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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 10

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la0 T he Canadien Statesman, Bowmaniville, April 4, 1973 Durham Agri News by Bob Watt Assistant Agrîcultural D..IA.ANUAL MEETING On Tuesday, Mlarch, 27tb, 65 people attendeti the Annual Meeting of this Organization. The Programn for the day involveti Milk -Management Workshop with Barry Kowal- chuck, Dairy Specialist from Býrigbton, Dr. Bob McRae from the Brooklin Veterinary Clinic and Merv. Napper from the Ontario Milk Commission in Peterborough were the speak- ers. F'or the ladies, Mý!rs. Karen Fitzsimmons gave a domon- stration on miik produets. At thic banquet, the trophies for outstanding achievement were presented. Mr. Peter Sikma of Newcastle was the wnnec of theý Durhiam Farmiers Cooperative Tropby for, top production in the Supe-rvi:seti lann of D.H.I.A. His composite B CU.A. was 156. The secondi was Peter Ifoogeveen of B3lackstock with 137.5 and followed by John Rozema of Bowwmanviîle with 137; Joc Wygerde of Nestleton with 135.5 andi Mýors Etigerton of Black- stock witl 130.5. In the Super- vised Section, Mc.Ilîank Van- Dorp of Ennjiskilien was the wiÎnner of the Shur Gain Trophy for toýp Com-poite B3.C.A. wbicb was 136.5. Haý was f ollowed by Oscar Plagie of Hampton with 133; John Bandstra of Bowman- výille witb 123.5. Lloyd Kellogg of Welcome wîth 114.5 anti Marinuis Vogels with ]I1 Mcr. John Pogue of the Representative Toronto-Domînion Bank, Bow-, manville, presenteti a Trophy to the bord with the best Calving- Interval. The winner was Mr. Haroldi Ransberry, Orono fol- lowed closely by Walter Wright of Blackstock; Robert Chater, Orono; Oscar Pingle cf Hamp- ton; Ted Kroekenstoei, Black- stock., The fourth awarti that was presenteti was by Cerestiale Fertilizers, Newcastle, for the most improved bord, anti this year, Mr. Peter Sikma with an incroase of 26 B.C.A. points was the winner. Oscar Pingle cf Hampton hati an increase cf 17.5; John Wolters of Black- stock 17; Keith Crago of Bowmanville 16.5, anti Morton Henderson of Welcome 15.5. In tbe overaîl DHIA Association for the County, the Composite B.C.A. Was 124.5 Superviseti comparedti tu 112.5 for the province, anti in the Owaer amplor Plan, the average Composite was 106 compareti to 103 for the province, la the election of officers this year, -Mr. Bill DeVries, Bowmanville is the new Presitient with Don Vandermeer moving up to past presitient; Vice-President is Geralti Shackleton from Bow- manville anti Seeretary-Troas- urer is Mr. Bob Sisson, who is also the Dl-lIA Supervisor for the Couaty from Bethany. Junior Farmer Elections On Monday, March 26tb, the County Junior Farmers met for, their election of officers and' Program Planning for 1973-74. The new slate of officers forJ 1973-74 is: President-Ron Met-, caîf; Vice,-President - Neil Alin; Secretary - Tom Barrie; reasurer - Davidi Larmer; Provincial Director- Brenda Yellowlees: Aterniale - Sally Langmaid andi News Reporter - Sue Vice. These people ask anti deserve your support in carrying out the Program for the coming year. Some of the activities planneti for the year are a Squâre Dance Club; Bowling in April; Swimming in May; Hay Ride in June; Junior Farmer 4-H Track Meet in June; Chieken Barbe- cue andi Variety Night in July; Lunch Booth ai the Steam Show in Orono in August; Orono