2Jiuàt Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 Tlewcastlet (Socîial andi-Lie1rSOna! Weli, was that flot a'q vel tEah f us is blessed in dil- weekend! So many popefeet as ht r frtoo took advantage of the wond- individualistic to even try t erful weather in so many gene-ralize so just be thank- different ways- some visited fui for ail you have! No doubt1 the golf course- some went we have ail founild that thoug on hikes - some cieaned up we may think we have corm-ýj their yards andf ever so many ered thie market, on problems stroiied in the warmn sun, and burdens - take a look co0atiese yeti What ia the around the corner and you namre of that song - "What a will probabiy find others Wonderful Worid?" It le that, worse off than you. This rev1- isn't it! eiation probabiy le littie con- Thin- i the time of year we solation when you are troubied Éhouid be couinting our biess- but it should make us stopý: ings and w.e have so many!1 and- thi-nk how wonderfiw SMYLANIA makes color TV wo10iaig KOOL ENTERPRISES 24 DIVISION ST. PHIONE 623-3221 BOWMAN VILLE shoulti be for whab we have. Life,'s troubles are burdeni-i somie, but w eiv if we cani accept what wc have andi what we are anti be thankful for these blesings ifie's dlaily living wvill be caýsier to bear. Wc siould ail tny to remiem- ber somne may corner the market on sccuirity, but NO ONE can corner bbc, maket oni trouble! Count your blese- inge - in espite o! youm station in life - yo"u wll find you have miany and a Happy East- cm to yen al! Ve, cxtcila vwarm1wni lcom hom.ne to M,ýiss Olive T'lhomne, Mill st. S., %"-!o bsretumneti to the village afier spendling the,- wintemr mooiths in Fl]orida.ý Deepest smntyis ited cd ta he famrlly and rela- tives o! the late Boyd Harris of Ncwtonvllle. Mr. and Mme. Danny AltI- read and Shiari-Lynn. Sean- borough, spent Saturday vis- iting withi relatives in the vil- lage. The Royal Caniadian Legion, Branch 17-î8, Bowîmanville, held its annual Ladies' Night <iast Satuirdiy and as usual, it wmas a great succeuse. Amoüng those aled rom New- castle weme: Mr. ati IMms. Hroward Quioncy , Mn.ranti MmIs. Alcentfi'my, Reýeqand Mme. Aifreti Grayj,-Mm. andi Mmc. WinslwCollierM. iand Mm. HaroldiNcoloMn. andi Mrs. Doujglas WloMm. anti Mme. Robemrt Shearer, Mr. ant,is Mm.Walter Mupy Rel and Mc Robert Hayne i(Legion Padre), MmI. anti Mme. EdnndMau (Legion Presi-, dent), Mm. and 'Mme. Sam BreretnandM. and Mme. Stan Couch o! Brownsvillc. R-cenitly, Mm. anti Mme. Howamrd Allun had a very pieasant vieit wilh their niece Mms. A.' Vi ser !omi Toronto. ýWm. P, Johnstoni Gas - Mtor O11 - Fuel 011e and Grease FURNACE INSTALLATIONS AND BEPAIRS - Newcastle '- 987-5111 -THE COUNCIL 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE NOTICE The Couincil of the Mncplt of the Township of C!Larke hereby gives notice that it intends to pass a By-La to close or stop)-upt the 11oad Allowances in the Village of Orono withini the Township of Clar-ke, in the County of Durham, following, that is to say: AUl of Village Lot One (1) forrning part of theL original Road Al- lowance betiveen Concessions Four (4) and Five (5s across Towni- ship Lot Twenty-nine (29) according to C. G. Hlaninig's Plan of the said Village of Orono, together with parts of the aforesaid Rond Allowance, afi withhin the said Township of Clarke, more particu-. larly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South-Westerly angle of Village Lot Eight (8) in Block "B", according to C. G. Hlanninig's Plani of the said Villag-e of Orono; THIENCE Sothi 71 degrees 1-s minutes 30 seconds West Al1ong, the Southerly limiit of said Townsip Lot 29 in the Fifth Concessioni. being- the Northerly limiit of the said Road Allowance, a