdayevnn gusts w-i r. and Mrs. Ray Alock, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R11ay Hughes cf Port -Hope were visitors on Sa'turdcayý, evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow. Our chburch was.filled with ,a cnpaicitv crowd Sundav imorning, te hear the Switzer Bretliers of Oshawa, who pro- vided a mnost enjoyahile heur ef g'ospel msiinterSspersed withi aninesin and somne- tmsamuusing account of theiJr travels and experiences across the country-. R(,,%. Snel- grove aibly expDressed the ap- preciatien ef ail present t these talented young peole. and we were p1ea-sed te have the oppertuinity 0f imeeting Mr. and MVrs. Swvitzcr, their parents, vwho c2rtainlYy must be proudf of theýir dedicated sonu. Quite a numnber cf thie congregation attendied the ev- ening ,,service in Port Hope United Ciucbh, conducted by the sanie group. Neil Stapleton fromi Toron- te andbrte Gary frem Hai 3o pent the weekend witii their parents, Mir. and Mrs. Don Stapletoii, Sundiay afternioon. Mrs. Stapieton at- tcndJed a bridai shlower in Port Hope ini honor of Miss Karen Selvig. Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Field of Rcxdale were Sunday visitorsý with Mr. andI Mrs. Jim _,dams, and on Monday, MVr. and Mrs. Don Adams of rmia just returned fromf a Florida h!oli- day, wcelunicheon -guests. M\/r. and Mrs. Jack Chatrd and irls of Ncacýstie wer,- Sunday dinner gucsts with; Mr. and Mrs.,S. Lancaster. Mr.Margaret Whitney was avisiter with Mýrs. Winnifred 'Elliott last weýek anid the twov-) tenin or Sunday merning Mr, and Mrs. Ph-il Gilmer, Kim and K,,enny were in Graf- ton Sunday afternoon .where son'Blaîne was playing hoc- key with the Newcastle Nov- ices in the Consolation Series. Saturday and Sunday. NEWs t "THROUGH THE OWLý'S 1EYES" - B.H.S. by Ted Chant In four weeks' tîme a poli, taken by myseif at Bowmian- ville Higb School, wlll be publishcd in the Statesman. The vicws of students will Re set forth, in the 'form of sta- tlstIcs and a persenal com- ment wiUl accempany each monthly article. The question answers sbould be Informa- tive and enlightening and your respense would be grate- fully accepted In "Letters to the Editor." Alse, if you have any suggestions for questions Ie bce asked and palled write: The Chant Poli, c/o The Canl- adian Statesman, P.O. Boxi 190, Bowmanville1 Ont. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Percy Flintoff, Maple Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh, Wbitby, were visitors at 'the Brock and McKay home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Susan visitcd at Mr. Don Thompson's, Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moi-ton, Morris and Shelley, viaited withi relatives at Queensville. Mir. and Mrs. Stuart McKay who bave been visiting with thie Breck and 1McKay fanîiles have returned te their boe in N1ova Scotia. Mrs. Ruby Brown, Hampton, aise a guest with the Brocks and McKays, lias returnedi to ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Susan and Garry, were Sun-1 day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Witcr, Bridgett, Bowmanviile. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrid Bew- maaccompaniedý by Mr. and jMrs. Godfrey lBowman visited relatives at Cannington and Uxbridge. Masters David and Eddie Sobanski, Oshawa, visitedtheir - Morten cousins. Mr. and>Mrs. Glenn Wiilson and daughter epent an even- îng with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cochrane last week. Mrs. Herman Walker, Brook- lin, visited at Mr. Lloyd Stnithl's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin IA Where Friendly People Me4et" YOUýR EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN.I BOWMANVILLE )N is availahie in Bo-win ai)ville.11A good selectic 1 start alt a low $410to just $951.I o ;ATE is for yoil! 576-4281 FOR DETAILS 71 Kingý