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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanville, April 4, 1973 Town Council Over 0f fer Io Old Fire Hall Town. Council received a be torm down andi plrivate affer fa, purchase ftho decided f0 koep if c'id Fire Hiall on Churcb Street weuid have ta beart et, thir Menday, April 2nd the demolitien. meeting. Counciller Paul C The ofewhich is ceported to indc oa te ho $22.00, toucbed off a Allin's pont ofv lengthy, offen heafed Ceuncil Ceuncil should try debat e on the advisebilify of downtewai properf y seling the oid Hall, if is feasible. Ho aci Wben the purchase offer on thie building cerne up, the orig- inal motion was f0 receive ande:d fermation. However, Mayor AR Hsshu tdcawthte otter Th eirCL Hshug esfed thatheCouccîl ccd reply fa the offer. Hoe dd- edi, 'I think if's o fair price." Twe tuil draws, Councillor Don Allia dis- cumers participating agreod. Ho argued that the 8-enO gomes, broug Fire Hall was "loae d an a paf- curling te a close fo enfially valueble piece- of seasen. proerty and is werth saving, Througheut flic d it ber for future municipal foc "the yecr"oand purposes or for a btter effer, days spiel were "If won't depreciato if we hold most attractivehyi on te if," ho assetcd, acanged by Shirlic .Hobbs replied that the build- prize cenvenor. ingý would evenfually have te Mr. Bob Macdor if Council tthe, fown the cest et Chant rose reed w=t viow ta te cetain whenevoc lded, how- Cur j flosil with 64 ng in two ight mixed for anether doy, prizes d fer the displayed and were ey Rebsen, nald was OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA'BUILDING. OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, FC.A., R.I.A. CORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C. ~ BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 NOTICE - The Rexail lc sale Haïndbill delivered to your door Iistsi the Oshawa Stores Only. This Sale applies to our rstore in B owmanville tool. JURY & LOVELL, DRUGS OPENING WARKWORTH CHEESE HOUSE division of Warkwarth Cheese Co. Ltd. Wa rkworth,, Ontario Situated, adjacent tb Gulf Service Station on Hwy. 35 &115 1'k miàles north of Newcastle Waâtch for Opening Date Orthopaedic Ensemble 1680 coit lmattress adbox, (unit 01$13900V FOUR UNITS ONLY 3 -54" - 1 -48" CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES 39" - niattress- box and six legs and upj ODD MATTRESSES FL See them todaiy 37 KING ST. E. easthat farmn prices will be forced down to ensureE Wins Award for -il that others make a poi.C nev to Levy Surplus US products wil be shipped to Canada andfoc our prices down. M g r e E %; s~~" ý1suppose the consumer o e o 5 3,4 and government officiais seel nothing wrong with the price h ta ae Ontario irch u s the £ameraIs now ecel C h jid re E Conservation Authority sent LJSW'w or prk nd eef, sttedtheir annual levies to the. Jeffery sarcastically. B owmanville Town Council Producers of hogs are re-a at their Monday, April 2nd celimg at least $15 less for meeting. The total 1973 bud- rt ahmarket ho*g than they get for the CLOCA, including ddthree weeks ago. Bef (ROM PAGE ONE) capital, projects, maintenance tha hedîd't eeltheprices 'have dropped 2 to 3 Schroeber, Foster Parents' As- and administrative c o sts, ever, l cens upun. Frm lautoocatmn MreD Coghill; cornes to $533,443. The total fudture allu be ofuc costs have not dropped 20% Local Directors, Mr.A, Finnie; ievy for Bowmanville cornes Counicil 'agreed to disagree' in the samne time but'hv and the Nominating Corn itý to $12,241. $9,728 of this for the time being and refer- continued to rise. «'Ho1w many