distance of 895.4.5 feet to the point of intersection wvith a fence mnarkinig th- existing Easterly limit of a travelledl road running Soth1erly; THENCE South 36 degrees, 47 minutes East in the line of thie said fence a distance of 69.43 feet more or less to the point of iinter.,,cc- tion with the Northerly Iimit of Lot 29 in the Fouirth Concession of the said Township of Clarke; THENCE N'orth 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along the last-mentioned limit, being the Southerly limiit of the said Road Allo-týaance, a distance of 872.96 feet more oPr less to the point of intersection with a line drawn iont a course of South 17' degrees 53 minutes East fromi the point of commencement; THENCE North 17 degrecs 53 minutes West a distance of 66 feet more or les-, to the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT. 2. Ail of the original Street Allowance iying between Blocks Eight (8) and Nine (9) according to C. G. Hanniig's Plant of the said Village of Oroino, being part of the original Townviship Lot Twenty- rine (29) in the Fifth Concession of tlie Towvnship of Clarke; 3. Ail of the original Street Reserve Iying betveen Village Lots Tbree (3) and Four (4) in Block 6iU", according to C. G. Hanning's Plait of the said Village of Orono, exteniding fromn the Easterly limiit of Mili Street to the Westerly limit of Church Street; 4. AIl of the original Street Reserve lying between Block Four (4) and Block Thirteen (13) according to C. G.Hains Plan of the said Village of Orono, extending fron the Easterly limiit of Miii Street to the Easterly limiits of the Village Lot Seventeen (17), Rear Range, Block 4, and Village Lot Eighteen (18) Rear Range, Block ; 5. Ail of the, original Street Reserve lying, between Block Thirteen (13) and Biock Ten (10) according to C. G. Hanning's Plant of the said] Village of Orono extending front the Easterly limiit of Mlili Street to the Easterly lim-it of the Villag-e L ot Twenity-twvo (22), Rear Range, Block 13, and Village Lot 23 , Iear Range, Block 10. SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREOUT AND THEREFRtOMý that part of the aforesaid Street Reserve that lies within the lands more particuiariy designated as Part Two (2) according to a plant depos- îied in the Registrn- Office for the, Registry Division of Durhami West as Number N21630, 6. Part of Princess Street and part of an unnaamed Street Easterly adjacent te Block "G;" according to C. G. Ilanning's plan of the said Village of Oronio, and more particularly designated as Parts Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) according to a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durhami West as Numnber 10 R. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to miake claimt or to oppose the said By-Law wili be heard in pý,rson or by proxy -at the meeting of the said Council to be heid in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario on the 1,th day of May, 1973l, at the boumr of 7:30 o'ciock in the evening. Dated this th day of April, 1973. B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. Cierk-Administrator of the Municipality. Mise Linda Skelding of Chippawva spent the weeckend with hiem aunt and uncle, m. and Mrs, Ron Ho)pe, MJiehele and Tipmmy. WhIle heme she visited other relatives in the village. The Hi-C of Newcastle Unit- ed Chumch are planning a speciaI1 evening service fori the Youth. Att this time Rev. Thrasher fmomi "T'he Mis- si on"C, Kingston, and hie mueicians will be the attrac- to.Maniy o! ourreaderýs will emember Rev. Thra.Sher's visi" last year. HIie miessage is bmioughelt ito the Young pýeopl)e (older peole ill en- joy ii also) throuýgh musie. dan-,c anid soui-se-arcbing ;wit- neý-s Do