E xhieb it Tei0.r Work-I Arts and cmafts instrucetor Mrs. Miriam Price, rgtflk-ver the two pieces of art thaf Mms. John Kristensen, lef t, and Mn\fr. Hector Shortmidge made during the evening course. Tinstructlor Mrs. Eileen I\rLuhii ight, helps Dareen VanCamp who is Mr, and Mrs. BobPeh putting a new cane seat oian car andï Kent of Aurora wereý *1 una'evening dinner guest.si m ýý,were met at, gun-point a.nid ofir. nd Mrs. Gerald Kellyl Ï H1-ector Shortritdge sits on couchi he recavered urngclass. feld hostage in thieir h1ome andrl s. Miss Nancy H1arness b)y an unknom.n a ssailant. of Oshaw\a spent the evening A 19-inch portable tele- wt hm a.' OBITUÀRY vision wrapped in a plastic n0r1 y vnlga hu,, bag xvas found in a bush area, crowd, attended theCat ME. LLN MEVYri ear Nestieton an April lat.! wrightIHighl School Nilht S ~ nvestigation reveaied that School Open House wlhel wasi M1ýA resident elf Newcastle for I the television was stolen dur- heid lin the Biackstock Re- 40vasa wel aonan ng a Caesarea cottage break-i creation Centre. There wr rsetdcitizen Mrs. Allan in in 1972.1 excellent displays of work N. McEvoy- passedl away on iKO H A on ntecass0 Upho- i ThuriISda, M1Varchl 29, 1973 in Emergeney Vehicici" stery and Wood RefinJ1islg nvlie Onaro. heirWhenlyouahear a police, taught by Austin Bartley,4 auterM aof Drt. fedTdfiehblne orpublic Caning by Eileen- McLaugh lIaite Mary D.u anab . ,... utiîity emergency qsreni, rc i, four Sewing classes by Mis.Farcam (ne0Coc -on0f these vhclsap- Hilda Mappia, and a gi:et wel) as ar aa eucaedpraches you with thec red in Newcasti', Ontarlo e On light on the roof flashing i- J et fAt adCat * an it, 91, h ws ni-termittefltly, the law r~ie Miriam Price. Students of' cdLinii mrriaga1 w3, th asLrev. 1 that you bring your vehicle Cartwright High School wereý AiaN. McELyE They resid1- ta a stop as near ta the right busy seliig tickets at a pen. ed DtritMihianprorside of the roac as possible. ny sale, at a bake table and ta taiking 1-1pjreside ncelaDRI VING TIF selliaýg refreshments. Mr. Gor- * excsteShould you hlave a tire don Paisley, Principal of a., A ebe f t eog'si, biow-out when travelling C . ecmdtefn k Ancan Chrchi, 1Newcasle, . ln at highway speeds, rw n feeibscn Y se i srvied y er aug- ~ ~. '.dont brake heavily. Instead, gratutioý1ns on the excellet trHlnMr.Selby Sp-"' take your foot off the accel- samples of work done by thei ce) amla;s1str Helen ~ rtr conceattrate on the Nlght. Classes. He called c ' Y'i.RgiadLGrse) teerîng and let your car glideMrArhrRanChianb' " Newaste, nd wogrand- ta a safe stop. By jammiag of the Board of Education,'.'- chidre c n the bralces wheai a tire v,,110 s aur representative toý The( fuirèral serviàce was . , blows, you could cause yaurlthe Badwhû offereci is: condcte byRcv H.Robrt : cr ta veer out of control and ord fo congratulations andi Hnefrom the Mýorr1s Fun- possibly overturn. iencouragement. Mr.' Pa-isley ý' Crlcml Caplnr.Sturday, . . "'the., lntroduiced Mrs. Hida c~ . Marcih:1>ls t, Initern ,vas l inl1 711'lI'T Mpin, Sewlng Class ten- 'a Waadawn emeeryDetoit, . DACKSTOCE, c Uft r, woacted as commnenta,-i Mihian ' . ..or for the Fashion ShIow1 t. ,~ sprng's