te, Mr.T. Jones. total will' be devoted to the red the issue to the next Coin- otDsrae.a herinoeRoss Bennett, Deputy varlous capitlpoet h reduced 20% I n three weeks?" y Authority ned tocar miteof the Whole meeting CifCrnrfrOtro th year.reidnt where they dan debate te k In closing hie said "Mr. troduced by Mr. L. Gibson, otti er prs n cnso sin t he soke to the Association on The Conservation Authority oldbuidig i pivae.Lawrence has asked' that his s ýoId uildig inconstituents make use of the "The Bnttered Child", describ- plans to spend $40,000 acquir- teehn service hie has in- ing the problern of reedgnition ing 50 acres of Pawson's ed2fh otne i and treatment. He pointed. out Marsh for a Bowmanvîlle relntlss ttck n fodthe need for our social work- Conservation Area. Another 1 dricness and for hefar ers te carefully watch troubled $71,000 has been earmarked prices ad orc esmted m riiamily situation - the areas for floodplaIn mapping in m k us ofitin which Family Counselling Bowmanville and area. ig B onspiel _ __ tand Protective Services are so 'Councîl referred the afore- necessary. mentioned $2,513 for main- pi esent for xvhle. durrng the ý li Te speaker \vns thanked by tenance and administration tu day ~ ~*EU ~* MrDoug Bullock, The retir- the ugtCmite At 7 p.mý a dehicîous steakj ing pýresident Mr. Deug Kemp The proposed CLOCA capoi- dinncr wth cheesecake des- Hank Van Dorp of R. R. .1, Enniskilîen, is tis ear top award winiîer for__ in conclusion of his terni of tal budget was heid In abey- sert, exp.ertiy. prepared by co d .H ofiice emphasized the growing ce prsral so tt 'Chef Bill" was served by hi rilk production - owner sampler - in Durham County. The Shur Gain Award 1 need for the work of the C.. Council can study It In depth efficient staff. s i presented annually by the Dairy Herd Improvernent Association.,iMr. Van IF1rom PAGE 014E) i our tinmes, expressed hisap at a future date. With Howard Ormiston, Dorp's breed class average of 136.5 compared to the provincial average of 103.0. Mrs. Doreen Kitney plaYS preciation to the foster par Pres., acting as Master of gppgthe txtle role of 'the Mad- ents'* group, the staff of theî Ceremonies ssisted by Shir-____________ Photo b Neil Newton woman', while lKathy Coverly Society, and the Board o ley Robson and Ruth Wren, bywill be PIm'ad Jh ircosfrter ofjenaCrfo prsnain o aIprizes sure of the water roarin M IIsupot piesentatitne0fail gas s7'i-ply Amesbrwho also directs ;then clled upon the incom- A--%DAY OR WEEKEND follow,&ed. thorog the da wed. lyMo ice., Ti-,r ait Act Il. will be featured as the ing president, Mr. Lavern Gib- A sk for Rae... toc srong e indcated 'Ragpicker'. Mrs. Jean Sheri- son of Millbrook. COUNTY Bonspiel Apparently only haîf 0f the .e& i dan bas been cast in anether Mc. Gibson spoke briefly to CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Stephen, Ray Trudeau, Bette stop legs were still in place i i r aigrlGto Mdm h rupadwt ofur-1 Trudeau, 3512 plts.; 2-1Bob 10Vtistne' daM orSedayS taff Constance', one of the Mad- ther businessto compîeccaîl- .623-2586 Craig, Shirley Robson, Kings- The situation, was much the woman's advlsors. Co-director cd fer adjournmcnt. ley Van Nesi, Judy Van Nest sanie at dams at Tyrone, the Town Council decided lastiaugmene ccnî.Wynnce Wonnacott takes t'le 34 14 pis.; 3-Paul Kowal, Goodyear plant, Woedley's and wekt ices tesaf t F ed Brwn bs ee re role,.ef another of the Mad-ý Rut WenTe FiiarautHamte. owmanville', Police force as a fuli-time inspecter te wonian's cenfederates, 'Made Lorraine Filiatriault 32 Pts.; Sandi Bags, Brought Ina y w additionnl policemen. assisjtthe town engineer and moiselle Gabrielle'. I- 4-Howard Ornîiston, Jean Town Engineer Charlie Watt The BPD currently cmploys tebidn npce-Te In nil there are 26 mnembersi h Gro, ac Lnder, Betty Elîs said thiat, 190 sandbags were *cepo fc er l di inewbid inspecter .