attend this speciai service - you will leave it With a wonderful sense o!' well- being and serenity. These yourng people, members o! the Hi-C, are anactive group o! young people eagerly work- ing for their chuLrch and just as eagemly w-omking to help equip their meeýting place. They are always on the go to help better tLheir facilities and to this end they are plan- ning another paper drive, for Saturday, April 2lst. It was nice to sec Prof.' and Mrs. C. C. Love over the weekend.. The Loves were down to thieir cottageand took advantage o! the beaut'iful weekend to do somne cleaning up and getting thinge in ord- er for the sumimer. We im- agine there, were others down to their cottages also a-nd we, would like to wel- corne them aial back to our Iovely vlae Mm. Shemman O'Neill, Win- chester and Miss Debbie Tup- per, Williamrsburg, spent the weedwith Mr. O'Neill's sister and- family. Mm, and Mm&s. Jack Pruner, Debbie and Janet. T1he "Take-a-Break" gop meeting in Newcastle United Church evýery Tuesday momo- îng will be: holding its last metig nil F ail, Tuesday, Apri] 24th. They have plan- ned another very special meetingý forf this lasýt session with Ms Seeley o! Bowman- " ile.our Publie Health Nurse, giving a talk and showing a film on1 Child Behaviour. Sbld (be very interesting and myeif we ever leamn to understand chîld behaviour our Ciuties as parents mnay be -a lhttle easier, Library News Ne-w boke have arrivedl in the hibrary and thcy are ex- cellent. When the book3 corne in theY are put on a "New Book Sheif" and it le first corne, first semved. The boo1)ks go ve0ry fa, ',So if y ou would like to be the fîret reader, -pleasqe come in as soon as you cani. We have had so many new books corne in recently that we can only keep the Most recent shipment on thE new book shel!, but there are many more books Lthat are very new and have been put with thereua stock. WE i are pmoudc to say that thc iibmrary keeps up with1 the besi seller liet. New Books Write 'Murder Dowvn, Rich-. adLo)ckridge: The cNixons, Ediroytl;An To Eaých tSeas3on, RodiMeKeun; The Bide-'s Bo)ok o! Ettiqueitte, dtofso Brides Magazine; Richard Burton: Very Close Up, John Cottrel aind Fet'gus Cashin: Get in Touch With Vore!Through Yoga, Tillie Mia; j The Femnale Pleasure Hunti. Pamnela Mason: How to Prtet oumself Today, Samrn sýinclair Baker; Tbe Great Caniadian No-vel, Harry J. Boi;Birdis In'The Garden, MarartMcKenny; Weep No Mor- My Lay, -Mi.ckey Deans ,fid Ann P4nichot: Eaton's ~oigand Summyyer Cata- logue 1 927, T1. Eaton Co.; Ai] Abýout Camiping, Whi. H. Mer- r,ýl: F~a-p Off The Cenitury, Gilles Terrou. Rev Rbet 1aync has been appomltedi to the Libramy B3oard. April 20,. Good Fmi- dathe Library %%ili be clos3- Chamber of Commerce 0; We1 edaApril H teChiamber of Commere ýit aout 61 presenit .sai don '.to a delicious roast beel dinner scmvedi by St. George'!ý A.C.W., the occasion heing ar eveiniig dinner mneetingl foi d1iscussion and suggestions. The mieeting was opened by words o!f wclcome fronr Mi. Keith Barr, Pres1dent oni 'buNate and District Chamnbeýr. Mr. Barr also salé r"Grace" and led in thei sing. ing o! the National Anthér, "O Canada". After evcryone had partak. en o! tlie delicious dinner th( talent to Chamber w-omk eve thouigh they ai7c engrossed il their own businesses and othe organizations. Thev therefor deserve active support in! an;, projeets undemtaken. He me pomteod on the initial proJect inlstituted by the Chamber 1i its fimet year o! operatior sevemal have been conclude or are in thie pmocess o! de velopq)ment. Lut us look ani sumnmarize: A possible Senlo Citizens deveiopment in con nection with Dumhýrlam County' Senior Citizens Lodge, Liquo aind Beer Ou iet the vil agthie