Gives Elegant Tea Co,,mmunion Sunday In Ma-j For avi'd reader appeal wo iwhc for mnany years provided pie Grav-)e Cuc Rev. need your invlvement. PIeastý.interesting news for be f Haris s oke ontise tente cal your correspodethn rendors. and lat cammndment, "Th'ou' you have interesting nows Vo lst Maple Grove Cubs....... Shaît NoVCavot." ' report. On Mai-ch 31st, tise Cu~bs - Gla Voreorttht if's. Misses Loi-i and Lisa Van liad their annual Father and Ke HpînOshawa Gen- Camp. fresis tram their first Son banquet at Maple Grave . 1. 1 Hispi ,1, is, îrîakiiig goodi plane flights, and travelling Ulnited Church. It went as_ progcss tter urery. experiences, corne Vo this con- fols Oponing Ceremnonies:I To hanar Mrs. Dorotisy clusion: As mýucb knawledge Toton Pole isy Rbr ae; ~g- nadnon, ber birthday, a cao ho gainn,-d tismougis tra- Flag, Doug Hoogeboomi; AkeIa1 iamly ats rngwas heid at velling as tismougis schoolig introduced head table geî the- homeri her dauigîsteo, Wite one dterront . .. some- O.P.P. Constoble- M i r r ay ' Mr. nd \ i-. Hgemmn, it- one ta pi-avide capital. Joint. District Commrlis oe chen r. ~~~Oui- first interest was tise Bob Nicols, Mrs. Slirley Bý u-,,. o -' <"'/ Mm. nd r. onHuband' Queeo Mai-y docked 0V Lonigibar, gOUp camitte Joo . cý ate d t he "Palladium Beach, Calitornia, an o ogeboom, hamn;Ms Show" Vtise O'Keete Centre,lused as a floating hotel a.dlGail H-oogeboom. Bagieera;<ý ' and dinner et-Vise "Acres"l tourist attraction. Andy Van Hemmnon, Akela j c Resýtaurant on Sunday, wîthi Next was D is ne yia-nd, TIse Cubs ittroduced Vsi Mms. Mînnie Snowden and Knott's Bei-iy Foi-m and fatisers. Mr. Bob Snowvden - a bîrth- Gist Town, and a tour of Grace isefome suppcr was f4 dcîy celebration foi- Mi-s. Hu- Universal Studios wiseie we sGid byDoug Hoogeboom.Af.........ji band. saw Paul Newman and Robert er supper, Akeldannounced i ia7- 1Ms-. and Ms Chail Hynes Redford being filmed in a Vise WiOOO-S ra m tise br- <~~~~ ai-e vacationing ln FiPoiida,1 movie called "Sting". We.olso house contes t: tii-st pi e, Tjýi~*5.ei'~. spe. dinime at _Miami, Day- saw a Vping af tise. Haly- Hamstma, Wolt Cub toqe ad »~< ~ .~ tona, Disney World and Cyp- waod Squares feetuing Paul badge; seconsd, DagBros........ rosa Ga-rdons. Lynde, Aite Johnson, Rase Wolf Cuis 'T shirt si an adg; I Many in Viis ai-a ohsted Marie, %Ai-V Linkletter, Kent third, Tod Russell, Wolf ýCu1 < i'< stdnt ram tise Silver MeKord, Pearl Baioy, De- TI shirt and badge.M! A i isr ., Creelk Chocir, Silver Creek, mond Wilson, Karen Valen- Cubs wiso priiao e New York. WiVh Miss Loiiline and Chai-loy Weaver, Ceived a Wolf Cuisbogn VanCamp and family was Other places- visited wei-e Nice goîng, Timi, DuTod »f guest Brue elcamp, and iSon Juan Capistrano where Tise lote Fred Bai, Mm witisMisVlons Bownell tVie "Miracles o! tise Swai- anal plaque, was won thisd ar nsimly w-ýere Ron Wasik laws' takes place on St. Jas-I year hy White ipakTo The M,ýemos-îal Hospîtýal.