- T hea win the cast, several ef' whom 31/ lopts,; 5-Al Cruess, Diane brought in from Ncwtonville 10eptli Vvian, Garth Leader, Lea te protect several cottage teth' hif deal prmarily with subdivl- are taching drama In shools r t il i Leader 231ý' pts. (2nd high homes threatened y te hîg Ton ouncil mace the ue- intaraAnubrofig game); 6-Paul Chant, Vivianwater levels and the four foot cisien to hire the twe, "prc. 1'spoisiblc for insuring that s-oh studffents with acting Cowan, Jack Locke,' Shirley bigh waves on Lake Ontarioý ferably experieniced lic-chnsa h swr n xei'c are also includ1ed 21~4 ptsli2ce-igh ' w trin's asnhenewesub Invl - inthecast. Loke 134 t,,(2dhihWatt saîd the situation wasnt men at the March 2lst Comn aemisi e dv- Accordling te a publicity re-ý Loce - w, Suzan Critical enough Sunday night mittee of the Whole meeting siens correspond te the stan-B AY SAL gae;RyTwist,JonC dards laid down by Town lease from the BowmanvilleBE U Y' A LO TitJonCmmins, Joan te begin sandhagging opera- and gave officiai approval te Cni.DaaWrso hr r umins and 8-Ken Nicks. tiens. Three bundred more the decision at theý regular Couh nirn ncil. lDrama Wýorkunsipthee are TLe]eginering ndAbrhd- eneuh oldonesin th pPa LilHepe, rt ooer LlIsaiîdbags were brought in on Couneil meeting on April 2nd. te make you feel 'at home' ispeased TnowneRarients Wee alse ad enough yeung anes to sipuxabebgudtsorsmn- ldyingdtewok ry ew s r Tw Hl Hrs uthorized by Ceuncil te en- ane ship). eut building~ h tm ray dyes The admninistrative staff 0f1 gage Mrs M. Kirkton as e rmgtigbrd"t Prizes for the Year te protect the lakeshore homs h onHllbsasinnscrtr.A Cule 0 ncetn Seedl 1-No.3 -eDe.Emergcncy MeasuËes Orge- 2ceay 11 : l-Keith Ormiston, Phyl- nizatien co-ordinator Gordon doorpterople hav t.ured plannoucort lis Cruess, Deug Dinniwell, Wright came dlown fremr Cob- L. stone, Lea Leader, Andy May, amine the petentiahly danger- a fv i oU 3l te oe a h ly o id Lrthn Rngitrul; 2 ý-MP an u rgSna ftront c-j xle dr. iH.JB.kRndwielL LorrineFilitralt; -Mar- us situation. In the eventth 5 !ce Preston, Ruth W ren rue Honey bridge hod washcdoetI E play onc of the "bad guys", Thibodeau, Marlene Stock; 4- or if flooding bad occurre,tiie l ILJ -ilI ei. the 'President' ta be exact. d Fishier, Jean Turneýr. Overalbd winner, K ith rmston. a an emergency plan ready A yeung,, R.R. 1 Newton- te sleep. Wben the McLeods, TCTPc TT' S(hedlule Il - Jan. 5 t cbterell inte opeintion. ville couple, Mark and Janet botb aged, 20, ercived at the ULU >frelyo 5: 1-Ron Manning,,ý Mary, Mrs. Kay Forsey, lied Cross lVILeod, wcre confronted oy cottage on the 6th Concession Syer.i Ev. King, Jeyce ee;Pric,.dent and Disaster Chair- a mon armed with what is in Clarke, lie .bandcuffcd A family gathcring took. Kut 'n Kuri, lias 2 -IHcnry, Stainten, Ellen moan, seid arrangements had belîeved te ho a .22 calibre themr and tied them up In anc place on Sunday at thýe Holi- ..""'