J ,iAditorium at 2:00 pi.. assîst. For tac HawksA. w esueMayýi1., n . wý------------------ ____________________________________________ The guest arfisf for this Jocy Nowiaa thrce goals, Tcrry ppreiosra h resnrMr ike a Jamnboree Àill be Smile y Bat c. Carpenter two assists and oitrh.Iat of the Spenial Account! fMl. Minon Basebail League Dean 'Rutherford one assisf. lJs send us~ yourhyVoeGimnTe jf The Bowmaavillc Depant- Bantam League dn ttdta lh ak- 'ment of, Recreafion needs la the flrst Banfani gaine] name and address ages of Christmas candi, fo teAtm n Pe1b Bavnsdfctd he 'ighn four poundi eacb,M CL A coaches i h tmadPeteBaesdfaeh Pan- and wel'ni ail you a weigbing Wce bail teams. Aniyone inter- thens 2-0. For the Beavers lb ad beca sbippcd, and if fis OTPS I esed a cacbng îcae cli PterKnollta ad Faak few f ree copies of the boped titis can be nepeatedTOHAE 'th RcrafonOfic, ow Lac oe oal eacb, Ricky Monitor without as the nesulfs are grafifyirg. -w1- Hiall af 623-3379. Cross and Danny Doiron one obligatconsfMentioniwasmade of the -. Baseba1i Practice assist each.tw sucsflerishe . G J. S. BAC H The Kinsmnen "T"ý Bail league Ia the secon gie the m mm-----*m World Day of Prayen and the G and the Lions Afoin league of Sharks defeafed the Huskies Please Print Switzer Brothers, as wcll as",mi ch. ixd hor pras ' od' oot, the Departint of Recreation 2-1. For the Shanks, Danny Itecma nulPeb-o chr. mxdch oir 'praise the Lord', Bowmnaiville, MNinor Basebal League wilîî Curwin andi Glenn Martin orcil Name___ _______ tentalinf Bowmanville. Two1 S'AMN chr. chamber orchestra 'pro miusica', continue workouts at ftle Bow- goal each and Mathcw Joncs E f the ladies had attended the f under the direction of manville Higb Scbool Gym on one assist. For the Huskies if Addres_________ meeting ln Onono, addresied Saturday' xoring, April 7th was Neal Pringle scoring withI* by Miss VanCamp, and much N LEENDERT KOOIJ, A.R.C.T. ýfroin 9:00 a.m. f0 il p.m. Russ Maxwell assisfing. City* enjoyed. aow-ia.vile Sturdv Te Rcretio. Mior ee he hir gaie sw te SateNotes of fhanks wene rendi Bomavil StudaApril 7, 1973 at 8:00 p.nî. TeecsetiaMiondeTe id anesw 2h saezip__ osnmmbrd y WendBanfai will if art Braves upsef the Flyens 5 2fom tboermmee Y iii th-c Chr. Reforitied Church, Scugog St. wonkouf s la the- High Scboo] For the Braves Neil Ryan anâ THE CHRjSTIAN SCIENCE '.the, Suashin-e Cmit w Doîtm si benutiful expeinc.Gym, on Wecdnesday, April Illh Ray Dallas two goals eanh and M NITOI f te groups hav'e Mony frm70 oi.f 9:00 p.m-r. WaynjeThicle one goa,ýl and one icifM0NITo1r )!oc Sin-aln bfoeanld afîhe P lassion, .Scerassisf . ad Larry Burgess one *Bstn Msacuets022 ueulfrt ktu ce, so c lastlng a EtIle over oie hu.The BwavleDeaPlsff.FiteFyers, Petýer nt t1Ul o b Ucshefb ColetonCnt ary ment of Recreation is tnyiag Bosgra andLar Reid one'* ZISEA I motion1 was passedt1 todo , toorçgnîa Sonner Leaguelgoal asieandi Paul . . . -.