FLASUBACK - 25 'Years Ago - The following were prize wirners in the Bush League Bowling play offs: Bob Gallagher, high single, high triple, high average recei.ving $5.00 for eachi evenit. Bill Pooley, Frank Samis, Wl Polley, M1att Harrison, Norm Cowle, Dud Deeley, Doug Taylor, Porky Osborne, Jimr Levett received $2.00 e-ach while Wes H-urst, Shorty 'Vetzel, Bob Noble, Bill Woolner, Dill Lar>gley, Ever- ett Welshi, Reg- Coombeps, Bob Mi tchell, Gord Balson each received $1.00. Team Prizes: lst Polley $20.00; 2nd, B.T.S. $15.00; 3rd, Woolner $10.00; 4th, Noble $6.00. ~ . i . i FLASHTBACK - 10 Years Ago - Scoring in the last minute of play, the Coronation Cafe town Basketball team defeated the Hotelers 49-48 last eveing at the B.H.S. gym te win the titie for the second year in a row. Membhers of the teamn were Charlie Trim, Dan Seto, John Seto,.ý Coachi Doug Rfigg, Ed. Wildmian, Gord Ritter, Nori Buwalda and Don Welsh. 300 CLUB - winners, Marchi 24th (2 lst week) No. 177 AI Christie, No. 72 Bill Katocs, No, 258 J. Keith Shackelton, No. 53 Dick Dennis, No. 194 Jack Bissonette. tt t it LEADING GOALIE - Last week's uxbridge Tinies-Journal published. a photo of a formner Bownianvilleite, Rae Coakwell, wbo %vas pre- sented with' a trophy for being one of thbe leadinig goalies in their Inter-Conimunity Hockey League. IRae, formerly with County Chrysler-Dodge, looks as hale and hearty'as ever. t t 't t t PORT ELGIN - Kinsmnen Club, is again sponsoring their Third Animal Voyageur Day, Saturday, May, l9th, 1973, with proceeds in aid of service work. The main event will be the Canoe Races down the Sau- geen River from-, Paisley to Port Elgin. There will be several classes in the Canoe Races, including Pro- fessional Single Kyak; Double Kyak; Couples - Man and Womnan; Couples frorn Bruce Counity. (Man and Wýoman); Ladies Doubles. Paisley Rotary Club wil sponsor a Voyageur Day Breakfast,, complete with ali trimniings, prior to the races on Saturday morn- ing. Afternoon activities will include a carni Val,, children's gaines, etc, In the evening, a monster chicken bar-b-q will be held, and for the enjoymnent of spectators, water games at the lakeside. To top off the day, a gala dance at the Port Elgin Arena, ivith continuous m-usic, provided by two bands, and at this time, the prizes-- and trophies won during the '~day's events will be presented, t t t FATALITIES - iii snowmohile accidents at the end of January this year were more than in the whole 1971-72 season, despite a comparatively short seasen. Statistics show the ma in cause to be: where the machine is operated - In a total of 31 killed as of Jan. 31, 1973, 28 deaths occur- red on ice covered lakes or rivers, and on public thoroughfares. Three were involved while oper- ating their machines under reasonable risk con- ditions. Snowmiobiling has the unenviable posi- tion of having the highest tatality rate of any outdoor recreation activity in Ontario. PROFESSOR AMOS E. $EY1A RT - is probably the best known safety expert in North Amnerica. "F ather", of high schocol driver-educationi, he has been runningy courses foDr Ontario Safety League for 26 years. FollowingýI a Two Day Conference on Advan-ced Techniques in Motor Fleet Safety Managemrent held