~~ Ormiston, Lyle West, Con-nie beecn mode te previde accom- rifle when thcy arrived at cf the bedronis. day Inn, Oshawa, of the joîned our Staff. I~ . Kelly;* 3-lMaurice Presten, mnodie n or up ta 200 people their Starkvîhle area cottage The couple managed ta, es. Soutbxvell families te honoer De;-othy Anderson, Ray Twist.;in the Dmop-In Centre la Seper on 'riday evening, March 30. cape a round 6:30 o.m. Satur- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Fran Armitage: 4-Howord Crcek Park. The lied Cross in The assoilant, wbose ider- day morning. MarkMcLeod Southwell, on their 40th Ormiston, Ruth Wren, 'Bob Torontoe bad been alerted and tity remninsý a mystery, uP- toldi bis wifc te hide wilhe lhe Wedding Annlversary. A de- AlLnasfinsIdcineeâeivi, Gaina, Judy Adams. Overaîl a truckload of blankets and parently anhyý wantcd a place wcnt te caîl the police. Un- Il Ïgtful supper was enjoyed AiLna'fre sad ietlaeintd winner, Ren Manning. bedding was reody and witjing - ortunat ely, the directions ta by ai. odpinadvgthrahene lcto. Scbedule III - Feb. 12 te if it bad been needed. Mr.G enadadns Mac. 16: 1-J. Youngman, Mca, Forsey aIse indicated caiofte cottage get fouled up ad aoc rs. G. ead ondth rs. t rpi n i ie tle ee oain Ka1' Worden, Bob Riches. that, varions church 'groups fuà'io ind th e ttagebfer 45minGibsons an Sunday. Bownianville Plaza 6323 Shirley Locke: 2-H-oward had voluntcered te prepare fin(]lthes Tbeysurron45 h Afaminupe-ws n Ormiston, Betty Brough, Lyle breakfasts and previde other ver hmebtapretyh oayed an Tucsday at the Gib- - - - - -- - - -- - West, Irene, Peebles-, 3- assistance te any strandèd L v o e oebtaprnl h a ý Dudley Deehey, Ruth> Wren, residents. Pceston's Transpor-t bad fled. befhin wa or eny re.on hibome larhoar fMr.y Johni FlIegLg, Anne Marie Bry- and Cowan's Motors had beeni Town Couclrcie heir Nthn wa stenfm _________ so; -.ief Andersen, Lyla contactcd and were prepared iannituel bil from the Board ef the cottage and the couple MMEG O NGAa MlarloinGaia. 0Overal win- tation had becien tque, e nand it ref1ct3 a 1ccl - to OPI rePorts.TUU P HuxtobieKnWsley Vn NesI, t previde ruck~ if ronsper 2 dcaei n t tereApil nd sal e n c codn nec., LiefAnesn Salvation Armny Cautaintieecesb ersinia A simihar situaion accurl-ý PrscnTopy peene SetHewlett hed mode or- te oe f.5miî.rd neor Oronio lest spring. % b MarcPrsewaIs Wein rangements with the Fiying ,Ti yeor's educatien Alcvy nmon, R. Jeeger, or-5 F T ï-%W E4wK by l DuthmanMotr In te a nt teine6as 2.444. resebyrive-d at lis lil. 1 Orono et- Evý. King, Joyce Weckes. accommodations avoulable for the samenas hast yMar's. $326- Dance inusic! by Meitroi 173 cf this, total will be ýud tg nFiaMyltt Soud egn roud p.mup fe 68 people bed if been fer eerentary school pur- be faced with an armed mon. wbiich waa thorougbly enîey- eesoypTosmuln eswhîle the ean, crews had been alerted. $poses rl 'c emaining iMrutJther maianogfied t apo edb ulrdinnerguests Fortunately Mothor Nature $1 7 ilb eoo ~btteasiatfrdaaa cnd byrlewrs, yd t secondary sceols. et hlm as lie con te a neig-h- andfrend wo rmanedtOabated lier ,fury. By 7:00 p.m. Lest yeac's Beard of Edu- bor's home. jjoin in the happy seciability tecit.lpridhdpasdNecsleOPaestl nM U FFLERS of another mnixed Curling tecîîa eidhdpse catien îevy te, Bowmanviýlle NwoteOP r th event. and the water levels Uustrcamn repre.sented a mili rate et, vestigp.tingý the incident. ___________ had begun te level O.Rn5U 5. This yer it will beo contînued i nt ormit ten tly 56 milîs ef the total faxItow n Sae u thcougb Sunday night but by rate Now on Sal a I~Iorn Monday morning thei: med The education bil is, n ~ ~~l aDO A D F R W est ~ ~~fell over the weekend but the the tact that il represents a unh _____________ est reai prubleis a bd beei creat- reduced mill rate dees net ,(FROM PAGE ONE) ed by the fiecce south-eastecly necessarily guarantec that the (FIROM PAGE ONE) Hewever, Af is believed ail wind. Accecding te municipal evecoîl local tax ratewill de- warrant same farmrers con- G t R a y f r S rrr th etBeach residents