~AnnuaIl Ladies Night Jeruslem 'Msenie Lýodge Oshawa, Mrs. Lloyd Down,1 mbesheîdi their annual Mrs. Percy Cowling. Mrs' LaiÀes Night on Saturday, Garnet Rickard, Mrs. Gladys, Ma'ýrch 3lst, at the Lions Coin- Osborne, Toronto, Mrs. Retal munlty Centre wlth the large Dudley 'andMrs. Chas. Trlmý c'rowd enjoying the doudcous dinner sered by an Enniskil- Entertainment was provld-ý len ladies' group, convened by ed by Mliss Madeline MerkiOy' Mrs.Edgr wightw ho piayed several violirt The receivlng Uine lnciuded heetos accomPanied byl W. %ro. Luther Welsh and or mother,, Mrs. Rosemnaryl Mrs. Welshn, Sr. Warden Bro. Merly h oiars C. UewinïmdMrsTrewn. ourtice, a barbershop quar-1 and r. Wa1,7,rden Bro. B. lBrLÏd'l tt, aiso performed, te bc fol- . Iýs Sri( Mrs. Bridges. lewd with dancing to Bev.ý The dloor prize araw in Smlth's orchestra. The pro-' charge of Bros. E. Kng and gram was In charge of Senior; R. Mutton had a delghtfui Warden Bro, Cliff Trewin. sldelght when Alex Carruth- ers MP.P, asasked to draw one of the tickets, and Pul]ed KENDAL out his wlfe Yvenne's. One can imag,.,ine the commentsl T1o Mai ch meeting of Ken-! that followed. Winners werel dai Woen's Instittite was Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Mrs. A. heldWdcsayMrh28t Carrthlers,, Mrs, Dave Ail-1thehomne cf Mrs. Carl Lang- dread, Mrs. Marg Gormiey, staff, From Cows ta House Building -The Canian Stitesmaýqn, B(, mnv1ie. April il. 1973.1 unmUmmmmmmmmmm " m uumummmm ammmuuumua INTRODIJCe'INGA-Y for a Limited ime. H EA R14NG AID WEARERS Better service for your hearing aid means better bearing for yc.u TO)RoNTO DOMINION The ban k where people really do make the difference. J. W. POGUE, Manager' 39 TemperausiceSitreet BoanleOt lWeekly Report i Week of April 2-, In- clusive: Admnissions 7911 Dischargýes 8 Birbhs, 3mae,2fea Major eperations.z,; 20 Minor opera-tions 31 Emergency treatmeuuts 298 IThe cent onor for Citizen- .. ' i.E shipj and Education was Mrs. W. H. Foster ,wh'o speke con the Rovali Canaian Mounted - Police, ho ,re clebrating I N their Cenniauý thlis year s . A social, haillher vas enjey- ed over the tasty lunch serv- cd by Mrs. E. Coucoux and ouri hostess Mrs. Langstiaff. was a mce-tinQ i Kendal Church fi. K, ThersŽ cvre represtatIves from > Orono. Kirbi, Newtont ille and *.~. Kendal. Plans arc being made for a sacred music festi- ' val in Orono on July 151h and aise a boeth at the Orono Fair in September. The next meeting is te be heeld at Kir- by on May 7th. On Sale rdav ex coing the .. i Gr Gudsand Brewnie, il -iio-)rdo Moter hId asieessi Gerald RsaW(elyA,,.t ido ote carpet-,frntl dcxatoosti) ito Penny Sale in the Schoollstr ng ,was ,,îaiskdona dairy mo Two 1odIs *wiii have frý, Sixty eIfSur 13I tîeîiîes 1Auditorium. Many useful and'faimn in Lachuteî c, Quebec.1 an extra tvo-piece washreem hv led be edeo wvorLhwhu]e prizes were won. IEisi aht e 13,adalxiihv ioc fbefere anywrkhsbe Th edi ntdGurry worked on the farim colored fixtures in the main tated on lhem.ý TeKnaUntdChurceh whiie atteriding both public bathroomsa iWomen met at the home et and high school in is homel No kitchen ci laundry ap-1 Financing is smpe AIl Mrs. Garland Cathcart on town. pliances will be inciuded, but 1mertgages are 9a iprjcent, Theiresda Ivriingooprl tb. Ai stien, 'nec enterpriser.1there will ho connections fer leoans insured Ihv bbc Mer it-:: IThrc,,,ý-,ýl ll Iod 't-Gui n 'hatilhis own usiness în, washer and drî er in the base- .gaga Insurance CoImpany et-l 'Lileininit-ý' an- l!i(Ith, IýiiImeotsngAl exterie frs are col- 1Canada. Therre a a pei, iniettc iuesad hcstos i 1and runnig a roadside (se cof-ordinated, so chat the 1cent dewiî paynment us eqi-ý fi-oia ,cPort. theic wer stad He oved e Teentw-1reella w li aned as ilteud. Interest iln the ),lîlis rprsgie',i n centhe Kev '73 sýId I io(dt oot)src irctingi in Keîd-al and l:isn199 appearances 9 per cent. Taxes arui, im DurîsI)i a tîn v.ith General Tisr resix baiic models ,tedti tebe, arud 4aj Pecshvleria irmreî sla.Wed- nu. ai 1 Triisi Unied E clui c Gcrrymrried vi ach v.,ithi as-nian s-thrc imonrlth. Crc,n Bcxvm , n ited E,5c00. 