in Toronto recentiy he left Toronto at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday in a snowstorm, drove to his home in Penn- sylvania, a distance of 350 iles. Collecting material needed,. drove to his next assignment in Detroit and began lecturing Thursday morning at nine. His age? 74! t t t tt A C.A.S.C. TRAINING SCHOOL - for Race Marshals will be held by the Canadian Race Commiu n icat ions Assobciation at Humber College North Camipus Auditoriumi, Humber College Blvd., Etobicoke (west o ff Hwy. 27, between IRexdale Blvd. and Albion~ Rd.) on Wednesday, April 4th and Friday, April l3th. Both sessions start at '7:30 p.m. and attendanee at either one is requzired. The quzalifications reqtuire responsible, alert nien and wemnen, inimumgiiît age, 18 years. This Training School is te teachi people te work as Race Marshals for mnotor races in Ontario, mainly Mosport Parkc. For further information, contact:- C.R.C.A. Public Relations, Box 38, Station "Q", Toronto, Ontario, M4T2L7. CONGRATULATIONS - to Western Electric Mino.r Banitams on elimiïnating Milton in the Ontario semni- finals. They now advance into the Ontario Finals against Grimsby with thie first game there on Tues- day evening, and back hiere Saturday. MlcGREGOR DRUGS MIDGETS- in the Ont- ario semii-finals against Milton, gowrianiv»ilj takes a two to one lead wvith the fourth gamé. in Milton Friday and if necessary, back here Sat- urday at 7:30. "Go Bowmianville Go." tt. 1 APRIL 7th - is Bowmanville Recreation Depart- mnent's Minor Hockey Day. There are somec fine hockey players in these leagues- so plan to come out and see somne good hiockeýy. Also the 50-50 draw wvilL becruade then, with p)rc-eeds to, help defray expenses for Chuck James who was injured during one of the garnes and has had costly ' bills following eye surgery. Plan to buy your tick-et and lend a hand. 50 WMAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT MINOR HOCKEY DAY Saturday, April 7th, 1973 8:.00 a.m., - BANTAM - Czibs vs. Kinsnien 9:20 a.ni. - IMIDGET - Cornets vs. Canutcks 18:40 a.m. - PEE WEE "A" - Blades vs. Kings 12.00 p.m. - PEE WEE "B"' - Frank's V'ariety vs. Rangers 1:15 p.m. - ATOM "A" - Frank's Variety vs. Royals 2:15 pan. - ATOM "B" - Fargo's vs, Tigers 2.15 pan. - TYKE - Americans vs. ilorniets Adults - 50c ADMISSION Chilciren under 13 years - 25C ONLY THE PLAYERS and COACHES 0F THE TEAMS PLAYING ON MINOR, HOCKE Y DAY WXILL BE ADIMITTED FREE. Western Electric Minor Bantams Def"'eat Miîàlton Three Games to One To -Qualify for Pirovica 0.14T. 4etas BANTAM GIRLS Willatts 5,' Richards 0; Fairey 5 Hlaynes 0: Westlake 5, A. Luxton 0; J. Lýuxtoni 3, Gibson 2. Teani Standing Fairey 37, Haynres 31, A. Luxton 31, Wesqtla,,ke 29, WilI- atts 21, Gibson 2e, J. Luxton 18, Richards 14. High Singie-B. A. Fairey 198, L. A. Wiila,-tts 199. High Double-B. A. Fairey 357, L. A. Wiilatts 297, S. Heath 293, A. Luxton 2M4. BANTAM MBOYS Halîmaln 5, Carswdl 0; Richi- ards 5, Bond 0. Team Standing Carswell 27, Bond 27,,Rch ardq 26, Halîman 20. High Single-R. Bond 184 Hligh Double-R. Bondl?283. R. Sutcliffe 272, B. Richards 270. JUNIOR GIRLS Holroyd 4, Taylor 3; Mitch- ell 5, Gray '2; Brooks 5, Chow.v TeaïnStanding G ra-y 49, H-olroyd 39, Tay- ller 3U, Mitchell 35ý, Broàks 26,1 Chw23. B. Taylor 2139, C. MVitcheipll 2301-! 