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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1973, p. 9

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"T" Bail LeagUe T*he Kinsme-n "T" Bail League wi11 hold workots atý teVincent Massey School, Grounds on Saturday riorn- in.;, Aprîl 21st fromn 9 to 1. o'clock. Atom Baseball The Lord Elgin Plark Atom Basba i L eue ilI hoid wor-kouts at Lord Elgin Park on Saturday morning, April M2st from 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock For ui players North of King Thc' Memnorial'Park Atom Baseb,ýil Lealgue wil hld workouts nt Memorial Park onStra, April 2lst frorm 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For il play- ers Souithi of Kin', Street. Pe e -We and antam Bas-,ebali Pee Wlee and Bantam work- outs at Lord Elginý Park on Saturday afternooni, Aoril 21st, frorn i to 3 o'ciock. Boys who have flt regis- tered for T" Bail, Atomn, Pee Wee or Bantam, may do- soat the Rcreap-tion Office, Town Hall, or at MNemoria.l Park, Lord Elg-in. Park and Vincent Mabssey Ground7s, on Saturday, April 21st. MINOR HIOCKEY DAY in the Bantam Champion- ship the Kinsmnen Indians out- hiistled ;Mr. Pbl sCubs by a 5 to 1i decision. Fo-r Kins- me),, Joey Burns 2 gonal, Steve I!IEATING SPECIALIST 1 Qucen Siret PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oit, Gas & lectrie Furnacp & Air Condition lInstalla. tions- Central & Window UnitS - Clare Hecla & Findley Equipmient Fre e stimatesý Budget Terins Available 3 SILVER STREET !Hogarth 1 goal and 1 assist, Tim Jones, and Dave Brown 1 goal e acb, assist S, Donnie, Cowief, Ralpb MVcQuidîîd JohnL_ Groetelaars. Robert Shantz scoýred the unlY Cuh g-oal ith Biryon Samnis as- sisting. There was a t *otal of '34 minutes in penalý'ties. In the Midget Final the Cornets came bof-ck strong teý dofea;t the Caýnucks 4-1. Con- ets Joec Bennett scored '2 ngoalS Rusty lMQai goal and i assist, Joýhn Tu.-rner 1 goal For the Caýnucîks it was Tomr ýWoolner 1 goal with Du Seveurn and Joe Guest assis- ing. Thero were 50 minutesî in penalties from ain uncall1edý for outburst in the last two, minlutes of play. In the Pee Wee A final the Blade-s defeated tire Rot ary theBlaesPote NeMisz 21 goals, Teýrry Tran the2 goal in oý)ve rt i me. Assists we nt f0 Dole CayBn Kobes, and, M arc Bsoet .For Kings it was Leonard Hionje I goal, Jim Murphy 1 goal witb Scott Collocuft, Ke.(ith Seean and and Sidney To)mlinsonî- assist- ing.' There wa-s fa total of 14 ýnmites in penalties. In the Pec e(,Ee B inals Fmankl's Variety def'eated the Gooýüdyeaýr Rangers in uver-ý tims 2-1. FFran'sif was 1Neil1 Blackhumn 1 goal and i' assist, Andy Jarjviýs( scorng in1 overtime. Asss3 we(-n t to Douglas Hya~PauL'l Bonîis. For Rangers it wa Douglas Ptkcl coin ith Peteý,r Whyte asising Temew' a total of 15 minutes in penal- ties. In the Atoým A finals Fronl"s Variety defeaýted7 Roy- ais 31-1. F1rransifwas Todd lHoo-)pe -scouri ng4,al! thre goals withiRandy Hanfhorný 2 getn sifiand Mikeo Jozkosýki i ssif. . or Royals