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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 4, 1973 1 IXuction Sales Next sl tPtiksAr tian Barn at Haydon on Satur- day evening, April l4tb. ~A real god imne of fumnitume. Sale at 7 o'clock in the even- ing. Clifford Petbick, Auc- tioneer. 14-2 Tuesday, April 24 - Annual Spring Stocker Sale at Lind- say Cornmunity Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, ai 1:00 p.m. Stocker steers, bei!- ers and calves, sold in truck< load lots. For consiganments or further information con- tact Carl Hlicksan, Propietoi and Auctioneer, 324-9959 or 324-2774. 14-2 THURSDAY, APRIL 12 12:30 Auctin sale including 3() registe-red Hoî,steiïns, milk1 cows, bred(: and open heifers, alI unit sied, UBI Milk- keeper 180 ÎgAI. bulk, tank, aIso miachînemy and fumniture, and antiques. Th e property of NEIL A. CONNER, R.R. No. 1, Uniionvî.'lie o Con. 6, Whit- chu rch-Sto)u ffvýille (5 miles north of Unionville). Sale ai 12:30 Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atiinsoni, Sale, Managers and Auctioneers. 14-1 Auction saPe, Saturday, April 7th, 1:15 p.m. at Saveon Produets Waebousc on High- way, 28 in the Village of Bewvdleyý, consisting of set of four press liack chairs, wash- stand, captain's chair, led- roam Suite, dresser, drop-leaf table, chrome suite, chesi of drawers, tables, chairs, lieds. dlock, ail lamips, dishes, glass- ware, books, picture frames, chefstemrfie-ld and chair and other articles- too numemous to Mention. Ralger Bannister, Auctineer.14-1 THUIRSDAY1, APRIL 5ti 7-.'0p.mi. Comluee Maple HilîS'Hol- stein Dispiersai, selling at Stoffvlle Cow Palace on Hi 1a 7 just north of Stufil,45 head registered cîsiidon DHIA. This lias bvlienore o! the ig, Ili produc- tion herdis min York County for the- past 20 years - DCA of 140, 24 milk ows 20 bred and open bieifers and 4H calves, al by Al irs.Selling a 'verygood"styýlish 5 year old liy Thom1nîca", 3 yr. .118 D., 15489 ]M. 687 F, .4%Y (147- 177). Fresh on January 151 with heiifer cal! by Rosafe SbmokPerse'us "ex and extra", cows milking to over 90 --u1s a erd with excep- tionai higli test. Sale at 7:30 Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale MTýanaiger and Auctianecr. 14-1 WEDNESýDA-Y, APRIL il Auction saleo!offarm ima- chinery and hueodfurni- turcte propemty o! (fWilliamn JocLt-f116, Con. 3, Brock Twp. 3 imiles sutho! Sund- erlanid, I ile east o! Hw vs. 7and 12. Allis -Clialiners M180 dits~ tract'or, 70 b'p., tion); AC. tracor. Wl. udl; A.. semi-mrounted plow 4.!urow,16-m. (auto- matirrese), nw. p]lugid 30acres; Kongýskeîde 13-ft. patr(u;sed 2seasýons), N.H. bae,7-to w Iago)n, inew m, ack; 8-ton A.C. wagon with N.H. forage bo(X, 16 11t., self-unload- inig (new), 1M.F. imanure srac,1.-6C bus.; Sedome snow llower, John Deere powcr s ril1, on rublier <ai~ ew, grain only), 18 dis i-uatity o! other ma- cinery' Note - This machin- eris ý inlirt lass condition. Pîi ;iaîad antique liencli, chrýI1oe kitchen set, cdock; pine ta,i;quaotity of other furn- iture. Farm soid. Terms cash. Sale ai,î 12 nooný Fumni- tur,ý sellaýf;ist. Reg. and Larry Johatson, Auctioncers. Phone (705) ?357-3270; Gemra)d Graliai, Clerk. 14-1 S'ATU7RDAJY, APRIL 14, 1 p.m. MACHINERY - FURNITURE ANTIQUErS Auction sale including Allis Chialmiers Di5 tracior (excel- lent condition), A-C bay mow- cm, A-C 3 fui row pflow, A-C ctvaoSpreadmaster PTO apreader (2 beater - like new). Massey 20A sced drill, 15 ua (good), Cockshutt side ake. 2 rucbi tirecd wagons ai-d arkýs, FP double disc, cutter and rolie, harrows, quantity lumiber,lag pile cedar rails, 500 bailes hay, quantity o! staw nany other farm articles. Finidlay cook stove, antique settee and chairs, Ne,- Ho)lland ba-e270,wnd- eifu 1llonditLion;TLey1w-, e