\omnsAxlay pooed ieranu un- aniPakWtsml. eph's Day, Mai-ch i9tb, every Russell, Mike Dakin, Mkeu raising Birthdav rea at tise Lions Centie iasti edesay Larch 28Vh. Pouring1 veai-. We also visited tise San Mason, Robby Van Heme,,eafoi- fellow Auxihary executsve me bei D-rs ýis M1)sRex Wlters Tise ni-ber lad- ~~* 1~bI T~L Die.a Zoo, Tijuana, Mexico, o Brks Ba-y Wod ~unn etiiCiPar-ker ansi Hoover Dams Erinie Thiele. ises gýrouped around tise eIcgant serving1-1able ai-e (î,it tok rig1t) Vice Pros. Mrs. C'Havasu CiVy, Arizona, and Chai-mon Joe 1-oogehoom 1 î\[ ackt.nzie, who as thse caîvener of i ts, nt r.R. Riston, vide cf I-bs- RelivedIn iUeS Las Vegas, Novai-a. wls peetd .. osahpitli Administiator; Mis. alters; Mrs. T. Coan wife cf Board Chairman; Mrs. Ezluiy Hal-gSubstance Poî rm01u-a ao ite~Wlb a Vice-President; and Mrs. T. H. Siniis,ý the Asîxiliary President. 130 lite, tram ail over tise world gif t Vo show oui- appreciation RelieesPaiAslt , are, travelling, meeting, ansi for &Il ho bas donecVise lasV people itteiides the Tea ansd approximateýly 3370in donations wr olcei Shn1Hmrhod. la]kinc, with eacis other.r,e vi- a YOi-5oi-us. He ih being1 If ou Yýtt ýfLoryreieffro 1Hopetuliy' this leads Vo bet- trai, O--dthi's yees-. I If(ý yonwnestifsr reieef-r o-undïerstanding and taler- DC Bob Nicolîs pi-esented h e rf ig P w r o Aae A tehngie ,sca-hrrc-dnes. Once e's pobles.î-yoar service pins Vo BoisT e Terf ig o e f ' ae tr'blie 'it thnksisPari-aboli and Bort Snowden.1 found.i a unique healiag substanc-lye ps trhat papi relieves tisebunn duc ta Mrs. Lob Fi-cerni O.P.P. Constable Joynt show- LasI year saw several parts of tise Conseorvation entisusiasts andps itch ixand pain-aètually sisiinlis oui- formner capable coi-es- cd a film ansi aîkesiaboýut ni-ortiserri United States iniundated bOy sibiy otiiers who farmeriy weren't toa heoihii.This substan)ce bas' pondent forMaplo Gi-ove, tise duty of a policeman. Iti floods, ýcausing millions of dollars in nendwl ctkn lsrlo been howaVo prducea toat efosi-vei-y interesting. tvei-ateafhaing. Itsgduerm îln Vst_ ie_ _obNchi hs1afwdamage but fortunately littie losb ofa i propetiesalso elp rveint.-1, wo-dsfoiai CtseAkla' liie. This year, unless we ai-e inc'eeda is rbemnwdagrbs he Infection. hsiowed a couple of movicsi fortunate. there wil ho a repeat ü ee of.adi siiadstntpsi infcton, cae ver srilin ctyz ~ r-am Cubai-oc in Petcrboi-1toeSrn lois i oet iebiliit thmoi-e April s-aius stili ta 1Itoscasengflsitar it or toth lapcasemalert"casnoeys, veag .,.s I ugh and Santa Clous part.y' ot1.inteto'ygesgsoftsecre. We have been denuding oui- anang cases of long standing. A.nd nwooandireHl vst.Onbiai cf Itise Cubs, Akela tisanked~ Great Lakes. wae rafligte nt r. this improvemont was maintained c) hop e Y k 'ieUnCdCuri \' 1 Tiet~ea a ecm o-eaps- vide more bousirîg, remaving tise noV- < over a period of months! niedt' c WIie'l Tetra a eoemr p Thiswas coomlisesi y a ew ~i -oua for tise nice suDpPer[ ont in recent weeksbcas i ev ural starag bousfrwtrTiecn heainýg substance (Bia,-D)yne)-- Specializing la: whicis was vemy good and on-, tisa-mîigsa ha mdaî ses-vation people have been warning us joyed by ail, ail tise tathprsîtt-so etn i-w htgaulyadpkig wya rtrn r11r- whic quckl heps bnI njo-ed Pernis Coloss -,lomode this banquet a big ;s orks ils way dowu thLie watersheds o-an pekgaw atrtong rr- clis and siuat swhof! eew Clairol lvigs OP Ctn~~~~~~-ic~tieGetLksOe iewe aining some cf tisose ai-oas by holding tisue Nw loDyieisofersi latiaest Cutting Tecliniques MrayJynDistrict Cr- e1 omts c-es1esin o tiseninmbutise name of tiesetate, but tise Çointm-- Petand supioi'I" sitor firnmisiooes- Bob Nicols, Gi-oua