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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 9

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The Caniadian Statesman, BowmanvleArl497 iukesh oreUmie LayClrsHI Elect New Officers r__Clsig on pe Th,,e Lakeshore Umnpires As-1 plus the LUA, paymnent shouldjJo nB n socýiationi applJeci a rew twist; bc made on a game-to-game to the, old saying Pay as you basis E e t N w ffc r play", A5> far as theLy re con-K Pot ep hs eeNtewnl cendi snw Pyafe onoperating withîn tht ~TeLde Section of the Bea astn Mad Ro you play.ciatC that a moudreofteU' r- Bowmanville Curling Club nigk lao lsel eo o ndartisof ticha e.As u held Its closing at the Club May tinpas'sed at the anuirsdic thndofh la paid eÊnd rs tth n of tahe Lnth.____ on Thurs., March 28th. Two Aspcatrpya d- Thursday, Mardi 29th in te Those boundaries are reportaeser paed be-__t 'Newtonville United Church to stretch from east of Osha- -inn t1 .. fe o wilI resuit ln the payment of wa tirough te Cobourg. 1CndnsadFnks ar which a delicious luncheon wasonbppurvteb umipires handling basebali The election of tic LUAs \ÂI' rI \.~~.IQSIfl9 Bonspiel var~1iety ps go 2als re c.ed1Tias nnulbsnssme-w epie er rsne gameo in Port Hope immedi- J'_4 fofcr wshl p s Iw n vl v x ait lyd a -i i.wsejyd MueReik hs i ateýly after eaci game. under tic direction of Ncw- b D s ougl es Ho ad e eyn f llobusinesidet wit ote fwn.S A na-nous vote b tic castl' Kc yî rn ao a.LII ~while Andy Jarvis pick- Bea Vanstone in the chaircroewnlrehpy 1LUA members pr-esen'a -d as (once agei.n re-let prs h tic meting spor trPe - dt ev ndte emd e ~<lgol cesoe yTmto a most successful year, olEctdfo iccmlgyor r io wic wîîse alete pesdet ndemlrein0 Fowler and Mark Vanson were received framn the dif-Imdae PatPeiet being sent to tic Port Hope chelf o!tlic umpires associa- ýrr~~lob hlspce pocIfretcneos o asoe rsdnLi K'iwaais Basebali Association to.Frt 'c-rsietwl naDP's Major BHautIns assii. n ferofatph or hnDipdluprs ic Pe askngtht ieype LA or oc gi otHhoeljunydt ai nMn On Friday, Mar. 23rd Leafs1 our Filly Bonspiel camne frOm ArnbleRckr;Scn mom4bers iadi ior0 Wloe n tcscrtr- )ayest aagfouhgrntoedefeated FHawks 3-0. Leafs Art Hooper and was eccepted viiePe.Rt rn er basbal amea 'he smmeaItresrereilee Bh ois-besdfubeu oMartiAn golswee sord y arte it tank.Tiche c Bow try-rrouwrHnlataiIe ln Port Hlope follntving each ton of Port Hope. Ontario hockey finals. ryes akRgr n roi st ekp o lb Gmsj a odn game. Direscted.associainr eCameron Cordon while Rod- rcompetition. Appreciation Vas j2, rd rm;3 oc Fortii' stfthsesns ecalsselctd.Twy seeamavliewo tu frs .r.e. rnelsDeel ha ee ssstexrese t Ee owofonJWeke;e. hemeBertuy tic umpires have been padthel Ee r fBwmngie 3oalairKnscorcyTd