if waýs Kennetb H1oy i goal and BetnTb snIas,- sýist. The -'re(-,wa1S iatotal of 17 minutes in, penalt1ies. Iii the- Atom B final Fargos BOWMAANVI LLE PHONE 623-348-2j CHUCIKEN AImosi WEI p uý dlefeated1 Marianna Tigers 5-4. For Fagsif ws aul COOk-c 2 galsan 1 asîs, orke's TV Win Town Lea aLean 2 goals and 1ass, , ,. » 1Jason Johnson 1 goal and u ý ".. ý .", Ryaýn Kearney 3, assists. For Tigers if wa,,,s Barry Wheceler s v. l 2 goals, Douglas Dilling1 "i goali and 2 assists, Daqrre-l Joncs 1 goal, John Thiele iou assist and Jamie Haas 1 05sft There was a total of i4l' mninutes in penalties-. i8'.<" The Tyke final saw H Iorn- ets dlefeat Amneican in over- Stepen Martn 2 goals and 1 assist, Rl Rzemia and Joey Davis 1 goal eacb. For Amn......i-~ cons ifvas Brad Ciens 4..ý Roy rok and John Maguir ah corng Theenys a total of 231 mïinute s in ~n1is 'Mr. T. A. Fainning;, Director I' fRuecton, was Uw e mpla ed r, h organization 0f ýI.- Sho Minor Hocke Day wbicl 'as dlue to the ecletwr ofM.G. A. Kennett, iHockey 1,Admuinistrafor rand bis assist ants ic Mr 4EBumns, vMm Checker Tournent Teewill ho a cek cntest, bý,ing or(ganizedb I Mis HlenVandusen. Tis - » omnmet willl ho an open On11ThursdJay ng LcesTV wiped ouf C9nty tournamen t to Il Bowm-Inan ville residonts. For rogistra ýChryser 6-2 to fke the best of fivýe Town uLeagýuefninals tion information plea'se cou 1thrlee gmeta oe.Team mI lembers, jfront row, ieff f eUcitheMss Van Busen 0f rîohtJoe lson, Bufch Coqefonnie SipmnSmoey 623358 or623726. ayes and Boh Thompson;hoc row, oahTommy Me CrlrsI Tyke Trophy Winners End Season On StraAp)ril "th, mnj curleýrs held their end of sea- son bonispiel a-dirc sni fo of the yer's a;'-warcds. The cus- tomary social1 boum. and doue-1 iousdiner mecdedthe a n- nuai eeting adpresentatin ceremny. Wininers wero: Fimsf Tuiesday nighit sced- uIle (Lander trophy) - M Preston, B. Vaýnston1e, B. Thi- bodeau and B. Syer. Runner-' up -- R. Manning, K. Orm-is- tonl, j. Brough and J. Thomp-Î son. First Thiursday nighft schod-!ý nie (Rundie trffophy) - R.I Manining, D. Rundle, H. Tmýu-! deau and H. Stork; m-unnr-upý -- M. PresýtOn, H. Ormiston, P.! Ciinri and L. Wite. Second Tuesdiay nîglit sched-,. ule (Toronto-Dominion Bank frophy) - C. O'Connell, P. KoaK. Haïy and 'K. Me- Quaid; Hunner-up - J. Lan- de, P. Cha-,nt, R. Stephenson and B. Syeýr. Second Thursday night sch- edule (Wgetrn lectrie fIr- p!hy) -- B. Ayre, W. Goode, K. Zay ond K. VanNest;Hunnr-' tin - . T îi (1ý ý L .r ,rr . TJ igue Hockey Ch'ampionship The Canadian Statesmýan, Bowrnanville, April 18, 1973 Wild BI-11Oke was flot wild on, Wednesday as ho had per- foot, control of his fact hall aInd bit 295-318-236 for high triple 849. This was Wild Bill's finost boum. Ed Leslie cleaned thie pins f0 the tune of 822 (288-306- 228;). Spood- ball art ist Moe ichards hadi 811 (245-323'- 253). Ai Osborne had 786'ý (274- 275),. Gord Wilcox 744, Bob ýKonopacki 740, D r. H. R Rundle 732 (288), Russ H-all- mon 723 (292), Hlap Palmer 723 (283), Larry 'Piper 722, Paf Murphy 