îemtatpu- choppiug dcawuý, and filling in goos on -ais rprtia " s o PHONE 623-5455 Committee, Shirley Bubar,strem I evestually pusoe a-rlnlslwt nyahnflo manay reundesi.37i King St. . hairman Joo ooeaom stane's miii dam, tisen tise Goodyearrertlsi, it onyasnifl f Bawmanville iMr. Bei-V Soawden, Mi-. Bais dam. Linder tise Haney bridge and on pal ryn ui bu t Bai-iaboli tas- spendîng Vise iot tis marsises and tise lake, al ho- Air emergency and possibly caVas- avening with us. Closîng coi-e-I manies with O Canada, oas- came flood waters. Sunday afternoon, trophe sucis as nearly isappenesi lest Prayer, tise Cub Pi-omise, tise tise debris thet came down with those week hrings tise situation and potential Wolf Cis Law. T han ks toi waters, accumulated et tise Honeyadanger dloser ta home. We must co- là. edoalLaniMi b a-ôhidgec tbreatening ta undermine its mend Viose wbo worked se, braveiy and McGuire for judging tise bis-i houss Sppor Scutîn - upprting banks and wasis it down- diligently on Sunda ta, oves-coi-ne tise Akrla Andy Van Hemmen, Stream, thi-cat, whiie haping tise prevenive,,ý Z'4-H Homemaking Club Officiais ofthtie town ai-d Emner- measurs -Awil now receive tise atten- ~~~~~~~TIse egtis and final meet-beam io ndt1ei1,.ýtinoffud ta ing ai tise Mapla Grave Sew'- nv Maue sgnzainhcneVa n ie loainc ud ia ingClu wa hed Wdne-ýquite couces-nes hecause tise destrue- wilhocsequired. Ot"iserwsse, tise swîri- day. Mas-ch 28Vis. Presit1ent tion nofi-bai bridge wnuld have elimin- ing, mtîddy wtr may continue V, o rise Bc.venly Wright caliesi the ated lise anly roasi out for tise dozens af siowiy andi sure.:ly taý take oerland and 311piesige was read. Tise duoshudisonecsdeedVhou weecailectesi, îollowesi hy olc w calle in Vo wamn the rosi- landi sites, then Vo recede leaving in I rtdiscussion on wisat taý dents, most cf wlsomn preferredsi o5Vit iseur wake unti--olsi damage and isuman ing S.Wet 623-5792 Bowmanville diooWit]io uri- o noey. 1 L wes out and- hope evacuatiîon wouldu't ho- tragedy. e'v been warnef! We kno cidesii Awo wouidgo boýwlin, We a7so' discusses AcMsevio- came nacessary. Fortunately, it wasn't, now iv c<4n isappen ises-e mentf Day in Blackstock O n, April 1th. Welisasi aur dre-,ss car peia tsanks goos )ta BLACK STOCK Mrs. Vandfemgaast four tise AVt ise Wamen's Instituto ansi !amily, Mi-s. Cous-tniey, Carovan Work. Ms-s. Carl1 petlasntieci-ips-yo uesday even- Grahsam wore Sunday dùnnei- Wrighst reasi a letter iramÉ agiant chocolate egg ... delivered by ou,.r Eastelr Bunn-y-on Easter Sunday An, entriy wîth everyph oto order ief t here April 2-19 WINNER* DRAWN--Tursday April 19,1973 -WSNE MUIl RiRE(TY "\W[R A 5KIiJTESTtNG ocîsacafl Court Ventur Dinner-Dance ýFine Event On Satus-doy, Mai-ch lOtil Court Venture hels iier Anl nual Spiing Dinnes- ansiDoncc ,n t ise Lions Centre in Bowv., maDviie. A deliciaus turk-ey dinner waVFs served by tht laiso!tise lacai CW.L. Hleasi table guests inclurcsi Presi dent 'E.O.PA. Bi-o. Clo-r- e(n-e Bell, ansi bis wlifeSie Louise, President ai Court Venture, Sisten PaveAillin acnsi iusbancl Bihl, C!haplain Sister Joan Gibsan, Chiel BoPnger Bro. John Lufimmn ansi, DanceCmmte Chi moýn Sister Cao-il bet u hu1sha'nsi Emnie'. Ailtiselaie MMUM"I 2ýKLFRIEN DS with FRIENDLY SALESMEN BILL GARRETT GýREN McOUAT FRIEý.'NDLY SERVICE MANAGER ARCHIE GROTH