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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 14

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ria) FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. BirTt-hs Cards of Thanks ALE-an and Wec-ndy are--e wish te thank ail thôse'; pIeas-,ed te announ-ce the ar- Who sent gifts, flowers andd rival of their neýw daughter cards on the occasion of oure Ker-ry Lýyn, March 14 at Osha- Golden Wedding, as well as wa General i( HospDtal. Proud those Who honored us with grndaensare Ms Donna their presence. 9ar 1efOhw and Mr. and Harry and Louise Jose. Mrs. Ron Allen, Bo1nile 4-1*b GE S-eie and Bey. Wewol like t,) thank our are happy to announice the friends, relaitives and famnilv birth of a son,*6 lbs, 3¾, ozs.. 1fo)r the nry caxds. gifts and on- Tuesday, Mardi 27, 1973, best wishes reeied iakingý at 3:33 a.m. at Memorial H-os- our Fiftleth -Wedding Anni- - pitai. After many years of Versary a h)alppy and memer- trial and. errer, we finally. able oc-casion, t] madie it., Since the dector and Lena and George Rahm,S nurses assured us of having a Greenbcank. l- 2 baby girl instead ýof a babyc boy, we are still accepting. Th( fmiyof the lazteý Car- sugge2stionis for namnes. Heùw-!macChoat wish te sincereliu flever, Brenrt Gleibs seems to be thank friecds, nigh,,Ibors and a- sure w vincer at the present reatives foi' expressions 0f time. 14-1 sypa cy ndkindniess; al3S j ii_- nrsecs on Floor)s 5F and 6F HATEL - D71ouglas Water1 and Des. 1Mvorgan and Rdwseli and RoseEaie Ronon for kindcess at the lime ofC anrnounce withi Great Joy tho: their recent sad bereavement I Birtb of their ý First ChilId, a E41 Soni, Mthe Arth,-i bP, i 83/ ezs., Bern Thujrsdja. !- ~ o March 249), 193 t 1:18 A.M. iný Bowm'1uan ville MemnialH1-1os-ARCHITBALýD - toqin e pial athe s ir st mory L0f my dean husban Grccidfer, Walteýr adDonald, wo pssd aayll ALe (Jckmn) atey, n-Aprili 1970 oterGanchl frWjiliam Fondly loved and deePiy a (Bih> and Mary Hrabchak) rmourned, RobinsoYn, and a Great-Granid- Heant of my heart I miss cidfrAnasta-sia i(Drushka) you so Hratbc-hak of Nogasask., Often my dariing my tears r w-, aýre deeply Grateful te Dr. will flow, i: Athiur Westgarthi and Th1-ankz Dimming your -pi ct ure P' Hlmi for the Safe Arrival itf whereverI go I Our on Dninga Coplicat- 'Tis sadf but true I will abidz ed Delivery. Thanks te Dr. Unitil smeday xe'll be il John Rundie Who Assisted, side( by side. ' C ana eSpeciai i nanks teo Mr Moriland (hd)Andersei Thank Yeu te AUl Maternit Staff For Their Exceller Care of Mether and Baby. MAT--Bil and Betty a:i happy te anno once the birt of tbhi first ch'ild, a ho) Jason Wllam arci 27 KitchenerL-Watenloýo Hespita Proud grandparntis are lmI andi Mrsý. D. MriElgi Stret Bomavileand Mý and Mvrs. D. Schmitt, Kttc1, ener. 14-i TPODD-Býruce aýnd Jean ar hIarppyte annouince the biri of their sen, Wiliamn Jasor on Maýrc-h 2'2, 197:3, at si: wa Geral Hospital. A broth er for! Scot't and Jamles. 14-i F'orthco.ming -Marrnages nvl, eîîd Mn, and Meýîr TonsMaine, PefeIro(ugi anc phascd Ite ennounce ti( foicmng mrig JudtiEliabthand Thornes 'clo.ýck i0 St. Jehin'sAni Mn îc rs. GeorgeMitch. uoicoïn merr0 iege ofC tci dagtnSiirry-Lou te Don ai .Bothweil,5son of Mr, nage t7e tak place on Satujr- day, Miay 26 in Sf'. Pals Uncd hiuli, Bwn'nville. Me cdMes.Wr AndrewVieMc Os Iawsh te annou ct onl degierKae, t ChaiesOrvlieAsiýtenoniy so fM.and 1Mrïs. OvlcC. vid Iotetake lac Apnil 21sf, 173 at 4o'c inCen- Reception Mn. 