716 (271), Walt ~Htely 707, Maurice Annaort 100. BobLaird had o 308 ýgame, George Piper 286, DoileTry 285, Elwyn Dickey and Mor- loy Etcher 277, Jack aLnder 276. The Beaver, Lumber toam had high triple 3591 and bigha single 1299. The Lander Hardware has 31 points for a 3 pt. lead over Ken's Meni's Wear, Pepsi Cola bhas 27 points. Larry Piper, high average bowler, 248; Gord Wilcox 242 and -Morley Etcher 235. Ladies Monday Night IApril 9th' IHigb single, T. Forrester 361, higb triple T. Forrester 737, high average, D. Bradley BIac.Andy 1uphy Km1RgesScott B urees,TeaMn GeogeSanshry Jhn uges BronHoell, îmTeaîs Pins Pts. Clake CarieGreen andLar1-1Y PerIs; sen, ayeE:Moore738084 28 G Trull I dgai enyVicS. Coin 37688 3 J. Patfield -- 3 7184 21 _______ _________________B. Osborne 36890 2 B. Brooks ----- 36814 2 H. Rogers - 366-- 69 1( 8l A tom B mp » B Bradley ..- 6151 16 M' me' m -mJ. Bmagg ---- 36'5 78 15,1 'M..Colo 5370 151I H. epew 3090 14 & \ .Patfieid 356-83US 14 B3anquet date May Sth at 15th Week - 2nd Sehedule Averages (45 Gaines) Larry Piper 248, Gord Wil- cox 242, Nlorloy Etcher 2,35, Elton Brock 2,33, Ross Wrighit 233, Dick Perfect 2312, Don Oke 230, Hon Seileck 229, Rluss Hlman 228, Ernie Perfect, Al Osbomne, George Piper 227. Teani w Lander- Hardware ---31 Kon's Moan's W ear ----- . --28 Popsi Cola -27 Jury & Lovol ---- 1. G. A.-----24%/ Beavor Lu-nber ----24 Frank's Variety 22, Nels Osborne Insurance -20, Cowan Pontiac Buick --------17 Dykstras Food -- ---17 Coronat ion Restaurant -17 Sheli ------ 16 L 14 17 18 118% 20,1/ 23 25 28 28 28 29 FIs. 31 2& 27 26 V2 2411/ 24 22 20 17 17 17 16 WINNEMAGO MOTORHOE Honda Motorcycles 100 New and Used Johnson Outboard Moors New and Used Sidewinder - Princecraft Aquarian Boats Fibreglass Ski-Fiee $100. Truck Caps $ý269. Installed Best Deals at ONTARIO SPORTS Hwiy. 115, Orono 983-5444 Open Evenings NewcastleGlf(ours -18 HOLES- 1 mile east of Newcastle 0o Hwy. 2 Golf Course Road NOW OI PN Pay as you Play or Memvbership PHONE 987-4851 RETURNIN BY POPUL I GUY ILOMBARDO t - J. Min ý,-ý R.Waughn.; luston, Captain of the Tyke Leaguew2 nBrm d J eg insmen I omets teri, accepta the FBowmanville Egtyero Ca-ýpt. PulCok ccepts the lBow-i ule~~~~~~ ~~ (Ind ietrpy .Plic sscato Trophy,, fror1ii C, Don Ainderson of manvile Police AscainAo~ B rpyfo Chanot,'j. Jefl'ruy, C. Smlitb n u BPD. The Homsie catîedte Tyke TIrophy by Don Anderson oni behaif of his teammates on the B. Sher; iRunner-up - D. Run- defeating the Amerîcns 4-3 in the final gaine on Jeffrev's Superette Fargo's Ieam. Eargo's beat the dle (A. Cuieýssî D. DinniwellSira, 7h aran - nleclarposi ae A. Hindorf a-nd MI. Ormiston. Sa dy pi t.Mran ies - ntecaposi an.