266, Judy Holroyd 2_21. Jo- anne Holroyd 1_220l. H-lightrpeC Mitchell 671.1 JUNIOR BOYS -Stacey 7, 1leddy 0: fy- olds 5, Coomi-bes 2: Lanle Bishop 2. SaeTeana Standing Stcy 46, Lane 42ý, Ryn olds 42, Cotumnbes 34, Leddy 27, Bishop 19. Hligh Sangle-B1. Branchi2U8. G. Coobes 25, G. Lane 227, M. Renold'221. iHi gh Triple-Mi. Reynol)ds 599, R, Stacey 598. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Cawle 5 B3rooksý 2: Daveyv 5, Masterson 2:; Coombes 7, Roberts G; Bradiéy 7, Gray 0. Team Standiing Lradiley 53. Roberts 52, Coom-bes 36, Davey 36, Cie 315, Gray 25, Brooks 22, M1,as- terson 21. HighSigeS Davey 320, !W. Combes 279-250,, D. Wil.-1 lcox 272, G. Edmnondscn 270. ,M. Roberts 265, T. Mollo)y 262-1 266, ýS. Wood 259. High Triple M. Roberts 717, T. elo 717, W, Coomibes 711, S.: Dl'avey 7û02, G. Edmondson 685.1 Hockey Finals 1Western ElectrIr Mi1n a r Batans, atter losing the first garne 9-6, camne back to de- feat Milton three in a rOW toý iwin the semni-fînals and ad- vance Voc the Ontarto Finalsý agaInst Grimsby.1 On Sunday. Mardi ISth, i Milton, Westerns played a' vrery poor defensive game as the score would Indicate andý allo-wed ýmilton to capitalizel on msae and win a well-ý carned' 9-6 vIctory. Bowmanvilles scoring a led by Robert Ormniston w%,ithÎÏ Y four goals aiong wlith one ............each by Terry Sarg1 ison and Jerry Johnsto-n. Assists Went ta SragLnsýon, Jukic and Ho garth with two each and one by Orrniistoni. On Wed., March 21-,t, at Mernorial Arena c W sten caine out hitting, and tis, along with the forwards back-ý ehecking, resulted in an easy 6-3 win. This was a chippy, ganie with BowmanvIlle tak- ing Il pen-alties3 to Milton's fu.Goal scorers wvere Ro-i ni eimnated Mlo et ritnand Terry Sr and wil now meet ginson withi two eac-h andý singles by Barry Livingst.on: adRon Jukic. Asslstlngç wcre: John Conboyv with two, andl Ca ione ecd by Sarginson, Orns- C use ton, Jki n vnsoe This was the turning pointý in the series as Milton dlidn'ti Ilke the hitting and ln the linal two garnes We.ste.rnsý domInated playi. On Saturday at Memorial ....r... e na, the score was -1 and in Milton on Sunday te camne away 6-3 winniers ta wrap the sertes up three ,arres to one. In Saturday's gamne, Terry, Sarginson bit for a hat trick1 wvith Robert OrmIston and1 Jerry Leddy scoring one each.i tý>ssists went ta Ormistoni with two and one by Gruy- ters, BIckle, LIvIingstone, Ilo- garth and Johnston. In the final gamne In Miltoni on Sunday, Jerry Leddly âand! Robert Ormuston scored twuice each, with Terry Sarginson and Jerry Johnston addlng singles. Assists were by Sar- gInson wIth two, and Biekle, Davis, Hogarth and Jukic one1 at frequent intervals. ecd. This' was Bowmaonvillec's1 ut certainly added( to best gamie of the series anrd on'ly Mil1tones goaltender kopt, th~e score frorn belng much SThe AIl Ontario rFinalsi started Tuesday night jir G am eGrimsby with the second gam-e ta be played ln Memor- 'al Arena at 5:00 pmn. Satur- day, Mardi 31lst. 1 _______________________ On Saturday afternoon, Knapp's Myajor Bantarns played the first of three semni-final games that wiere played hiere that day, with Bowmnanville teams