'ccdl Mrls. E. F. Rse ccrd fienuda on tic occasion of vcsay fTrnility nv e Churci Hall,.Bo_,manville, on Safuniidcy, April 7 from 2 pin te 4 p.mý. accd 7 cm. tf09 p,. Best u-ishes nIiy. 1- Deaiths CANCLLA- Dorinick Ccc- cilla, cf Suncyvbr-oýk HosrcItai, 1973 beivcdiusbedof Alice, Gaigede an flather o.f ame.Westmi;n ster, Ccli- fonia;Saly (rs.A. Wlsona) Behevcle xRbet ccd Betty Loul, Poïrt Hpeý. Brother o: Phiiip, Josephine (Mes. E. Leýseige) =nd Anthony, Port Hope; Mai (Mrs. Wm. Due,_ 1 Me'4s. Rose Lovies, Toronto, ccd fie late John, Ciî',he' 1(s. Mers. Lena Bondi acd Vincent Paul (Jim)., Grand.c fether of Dorinick, ShLmaun Sien, Ton, Joey ccd Adcmri Fnienda rinay eall at tic Ross Funerel Ciapel, Wcltoc Sre in,7 - 9. Praese .mn 7. equem essin tie Chncof 0cjr Lady of Mry TIIUrsdcy etI10arn. inter- ment St. Mr' Cemeteryý. MCeRVOY-At MmniHos- pifai, Bevninville, on Thurs- diay, yMrci 29111. 1973, Mary MJcEvoy, Nwasl beloved wife of ticae Rev.. Allen McEvoy, dearn-mether of He,,len <Mear. Seihy Spencer), Harnil- ton, sister of Helen (Mes. Reginaid LeGresley),- Newv- cestle. Service was ield in tic Morris Funeral Chepelý Bevimenvili, on Sefurday cf 3o'clock. Interment Woed- lawve Cemetery Detrýoit, PRvlI'CH-A-RD-At ils homeý. R.R. 3 M1l.anotický, on Sunday7, Api1,1973,Jen Otis Prit- cirin !us ý6001) year. Be- Ioved iusband of B-etty, Snow- dcc-,, lovýing fatier nf sons Jolie, Peteurand Paul; daulgi- ten"-in-laNv Gai 'l (Diýck ') Prit- crdan d gr andd'aLcgtcrý Sieno, alof R.,3 Mano.- tk.service ws eld on Tiuesday cf the Hulece end! PîyarFanerai Home, Otte- Ca7rds of T'hanks f riand(s ce1rlatve 1wo sent focrgifts, card-saend fo viit ille aPatientinOsa va, Hospitlai dsincertu- mnghoe Kay Ormisten. 14.1 * Coming Events Dance, at Solica lHall, Satur- clay, April 7. Raymonnd Av- Q.rY's Orchestra. 1- Euchre Party,Netvie H{all, Friday, April 6th, 8:15 L~adies bring lunch. Evýery,.- body welcome. 14-1 Cacadian Foresters 'Bake Sale, Friday, April 6, '73, cern- nencing 9 a.m., Cifrs Cleaners, King Street E Tninity C.G.I.T. will hold their Flower Tea and Bake Sale, Saturday, Aýpril 14 from 2- 41 Admission 25e. Cihildren icome 14-2 Dance te the music of Fay Adams and' thei Country Hits nJane 'tyille Comimunity Hall, Saturday, Apnil 7. $4 per couple, Lunch s erved. 1i4-1 Tl'le Dubm CentralAgi ultural Society Annual Be ineTrinity United Chureh L-owmanviliQ on April 1,. 197' at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3. 14-2 National Farmers' Union, )istrlct ( 3, ntario Aninual Con-,en-tîon, Parisb Hall (Ang- icnBcthany, -Thursdav, A.oril 12. Registration, 9:30 ~.m. 13-3 Band Concert, April lBth, 8p.m., featuring the Bow- nanville HI-gh School Bandi and Mr. Hlarold Brascli, eu- phonium sololat, from Wash- ington, D.C. - 14-2 Rebekah and Odd Fellow Homne Baking and Rummage Sale ie Centencial Hall, and truc kcampers. -Hi,- No. 2. e-ist end 0f Newc 987-5131. !"hwn -castlE 7-t rs. -bcl isc oy wiU ,Nlr- Queen Street, S iday, ixIinli3 __ROOMËS__- c. garet, 14-1 l3th, 10 arn. te 4 p.m., For COMPLETELY FURNISHE] Iy pick-up 'phonce 623-3508. rit ARCHIBALD-In 1(,iing me-14 NO DOWN PAYMENT mory of oun dad who passed Low' Monthly Terms away April i., 1970.ý MONSTER BINGO Free Delivery nThe blow was great, the shock TIRDY-75~ ADAMIS FURNITURI 'h severe, IUSA -1;5pm 26 King St. E., Bowmanvillq y, We littie thougit tfiencd - Sponsorcd by 623-3808 12-ý wsea.Oshawa Mineor Softbaïl l. And only those who have Iosl JUILF PVIlO County Broad1oonm n., cao fell ' [n Tic paie of parting without 0 S Hl A W A 30-tf 1742 Brock St, South of 40ý r. farewell. Osaca(- Barii Dance (couplesl WHII' - 668-8895 i More eaclî ddy we miss yîou only), Satur:day, April 7. Tic sThe Lowcst Prices Anywher father, thk fi Country Edifion, ncluding '-ycar Installation Guarant Frit rn ay' hn te Rod Craig -and Jimmny Whif e- Batfl aeoseSlci wound has heaicd, maci, four miles east of Ne-'- euilWahosSlcti h But they lîttie kcow thc sor- tonvilie on No. Txvo and fr, i cn ir0w miles north on County Rd. 651R G S a. That lies ýif ic our heants or 3 miles sýoh0f Eiizabeti- 9 x 1?, from 5S59.95 h- concealed.141-' %ýLCAPT l*-Sadly rissed 1bychilîdren vle 41 WL OIALCRE Elizabeth, Donna, Caithy, Ho- Duriam N.D.P. Riding As- from .941.95 sq. yd. hent and John, son-in-iaw soionGe2nerai 1Member- E receestimates. Ernie Adamns, daughter-in- ship meet!ing. Gue(-st speaker, Large selection of clor iaw ,,Sheila d rdnidrenEdi. Bradcn,.P., Oshawa- A DA MS F UR N IT IU R] 14-1 Whitby, non RegÎýica Govcrn- 26 King St. E., Bowmnanvillt V_ li ent, Sunday%, iApnil 8, 1973, 623-3808 12-1 S. KERSEY-Icii oving memreny 8 .m., CentrlPl ic Se Shool, o1 f a dean wife, mlother andi Pinle Street, Port 14-1 E TH lc grandmother. Miltlred Susan Everyone wicm. oe.TIFT SHOF f wio passed away April 3, Babysitter Trainicg,, Pro- s.