Booth in September anti a Car Rally in October. As you can sec, there are many. County activities coming up. These activities require a lot of planning anti hard work in order that they come off ssnoothly,,SO everyone shoulti get behind these oyants andi work bard ai il. Memberships are due by May lst, so betweei) now andi then, if you know cf Young people who are interesteti in joining, bring them 'out to bowling or square dancing or contact Tom Barrie. We'Il see vou in Junior Farmers in '73-'74, j Twp. west of Tyrone, wa;.l ~ ___ destroyed by fire on Marn- Ki ~ ~ J J *2lst, after unknownperson(,.c' 0 . P . P . R E P ÇW E jT bad stripped varlous parts frorn the vehicle. The O n i i o Provinclal[ ;on charged wlth a crimin al On March 23rd, a moto, Police, Newcasthe Detachment code offence driving. . vehicle stolén from Oshawa investigated +h'I", Jollowing The Newcastle' of f iceor s was recovered abandoned Ir motor veliicle ()ýioI ins, and along wlth other duties, com-! a field north of IHampton ocrccshala cen, March pleted 94 general investiga-_ lipon recovery,, it çvas dis. -cil an ac 5th, f 73. tionn nf %wchich 4 were break, covered that auito parts vl- linjury aciensii, the past enter and theft, 10 theft. 2 uied at $135 were stolen fron, wýck wced n consider- wiýil fdamaýga complaints, 21 che vehicle. ably, s onl ena ersanwa~ las-asing reports, 4 disturb-F e~cesoa rmTr njured ini the oorvhiPncs 1 assault, 5 domestici onto was recovered abandoný cieaciet neiaed in-I-omiplaints, 1 missing personlc:d on Hwy. 401, near Coux, luidijln'>a ccdn involv-!report, 7 erratic or dangerous~ ieR.o ac 5h inga ccllt. s aresuit 5 d1riving complaints, and 1I cC A storage barn in the Cour personns weracared wîth1 cidental shooting investiga-1 lice area was discovered bro trafi ofenas ndone c- ton Two investigations in-I ken into, on March 19th. Stol- volved the_ recovery of stoloenc was a quantity of theatri- Rent a Car for p)roperty, also there were 4 c"al lighting valued at $380. D AY ORý WEEKEND 1 reportof0f ost property. nd Other thefts in the area In- I reprt offoundpropety. the theft of C.P.R. sig.- Ask for Èae., Six persons are charged~ atrsvle tsr C00ýTY with liquor offences, and' 5' tolen from the railway cross C1MIRYSLER-D0DGE LTD. r persons chdrged with impair-! ng at Lambs Rd.. north of ed drlving. 1 ýowmanville. 023-258t; A resumne of occurrencesý A cottage at Cedar Crest investigated in the past weekac on Waverley Road,1 are as foflows; ovth of Bov.-manville, wa JOHN F.A eps bar in Hampton was 1 cported broken into on Mar JH 1' reported broken into on Mar..) t4adsolnwa arn lst. Stolen was a hydraulic -lehanr vaîuedwa $30. uu I car jack, flood iights and a OnMarch 2Srd, two pellet * m ý1k shako mixer, -valued aiý1 cdies were seized !rom fcu'c $5Thrpe )uenl'qfr ho ta roo ho were '1ý1nm-,on thatr onendcf Hamtonara wrefiud ootin - carelessly. An inves- be rsponiblafor the thef t. igation wscnutdwe Geeri nurnc oe property wasr-a.ept was recelved fror Many iinattended vehicles hovsage 8, was treated for FIFE and ATOMOBILE 'In the Newcastle Detacbme.nt -pelet wound in the righi ENSURZANCE area have been stripped of cheek. auto parts ,(n the past fcw It is unlawful for any perý Contact weeks. -on under the age of 14 yaar HARY OER AN On March 19th the coil andi In possess, shoot or handie a UARY VERJ JNdîstributor was stolon from a '-rerm including a iDellet 62-11or 013.50 i car parked at Newcastle .'nd B B. gun. Sone parentýi 33 IUG T. E. beach. Ire a ihtercitrn( HW NVLEA Lata mod2l car parked on, hia-enforcemeýnt o! th1-is law. SConcession. 