ce- officiais the wind impeded the crease this yeor.tnun heroraonJh AHnyG t Re d f r Spi g ther hmes normal emptying ef Van- Town Council's 1973 budget tBeef and ar pfrice ac ,frmr idn.ent t ew Attendants et the four er stoe's Creek and bad backed is scbeduled te be rendy byie rsdetcfBw five dams upstceam from the the woter level up te the dan- the next council mieetingË, based on thie free market. meinville., John A. Hinî~ son' brige er cotatcd byger level. Waves efti up te o Ur, when texpoyers should hav hn h rie rebg w fMr n Mrs. Merril %enry, BOr v RK a d fct igh poundcd the- Lakoe acleerer idea et what their sec n rasn b gven-Eli S.,ba Ke wcknge ruiî-p ofcasbtindîcat- ment should intervone, said etelt ege uigG muiia0ficasbt O tarie shorcline. Oshaw,,a acea taxes wi1l be. Jeffery. 'a st tIo yegrset Ountarie ed that they were unable te 'MO co-ordinator ColtStev dlu anything to slow the flow WMOctten diatd tCol toe te Mc. Jeffcry was criucai of-Bible College. In addition, hoe jfthe wrivere. et 9000 ndhcags ha bleend- President Nixon fer imposing has served as an assistant te w TewtrlvI tVan- e a ceilng on the price e0 beeo avtien Army effier i atnsPedws e t o yod in the Pickering Town e qr à se,' av a e'sh Penwhîmalr and retailers on tcnu- foo aayfrm veno ing area lone. Many Pikr-pck adlm.PcesrTon.Hoewpnstde, on FAST PROFESSIONAL WORK AT the banks oet the pond. Even îng-a-earesident wec -'feced1ibercharge the hizhest prices tbcy London University in Englând-, - ý herne froni "The Apatrtment"i Port Hope. The present sec-! ýwhich featured a piano solo cetary, Ro God was re-eleet- " i e to t r h n i b u a d n n by Foniwicl Laird, The BHS cd and Harry MacDonald was banid was oduted by Eil!iott e2lected trea surer. ký. V Tromneer.j Th e nmeetinig also nem-icat- 1~ For the Grand Finale, the ed six doiegatos wha will chirs tram Courtice and attend the Liberal Party Con- ROTO TILLERS LAWN MOWERS LAWN AERIFIERS Sîlv e r Creek combined their venfion in Offtawa on April 4 talents and sang four selc- 13,1 and 15. t* iens fegether. The maased The six were Stewart Ray- HEDGE TRIMMERS POWER RAKE WHEEL BARROWS chorus, n-ulnbeýrinig close ta 150 ner, (Young Liberal>. Rager young peepie, performed bato ar o Good, GrogMc FERTILIZER SPREADERS SHREDDER-BAGGER fthe Canadien and AmnericaMhn Mrs. Alice AlIchin, natinal ntheis, plus Bridge MsElzbethfY . 'Over Troubled Waters and Sarne ot those nomninatedConinadseilheoosteom.any nnes The affl ilyn offlic~ were cot present et the mneot- Th__te1lm fteR-inosxalraiedl- for those spring repair jobs! $ Te hor rs Kr #5p frth gafes wore namied in case fhey, 1O TeaccompanistfurteSl-wr noble to go fa Offawýa. MO ver Cekcor M.r.KalTearsnd an Neeatedsu . . up ýE. Hawes, the wife of the were atrs uynat est elegafesAU 1 My MON. , SAT. 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. choir's condUef or. Douglas Hogan, Dr. Dcrry Hulibard. *W fl M IL r t IDeweil accamipaaied the Cour.- John Lane, John Funneil andlFIA NTL9PM tice Chai, Bofh these people Miss Lisa Beatty. FIA NI A complernented their respective Nerthurnberland - Durharn M CM isinging graups superbly. Liberals will ise send si*x it carn ho safely said thaf delegaf.ea fa flicNational Lib- LU Uthie large and appIriafive oral cenventhoý, n la Otawa in auien-zce wcct homo wLll set- Septemnber when the Primo PHIE 23-01 the musical abilities of the 200 countability session and a new,ý FREE COA hIEÀ & 1) 1) hIU UTC or, more yaung people, frorn executive focr flic LiberlU~ *W I~ U M bof h sides of the 4M1 Parallel. Part y will ho elected.-Guideu.

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