~~ 198nga (a three-wcck course). infg St. 'e Soffiy, tic ica-;ves of mcemoryCase April 11, 18ý, 25, 73 30o fil, . p.m., et the Centre, 760 Bleor t(rear oft hp i- Gentiy we g1ather, treasure St. E., at 1Harmony Rd., Osha- Pe flý * thim ail; wla. Sponsored by Simco We sel! on coinsignmnent and Some may forget,ewtitHl C r ýi p'p 1 e cl Children's j accept donations yourcgen ctie. For inforimation tehe- e Wew erebrnemte poeMs. Ralph Campbcîh ýmany ITIES viaî t-iSdl îs;sed and ivîgl r. rerbrdby Dad and WODViE Il family, 14I:! COM.MUN1TY CEN%ýTRE LE1.ISURE LIVING Eliabth ioingmeor M NSTER BINGO 1.. BOWMANVILLE cf my dear mether Emm NEXT MONDAY Teleïphone 623-4700 ci Eial"tiwho pa-sscd iaway 7:45 pNo. April 1, 92 and myv fa ther RED BARN - WVAYNE ST. Hgwalo Frederick Jamies wiýopasd O AW East of the Zoo away) Aprîl 9, 1959. O H W i Se, many things have hp 21-tf -NOW OPEN DAILY 1 - 5 Ir peeed A Since you wcre called away. APPEARING; AT THE SUNKA'MPER -NPIROI) Y/ Too inany tings te siare witlî QUEEN'S HOTEL PLAYCAT WOODS Had you been heft to stay. NEWCASTLE oUeeLn h very day in someý small way Bo1 ALSO RENTAL UNITS Temy way. ar aîays n . FEAIGd as Don't be disappointed... IThough absent you aeawy r.- Sat., Apil 6-7 Plc13-2Odr A~ - near,DACN 9-1 Stili misscd, Ioved, aiways DANCINGN9REWS I -Lo(-Vingly remembered by Cartwright Hici Shool *e dauitier Ethel. 14-1 Nigýht Sciooc ýýi penouse, PFn- TV OW R s day, April 6' éýRecrea- fi LUXTON-Ic ioving memory tion Centre, Bhackstock, 8 a nd A NTEN A S i- of my dear parents, Emma p-in. Exhibition of wr d Elizabeth who passed away jonvfin up-tholstery ncnd wood IXSTALLED AT n April lst. 1952 cnd Fredenick re-fin1ishing, cacing, arts acd 1James who passed away April 2rafts, and sexiegý courses, Low Rates 19th, 1959. (fasiion sow.C.'H. S. stu-, 2 Beautiful memeries are wond- dents' Council wili bc seîîingi ALSO SPECIAL ON - erful fhings, refreshmects and wils o- olour Systems They lasf 'fil tic hongest son a Penny Sale.* Everyonie1 day, weiceme. .14-1 Phnl2320 i- Tiey neyer weer out, they PENN1FAPhore 723-198 l, neyer get lest P N YF I And neyer can be given 4t Te away. Saturday, Aril 1424t ll semý,,e you rnay be forgotten, Te o thers a. part of tic past S - 8 P.m. INSTALL AN iBut te us wholoc you aed IN SIMCOE HALL GYM FURNACE les,-t you trÜ OILER 1 Yon crer -wIl chwcyvs 387 Simcoe St. S. HUMIDIFIER' 1. iat.o r HOT WATER ,t Sadly remembened by OSHAWA % m" HEATER daegter Dorcas, son-in-law N amnsfrsxmnh Cecl ndfaii. 44 Aiternoon Tea Cal! 1 McROBýERTS--li loying me-B kig H R E PA NE -mory of a-i dean mother and Home Bk grandmothen, Margaret. wio Sponsorcd by Osiawýaiaîîd HARVESO Sre eaer passed awey Aprih 7, 1972.i District C crebral Palsy Parent Yu SOSrieDae sA httîe tibute smail and Counci! fer Crippled Children FREE ESTIATES Juttender, 42 ~( tosyveistili erembr. o~VL ro i-ov-ingly rmmbrdby Tenders Want'ed o tsoc Horduhe-inw Zenith 14620it Reta. dauiter Lilliiian cdi'DU granchilrenCamrîl nd INorthumberland and Durham eric -Alan,Nay and Waynie. Couiit> Board of Education 24 Hour evc 14-1l TENDER 41-tf ___PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL -PANAS-mn lovicg memorPiy' For the Supply and àl i A T cfa ea mteran gan- Installation of Lighting 7mother, 'Mary Panias. who meald a Tenders, pîaiy S AW T 1pased Jtv;,Y sixC9Jears aomrkdf r cn(na-Antennais and 1today, Arl- 97, , esdti