Michael Paterson was credit- her ielp in decorating during Isn;Bnpilan nerlb cathte end 0feach month but ville, Georgc Spalding of Ceo h is olasse yTd' vc iiti htu.tcya.Ale son n om twas fclt that, for con- bourg, Boss Bono e Puk and Brian-Mertin. Sec- 1 Bwt h ht .Ten olweyieree-Ga;SalMr. ogo venence sake boti fer tic tonville, Brian Foster of Ken- ond goal was sco 'cd by Rick r anam Leaguee pese Jamslsiand cn t PulMonday morning. Mer .l9tii1tation of tropios and prizes. an, v arn rss o ________________inPort_____ "Regien Five".-Gtiide, Sobil and BamrySiackeltoa. ti Indians defÏeated tic Troýpiy winners were: rain Fiatutan Peg minor bsebehllu PortHope -la the est miutes o!tic BrIavcs 3-1. Indians goas enNcks Trophy - ýEllon Row;DoetnadEtr ganie Paris pulled their r ere scoredl by Steve Ho- 01rmistonp, Ede Gcerlng,j tametrd Hfe goll it MkJaesge. rti Braves goal by Ray- Helen GlasPeil. Agnes Lewis,,DensHoks;HueCm geahe with Rîck ~~~~~~~~~~moud Dallas assisted by TreulEio iir uiBgr. mteR ilnhm MajopPeeWnet. ~Ma and oey White, IRoy icholsk.Trophy r'T fans attended tfhe gamne. defeated Pantiers 4-3. Shark, Lee Leader, Ruth Gilllngham. pubeiyMalnJms WA in Three, but Lose A rw foe 0 arsgaswr cri by Randal Presidcnt's Trophy - Maryi Second game gees Tiers- Locke two, Glenn MartintoMrvskp Mary Syer dayluPars t .00p.n.and onue assist, Danny Curwmin1 Thelma' Becrthuyzen. Mar- -apon scorcd on hilserersM kr Leaay ChppIl was oitïu sis.Pnhr goals guerite Matthews. F* a o B y ' qý standing in thre nets for were soe by DnCid Bank of Moutreal - Vva Fi a o Ba i g s Bowmannville - two, Jim Campbell eue. Bary'Cowan, skip Helen isel Tic H. L. Wood Pce Wces Steveus eue ý2o ých.i Agaînsti i Brunt and Rory Erwin iad P dî,spl)ayýed à fine siowîng ocf Col ing\%v-ood tlic merksmeu oaciiHopis jng2 hokyin Collingwood re wcre ýýDon ýFaîrouw t two. (t1 Midget League srhedtîle lest Feul werc MLvar-~ bart 09,Mne207 ce~ly ndu p ntiGd e teesand Gan, v uOrMouday, Mer, l9ti the Mi.! naes.l, Mr 5e.Towuly190 &,r nd Ciaupîonship and los- Dussld p ,-iiacddng singls.R.ý iRyals d,-feted Cornets 7 aiHogoLila ip ii ige eyLt i E, t B Ridiges V 7iser i B cdGo)dfîe:yBrut IM-t. Royals goals were sceredpeiJd~HisatJycToney27HgDub, iey wnn thir first tiree Baticuî Scoît ,Stcveus and Marcli 3Oh i Rick McKec witi four and Weekes H nd oyeleeugss44(83 3) ,gam1es, defeating,, Base Bord- Don Farrow c arneti a sîsts. Hiei Single - ladies, M. eue assist, Sandy Kemp onue Winre!tcFrisi-Hg vrae Mry us (n 3-2, Mîlton 5-1 anti the I est I i a aeDnFr ollard 290: men, H. Poll,:rd ga n w esssSeh n uc:Tes. ofrthe g-arln man 20i tem nlinwod,~row scoreti a pairsingle telly 260. Jackson onue goal andionue Jmse'!,LyaHxtbo atiBaeBrcugamne going to Brad Godfrey, assîsts Higi Triple- ladies, M. ait, Lex Geleski eue assist. 