__ Tird Th)ursday night schied- unle (Presdent's Trop)l-B Play Essex Here on Saturda'. M (o,G. Steph'ien iA.Hn 0 o ln dorf and c. Sutter Rneru -B. Ay)re,. -JulkowskP iK A Ju , ;vanNest and J. Cramer, N5~M dg p I M SEF Wilioms 667 (247-258-162), I gh averageP P. otter=8. MerryMakes ToTukeOne-G meledinSries Mon i single, B. Smith Merr Mak s276; high tripl%, B. Smith 740 (2627-38:hîgh average, April -)2 i l ith 217, L. WeFtlakc 217. Sheehon 229961 bynÜîA Gohleenl Jeff Legere sýcoreýd from ALI- l the second, Boyýd Kno)x Teamns Iitis Pts. Sarg-inson1 22025 Aifter splitting two games!ion Emard- and Boyd K gai scored, this time fromy8 2uisman 2187l, Fssex over the wýeckend,iGary, Cox s ccurci rom J1Iolii-ii-torytlake 44414 85 Moe2183Q onRoy îbs tee ivng Siebart 2178 owmanviie's Mc G r e g o rýWood aund Grant Luxton. This toemode the -score 4 to i .Mrhy463 7 Townsiey 21610 Midague are leadng 2-I in' was A the scoring the local with Grant Luxton asisn A on Goor 438 60 Hig sigie Dooth More he Ontario _Afinals and wl sudceuid mustr a E o n tthh1-ird Perod. M oeo 424 5 266 hih dube, orohîpiOy thne fourth am of thetook over o nd scored threDenis Bomber then cr JRbisn 412 5 More53 24-66high 0V best-f-fiesericeshero nuonwrd oltwo hy ed, aiéted by Gary Cux 1ndD.N a1135 5 erage.MryHuismIan 203."'SUaturdayniSat 7:30. Mark Miller and one !by Brue Jofi Leuere, and John Wod G, Coi 196 51 _______ _ Esxwn tAi e first weeçk- iCrcrw4er. ptthe gamire nt of rreach N.Dowsýn i407141 42! und gamoe on Saturday ý,,nigbt. oda' arwthtesit ol 0of theG. 1-leth 40983 41i A ji h~ Ha'vs 7te,2, but Bowmianville stag- In the third iýine ol tho 12gam_'o.i Niht aeI d .a comeback on Sunday af- sorie, Bmanville got thueusx came bock but coufldi J. ould 408ýý57 40 ternoon to wln 613. They had jump on Essex and playedi not dent the sore by mneKB Smith 4s32 371 wnthe opener 4-2 the pre- hockeylas the nihs had bee n hnwo goals by Dan Milis____________ Anrl vinsSotrdy.fought ýtho day ý'before. und Noria Kerr. Hihsnle D gdn291; On Salturday night the reu Bory Gîbbs opened the If Bnomanvillc shouid lose triple4C. Bruce, 716 (23 ere rackeddwnon i dl1 scori-ng fromn Joe Hum1-enulký, 1Saturday nlght then the boysr Tea ~ancng mnorinracioswih 'L ook followed by BoydKnox whc il! have to travel to Es-sexý K.R1 tn 418,0t7 lyaa fr'om tce boys scored from Rory Glbbs,. f0ringthe Ail Ontario !Midr- B. Wlbur 3995 31 /z nd put the referees In a Qood Bruce Crowder mode the got A trophybore to Its right- 3 144830 Ipht as the peacemcakers.1 scre c1oer on a goal. fui one oWmanvll. UG R C. Bruce - 390U2 29a½ Bowmanvleo collected 21 pae- K. Campl 38874 27 atie with Esxgtlg24. 1 veragecs toto the second peiriod on, 1D. 201, U C. Br'uce_ 196, goals byMikeQuýlinlan, JI1 BAýNTAM BOYS Coombes 5PDavy 41, Cwle A. Samian l1i0, L. Piper 190), K. I artnadBo Brett. Bn 3, Richoii 2'; Cars- 41, M'ýast(rso)n 3, ra 2, Raî,iston 18i9, K. Campbell 188, ssxceased thOn scor wll5,Haimun 0. Broos 28l. II ,B, Smith 187, M.Trimble Mr7, whn Norm Kern cored to Team S'tandings High singleý,s J. Carter 30, 'B: Wilbur 180,A. BurgoSI -male G tAenunieo 4 to0 M Consuel 40. Richars35, 1D. Gr&oy29i, D. rde 8- J. MeLean 18, F ykta183 ; In tthe third, BwmnvJILeBod33ý, IHadilman ý22.