ttenionof M. 1The depthis 0f Serrow we cari- A, Maceod Bsinellss Admie- t nef tci, , istrator andTesue, vili bel MTowers 0f flic loss 0of one wec lovcd recoived a thetic rceptiocî ROTORS INSTALLED) se well,ý counter ef thc Board Office on And wliile sic sleeps a pEacile- 1 D'Arcy Street North, Cabourg UHF- YHF - Colored Aerials fui sieep Otaneo untîl: Apts. and Honmes Pre-wired Rer memrory we, sh-ahi 1:00 p.m. E.S.T., April 18, 1973 REPAIRS alwayskcp Specifications acd drawings tVorkmanshilp Guaraniteed -Leinlyremnernb-ered by' avaihabie' althti office of the Bill and 'bentley,, Helen and Board. Lový\eat or any Tend- Ail priced te SAVE Yeu Money, David and families. 14-1 er net cnecesseiy accepted. Poe6352 RUITR-Inlovig menoryL. HAMILTON, Manager of a deain-mtier, Elsie Ruiter. Northumberland and Duirhaini _ __ 3 whe passcd away April 13, Ceunty Boaýrd cf Education SE R I 1965. TENDER S E R I Whaf we wouid give if ,ve PORT HOPE HIYGH SCHOOL TOP QUALITY couid say For the Supply and Best Variety of Hello "Mem" ini fie same Installation of New eln aid- way. Seehed Tenders, iil asadB re To heýar your voie,and sec rnankcd ias ote )i at s ian-iedin leyN you amille drcssed te fie atterrtion of M. And sit witi youi and chat A'. McLod usiniess Ad- Seed Cornî awhlc.minstrtorand Treasurer. Wc ce fhink of bygon ii b be receiv.ed et tic reccp- CE SM R days tien cioune f the Board E SM R IVhec wc wcre al t'ogetir Office on DA Street North, FARMS Tic famiiy chain is broken Coboun, uctil:D now 1:00 panE.T.Apnil 18, 1973 LT iSon But your memeery wil] last Spec-ifictions and draw- Garnet B. Rliekard andSn forever. lesavl ica tcofie0 R.R. 4, Bou manville, Ont. .-Sedly missed by Coulsontic Board. Loxvest or any Phoe 6237150r 1 Aicles for Sale WEDDING dress, size 10. Phone 623-4256. 14-1 WAT ;ER for sale and deliver- cd. Cali Cliff Pethick 623-2313. 29-tf 30"' RANGE, Moffat, in good condition. Phone 723-54ý69. UÜSED Furiiiturýe and Appli- ancjs. Paddy's *Market, Hamp- ton, 263-2241.26t QUANTITY of mixed afalfa and timnothy hay. Frank Rloag, 263-2082. 14-1_ STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham 's Garage., 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUN~PS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES HARVEY PARTNER Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41-tf DRESSERS, Be ds, Chester' fields, alkindls f Used Furni- ture, Antiqueiýs and Appliances. P a dd y's Maýrket, Hamnpton 263-2211. 26-tf BET>ROOM suite, compiete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- field suite, ail Burma teak- wood. new. Must seil. Sacri- fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf NEWCASTLE Trailer Park& Sales-Your district Raminbleri Trailer Dealer. New anid used trailers. Aise truck tops y 97EVINRUDE ouItbhoard 1Mac D 0 N A L, D F O R D) YOUN,'G womnan desires full Ou previously owned cars e. motor, 6 lhp. isepinwith, Bowmanville 623-4481 0orpart-timne job. Ras ex-antuksrcoaîyeo- -tf cruisc-a-day tanik. Ma4be14-1 periecce as store clerk. Will-antrcsreoalyeo- seen at MleGregerý Hardwarec. - ;iin, te try other types of work. ditioned and guaranteed. Yon :D-l__REQUIRED-îmediaIl-y! :Re- Pone 623-5846 anyfime. may inspect them, drive them, speesibie personforda, position14-if or have your mechanie check LIGTston ad eatiulwith anl agnicuiftur-al ceni- theni before making us an Kaiser Aluminum Building ALy ý,rîibeLýoadpe Produefs. Lorne Allie,1erd, n. butntackgolu prA- G. OSBORNE off er against ou r asking price, Prince Street, onil, necessary. Please repiy in I eawy aeago ,E 63-371. - 1-l'writing stating age, expeni- I yii Upolstery selection."1 e Wý-lITE coýýnsole scw.ýing nia- eccoand other pertinent in-- Profcssionally Cleaned 6 chine. Phone 623-5310. 14-1 formation te Advertiser 364,1 FREE, ESTLMATES MacDONALD FORD, ______'c/o The Cao adian Statesmn TENT taln lesfour PO.0 Box 190. Bowmranville. Phone 623-2002 B WM N LE $200; aiso girls 20"- bicyc1 l ' O M N IL il Phne62-17.11.