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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 13

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BETrHANY s s 15 s' s e s 'i s s s a s if you re in the market for a car boan, we'Il throw in $25 twrd the plates. RBCAROO 73 C-KEEP T BEAUTFUL- That's right. We'11 give you $25 toward your licence plates when you take out a Termplan Persona)l oan on a crurat the Royal LIank. As long as you tk out a boan for $1,000 or more of newv money and we approve your application by June 29th, you qualify for the $25. You also qualif if you take out aTermnplan Loan for at least $1,000, for any other r7eason. Like a vacation, a boat or a travel trailer. If your application is approved by June 29flh, we'1I give you $25. In cash. There are no strings, no catches and nio change in inte&est rates. We know that there are maniy peple in themarket for money this spring, and we want to increase our share of the business. So you dont have to be a Royal Bank customer to take advantage of this offer. See your Royal Bank Manager. H-e'l1 even arrange for a chequing accoun tot take care of the boan repaymnents. And asic him aboiut our Money Matters book. It's full of hints on budgeting and financing for a faniily. It's yours free when you oorne to the Royal B3ank, Do some thing nice for yoursef.. * .ROYAL BANi See .. . MARTEN MeLAY, your Bowinanville Manager. ELIZABETH VILLE On Wednesda c-th omn' Institut( mct at thebsemn for a pet, luck dinner. Tweive- ladie s ated.After dbi- nnMrs. Ross Batyprecsid-1 edutil tho lecion ofoffi- coswhen 1Mrs. IL1.Quanill took over. 1'ýTho roll cal wasi J'pay dues, Themiuts erread by M r-s.H Quanftrill in the absence off Mrs. . Cawker, th,, cetmMrs. I. Thick: fonicesCofeentaterOf- loo in My M!r". Logea ilad Mrsý. Quani li ha-ud their lreport s readyi for theu District Annual to ho held at Morrish in Ma1y.1 lPlan11s weromade tf0 haveC a n0w fiag pole ais the onie that we haud is rotted onuf. Mrs. Quantrý1ili ok h chair an)d ithe flo gwr elected: PastPrsen, r. H. Quan1trili;Prsien.Mrs. ROSs ety finst Vice-Presi- dent, Ms.D. IHo1ýrer;second1( Vice -Pridelont, Mrs. L, Mul-: dre, and we panfo se ifl Mirs. Cawker wil Lutke ber plae ertay .Jack MIorris; Troasuror. Mrs. C. Mercer; Group, Leaders: Mr:5- G. Mocrris, MrS. H. Qua1ntnilIl Mr.W Lon gyear, M'rs. D. Honner; public Rltos Mrs. JH.Thcon >The igorical resean1ch is to ho taken up!aa) and cee if we might dosom moe o our Todmi ifr.Thc cmmiftoe laii,,,s.iG.,Mi. Mca B Whoec, Mns.M me's meetlinig for Unit 2wi bo pî 3rd iat Mirs. K. Te' Chunch sevie eeheldi as- usual Rev. Ramjiti was wif h us. Mrs H Quanfili and Mrs. O.Mercor visited Mrs.- L. Ml dnew,\ at Jvl anid Mns. DWhf bced's, Ohwalso visifed-C Mnr udrwwho is bin ha wa Hospital,. on Tuesday. Mr and îMns R. Westheu,ýs- on anýd Alyson were -wihMn an-d -Mrs. IH Moore, Sfaynier, on Stra Mn ad MnIs. C Mercenhiad Mrs. R, Crombie, Mrs. Crom- 'ie and Jo, Bowmanviile, on Sundcay, also M and Mrs. R.ý Mencer, Port Hope, call1ed. Mrs. C M1ercer and Mrs. H. Thickson v7isif cd with Mn and ,Mrs. H sh)eppard, Pont Hope, and also Mr..W1 Terbenche on Friday MNrs. H. Thiickson celebraf- cd bier birfhday on Thursday and Ihadrs. E. Fowler. Mrs. R Westheusen, Alyson., irs K Fowl%,er, Julie, _Mns. C. Mencer and Mrs. O Mercer- calling'. Mrs B. Wheeler was af Ms- and NMrs1E.Quniî, Orono, a day fhis wee-k It is nice f0 sie iMn an1d Mrs G M0orris hm gi We expecf Mn rand lMr's R White sooni GET CASHI TODAY FOR OLD A1PPLIAýNCE1S BY USING S T A 1ES m A N Pie Caiiadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 4, 1973 1 MrIs Belle Srmth, Mrs -Mil- Jennings was enijoyed structors are avalrlable to as.j dîred Braîthwýýaite Cavan aýnd A qit doInated by Mr&s ,ist commuitnities in organîzi?