- - . - . - -- r o a Ln Mn. .nFa-15 sTI. WEST 1 Womds' rle inmalting Two 'School Cnoirs anda aBand tierîain Lrý W-Y ~ ~~Ontario a better place to byve .ec &fe strs and visit will be discussed '-X,, g ie isV te es at te, Roal Caadin ?1ý:ý.,:ý:ý,-eý:ý,,at the Royal;-, .:. _, Ca-nad.ian ýý ,, -h ' The, conference, sponsor-. ý Legion Hall, Port Hope, April.- -> o f L~~~~~e by the WP rt o p esAv i l ory .ý .i_1 1ý1.- -ý"ýý,ý,. -ýý' r , ý, -ý. ,,ý.. ýýý _____.._._.______.-,_________1'_________________________ C"o-m.tte.e. On.arlo M nf , pfI d sty a d o r s ,'ý. , ý ýý ' _ -. ý :ý l1, , --- ;" wi I : ý.,ý . ,.ý .- , . ,ieceKim Cilda have rturn- has ben accepted.No word moey managemet, consume eddfrom atvacaton i'sHwaii.sasrbeen receive as-tol s, oss and fnancing wihl b Mr.~~~~r -a Ms.Ra.hiesa. bys -n a, iste M. ndMr. atic Gul Mr _nd Ms.Jme ari dy he ls ai oo-ye tr e home . Sat>urd>ay fro--m aiý ý,:'ýý. ý", . I.. 11 1 ' ý. Mauren,.ea-nd aynhav toKenand orohyelly wh Babado WetIdies Styin retur:ed;frm a pleasatevaca- faSp..n. at.arbados Bech Village tfion la Panama City, Flor;ida. ý , 1 ý .ar.ddaghter.Lesley,,Ellwood.ed to be pening in about six'Mi-amar an,.BagateIl. The W.rs James.ce I wel as packsars, indicating_'.Westbury Road, for.. an en.oy- m a y h p t a e a ccli p able :evening and ea tr 0fý--.. ,. , _.: .-1,..: .r..and.Ms. Wallac Hom-;cmpingvaction thi summer. ridgetow. An extesive.tou .s O s h a w a a n d M r. an - - , -, _ d .".Mrs . R.~~~~ Byer..Bwmavile,'isi Cograulaion to"Arhie' a uga cae pocesin on Sunay. Voed to.upervsor of theB.ore lavin-,orhom ,,the riovjle, Bet.Deprtment and o wer-guest of Abert lleyn ElizbethandJame, Frder Secion ead.o..ateial on- ntai o rives wo fal.t ack fAvnu.l e tyreturn d n edS at- tis, at the Gooyear re ay foins f otara dvesiicle ,ý.:ý ý' " ý ,,ý_J. .ý ,- ýý. ._,ýý. , . : ý urda folowig a-wweek an Ruber.o. td. Bow an-vioatios nw fce sspes.o vacaion a th Babado. vile.of teir;iceces. Effetiv Mr. nd rs..ruc-Thbo-:ea..To.ntodefate:T:.:i pril2,-ndean menmen mr a lo s v a c a tio n i oi th e c oa f 1 -7 T h e t o fie m r f le m o to r sis c n v î crie 0 poff n e s' :.: .: . .1ý ,1ý,ý ý, .: ý>:- ý :. . _; West ladies..Re.ting a yacht -ormed.fom.employees of under The Highway Traff.r Mr:..A.W. Hamnoa. ad Daveing, LrryPeris, BbVebîrls Art ,y hav their Mrs. . Ker, Tornto ad.Eng Peteandrand:aul.lcence suspnded f the don. Miss;ilie Bonsrow--- -c'be.>ay thir fies. Te.ne M rNnoM s a o l a - r c e n uy b e fr n e d Dro mm a riv er s c o v t e d:0 u n d e r T h s eo . . ,...,, , , f% ý . . . . , ý,ý : mond nd fmily:Tow. .oab1eholiay i Haw ii. rts.rior to A ril.,,wh Ges rd Wli and ilna Jand a Stayng on-wee at.Wikikhavef aied.,0pay ines wing i g e rs, 64 iti ae r tA v sbenue IB e ch t e l ote o re d th e B o w m anv i m n , c n uelleý : >:ý. ,ý : . . .:,ý . .. ,.. ý1 ýý,ý .".ý ý,ý >.,"., .:ý .".ýý: , ,- ý.:.,ý _ ý K i sm nlu Bowm nvile, rceivd thir Oe-7s1ans..Erout hom xvil hof th.Zon.CSrin e cef ly frv cton ithe Han a i a tour ceied asnd icht hey D ustrhm d n a In n il b .on. Fn-ý ..,.ýýý . , .ý....... 1 '. . Citizens..hip .Court, Wbit.by. report ,is wonderful. day and Saturday,: April 13-; .. 