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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 7

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~gtemso/fglnterest I Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs, Roy Trudeau have returned from a pleas- *ant two weeks crulse in the Caribbea[n. Mr. and Mrs. Ken NickF and daughter Erin returnee, on Tue-sday fromn a vacation In Florida. Mr. and TMrs. Arthur Col. son of Prince Street have re- turned -fter a delighltful va- cation in Cuba. Mr. Brian Pattrick, York Unversity, wlth his parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pattrick on the weekend.' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Wendy and John have return- etd home after spendlng the school break In Florida., Mrs. Met Cox, Parkway Crescent, has returnedl from visiting her mther in Cape Breton.« Mrs. Cox travelled by plane. Mr. and Mrs. B. Tomtlinson, Kesýwlck, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Sutton West, called oni their unt, Mrs. A. E. nBU- let1 ivso St., last week. Mrs. M. L, Roenlgk spent the weekendl at St. Catharines and ttended the Spring Horsýe Showý in vficeh ber gradridaughýter Elna was com- Bey. and Mrs. D. C. Powel Sharon and Ment, Woodtcck, Ontario, have rtrndhome alter vlsiting hler parents, MIr. and Mors. W. Roy Webber, Ontario St. Mrs. Kelth Barley, Nancy and Ramond vsited with herpaensMr. arnd Mrs. Rene DeýGuire, Deep) River, during the school break. The hoeuse on Silvert Street, the home off the Frank Cry- dermnan famlily, is rapidly bngder-holished. No word yet as to what bs, lanned for theprpry The Salvation Army ,35 Division st. Bowmanvilie, Ontario CORPSOFCRS Captaia and Mrs;. S. Hlewlett 9:45 am. Suaday Schooi for the Whole Famiiy 11:00 a.m. Famiiy Worship Theme: "YOUR FUTURE IS BEAUITIFUL". (Revelatioxi 1:7) 7:00 p.10. Salvation Mieeting April 22nd Preseniting the ilay:-' "THIE CHALLENGE 0F THIE CROSS" >Tuesday 8:00 P.M. "Home League"I for ail ladies Wedaesdaiy 8:00 pin. Mid-Week Prayer Mteeting "We are availabla at TOUR convenience"ý 623-5857 -- 623-3761 REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scuigog Street Phpone 623-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 P.11. Back to God Holur Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 .a.m. -t MiTss Audrey Fletcher, and Mrs. Sara Neil, Oshawa, have just returned from spendixqg two glorious, weeks wlth Mr. s;nd Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher, %Clearwater, Florida. Chris Tomlins:on and Tom- my Hlayes Jr. spent the wio'- ter break holiday, silng at Jay Peak, Vermnont. Travel-ý ling fromOsaa several busý .oads made the trip.1 Miss Marjorile Hoidge, Tor-ý -'nto, spent the weekend wiLtb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnsý ind with themi attended the Johns Famnily Winter Picnlc at Solina al on Sunday, ,March 2th. Milaster Brett Turner har been vislting hi ' gn1andpaýr- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Tomr Tur- I ner, Wellington Street, w1illeý lis parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Turner, Willowdale, vacation-! ed in Italy. Mr. and Mrs. James Bourke and famlly have neturnied. f rom a most enjoyable skinig] holiday in the Laurentian. Mn. Bourke is .thie genial manager of the Flying Dutch- man MVotor Inn. Thec Departm-ent of Labour forecastsý a growth of 3."7 per- cent in thie tudent labour force. Ontario studJets ex - pected to seek ork thissumn-- mer wili rise ,from 4C3,O00 laI 1972 to 480,000In 1973. Mr. anid 1Mrs. DouglasWo- lück and