~ 14-1 BOWMANVILLE i 01_PhoeR623.L1EST__AT_ CAREER---31f219 King St. East -(23-48 TWOCC Rabir bc~cie. u haveýý openings for sale 'Whcre friendly people meet' re 1 aduilt size and 1 chî]Ild siz, î'epî-cscntatves pecylousex- JACK BURGESS 14-tf e 'xcellent condition; so iýres pnrîe otess petils w 6.00-13, wvhite wazlls, ams a fe a conitinueus train- OIL BURNERS - FURNACES r Rn tfl ne(w. Pho(ne 6G23:-'2782. i 14-1ing p rogramii. Appiicaets who CLEANED FrRn 2_4" ELECTRIC steve, idei rnov live and1( wouild prefer teIý PLUMBING REPAIRS cotg;Lloydl baby arag, or in towm ad ualaras PON H PO PASTURE, 100 acres, Tyrone p an pggyýback stroller., anaseUt. Ucnlhnirrted advertis- 23215 arca. Phone 725-4390. 14-1- tramaer, walker. joily jumnpe.r. ngleMeroad loc appers23-15 ail like ccxv. Phone 9831-5991. direýct Toronto uine. Top Com- Mail Address THREE bedroomr apartmnent, - 14- 1 rmissions! Conficlential inter- PV.O. Box 43- Bownîanville central location, Telephone TW podXsed rototillers. 1view, please caîl Williamn 30f 623-5784. Efu ..ad1fv ..MyMeFee-ters at 723-2265 of' FURNISHEýD room, liit le fourhp. -and 1 ive hpawn. May ýSchofieid-Aker Limitedi. 13-tf Crawfora Heating r igprix ileges. Telephonel)C -6 S'ales & Service, Qucen and D(TIrr OIL BURNER AND 27 4 02.- ---11 St. George Streets le Baw- .J.U. lLIRED FURNACE 1NSTALLATION ONE bdj,roo pnte 130 pmanvillef. __ 141-1 'Cook and 21kHOUR Libeîtý1y N. hn 2-88 CITAION týraileri, 21', fure- / 7~Emergency ServicelAvailable 1sL off Ma..14-tf' ace, fu-ic bath, ciectrie. VVaiLertVaitresé 141 Liberty S., Bowmanville B3ED-SITTIN'\G iroom, heated gas acdbatr powered, FOR NIGHT SHIFT Poe63-54 ad ifurniislîedl, pinivateen canopy' , jacks andl i tchi. Ai- Il - 7 a.mtrnce Phene 623-71 1orýCýý708. 14-1 f ew 1.1 hone 62-06 The Voyagieur 4-tf 1ONE ie-dreoom aparýtment,. affer 5p.m.i1-1 .Lýsteve, fridge,. Available Ma Ic BICYCLEg', 24"V es Restaurant 1 DARLINGTON lsf. 'Adults pmeferred. Telu-ý excellent codtin $5 e- Waverley Rd. and Hwy. 401 MASNR phone 623-7360. 14-11 l'coCi lae, Sabeze,3-I BOWMANVILLE A O R I PASTURE for O.pite12 head ýjks llemi" lao il Phoneo 623-3604 Brick, Block, Ston ef ate wtraer at nop, $0. phloce63353led CIIIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Ieeigs 4I -Reiete or Na ues Phone 623-2176 25ACRES preducing ,rchard 'H- . N P rcqu,,ite work in -bedacfuivy 49-tf and 65 acres of workable land. H.W.KN PP acreitent 31-bcd actilieWrite Raiph Hilîs, R.R. 1, En- AUTOS LTD. ate openings, Must have cur: Don Brooks & Son _ni s)<il en.- l- 4-2ý rent registration.CutBudeofFnHms ONE bedroom aparfmnent, sec- 1 CutomBufier f Fie Hmesond fleer; broadiloom, elctrie Sheil Gas Excelitent Fringe Btenletts SPecialists in Interior and heat and bahcoey, .-wcastle. REG. -42.9c Gai. and working conditions 'Exterior Repairs and Remod- Phone 987-48,77.,1.1 Apply te elling. Yen namne it - we caNTALlageebd DSUPER 50e 'Gal. DIRECTOR 0F do it! For Free Estimate Cal'ETRL )d nroom apaHtmnt; tee, nige Generl Rep-rs PERSONNEL SERVICES 723-6176 or 623-2301 'heaf supplied(. Adlts only., Geneal epars EMOIALHOSPITAL 8-8" ýPhone( 623-3230.14f 24 Hour Towing Bowýýmanville, Ont., LIC 2N41 TWO berom armet 24 BASE LINE 14-1 BOB BEERS Lm' aennigfor Northumberland and Durham 137 ELIISREl$"950 hservices inciuded.i 6235418 County Board of Education Plumbing - HeatingPoe63588-4t Business has NOT been sl requires irnmediately gnOE bero apartmtent, M1- SECRETARY- (S). 1 Pressure Systems cnriy oaepnivate bc for Newtoinville Public Sehool NePokadRpis yr n ntracce, avalilable FOR ALL YOUR ocdyprwe Service and Estimates Apnil 30(. Cail 623-32,59. 14-1 Gardening INeeds M.11 G 1 ubi Sbol Caill623-2641 -TWO-bednoom rnapartmnent. 1Vt-oeday per w'cck f stove, refrigerator. Ail serv- STOP AT Apiatoswill be receivediesClseteshppng PS- iii ritngstaing FRA K BINK session MaLy 1, $155. 