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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statogman, Bowmanville, April 4, 1973 ec tU cratimon SagsFourth Aninual 1Figure Skating *Young ballerinas Susan -Wagar, Fiona rBurrows, Cathy Mletraille, - - - --jo formrer Lois Jean Stapietn ier Mrs. Geo. Morton, Mrs Lawrence Harris. Mr. and 'Mrs Chas. Stapieton, Mr. and, Mrs Ron Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson. . ......Mr and Mrs. Orme Falist ..... ... ant son Harvey of Starkville, Mr and 'Mrs. Gardon Power were Sunday evnn ier gue,.ts of Mr. and Mrs. Carias.....g Tamblyn, Miii Street, Orano.M Mrsý Chas. Knox, Mrs.- Les i Reid and Mrs. R. H. HollIngs-J worth are patients ln- Bow- mianville Memoril Hospital.ý anti IMrs. Dale Haines ls :a M~ patient ln St. Michaei's Hos-ý .1 Ata. arato Snonuctr anf sHonev hv Ballerina Li orux Club tLrton. Carol andi Davidi haveadfml fPtebruhI i ' ru nti r.Oatree ieeC. ai-Fweeked F returnti frm a theo weks, were we ren visitors withi e î~ motor trip. to California,1 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown. Mexic andthe randCan-The sympathy of the com- C t von in Arizona. imunity is extetiedForth Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Sears 0of1 fteit pii ýr F e Scarborough visitet iher par- famnily ofwhe pase Eiaa Wright wo nse -y ent, Vr. anti Mrs. Lawrence o atria aril r ow er Seeds on atudayr-,rnlg. FI. Harrr. on Saturtiay evenlng. * r.ani r. rm F 1 Wright, whc wasý In his 96thi1 s se ~ ' nionHavyMranir. year, hati b(een an invalid for MoteryoylvsflwI ~ \ ~ 4O!Gortion Power were, dinnen see year , ai wsap<es nipamcs rd ??iIei ý usso r at r.Jm ient in a Lakýefield nursIng, Tippins of Fretierick's PharJ ~ ~ * a Strkvlleon rsdy hme.Mr.ant Mr. Wlghl mcy kes flowens so much ~ eein.were resýitints of Pontypoo)l that, as long as fis supply ~~~ii r ati rs.J. awls r unil 955 whnx h e yrnoveti lasts, he wîil give a full sîze~ th(iilrpee aughters solti their 'Into Peter b arao u g h. Mrs.125c packet containing about' son Main Street Southi Wright prideceasedtiber hus- 76 seetis free of charge ta any, havýe taken up resience band in 1958. Funerai service' adult. "These flower seeds,"' iiAjax. will be belti in Panori saiti Mr. Tippins, "are packod' Ofono SeirCtesme- Unifiai Church on Tuosday by one of the oltiest, tiepenti- *ing will ho belti Thiirsday at 2 p.m. able seed procossors anti are DantaHesianevnig.April 5th, ln the Mrq. M. Curtis is a patien.t guaranteeti to rw hy T O.O.F. Hall. iïn St. Josepb's Hospital, Pot- cnh lnei hnaldn ICongratulations, ta Mr. anti erhorough. We ail wish her a ger of frast is past ant iwlhl Mrs. Marshall Keast Jr. of very speotiy recovery. flower beautifully In this Mr. ntiMrs Wilret Rib-Iclimate." the J. anti M. Sports on tho(ir MrIf r.Wife ih recent «ne wekpni v ac- artisan, Paul anti Harry were I you woult i lke ta havea ilan to Puerto Rico )forse- recent visitors ta Boston frepct0ffwrseis ing overi their quota of Pal- ,Mr. ati Ms . arcb ut tpin at FretierIck's presentaihtioni in New.tonvilleî ans Snowmobiles. . anti dautghters movetid toPamacy, 6 ig Sro on Sturav venng or n Mrant Mr. T E.Steensj~ teirr ec en t1 ypurchaseti East Bowmanville andti tbe aniMsGro otnih. K ivisiteti hr n t.1ome Iin Potei-)rnraugh aven wiE libe gladtitagive yiou ono I jMr.Lawrence 'Haris. antic1tV'ý<<heweed without any -obligatio)n tof,, son hares o Suday vonI ti ~ ~ A M. ati rs. Robt: floltonimake a purchase. Ing. l:A and bonys have maveti into "I think," said Mr. Tippins. ýE W ORKING hniflnwhm n"htms epelk lw Mrs. Wmn. H. Robinson re hi euîu e ooo "htma epolk lw cently vstt Mr.,niMs te5h io rBolton' is !ers andi will enjoy these when EOJýP L E ? Eti. Hogg anti family ai o Oetsaer-ahrneadCr Woharinicipal of G r a n dIv 1 ew they bloom. Woultin't i e Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth Syer11 Voha Schcooi. wontierful If some of the pea- insurer îs growIng rapily. lof «Cavan for soveral diay' s. Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Kelet ie who get the free fiower other insurance products 1 Orono Unitedi Church 'Wo -1 u ni g _ Byron Kellett, Mr. anti Mrs. i seetis would give away just ownrs CAOnees or ithis week: Unit ' , Montiay - owins, anti Andy Sptch Sr.l tbey bloom, a ploasant sur- anville-Orono Area., If y'olu afternacon in the M ainHll;, f A11w ta Floriaia Friday evcn- iprise for sameone confineti permanent and rewarding . Unit 21, Tuestiay afternoon 'InI ERS '~tp5 Lat"uaiitng anti returnoti home Sun-. ta home or beti." ..For information, please the -Maýin Hall; Unit 3 Tu es- D'-I fUlIr AVVwIr da>y night. dayi ovoning al the hnome of Mrs. Fred Youngman was Mrs. C. B. Tyrjreil; Uniit 4 I bstess recently for a going- CeCahT d' Tueýda evenng at he horawas party for Mrs. S. Dr of rs.GerltiCox; anti Unit!EI E#~ oT. ____ o l plaie CÎME . .E AUTO COMMERCIAL 5 Tuesdayafrno at theïFrOdA pine homo of Mrs. Carl Billings.lWbon we measune aur decis- True integrity andt innori hog Mr. anti Mrs. Joh n Caltiwell ians by what they wil do for peace, she sasi, comè by "un.u to <' Se Th rES MA have retunetihomo frommankinti, wo are helping con- dorstanding yaursolf spiritual eaeh tribua.t tapeace among mon . . 1 . R dC Il A S S 1.F I E 1) S Charles H-arris, son of Mn !Miss Jessica Psckett, C.S. a Quating from Science and 'y~ *~j Phone 623-3303 -06Ms.La8oceRais632h9sia Scionce lcturerHealth witb Key ta the Scrip,- Wis o n'iý ~ 86 885-6329 wearing a cast n bis right tram Chicago tolti an audiene tures hy Mary Baker Eddity, T Hope arrn as the resuit of an aci-Iîn Oshawa, April .3rd. iwho discovereti anti foundedUn u am n tient in their barn on Thurs-I z"The worlti bas tantalizeti hnitianScenc, se siti'UI d1i'vcevening ofi asmt weok. lus with a hope of peaco - al-: 'Spiritual causation is the one1 Hampton Gardons Minon lways just out of reach - ta question ta ocansitioreti, for tIeWe ornydt h be fought for, or protosteti for, more than ail oth ers spiritual P edee Wo esun orntota tn orbargaineti for," Miss Pick: causation elte t'hman tiyvnig1 omeei jetsae."Butwars, protests, progrss.j.Mna ein oëmeei evea armistices haven't given iTeletrrbougbt out the King Ciancy Tounnament. us pace'that innen poace is indestruc- Bowmanvilie defeateti a iul t gtyo teed Quahi.T uns poe are loin g intble anti, "fot contingent on Yemork, Tnonolsth enRoal isesid t Jeu a h atImatenial conditions. Nor on theY, 41o ol yDni timeto et rd o theIAInterblus. Trn ho siti tamatenial senses for authority. 'Sobil with two, assisted on sgreen with . . .. .IritY fori:Pen ce anti are wiling i sntcnign ntilbath by John Stewart anti Jim Ito ocositer bs pomio ~and ennoi. You can't buy it. ;Hogarth.ç *'~ the way of acbioving it. Vo a eoit o tA third îugoal was by .teven i miessage frnianswers ta Jesus crtainly y o 't fiati it byFak assisteti by Ken Cowie 'n ~ riing qestons us tonsgong'o atrip' with drugs, anti Waytie Preston. Fourth p Jigsuc stowgondonrs - yutou k or alcohol, on aay >mateniai ol a y Ken .Cowle from flOWstasimuldoant knwý Paul Cascagnette. wben you'no noaily ight? HowF thopacoJeusg ' t bs Bowmanville neturns ta the do ouI tellhiit fnom wrniolwr indicateti "the ve same arena on Thursday even- i They're asking for answers1presence anti power of Goti - ingfan the second game of the amuno- thflat wili bning poace, real!teCrsTuh erpe best of two senies total goals WEED peace, ta aur whole exper- snet, hecncueo.