£a&t92m îMrs. Sem Brereton Celebrate Fiftieth Anni -Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Jase gnai cclebîated ibheir Golden Wed- B cUîag Aniversamy on Saturday, beri March 24th, 1973 wih a ecep- cd tlnn ai their home, King St. E., mui lY~wcstle.Be iOn March 2lsi, 1923, Louise tal 4yderman, dauphier off Mr, Nev anýd Mrs. Frank M. Cryderman, ici: trcame the bride off Harry turî Ssson e! M. and Mrs. Ste- sicï ohn Jase. The marriago waa lac. performed by the Rovi. E. B. ieI, Coke ai the home off the Lici bride, Sbaws, Darlington Ceu Tlownship. Their ctire mar- cast rieci ife bas been apent on the I family fanm, Gladihan, spec- spec ializing in rcistcred Hoîsteins ibmf and fruit growiag. la 1950 Don tbey nmoved te their preseat Fràn honme which waa builtint 1819 Dot iy Asa E. Walbidpe, great wet Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jo .ndfather 'off Mr.Jose. t 3oth Mr. and Mrs. Jose haveg me very active, in the Unit-z 1Church and la many com-d [fity organizatýions including1 wmanville Memorial Hospi-o 1Auxiliary, Canadian Club, wcastle Horticultural Soc-s ty, Durham Central Agricul-1 ai Society, Durham Hul-C in Club, Eastern -Breeders1 ýcCanadian Gladiolus Soc-r ty, Masonic Order, Newcastlee ms Club and Municipal uncil of the Village of New-E stie. Receiving with themn on their , ýcial occasion were their ee sons and, their wives,t nald and Marlon of Guelph,a .ncis and Enla of Newcastle,k uglas and Doreen off Stili-t ater, Oklahoma. Also in at-1 J? ewcastle CS octa! and [Personal Newý,cstl-As the sun sank corne to an end but even 10%0ly in the west so came more uleabe is thea !>ýe1last gasping breath off one speed with wvhich the timeý -ijf thii ants off the village- will roîll around te when,, th~e Arena, After five months those doors will be thrown of hustling, bustling, boîst- open again. So, dry off your- erous atctivity, the big front skates; bang up your hockey doors finaflly clonsed to the equipment, count te 10, tura p)ublic about 5 p.my. Sunday, around three times and thereý April lst. you are, - it will be arena tim To some, it's a sad d ay again! wlhen this hiappens, because Figure Skating Carnival xany battles have been fought Great Success on these premises - some won The closing off the Arena some lost, but ail tenaciously also brought one of the mhost contested! Many new people pleasant happenings off the h ave be-en met and new winter season - the Annual fiends made aIse. Hoývever Figure Skating Club Carni- ts othiers, it is the blessed end val. f fve long months off noise~ After many long, hours off ,<nnfsion, biard wxork and ex. hard work andt exhausting éipïeriation. practices, the professionals, SIt hardly seems possible our Miss Barbara Ann Gustar and inter seson has finally Miss Sheila Martin, and the ______ ___ - club members put it 1ail to- gether and produced a tre- mendously colorful, excen- tiorially well performed carni- The Carnival -gave two per- AUT'OMI'ATC .-. formances, Saturday night and DOEL/VR Sunday afternoon, and each ON TH-E FL>' performance played to a most JAN- ES aappreccative capacity audi- JAN -FEB-ence. As everyone knows, to JUNE R 7- produce a successful carnival takes a lot of preparation, ce- r / operation and bard work! Though the professionals pro- duce the ideas and groom the members for the show, there is a good doal off planning go- ing on behind the scenes. Thii planning, and work by se many people it is impossible to name them ail, consumes a great deal off time and talent but when the effort put forth W ni.P. J hliton esuts in such a huge success qa -Mor Oil _ Fuel Ol l h iesetadeeg and Grease Bouqudts and congratula- FURN',ACE INSTALLATIONS tions te the committee in AND REPAIRS charge, to the club profession- ais, te the Skating Club mcm- Newcastle - 987-1llibers, to the mothers for costumes, to the set designers. Qnded1 Phone 987-4221 nelmasters: Irene Brereten, ive..lrs a