6293-7264. CARN TIONsend un ti Apraing 1- Flower and Seeds qaicton a0nd experiencel TenhngGAZN in-frret 1Pn 33 Division Sýt., Bowinmanville M .MaLO SEPTIC TANK PnyaeCrwih en Garden Seeds Business Administrator INSTALLATION shîip, 335 acres. God Ifcccicg. and Treasurer i .R. 1, HAMVPTON Bts wty, Woorkin Ford From 15c Pkg. PO. Box 470 26tt55 Sle, Toot -416-781-5531 1ooug Ontario, K9A 4L226815SaeTrno1467153. PEAT M,%OSS, FETILIZERS, 14-1 NO SUNDAY CALLS 12-3 INSECTICIDES, LAIV N SEEiD, -i BLS TABRYafl ('OREOIC1ATION 0F THE ht BU, SPAAGU I'and TOWVN 0F BOWVMANVILLE Refrigeration Wanted bt Rent Phone 623-5577 POLICE CONSTABLE and iOýNE sgle garage, suitable, 14-1 Applications in tle appli- eantzt's ovin handwrlting IviIIî Y73 LIONEL'73 bhe rc-eived by tihe undersigu-o TODA'S EST l, cd p te April I9th, 1973,fo TODAY' BEST RICD the Position Of Constable on Hard Top Campersi the Ilowmanville Police Force. Applications mnust be le ac SAVE $ S s $ S cordance with the Police Aciý $769.00 Cm lte lf Octario, Regulatien 680/70, ompeeSection 32 regfardîng, qualifi- te $?279.00 -7 o ri ations. G SLR SCALE Effectivet K A M P I N Sub ii OeewI,192 UNLI M ITED Poainrs 9,550 'r Ces P. C. 10,000 sales 1. service 2nd ClassiP. C - 10,550 RentaistCcs P. C. 11;000 1Mile North on Town Lice Rd. Serat 11,00, tEai Cty imis) J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T. Oshawa 728-9942 I ClerklAdministrator jMon.-Fri., Hrs. 9:30 a.m.-9 P.m. Bovimanville, Ontario Sat. -9:30 a.m, - 5 p.m. 14- iSun. 1P.-. - 4.30 p.rn OY G U ,-Livestock-For Salje t RESTAURANT GOSLINGS, Whitc Embden. .tlWy. 401 Newcastle1 A. Venema, 263-8888 Hamnp- I1ARS ton. 13-ff EUR APPALOOSA ffiree quarter FULL-TIME herse for sale. Phone 786-2565 ICook~" Nevitonyile(. 14-1::, REGISTERErD eight-yecr-eid Steambable Cook Holstein covi, bmcd f0 uit bull, due May, 5. Reg LeGres- aind Dishwashers < ley, Newicastie 987-4655, 14-i' PART-TEIM Tu1H-EE e, 15.2 ihigiAr'- !Bus Grsor B y THHEE yrec 152'ld.hifAaiGrl B y grwy, beat offer; 15.3 grecyl. brood marc, veil trainedi 4- - rake-...ut esn yr. old black pocy. Cal itPesn l 786-2421 betvcen 4:30 - 7:301I and Dishwasher p.n.14-V! We lîke to train as wel as PUREBRED ANGUS - 40 Hea, retraie. Don't be afraid té Rend comprises -, 17 envi 6 yearling hîifens, 2 yeaaiin,, try it,- Yen'!! like it bulis, 2 at cars, 2 herd sires AJPLY IIN PERSON geacdsons of Colossal, ccd 13-S' il calves, plus 2 horses and 1I peny. Package Deal S20 00 Lost on heat effer. Contact C. E'p Betty, colecet et 1416-781- SETcf ot.,chold keî a, blacît" cI 5531. 14 Ï-3 cas. hPune 623-7785. 14-1 ýN( ÀArt'les f--or Sale- 14' BOAf'. Caîl 623-3556. 14-1~ 800 BAiLES of mixed hay. Phone 263-2676. 1- QUANTITY of oats and barley-ý for sale.- 728-8737. _ 14_1 7" SKIL saw. Beaver cast iron table saw M23/ x 213/4.Phn 323-5968. -41 '0J"-RIGIDAJRE steve, Frenci oven deers, navy blu. hone, 623-3490. 14-1 MOFFAT 30"eecicsve four years old, raoait Cail 623-3503. 1- ONE i0-speed Raleigh i Eglishi Racer,' ith tools, new cn dition. Phone 623-41234. 14- 1 FANCY Macs, $ 1.95 pîer bus- el. W. T. Cox, one ml n a lialf north of BT.S. 1-1 SEVERAL good, used bficycleý!,s varlous sizes.bes and girls'. 92 Duke St., Bwavie COCKSHTUTT 550 T rcter, good odiin aaltwo- wheei r e.Plione ter6, 983-59310Oon. 14-1* 6 x 8 GARDE, N sheneyer erecteci; roýll-topdek cup- board. picnic table, flower trellis. Phone 6353.14-1' TRACTOR, M Mey-Iarris Pony, new tires and motor' Hydraulie controlled iimpie- ments. ,Phone- 623 -2996._14-4 Icortgages Wanted REDUCE YOUB MONTHLY PAYMENTS Pay Off ALL YOUR BILLS AND HIGH INTEREST LOANS 'WITH A LOW INTEREST MORTGAGE /kD linc Srvce for nepciring car. T4lephone I HOM Commercial and Domiestic 2-24e4l 200t 2,0 Flfrgeaton- Milk Coolers CUPLE lookiagý for tobcd (from lOV2% per Ait.