famlily, Kapuskasing, Mrs. John Lunn, Sandira and H-eaýther, Atikokin, qpent ai week's hloliday with their pare-ýnt,--,Mr. and Mrs. Floydj Mutton, Ontarico St. For the second tim-e thep Union Jack bas beeni stolen from the ilgol t New,ýtonr- ville four corners. A reward bas been offered for Informan- tion leadlng to the return of the flag. A resident of Eaqst Beacn reports o)n Sunday hiundnedsl of red inged blackbM ldS mnade a Most impressive sight as be lnded the ,re, alng ST JOHN'fS SUNDAY, APRIL ls, 1973 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 a.m. HOLY BAPTISM 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 pa. "CON FI RMATION" "The Lay in- On of 1Hands"e Rt. Rev. Alan A.,Read, Suffragan Bis4iop of Toronto Officiant and Speaker United Churck Minister Rev. B. A. Turner B.A. B.D. Organist Mr,. R. Met caîf AR.C.T., AC.C.M. il a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. Juniors and Intermnediafes 11 a.m, Kindergarten and Primary TRINITY"UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B3.Th. - in-ister -John Crook'shanik - Music Director-Organist SUNDAY, APRIIL 1sf, 197." il1 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1HOURS Junior, Intermediat e and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. Beginners, Kinidergarten and Primary Depts. at Il Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO :EVERYRNE Reserve Saturday, April 144th for Muisic Concert in Trvinif y Chtrchi. INTERESIR'AT'ES Guaranteed Investm ent Certif icates 3 intere ----p-yme--- s 7 Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corp'n. SAVINGS EXECUTIVE SAVINGS ........... 5% ONTARUO TRKUSTm COMPAN y 19 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA, ONTARIO 723-5221 D. IRVINE, Managerj Rev. R. C. Plant, B.D, B.S, The îlth Annuel Meeting oh the Oshawa PnesbytrailUnitI- cd Chuircb Womaa wmil] be: beld in Trinity United Cburcb, Bowmeanville, Apnil 4th, with the sessions beinning et 9:30 em, ad130 p.m. Thaý theme o! this year's meeting is, "Prayer is the key to heaven, but aith ualocks 'the door". The themne speaker for this year will be Rey. R. C. "Bob" Plant, B.D., BS.Sc, Associate, Secretary, Division o! Com- munications, the Un iitecd Cbunch o! Canada. It is bis rasponsibility to tell the church miembens what the Uni ted Church is doing around the worîd. Bob> Plant is that unique combination oh evan- «elist and educator that maki-es Benny's Jamboree Attracts Good Crowd also a lot of noise with their cbirping. Mrs. Alice Darling, Pontý Credît, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Saddler, Etobicoke, and Mn. George Ives, Mississýauga, et- tended the funenal oh thein aunt, Mlrs. Neil Mutton, on Thunsday hast %week. 1The Oshawa Symnphony Chorus will present, e concert onSundey, ApnIl 8tb1, et St. Geor 'ge's Anglican Churcb in Oshawa. Ther progrem ifoat- unes the 'Saint John Passion' by John Sebastien Bacb. The conducton oh thie chorus w111 beJean Plency. The President of 1 Mexico, HýTis Excellency Luis Echev(r- .n, will nmake a w,,hirlwlnd i,sit to Toronto and Picken- i-ng« Mareh 31, nmeeting withi gjovernymnt and businiess of- ficiels as part of 'a tnade ne- kitIon(s invitatioýn to Cana-da Manch 29 to, Apnil 2. A bookiet, issued by the Ontritlo Miaistry of Heealth, conteining velueble informa- tion, entltled- "An Outline of Ona io H a 1t h Insurence, Youn Heelth <aePlan" rmay be obtaýined hy wnittng ta Ontalo H le alIt b Insurance Plani, Toronto 295 , Ontario. Mn. and --&s. Robent C. Nema of lIicbmond Hilll and yoagr onBoby, vîit- Lcd Miss Apha Hdison Suadayrý. Mn. and