- Mr-ar oreu v idMalColmn ajjniciquilted by,-a ing their required programs.o w4th 1Mrs Gordon Mff -1 ow f t'he Betbarly ladies Mr Maýddock5treýssed the 1ý0wmanville was dislayed ai nd it ,vas de. impo)rtance ofsupriga Mr and Mrs John. Neals id(ed to seil tick1ets wývh;ch -sports an-d roCreation branch andLsa and M\r afld i sc wl bedrn at a ocr oce it is comPleted in ordci ~Bob Webster of Fra)serViIIe, pOga the Senior CitPi2'Sthat the commnity as,;a weleri guaests of Mr and MYrs, pIan on hiolding in the Parish whole would benefit fl(rm the 'Stanford B1?row,ýn Ida a l î n May enter Cogatlton re e-A few future prjects er Ail m-emibers c' of eounci tended o non and Pulnediscussed, one being alwnwrpecn tthsmetn oskOnthre arrivai Of th1eir b1owlýing alley for Senior Citi- and Alex Ca)rruthiers,NM.. son, Adamn David -ens and a couple of bus lso atended Mr and Mrs Ross David. touýrs Eetbany UCW son have returned homne from ýBirthdays a nd wdin n Ms ohin Nas roie an enjoyable two week Carib- ilriversaries' IIIll be rneember- o h ehn ntdCuc bean cruise , ciat the April itb meeting ,Womecn, presidod at cý jlunch- Mr and Mrs W MMhn\hnthe itrict nurse ,vili l can meeting on01Monday Th, attndd he andin ports. perik to the group, atrl nchen eatuired nuk rman's Sh owv in Toronto and which ecr jlfollow ls tyle chicken ailso visited recently Wlth Mr ý Mrs. ArgIue introduced IMr 'Mrs. Ruith Jnngs reac ànd Mrs Gibson Lowery. D)udley Hwt of Peterbor- themnue of the previousi Lindsay : augh, who gave a splendid meeting and the 1corre(-spn. Mr WllamMIllon, Long -ommentary with bis slicle. dnce The treasrer's rIepor 'beach, Cal-iifornia, Mrsý. Mack "_f a trip arouind the Ever- was iven by Mus. Herb C(op- H1unter and Mrs W,ýilliam Foin. lades of Floida, and thicpins, and Mis. Bradïleyv re- 2both of Peterborough, and Mr1 Warsaw distrIct, showlng the, ceived the offerlng. M,,rs. Cop- and Mrs Roy Ferren visýited,, contrasting featunes in the pins also repo)rted on Chnis-1 with _Mrs Irene McDonel1d vegtation -ofý flowers and'flan Education. Books arc NewAs itemns ay now be othor greenings of the two now avallable for Sundayi let n ox7 a te eta y 'ias His knowledge of na- School c h ildir e and their PostOff ce Itmswllbitr was most remankable ii parents to borrow at their,! picked up Thursdlay after. he named earh flower, fern dIscre-tion. noon 1 ndl tree Charles Smith volc- Mr\1--John Nealsz thanked: folewing Leaguies cd hisý thaýnks of. the gnoup. e-veryone involved( in irnaking, 0Mxd Bowling Leaiguie - Mrs. Chiallice conducted a the, World's Da)ýy of Prayer, ~Lde'high ingle, F.line unoru cotest. The win-,iand theChîikn Suppe Van WVeirgen 2441; ladies' ighnensr wcne Mr-s. Rowan and soes triple, Chnis Neal,,js 63, m-e n'sMrsý. Palmer Dnn h uiespon- ~dIh in4e0E1iMcua d' A doudcous luinch was serv- tion -if1tisemetig the fol- ,28; en' hghtriple, Earl ed by vthie Cavn goup. ii tesweeaprovedî cuid 712 Gamos over 200l: Reereatlonal Meeting ailargeimt is to beuchs Diane Wilson 29,Jack Brargg On Wdedyeeig dto Ipnotect týhe retn 202-231, LodDaisn2241. WM adocscosutat fatth nnancedori tn o Tem Standings: DingýaIings Community PrFýog.,rams Sectionlr.i was dornated to tho, Sun- '116, Bed Pots 101, Dead eyes Youth and( eretonBanh'day schoo)l to asist in)Ur- ~90,Hpgn 1, Aliey spoke to a; large gatherIng at ch On f bosfIve dfollar Cats 7, îIngbatds 77 G-get- the Town Hll, concc'nning ý;as donateýId Dfile, etan ers 75, Hopefuls 69 the possiiityI of organIzing! Athletic socaio;a child Mcnr's Bowling Leajgue - a. recreIoIfna board for thisi wI1l be