prepamation of Nease Dimectory in con nection with a Welcomne Wag on Service, street sig«ns fo the village, Trash Can pro ject: for the front street, the 19721 Oktoberfeet, Entrance Signe at the village limits, even the possibiiity o! an Antique Show. Athtle prescrit lime action le goîng on ln many of these areas,. while several are opemating most successflly.1 Because o! thie possibiIitýy o! regionalgve Mmr m.Bârr stressed the need for this Chamber to keeq on an up- to-date basis on how this newv concept will affect our co- muniîy. Constructive crticism will only helD strengrthen the Chami-ber and thus grow in the commiunity so il can con- tinue 10 work, promnote and support mnatters o! benefit to Ibis commnunity. The rest of the eveiling "ïXas spenî lisbening, to andj discussing reports fronm mcm- bers o! bbc execu'live. Among those were repo!ls rmade by Del Moore on.-the aima and objectives o! a C. o-f C. wo)rkz: by .Mumay Walton on cdelails o! tbe finances aind other pertjinent facîs on the past yemsoperations fromn his VanLage point as se-cretamry- treasurer; by Howaýrd Quin- ney on thc rne-mbership; by Rav Goode on bhec ground- work and excellent co-opera-_ lion he received in establish- ing a new decntist la the vil- lag, wos office, incldenitally will be opening in May. The imeeting wvent on 10 diseuss prOposed projecîs for 1973 nmosî o! which wene me- ceivecd most favorably by tbose presen.t, Street signs are bib e oiffin and thîs pro- jeet, though very cexpensive aI the present limne, will bc re-initmoduiced upon the comi- plelion o! the sewem peroe. Another"kocret is plan- ned for Sept. 15. It was pro- posed taý set up cominittees wvithin tIhe Chamnben Io deai with such thInge as Municipal Affaire, echoeeit Was felt by the miajority that such committeem sbould be le!tý to the discreIion o! the execu- tive and iiivolvement would be left on an arpointed basis. Eztrance signe were discuss- cd and il wvas poinbed out the signe thernselvcs and their locations muet bc apliroved by the Déparîmnent of Transport. An illuminated Butlletin Sign pro)j cc uw.as spoIken O! andt wvas pointcd out that sucb a sign ivould bc o!fgreat benefit to ail as it would be situated near the çommýrunity hall in. the centre o! the village. Oth'er aclivities lntroducedI and io1 be investigated are a% Junior Chamber o! Commerce andi a local Licensing Bureau. The evening endcd happily for ail in atedac s etery- onie feit il had been a miost fruitful and worlhwhiie even- ing. A genýeral meeting o! the Newcastle and District Cham- ber o! Commerce will be held Ia May (date to be announc- efi later) wiien election o! offi'cers ;wil take place. SCOUTS, CUBS AND PARENTS NIGHT Nwastle--On Sunday ai- temnioon, parents o! Cube and Scouts PIlromlnst Neweastl'c met with thecir sons la the Sunday Sehool room o! New- castle United Chunch to par- take la the annuai Parent- Son Pot Luck flinnen. MWet by leaders and assistants o! the Pack anci Tmo-_op, a very twarm welcomne was iccorderl tao evemyonie. Considemable attention was -ivenn te bbc Býadge ,Chant nnd display. With every nl attend.. ance, parents andi sons ifounti their place i the tables. Gace waesa,îId by Commis- sioner Robent Nichiolis, afte-r wbhich he offced a toat t'O the Qucen. Ausual, the m!others out- diti themeselves and evemy tabýjle was laden vvitb many lemnptlng- dishes from sld to cbbage rols, chie-ken pot- Spie 10 toast bec!. Desserts niso variedte10 my kintis o! pies, cakes andi squaresq. Scouter "BFetty Charianti ex- tcnded the officiailcota 1 the pa-rntIsand oys anti thanketi the -cotlhers for their effort. Heacl t able guesîs were Commnissi oner and Mme. Robent Nicholîs andi Dale. Scout Commissioner and Mmc. Gren McQuat, Scouter