> l'efrieratiô, - rooiii cpartmnent or house by1 DON'T JUST SIT THERE! Phone BERT SYER Ma.' ist, reasonabie rent. Ccliii Days - 623-5774 632021 1 Fnd out about it by calling Nights - 623-3177 623-2022 14P, for quick and confidential iA FAMILY 0 four require ci advice l'ander Hardware two or t h r e e bedroM1 and ELECTRJC 1t apartment or house le Boy- 576-1680 mfianville ceea immedieteily. 1 T Phone Cabourg 372-5880. R. LI, S.chofield D A V E 'S I1 Mortgage Service Plumbing, Heating WIIe Aise Buy Mortgages an letîcl Room and Board for Cash) 1- COMMERCIAL Avuction INDUSTIIAL and RO-om-andË-board. cli aftfer _______Sales RESIIiENTIAL 4:30, 786-2606, Newcastle.- ESTMAES14-1 Sclliicg Safurday, Aprîl 7' F R E STIMTESat 1 p.m., fie entire herd dis- R. R. 1 Wanted to u~ perai of Kendal Valley Farm, vvaie.4 .IY one mile eat of Kendai on Orn 76271 BuED, str avi, preferebly Coucfy Rocd ccd i2 mile_ _33-tfwicat. Phioce 623-7538. 13-ft orth. Selling vithout ce- serve, 35 good beef cows, a!il BICYCLE', man's, 5 er101-- Charolais bred, one 2-year-old, EM.vERGENCY and speed. Phone 987-4631 Nc"w- Charolais buil, ced 25 ,gond PIE NS RA CE ONE small used air compres- 20-500 ibs. There yull aise son for spray painting. Phone be sold 5 sowa, two litters of R P IS623-4234. 14-1* pigs, aed one boar. Be sure 24-ourSerice USED Furniture and Appli- te attend tuis sale vihare youi acces. Peddy's Market, Hamp-yl beae te uy gd ton 263-2241. 26-tf, qucity cevis ccd celves. Cail Anytime Chanlie Reid,, Auctioeer; OLD ccd broken bicycles, also LvrneHennis, Clark. 12-3 Apts. - Homes - Offices old peower' moyens. Cal .1 983-5919 Orono. 14-4 Acinsaefgodar Stoes Fatores CARS, trucks and tractons foa' achinery, tie property ýcf one Call - We handle i AUl wrecking, higiest pnices, eý Best Br-os., 1 1/ miles souti ùo uiktox charge. Parr Auto Par-ts Higiwey No. 2, turc et Mer- Vitten Estimates - Qik 263-250,8. 14-4' nisi Churcli, Seturday, Aprih %LL WORK GUARANTEED -__________7ti et i p.m. >Gheaner Bald- vin combine No. Elll, Alis Wiar uidigNotices Chalmers tracter "D17" Saniesý 1VAllis Cielmers tracter, Hlaving sold eut rny antire -'WC." Int. 16-disec combinaý- Services Ltd. cohIection of coins, stamps, tien sieeder, neeniy n c w; e2tc., etc., I am ne longer in- "Triple K" cultivaf or, J.D.-4 Newcastle 987-4760 terested in or buying fthe seime. furrow trip beam pîow, J.D. J K RU ELL Mn. Munray's. 1 14-2 side deliveny 'cake, J.D. 141 Annual Meeting ccd Eiee- spreader, 2 grain wagons, har- _______________ 14-1__ tien 0f Govennors of Cern- cerws, coller, 2 grain augers, miyun-ity, Memorial Hospitel, 2 elevators, fertilizer sprca- Pets Port Penny, wiii be icid in tic an, post hole auger, 2 antique UPERE Bode CoicPort Penny Municipal Hall, cutters, wagons, a-leigis, eider ýÜRB]îD Èordr Cl- as a Public Meeting on Mon- press cnd numerous otien )up. excellent stock dog cand dy pi t,17 t80 tm.Mra .Nbe ý hihcic6n's pet. Francis Josea, Apil ti,197 4-t8:0 iems. urna C Noble , u cewcastle 987-4789. 141pm 14-1 LaAcioer. 1- H-elp Wanted Worl< Wanted Cars foi Sale REGISTERED) Nurse adR.N. WEFEKLY babyýsitting ie my 1972 350 HONDA, $600 as is. A. Fu and uart tâme. Phone homne. Phone 623-2469, 14.1* Phone 623-7170. 14-1 987-4441 6-tf __ ____ _ _ý)- - -TUTORING by former teach- 6 BELAIRE Chev., as is, EXPERIENýCED uphoîsterers er ie ail sub.iects up te Grade best offen. CaIl 623-7545. for Plydeusin, Orono. Apply 5. Cal_62-3-4126. 14-2* ____ 14-1 in person forý interview. 14-1 -_é 6 OTA ado, 20 Weil rillig. Cahmar35 Third Stree-(t, Bowmanville. FACTORY help wanted, ail Weil Drilling Ltd., Pontypool. days. permanent position. Phone 705-277-2504. Il-tf 1- Appiy,, J. Anderson Smith Co 64 RAMBLERà. Cassie, V-8 Ltd.,, Newcastle, Ont. 14-1 LAWN mower repairs, free automatie, $250 as is. Phoee orfealwilig emavil, hoe 2-222 ick-up and delivery in Bow- 983-5839 Orono after 5. 14-1 traini as uphoisterers. Appi - 14-1h , YAIVIAHA 250 ce. street le person to, Plydesiges - ,lk- ' 1200 original miles,.mint Oeo.14-1 PROFESSIONAL paperhang- condüitiofn, (gýold and white); PERON o dan ous ~ ing and painting undertaken. 