Mý rs. New- mýan are foermer B1ýawmaavlle residents and during' a àtour îof the town aoted the mnY changes sinice thein depanture Mnï. and Ms ereStb- pleton and n.r Gordon Macà- lia flew to Wliaaipog ,lest wekand then motored to Antler, Ssaceawhere they attendled the fuineral of the fornmcr's sstnMns. VW.J. BellaAnitler United Chunch Thcy also visitedr relatives in iSouris iend Bra.ndon. Last Saturdey, Steven Ros- siter, 379 Surrey Drive, Osh- awa, wOn flrs7t place in the Soap) Box Snowmnobile d1esiga categýory, whila Dne Thora- len, 33M Wasaga Court, place-,d second. Ducf0 ackof so the racesý were callePd off. Judges wcre Doug. Ffit b, Regý. White and Gle-n Welch. David Wnight, jnjuned the latter Part of Janiuary la a car accident and a patient et New vUaivens ity Hospital, London, bsregeined somne arm, accordin-g to his faimily. Cars, ettnsand visits are mo(,St appreclatedi, so If youl bave a minute please keep them going bhis way. MnI. and Mrs. Sami Van Camp have netunpied fnoira wonderful three, week vaca- tion wihincluded HEoLy- wood, Calilfornie. Theýy als1o visitedl Universel Studios anid saw PmovIes being mede. The fil-ng of the TV senial "Holý- lywood S qua res, the se- Ciuence whlchv;Ill be shown lan about a; ontad ,tbey alovis'tedDlnyad Bob Kerr, Osbeýwa, 1,s de- signlng tue sets for the Bow- mnanville Drame Worshop presýentation of "T'he Mari- womaa 0 f Chaiillot." Knowig Bob'sabilIty -aon.- thce eues tbey will be somnething f0 se. ob Shenidan, wb as had miueh e.xPenle!,e l all syhase-(s of drarn., presen'te- i oris, 10 hé oçsrc tion of the sets. lai somne provinces; the De- fensive Driving, Course is tied in with tbe Points s"ystemn. la Bnitlsb Columrbia vwhen a dri- ver bas eccumnulated 6 points, hie neccives a letten hrom 'the Registrar 0f Moton Vehicl-es the DUC. On relacbing points ha Is requlred to tke the couirse on face an imnmed- late 30-day suspension of li- Plan to attend "The Med- womean o! Chiaillot" present- cd by. Bowmianville Dramen Works-hop lin Apnll. %Wnitten by Jean Ginaudoux, the set- tinig is Pa1ris. Ir, the finst act, the vanous ehai-racters %who frequent the Cafe Francis wll appeanr. TheIr leader is the Mawmn.inito their mldst come four people wbo are up to no good. Come see whant they Plan. On Thursday and Fniday, April l2tb and l3th, The Can- adien lIed Cross Societly, On- tario Division, wlll bold thein 53nd Annuel Meeting eat he Jaimes hon bier aSssitnce, Th!e Millbrook Lions Clubi Pancaika and Maýple Synu1p Fe'stival ill be held on Apnil 1 14 and 15 et Russell Kcn- nedyý's çsugan-,17 bush, two ie South of llbok This willi bc- a-n opportunflt to seebwý Modem~aetods s wcll asý thie old fýýuhion1ed way 0f con-, vertirg the sepi) tno syruip will beU on displayv. Ac!coing, to experts it takes M0 gallo)nz of sap1 to make -a gallon etf syrup. Everyrone lntenested I cordially invIted( to attend. The Oshewa Symiphiony As- suainwill present a Spe- ciel'chldnn'sconcert on Set- urday, inc ls, athe auiditorium of . . obentsý ClgitOshawa. Tie 0gb-1 r.wa Symrphony Orchecstre wll ho- conducted hby Brien jack- son, Petcnbhonougbl. Guest solo- ist- willl be- Elizabeth, Lam-1 ber, and Stephen Fesboth o saw.The prog rn ill 1 include Saint Saen's ý'Candi-1 vafl o!fthAnmaI', cko1v- skuy' s 'The Nutereeker Suite', Voin Weber's 'Oberon Over-1 Mr. ind Mfrs. James Pater- szon and thnee sons oh Caledon %venr ceat 'guvsts of! Mrs. P. R. Glîbent, Concessi!on Street Wes-ýt. Also the lIcvenend Mel- ville Bailey of So)utbigatc PreshyvteInnChunch, Hml ton, and bisz wife and fa-mily wcre