'Lillian Dppll Rth lln- M,,orrîson, Wiitemaaii andtin by Stevens, Dusseldorp cnd Pollerd 649 (218-141 -290; mea, I pca igtgm'-i Tues, g1rnonNom wectic ,merism-n with Wayne Whtcmen. J. Luffman 740 (230-256-254). r 0bekti i yseodso, imatrun-rm1 A AYO WEEN Godifrcy, Bedour, Stevens andThiTs ended e fine seeson fer, Higi Average - ladies, P. libauGnelsGJoc WeeI RontViser11htic rs, a!ternoou-Hilda Run- 'fN' essiss. eCauucks coming eut on l k luti ileugmeBrdver a span o! 50 games have Team Phîfall Pt. ît e52 eric.Ceucse. skip Jean Grof, Ad. oCRS.RDDELD pickug u ticticH. L Wûoi Pe Weî wi Poter î2~ en G Coci 28 ani Cauck batîctiW~ntop iersiHndsoveAd.Gohen. k orRac . Gedfey ickd upa pir iti won43,tiei 5 ntiles ilwerc led by Tom Woolner andti heen. Isabel Elliott. TmButtonsiaw, Don Fer- P i u al~ c . Weslake 38379 GogBoewiît oals Wianers o! tic Fifthi cie- 6328 rov n Soî teen .only, 120, e fine record lu any GeoP.eMurphy 37497 66go iovadSotSeesading . Vn freaci. Allen Rigby lied ont dule - inOrmiîston, skip, singles. R. Visser pckdA eage.M. RVa or 37269 111al andtoeeassist, DoegSev- two,'( assists, Rick Bain andi Everyoue iad au enjoyebbe D Nolen373 4 cri two assists, Joe Guest., year playing ou tie team cedGCuc 36601 Z4Ga we hope, leamned a bit o!fgo J. Robinson 36474 461 On Saturday, the mixed section of Bowm anvýilIe Curling Club held thec,, Tom Wreggitt onue assist ei. 'li ausiip. Wc wiil b J. Gould---- 35578 38ý closing bonspiel, witi these two riuks winning fîr-st and second. At left, tie wiu- BGen ea angoalsw rcii bUTR Legion Lades Wckeyend aIse osorts ryenHcllmDawsMaroCs- rorward t Sepiember wîc 'i aso 538 3 ners f rom front f0 rear, vice KySehn edBteTueu n o r-tomwieDvnSmos March 29th > wc wil be lu another catego. G. Heath 35534 34ý ea adskp Kay Sehe nsenpotn. lee froBette Trdeu,viceShiroy ru dioBrucie Sevin Simmous TWO SHOWS FOR THE RCE0 OE H. Avgý. -Jeen Sutcliffe 21C (Miner Bentatm) 50 be watch- N. Willams 3,5129 341 euatisi erg tpea uscndsof o rn t er vc hreycdBuc yrcc i aed H.Til -Ja uelfe63ng tic papers rcgarting try- BSîî355 2 n îglyVuetat kpBbCag MUG PLAYOFFS H. Single -Jean Sutcliffe 272 euts. It's ouly 22 Saturdeys Tyke League Tem Stanis M J RM G eo a esu tOn Tues., Merci 27th, Card- D nnaFrgeS o Pinfal Pts liials defeated Blades 6-0 te MIXEDV move t itove Mug Final________ BE 36,880 26 MSet.,AI Peînr35,636 171:00mas'DunîyElioI Curd Sutcliffet36,326n19 s F9lXAApril I4th et1:0p.Cr- Sheehen 34,046 go1lials ani eue atssitAen Jr N5 UWl I UIL het trick, Marty Erwin twe Joan Sutcliffe 272, Mary f Marci 26thgolanoe sit Grey ?42, Denise Anneert i 011e Patfîeid is ieaving al by Dvt eea scorig ,thi ce un nswcred, Miitncame ut îlyr antilutic tii perleti , ,,oals Owens two essists. 