St. E. FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL N E W S On Tucsday, March l31th, pathy carde sent. and finished by Mrs. Balint the Senior Citizens beld thei Mrs. Henning joined thie on another day. Thie ladies menthly meeting in the, Lions club thie menth. The pro- would then be -able te -pick un Club wîth Min. W. Càawkerga a eb ner Mr their firet piece 0f poteny, presiding. O Canada was Ross Metcalf, but at thie last Sevoral questions wene an- sung. Mrs. Merkley at the minute ie couldn't cerne, se swered on thie procedure. pIano and ber daughter Mlade. the Mobile. Aire Barber Sbop At, the conclusion 0f Mrs. Uine witb bier violin, render-1 Quartet came.. These e Balint's demonstratien, Mrs. cd thre beautiful seecetion)rs. Messrs. Gaît, Cburch, Os- tAk da Yllwlesepcssetho A minute's silence was given 1berne and Osborne. -Tbcy f av- tbans. andtarecaion r ni tribute te four deceased ered ti uine witMr. aln fem i.Ms mýembers, Mrs. Hardy, M,ýr."Steam)ing Dewn the River,'Baitrwthiuktck Elli'ott, iMrs. Cooki and Mrs. 'Swcet and Lovely' and other ton adngtactiveaicce fhpot Crook. These Rad passed oni pleces. They were encored terywoing a pia. ATriy since eur last meeting. back te sing 'Wild Irish Rase,' was wieonf vMa r. ATdris 1Mrs. Young read the min- 'Thrce Church Belle' and 'I concluded anothen delightful utes of last meeting. An in- Wish AUl My Chiudren Were effort on bebaîf or Solint vitation te Sr. Citizens was âables Again.' It was a pleas- Woen's Institute. Thanks ta given te attend a play on ant treat for ahl present. Mr, ail wbo,,assistcd in any way AprIl l2th in B.H, Scbhool. Colin Taylor thanked thern. A transportation ccmrnîttee Thie rest of tRie evening, had been formed - Mr. B3en- spent In playing cuchre! tbam, Mr. Wooiley. Ilr. Brunt, o)r In-the reading room uinden Mr. Bradley and, Mr. Lang.î Mrq. Hutchinson., A letter was read, about a Bctween 84 andi 90 werelIJ Teur of Ottawa by tRie sec- served lunch by Group 4- 2 3 e iety Heritage of Canada, but, more wvlll be heard abeut thi*s trip next moenth. S ln Mrs. Hutchinson was TRie adis Wf AN0 charge of the reading reo Tlaiso Sauna Wo- tRis month, Mvrs.' Lang for men's Institute bld their1 April.1 Annual St. Patrick's Casser- ht was decidec te' bave neo Ie Luncheon in Solina Com,- I rogram for April meetin, munitY lHall oIn IeiW s but that nigbt -would be spent, March 21st. edsayj as a cuchre party instead aI Vsters were met at the: thie usual pro)grarn.__________________________ Thie Secenidary scooel Choirî at Courtice is cembinIng wt Bowmanville i g h Scboolý Bad a cfv te Nlew B8E A U-GAITE I Band ek ihhe tofie Sle York as guets MTarch 29th. Mrs. Armistc-ad gave tRie treasurer's rePort. She aIseý nàe the peeple cRie sent , gct-well carde taeor thiee ïym-. F lyd t ch d h m sf LONG SAUJT Mr,' and Mrs. Ted Wood of Omono, Muriel Gibo)on, Oroneu$4 / 5 Mrs. Ecina Wood aiýd John of3 Tyrene, were Tbursday sup- ,per guest.e of :Mn. an.d Mrs. Robent Camieron. Jessie Aldame xvazs a recent ýis visitor wf the Robert CamTT- Down r'oyments f rom js cron's. Mrs. G. Bernard and fan-ùlyl visiteci with lier brother Mr. H. Gallagher, Lakefield, on! Monday. On Tuesday Mme. Bernard visiteci witb ber hu- $1 > 7 5 band at Haileyb-,orough, Nor- 70 Mr, and Mme. Norrmis Davisý and famiiy,Waeevitd w ith thcir patrents, Mr, anci Mme. R. Gibson, Jennifer and, Terri stayed witb their grand-ý Nowý ARMSTRONG QUALITY CO)NS1,TRUCTIO parents for thie holiday week.i 3 & 4 bedroom homes, ail filly dletached, prices On Friday, Mr. and Mm. l 1ooking for valule, location and quiality, B3EAU-Gý GXibson, Jennifer aýnd Terr-i,' visiteci with Mmes. G. B3entley andi Mme. H. Gibson, Ajax. On FIda evening tRie Gib- sons, Jennifer and Terri visit-j cd with Mm. und Mrs. W, Mar- HGV Su YMr. and Min. N. OR;t CALL >Davis andi Robbie, Waterloo,; visited with their parents, the R,. Gibeens, Jennifer anid Territ- igoîng