rak. al bn'her 3 pint 7 Ct. Initernational monwcr, 3- point Ford diSr, 3 po,,int 14- tooth Initnational cultivat- (,r,.3ds Int. seed drill, AC cron sprayer, 21 ft.; Case two- wbeel tractor mnanure spread- c, 22 grain augers, 12 and le ft.; 32 fi. bale elevator, Ves- so)ti 10½" ,plate grinder, pig feeders, scales, 500 bales straw, 500 balesood hay, iran po-t, 2 bay kaives, sevematl pinces o! antiques froin bouse;, and lbern. iSaeat 1 o'clcli Temi-ns cý b Lawre-nce H-1,ý, ris, Clerc. Mm. Giblis as sold bis farmnand everything off- e"dwill lie s-1d. Cli!! Peth- Auctioneer, , 14-1 Auction Sales Real Estate for Saile Real Estate forSaIl -eIl Estate toi Sale Walkr -Lipay td.Peter KwaJr. FV 1LE RIl I r T Auctioneers - Evaluators KowaSAL BUDVI Livestock, Estate Sales REAL ESTATE j________ Bload Horses GENERAL INSURANCE spê REAL ESTATE BROKER STEVE LIPTAY9 R.R. 1,1 BOWMANVILLE Phont 623-2453 1623-7694 6 32 6 416-263-~2117 ce~ntral BRnum,nvill!!,. t.- - .- Auction Sale Wednesday, April 4tb-lOtli. Annual Draft ýHorse Auction Saleý at tle Horse Palat-e, Eýxhibition Park, Toronto, Ont. Show at 10 ain. Sale at 12 noon sharp! For further in- formation or catalogues con- tact Jack Wood,1 285 Yongc St., Aurora, Ont., or Carl Hlick- son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, On- tario, 1-705-32,k-9959. 12-3 Auction sale, private estate. property o! Mrs. Grahamn froin Brookîla, to lie held at Stirie- vant's Auctioni Hall, 27 Hall St., Oslawa, on Tlursday ev- coiing, April 5, at 6 pan. Eler- tric stove, china cabinet, lied- 1mroom suite, antique chairs. ýmagazine stand, hall tree, 6 horsepower Evinrude motor (]ik,ý new), fshing equipminent, life, jackets, echcst o dawms dressers, lied - chiesterfieldl wleelbarrow, anitique table2s, television (good condition), occasional car, chrome' suite, large ,quant ity beddingi, lincît and dîshes. This is the last sale, plan rita attend. Teinys cash, no reserve. Myles King, Auctioncer & Cartage, 725-5751. 14-1 AUCTION SALE Grîst Mill Auction Barn NE WTON VILLE Saturday, April 7 1:00 P.IM. Office desk and -chair, school desks, wrînger washers, auo-1 mnatie washer and spin dryer, j electric stoves, fridges, kitch- en suites withý swivel chairs, tricycles and bicycles, chain link fence (50 ft., 8 ft. higi>, chesis of draweriî, sinks, tent, Zenith Color TV (UHF - good>, portable and console B/W TV's <good), new fish- ing cquipment, portable radios (new), double and continent- al beds, mattresses, platformi scales (1,000 lbs.>, saddles and many ailier Ries too nuni- erous ta lîst. î TERMS ý- CASH Auctioneers BOB, AND FRANK STAPLETON 141M.. prader,,*A.C'. tiller, A.C. side delivýery ake, 32' solid rHUSDYAPRIL 12 bottom elevator, J. D. bammer 1 Auctioni sale -of farm stock, miil, 800 balles hay, 300 bales implmens, ay, straw and straw, 400 bus. liarley and grain, the praperiy of William oats, deep freeze, elcctric Snowdcn, Lot 5, Con. 5, East slave, range and ailier bouse- Whiiby Twp., l mille west o! hold items, île property o! Taunton, !:,i miles nomili on Douglas Fraser, ai the juar- (Harmnony Rd.) or à miles cast tion o! Highways 401 and 2 o! Brookln, ½, mile souil. ai Port Hope, Saiurday, April 80 hcad of Hereford and Hol- l4th ai I p.m. Murray C. sicin cattle, 18 Hereford cows. Noble, Paul Lean, Auctioneers, most o! these are bred E6 or 14-2 m1 nonilis (prcgnaocy check,- FatyWaeueDips j cd), !14lsteers and beifers 1/ atoyWIhus ips ta 2 yrs., 21 Calves 8 ta 10 al, Sunday,,,, April 6 - Starting imontîs, 12 Holstein heifers 1 pin., Hwvy. 115 Jusi norih o! -4.501 Ils. etc.: 12 good piga Newcastle(!omelyFumni- S(chanliksl, quantity o! bay, bure Discount Barn). Ches- lstraw, oats, bar](,-, and ensil- tfield suites, dineite suites. aýge, Ford 4000 gas tractor and laca ndeliresco!!ce and oaiider, 3000 Ford diesel tra-lend tables, box )îpring_ alé tomi cih ab, A.C. cmiemlress assockIs,nsig pull ty'pe N. H. manure ables office chairs,exlsv s prede,1 us. (newmý i:N.. poseze car, ait halerNo. 