iassstu dents and their cilci-ý i n, project is Sportwerrameldsoefthi QBJTUAB.Y ilih ni 1StudaAprU,'elgacmpismns h M. LETIIANGUE ~~~tl4th Is 'Ievmn a draw,,ing of the tickets on theý sidenit, r.HShtrde VERDO ~ c~s1t~and ill e hel1la any rticles lainthe penny ScetrMrs. S. VanCamp; Scwing istructorMra. Hida Mappi commened di f d tre Rcreational ,Cen ae aalddthe interes--t- Tesr adP~ns.,Ms duingtefshî hwafe nipa GrdnPas Iylca iis ;r) ferOa iI ¶L, G. i The ethanguc, 2nd - il- i ., îigevnig.Stan District ,Directar. w a o d j p R t ios r;î h ikc u w î t d m o n ti a - M n-ygts a r i a d Mf r s . P . V a n C a m p) ; A t r a e sho smeof heoufit te adis omletd nd dico ngatDaycn Bach'.lashion show. Thie tJiemeo IS mranMr.KaGbcMr.HBilyFutai secr1 f h yun md~swh dspaydthm. Fard, n riay arh th I4Circus- aind we urgei'ailenOshawa. IFlers, r. Ei(, FrIitýnL Uîîfotuna llte Inaýmes werelot obtincd. oflcîanadLlin Durîng thIli kcfMachdent vis i biitîghsctaeinL ýthe oseinterested ta corne at TeAna etn fteaaMs .A crh (Eliai) Lthaguehe as26th ta lApiii lst, the Nw-Bethanv mecautght two 1:00 p.m. for the prograi lcsokWmnsIsiae r .Vnapgv haohd'dctc tl - astl e ocmn f the On- yauthis insidatcttage upon there!k oensIsttte rsP ana-pgv di opis ecla ar O wa' ýhei lathe Comnmunity repart of! the Districtexcu- du!,Onara.OnMa 2nd tri PovncalPoic -, ishig Thnâe ga MsEn EgrOhaa Hlon Thtîrsday, April Sth. tive meeting. The Distric 1940, he was unitcd in mw -vehcidthoiioswin mot- furaishings isid l.we L'iexwas a wednesd(ay iguesifW had a pot luck cdianer fol- Aniuai is ta be, hel a tc- l 4ae1aDo otyAdI eiinu:r hcecliiosadO-tniey .TeMr. and Mn,. Cari Wright. l Adams Rcsding t Baly-1 cuncs. yauîhs respoasibie crefrom, iLean adHettrDr-w by convenors' re-ports tonvilte lon May 9V th. duf1 b 1fari ding , ýt a1I eant- Tcic otrveice cc- h imeiae rc.a t reasurer's report. Mrsi. fHectar Shartrtdige me-I metiweciaesiatdl Acotgesiute h a.mci ee at om fc1aMr.Percy VanCamp tnk jarted on tithe Ilunch servedý 14yers-M. etanuI i.4 ron ufelclUniversity li ekn.Tis the chair or the cetinof àforthe lHydcro meig îmeî oi 10yearsand pîunl in.lury, and as a re- Tyrranewsdsoe'dbo-psueeedEcnrWih iiesas foiiows: President, The 4-H civmetDy let ~~~u shiver poo l'l hi, teyroid1cd f1or ii diigofesindil parnesinii oev ritn oti withrii lat1ausokn <ih earaisit 1) persans were charged'en loto on March 28. Fro'n Iivas home from QuecaslUni- Mrfi L. Tho;,ýtpson; VicePre- ilb eda lcsaka OA r ie embe frs la cam- n dji,ý,o-pesn oi h, ý,rnMand taine. m affali h th in e . 1 Cirs'( th11 Camber1feces. .Sd th u h t e i t r1h aaa o 7Aso compl)eteci by the New- 1tinie.The interior oA the for tiay evening n c in rr HV GO A 0Conmmcrcekand the Royal castie officers, wcre 98 gen- cotge was baLdty ýdamalgdcî guesti of Mr. aad _IMn .NeîIl EHV O r Catiadian Legio)n, Miilbrok miivsiainso hc iawr a circulýar sw, ailey, Howaý;rd and Tairai MrLehngeserved six 3 wcre break andi enter, 5 space heate-r. vwashýîing ma- Ly.na, as a hmcin arty yrslWoiWa ladtheft, 4 maliciaus dlamage chine, cast iron stv, nnd.al'- Mr. and Mns. Grant! was he ecipent0f trcccomplaints, 1 trespassing re- telephone. The stleni itemis Thompion who h1ave js e medats fmam the Royal Can- r_ adian Air Force, anc being part. 2 disturbances. 