1 ,sliad ii15 toin: was taken h7 ir e-,5ii'r"ltu uidss11nd-t spoke o> bsN NsEuî.thu nmE ArmtrnN luchvs scrved hy Mrs -ns cSn.chotigshr StLîlet, on and or hostess Ms GadAmsucg&Sn iWhndcd fJoi lest v.eek) , Jane Mrhro.lc st Caithcar t.Lnied iefo! mauve yea1 s M liled Mes. H .McLaugh - 1Lau r ie' Iio tash i ed the h ocf t hi s buildink ig ceoîn p any we,ý2reuliii , re evecoing dinneriribhoned bat; lý rier mollc, Mr. Erassk Manninsg lias selti higlighlled b.y the lac etguests ci Sunda,ý.', with Mrs.lMrs. Malcolm, Dcniâc Konti !lis homnE su Kendait r aial and the arrivai cJf tvoe1-oy Taylor, Biacksýtock. iand Brenda Haines. Bonnsei Fseraia h ce et Oon uiîd sons. aîvpioju'cîs "cfte vrs. Nota Holland was host- was charmning as she modeiWed îsîo n h rcssc ul-Inu'w irm v.'ere r(-uIeaki,,n 1ess tor a party on Sunday te lier new 'Paris' creabion ina a isew lime on his tobacco iomsad asmnt l-,Ieooifhor grandsen Keith wlhen' a number ssf flashs ill rmi.-ensT ise irst eigbaiess0o don cf Lundsay on his 9111, photos woîc taken. Lunch Ms. aîîdMrs. Aiex Littie b th) ne1 n, lis1 vereIlbuilît h i' tlis d a y. Congratulations', was servcd hi niembers 5f rurneci homeevs.r thrv.'ek s IckriîgViIae 1in1956.1 thei LaUests wcnc Mr. and the IJ.C.W., with others assist- eîîd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýI1jo alshlcasg hev Tecmin vouehas Mr.s. Tom GeGrdson land familv ing Bonîie xpcsod ho pas ,,eweks ini Flonlida issiladl y vrt he veiers Mi. tid Mrx. .1 sm rnLuishm'aiiIappreclatton' tsi fnîends zand te) a pîs o da erivlihere huîînd- arl ,Mis\'ooeCii-foghs r lthbbc bauiitiul A dscf niîs reonsti-uctudtinIil] ci Lidsî ifts. Abouti40 ladie s atitnd- * * Y Ilnssuaii, un Aîax.Oshiaa. M.and Mrs. GrauîtThom udibis fhappi c0« n.Gust )bhourg, Bramptoîî -iBurtfirig- sets Mr and Mrs. Erns, :,e irus;ent l. on aanq ton a lndtis ye, Boxx ný iian Frocs arrived home from tiLîel ievle OrnYvet, W xie.( Ontario FHetsîng Co- we months FloridavatinBastc, Ceaa and Buv Glasses ptbo rjcsaeudicd~(ody I tîken îhotsglsot Olaîo InBridat ilSoÇNer ~otu 198 tecmpn sssa i ucUitQ \urI)lie OnSna~ piii iI et iSi Iy VisionfiIl Chaicaine csisn av.ard lient cii Frida, eiciiiw Mrls.n.hePs'RdcCaDrb ýIos th(. headhilve cf Ibis 05i thuirscmai:Hieaat l~5stuaKstts cu si.Pr o- suited tio hoosil1g the cietei aio add aies hwo u oui bie i Igiupisripi 5i îppiyll your famýïity soith x elcPn in. apar1jîesl ci- eeutMis Lots MIrsLu.orsbs dV, re Neîl om -supplies and health- struriln nd anaemsnt Bosî)nse v.as qîven a seat o iflams ilii arbi L ndOcretu', lnrmugssssuu uii hasttll Jiiotor3 1Gord iBarýirabalI. Gr is a pastI president et decorated unubiella aîsd wed- 4Kvn Grieve.' Winhiois ini 1select us as -your per- ithe Oshawa Homu, Builder ' dina, helîs, desigui i Allasi Coiicdge, >21 se tliat we can prove Asociiin adiuhî ers eie(s uî) snut-RgrGuid, 3 Chlis Tos ust buy prescriptions - 1 ixi ice oet oec uue iauig~' ieCoeae ;ervice thiat is dedieated Budera' Association Pisi' 1tests. Ev rcîe had a peck '11wflu itoai comopotion xvîjll a and your family. di,. lHe aise partîrupates Ii aI tise animiali in illthO haas ha Satliirday, April 7wh ill a1oumrberoet chier todustry no ne ccocîid gucswhat il the dcc "grOopa ilIlhorcs-- PECIPLE ENTRUST US Iind service assosciations and was. Ilt trned eut te ho a petillg. ieilli needs and other siai aiosso-legged animai as eacb Cubmastes uer W eits- ei I-4nsider