6, Nw Ida 50W toos, latoresets, swag hlower (nwiin 1973), Fu- lamps, scwing macin»es, koiti- drean plow, 3 furrow; Hy- ing -machines, linoleumn rugs drean cultivator, 3 ot.; full clesterfield throws, stoves and line of fain maciiinery. Farmn ridges, avorado, and many sold. cash. Sale ai ailier items. Deaiers: Welcrme. 12:30. Reg. Jo1htîson, Auctiin- Terms: Cash. Steve Bany, cer. Plane (70j5)ý 357-3270." Auctionceer.14' Gerald Grahamn, Cierk. Ladies wililserve lunch. 12-3 WDNSDYAPRIL' Il 12:30 Saturday, April 7 ai 121 MOYERLEA GUERNSEY noon -Majo Anique Auc- DISPERSAL tion hcing held ai "Hlerongate TIe brd o W1E Country Auctions" - lorated MOý1YER, 4 miles m1ortl o! 4 miles noril o!f Rouge Hill Markham a n Hwy. 48 ai Dirk-, on Altona Rd. (of f No. 2 High- ison HFill. 85 bead, registcmed, way) or 1inmie souili o! ,0F.. tested, classified, 410 Whitevale. 0fleting in pari: milk ows 16 bredhefes 27 Pair af satin glass vases, cran-, open b efers andf calves. This bcrriy,.Mary Gregory, Amber. is a top production herd witb Pressed, Cut zand Tiffany type B CA o! 128. By top proven -las,, Flow Blue plates, Kaul- sires surI as Maplewood mian jewel box(sgd) toil-11Brigadier, Bmaggamt, Noble's et sets, satin glass hanging 'King. Also) 27 ranm'milkkeeper hall lamp, hanging lamp, silv-- bulk #tank, 4 Surge mil ke cm bas3ed Aladdun lamp, rap- units..Sale ai 12:30. Cata- per and iran lJanterna, pine, logues availalile. Lloyd Wil- cuphoarud, pine hanging cup- son and W. D. Aikinson, Sale huardl, pino ýwashstandf, pine Managers and Auciioneers. tablle, pine henclr!, vine dougýh box, cradle, displ1ay cabine,1 j COMPUETE KETCHEUEA marlile top waslstands, janu IIOUSTELN DISPERSAL rupboard, rocker, varà)ius jHerd of Hudson L. Keichieson dlocks, pr. brasa lieds, Edison R. No. 2 FRANKFORD, ONT.ý cylinder gram-ophonie (large Take Hwy. 14 to Walibridge homo), cylinder rcrs E. L. Rd. then- 4 miles West on Farrar blue flowemt2ied crack, ony oaNo5.thC . fruit jars including l'White- cession of Sidney Twp)., on taîl Tatum" (free-blown, pan- tilinark), Beehive, Bul1gec FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1973 Crown and Wears jar. Caf- ai 1 fee milîs, scales, bles,' gun 33 Head, Registered, Classi- with bayonet, W.W. II, broad-I!led and R.O.P., 17 mlking J axe', primitives, brasa, copper j age. Hierd Av., 145 - 161 BCA. paintinga and many other un- 11 - Very Good, 7 - Good Plus usual rollectables. Auction-IjCOW amiis itLi higlipro- eer's Note-Thisý sale includesiduction and test wiih full nearly 300 cha,ýire sndurarme pedigrees. items. Pme-viewýý day o! sala, Dairy Equipaient, Hay, Strav, 9 a.m. Term cash. No e- Ensilage, also other Caitie serve. Hcnmy Kahn Aurtion Equipment, seli. (Look for Services, Whuliy. 668-6189 or sale buils for details>. 294046.13-2 Catalogues and _______Lunch Available Saturday, April 7- Ailso-, ROB1t. SULLIVAN, lutely ursrc 7t1 Annual Auctioneer, Plainfield,, Ont. Stck Reduction Sale o! ncw ýTO0M AY, and used farm ni mahincýrv. Sales Mgr., RR 8, Plicion, Ont. rpuyo!fW J. LAMýBER'T; a~dSON, LTDl., MssyFer- Saturday' , April l4tbi-Fa mm guson iDealer, oniithe Beaver- Sold -Acinsale of Live- oui EBypqasa a everon,13:stock.1 mleensand bouse-ý miles north a!f Sunderlaai. lai fumiiture. 18 head o! 23miles soui o!, Oil]ia. ,- 12 Hrefoýrd and Aýngus catile trcosinclding 1972 M\as- 1sokr) to 1~/ years oid; sey Feurguson . 1080o trac(tor 4 1heifers, remlaînder short with rb81hýp.; 1972 Ms- kceep stee(rs; 1972 M.F. No. 135 sey Fergu>tsoni 135 deosrt13chne diesel tractor, po-,ý, ir traictor, 190 holiurs; Masseyicm steeriog, fully equippcd, Fergutis,)nii 180 tractor, 875 )approx. 