winning al ofthe. This picture shows one of the Knapp's stalwarts in work if noV in size, Ralph Crydermnan, with a big smunle on his face after, scoring- on the tretsvllegoahie. _________________________ McGîrego-jr Midgets Lead ýMu1two-n 2-1 ind-luSeo:mti Finals by David Gohceen Vwo nights, Gibbs, and right behind himi Bowmanville's McG r ego r Saturday's Ganie came Grant Luxton with a Midgets ake a Vwo Vo one, Bowmýianvill1e got a three týwo goal performance. lead into weekend action -- oal performance froni Roryý This game was a ra ,Frîday In Milton, and If rneed-"'ckmscem ae as led, Saturday -in Bowman1Ville Bowmanville used their mus-1 at 7:30. cde and scoring punch ta de-ý The scores were Milton 5,E U feat Milton 7 Vo 3, Bomnvle .Frdynight: 1V took almost the flul op-1 Saturday and Sunday 7 ta 3 W '~d.P T l ening stana before either; and 6 te 2 respectIvely, for eamn made a dint on. the BowmnanvIlle, A /S W , scoreboard. Jeff Legere Icr Friday's Gamne Ï"SIES WAYr d fromi Grant Luxton aïnd Atter the rugged team rr omr C R E Joe Humeniuk at the 19:57i Gananoque wore the by mark çf thec period.i out the previaus weekend, it TM STN Milton tied the game againj was tu-e for a physical Jet- two minute mnark of the sec-1 down. This bappened, as Mjl- _ 5TOCHSE)nd as Peter Chuchmack beat! ton took two periods ;ta score!"lp on a close in shot, a goal agaInst BowmanvilI W AI Grant Luxton put Bowman- but the MycGrego.r boys ,wcre , ville ahead six minutes laVer unable ta geVthL-eir scoringi~,1 on an unassisted goal, machine on track. If 1V hadn't r 2 Milton ited the game agiaîn been for netmninder Steve - . s en Fay scored tbree in 'SliP' Rowe th-e score could 11Utes after Gruint had puti have been larger / Bowmanvilie into the lead. They played withaut An- k ., Six minutes laVer, Rory drew Mackenzie, Allan Emnard . "I Gibbs scored Vo again put i nd Rory - Gibbs, bannshed for 13ovemanville Ioto t he laad, ane gamne by 1wonutsi but IV was short-Ilved as Mikel the final gamre with1- Gana- .1D 0 NF SJ1 Leslie Ved the gamne for Mil- noque, But even wi01th heir f '1)UV tJ tn The score at the end 0fý help the boys would hav £.Wa' the second was 3 Vo 3. came out on the short end of Ii flELL DSei owtýnanville thien to00k the score as hey jujst didr"'t ~a h ae, asth eoard1 have an.y pover In their skat- ý Service IIfour unanswered goals. Rory In)g an(! when they didi geV w Gibbs got the Vam r'nig going 1V was to-o laVe. TmwiVh a goal assiýted by Er),yi Niowlanscared the twe goals 18 KNG , nax, then Rory iopcd Ina for Beowmanvile B1p.VLL pass froni PeareceWilcox and Bowmanville nw kn ewRn Strike. that hey were behind i PHONE 623-5662 1lPearce Wilcax then stole, gaeadi see agv DnML-îu o li uepc n1epstdi n garties, an V "0N1cLaC1111ý- DonPlaonthe II- nd . AOs'isteintr themn the inCcentive tac.skýate ;I____________ ory"Gi, s n det.yd nx. t and play hockey the next _____________nd___________ S t Joseph's Mixed. March 25th Standings Team Pts. 3, Bill Holreyd .61 2. Les Hunt- 51 Il. Jitn Fair . 