FRENLY BODY SHOP MANAGER MARTY STEL FREDLY ENERAL MANAGER DUANE SAWYER WREALL FRIENDLY... AND EAGER TO LOOK AFTER YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS. PHONE US - 623-4481- I e following winnm'7: Ladies' Port Permy. les for tise lest bale, Plansa 'lsgs r.He- cagln John Loi-mer, McMesterl were mode ta coter ta tise second, Mrs. Walter Law- University-, spent tise week- curling banquet in the Rec ronce; consolation, Mrs. Les- endi home with his parents,,1 Cents-c on May Stis. Eloen lie Taylor; men's higis, Percy Ms-. adi Mrs. Ralpi Loi-mer, McLaughin requestesi that VanCamp; second, Richard Dave ansi Paul. goasi useS clathing hobi et !i Monos; consolation, Bei-t Gib- Linda Mcî-Laugln nie-tise cisurci bosement ta peck son. sity af Gu elpis, spent teeanother bale soan. Last Sundey Mrs. Olga Hill weekend with hes- parents,ý Next meeting wili beho biS visiteS Mrs. Leith Byers nt Ms-. ansi Mms. Hai-old -,i May 8th et 8 p.m., whcn M ,tise home cf Mr. ansi Mrs, Laughlin. Janis, andi Kelly. 1 Resipatis wiil be tisegus [- Herb Swein. Rev. Clarence Ranger NeWs by Cathsy speaker. Meeting,- closeS wIths a P!,ergusan, Toronto, j oi n ed Gunter1 benedictbon.j thiem for suppe r ss. Hil On Wesnessiey, Mas-ch 21st, .4r. ansiMs-s. Gumsheman S.1 Sreturnod ta Toront[o with 14 Cartwright Rangers aiDisin i-e, Toronto. were Sat- Rýev. Perguson ansi visiteS two couregeaus leaders wentiise guests af ber parents, him ansi aVier -relatives, - Vo- Torontoa-for oui- annuel 7Mi-. ansiMs-s. Allen Beacocis 1turning homo on Wednesday. trip. ansi Bob. Sari-y ta report that Constable andi Mis. Chai-les We visitesi Vie Science Cen- Ms-s. Beaeock bas been under rHill ansi Mattisew, Toronto, t,, ans i t seemesi as if evemy- tise doctar's coi-e et home ýt were Tisurssiay evening dia- co else In Tos-onto bcd tise wltis pneumonia. u er gucats oi Mr. andsiM-.j coma .ideu. Most ai us saw tise Mm .and Mrs, ES Hormis ansi * -rHarolsiMeLaughiil, Janis ansi special film an tise Russua- Jimn movesi Vo an, apetmentý ýfKelly. Canada Hlockey series. Cein Pa ',rt Perry lest week Ms-. M-ani-s. s -ai elyaawo es ieto.Fr niMms. Robes-t Taylor havel jattencling tisis event Esirlwer ee t '1,,s - Satumday eveningavey sprescrinteS gha antona oosi crawd ettendesitise t ise boas-. steak !in a casvîn to hower hels Iin tise Recreationi Th ollawing draws wr spiseme. Centre in honrof-a!Ms-.,ansi made dumlng tise oein Tise higisîblis iL tise, iý,l'-sý. Ray Suggitt. M.C. foi tlowers won by George andi'wes seoing G-do în i,4 I -t'ýise pi-agi-amnwosJim Maslow Bas-b Arnbui-g: bienket won la persan at MseyHa1 Tiseps-agi-arn consisteS ofi yDaris ansi Orm Yaumtis, We al ogreedi wsa Oslsawa. Twa aVises-di-aus groat day. were won by John Kirkpat- Eveniag Unit U.C.W. -- uu rilk, Oshsawa. ansi Don Ad- On Wodnesday, Moi-ch 20eh1 *lliI I IU cck. Hamrpton1. Mlusiefor quite e numben af girls et- )L [ II i cingti as suppiiesi byRos tendesitise meeting Ia Pas-t Jackman ai Toi-iy Black. Pei-iy concerning Accidientel, Tise St. Pat-ick decas-tionszý Poisanîng in tise Home. Tbis wvase beauliful ansi a large ý,smgrum pravesi ta be very" ( cowd enjayesi bath tb ise i intei-estîng V everpone os- i nom ansi dance. peciily tose wlt org OR S childi-en. LaVer tisegiris wont ta tise home ai Mmi., Peter I 'BatonVoîdman for a Sevotianai bY Ms-s. BabaRoberton ntitied Look in your "Guiding aCidni 1 w ln licius lunch. t U.C.W. NMeetingi,, m lg ht have ce Twonty-nîne ladies met in tise C.E. Room an Tuesday O * A Baton Twirling Campe-atonoMrI27bet:0 TO V A :illio was fiseldsinl Bramalea, for tise Genemal Meeting o! N OnoÏ udy, Ma-h3 tise U.C.W. President Peggy! 