16- hrs.; 1972 George bariS: Ford 6ý0i00tractor,,Mas- Whlliie manure loader, hy- seý(y Hlarrýis 50 trartor, 2 Fer- draulir bucicet; W4 lot, trac- gutsoni tractors., nOOd with loed- tom, new tires; lot. 3 furrow ~r;IntrntioalW4 tractortrip bearn plougb, lot. drag 1973 Massgy Fer'iguson 2-row cuitivator, FCrguson cultivai-ý crn planter, 1973ase Fer-, or, 3 pt.; M.H. No. 60 7' pull buson gardeni tractor and 1 type combine, M.H. No. 3 bal- mower, 1972MasyFgu cm PTO; George White snowl son 17 uncnaon seedl blower, New Idea Dower mow- drill, 1972 Massey Ferguson c, 1969.M.F. manure spread- manure spreader, 3 forage er, PTO; lay elevator, M.H. harvesters, 4 seed drilla, 4 15 dise combination seed drill, blaers, side-rake, liay,. con- fulll une o! machinery. Ap- ditioner, manure loaders, post prox. 2000 balles o! hay, saine bole diggers, 8 plows, dises, straw, lawn: mower,_ tooils, cultivators,' fied apr-ayers, toilet set. wicker clair, coal, Massey Ferguson 300 self-pro- ail lampa, Willis piano and pelled combine wuith cab, 2 hendli, good: spoollied, spindle pull type co)mbuines, 1973 Rex lied, licdroomn suites, drap lea! sclf-uniloadingwaos 1973 table anid chairs. Admirai TV. Allied auiomaiic bale stooker, 2 Axiinsier ragas, hall tree, 1973 Massey Ferguson rotary pic ture frines, many ailier cuiter. A very large assori,-,itemns. 1971 Lynx 292 Arctic ment a!f newiand used famin Ce)t snowýmobilc. The pmop- machinemy. Sec sale bis for 1emty o! Raipli Greer, Lot 21, complete listing. Terms cashlCon. 2, Cavan Twp., 14 miles or fîinanr-ciing avilile prior souili o! Peterboroughi on t sal. Aisîtl no e- )4,y. 28 to aiioo and 1 serve. Sale ai 12 noo)n sharp. n mie west. Tmis cash . No Lunich aall.Cairl Hick- recserve. Sale ai 1:00, p.m,ý son, Aucti oneer, R e a b o r o1 Carl Hickýon, Auctioneer, 324-9959, 13-2 Reaboro, Ont., 1-705-324-9959. Very well kept l'/2-storey homo with garage, pavcd drive, 2 baths, 8 rooins in ail. Good income home. Asking oni,, $30,500. Good termma. Act At 'Once! ! 85 acre famin in a mosi scenir arca nortb-east. o! Oshawa. Has a couple o! spring-!ed streains. Excel- lent location for several ponlds! Long road froniage! 1osp arations yet. 7 room bouse, and large barn. Only $85,009 witi terms. STOP! - LOOK! - THINK! We handie ail details: Ap- praising, advertising, inspec- tions,' financing, negotiating., Wby "" at it? Let as[ do it for you, profcssionally. CAUL PETER KOWAL JR. REALTOR - ý623-2453 Afier hours- GBeech- J. Barton- P. Kowal- Cali: - 623-5265 WEEKL'Y LIVESTOCI< SALES ai Durbani Ceunty Sales Arena Oronao - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Selling Ilorses, Cattie; Swine, Caives, 'Sheep, etc. Charlie Reid, Autctioneer and Pro. prietor. 23-t: BOB and FRANK STAPLETON AUCTIONEERS Specializinir in ail types of SALES and ESTATES Phone Newcastle 987-4767 or Newto»nville 786-2953 16-ti FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Auction sale o! farm stock, implements, hay, grain, stmaw, furniture, the property of Wil- fred Fletcher, Lot 11, Con. 5, Scot Twp., 4 miles North of Uxbridge, 2 miles west: 65 hcad o! good Holstein and Hereford cattie, 95 pigs, large quantity o! machincry, large quantity o! fumniture. Term cash. Sale at il a.m. Furni- turc sella first. Reg. and Lary Johinson, Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270. 14-1 Fumniture, antiques, tools. etc., the praperty o! Alfred Dowson, 78 Lilla St., Pari Pcrry, Saturday, April 14, in- cluding cbester!ieîd suite, kitchen suite, toilet set, wick- cm what-not, large quantity af carpenters' and meclianics' tools, etc. 1-buse sold. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale ai 1 p.nî. Auctioncers: Ted Spence. ley, Betlany 277-2989: Grant Werry, Hampton 263-2603. 14-2 Auction sale o! 25 Short- homo cattlc. A.C. tractar D15. 102 Acres - Kendal - View Partly wooded witb streain. tRolling land in gond area. $49,500. Terms. Cali Roy, 2Faster. e0 Acres - House - Barns -View Overlooks Kendal Hilîs with 1access ta Kendal Conserva- rtion Parkland. View a! Lake sOntario.. 6 main home. Barns 140 x 80 and 30 x 40. Owner's liealth forces sale. Asking $85,000. Temins. Caîl Dame fFound. 74 Acre Trout Streanm, 1Huis, Trees Near Bethany in ïManvers His. Beautîful rolling pmop- erty wiih fast trout streain crossing property. An al season retreat. $35,000. $10.000 down. Caîl Bill Turansky. 114 Acres - Gralvel 60 foot open pit w,ýiih !ast simeain near village o! Les- kard. $125.000. Tems., M4illbrook Area 8 aèresq withI 10 rooni1 frameIî hos,120' y 69,; 16' dýors Askin, '$113,000.00. CaliBilI1 Turansky. Garden Hill 10 acre building site. Wood- cd sýith goad spring. Close ta higbw',ay. Asking $10,900. Cail iBihTumansky. Newtonville Stone bouse and 35 acres plus barns witbin easy coin- muting mange o! Toronto, Ex- relient hoebby, farm. Aslcing $60,000. Temins. Vendor will take back firsi marigage. Caîl .Jan Oudahoomo. Kendal His 40 acres, his, woods, build- ing site in. 50 foot pine trees. 675' frontage. CaîllRoy PFost- er 983-5801. Pice, Lake 8 building lois witl excel- lent viewing o! Rire( Lake. ¾ý/ acre ecr. Priccd ta selI at $52.000,00 or cao iie ,sold separately. Cal lRoy FOster 983-5801. Neivionville - 33 Acres' Streain, bush and garden land witl 2 bedroom bunga- low. Large greenhouse. Sinal harns. $49,900. Call Bill Turansky. Orono' Colonial' style borne. A country home ai Orono on paved road with 4 liedroms, !amiiy moom and largekidh en. A lovely custoi buili home ai $41,900. Buy it now. Caîl Bill Sutherland. Newcastle Mobile homne. Buy ibis large 2 bedroom home. Fully fumnishcd including y a r d fencing and tool sherd, Own- em tranistcrred. Asking $11.400. Tems. Call Bill Suthîerland 623-3102. BoaYmanville Back split semi-detached 4 liedroom home with large liv- ing, room, liandy kitchen, 21 4-pice katîrooma. mec. room, private, fenrcd yard: ravine lot. An excellent plan. Like new. Ownem transferred. Asic- iog $28,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Sutherland 623-3102. Bowmanville Area Newly menovated 3 bcd- room bungalow las carefree aluminuin siding and attacl- cd garage. Lot size 66 x 660. Taxes only '$275.00 per year and full'price is only $25.900.ý Caîl Kay Brown. 1ýj Are Yon Considering a MZOVE or TRANSFER? We are equipped to handie your borne needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. Afier 9:00 P.rn. call: Dolores Ross - - î25-1498 Kay Brown - - 623-3150 Roy Poster - Orono 983-5801 iBill Turansky - Orono 983-5420 Jan Oudsh oorn Phyllis McRobbie Bill Sutherland Audrey Plain NormWetberup Pat Yeo, - - Dane Feund - 623-2984 623-7159 623-3102 623-3563 723-4809 623-3077 623-3965 age. A"'sking $650 B owmanville - excellent home for large family, with.5 bedrooma and 2 liaiba, close to schools and shopping. Asking $33000. Bowmanville - lder 1 i/V2 storey brickhomne with 4 lied- raams and i 1/2 liatha, vemy centrally iocaied. -Asking $22,500 wifi icmins. Blackstack area - ec-ellent 3 licdoom sarter hormlton. lar-ge lot -210, x 105, Askingý Banicroft area - 87 acres o! property with 10 acrme lake, Ideal for hunting and ishing. Asking $15,060 with icrins, Milîbrook area - 27 acres with bush and creek, good home;site. Asking $18.500 with terms. Little Lake - 3 bedroom furnished cottage on loi 50 x 200, good beach for bbechcild- ren. Asking $11,500 witl termns. Lloyd Atchison - 705-932-2770 Alan Roui - 725-0353 Edwin Jeans 623-7152 !N1ac McDonald - 623-3911 Wilf Hawke- - 983-5274 Helen McDonald - 623-3911 693-4403 rno-10 Acres Choice 10) acres close ta Orano. Partly wooded plus Wilmot Cmeck running through it. Good road, conse io schools. $191900.00 Clean 2 storey aluminuin sided home, 3 bedrooms, larg-' kitchen. taxes only $323,. Try your low down payment. 