baclc home viith thii parents after spenclig a veryl happy week with their grand- ___________ Mm,. and Mu. Re -Gibeon1 quietly celebrated th-eir 44thl wedding anniiversary on Mar. lOtRi with oniy their immcndi- ate f amily preseist. y- S. is y is ;0 v The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanville, Mar. 28, 1973 Engineers Favor Gov't Proposais With Reservations Like anyone else, profes- does flot have much in cern- sional ený)gineers want to, mon with thie amaller centre?, know what regional govern-1 Leask also feels that the ment is ail about. prpsed regionial representa- Members'of the eastern- tionmay result in> Oshawa central region chapter cf the being governed b.y the region, Ontairio A-,ssoiation of Pro-wî evieal fessona Eniners APE) to ittack, hie says, and will reionaligovernm n says need1 protection whic'h it may TreaurerBobLeas, byhavpossibly get throughwoee ing Wh11itby Mayor Des, New-isch sern as hegoa man speair on the subject at himn the as association meeting. A mnain point of conern, lie After' Newman's presenta- says, is with the. location ef tion members asked -questions regional offices. He does flot of particular interest to themri know whethei-r or flot Osha- espccially ,on matters of edu- wa will be chosen as the cation and taxes, centre of the region, but if "Engineers t've speken to", fot, hie feel.s it stands more hie says, "seem- in favor oi to lose. the government's proposai As far as engineers are and feel it's necessary. As to concerned. , esays the' de- whether or flot, Port Hope man.d for enýginee'rs is now and Cobourg should, be in- at a low, bt th'is 'will changez cluded, they feed these have as thýe cdemand and supply more to gain than lose ". ratio cags From his own personall This mea,1ns "that atog standpoint, Leask says he h-as1now ma n ay fcel We doni't the imnpression thtOaainee ûmre dctinlfacili- is in a vuinerable p'osition tics of uiest status, it unl'der the regional sytm jralyhs'tbe iven that since ben agrcentre it nmuch togt"-hsWeek. PortHope Lawyer Pu ,Archaë-ses idallia Golf Club Propnerty P fort Hlope lawyer Grnnddfot know yet hocw many Brooks, son of Mrs, Sarn_ lots Éthere wjould b. It de- Brùooks,Wellington St., Bow-1pended on how many would manýville-, i nfer me d townIbe soldi around the Idalla cou!ncil, ini a letter at Mon- buildingl dlay night's regular meeting,ý The Idal a itself lhe added, that he bas purchased the woul1d be usda1 rvt Idalia property. .1homeaprvae He requested approjval to extend a sewer line f Mr. Brooks purchiased the Victoria Street for appro:xi- Idalia and ohe property m11-ately 300 feet toc service surroundiug il, formierly own- "certain lots" ontems d by the Port Hope ol easterly limits of the Idilali Club.,_____-Guide. Property. Thelo, fronting on Tra-ý ~agrStreet, have been ip proved for severence by the, Port HOPe committee of a7d- 2nd cind :Jd Motgoges justment. Eoe;y, quit> oppms'all "Iwish to make applica- ;, tion for the extension of theý 4II sewer a further 2530 or 30o feet to seprvice the lots front- lng on Trafalgar Street, im- Loso1hms.frs os Street," Vr.Bols lttr otae, cm ril stated. u1huid;n qs.Mney frhm M orMichael Wladyka mpvmetConsolidaion s;aidi the sewer installatioi.n f bin fact for ony pur- [would be paîd in total by thie pose, Write or telephone developer of the lots in the ,icoýllec t ta 10 p -, today. 24- samre manner as other sub- hor ocalrice.prompt dividers and developers.nestCrp. 33C) Boy Mr. Brooks' letter to coun- iýst- ToroDnt 1-416-366- cil did not specify how rmany' 9586 Evgsq -1.2941 lots were lnvolved. W.1icnj coritaýcted today he said hel byF M/e have thern ail at McoadFord, right here in, Bownianville. The Spring prices are now in effect, and Boy, ARE THEY LOW!V PHIONE: 4RNMcOTJAT BILL GARRETT NAT BIRK - TDY 6123-mi481

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