1971 Yamaia 650 ce. street dayO per wek. us îoneCalilVicce -Moore, 623-3568. 'ike, 4,200 original miles, mint )wn transportation. Phone' 1 -tfnndition (gold and white) 987-4830. 14-1 CUSTOM cern pîacting with For further information tele- S-International, air power plan-- phone 263-8194. 14-1* BABYSITTER, in my home, ter. William R. Cox, Phone '70 FARGO '/ý ton, 6, stand- five days per week, from May 623-7189. 14-4ý ird, radio, step bumnper, white 10 te July 27, approximately. was whe dis,200 Lighthousehold duties. Tehe- MOBILE Weiding Repairs teriie) ls 6 phý,one 263-2209. 14-1* construction an3d farm equip-!miles (etied; as '6 ment. Len Benschop, Phn og Polara 880 2-dr. hard- PAPER ROUTES 705-357-3510. î4_tfltOp, V8, auto., power steer- AVAIABL muradio, (good condition), wATRtvls bored, 30'* file p i 8-P6 eeig) (In Chlurch - Wellington - Lib- Waî'd's Weil Bening. Teie erty N. - Brovn - Kingscourt - plune 312-2030. Representative .- St. George - Frank - Prince - Harry L. Wade.- Telepioce! Libeýrt> S. Streets. ApplY 974116-tf S¶'ATE'S!MAN OFFICE iATR wells nored or dnifi 1I d Canada 1Drilling Company., 14-lf Phone Osiawa 576-6004. Re-! THIE --FIENDLY PEOPLE iresentatïive Harry L. Wadc, need a friendly person te ecafl 987-4531 22-tf SELL CARS and TRUCKS DAY Care by experiencedl if. you're- honest, willing to mfother in own home. Ex-XII work baàrd and get along w-el! perience aIse with handicap- w ith people. corne in and sec ped ebjîdren. Reasonabe us. Ask, for Duane Sawyer. rates. Caîl 623-4126. 14- 2' _Personal. HIYGIENIC Suiie-s--(Rubbeýr goodls) mailei postpaid in plain sealed envelope, with price iist. Six samples 25, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov-Rubber Co, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-5à, Dead Stock Service' Farmers, Attention DYEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARMI under new management and ownership. We appreciate a cail from you when necessary. Cali colleet 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario R. W. BOWERING LTD. 8-t Instructions PRIVATE GIJITAR LESSONS Rent a student guitar for $1.00 aweek Check Our Rates First THE MUSIC BOX BOWMANVILLE PLAZA Phone 623-5471 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you tan train right Jiere, in Canada. Accommodation and expenses paid, while training! Tuition Tax Deductible! For application and interview, SAFETY DEPARTMENT TRANS CANADA TRANSPORT TRAINING Suite 316 9.07 Queens Quay West TORONTO '117, ONTARIO or cal!: 416-864-9381 Notice 10 Creditors AND 0OTIERS1 AIl udaim-s against theý estateý 0of EDNA THEODORA COX, late, 0f 142 ýKing Street East, i3omaviieOntarie, Widow,' who( dlied on)ior about Novem-, ber 27, 1972, muist be filed wiilth theunders (i-gned person- ai rersnaive on or before May 1,173 thereafter the undersigned1 wi 'Il distribute the assets of the said estate, having rgr only o the>-', dlaims Lthen fid DATED JMarnch 2-8, 1973. NAT'IONAL TRUST C0MPAýNY, LIMITED1, 32 Simcoe Street South, OhaOntario, Executor. 13-3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THIlE ESTATE 0F ROBERT BRENTON McCULLOUGH, of the Tow%%nsh-ip nf Darlington, jin the County of Durhamn, de- Ail penns iha'ving da1,ims against the Estate of Roben-t ,Brento;n McCulioughi, late of the Township 0f dDarlinglton in the Cunyof1Durham-, whïo died on or about the î6th dlay o~f Januiaryý, 1973, are requi redl to file SuLih daimls with the undersigxi-ed ulon or before the 2oth daiy of April 1973; tee after, the undersigneiid wiii distribute the assets of the ,aidf estate having rega;rd only to the claims then filed. DATED at Bowmoanvilie this 20th day of Mrc 19731. Margaret Kathlleen Davey, ,Ex.ecutrix, by hersoitr: BARBER AND KELLY 28 King Street Ws Box 159

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