0cur nesuits from thlis campe- Lai-mer apenes tise meettn1g ýL;ion are as faliows: xviti a roading ý"Pais". Nor- Ia tise Junior Division il-nma VanCamrp cndcos ts': yea-old -Sharon Parflow is worsbip ssvc on tise themenc 4tis runncr-up in tise Miss "Cen You, Laugisa et(uà Soutisero Ontario Ivajai-ette 5el!" IZ, Clsampionship. Shai-on's ais- iThu praýgreun was lh is ei awands ai-e: a lstitnlaasi- ofAuii-ey Wright anS on tise. van ced solo, o 3n bn Advanc- tapfie "Creýative Reirement'. cd T-strul andi a 4tls in Ad- This tapie was braken inoa vanced Militai-y Mai-ch. vas-bus; sections ansitise fl In tise Seniar Division, 15- jlawing, ladies spoke on thei:1 year-olcl Kaihy Blake won a Donne Kyte on Continu!ngý 2nd !a Asivancesi Solo, a 3rd Education; Auds-oy Wrighst on in Advavnced Basic Strut ansi Govemoment as Social Ses-- a lodinluAsivavacesi Militai-y vices; Jean Ferguson ansiý Mai-ch. Jean Aim on Valunteer 1 I tise Junior Division, il- Services; Eileen McLaughir,ý year-oid Cassie Wilson won a on Hobbies; Mss Skoldfing anaf Check your d0llr nOllis now! Eseq 2nd in hon Asivanced T St-ut, Mrs. 71-ompson ) on Ci-afils. have, today through lune 30, 197: Kathy Blake ansi Cassie Thoy lied a fline upla a a potential winne., Bulova s gi Wilson won a Istin tlieur Ad- variaus creirats. Fùoawng those 500 matchs- ai--ýjd theres no ir vancesi Duel Divisian. taîka tise ladies brake in-ti nimýber you maiýy mjn.'Si ciýi n ' discussion gap. eg en- tîrrea . .. cet wel .and oral theme af tish, sl Vpe serialinmbers e yard lla su Memorial 1-ts pita iwos not Vo weît untîl retire-ý imont but begin naw came! IWeekiv Report hobbies, eraits, or aViser pro-i NO PURCHASE !S REQI j oct. Audirey sumirmesi Atupý Pas-tise week ai Mai-ch with "'SVay alive as long- as, 2C, - April 1Iinclusive: yau i ve." Admissions-------------- -- 80 DoratUiy Marlow reCei-Vec1 B-s,3 maie ------ 3 ber lÉe membei-ahinppin as aý Di.sahes-iages ------------ --60 birthdey git fs-arnlhem par-' KI1NGST Major opertins -----il :cn teý. J(§Tc Minas- opesations - -3"7 Treasumer Aileen B1yems s-e- EAT Emes-gency tmatmen ts 227 pasted a balance o! nearly Viîltingboums 3-8 p.m. dale. $300. $210 were doniated toý Hospital Auxiliary ?~PROCLAMATION D1 Weight Watehers Week Everything you always wanted to know about the Canadian Family Meal Plan and were afraid to ask. I appreciation for the opportunity to help observe Weighit Watchers Week, and In recognition of the importance of weighnt reduction 'andl nutritionally-se-nsiblýe eatýing among alcitizens, J therefore cod alyivite members of the general publc to attend Open flouse aitai.l classes of Weight Watchers of Ontarlo Lîimited at no cost or obligation during Weight Watchers Week, April 8-14, 1973. Sinceroly, Adelaide Daieils, Foundoe T -Weight Watchers of Ontario Limited 491 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto (ember of the Canadian Association of Organizations for Weight Wotchers 1There is a class in your area: MONDAYS, 7:30 P.M., ST. PAUL'S UNITCED