-'291, Ky ier2_25,J A, Loruss L 81. WrAigt181 got on the scor board lain, Hîgh singles.D. Carswell Broos 262-264, D. Piper 253 -doules . Caswcl ,33, RG. MasI crson 212.,F Bond 206 R. Suteiffe 302. Hg rpe-.Bradeyi ayq Willatts , lHayýnes 2: Glb-l679, K. Piper 66(7, K. Brooks_ Frioay evening 8 so)n 3, A. Luxton 2; Fairey 3,'(651, D. Piper" 628. LO V ERS RFhnidsLIey; Lut West- ohgLau oam Sta Henins . New'ville-Starkville, iotts 3f .Luxton 28. Gibsoni o lnqLau *24, ichards 18. Arl1 High shinges. Haynes 185,1Arl2 S.Wertlake 169. Hîgh1 Averoges over 10Mree197 1 - Trhrd 'RECOUTIN TE DY*,oules . Westlake .330, A. Stacey 193, Doris Tomnpkins 1973 - Fourti ý'JUNIORN TE i BOYS1 " 2191, Marg Mcoad 10 NTIL HE OENINGOF jý(0VJoyce Stacey 189, Olive Hlend- ~~TlL-n >H PNNG0 enisLeddY0; StuceY 4. orson 186, Borothby Stark 185, Bqes3 ome ,1ish- Rorie Woods 184 arie TrlmGini F p eani standings 18,1973 -Sno 0 Stacey 629, Lane 5, Reyn- H21sn,, oc Sae 1973 -- Third dw- i os 55, Coombes 45, Leddy Sceyý 193; highýf triple, Joyce Hîg slgls-G Coînes taey 98Barbie 'w#o 24!7-'ý221276, M. Rleynolds 279,i Gamles W'oll n Gi Lune 242,IH. Ban 235, K. Banna Spils 63, Roadrun- 1973- Easteî: VIRGINA FRIoolleyE 232, J. Murphy7 228.1 ners 49, Tet Birds 43, IIRINA RID HIKE Hgh trilcs- G. CoombeIý)s 744 Flintitones 39D M. Reynoldis î681, J. Murphy 2ý00 ams oye taey T erne %. . 6iB .273-25)8, rMre Trim 223-219,! JUNIO0R GIRLS GraceFarirow , MareneSECOND 1HALF Taylor 7, Mitchell 0;' Gray Stucey 216. June McP:Keen '21(3, 0;Horod , b Olive Henderson 209-2 05, 2 Pe1ggy- Milison 208l, Doris Tea Stndigs ompins207 KaonCarterl AUlSeats Reserved A LI~~~ Gray 68,Taylor 52, olryd 20, Judy Stacey 202, Mr I u W M ~ V I LL E 51,Brooksý 38, Mitcell 3,Mcoad21 Boibhy Clark Children Under 14 yi w M ANV1LLEChow 29. 1201 Higb inls-.Tayl,-or T TO GRAHAM'S I.GA. STORE 24!, S. Brooks 224. HighTickets nmay bh triple, B. Taylor 581. Thei conquest of cancer con-; a,, b5.00 P.11. AMoni SENIOR MIXED 1cMe weyoe.Protecf yo)ur- 5oombes 5, Materson 2; slfand Your fam ilwt ona Wded 1! Bradley 7, Brooks ~0; Gray 5, micl cekus epoh C le2; Dve ,Roiberts . orswitha gneros cotr Team Standing1s butio othe Cnda acrCro Brad'ley 7 2, Robherfs 64, Seey 'G TO0 OSHAW'A ýLAR DEMND His Royal CaniadiaIns Friday May 25th 9 ,P.m. Io Midnlighit DANCING - $12.00 per couple Reserved Tables Seats for Viewing On1y $3,00 per Couple Tickets On Saleý AýUDITOR01IUiM BOX OFFICE OWMANVI LLE E SKATING CLUB I Tr. aturday April 27,2? 8:00 Pm, -- Saturday afternooni 2:00 p.m. featuring ilie Black in the International Grand Prix of France Ili in Senior Ladies of Cnd Grieco and John Rait ýr Dance Champions of Central Ontario i» the Junior Danco of Canada ,iderbili and Jim Sorochan ni Onta.-rio Sec(,tional Champions Story Book Land , TO FEATURE SENIOR CLUB MEM3BERýS ADMISSION Al ..a... . ~dults $1,00 50~ purchased at the Recreation Offic:e, 'xTn Hall, 8:30 nday through Friday and at the Memiorial Arenia, ay l'rom 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. red by the Depariment ofRei ato ration of the Town of o anil tR~~J CcrVI(-' t§eve's N EX" Watch foer Us 1 r v

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