2 0 7 , 2 2 6 , r ( , ! e W i t e y 2 2 4 , 1 g r e t s c s o n . s i c n o w s a t r M G e o ies, w n ni e r s f g o a l s , g a m e c u i î g 5 - 2 f o r1 c e c k e i P w a v l e e v - w r c r t Je I i e n A tin eo a a nG i DtRichrdsý 221, Lorraine1 second for tic- ladies for hignilo! tic sei- -finas againsti Mlton, tying fe scries t y t, ý ;:1 i niuk, on Strike assisteti by A o LeagueS hw Brutona220, Hilta ie ik verage (227). Heiping ler'litn.ticegmes te tw,Ào, two games eci u alu r tm t1:4Rc AlnEat niRoyGbs utcfis mgieo 218, 2031, Grace Murdocla 205. average on Mnndaty nigit shel will cl Essex lu lie for e game back here on Set- Britigeman scered for MVilton For Milten, Scot MacKeuzielStit., Mardi 3lst, tie Bruiis Angle Sameri 204, Nyhhati higi triple fer tic anigitî A-Otere ial. trday. r frtcol is eioiga.seeitcieOdga eeteitcKnmn54l 202, Nina Cowlîug.I wti 8453, gemes o!f31,29ý71nIilieuo rtaBw i eiiggm e tcsond, Alle Eerti, W ormntsrmi- oertne. ForeBrins, Dogla 201. anti 247 Nice on,01eAmnii ida 1 olbdBomuijcirg.t6 i-:nAdb o trikc tieduith for r emlwln a ir, i AianetwoFoalBsat u s Joan Suthîffe 216 Bran' (252) anti Joan SutulifferAlan eri nt eaccpnwcuerAi1ntrl fnls atcr Grant Lxtn ssÈJste1tinik puit lie ee ut neeassist, anti AllanTr Brce 20i) (38), Nyhl Sheel 7~9 (280, 259). Peggy Heyc icxagiî se. yJiiod u i oel ec.Boto u u ticne negolani u eit 200 (36), Denise Annaert 193, ýrelletith ul.thr e'e ilton spoiledti01us leatibvylriu tic oec ire triy, hai2-Ifias.gant ssxor 'Weiytee, Irene Viey19,Jean, Bur- ittnl i îli ut0.eegoal anti twe assists. Dan- ton 190, Hfiltia Simnick 189, 250 Gaines and aver ;n MMuln negolan Io SUNDAY A Mary Wes-tovem 187, Beruice JakMNly23 0 W Il V eu a uassisf s, Gordon, DeJager nuieA ,M Y 1~ ,8pm Partuer 186r) 06), Mary Gray1 Wright 290, 251, John Luft- iCflIvv!rgoal, StePhen Maguire oneAmison 5.Oi 4O 18.__ m an 287, Pcbe Doibins 282, Bantai Girls assist.Adiso:$ IRab Vandenberg 270, 260, Wslee5, B chards 0a Tic second gaine sew Fiský Tickets On Sl cr% S Hlan Vandenberg 264, Ernie Haynes .5, Gibsen (); A. Lux- Fuels Seels tiefeet Bisons 2-0.: PHIL VOWLESPerfect 262, Russ IHately 260, ton 3, Willatts ~ 1 n Bsetbiilewt se y 255, Doris Jol1 252. Bryce Heynes 36, Westlake 34, A1 Lemn anti Henry Rozema IIEATING SPECIALIST Adis5.Luon2,Wlet23Gil ISTctidAengnCipf SPORTS VLA Adms25.enuxon32Street 3 Gb- q 1Teain Standings sou 20,. J. Luxten 20, Rici-ýe esdfae an -ýFi;AA:CNR B o nî n il eJo li 22 ,37,F -9' srs 14 fv l f a ri c k, B reti H e e kiaTn u PHONE 623-7591 1ool 22 37,2481iSnl. .Hye 6 goal antionue assist, Rotiny WHTB: ONl.ALDTAE Pafed M 3,6 .A. Fairey 185, W. Van Ken's Men's Wear ceptureti icit an 8-7 scoring edge în1cis convertedti ticin sl lRbn n gaJi efct '24 HOUR SERVICE Pafet22 3,6 Goor 168. lRbn