5 as--'weýc, va]uelat s550.110. umn olme from Foia_ th Biish Empire Modal. saults, 1 damestic conmplaint. On March 29 an Enniskiiiep i were 'Mr. ar s. Gra nt i ORTHO HAS LAWN FOOD Survvin beidcîbisw 7f ïnissing poiý son reports, and, resident upon ieaving home.&! Thompson), Nesýtieton, Mr. and aie tv r ,a ateaadiw eîrtcor dang-eraus driv-!returncd anc boum inter ta Mréjjs. 1Neil Werry, LaryanTHAT MAKES LAWNS- sasMî'eÇMs.Rsoem igcomiipiaints. Six occur- discover that ail four tires Joy, Mr. and -Mrs. Bob) NIMIi r, Bethny; iane (Mi. Bu r nivoic0 h recovcry nand wheels on bis prePeterborough, Miss Patricia Mcd Potypol;Joh, Bill-of stolen prapcmty, nîso there vchicle haý ci e stolen. Est;- Mariow, Dundasý. Caliers ait hoîo andRd t î. emeý 2 reuports af found pî'op- mate O o as was ap)PI'axim- ' the family gathering were Dr-. hr Mrs. y, at urentclv $1-10. md Mrs. Jack Marlow, Dn Peaaaadsi îan-To persans are hre Fi v( stoien aultomols, R Eff chidie'n. A sisteî', Mms. leewihîcriial ece,4pr-wrreccavere aibïlndicncd(]lan Patricia Marlow, !~ LU. ~ StiigerBancoft, redeeas-sons charged witb liquor of-, the NwateDtcmn vas a weekend gtie:t cfMr .~ ~ LI~iIii~lAicdim anraisevic ws !ncsad esscham e 5The first, itoien fram n 'd Mrs. Neil Werry aLnd R E i Tuesdy, Mnch 13The following is as avHwy.,401 NwovllMnneMsaak e-WrWL HO at' .m î'm othut f accurrences investigated i- On amch 9th amoto ia g your Elliott Funeî'i Hlomew ýith the past week: vehliciesta fromt AJax w.as man, Mmliri. andM.Bil _raS. Three occupants la a veh- rvcr Ii n Eniskillen. OnCpe lfD.adMs Rev TGardlon Fie-ko, Bethiany,icesuhodonCutMrh31tomovice jack Marlow, DuadaiLs, were IN A SPREADER TO M, fiuiiaoeto *~wS by Mmrien Aye.Rd. 4 north af Bowmnnvîi, tocaframoîhw ee îekn gct !M.id. AYT PL H lne'mn Hmtn eetr.were inijurcd on Mnrch 26th. co-ver-ed il) the, Caurtice me Ll s.Iva Tamponn ad Mr. ES __PL TEG k ,Paîbarrs x reclie rind. ppaireniy a heer bottie ihapetdme. ,oAflnnd Mmi Harold Kyte ,,ndl v'dc.Lvr hp hon from an unknownltruck .staiCnu i'a Osnw tten(cd the LBrooîkla Coni- TF.(reSearfo Gien B norhbound eiclshattired WoadP odut n ApiPL 1:crete Mied onspcilat port!SUF Fe Srae o man Pul %u Ma. Hrry-Vn ~Ci. Wifrd Bggsupo ciing witb the south jwas rcvr, d soon affer on Pelrr Curlinlu Lb an Sat-1 aad Linel Sane. iowerhoundvehicie. AUl injured Courtice( Ro-nanrHw.41udy bearrs veicBobSkith. ersas w reaeted for cuts On Maircb 30 aýt 6:30 pm.an Mm.E. W agtnad Mr. \Vt Lly Fili n sakonrt Bwmnvil Hspitl opefo h trvleMlomieeStra a- ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCT FROM Lionel Grif iNrman Rohmr ýOnrch 2LinToronto ii- amen uonrctuiag ihome(. crsa!f Mm. and Mmi. Gcmaîýld 111M jKelly and !aýmily. year'Srentai of gas burner.jadPryBgs oeswî m n n .Mesbn Beautiful floral andLyndsay o! Fort Enie ORH- Oc r e c e î x d f r a U C . , P o n t y p o l : ~ ~ * w r e S n d y s p r g u t i a L a wm n F o o d 2 2 - 4 - 4 jeit Ponl pol MdF)tBas-NW"1*N * G Many fram t his amen at- 5-1-1 rato o!o nitrageni, ba1 ilo t c , PoIyposS. .ended th e P or t P erry S kat- pf h asiph or, u s aýn ci potash With a sh-shiver--y