50 Acre Fanm - $47,500.00 Renîodelled 3 bedroomn frame and aluminuin sidcd home Jwith aIl convenience-s. Two large baas ith watcr and bydro. Some equipinent. in- eluded. 25 miles froin Bow- manville. North-West 8 year old side iiit witil double attachcd garageý on a bcauti!uily landsraped loi. 41I liedmooms,, 2 bathrompu family room with fimeplar.S In addition this elcctricaliy heaird homE: las a self-con- iained apariment wvith sep- arate entranre. Apariment iq composed o! onc bedmoom. kitchen and living room and a 4-pce. bath., Listed ai $69,900.00. Rossland lRd. 17 year old ranch bungalow,, on a 68' x 155' nicely land-ý scaped lot.with aitached gar-i age, 3 liedrooma, broadloom- ed living and dining ooma, large ec. room with 2-pre. bathf. Asking $39,500. 1 Jack Gibbs'- David Allison - Elfriede Josi Melville Dale - Pam'ela Carr- Ed Drumni- Mike Shane -- Kathleen Twaites- George Twaites Steve Smegal - Peter Chopee - Beverley Dewhirst- Wm MeFeeters- Reg. Aker -- 123-1352 987-4867 263-2032 623-5638 728-3734 725-9345 263-8101 723-2008 723-2008 725-8Z49 725-1846 725-0413 725-1726 725-0201 "Established 1936", GET' CASH TOAÀY- BY USINGX S T A TES MAN CLASSIFIJEDS' YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Gundrie of Barrie spent a few days re- cently with their daughter Brenda and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Austin McKee .f Edmonton, Alta., acco- panied Mrs. Keith Th'orndyýke for a vîsit with Mr. and Mý,rs. Floyd Stinson on nFriday. G1iad ta repIort that Masteur Gýeorge Johns1-on, eldest son of 11r .anid Ms Dave Johnson, ,s expeced horne from thej Sick Cildren's; Hospital soon, j after coming into contact with a passing car whileý crossing the highway ln front of their homne on 7A Higli- way, east of Yelverton -ai very close call. 1 1 'Mrs. Ted Buxton had the misfortune to strike and kill a doe which picked an Inop- portune time ta cross the 7A Highway two miles west of Bethany on Wednesday even- ing, March 28th. Considerable damage was done ta the front of the car. Mrs. Ray Robinson. Quen-1 ton and Darryl, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolmn, Marti and Mona were part of a larger group of friends and relatives who congregated at the Ralphi Maicolnms, Don Milîs, for a buffet dinner and later at-ý terided the Gilbert and Sulli-l van musical the Gondolie-rsý presented bY the St. George'sý United Churcli Youth Choir. 0f special lnterest ta we e latives was theý fact that Ms Karen Malcolm Was iilaylng, the part o! the heroine, Casýel-1 da, Ail members o! the cast played their parts most pro- fessionally. Sorry ta learn that Miss EMaine gemceszyszyn was n-j volved ln a car' accident while tumning Into their place of residence which sent her ta hespital with cuts and bruisesý and did considerable dmg to their car. age Congratulations to the Bethany Sm. Hockey teain lwho won theirtrophy In the, s.econd gamne In overtmne in ai two out of three seËies with, Woods Transport, Oshawa, in Port Perry arena on Sunday p.m. Two o! their stalwar1ts from our Yelvei-ton commun- ity, Vaughn McGill and Termy, Mal1colm, each made a wor- thy contribution to the team effort, Mr, and Mrs. Weisschee of Mississauga were Saturday dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs.~ Don Brown, Missi Wanda Kerr bas. ehianged lier scene o!fmly ment froin Toronto ta Lind1- say where shie is cumrrently emnployed. GET CASH TODAY FOR OL) APPLIANCES C L A sS 1Fr1-ED-PS FINE QUALIT? MONUMNENTS, AND MARI<ERS OF STAFFORD Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED nez 133 318 Dundas St.