~ t count. Winner thon moves Aioncei." t poe ndr was a force for gooti anti was on ta the next level. FEEDMis Picottspok unien, feît wbeneven hoe wont. the auspices of Finst Church,'ý "The Christ peace is the fui-t Ohwin Durham Coilege.'filment of God's pact or1ý TYRONEI She was introduceti by Wm. H.ipromise of overlasting peace 1 IDell, Second Reader. ýwith His creation. That divine' The 7th meeting was open- L Christ Jesus expresseti the pact was what Jesus demon- lotiwith the 4-H pietige. Mar- -practical nature ocf peace more~stratod. iene Craig reati the minutes- than anyone, t he lecturer heiti.l "That peace is the supremeof the iast meeting. The noxt "Jesus' tiecisionis," she saiti, force for, ight, oporating, in!iieeting- wos Marcb 28th at' î"were matie in bis consciousithe wonlt inl ail times, indu-,teSniySho.Ec il spiritual conviction of being atIvidualiy anti coilectiveiy. t repoürteti' ivat she had clone. - - . one with Goti, anti right withibegins with 'youn smalhest Tfo the next meeting every ;, 1oi..Hsdcsosht n right decisions, and it grows. ilms oro bîgbr 3 J proe nly - spiritual adi- anti spreatis." 'gomlmntt warmoel. Mr.lier vancement - for himsetf anti The litho of the iecurdWelnt Mrs. Gisei icseti MisPckt xpantita "orRih 'oRgt." homs. Mrs. Yeo deonstmateti Jesus knew jotilvidual peace1 h alrshm.Ec N " led ta wonîti peace. "He wasi PON Y OOdild a stitch on the samule. cocene wth eah nes eciosedthe meeting wt Tubeless Twin White Sidewa fanding peace withia bimself Richard Rusk was a patient lunch. jandexpressiglt in thefvAoridlat ee in Civie ,Hospital, ofThe 8lhbanti îast meeting. G 7 14 o G 78 no- o eempify nd'Petrborugh of4-H w-as on March 28t' até dmonstrate this inner peace Congratulations ta Miss Ty"'%rane Sunday Scbool at 7:i0-I' ntle n Blne o. was bis mission." Margaret Penetier aýnti Riceh- ,l Elion Voneyk neati the - Inl reaching tiecisions tiayr, ai Evans who wore mamnieti minutes of thp lost meeting.I -she sait i idividuals shouiti 'n Pontypool Community Hall The books anti garments ara O HI PCILO L foilow the Master's example. cn i\Vnch 241h.. Foliowing the. tOho hantied inbta Mrs. . ."Jesus gave us the yartistick %wedding mcption, a tance Yeo by Apnil 5th. Since Anne foi, ight docisions - spiritual for fomiiy anti frientis wos! Penwartien want be able te 10 GALS. o + i -ativoncement," she declared. I helti. o t t e n di Achievement Day, "When v athere to it, we Nnetale of euchro weeSusan Pleasance wili ho thp ZUbless all ptankinti as welas playocI in ballyduff Commun-1 commentotor for the Pinel witk purci bpros Sheila MaLrtini and Barbara Ann Gustar SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ROTARY EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN March 22nd until April 22nd DON MRI,1971 Eabiter Scal Chairman Passenger, Truck, Tractor Tires (Chrome Mag. Wh.aels) EXCLUSI-0,VE Special iai, 2+2 Belted REGULAR GAS FREE' le, L 60-15 or 14 e East of Oshawa Youtng 1)alination Amnonig he relaitives and friends from 1Qof o )- Kib dsrtswhoteidg th DO YOU LIKI WITH PI CIAO, Otario's leading autoi To develop bsns for its and to service present policyû represeýntatives in the Bowma are in.terested and eligible, a1 career could be yours at CIAC cal1: ISURANCE Ho LEOI0 F 15 Queen St. BOX Poýrt' eay No. >, F9-11111 CHARGEX

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