ry Blythe Halsey, Deborah Pun ~ ~ Pruner, Judy Wirnd. i< ,r ~Next on the program was ~ i17aI itiag, spritely performance bMiss Shelley Brown in ber Swiss iaspired skirt, blouse ~ .s,:and embroidercd braces suit- able ffor the Swiss-Miss, Heidi. The appearance off the seven dwarfs wîth their colorful skirts and knickers and floppy caps brought maay a chucklc te the audience. The dwarfs wcre Kevia Bryant, Keany O Beyle, Steve Thaxter, Gond Simpson, Billy Adams, Scott Mllwaine and Damria Heas- man. The Dwarfs, off' course, - wouldn1t be complete with- eut their beatiful Saow White ad, Io, and bebold, sbc ap- peared on the scene in a prctty blouse and skirt. Miss i Breada Knelangen made a very pretty Snew White and dclighted the audience' with her skating ability. Rainbows are an integral part "' a Disney cartoon usu- aily anld this portion off the pnogram produced one cf the pretticat, raiabows we have nrseen. Seven pretty littie grsahl dolied up la bight- ly colored petal skirts and tops, bea utîffull y decorated with sequins, pcrformed a dainty, unsopbisticated skat- ing routine. Off course, the rainbow in- tduccd us to the Land off Oz, weewho should we meet but Dorothy, our owa Penny Webster. Penny presented a well-cecti routine and re- cived appreciative applause for ber fine performance. And where wouid Dorothy be witbout ber good friends the Tinman, the Cowardiy Lion ose and the Scarecrow. Our Tin- man, in a beautiful silver tendance were five off their six lame costume, cemplete with grandcbildrea, John and Eli- funnel was Danay Kemp. zabeth off Guelph, Faye, Gor- Our Cowardly Lion with n don and Murray off Newcastle. magnifficent fur mane- and Unable te attend was Brian aire long tail was Danny of Guelph. Simpsoa and our Scarecrow, Pourng tea were the bride's wth a well-patcbed costume sister, Mrs. Beatnice Beddy off and bat wth straw poking Hampton, sistcrs-in-law iMrs. from bis bat and sîceves was Chio Cder and Mrs Rob Simpson. With Dorothy Hwr ryerman ofPw and with some comical antics manvîlle, also Mrs. M. C. Fish- hygv nitrsigpr cr, Peterborough; Mrs. 'T. H. formance. Smit, Necasle; rs.Harod la the Land off Oz the little Smit, Necaste; Ms Ha ecople are known as Munch- Pascee, Solina, and Mrs. Lorna kins and -our delightful Locke, Belleville. Serving Munchkins wecr e Michele tvcre friends and relatives. Tufford, Lana Collier, Launie Guests werc present ffrom Rogerson, Wendy Co uc b, the surrounding area. as well Rhonda Slack and Lisa Wind as Kingston, Belleville, Peter- (wbo was absent because off borough, Newmarkct, Bramp- ilîness). They werc adorable ton, Oakvile and Niagara la short gîngham dresses 'and Falls. _________ peke bonnets. A surprise was in store for the next num- te the lectricians, for a job ber' whcn the Lollipop Kida wcll donc iadeed. appeared te present their Highlight of- each perforrn- routine, They were garbed ance was the skating exhi- in colorful overalîs and pleas- bition off the gucat akaters ced everyone witb their per- Catherine and Carl Wood- formance. At the end off head off the Oshawa Skatin'g the:r routine thcy dcligbted Club. Catherine la aine years the cblîdren la the audience old and ber brother la 1,3 by passing eut - what cîse - years o! age and although tbcy Lollipopa! have enly been skating to- As wc were la the Land Dff 'ether aine months, they have Oz shoulj.'dnit wc sec the Wiz- n Lastired t.he art o! .bjairs ard? Well, sec lm we did sa in l spite off their a tae Tisaovsky arrived vugyears. Their perform- on the ice scated on a mag- anewas graceful, excitiag nîfficent throne. Stanley pre- and exceptionaîly weîî cxe- sented an excellent skatingý cuted. Tbey dclightcd the routine. audience with spins, lifts and The next numi-ber was thei a delightful ffree-skatiag rou- appearance off the gucst akat- tine. crs, Catherine and Carl Wood- Sincere appreciation for the head. afiacalteprom co-operation, time and belp