* E.* - Whltby Phone Whltby 668-355Z _________________lulin 1 minii- Judge cd wîth tomney X cotunsel1 Donald Jane St. cd Janua Daârlingtc abilityv giiilty.( lie folio% ý401 and When st ýon two t found g' S150 and 15 days. SGeorge Bowhill Ma9rch Il lhip witl exceed o!f liood. ýguilty.C -CI a car Wheian the fine or in del Fotis Boullabel Montireal ristos, 25, ton and1 50 Ever Provincial Court April 3, 1973, were found guilty of break Mrs. Diane Belliveau, New- R. B. BaxterT presid- andiç enter at the A & P store, castîe, charged Mardi 13 with Asitent rw At- Bow-manville, Decemiber 3lst being in possession of! mariju- Q Stubington zind duty last and each sentenced ta, six ana pleaded guilty. She was K. Van Nest. moniths deterinate and tliree fined, $100 and $3 costs, il, de- Id J. Bill, age 35, 25 months indeterminate ln an fault 15 days. Bowmanville, chamg- Ontario reformatory. In addi- ,Kim Wm. Storks, 17, New- tay 13, in Township o! tion, they will each.lie subject castle, charged March l3th ton did drive while to a proliation terni o! two with having marijuana ini bis was impaired, pleaded years at expiration o! reforma- posseEssion, pleaded guilty. The Const. Forman stated tory teri. Conditions of pro- fine wvas $150 and $3 costs, in )wed Mm. Hill east on bation will lie, to lie of good defauît 15 days. the car was weaving. behavior and must not associ- Harold S. Blrowni, age 50. 72 ;topped he smelled of ate with. anyone involved inSabr gt croa Breathalizer readings ibis charge. Lawyer Schwarz hreAu.1 livn tests were .22. He was said the Greek community in charged Aig. 14 ith hinges ýuilty and, the fine was IBelleville were quite concema- dliquor l oter itn bs re-. : $3 costs or la defaulti' cd for the welf are o! these kence pleaed il a t Cnst young boys. The Cmown sug- o h ieo h odl te L. W'helan, 27_ 59C gested they are young men ando h ieo h odi Ave., Ottawa, charged it. was no pmank. Tbey had Clarke0, T3 ostin Te fine Il in Darlington Town- burglar tools la their passes- we as 0 3cssi enl bh driving whea lood sion. Judge Baxter said "«a Ffive days.ert d .80 nîg per 100 mil. deterrent aspect is neceseary.Roi Fobs16Lbrt . Mr. Whclan plended This type af conduct will flot N., Bowmvnanville, cba.rged Feb. Const. FornT observ- lie toierated. This was a pmre- 5 liy Const. Paricerý with fa*il- rweaving conitinually, meditated robbery. Theynmust ing ta stop at Ki'g an Lili was found guilty and have done saine investigatingeryàora ed hibt eceived a was $150 and $3 costs o! the ground before they did!Cfine o! $25. fault 15 days. it and must bave known wvbere1 A bencli warrant iýý ta ie Fourniotis, 23, 1997 'to get in. They came up this îssued to Miss Gladys D. Roy, elle Shomedey Laval, lway with one thoughtitnl for failing ta appear in court il Que., Angelo Hagih- mind.", on an incarne tax charge laid 5. 36 Fiances St., Tren- E. Mel McCoy, RR 1, Omono, by an R.C.M.P. officer. Michael Angelatos, 26. through counsel asked that lis, ýrette' St., Belleville,;plea lie put over to May~ 15. 261 ib îerty St. N. OBONO i,,REA. oldfer 3 Bowman'Vilie. bedroom home with fil bas e-1 ment, Separate dining room, Car Jlealership garage and front verandah, , i Garage, body and paint shop. well kept home, ASKING1 used car lot, service station ONLY$2500.plu-, eight room 2-storey brick homýe for living quarters. JUST LISTED, neat 2 lied- Really a thriving business! room home, lots of cuiploardi Cal office. aIndcl eoset space, on lot 66 x 81. PRICED TO SELL. 1 Building Lot 1 iacres, close to Bowman-. MarySmih -ville. Asking. only $8,500. 