CHURCH, CIIURCH ST. JREI ,pocket ... you ain opportunîty WAT cH! ýy one you 73, may be iving may iit te tht itodayvý 1check the is mith the 500 pîsted in cou store. i f they match, you May in*' tht m atches assigned te those setial neUmbers. If they dont match yeu May still in* aýi award-inniig Bulova ladies' 18K gold miini Accntron match, Medel No. 1807008, in the Bulova Bonus Smeepstakes. Drop in aid fili eut an entry fora. OE R IN WATCHES TO 3E AADD >IRED TO ENTER. *FPn COMPLUTE CONTEST DETAILS, ViSIT OURf STORE N--OWf. V E 19 KING ST. EAST BOW "'Wher e Friendly People Meet" IMAN VILLE 2M lit 1 s OLINA The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, April 4, 1973 3 Mr. an-d Mrs. Ken Xnfox, The last Euchre Party o! March 26th at the SaUnalý Petersburgh, were Friday ev- the, geason was held on Sat- CommunIty HaBll. Saily Lang- ening guests, and Mr. and urday night at the SaUlna mi pra h etoii Mrs. Grant Down and famsly, H-all wlttitei-ght tables enjoy- mi pndts etn n Sunderland, were Saturclay ing cards. The resuits were we repeaýted1 the 4-H led1(cge, suLppeýr guests of Mr-. and Mrs. th hgh lady and the carry-' Naiýýcy, Travlss read lier Min- John X 'nox and Nancy. n prize both taken by utý es oai the -ast meeting. We Mr. and Mrs. John Mennelillette Taylor, and the high haýd the roll eall which was and Mrs. and Mrs. Hugh Men- mnwas Grant Best. The "HOw is Your Garment Pro- oeil, Toronto, were Sunday two lowest runners-up were ,ressina?'ý On April i4th we visitors wlth Mr, and Mrs. R- Mrs. Dorathy Pascoe and Ran will m eot at Solina Commun- Fraseï. Vice. Other prizes were taken ity Hall around 8:30 ar.: We i\ri. and MVrs. Chas. Lang- yJn us ary Pascoe were remindedto ak ou mnald and Paye were Sunday and Francine Taylor. Lunch lunch, pencil and paner -to pprgucests ovr ndMs as served anid a social time Achievement DayN a nc y Roy McGilI, Ennlskillon. ienjloyed. Knox handed out the Acitieve- Mr, and Mrs. Everett Cr-,- On Frlday evoning, March ment Day programs-(I. Mrs. derman attcndod the 130ilthlo-,.I, approxlmately 'ý 50 fri- Watson askod for suggestions wedding annlversarY celebra- ends, and neighbors, of the on how te improve the 4-H tien held on Saturday for '1\ý. Bradley's Section gathered at Clubs. Wo were then told how and Mrs. John McMlnn at the home af Mr, and Mris. to ovaluate aur garments. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Mark Hancock te hanor tàIseir Mrs. Taylor told us how to Church, Whitby. son John and bis bride on judge neck bindings and herns Mr. and Mrs, F. Truelove, their rocent marriage. Mr. and we judged a cla' s of iKingston, wer-, recent visitorsi John Knox called the group oach. Mrs. Knoox, went over with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark together and after Mrs. Dur- the information on -"Knowing and, on Wodnesday Mr andi rey Hooey read a very appro- Your Knits" witb s. Wi7tb IMrs. Don Clarke, Bobcaygoon, priate address the couple Mrs. Watson wejdgdtwvo were luncheon guests Of ÎMr. were prosented with a card dîfforont classesý of kits on, and Mrs. Clark, table and chairs. John thank- their ,uitability to the, pat- Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Alex- cd everyone and said It was tom., We were dismnissed ander, Baltimore, were Sun- good to see so many old fri- when w'e finished the rctc day diner guests of Mr. andl ends. Nancy,. Marilyn and for our fashion ;h, - by IMrs. Wes. His and family. Catherine Knox ai-d Susan Annette T'ay-lor, PesRc- Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Hocka-j Vice sang as a quartette, ac- porte,ý- day attended the Terry- comipanied by Kathy Vice atl 1Thompson wedding reception! the piano. Mrs. John Kroxi1 z in l3owmanville on Saturday. I gave a readlng, thon Mr. Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox,j erett Crydermran sh o w-e dl 2fld adGrd ot Jefe.and Darrell, were! many pictures of by-gone! E,,qikap~I ,and Mr.s. Ken Tink and fam-Ijschool as well as other sces I. Mr. aEbnd r. Buc lTaken at cdifferenlt places. is 1 r.y Ebnezer. Bfucoredylwith moto . at.tended the Cooperative girls again. surance Association Guelph 4-H1 ealgLon nhmsfrs os annual meeting on Saturday Tlie fina;lmeetig af the conttages, cmeco at the Holiday Inn, Hespeler. ýSolina eftver was hold on budnq.Mn\frhm TPhursday evening overnightSirovemtents, consolidotion guests with thse Bruce Taylor, farnily were Dom Abrams and Rent a Car for of bills, n tact for cny pur- bi;s friend TMike from Silvrl A DAY OR WEEKEND pose Write or telepli-ne Creek Central Scisool, Silver Asik for Rae.. collecit t 10 p ni. todoy. 24- Creck, U.S.A. 1hour local serice. Prompt Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, COUNTY lnvestmont Corp.. 330 Say Enniskillen, wor e Sunday~ CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. St., Toronto 1-416.366- supper guests of Mr. and (i9586.6 EvBg 1-416-239-4913. Mrs. Don Taylor and family. ______......________ Mm. and Mms. Bruce Tink: were Sunday supper guets of~ Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy Dewell, M.'adMrs. Francis Wil-i:',--LU eaners Ë,",C liams, Bowmanville, visited r with Mm. and Mms. Alex Pot-ý Joey Ray tells about a group of visîtors belng showau ter.1 around a battleship. The guide paused before2 a bronzeý plaque Mm. and Mrs. Joe Snowden1 on the deck anid bowed his head. rwere guesta at the Temry-1 "This plaque", he said solesnnly, 'lis wh.1ere rgalt TlhomPson wedding on Satur-i -,ai fell." day, and they also attended n1 ap1 i 25th wodding celebrotion on 'Weîî, fno Wonderr" said one weary oLd lad,,.y. "x eal Saturday for Mr, and Mms.1 tripped over the darned thing myself." Gordon Brown, Oshawa. 1 Little Cheryl Snowden at-! CLOTHES CARE HINT: tended a birthday party for Chris Wermy on Satumday. Nail polish remover should nover be used Vo remove spots or nail polish darnage on your garments. If you spili nail polish pian sols b Debie Saintake your clothes ta your drycleaper for expert attention. and D ehbbie McLaughlin. Aileen VanCamp gave a read- CHEQUE OUT A CRIPPLED CHTLD ing.A Bnny abbt chsus Support your lo'cal Rotary Easter Seal Camnpaîga consisting o! several littie neigihor childi-en dressed as Return Your Pink Envelope - Be Gnr bu,,nnies miade a big hit with a couple o! sangs complote' with actions. An hilaiusR mock7 wcdding was, conducted B by a group ef Ray's boy tri-' OMN Rà,Mý:,È; ends,. At this point, Jim pre- sented: Ray and Linda with a kthnsuite along witht- CLEAN ERSL D muni'ty. Bath th bie adSL 4 KING ST. W. S2 3-5520a gomreplled. Following tise,~~AMR "eSeilzeliSitLudrn lunch, dancing was enjoycd seilzel hr Vo the music of a dise j ockey)