crs off tial Wonde erfWorld received la extended te ail sif isy segetreappeared wbY o se wilhily helpdla ane on the ice and reccived the waf toako tis carial net.nthusiastic applause off an o! te mot sccesful et. appreciative audience. The program prescnted was There' wvas a short inter- as follows: Mr'. Jim Beam did mission after which the Senior a masterful job as MC. and Club members took over the led the audienca firat tbrough programn. Their theme was the Junior part'off the pro- "Mooda in Music" and the gram which teck us inte the overture, Sound off Music, be- "Wonderfful World off Disney". gan as the anena liglts went First appeared Dalmations, down. Dalmations and more Dalma- Four B3eatles appeared on tiens wit'h their keanelmast- the scene cemplete with guitar en's. The dogsa looked very and tambourine. Our Beatles realistic ila' their white 'suits Lance Payne, Stanley Tia- with black sequins and point- navsky, Collette Pickering ed cars. Their kenncîmat- and Laurie Tîsnovsky pre- ers ippeared to take charge sented an energetie skating ln their outfits off black slacks, routine. red vesta, white shirts -and Go-Go Girls were present' red pilîbox bats generously aise and did an 'excellent decorated'with gold braid. dance routine. Our Go-Go Those taking part la this num- Girls, looking very pretty la ber were: Dalmatiens - Dca- their ýpink shorts and halter lac Couvier, Sharon Dawson., tops, were Brenda Knelang- Anale de Plaa. Ellen de Plan., en, Jeanette Wagar. Shelley Dcbo)rah Wiad, Lisa Potter, Brewn and Penny Webster. Tommy Clarke, Martha Stub- For a beautifful change cf bington. Lisa Doat, Beverley pace, the Ballerînas-were la- Henderson. Wendy Foster, roduced. And heautifful they Michele Hope, Colleen Sollea, we"e ila theiî pink net ballet Michele, Sollen, Kelly Lyn eutfits, tee! Our balleninas, Southera, Kathy. Jacques, beautfful and graceful, were, Shawaa Kelly, Paul Landry, Sugan Wagar, Fiona Burrows, Victoria Landry, Cheryl Mant- Cathy Metrailler, Joanne Col- ln, Debbie Martin, Tessie lier and Carol Headersea. Dubeau, Sherry Thaxter, Ta continue the mcllow BEAU-GAIE BOWMANVILLE FiIly detached homes from Down Payments f rom just Now ARMSTRONG QUALITY CONSTRUCTION is available in Bowmanville. A good selection of 3 & 4 bedroom homes, ail fully detached. Prices start at a low $34,950 to just $39,500. If yoî ik Iooking for value, location and quality, BEAU-GATE is for you! lk ~4~hAY2OR CALL 576.4281 FOR DETAILS 'I -- ------ - -- "Caadins"are the champs in the Tyke Hockey House League. After a season that started with losîng and then tying games, they moved ahead te a winning streak and neyer looked back but head- cd straight for the top of the league. In playeffa they won tbree games and lest one te the Leafs, making -thcm eover- ahl champs. Ca ptain Mike Robinson rcceivcd the tropny from Mr, Lawrence, Recre,- tien Convenor. After theo beys headed for some bot dogE a cake and ice cream. Follew- ing arc the names off the jubi- lant team: Gary Martin, goal;, Brian Danilko, Mike Rcobn-.1 son, Donald Ogden, Albert Landry, Gerald Batherson, Xen Gilmer, Kyrk Inais, Wayne Mutton, Mike Kozar, Steven Craig, Jamney Caswell, Robert Hoogkamp, Daany Prozek. Coaches and belpers, Arnold Nicholson, J. Caswell, B. Hoogkaaip, Jermyn Lan- dry. il 1 CUSHIION $2.29 sq 9' x 12' Room Size - , - , The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, April 4, 1973-' i bp ter, Laurie Tisnovsky, Col- lette Pickering, Wendy John- son, Darlene Lesnick, Miche- line Goulah, Joanne Kent, gave an excellent rendition of this dlance 0 f the '20%s. Thcy wcre prettily dresscd ln flapper-strle blue drlesses with a short wbite frnnge and blue garter. Every orchestra miust have a conductor and our conduct- or iq Miss Nancy Tisnovsky wbo delighted the audience with ber skating ability and her comical sneezing to the music "The. Sneezing Bec"! n The very gracefu] and beautiful