1 Mr. andMrs. Alert Stu- M.s.Don Bisop was o.. 14 ro ksSuucciet a e e ess if r a b b wron he r ooklinexp rt icutural1. :ý.. ý: ,.._ . ý . ,- ... , ý 1 .. tured rom a mst njoab. Tusda.evnig, arc.27- Srîeyiplnnig aom em vacation fa Haaii..Enro.te n honor Mrs. eloise_.ook.,.ative.tree plnting:ceremon oria.,Area. As theHort.cul nthS t. raisgt Mro nrldd with alpdellyusfiurldsociety bas undertaken ý ::::. " .ý. '.. . lunc. ihe1la.sra.ing.ofthis sigh ..r str Newastle'tlendd th- m-.a iving rowio.memoral. . BA.. -.D.0f Judge.usseli.C. 1neye.n m morÎal..an so.we ma -rgaîsý ellvill.la .Wenesdy. popely m rkIi.wib a-ras Mr. R..Meteahf Chief Judge Colin Bnnettiplaque> we'are.askin, ahi .a M r . a nd M . C .Cp h A i e, a n ; oco n dsa yh e ,eem n y i - te r ste d p a ri s f0Pa ik st d w ith- .ý .ý. ._: :. . , 1ý ;;1:" ....> .ý ý,ý' ýý .i: ý ? , ' :ý. ý 1 s f B a t t a l i o n M i d l ay n , e gn - a y b u g ls n t to M r . e.M u , -. 1 - ,. . .ý : ý .: .. .ý: . . . .. : ý ýý . ý SUNDAYSCHOO ment .A.S.., wilIbe hld Trasure, 308'ochrae.St. Carlis-l Avenuetrday hy ay s , 1973. o- hit by, o foeSaM d rs. m a ' E. .ý ,ý ' ý ý - . -ý --ý ý , ' ' .1. 9:4. a.m. ei "M...Mi-ands" ar ask- Davi, Publicif Director M ri a d rr en a m esPrM ari , o P a 18 D uiotham K Stl , WP o r u b ra nd -es IDrh a C o n - , ý. - ý. ,:;ý ,ý..: ýý: ...' ý - ý , ý. : 1 Ma 3ýeï1,!,'en a d W yneh rvibt on . ber corbaildday la. sccondary scbool. ' ..1 , s;wil> incud-,Iandscae, flg-..xplrelhow the ublic can b Scgo Sret repaatng astac, omo-befe iforledabutedca, EhstA.r;iee dretsBomavîleH1h chohseio bn Phon ,27._7 :,on, olo, ec., t t 1Ro erttionfa, berouny... J..Jak). S Ui n S R V C ES pç au in G a le ry , M o a, ls....... 1nd a ý,,Bo w m a n v iii:e., 1: Il 1 1 - p7aCub M aster .C.are :Muffon1 the meeting,..s...d.the:g.roup *-«:w * - * ai Cu s fo te 5t Bo - oa udied t at Sedtos ave *'U W. M our socý ý-: ...ý .; :i wo 1sppl cd 0 heSunaymoaig sr-naen s ndf e gnealpu- M. ndr. Keih Fltchr meter't:Prt"Hpe î,b.îctresfoî.wedby.nfrehi.dy's e.uremet i Dm1 JlO adiovia cTiality Uniet xedCuch heyaou h ecllntfrii-ad aml o .nnf wr Shol mnt-Frd ito Msio i. Eve ir nam iy , 10:30 a.. tii d ub Maser Mufo l1sudets in f e oufy. Th prets. . . : Mrs. _Ken1the closi-g.exercises.of t-e meeting of Retired Wornen onto.1 Those ushcning and t "Evryoe W ico e" andLif A ardBades o te ig, e ad a asftell how Mr.: ý >ý. r, J '. ,ý " . .. ly olhe crea csn, o d brhOhw , o Tur- ria -seic.w. lbeWa s% r lc r . W a d H f m n o Bnia n H m n an ab u s chool a nd ho stud ntsan_1tIro , ridg, ia the:aut se ved at-he clos . ýn bo or'0f"M .-and M . ,i:tt 5 * ook. fke dvatag ofif.As re St. Mrie istict Thir on ran Wae bs bd abus Goron ortn (he ormr Uit eadr Mry kel pieatendd hefoutb An bordan if tacbrs hpe 0 n.T. eneron ndfa- . - or te C.FA.B. ,Rui Com unit Hal on0Stu.dy ý tcd bIrm Woo Arny Sleat xhibiionPak, on-lin pogrin KigsonSimocaadLe- vauu rcaer lwnfuri-th sngngof"Count leno, na.uday-Mrcb 3,.ou ge eraio- w re r.