786-283NewonvlleDon't wait or it could be sold. Bannler Passant- 6231-32 58 14-1 Sanmuel Annis 623-7664 - Elsie Spencer 623-32591 H Y O James Robinson 623-379,5 Rolly Spencer 623-7694 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Diud-i --- ey and, Neil, Burlington,1 spent the weekend with Mr. BROKER 0 and Mrs. Arthjur Read. -Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and Susan, Oronc, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and {amily. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. T1hoir.p- REAL ESTATE son,; of Bowmanvllle, wr Thursday evening visitors of (REALTOR)Mrts. A. Thompson. Mrs. P. A. (IIEATOR>Osmond was a Friday caller at Mrs. A. Thompsan'e. - 181 CHURCH STREET Miss Jenny Harris, Bow-, BOWMANVILLE manville, Margie Hall, Ty- 623-4428 rone, Robin Wiens, Hampton, were weekend guests of Deb- 5 year-old 3 bedroom bun- 'hie Paterson, the O&easia'n af galow on 7Y2 acres. Good Debbie's blrthday. barn 30 x 50. Ideal gardening rsLe Tyl, sil. Northof00o.o0.sik-Blackstack, were Friday ev- ing $5,90.00.ening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. 10 acre corner lot. Spring- Leslie Graham's. fed stream. Good well. Ideal Ms .Topo a building site. North-west of ovrnîgA. t hget !M r. n ad Bowmanville. Asking $21,900. Mr F A. Ostofi, r.owand- 14Iville, and accom'panied them fo their cottage at Gull River for the wêlekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Sakm, on Saturday. Mr, D. J'. Cameron attended ____________________a gladiolus conference at Humber College on Satur'day. 623-2503 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- win, William and Paul vilsited Bowm'ranville - compact, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- clean bungalow in the north s,,on and 1311, Port Hope, on end area, with finished rec.1 Sunday. room. naved cdrive mand or- 1-l RESULTS COUNT! 1MULTIPLE LISTING SER VICE Oshawa & District Reali Estate Board EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN MEATS DEMONSTRATION BIER A WURST SAMLMIF DEMONSTRATION SPECIAL HEVY WEo rIM MAPLE LEAF APE LA ROASTINOT ALAr Chicken APrimeRibIT 0F MASCag 59c lb. $129 lb 89c l. 9 1b.' PRDE DEPARTMENTSPECIALS! VAECA OL EN E 4ALL FRNAEHE 69c IdoL$29 Ib..829 Ibs. 9cb VLNDIA GOET YRELF A EALBONS BY on a Beautifui Set of Stainless For OnIy TABLE WARE à41 52 Pieces $1 9.50 Steel PLUS $300.00 WORTH 0F CASH RIËGISTER TAPES Get Yourseîf a 5 Piece FROL STAINLESS SER VaI NG STEEL, SET set PLUS $100.00 WORTH 0F CASH REGISTER TAPES Place Your Order Now!! WhiileSupply Lasts Sale Starts April 4, '73 DEEP DISCOUNT SPECIALSI! CHOICE' Diced Beets Ifor3' 7c MO1UNT ROYAL 10-oz. Tins MANDARIN SAVE!! Oranges',4 for î589'vc JAVEX 14-oz. Tins Cleanser z for 3 9 JAVEX 192-oz. Bottie Bleach .$1.29 SAVE 20e TOASTMASTER 24-oz. -Loaves WHITE SLICED PROTEIN Bread 4 for 99c DYKSTRA'S food Market Hlome of Quality 73-77 King St. W.., Bowynaiville "THE TEA" Pkg. of 15 Bags SAVE!! Trea Bags 5à for 89c IMARGARET'S SAVE 10c CIIOCOLATE Donuts 3>c pkgs. WINDEX 20-oz. Tin Aérosol 75msc SAVE 14c, BUTTERNUT Margarine 4 lbs. 1.00 100% Pu re Vegetable Oit SUMMIT Assorted Flavours Ice Cream j79<r11,Gal. FREE!! PARKING Enter From Qucen Street 234 King St. E., Bowmanville 1 623-3393. 1 P91.7RRI «PI V M , --&-. 04 Wr CHANGES-- Things continue ta shift along King Street. Tim's Rent-Ail is preparîng ta open April 9th in the corner store formerly occupied by Wbyte's Upholstery who have moved anc store south ta Bill's Glass . .. who have maved into the former Halgate property. While ail this is going on, wcmk continues on the dental offices and chieken palace that were burned out some turne aga. Quite a few other moves and changes appear ta be in the cards, but na details are available at the moment.

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