waltz Happy Heart was next with Rosemary Tis- novsky, Nancy Tisnovsky, Penny Webster and Patti Lunn intriguing the audience with a supenb performance off this ever popular dance. The higbligbt of this, second baîf was th;e superb skat.ing off our Club Profession, Miss Barbara Ann G ustar. Miss1 Gustar se delightcd the audi-1 ence, witb ber talent she was caliedi back fo)r a well deserv- ed encore, botb performances. Eyery carnival sbould have Precision Skaters - ours was no exceptiont Our precisien skaters, in deligbtful brown and yellow costumes, pre- sented 'an excellent skatingi routine. Our skaters were Lynn Couroux, Brenda Knel- angen, Penny Webster, Rose- Mary Tisnovsky, Patti Lunn. Jeanette Wagar, Nancy Tis- novsky. The senior finale also brought ail the talented skat- ens on the ice for the appreci- ation shown to themi by the audience for, a wonû-,derful show! After the Sunday- performi-1 ance several presentations, tokens off sincere thanks, were presented. Miss Sheila Mart- in, Club Professionai; Cathen- mne and Carl Woodhead, guest skatcrs; Mr. Howard Quîniney, Arena Manager; Mr. Gordon Cochrane, Music 'Man and Miss Janet Pruner, club mem- ber were called by M.C. Mr. Beanm to centre !ce. Miss Michele Tufford and Miss Lana Collier presented our club professionals witb beau- tiful bouquets of red roses.. Appreciation in the form off gifts which were present- ed te our guest skaters by Miss Rhonda Slack and Miss Wendy Couch. Miss Laurie Rogerson presented a "thank you" gift te our congenial Arenia Manager. Miss Shelley Pickering presented our man in charge off music with a small gift. This year a con- test te design a new crest for the Skating Club was held among tbe club members and 7-year-old Janet Pruner was the winner. Mrs. Knelangen. Club President, presented Janet witb bier prize. It would have been most diffi- oui-t te operate our Junior segment off the club witbout the assistance off our Junior Coaches. Miss Gustar pre- sented these coaches, Misses Penny Webster, Rosemary Tis- novsky, Brenda Knelangen. Jeanette Wagar and Patti Lunn wlth gifts Off apprecia- dion. 'Miss Ginny Moorcroft and Mr. Bill Hewton,,Scarborougb, spent Saturday witb Miss Aimee Brereton and ber fam- ily. While her'e they attend- ed the Newcastle Recreation Figure Skating Club Carnival. Mr. and Ms.Jack Higbe,I Toronto, called on Mn. C. R. Carveth on Saturday. Sincerest sympatby la ex- tended te, the family off the late Mrs. Mary McEvey Who passed away last Thursday in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Services were held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Saturday, March 3lst, witb in- terment ln Woodlawn Cerne- tery, Detroit, Mich., on Mon- day, Apnil 2nd.' This group - Take-a-Break meeting in the United Churcb Sunday School-every Tuesday merning from 10 te 11:30 a.m. s-)unds like a marvelous idea.ý The.y are planning something very special for April lth in wbich everyone should be ini- tercsted. Inspecter Powell off the Oshawa Police Dept., is going te speak and show a film on drugs. Recently, the Newcastle Girl Cuides entertained several members off the Newtonville Girl Guides and their leader, Mrs. Sharon Brown, at a skat- ing party at the Arenta. AfÎter a very pleasant heur off skat- ing-, sandwiches,' cookies and Freshie were enjoyed!, During the winter break fnem scheol, the Newcastle Cubs held a successful skat- ing party. TVhe- foliowing Cubs the-n-SkatingeBage: - Marký Mc'GREGOR'S US The Pat Principal's Jewel, em- blematic off thc excellent ser- vice rendered te' the Chapter during the hast 33 years, and off t.he many fine qualities a! the Masen we arcelaonaring toaigbt. Mr. FIsher express- cd bis congratulations on be- f a Grand Chapter and the Grand Firat Principal. la bis very suilable- reply, V. Ex. Caàmp. Paacoe made kaown bis- deep appreciation net only fer the jewel b'ut for the many kiad theuphis exnreged, a ndî aî1,,,his de-. 