n ol efCnii Haynes 191/2 36,ýl7 Dul:J Hye 2,thc Mon's Teowa I ague Bas-f lhc last persoti lu elîminate any Ipeints. Huoper's hut on s3ix e! two assists anti Bilan Canfielti Oil, Gas & rlcctric Furnace Puiay19 35D84BA ble: 325, W ne kce423,mpoui p o ue-hepes that fHeopers mgit tienfoirshoîseeassist. For lie Rama Tom' ù & Ar Cndtio Istala mo cy18 35,69Goor 322, J. Luxton 210. day n gît, Merci 271h. Tihave hat. acnexcellent, Houe twe goas, uiuy Cîif tiens - Central &Wno Wih.7 3,41e espîte big dey ur-iachdsle hosotely ~goal anti twe sisat Un&ies dew W iit ia & 35,401Bantans Boys won tic ti tianti tecîiing lsi uriiacit îstruiu.Randtri Hoee geal., Jjnit ClaeHeea & heehn 1 35,996 Bond 3, Hallman 2; Cars- gaine o! lie final picynif roudcRc iisîstfeso-Knswntcfrtgm y FinleyEqupinit Riy 17 5Î 0 well 3, Richards 2. by beating a scrappy Hooper's ngpce for lic wiaaers, eatiecisive 59-32 score but Fr.e e Estiimates Su't17 570 Teami Standing: Carswell Jewellcry sqnati by a 47-42 Pum Pr'ngla 21 points. Bilinski* Hooper's were netto leb count-- vial tefe16 7,330wa ard-l 16 de be30,B ad 30, Richards 28, score.a w rit a total o! 10 free d out. Iu tic wie epen sec- BugtTrsAalbe SIlfe 13 3496 throws anti matie gond for fvejonti gaine, Hoopers' tigit Vadebeg 4,- b Halîma 22. Kc's get off le licir usuel points frein the Ioul liue.1checking paiti off andtih iyIio n Vy' an l iesfr Higi Single: C. Carswell fast stert, building up a 15-5 Chris Steel was Hooper'sl-vened tic series witi a 61-60ceu a d W Coutic Seondlychol 17, R. Kirkton 156. leadt by the ecaftihffe first'marksman for fie cvening,fviclery. But Kens' scoring po-- Coutic_ SconaryScý01 Hig Double: C. Cerswcll quarter o! play. Il prevedti tenetlîng 16 peints:, fer prevedti o becfieetiecidi-g '06, R. Bond 299. f be an insurmouniteble mergin.ý Like tie seconîd gamine liefachor. Rici Bîlinski averegeti __ rJunior Girls Hooper's bttled bak valia tly sciies, penalties were a big elmost 23 peints per gaine la1 B1rooks 7, Mitchell 0: Grîyianti managedti lecul lhe deficit fectoî in lic gaine.Tic. refer-ie series anti led Ken's bo zig7, Holr>ytI 0 ; Taylor 5, teoehny fout- peints by the entices taggccl Hooper's for 26itic top of tie ieap in Mc u's O p n H u e0,w.Stnig o! the third perieti. But Kc's]foult trows anti Ken's shoot-jTriwn Lague BAskla Mondaty - Friday sn28,K ipr22,J e rIite tird p2,Cmie it c ti prioi.effort, witi everyhody playiag SE Ii Iey PB at es Higi Triple: D. Bradley 722.soelede - ulnscore t heluticîirtiperioti, tic Gas aIl ouI for tic win. Wcll donc!1ne C.Cole66,G aterson assisteti by Je!! Logan, andtei --lie- __ fý _ C 8. Cwe69!G ouirfh goal wes scoreti by J <Holidays flot lnelucled) _____ Cullen unassistei. (c'k Ken Wootiarti was in goalJe iw n i fNew'ville-Starkville If or