spoünsored to tten Hen's hIgh single, Frank Ash- aneýa The Commirunlty Pro- the summier Church Campý at by 28,; men's high triple, 'rm s Branch, wasoianzd unM-ac and a dauy in Frank Ashby 048. Gamres aven 2 yer ago and up unfil June was ,ceccdasthe 200);: Ken Sinclair 271, Ivor Apnil 1972 .,ssi.steci In th(,,(date for the Church- Gardenl WNiliamrrs 226, and Steven Mc. evelopmnent of recrea-t ional Partýy. The installation 0fi Gu 1.pnogramns suich as sports iinic Officers wilI take place dur-1 Senior Citizens drama. etc. As of April 1971 ing1ý the regular church ser- A nmost enjoyable aftennoon this rgnzaio il! ho vice on AprIl th.,1 wasz spent when the Cavan krinown as, the( Sports and Re-, An invitation was recelvedi Golden Stars Senior Cititccns creation BEranchi. It is hoped f0o attend the Pontypool UCW: entertained the Ma nv er sthat a fuIl fimne sports c,)- 1meeting which xill ho heidý group. ordinafdor ,vill be available en April 4th at 8 p.nm. Con-i Mrs' Argue. the president, for the(,sunnrouinding areas inting. events include the Bay off read a pocm!ý "A Thoujgt theý near future, to help com- Quinte Confenencife, Oshawa,; from an Oldier Ctzns ý nd munities realize the maxi.kl,( Aprîl 24 and 25ý; Ptr a sing song Ildby Mrs Ruitb mnum sports puotential off their borough UCW Preshytenrial' area, not Onfly for tiny tOts.I in Mark,,Street LUi tedl Chunch' 'but' evenyvone lnluding sen-! on Apnil 11ith; P1ontypool f on itizens 1sning tea and bazaar, on i IThe %vop as Informed A.-'pnil 23th; a vhite elIephant - that. omnt grants wero -ý -U will 1)-hi hid in Mayt usully sma and qualiled at the neidon, ce (if Mr. and IT'$SBETT leaders must bc, hired. The Mns. VIncent Jacks on, pro,- To GIVE _ rants fo)r aesi would cecds frç)mi this sale wýiII be coven one third of the salary used in the Manse repains TI4N f these leaders and secretar- fund. A, commritfee bas een S TO LENO ies. Ail grants woulidbe paidl fonmdtf0 gather unused k-it- UT I$ALLYto the Clerk Treasuren off thel chenequipmnt-in the church E _ c rs Township at the' end, of'the and forwýard toth wie ýABOUT rpietcýd These grants are alsol w'ili als erv unhitMs RESAME! available only for non mronC y Jean Argu& ale - making actlvities, mainten. h rga a ne ncand leadership require th ladrip fMr.Cl for the centre when comn- Po5rteous. Mrs. Ashbîerry anid pleted Mrs. Ross Carr wore the win- g <rant for, senior citiz.ens en of the conte-sts; andi Mrs. alý'so available, however, a.n1 Vincent Jackson and Mrs.' apnvdrdop-in conter mustl Ruth Jennings sang scier-1 other be purchased or built tionsacomplnedby ýMr, B T A MI befone a grant would, bc Jean McMahion at thec pianio. availaibie. Mrs. Ruth Jnig se PLUMBING & 1HEATING Through the Resource Cen.n- cnted ýMrs. Jean Arge, ast and AIR ÇONDITIONING, ter iii roto recreation In-pedn, with afkngif tý strutios ad flmsarcaval- n behaif off the U.C.W. Mc1\1. TYRONE, ONTAIOale .r on reof charg-e. Aýrgueihadbeen th,,pre ident h~"id 'Catalog-ues d efteU?.. o he past Phone 2632650 aIseavailable on imusic n ya- __________________drama. -A fuil staff off b-_ The next mneetinig wili hoý held on Mayth ,aft 1:30i. STORE HOURS: Mon, ta WIed., 8:30 'tii 6 Thur-, Fri., 8:30 'tii 9 Saturday, 8:30 'tii 5 provaçy, PHONE 623m3388 BOWMANVILLE Its ealsy !o increase the value, plus' create a prestige look to your property - you start with Beaver Nood Fencing. Beaver stocks aIl you need from Property Boundary styles to stylish Privacy Screens. Easy to do-it-yourself, too. Simply measure-up .,. then drop into your Beaver store. The experts are there. The prices low. 12 styles to choose fram Lm

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