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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1973, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 18, 1973 Durhacm Agri News by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representative wer-Le crlier becauise of Penity KU~ R M Sale and Aftersioon Tea.EU' . Watch comli»ë« events. B-1 ' Master Kenneth Cornish , ~ O speni. the weekend wvith his plu S. -Corzish. a__________ grandparents, Mr. ~snd Mrs, eposit -a ___________ PHO E Mr. and .Mrs, P. O. Smith, DO E ownrville, were Sundayl XKOU -'RIE 80W. 623-3388 ~~supper guests ot! Miss G ~ 6f-zrtO e ý4 Mr. and Mus. John Vander- guests and Mr. and Mrs. H. ~ RES. 579026 DeMile nd family, Bownian- guesta of Mr. and mms.Walter ______________________________________Vaneyk, Performance Plus Bull Sale the Countyl have beenr hold- Clubs Io choose from this year, TheOnarl Bef atieing Club Meetings. At sota ecn meet interests PerormnceAssciaion isthesý, meetings, memrbers hiaveof as mani yoin.g people a5 sponsoring a sale of high in- elected their officers for theipossible. If you are interat dexng tatontesed uis ~comngyear and selected1 ed in taking Part in a Youth Saturd satAio Bth, cllsom-their Program for the Corn- program iwhere the idea is Io mencng a 1:0 p ornat he g montha. "Learn to Do by Do)in-", as Arkell Test Station, jut oth Yon people betwveeni the well as getting to mieet youn of Geulph In ordier to bc ages 0f 12 and 20 stilI aepepe contact our off-c, eligible -for this sale, bulîs rntil MVay ist to enroîl in aadw willgv o oer must be within the top Crne club orf their choîce for 197,3. details and let \yiouknowCof) third indexing- bulls of their There are a wide range ofi the upcomning meetings. breed or cross. Since the bulîs will Just have completed testI they will be 0prlmtey1 to13 monthis of ag'e, O . . . R P R This sale ils the first of its kind in Ontario and'-emphasis ( wvill be placed on INDEX of The Newcastle Detachment was arrested during the rat 0 gindurngth tstof the Ontario Provincial scuffle and is icharged with pies re cua at f <gain Police investigated the fonllow- imipaired driving, resisting ifigures caeb oympen oing ng motor vehicle collisions arrest and assault of~ a police if tacnbearpdedtoand occurrcnces during the officer. soestnar.The INDEXlwýeek Of April 2nd and April The raeing tower at Mos- on rate of gniiq accomplishes 8th. otPr 9 rpre rk this by comaparing-the individ- DoublePYrurMoney Back Guarantee, ual bull's performance rela- Fifteen moto vehicle acci- en into on April 8. Investi- Do be-u o e akG aa te tive to the average perform-- dents were ïinvestigated in gation reveaIed approximate-' ance of the group in which ît which 4 persons were injured ly $500 to $1,000 damage in- TiA' RIGHT. DOUBLE YO UR MONEY BACK IF YOU'RE NOT COMPLETELY was fed and to the average and one person killed. As a side the tower. The follow- SATISFIED Wli ANY MEAT PURCHASED AT A&P WEO(RC LBLO of the breed. Thte INDEX for resuit 4 persons were charged ing items were stolntw RE0STE TAP NEE SAY 0 COUSE) breed average is l0 and con- with driving offences. sleeping bals, 15 /or 20 head-RGTETAENCSRYOFOUE) sequently the INDEX readily A pedestrian was killed on phones, 3 mrophones, alrge identifies wheth:r or n:t a frwy 01:tCoutic: Rod onquantity of Pot tol.chainR S U K YC I UE IGTRDBADGAE""BE younig-bii's a biliitr to trans- April 7 at 7:50 p.m. The salw, air conditioner and items SH T" a R T u SSPR-RGTRDBADGAE-"BE mit r eo reliem v r v,. T ed sto, e0.7-NC1 CUT - AT A&P Il O yoU GET THE FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY WHICH 15 THE CHOICE PORTION OF abv r eo bedaverage pedestrian crossed Hwy. 401 ieswr auda 300A B8EF RIB of INDICES for yolung blilîs eastbound mto vehicle. The increased populàrity ofM a0 which have been station test- Along with other dutýes, bicycles is once again becom MIP R MB fr ' $ 1 cd and lnde.