this trust a O11(,cf tise lis-st huilders gazed aI ber owno'face in a mas a gcicst a h ale n ie thei îîcv.expanisio Of isror.' Whai a shock' For son banqcic, t on iatrd'a., .6ev. matvî llu Armstrong conlesît tsî a tray' cent'aniouî nighit on Sccsgog l \lnt. s Homes. Goeri lias started te 30 articles mas passcd around. Wells received aibuqut e cdd 137 sîsîglie debaciset Mrs. Bedford and Valerue Sprlng tloers tssr Mrs.Wet lises 50 onts wnîch vary ib P rom .wjth tise hest memeories, who mas unablo t aten siefrcsm > , f ctby105 100, wie ied for first place. The Communiity etn te 50 hy 150 ïThe heusos mîli ba, ontesi mas strict]v aI On Tiiursulav e oili il' r10 pîc tomi3,90 e uei o nie. TwontytweMarch 29. a cc suceatu ~39,ll0antimil ineude a arcris <rm aslep~ bth-meeting mas lîold so bbc is vart c t:elf'hIlairom .'epckdmb str'Hall. Three members 623256 teubcd iic h i g Iciw a c, oîîll Mc B ave f thtie Parks, Board met vt t crater nu ch outnntSrusandi Cuhs. thueWo- i. 01, S:555'ae~es dcpesri eatri n iL'o1itc uicliej. ,lami ~I~iI~E~U I î-~.~-i1 nrlChis acal ~ Bsus xxtî~lii Cîus Lal}Snssv. h)ird. This v...c.iei hec frieni mastsidiscurs the' ps-sand ____________________ cou IIreard îo the pros' Coi hall. For somne lime the building bas ho coondemned, l- hi'i Pulic IHealth autixori- -~ .~tics:as il dees not have, the th e""w a ponr acilities to ee hi 1L V .-JU.8.-'5~'.A r.Wm jBolan mawis ap- siîtdSerretary and l(!Mi. Oliver Robrr 1thoIchairman. 'ow~ bas d îrainlon x hat lssY ideas mrediscu1ss-I eo," -, b se d m ut - 1 Y "i wcd.(E'I1The prescrit 1lot isto I dlissfo,îrthe spptic bcd, 2. not ~~~~ T~hone isn akngfclt rII-nVII-LIývhatjj* co 1 #Xc'ePt ln h ilo h S road IitmS cniee To 'et ;a 1anf a iewyersa o.youpretty tebidn nii ih c wè Jhd o o Il îhins like a Ihouse or I-)rilpartoif thh-1,is Lnsb1p dr1 s olý elb'mas.finallycmovi acsAc- ai Tor-onto DoInion10. we'reogLad(ÀofiL. acquired adidition tu Malcolirn Memoral Pak inNestleton., Today when o core t(u oraba, The building would bo a iii: elo lt. . er ns, dexcsemumirît 3000 square foot or a we ION t yur ernrgs nu epenes- maximum cf 40110 square foot. It woulti hoc ü rcýment bl)cký or wht wecailyour CashFlowconstructions v.'itîîJaful hase To work oult Cah-Fow sinply ment, the front bo be faredc your PY ith brick or angel tone write dlown how much you earri, and w Tiuisdecision wýill ho pre- sentod te the Parks Board fer how nuch you pay out in fiNed expenses. tbeir onsidratou. Wlsc What's left overis the money you can appoved by wili hae Twn insalm ntswhe yo w nt o brro . otncl wlîav h - - ~. Si FROM LS TA $1 800down to one mOrtgage lný BEAU GATE as you, move up, you move out ...to open countryside, open meadows and rolling hilis. And you're surrounded by fabulous recreation areas in the heart of the, great Pine Ridge. Your new home is located complete with shopping and established schools. Featuring up to 4 bedrooms. Most homes have lots large enough for a pool, and full basements, to complete a family room. The world of Beau Gate is perfect for the family who wfflts to enioy life. See for yourself . . . today'! PHONE,* 576 - 4281 =n&Exil ~ 49GH-WAY 401 IN1 lOWýmAN Vii LE SO'EASY TO REACH SCENIC BOWMANVILLE Take Hwy. 401 ta Liberty St., go north ta Hwy. 2, then right (east) ta Simpson Ave, & right ta Sales Trailer. B@wmanvlle's New Beau Gate Deveiopment Over 36 SoId in the first four Weeks- ACT NOW 1 The, LARCHWOOD 73 $38,900 Be sure to visit our neit Beitone Service Centre 11OOPERS iJEWVELLERS LTD. 29RIUng St. E.. Boàwmanvilie THJURS., APRIL l2th DIANNE BERNATH 410 Ceorge St. N., peterborough. Ontario - ~ e "Cash -MI to bonr you ai Says TD Me mm» glu ma au ma &y mm mm ma un mm au me ait NE w un mu an me ma en me ta au ow om mm au Bowillanville, Orit.