7 0! fDarlinLgton Il'c somechiltiren are allowedî 'o~ shoot firearmns without MONEYON -rQPÇr supervision or guli MONEYON ine inthe sale handling, e' QUALITY uch firearm. Because of rs, QUALI1--,axedi parental attitudes, ar PREMIM iclntal shootings nov, DX PEMIU : 1iýden ae, ncreasing. FUEL IL 1Know the Law . Fishing and STOVE QIL Season Smnelt fishing season is now! unerwnay,1, but it is illegal ta f]hsetanywhiere upstrearn from Laýke Ontario. Failuirc to abide by this law wvlll ce- suIt in charges hein g]laid in, -il! cases, and confiscation of fis.hlng e-quipm-ent. Other lo-ý cal seaqsonsý for, flshlng are 1.3: folws rout, April 2t' cý pickerel, May l2th- maski- nor.e Sune 2nd; and ba,. June flh,1973.11 HARVESTER lias an OPPORTUNITY f or YOU to -ho a Pnor Lawm and Garden equimentdealer for Bownanville adsurrouindinig area. Lowv coinpetitive area offering lhigh b usiniess potential. Cei Colleet Or Write: R. R. BETTERIDGE 1,00- 3B Hilliard St., Peterborough Phonse 705-742-6460 WESLEY VILLE 1Tha , wçekenti downpourýi brought overfîowing creeks and floodeti lasements -in the area, but it also xashed away much of wintaf s accumula- tion o!' dlrt anti tebris anti the grass is showing green on the lawns. Where the wood- cock finti shelter in the wator- flooticd fieldis is a vàonder, but they daeheve. Tlîey ny nt hoflyiîg yet but thcir .lu i bep)" can be hierat tiuský Cow birts are back in large numbe,ýrs antid vroni e-j mia rk ing on thie large numbec of grackles. They may btz hentsomne but they destroy thc nests o! smiallec birtis. Onc 1 poor little golden crownod kinglet îost his lîfe when hz stcuck a wintiow the other day but ho wes the only onc1 seen. There was a small attend-J ance et church at Welcome on Sunday mocning. Mr. Ram- jit's sermon was on the sin,, o! covetousness. -Some peopl!e et Ieast wore net there bo- cause o! miry roatis. Mesdames H. Derke, Hl Wakely of Port Hlope, Mes- dames C, Dickinson anti K Ashby went by special bus teý Toronto te the !ehric heza ai- where there wero speciel sales, on Thurstiey, the 29th. Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Hall1 and femily 1!rem Filmore, Saskatchewan, visiteti with their cousin Mrs. A. Thocn- dyke lest week and ether m embers o! the femily in neighboring communities. Mr. and Mrs. J, Rebb c Osgoode spent e f ew deys lest week with Mrs. E. Berrow-i clough. Cmers o! the H.O.P,E.! organizt, on met et the hom e of Mrs. K. Ashby, acting chair-1 ma lan the absence cf Mrs. Scuithorpe, on Fridey mcmn- ing, Sth, to prepare e brie! r to ha' p-esente'd et the banc1- inig in Pîckering n Mondey, April àrd. Thil is On behl! cof the Pickering gro)up being heerd by the Minfistry of En- FACIAL TISSUE, REDISCOVER WHITE, PINK, YELLOW ACTION PRICED i BOX 0F 20 2 PLY SHEETS BATHROOM TISSUE, WHITE, PINK, YELLOWý, CGREEN PKG 0F WHITE SWAN. OLS2/91.00 SUPER.RIGHT, RED BRAND, GRADE "A" BEEF BLDROS SHORT R'lia ROAST LDROS SHOULDER ROAST ASIORB BONE.IN, Pt OASy 8 8 BLADE STEAKSE BON&RLED PLAT PRIME aB STEAC BRISET PATEBRISKET PLATE FRSiDE BACONERIlD t CENTRE Cur lb 8OU FRESLEGF PORK ROAST SCNEDE 'SANCO SLICED r ll BaaeU con - vac pac SCIEILJrER, CýNDSLICED Cooked Hom 6-oz vac pc6 f SCHNEIDER BRAND, JUMBO a Poliûh LOOPS 98 GOLDEN