-ed to date 4s the Newcastle officers com- ing apparent on Ontario hîgh -IRSTà% RIBS ONLY from 75 to J35. Only bulls pleted 94 general investiga- ways. Unfritunately the in- which ha,ýve achieved an index tion.q of which 4 Ivere break crease popiaràiity of these in the top one-third of this and enter, 2tet iflvhce a iorsle rag ilb lgbefrti amage complilt 8 disturb- increased bicycle collisions "" AS i' 1.2 sale. There Cw.ill be 75 bulîs ances, 2 trespassing reports, deaths and injuries to cyclistsB N L S R II G R B of aIl breeds to choose from. 13 assauits, 7 domnestic com- !n, 1971 tlhere were 459 col IEL S RÀ'4SI G RB R.IlP Sttion-tested ýplaints, 2 complaints of lisions in Ontario involvînl WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION 0F BUTTERBALL TURKEYS, Boar Sales lthreateingr,ý, 2 missng perso bicycles. These collision re I SI-IRSBANFRZN ýOULDE & suTr 0)Fr those o! you)i who c einvestigaitions, and 1 erratie sulted in the death of 31 FRESH TURKEYS, DUCKS & CORNISH' HENS ATSCNoESBNORZE lookling for top -quality ,bo2i:s or dangerous ivil corn- cyclistis and injuries to anoth-PPUARPRCEeFR OR ASERWEKED EA.SprP t0It moes 16-.zd l 98Stye B.rk BRNOSTREPAl BiF 8PR there Is a imonthly sale of the plaint. er 376. In. 1972, collisions in_ ILRPIE O ORESE EKN EA.Sp- It0ýiy ýLiCl Pcc tl ,-RSPAD TR AK 5FPR tptsig oastahae Four inivestigations involved creasedi to 504 causing decat.ib finished their p(ýrformance the recovery of stolen prop- te, 35 cyclists and injuries to Pork Shoulders l 78/ Sausaiges test et the Wtro Station. erty. There were also 3 re- 422 others. Every effort 1TO111TO :11CLUB SW'11 PIC$C'lEDVCUMICl S OFM PACK, SUCbE7 This month's salewIll be held ports of lost property and 5 should be made by ail, includ- KE D SRE IX ottge ail lb98/ Coo e ea ts PACK, pkg 98/ Api 6he ..e h e ort f found property. ing the parents cf youthful ;; b98 okdM l 16o k 8 Test Station i n Waterloo. Seven persons are c'harged cyclIits and police îa;gencief II ft IAS ~SMO:ýC0, SLM!l-BONELESS, VACUUM pACKED, JMAPLE LEAF BRANO (IDEAL FOR IDRESSING) Thr r sal bu 0wt iuroffences and three to reduce collisions inovn U A A lI~ lm iI I afHm o ete î s S bozars avila-e i th ail perisons charged with impair- bicycles. e"MKV"MICLIJ '*E-uuwf HmwS"i' e. eo, "tsg wua. 1lbri 9 breeds being eprsened For ed driving. In the past, the police have TO1,VN CLUB Il1BPCE(N UT s6~ sale catalogueS vwite: mr A smay of occurrences been soflewhat 'reluyetant tC Ron DeýnnIss, L iv es t o c k etigated in the above lay traffîeCcharges againstWees1lovcpc9 i DCnINRCil78 Branch, OutaioMinistry 0f period of time is as foilows4: youtfl bicycle ,offenders SUPRGHT BRAND, PotionSIED SLrBRcq FOE Agriculture and Food, Parie-' A tow truck was stoien -oevrit utb e em- ýil a a Ment Bilidings, Toronto, fnrm a service station premni- bered that niany of these saineM 4-H PORM ises in the communlty o! youingsteýrs are being killed lSloACu b 12 'NOW UNDERWAY Tit-un.ton on April 2 and wam when in collision wlthi auto-H LIAi V4IC onMnay pi ecolvered two days later in obi. o teb.t i Startin Kinglston, Ont. years, the Newcastle Detch 9th te vrius4-H Clubs in Also on April 2 unkniown ment has investigated at least AUIU OL<2icrb 5 otrI 5l AEPRE person(s) broke thec vent one fatal bicycle accident AIMNMeac2h 2 oi ei 1l JlPPE Rýent a Car for ind ow O! a car west o! Bow- year. A PWnefa 8 5 o!69 tfîg Mx8o k 9 A1 DAY OR WEEKEND m) ranville in a futile attempt A bicycle is a veh-icle andC A AN PRAWOErfoR JE"25lY JA StffNE PARNERpkg39 skflfa to steal the car. the operator should be treat- le"OINS HE OR JEL 31d 31ARKE Ask fo ltae- . .On April 7 amnea ,ecd int much the samne manne (N R r~JJL fJYCahris 4Io i ra rmsî- i CONT frîekowed by the, Northum- as the operatlor o!' a mooi CHYLRODELD erland and Durham School