andi Mme. Jim Stephenson, Presi - dent o! th(, Newcaýstle Lionls Club and Chairmain of the Sponisoring Grouip, Lion and Mms. Star, Pow.ell, Seceîary- Tratrro! the Sronsomiing Grouýp, Lion ant i-me Charlieý tMegýz, Cub Commiissioner anti fMme'. George Charlanti, sonsý s Mark, Marcel and Michael JOhn- i. r Comtpleting the hati table, y Lions Powell anti Megit both . xprcss,ýd thïeir bhanks for 9their invitatiýon for a lovely s dinnier and uxpi-cssef. word:s If o! congratulation 1ta the luadi r crs w wemedoing a very it 1 ooti job. "i FAlbowing, the sp-eechesý, as- it sisteti by Miss Dwyer, Scoute: e Charlanti precenteti Stara and 1- Badges t10 the Cube recently dpa-ýssîng the qualifications for ïïsamie. SAmong- such other intemeet- ring events the hoys look for- .0 ward 10 are the Jub Athietic y 1 Day andtihebc nnual Cul, W- Camnporce and hopefully Sweek long camp for :;4ou~ts niHelp wllbe needeti andi2ai l parents wiil laber be contact- ' 'At theoe of the dinner, ýd oaisinr and L&.eden rminigleti with the boys anc -better acquaintiet themffelve, 9 wthth,,IeParents. )r Vun NEWS 11 The Green Six 'with tk, ahighest pojints for the montil o!f bmay enjoyed ara evena ing el bowling. Cuba 'partici. )r pating weme Mark MeMackli SLeonard H-amtford, Paul Pet-' ýers a.nd Jeffrey Woodbeck. On Saturday, April 14th, Nfewcastle Cube boarded the bus at 1 p.m. for a trip to ýMillbr-ok wh.Ere they attend- ed the Maple Sugar Festival. Goirîg on wagon rides, they ýhad Mr. Kennedy ex-plain how the trees wcre tapped and how the cap filtered down through tubes int the evapomaaor whcre il is boiled down until th30 watem evaporates and leaves the syrup. It leis1ter mun inito a cani, strinied again and put Into containers for sale, After further investigating the maple sugar bu.sh the Cube returned to the grounde whcire they were served pan- cakes and maple SYrup and pop, after which the'y were free to run and pla-y, ride ponies or take wa,,gon rides. The retumo home a made' at 4:00, a tired but happyý group.i in attendance wcre, Mike Bennett, Donald Clh ar d MVichael J ohn Charland, Johni Eikins, Angus Fenineli, Leon)- ard Hart!ord, Martin Hende- soncr, Harry Hirshfeld, Cecili Knapp, Mark Konzeimann Noei Lake. Duane Male Mark, MeMackin, Gerry Mar- in, flene Marin, Paul Peters, Kevin Reid, Shawn Robinson, Gien Schmid, Clarence Ton, Jeffrey Woodbeck. Leaders and parents assiet- inlg were Mvarice Ton, Elden Hirshfeid, F r e d Nichoils, Cathy D-wyer, Bruce Markle and )2etîY Chit-ald. In the Editor"s Mail Newcastle, Ont., Apnil 14, 1973, Dear Editor: With the Wînter seacon and more parlicuiarly, the hockey season, quickly fad- ing to a mnemory we felt il wac high lime credit wae givenwhc credit le due as regards the Newcistle, Comn- binles Junior "D"' hockey teami. Ail in ail it was *moçst rewarding' season for every- one, the boys, the coaches, the fans. This tcam pro- vided eclln"hceyfr the fans in this aea and should be congratulaled for their efforts. Junior hockeyý bought on an entlrelyne calibre o! hockey t10 New- castie and this was certain- !y proved by theapei- lion shown by bbe fane. Speasking o!À fans - iwhemre woulid a team bc- withoýut thiem? Through their en- couragemen',t thcy spur the players on to giving and doing Iheir very beet in .every game.