luneheon guests cduring the bolîrleys wlth Mrý. l bent.. Balc'y was the, m-inIsten-bistor:iaa who xvas the mo,,vlng spnitbciadth restoration of Dundui;na Cetle lia 1Hlmilton, Otno hc inow one oh the most inter- qsting zinc' iopuilen historie sites la the province of On- At.the IWoodstock !Batoný competîtion, Sunday. Me-rchII 18, yer-ldCindy Lang- fond was aaed runnen-uip la, tha Mid.get adlvaneed twirlen' of the djay. She also took first~ î in Novice Militany, first lan advaneed T Strut, second lai idvanced solo and ifth inl 'moelhng.At a-oaeiif on Saturday, Mnh24th, in' I .~ r ~ Tonaanda, N.Y., Cindy tool<i firs fa hamionsipfinrst In Novice dllitary, hirst bl t advenced T Strut, .ftrst in ad-I vaniced solo and second lna d- vanced Basic Strut. Cindy is the deugbtien o! Mn. and Mrs. Ken Langlor, MIliLan, At a reeent meeting oh Menvers Counicil in Betbany, the hirst steps towerd estab-ý lishing Li Manvens Townslpli Arenza vwene tak.en. Interestedl -, township ) cit izens taaend the lmeeting ýwith Wilfned Ricbardson, Poatypool, actingI a2s e n airmn.[t %vas suigget- ed t he anecna couýld be blîtIi ri hL general area of the Cowan Poiitiac-Buick Lt d., new radvewShool, nearý are pieased fo annouince the lots 12-13 on H-ighway, 7A east appointment of Bruce Winiig oc Hgd a 35.' A geýner-a as a Sales Represeafative. 1 discussion followed on wy rBruce resides ini Orono and is end mneans to reise hndto weli1known and respecied id e.-xplone the governmert graýnt the Bowmanviiie area. -He structure and t'o have a diele-ý hormerly operated the Gulf gation visit othe n enenes fori Service Station et The Flying ideas and iots Dutchman, and is wveli quati- Priie M se Pierre El-ý fied f0 hal.ndie aay of your new îîott Trudeau will beý a heet-1 or used car needs. ured speaker et the annuel ________________________meeting la Ottewa o!fth Speaker Lbn1 Pet __ him a' ideLýa person for'the Bey. Plant wes bora lnaa Baptist parsonage ia Mont- real. Ha studied Theology et MoMaster University eind was ordeined by the Beptist Con- vention in 1948 and served et Finat Baptist Churcb la Brock- ville and latar et London, Ont.1 Ha became a Uanite-d Cliurch clergyman in 1965 and sarv- cd in Deep River, Ont. hor eigh'. years. Fromn 1951-1970 ha was co-author ofh "Tbink- ing Tiags", a col- umnhon young peo-ple, pub-1 lishad la "Oawand" and thani ia "Rapport". Ha is doiag a great dcal o! writing and speaking about the work ohfthae_ huncb and its mission to thae-world. Rey. Plant willi be addressing loth morning and atennoon ses- Judged the most fair newspaper in the US. by professional journali-sts themnselves. A leading international daily. One of the top three newspapers5 n the worldi accoding to journalistic polils. Wiinner of over 79 major awards in the last fiva years, including three Pulizer Prizes. Over 3000 news- paper editors read the Monitor Jusi send us your name and address and we'II mail you a few free copies of the Monitor without obligation. P PlaePrint Ai Ad re s,______ THE CHR>STIAN SCIENCEI MONITOR Box 125, Astor Staioný B oston, Msahsts02123 Holiday Inn in Sudcburyý-.1 Over 30 deegaesrepresent- *ng RIed CroussBranches, thr.oughout Ontanlo areex peted ta attend the two-.daky meeting ,to icusand lre- view vthe Society's porm BonsCommnunity Asso-~ ciation hias b(1een informned1 that the Local1 Initiatives' Pro-ý gram nifor Senior Citizens basmý beenT turnied down hy thie To)ronto, officýe. IJnder the LIP project, the Ass)ciationWn- ed to set up a plainned pro- gram 0of activities for Seio(-r Citizens of the irea for ai five monthi periodl, transporting the participants dlaily f0 thc Commriunlty Hall. Sympatby is extended to Con. A. Gralham Coilter,~ Osbawa, and faminlly in the passlng of wife a ýnd mother, Mrs. Grtrude Anne- Coulter, wbo assed awv'ay Sa-turday, arb24th, In Tloronito Gpni- eral Hospital. Ms.Cqulter was a former chirmyan of the Crippled Children's School Cornmittee of Simcoe a mnember of the McLauigh1!n Art aley and St. Andrew'sl United Chi-rch. Mrs. George 1W. James, Mrs. San, Brooks, Mrs. E. V.