25'-Year Pasf Principal Jewel Pales fine' Chupter Honors V. Ex. Comp, W. G. Pascoe The bightIight off March Con-i vocation off Palestine Chap- ter, wbich was held on l9th Marcha, 1973, was the preson- tation off the 25-year Pastd Priacipal's Jewel to V. Ex.0 Comp. Waltoa Grant Pascoe.t The present Principal S. J.t Lancaster calied on Rt. EX. Comp. Ferguson ta latroduce theu Proccedînga whIch la tumar calicd on V. Ex. Camp. Pascoec to a special chair la, front off the Comparions pre- sent. and then read the fol- lowiag address: "V. Ex. Camp. Pascoe you bave beca vcry faithful sec- ing that our Past Principals b ave received their- 25 yearl Waîton GY. Fascoc jecwels,. and we are giad teý sec that you are about to e- As a cimax zte the fore-s colve that bonor. poing, la a wclî choscna d-t "The records show that ycu cross, Rt. Ex. Comp Irvine L.( wcre bora Nov. l3th, 1906 ina Fisher, Grand Supt. off Dis- ý Erasl Whitby. near Taunten. triet Ne. 10, prcseated V. Ex.1 1There were ne maternItyý Comp. Pascoc wlth is 25year1 wards la the baspitals l physician was Dr. Kaiser WhoA n u l u . wvas ise, during bis Wie)' Mayor off Oshawa and also ar-F at, M.P. Walton atteaded Max-SpE wel's SeheelI with Jesse Ar- nott as teacher. and aise Hlgh Sehool la- Oshawa, he then The Women's Hospital Aux-" warked ai G.M.C. for five lliary hehd Its Annuai Birth-1 and a bai! years as trimmer day Tea on Wed., March 28th, and lime clenk. Pt the Lions Centre, with "On Sepiember 121h, 1930 Mrs. K. Mackenzie the very hpmarnied Hezel Meculiacb capable convenor. The decor- of Clmu an oe 'ating theme off purple and1 Dowmanvile, where lhe sta gl oce tetaro cd or la190 a te pc- with Spring. Mrs. D. Brink-J ficetion, DepI., ln 1944 as maand Mrs. H. Dykstra ce- Fild Techaician and la 1962 crdinated the coiers and Teebaical Supt. and retircd spring theme. Thec tea table la 968 Ths orkinvlvd centrepiece, a iovely arrange- 19uc.Traeling arouad Cane- ment of hyncintha, Iris and. ;uha tie U.SA. n Cl-daffadils with n very pretty ada adteUSA blueblrd, xvas donatcd by "Ho Is a valued member Off Mrs. L. T. McLaughin and the Cancer Society, bis hob- made a lovciy focal- point.ý bics arc collectîng stamps Mrs. Gienholme Hughes' ena- and ceins, gardening, fiowers, delabra witb lavender and pbotoe;apbye., and fra- gold candîca added te thc ar- ternal ongan;izations. On ne- rangement. tlnlng from the Goodyear, he To pumn fe tefil was bonoed with a preseata- her werersfor.Wahe frs tien. and a banquet et the and Mms.Er. . oan; secn Flyîng Dutehaman, witb manand r.E.V H_ ecn ,giflaffrnm the BowmanvIlle a ýnd Coliingwoed plants and BURKETON ffrom, mar'y other groupa. He i- also anc off the plilars off A Silver Weddinp Anal. Trlnity, United Church and versary was beld la Bowman- bas' scrved as an eIder for ville for Mn. and, Mrs. Rae maay years, We boecV. Ex. Abemaethy on Saturday ev- Comp, that vour ýretirod iffe cniag, Atteading ffom bero wlll ho filhed with bappIaess was Mrs. T. Baihey. and with the joy off work Congratulations goe eut to welI donc,"1 Mr. and Mra. George Rahm Rt. Ex. Camp. Ferguson (formerly off this district) thon ceion Ex. Camp. H-. who celehrated their Goldeni Bruce Tink te givo an oulhIe Wedding la Greeabank, Sal-î o! V. Ex. Camp. Pascae'a Ma- îîrday afiennoon. Fni e n ds sanie career wbicb la as foi- from this district atteaded. 1 iows: V. Ex. Camp. Wahton Mr. and Mns. G. Allison, Grant Pascae was accepted Oshawa, are now rnakingý into Jerusalem Ledge No. 31, their home in Bunketon. They Pnd aIntiated Septemben 23rd: have one son. 11 1935, wbea W., Bro. A. H. Mn. Stanley Taylor was a Bounsahl was W.M. and W. recent Sunday dinnen gucat off Bro. L. A. Parker was S.W. Mn. and Mrs. E. -Taylor, 1 n1d W. Bro, E. S, Ferguson Enaila J.W'. Psd lIoe h Cngrtuatinsto Mn. Toi Desse ov.ltFhiew19 Trick b ebrated bis 9,oth crat egeeNav ltb 135 birtbday this we;ýek. and Raised te the Master Mrs. B. Smaith, Oshawa, basý Masan Degree 111h December, returned1 home affler spend- 1935. Ho was ehected Wor- ian1 some time with Mrs. G. shipfful Master la 1943, 'and Carnochan and Mn. T. Trick. eceived bis appointn-'cnt te Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell, Grand Lodge as Assistant Oshawa, were weckead gucats Grand Organiat la 1950, and off Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stepha- bas beca argantst for Jemu- enson. 