-.Ayo- ifcrsf d a c ac..gsid , ..etly.M. M ry ure aa a urs 0 mo cy.. ..ns" cv Sn ig 35 Divihtr Lso S.193. Satstr fi ae r: nt a te uda roaigS.occer would rf bey pîcase cn- Wadeaccom a'.c bi'-0 th -,erreceved.w ,s rllcd on _f0 coat Bo m n leentae 3 kos e fo ealed rs46750por servie g e of Mr adWesf Toronto tact.. fl 1c Recreafion Office, af latter place.. - I. biapclensandsMrse S.oHewlett 0.otalled $and son Alber, Bernice Henderson.ý., Be: ennyand Mss ,Mrgar t l-1a truly great and i1ees Fam'l erily Worrsi eogp i a A kas niai grandfatry , frig ae rn ard 1 The course is hcld twice a Tbursday evca::. :1 : i ngMis B:tnc fom her wafr l pb Bne rion cls 7:00 p.m.MraId Mr. L.cio..arrocebi Pî.ygroud fa Genral, Pra W.Jaie.ndsor, ohveacylng bl veigarcfde abyourgodfIir Tacing PogamP. a . oit eein 0fth Nwcs-'is M riyn Etcer ofShrly.Sapetn c Salvf.o Metin Th Paadîe i:.arnt . Msse Magueiteand ing.Lede:hi" Ars.ad , caTHEg CHALLENGE umm r riti o wnAneas easdue. oMr . _ . be cad cêd tr 4 a ti- i H l , Ne casl. Thee Jncs Tu sd y 8:0 . ..eni n ih e. C pi yrle G ah m-w..ujc fs i îf f h f u hf. and M s. Jack.: ,, e ;,,.iott i-n-ýý ý .co.:e.League"1w s-once s.a.ioae..f.:he Bow-;ar, ,ub:icity and ublic Re-.cludeMn. :nd M n. Si forgataatiosladies me Ofavihe Crpschoefon e r lafions, Sports on .à aygrounds, Simpso,:î.of:Port Hope, n. .r.ai ga.Pr s- ,. h:.U .1 .1t h L r d .1th e s.re - w n tt, e s. a u . e . . . .- ý .- , , "We re vaiabl aI, Igaad...r. M s. abe Frs- i'T.A. anang,. retoroM: YOUR o..e.e.c".P.ne,63-31 1 by.Uninvl", -M. aa Mn.RecretionfBih Brua of he * * wec reeni isitns wtb.M Bo mavil;Mn adMr..SretScolBo eeea. . O. P. . RIlwe. of. Janet- IIN-I U. ii.agin; r. Jhn uggis, n. A bulnce., ,wihMn.and.n.". Gimer T R NTd~U U arndd M Mrs.oSu e vi o o he e A'le vng frt or needier, B;.'.nig Pee W ee Quite a few r. , _1. local peop : , leý_ . ".1 ' -. - . N'W e (b e, B T . i u e rn d M i . J M a , B n g nd O ... M. a- -1 31sf.. ..th e_ att.. en d.. d th e. ..ce1,Canai 1 ýa: ',fa M rs. K G rabam , B-nig. Joncs. B eav ..ers dcfeated.." flic ..W i"g's .. .. ....c..stle, S a. f-un.da y1,a.d John Croo s, nk.- M sic Di,...r Organi1 Toro - Mn. a dn. Cbes- -l. Bea>e1s'zs1ores ' ere Se-...,d-y SUNDAY APRI 8th'...3.-r Bern . Widsor ,d-Ma1r-phnMaybeîy onego s NcwtovihleU.C.W aa1r.Rbnon omn n ass. Cari Smi .. one Newtonv,.le __C.W..met:, YJn J WaýaeM . adnW O hRSHIP SEmRIC tE ing Oflhe rbof th Wt o rono' oa,, Ronald Brown f , wo as-.. , the Sunday:. ::::. Sc.bool hall , k on r : '.ý LAYM N.SRVI E.Crps..i. s1nd .a.ry Bees o e a-. W ed.nesday evc.. - aiag4, March ý :,:.:: __________-_.-1__ For the ings, Quinn1J .dged ihe m James one goal wi.th a .. U sifar-Z t...ad aftc- a:wecome.0 W ATH.FO E ei inb e rs .,, nFer - e ctianu Headmof ata Cn nfi' 6-3rswofatt . ý . FrmeLaf] itentinl al. O:. f wadre," bacfnt 0 ie,.. VIL ihe..e. C.u..r - Wesf and on assis. oe ga] junlsl oi . , inn e ,ý pra er fa nîo Sa A en cred, Sdci)lat r ls sicahe ConceaTrte a Jamboreei wîfi band beld o fe rs. and Billy. Bi.ker one goal . ".I P 1 lu te C urc at :00 p.m Su day lteano.Apîl:l...acb.Bi ,y:L mbet-fo - ' e s : v , i..n:we...r:d by argare on Satudav. Atril.141 lin th Bowmaaîlle Ton Hall.isti an RodD,ck nc ncudngthe:Pu:.1rEli...an aprv,. epr .