lc avieýsJX crutùnjNoth rn Ra blr IamBiliy Hogarthi scoreti Tyke Mug PlaYeffs Dauny Elliott îwo goals anti (Canada's Tep Country and 0PRIL -ENOVEM E R Bowling LeagUe îw iëe anti liedonc assist. Joee Iu aplayof! gaine ou Tues- îwe essîsîs. Wetr IodigAtss Nihili scoredth le ouiy goai for day, Mer, 201h tie Cartiluals Atoin League WsenRcrigAtss Meri 91hBomanile l tc frst Edydefeetedtheti Steciers 6 bo 2. Tuestiay moruing, Mar. 201 Bar-B-Q Dishes - lapjacks SealRtsorAverages Osborne assisting. Iu the sec- Cardinehs goals weme senredth le -Scals defeateti Frank's There vviIl be a cover charge for Leagues-and Tournaments Merlene Stacey 193, Doris onti perioti. Hogarths scoreti, by Mvartin Erwin wili four Variely 2-0. Seels goals weme teHeDw omwihieue Tornpkîns 191, Merg MacDon- fie assist geiag te Steve Cary. goals, Denny Elliott two goals scoeatibY Henry Rozema antideHcDw ei lihicue j rti 90,Joyc Sace 18, Bwmavile lok 2. lecianti onc assist, wih Gary Scott Kelly wiile Gary Vif- I falvor. IdfOliJyHentiers1,,Dootiy antieletotina anti then Owens hadt tree ssisîs, Aluan sciaft anti Je!! Sallows eci Erinli von8, roh itohels tazan hn ) neaSSt aieClo Stark 185, Rorie Woodi.s 185, put the pressure ou, s Harn nigat ak usnnh one assisteh.Selrgos u w ci e Colle-h( Marie Trim 181, Grace Fer- fdcc limes lu thîe finali scrinonuass ei telt ol uhws rdlt i i R.R.4 UWMNILErow, 180, June McKeen 178, Hogarh scorcd, assistati iy wanti Drew Ke anyGey iil PceWce eagE Lyntia Wil icer 175, Pegg y Cullen anti Erwin; Erwin _sor Allen Hickey antiJ e!! Vyf- On Meunday Mar. 191i lieý ON TAUNTON ROAD EAST Mlsn 7.schafl ecclhlid ene assist. ifawks tiefeateti Rangers 2-.LbruS.S n 1-. . - Doris Tompkins 281 Stark 212, Karen Carter 210,1 Tiuirsdey, Mer. 22ndtfil Hwks goals were scoreti by (t,,JLI L PFI NE 2Il2. Avg. - Merlene Slaey 193 Marlene Stecey 20, Mare Blades anti Cardinals betîleti j Dean Ruthierfordi witi two,ý P O E %H293K . - Doris Tnmpkins 672 MacDonald 207, Lynue viîî- toca four-al l ie. Blaes goals!r wlile Reu Benncletthdonue! S M1~~ 0 Bw avB 200 Games - Doris Tomp- sher 205, 202, Olive Hender- were scoreti by Timrny Pres- f ssisl HRangers5 goals ecifU 4#W<-4 ' t Pho81n2e8 623-3373n 05âÈ wVTj 1u 21128 Gae aro sn20.ou anti John VentiemWccr scored by Douglas Piekehi £e sSm ale 256, Rorie Woods 251, Jaycaf Gaines Won - Banane Splis two eci. Cardinels goals f assîsteti by Cerin Zeppiere ýo O,ïN Stecey 2'5, Ma-rie Tim- 223,ý 59, itadrunners el7, f me scereti by Gary Owens Jlanti Peler Wiytc. _________________________________________ IPeggy Mîilîson 221, Dnmotli' Birds 41, Flilulsînes 5 witi two goals anti eue assisl lu Ic h second. gaine ticr _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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