ý Hoar, Mrs. Geo rge Young, Bowmanvill, and Milss Kateý Foster of Osbawa, attended Dunbamn Club ln Toronto on Frlday, evening when Misr Aleen Aked coniduçted 'ber! final meeting ais President of the Club. 'Miss Aked In her rei-arks paid trIbute te the laeDr. George W. James foýr encoutraging h ler to undentake wtngand as to M rs The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, Mar. 28, 19737 Miss Jessica Plckett, 0.5. On Tuesday, Apnril 3rd, Miss9 Jessica Ptcikatt, C.S.. will spcaik et Durbami Collage in aslw, tM:5 p.m. Shie is a gradruate. of the Univansity of Cigo'anid a formner business W1omn of Chicago,'vllere she- worked id th(e -field oh pub,_lic relation1s. Duning World Weni II she served la thae'Nevy aq an officer in the Woe' Resenve. Since 1955 sbe bas, acvote2d ber f uli time f0I the pujbîic rctc of Chistianm Scienice in Ch1-icaglo. She wasi aplpoinited to the Board of Lectujresbip in 196P. Her sub- jeet w.ill bha "YolIigbýt tO Be 11mgtw limpac(t and u lsages of graphiies il, improving, press pablications IHe stresses ta tlie churcbt preoýssis in compe- tition ftoihe rades ttention nlot \ onl wtbother pulblicationýs but witb TV an'd radio as w iU ïPeople lbavýe mily so lmucb t) ime b sen on any cdum Thrtrpublications 1mu1st attract and involve eeyrea1-1 cî~ Saesansipis becoming! am evrimportant factor and t pgahcldesiga ami pho- ogirapby. is vital in eliciting readernteret. Wat 'Mn. Cnieton mphaizcsis ili batte pirime functii o of typognapýhical dosign i 0ake il easy for the rede o cmrcdthe messge.He aimis 1that many publicationls ini Canlada are BAHA'ULLAH PHONE 623-3171 ADULT COUNSELLUNG SERVICE Il yolk want f0 dû something about your education . . . TOU IobabIY ran. Ses Your Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 toi) .1%PM. at the 4 NEW BOWMANVILLE 111GH SOHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service Is free - confidential - sud no appointment moatii. The convention, sche-C dujed to take place Apnil 13- oflUUCt m îllr teau Laurier. Delegates wll' lerthe Prime Minliste in;f or Chur ch Editors iin afteraoon sessýion Apnl 14 On thle ooienIngday of the 1oetCibo hîmno annuel meeting, a blghlight Applied Art1s at DrmCol- will be an address by thelewilb codtiga Leadier of thie Libenaranty motn eia a ok i n Ontarlo, _Robent Nxn ag,.o bis lintention to step down Pulicat ions l) on Saudy and it is expeýcted a date wlll Ma ;'3 t ERyers"oa Polteb be set for the provincial lead- aialInttue.Tis ;wilI con- ershlp convention to selert cliu the awnnua convention of is successor. thec Canadian Cbujrcb Pnessq The nmedical profession Is meeting wbîcb stlteminTon-J grateful te, the prvnilouto eanlien this week. auditon for tetting the record Mn.C(ionwili be empba- stralght wl%,th respcectto the ___ $50 mnillion budgetary deficit of 'uhe iaistry of healtb farmens and rooe n s,'l he whlch -was debated in thelsi.Ta rto payment Ontario Legisiatune 1la Nov- can neacb up to $50 eped-1 emiben. At the timne, politiciaàns ing uporjn such factors ais taix-1 and civil servantsz sald theabeicm an eout f deficit was caused by ex,.ces property taxes on xent pald., .sive billlng, on the part of theý Total projected cost of the doctors. They ealled lit a' pnogram Its $160 raIllion. "medical rip-off". 