SKILLET, IfEAT & SERVi l Chicken Cut lets 1-rpc 8 SI'OULDFR & BUTT Pork Chlopslb9 8)e MCQJAIDE ER,ND, 3 VARiETIES Seak, hckn4 orA e Meait Pies 8-r wîi pac 430 BRAND, SOMETHING NEW IN PIZZA Deluxe Pizza î1-1,9-oz pie 14 SBRAND, FROZEN$14 Beef Steakettes -2-lb kg, si E. ~ I - ~ .9' SCHNEIDER PRODUCTSI BEEF, IRISH, CHILI CON CARNE <ACTION PRICED) Schneider Stews 24-fl-or kin5 9y LUNC'ON MEAT Schneider Spom 12-or tin 6.5< 5CFPN=!DER, CRISPY FLAKE, PURE Shortening 1-lb pkg 3 3 CR'SPY CRUST, PURE -Schneider Lard 1-lb pkg 26< 010 VHITE OnC CLOUR t OZ STICK 69é, MEDIUM 8-OZ STICK 65C Schnieider Cheese MILD8o sstick .5 9/ STOÔKEtY VAN CAMP, RED OR DARI( Kidney Beans 14f-zn 9 A&P BRAND. HEAVY DUTY (PREPRICED, ,Garbciae 1Bgs p of 299É A SUPERB BLND 0F 100% BRAZILI AN COFFEE 8 O'Clock INSTANT COFFEE 10Ooz jar $2 CUMIYDUMTY (ACTION PRICED) PREPRICEO 69c) Potato Chips pkq 5 9ý NORMAL, LEMON.LIME, PROTEIN CONDITIONFIL (Preprtred 1.19 S hampcoSILVIKRIN 74-lorplastic h4.09 REGULAR OR MINT ILAVOURS (Prepriced 99c) M acIeant TOOTHPASTE 100tn tube 9 7c ,BLADE REMOVED lb 98C LEAN lb 98C KS lt 4 ribs only lb $1.2 8 SON£ IN lb648C END CUT lb SCHNEIDER BRAND MI Si zzlers 1l k 4 SCHNEIDER BRAND k94O Red Hot Wiees 1lbpc 4 SCKNU DER grA, READnOERVEV UMpAkE Dinnelr HamsIb$13 SEAFOOD VALUErS ,ROZEN, WNOi E, PQLY Pink SalMOn 2,.3 lb1 b$1 OMST£EtD, FI'OZLN Cod FisII Cakes 1-zpg3~ Cod Fish & Chips 2-rplcg 8 5/ SILVZRBI~RGNT, UL" FROZEN Salmon Steaks r I4A1:Vjh 'AN, PARKR'L'CED JANE PARKER Roisiri. pie Pf" PRKER Peach Pie JeIIy çR,11 1 K'z pARtER Chocolate BRî JA'NE PARI<ER; APPLE RAISIN Coffee Cakeà AU. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED IFFECTIVIE THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 7tîl, 1973. A&P POLICY Aîwaya do what la honest and fair for svsry customor. 1 RAINCHECK: rIf an âdverisied apecial la @ear aold out, ask th@. Manager for a Raincheck. Il entities you f0 flic ame item at the taee pecial price the following week. Or if you wish we'll giva you a comparable item at the lame speçiol prie.. GUARANTEE A&P offert an unconditional money-back guarantee. No mnatter wk.a lIt la, no malter who makes il, if A&P salis il, ALP gi#aranteea af. D. SAUTH S 2 41-0oz ýý KETCHUP Y LIBBY, DEEP BUTTERED Peas&Carrots1 ROSIDALE, WHOLE Kernel Corn Puddings 5-oz fin - pg ci / ~ DETEtP.cýT <ACMON PRICED) (PREPRICIED 99c) A.BiC. Liquid 24-fl-. plastic btl 2!79q1 DETERGENT (BONUS PACK< 11/2-LBS FREE) < ACTION PRICED> Arctic Power 6A-b b- $1 9 CHICKEN NOODLE Liptonl SOUP MIX pkg of 2 *nv 4/s1.0- BEEF, STEW, MEALTIMI Kail Kan PET FOOD 6, i yukoi ClIub, ail flavors, 0380 or 2410,-fl. cg. tlu Canned s2 /1O matra~ B READ 24-OZ LOAESOR R AD 16ÔZ L9AVES OV full 8-inch 24-oz pie (SAV 10" JANE PARKE9 fu!8înh ACTION PRICt»ChDelJAePaR- Bufl fl ,,h,24-o, pi 5 5/ PAROseÉDR t <SANE 6< JANoP. I<E 9-or caýe 39 EnIs Muf5 <SAV£ > ~ EPARI(ER DWNIESy > .~ ciîry5 3,0 Egg RoIIýs (SAViE 6c) JANE PARKER 1-zcake 43/ flot Cross Buns <ACTION PRICED> 12-ffloz tîn 6/si 100 12-fl-or lin, 1 0 BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CAiLL-,COLLECT A Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DXFUE L 0OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROM41PT, COURTEOUS SERVICE i à, I~I j' j' <ACTION PRICEV) ;,kzIg 5 3 9 <A SAVE >< pICG f 6i59 Pics of 12,79;é Z&ùLïàýýK 1 Umm= il l'lm lailli 1 m mm 1 Ê' Li- mon 1 M'l il la

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