49 8. M. Vanstone ,---40 7. George Gibbs -- 38 4. Geo. Charland 35 5. Allen MacLean 35 6. Mike Kennedy 27 1Ladies Pins 33740 32980 31936 3 1756 31556 30600 31590 H. Single -Frances Elîs 241 H. Triple- Jean Holroyd 611 Men Hi. Single- Gary Conway 328 H. Triple, Ewald Wihlidal 732 10 Top Bowlers Gary Conway 328-226, Ewald Wihlidal 296-268, Mike Ken- nedy 268, Darry Somerseales 246, Frances Ells 241, Lionel Hickey 236, George Charlandi 234-211-203, Stu Chisýh olrn, 2'34-204, Donna Kennedy 233.ý Jean Holroyd 231-20l6. Grant Luxton finished thel scoring at the 18 minute marki of the period., The referees called 16 pcn.ý alties against Bowmranville, anud Milton collected 1.5 pen-1 alities. Sundaty's Gamne Il look only a minute andi 10 seconds before Grant Lux-1 ton scored on Milton. Assists, went ta John Wood and Ran Strike. Milon iedthe game a mintelaerwith Ken Fay scoring fromn Dave Robertsoru. it was hockey Vili then, but after this point the tea.nis de- cided ta efeat each other pysically as sticks, elbows ac knees replaced skating and ehecking. There were 10 pen- alties, with each teani col- IectIng five penaltes each. Rory Gibbs broke the dead-1 lock as he scareýd froiniA1lan' Emard at the twe.o minute mnark of the poeriod.' Milton, came back Vo again ie the game as Rick Bridgman Ecor-, ed. Pearce Wilcox, playlngi right wing Insteadl of defence, scored froni John Wood whoi made the score 4 to 2 as lie scred froni Grant Luxton and Ron Strik é. Boyd Knox, brought the total ceunt to .9 Vo 2 at 17:41. In this perlod, Milton pick.1 ed up eight minors while Bowmanville collected five. In the third, there was c goal scored by Gary Cox -froro Dennis Bamnber and Ten Nowlan at the 6:43 mark, but this was insIgnificant as the, arena manlagemnent m,111 nat have to grease the sin bin'1s doors as they were overwork- ed ns a steady stream of play- crs went in for twe mnute infractions. There are 120 minutes Ieftý in the series, but Bewman- ville should need only 639 min- Utes te friih off Milton if they play their usual 1brand ofhckey. Let's Go Bowmnanville! SP@RTALK KNAPP'S TOWING - Major Bantains defeated Streetsville 6-3 here on Saturday ini the first game of best thre eut otf ive Ontario semi- finals. Second gaine went Moniday night i Streetsville, Bowmanville winuing 5-3. t t t t CONSUMERS' GAS MITES -Elimainated Cobouzg two gam-es straight last week by scores of 4-2 and 4-0 to advance into the Eastern Group final wlth Oshawa, The winner of this series plays the Western Group winner for- the O.M.H.1A. -Mite Lakeshore League Chaniplonship. t t t 1 t OWEN SOUND GREYS- of which Danny Cowle is Captain lead Burlington three games te twvo in Ontario quarter finals in Junior "B". The winner et this series mieets Toronto 'Nat- jonals. OSHAWA - is well represented in Ontarioo minor paof.Parklýway TV has won the midgcet crown, Sport s Villa pee wees trail Kitchener 2-1 in that final, and three other clubs, Kiwanis mninor mîidgets, Lion1s ninor bantanis and SS Swim Pools mninor pee wees are. 11 emil-f"inals. ss Swim Pools and Kiwanlis met their Burlington opponents Tuesdlay night, while Lions face Bramipton W,ýedn.esd1ayý and Sports Villa meets Kitcenier on. Thuirsdlay, al at Children's iArena. On Monday, it w 'as district novice competition as Osýhawa Cycl e Centre playe d Peterborough. 