1Now vtbe provincial audlit(,nrr ep or ts Rlent a Car for that civil servants failed to collect about $5.5 million 'In A DAY OR WEEKEND hellh i nsurance pnemniums. Alk for Rae... Hard facts m-ay not be &s CUT politically appealing, or as CRYLE-ODGELTD xvorth)y of beadllnes, as la- iiuendO), but thley are a bettpr 63-5 86 bssfor rseponýsible co -______________ ment. The Ontario 1Filmi- Associa- tion wlll hold jts Fourtbi An-' l ua! Film Showcas;e from i Apil ! to 8, 1973 at the YMCA Leadership Trainingi Centre, Geneva Park, Oillia, Onta rio. A,%ppnoximately 3001I eegatsw spend the fourl days viewing the mnost necent, aad relevant 16 millimetre, flmrs. Durlng the four-day, w Showcese, the Association will, hold its twenty-ftfth ennualý generai meeýting. marking, its celebration as, Canada's oldest contlnuous Association devot- ced to tie promoio and use of 16 millimetre films fon D p cultural, re2creational and edu-, cational purposes. In June. 1973 tbe AssociIvill offi- cially necognize Its tweny fl anniversany w Ith ay-ý long cenemnonles et the O)n- EFF tario Science Centre, The Manch meeting o! the WATCH FOR THE Kinette Club of Bowfnai was, Wednesday, Marcb 2lst, to celebrate the 17th birtbda of, the Club. Attending the protoîin 2LU m reeting were Lillian Hooperl,HARSP Y Helen 'Duan, jean Williams. ..... AIR + A 1Barbai Conneil, B a r b a r a 1 z Mr SMasters, Codne Wisemnan, iris =1,one Murray, Barbe Chlpman Ruby Woodw ardal past pre-: sidents o! the club, and thel regular nmemrbenship. ALso eti tbis meeting, Junla Carneim Barb O'Neil. Jerry O'Dona- ghuie were instelled as new event o! the evenoa was a floral display, given by Bess '*BR C EE Pe1Dtenson, from Van Belle R C E M Gardens. The flowers weea"m n 1le pnesented to Dorothy codiibý b au 1 Mutton, Linda Osborne, Ver- Muai dice McLay, and Linda Tay- lor, as wianersý of the draws. Lretubi Money -frnm the Ontario govaramnent Is flowing out aet a rapidly growing rate toi eaaly filers of incomne tax re- S m turns, Revenue MInister Allaný Gnossmen seid today. Pay- mentis under the new Ontarloý .property Tex Credit PlanWERS bavef gone f0 100,000 Ontario residents by mld-March, Mnr., Gnossmnan said<. A igh pro- portion of these were f0 pen- sons who were not raquined te, pey income taxes and wlhALEX filed retunns only In ordar to iE X M ûlaim their bena1fit under the newv plan. "We are especlallyl -nlu to reech all low-In- 5 KING ST. WEST coele familes. pensionem 1 go 1cGREGOR rugs 623,5792 OSHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY preselits MERRIE ENGLAND by Basil Hlood aid Edwa;ird, Gerram E1ASTDALE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Harmiony Rondi North APRIL Sth -6th -7th 'kt 8:00 1p.11. ALL TICKETS - $2.50 HEAR Jessiqca Pickett A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER EXPLAIN Youar Right to he Right TUESDAYl, APRIL 3rd, 8:15 P.M. IN DURHAM COLLEGE LECTURE AUDITORIUM -Admission Free- On Sunday afternoon at the Town Hall, Uncle fe-atured during the program thiat concluded with the Banýny Wilson staged a jambýIoree- that ajttnaýcted an old master Uncle Benay penfonming for the happy apprecia.tiva- audience of people of al aes his; mus- gathiering. Ha is shàowni in action ini the second photo. cal groupof teenagers, The, Jackets-, was oaa of -those_ 13 I 1

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