(, The Combines certaily " eren't lacklng in this department cither. TheCir staunch supporters urged thcm oen to biggen and better things, gamne after gAmne.A ' heaty vote o! thanks goes out to these fine peuple w,%ho supported theteam s8o whoiceartedly.' Last, but far fromn leapst, >without the patience, under- standing and guidance o! a good coach and good man- ager vhere would any team bù? Agaip [hbc Combines were fortunate. Ia these good men, Irv McCullough, Winslow Collier and Johnniiy Majther, the Combines cx,- celled on tie plateau. Greatest appreciationle- tended themi on a j'bAs treýmely we11 donc. The skates, sticks and equipmemit a ilput aa Inow - but WE SHALL RýE- TURN. Sec you ncxt winter. Sincerely, Frali and Douglas Wright. PONTYPOOL Dean Fisk is homne at tel coinpletlng hics second ycar at] Guelph University. Mm. Tom- Elviss of Brock,i Sask.. and son Walter o! Loni- don, Ont., called on Mm. ar.d *Mrs. AMkenis and Tom last ThursdaY. Mms. Edna Winn and da- ghter Bemnice o! Orillia weire Satuirday eveninrg s u ppe r guests o! the Aikens. Another local property has _changed hands. The une huni- ýdred and fi! ty acres, formaerly known as "The Bernistein H6mestead" bas been sold. Conigratu lations 10Chrs- telia Neais wvho wvas present- cd -%it h the trop1hy for Ladies' IHiglh Avemaige nt the Bethanry B owling banquet on Saturday night. Her avemage was 219., Clarke H. S. News by Dinne Bamnett The wcather sure -surpris- cd us last week. 'OQne neyer knew What 10 explect but il seenie(i that 90 Per cent o! the lime it was rainfing. On Mond-ay, April 2, '73 (the day afler A pril Fool's) a new club was slatameti.Alter sehool any people ,vho hdsigncld up could pulay badminton or ping- pong. It semied aýs tboug'h evcmyone cnjoyedtesles Also on Moýnday another niew' club wvas started tiaI Cankeý 1The person teacbing- the Ecol- ogy mini-course bad s50 many, people atni~that it Was decidedti t starl an Ecology Club. On Friday the club sponisored a film witb mnany peoplàe attcnding. On Tuc-sday thie boy' s volley- bail teames hati their negular practice. 1, bhinik that il's vemy commundable that these ýuamns cao have soý much spirit'whîle the stutient body shows a very emaîl amnount. On Wetineday the Gymna"s- bics Club had Ibeir regular practice witb n gooti attend- ance. The, aftemnoion an- nouncements stateti that Timn Blaker, Grace Van Niejenhuis and AmtI Grool hati stooti third In ail o! Canada wbcn, they wrotc the Junior Math. contest. 1 think that we shoul'd ail bu prouti o! these students for working so bard, foür their scbooL. On, Tbursday Ibe volîcybali teame taveliedti taNorwýoo)d for a ltoumnamnent. The Seniors came first and the Juniors came seýcondl. This entietia vemy succezsful season for Clarke. <More neaws next week. BGWMANVILLE FI ,I~Vf~ 18 rné~ * UJ>UMMK WOOD SHOP ATOUR HANDY -COURTICE LOCATION Warehouse Lumberland m 100 Bond St. West - Oshawa TWO LOCATIONS The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanv ille, April 18, 1973 Sign Contracts Sewer System Newcastle - Couneil %vas advised this week that the two contracte for thec sew- er system plus the treatment plant anad pumping syetemi have been signed. So, ac- tion may be expected i the near future. D'Ainore Co0n s truction { W'indsor) Ltd. plan to be- gin work on the sewers as eanly as next week, but no information bas been -re- celved on when K. B. Pmu- ton Construction LtA.-of DownSvlew wilI begbl wowk on the plant. C et Cash Today for OId Appliances SthrT SMA Phono 623-8303 SHOF at and SAVE DYKSTRA'S .00% Save!! YOUR CASH REGISTER TAPES FOR A REAL BONUS BUY ON A BEAUTIFUL SET 0F TABLE WARE FOR ONLY STAINLESS ÊI STEEL .52 Piece$1j1.5U plus S.100.04) Worth of cash register tapes I"EAUTIFUL 5 PIECE FOR ONLY STAINLESS Serving fln l Set 771C set lus $100.00 worthi of cash register tapes Place Vour Order Nowv!! Wbile they last . I I JL i ucl . ii iW shawa ood MM01 I1)ài p R 0 DUifC' T s11 4WM11 BOTH LOCATIONS CLOSED Good Friday OPEN SATURDAY, APRIL 21 - 8.5 REGULAR STORE HOURS RESUME MONDAY, APRIL 23rd Ni. 2 IIWY. WEST o ~ BOWMAN VILLE o L!j o 401 HIGHWAY-- WHERE YOU CAN SERVE YOUJRSEF IN COMPLETE INDOORt