winter stili fresh in your ai tes , ing CivalonF-dn and . plus iran, a formula mec- mid, iact NOW to make sure your furnace i mIIeeii,ý.z rwerl i-meduI b ii fInITTTn! Iwere sqeal childrimenfrom! experts. doen'tletyoudow agin extyea. U J.IAfl *~WuU,1fBiackstock takiag part la the Fait dissalving pellets witt Right NOW you can convert your present ucletporr. itbr -ihriio furnace to Natural Gas-without charge- URS. J0oSEPH van MUflNISTER 8:00 AM TO 6i:00 P.M. DAILY Theme weme 18 tables ait the watcr, after application. WNED and no rentai payment until September Floing an ilînesi o! sev- SeirCtzajcr!at n etisfs-cignc I Tuesday eveniing with the 1(in-1asting plant FouO .19 7-1. -d1 na heMar., It occa- ~follawing wi anc mi: LadlsLntrients. The Natural Gas burner can be installed feu, ngedi )q, ai emoial ls- -~~~WM U M uh raSmn; scîd ia dle i elet aiBwaniio Joanne Baumnchem;t hi rd, esi pieiwt inmottpes of furnaces-forced warm ptairho-, ,Marilyn Healp en'shhJ, TH-hicyideo iar air, hot water boiler, or steam. dy pi .193 LIJ tPerey VanCamp; second, El- 'an-Y 2 vwbeel sireaer gravity Bora and educatecH in4Box- wôad Tipp; third, Tennyson ('ver 6000 sq. ft. 1installiýon, service and maintenance'are tlNehrlndth dug-Cames absolutely free. tcrero rt Iýilua an Peter division o( Warkworth Cheese Co. Ltd, _Re.anMm.MtnSa-$59 Orc if you need a new furnace, you cain 12,13,f ochvnMunsi derson, Mm. Roy Sanderson , ge heu', e NWwthaspc-anld 1tbe rcsldd t Hol-Warkwvortb, Ontario IToronto, Mmi. Irene Sti1cs r O A A LA piin- b",rig tî bs utetstj-àe 1 mls 0rh(formerly Irene Bycri), o! OW A AJA L saving Natural Gas model that's Cdeani, manvilteee thy ived ifor Ti uitstaedi ie ot Ottawa were Friday dinrI quiet and economical. 17 cars. fNwateo w.3 1.gui(ts o! Mm. and Mmi. Herb LAG IREYO W/ith burner o uncy p fr St. Jose-ph,'s RoniCatb1olie (Giuif Station - formerly RestauirantL) latives while ianfthc area. f h Natural Gas onl1y as you use it. When Cburi1ch, MmiF. van MunîfISer iÎs Miss Domeen VanCamp went E sf r r'a t n mont:hly rentai payments start in survived by ber bibane, .- * o S.lants Pesytena Setebe 97 fr h gs ure, he dhýltems Tna (aesRa ~ e~lChurch, Oshawa, an Tucýsday ____________________ September 1974 for the g(Findlay),,Joanne(Black), à 74ilin neveaing and spoke on India, can be as 10w as $1 .95. iHennie (McTrawe-),, sons Pet- shwig om f ber lovelyý Saturday,, April I4th. The raill cail was nswered by paingp aur fees,- We dcddto do'- ae$5to the Blaukstoc T Bor.The omiteerepelsý cd that ti re noýw buing soid for the ,Quili Draw., Meeting ciosed wth esing- ingGadSav the ,Queen. Rent a Car for A AY O R WEEKEND Ask ior Rae COUNTY CHYlER-DODG)(E LTD. LA.KE IT REAL ;REENING r4 hours). O0 RTH"( >RTHO-GRO, Veed and Feed Providesý a fuit feeding of ORTIIO-GR.O Lawn Food containing fast ac-t;ig and long iasting pilnt nutri- ent1s. Aise co0ï-t1ains 2% Iroil. Conutais most br-adiealf iawn eedssuch as dail- deijn, cickwedplan- taini, etc.. Kilis rweedjs roots anld ail. Eay to apply wN'ith ORRIO WilbrORq- THO 2 ee spreader or anv diropsrae. Cover- 5000 sq. ft. $6.95 F Iowers Just 5 minutes east of Oshawa on No. 2 Highway The "BIC," IGarden Centre C;2 3 - 4441 -E-44