1- ît î T t t UMPIRESNEIE - Anyone interested in unipiring men's softball, please contact Terry Baker, 576-7173 or Frank Britton, Franik's Ba se bail Worko %uts' Foer Young»4 Players S tari This Saturday l'he BwavleDepart- fthewrkt. ment of Rceto and thel Showii below is the format BomavileBasebalAsc-o practices and are cate- Lao n, K w inns" A'0nirises. T al.6ad Basebiaîl League will'hold Knmn"" al n worous i te owmnvlleuner8 yasoi age as of Highot S :h11Gy BoniSaturday Januaiiry l1at of the current Hi,,i Sùu,1ý11 Studyear. Lionis Atoni Basebail, mornigs, arch 1st Rom 8nd under10iyirsof age 9 a.ni. Vo Il a.mi. More coach-!ý fJaur s o h u es aerequired.asoJnuy V0fheur r ,nt year'. These boys uwill Mem11bers of the Bowinant-,pra il onsa tu rdlay naori ga,' ville Electrons Itreit foi9am a. ni.,Mac Bas(.haîl Team in il be O lt pi t n pi bh han, aongwithi coachies ai-! ready r'egiste-red__Vo coniducti Pec, Wee, 10 aind undefr 13 _____ ears of age a)s of Januaryv îst of th(. curreCnt year, B3ran, LbB lls 13 ijid under 15 yeiý ars uîertv ele as of Januilary îIst of the,('r rent yar.Thiese b 1oys will 'March 20*th practice on Wedinesdlay even;- Tears Pis 1ing froni 7 to 9 p.m. on these TPt&-Pis i dates, April llth,, 1lthqad Robinsofn 197 51 23 1,5th. Ail workouts will be Kirkton ...2067i4 22 hed at theBowanvil i Land -.-..19)956 20 Scol ýýason19994 18 Ho)rstm-an 19220 17 Lavigne 1 20172 16 Gibson 3. 9717 16 Shehn . 1903C, l15½ Bon ... 19431 13 Ro)berts . 19207 13 Coombes 18883 10 Hligh isingle, 289 - Mtolly Horst-man; hghdouble, 507 (289-218) -Mo l orstman. Top ----gesC. Roberts 2119, Bi.Sehn 212, S. Stainl- ton 210,MaonGbn 204, S. avine204, A. Bon 19, May Alldrecad 1 u4, W. Coombes 12, S. bnsn192, P. Cornîsh 189, M. Kirkton 189, L. Adams 188ý, F. Land 181, M. Lane 186, H. Coýok 15 PRl'lIt VOWLES HEATING SPECIALIST 1 Queen Street PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE 011, Gas & Electric Futnace & air Condition t nst-ala- tiens -central & WIIow~ Units - Clare flecla& Findlley Equiplnent Frece Estimatles Budget Terns âAvallabte Swing lInto Springl '72 FIRENZA SL 2-DR. 4-speed tndr transmnission, bucket seats. Less than 4,000 miles, for real ecoriomry. Don't miss this one. Lie. EBFO053. '65 PONTIAC 2-DR. COACH 6 cyl., automatic, A-i condition, A scarce one to find. Lic. EBIM45. '69 CAMARO 2-DR. HARDTOP Fully equipped, finished in Regal d with rich black vinyl roof. Lie. EBF483. '71 COMET 2-DR. V-8, automratic, radio. A reishrpcom~pact. Lic. EBF054. '67 METEOR V-8, automatie, rdo Real good cleani car, Lic. EBH431. '72 LEMANS 4-DR. SEDAN Fullyeuipd Only 17,000 miles. Soldi and s.erviceed by uýs sînce new. Lic. EBFO55. '70 BUICK LE SABRE Estate Station Wagon Loaded with options. Sold and serviced by uis since newý,. Lic. EBF524. TRIJCKS '70 CHEV ½,;-TON 6 cyl., standard transmission. Looks and runls lîke new., Lic. 88154B. '70 DODGE V2ý-TON 6 cyl., standardtrnmsi. Only 46,000 oriina mies.Loclone ownér truck. Li.88106B; '71 G.M.C. HANDf-VAN O-nly 21,000 mailes. 'A real scarce itemi. Lic. B1.8258. '70 CHEV. 50 SERIES Cab and Chassîs Long wheel base, 2-speed rear axle. Lic.,88428E. '71 FORD 1-TON CAB and 12' Body Ready to go to work, Lic. 5283D. Convenient on the spot GMAC and MIC financing. Weldoin Brown - Ray Lathangue BrucIe n ninogCwa 1'rESIDENTTom Cow S ALES MANAGER, Stew Preston a I a * 4** 1166 KING ST. E. 623-3396 'r -