>, l r-lll ,.x o h in n e as gvn b The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, April 4, 19737 Outreach EvanelimCrsd Evangelist Dave Tapley and~ itual renewal and the Pente- his wife Doris, will conduct an costal Assemblies of Canada "Outreach Evangelism CruIh sade" at te Bomanvlle hurches are conducting Key Pentecostal Church, Wednes- '73 crusades in almost every day, April 111hi to Sunday the area they have congregations. 22nd. The services are to be , Rev. Harold Dawson., m-1 held each week night at 7:30 'ister at the local Pentecostal p.m. and on Sunday the lâthlChurch, cordially invites the and 22nd of April at 11 ar..public to attend these services and 7:00 p.m.' to hear The Taýple-ys present 1Throughout Canada there 'is the Gospel in Mscand Min- a tremendous interest in spir-listry of God's Word. IfeOn Sunday morning, April Loca mu s Tt, Bowrnanville and Ohw TWO In playoff round, Oshawa again Down uwowinning by a close 2-1 margin. There was no scoring until late in the second stanza. when 'Group Finals Jeif Logan vas sent ln the clear on a pàss fromn Rodney On Thursday evening, Mar. Plain to give Bowrnanville a 29th, the BowmaWville Con-11-0 lead. surners' Gas Mites and Oshawal After a break bet-ween the Eastview Pharmacy Mite Ahl-Isecond and third pros Osh- Stars commenced their bestlawa came Ur, withi two fast three out of five O.M.H A. goals. The B owmanvi île lads Mite Eastern Group finals, with had a grcat. majority of the Oshawa wînning the first game play through most of the third 3-1. lperiod, but the Oshawa goal- There was no scoring in, the1 tender was ahsolutel1y brilliant first period, both goaltenders;stopping Plain,: Erwin, Cul- having to corne up with big len .and Hogarth on great saves. Bowmanville scored the s-oring- opportunities.- only goal of the second period, Rod Plain connecting, the assist Rent a Car for going to Jeif Logan and Billy ' A DAY OR WEEKEND Sainsbury. After a 10 minute rest per- Ask for Rae iod, Oshawa came out fiying in COUNTY the third period, scoring three CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. unanswered goals for their marginof victory in a wel.- 6328 played game. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Bowmanville SACRED, SECULAR and CLASSîICAL Saturday, April l4th 8:00 -p.m. in flhe Sanctuabry Outstaniding Toronto Choir, Two TalentedJ Pianists, Gold Medalists, Several A-waidls $4.00 Couple $2.50 Singles- $1.00 Suet THIE CANADIAN CANCERSCET HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED 0F ASSISTA,ýNCE e TRANSPORTATION TO * HOME NURSING C C TREATMENT CENTRES *HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE DRESSINGS ePAIN RELIEVING DRUGS *LOOGE ACCOMMODATION *HOME AND HOSPITAL eDIVERSIONAL VISITING if ACTIVITIËS Canadian Cancer Society BOWM.INVILLE d DISTRICT UNIT Box No. 42 Bowmanvile, Ontario s 623.5792 for neý the ror- ak- inda El- iag as- and with îoun rove inue bis ses, ting iftil rear. for 1hz- this ifter ,ed. the ance