vehicle. Since bicycle acci- W L A S I o1_SAE AEPRE AS R-1)OGE L» y3Board wais stoien fromn a gar- dents have becomne a serious 623-2586 aie Maple Grove School, problem in the Province. ~ W O E H M 4T 6L VRG b6~Sufn ra 4o cf3/ Px tfig8o k 9 ctdwas recovered soon after src nocmn ilb abandoned In, a ditch a mile îevied giscYitofe jOHN,-1 ï,south o! the school. ers for ifagains ocyctist of!end Mo1tor vehiies stolen from of the road and bicycles con- Peterborough, Toronto, and sidered to be unsafe for the >f Lindsýay were recovered aban-ra Itsudbetennt I done d in the Newcastle De- coasd.rtison - bc taken ta * ach '"nt aa1i the past bicycles are prohibited b A'sto. wr whe law irurn operating oni con ___________________________ stoen roma %veicie on roEf'led I andsl hgwsegA to a z usedf car lot onH 2 Hwy s.40 nd402P icdIl.~. QenraiInsrartCe Oshawýa, April 4. They wereLAGCAE5 valued et approximeteiy $60. SZ FTRF and A--EO.a1064LON1SWEET MIXED 0Oî,' BABY DILLSLAG Z (K PIR an AUOMOILE On April 7 unknown per- YEV ER' T ON AEPRE HaeI eset~ ont at rcl INUAC 0()believed to be youths, IIItP(*vet esetaiDw t lPec! caused damage to seven rural (Intendedl for last week) Contact: mail boxes in the -ca- MrTryMicl ufe I R HARRZY V-MN xleae es !Nwate d a separatedi shoulder t hîs32f 1ANease officeýr upon week In final minutes o! play DI !E a 623 3111 or 63390 stopping an imipaired driver ,hen %rmtrong's nd LeggonrlIA K E 33 KING ST. E in the village o! Newcasle0f hcky eas etinth !rs 'e ______________and____kick-________JANE PARKER, WHITE, SLiE (BUY 3 ;OAVES - SAVE 17e 1CNE PA!RKERkcfSAEé BOWMANVILLE April7weas tck edn ic-o!their playvoff games.This79/ Ii . r.A Nwasl e idnno doubt wii cur-tail Terry's Snrih uei 324o.Y,3e actîvities in the field of hoc- JN 'ER(tstreBat llitr rmb nTp> Sv > JANE PARKER (ACTIoN RCD MO0NEY ON ýTou3-h uciz o!sasn Action PrieDultch Apple Pie ful! 8-inli,24-oz pie 59/e ra BRW NSRV'pgcf28o aves 3 QUALITY A former Yelveriton boy Da4p PRKE (SVE_0,__Bea_'BOWN'N__________8oz ol Kent Wilson and famîrily hav SWEET TREAT CRUSHED JN ANR<AE1e DX PREMIUM returned to the soil with thel Rhubarb-Apple Pie fui! 8-inc 24-oz pie 59 AN ARKËR, "BROWN 'Nl SERVE ROLLU purcha..ïeof , farm nar la - i air JANE PARKER (SAVE 10e> PLAIN OR WHEA FULOL o ffrai1 e- erl I ER r E-Cinnamon Rolis Ikof 843/ Twin Rolis pkg cf 12 and STOVE OIL senit. of Agriculur and Food AEPPI CFE AE)(AVil r OP ED eAESE it Ontario oCunty. 1Dnihp f6pkcf1 terni convention o! the As-i 19 oz". oo Oasbry6 / rec sociation o!fE ýgions and Coun-1fo ties held in Toronto thilsweek, Il from the United Countesin-i F ~ E ~. Lciude Warden Weston Ban- F U E IL0 9 Lister, Clerk Keni Symons, Mr.1 Gordon Caruthers, leveo Hamilton Twp.: Mir. and Mýrs., Harry Laf.lerty- (Reeve o!f Murray and Mr. and Mrs. UkNU&-~NHarvey Malcolm (A.C.R.O. Direc-tor)I One o the f theShop A&P WEO For Discount êrices Plus Weekly "Action Prriced" Specials! CUSTMERSconvention based eon themeI BOWIMANVILLE "UTIMR Restructuring o! Locýal ilv CALL COLLECT elrment" was th-e key note ad-, A&P' BRAND, FANCY QUALITY ~GREE GIANT Ask Operator for 668-3381 I zIsbythe Hon. JcWhite, Tm t uc 8-z i.3 ecaeCfe Oo jr$ 7 iltsCr 2f-rtî ./A PPLC or Dial 1-668-3381 ýics and Initergoverrnment Af-1 BORLAND A..d bllshns fairs - quite a hendie. Mayor'E .SMTCHRYASSORIBO COLOI>RS, PiNlAwy owa thoetadfî e Ddred hie of Toronto en- G R IB AN b O ?e Ffluer 19-fi-oz tfin 49/ Kleenex pkgof 40 - 3-piy niapkins 4 / UOdsonr DX FU L OULcipal dieegates nt awhit VUO CU UCK BRAND VOGUE, WHITE, PINK, YELI.OW (ACTION PRICED) RAINCHECK: C A L U T -D A Y fied t a p ar a g eierages CaiSO of 24-10q fi z tins 2.2 9 G arb age B ags 3 pkgs f 10 $1.0 0 T oilet ois e k f 6-rols 6 /I n avrie pea s ee od et il P1n&A T il DT ýnIIl 111C 111ilC' f l", _1.ý__'-_ 1- sIc tire Manager for a Rainchec.Ifetie

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