2ileem Lodge for many year Ho was accepted lie oPal- estine Chapter la 1940, re- cemmended by Rt. Ex. Camp. G. C. Bonnycasile and V Ex. Comp. A. W. G. Northeut, ecived bis Mark Masteri Masan Degree in May,1940, received bi s Most Excellenti Degmee 17th June, 1940, Ex- altcd la the Holy Royal Ancha Degree 2lst Octoben, 19d0. Ho was ehected Final Princil- pal off Palestine Chapter la 1948 and appoiated Grand O Senior Sojaumner by Grandi Chapter la 1966. He bas serv-~ cd on the Finance Commit'ee off the Chapter and is chair- man off the Education a'id Instruction Committce off theý Chapter, and is elso argaalsti as Weil. He bas been womking on a complote histomy off Palestine Chapter wbicb was startedila 1928 and is pmavlng te hoe a ié t very excellent bistorian. He! la aise a memben o! the Scot-1 tisha Rite la Toronto, Jochný Lawer lasccretary. Hoeer- l ý11 cd the Scettish Rite Feb. 26 I 1951, and recelvcd bis 14thi degree ln May 1951. e * e e BECAUSE WE CARRY EVERY TYPE 0F CARPET PLUSMES - TWISTS - PLAINS - and PATTERNS AT PRICES FORt EVERY BUDGET, INCLUDING SHAC CARPET $6.95 bq. yd. x 12' Room rREQUEST $8C,3.4 0 McG REGO R HAE 95 KING ST. W. 623-2 542 BOWMAN VILLE Carpet IN BOWMANVLLE -t).-," ~ I U~~om-Itsafaniilyaffailr THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL VINYL OZITE PABACK $2.9Nsq yd. 1.yd. ~'*x 12' Rooni$3]8 Rubber Back $27.43 $2.69 sq. d 22 9' x 12' Uoof 4 . i PROFESSIONAL APPLICATORS AVAILABLE ON Use Your "CHARGEX" WHY?«0 encouraged many people to attend. Mrs, Harry Jose look- cd aitcr the guest book and mcmbershlp, whiic Mrs. A. Stirke, the Auxillary treasur- er, recived donations. The dlsplays off auxiiiary 'activItIes gave visitors a glimpse off the many ways wc support the bospitai. Social coavener Mrs. A. Garson planncd a deliclous tea menu witb many varie- tics off sandwiches cakes and ceokies most attractivciy ar- rangcd and scrved. The snial table ceatrepieces and ioveiy azalea plant at the entrance were denated by Mr. Sam Dewcl e! Hampton in niemory off bis w1fe, Vera Baker Dewell, RN, Mrs. Mark Roenigk denîated a charmiag Lamb cake on wblch a draw was held aad Auxilîary President Mrs. T. H. Smith prcseated the cake te the winner, Mrs. A. J. Hoar. ire te be off service ta the Chapter la any capaclty and LON ' Î, T cxpnessed bis sincere thanka iJtC -UliJT te aIl. The large -number pro- sent consi de,-ed Il a pnivileize Mr. Chnis. James, Tenante. to bonon sucha a momher. and Mn. G. Baker spent Sat- Congratulations anti beos i urday with fniendsaet Ban- wisbes ffom ahI prescat croft. brought the ceremony ta a Mrs. Koren, Toronto, speat happy conclusion.' the w~eckend wi-th Mm. and Mrs. P. Ercegovar and Anna. 'Cstr sand Mrs. Ge. M. :hd y ea Fnmand daugher hii-, y weeSalurday dinner guesi boum, Mms. S. R. James eand Club 50 ladies will meet on Mns. E. R. Thompson Mns, Tuesdny evening, Apnil 10 at Ted Morris lntroduccd puests thae home off Mrs. Don Davey. to the receiving 'line-Auxil-1 iary Presideat Mrs. T. H. GTCS OA -Smlth, Mrs. E. . Elaton, Mms GTCS OA T. Cowan, Vice presidents FiOR OLD APPLIANCES ýMrs. K. Mackenzie and Mns., THROUGH J. Welsb. ST AT ES MA N The lovely sunny ffterneoa iC LA S SIFIE DS8 To koep yourm farm rnng you dpodon yourequipet depend oniy our Texaco Farm isrbor When yourequipment runs toortlm,Texaco'a fuü!sandlubricants ep hrgsnnin roohy Yau r Texaco Farm Distributor dlvrstpquaMly products and service you oa dn dn ENNISKILLEN 2631-2291 HIAMPTON 263-2282 TX C