14 The Canadi»an Statesman, Bowmanville, April 18, 1973 'N E ST lET70 Congratulations to Mvr. and hand-clapping of the audilence 'Ites were en]OYed. These in- Mrs Mlcolm Emerson wo as arar teat for those in cluded Easter Bonnet ansi observedi their s9ixty-second attendance. It is admnirable1 Hello Dofly (Nancy). Read- we dd i ng anniversary on tg sec the dedication of these ings were given by Mrs. Hlow- Thursday, April 12. To hon- younig mon. Singing in school ar'd Malcolmn, Yelverton, Mrs, our this unique occasion they auditoriums here ina Canada Merrili VanCamnp, Blackstock, were guests of Mr. ai-d Mrs.~ and in the' United States, and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Port Victor Malcolm for Sunday should be an incentive to the Perry. Mrs. S. A. Cawker mid-day dinner at Conway young peopjle as they face the wîth her wt and wisdlom (an Gardens, Port Perry. problemrs of cveryday i'vinlg. original) advlce ta the bride- Mvr. and Mrs. Reg,. Middle- The Nýest,1eton U.C.W. extends elect, delighted the group. ton and Bruce, also Mrs. Stan appreciation to the group for Ail are familiar with Mfabel's Atkisoa of Mississauga and their fine performa nce and ainmtbesye o "d" Mrs. Reg. Haines of Caesarea sincere "thank you" to ail who inumiuTab e styl 0f ry"on were Satuirday evening dinner assisted in making the even- huur. wTheanprogrm cn- guests of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil-. iag suchi a success, socially clg ude ih nitee.u fred Vine and family. Ia the and fînancially. s is.gNnywt e .~eveaing they, attended the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman i ssisrting Nncy tth ers. Switzer Musicale and bazaar Mr. and Mrs. Weylie Mc- Mafl cethe st aesKMr, L in the Rec, Centre, Black- Keown, Caledon East, were Malol, Mrs. Jak asKent, stock. Monday (cf last week) lun-OrnMs Mak alo, On Saturday evening Mir. cheoni guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Aylwin Haines. the littie, and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf at- Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Misses Shelly Malcolm and Stendcd the Barbershop Pro- Raymond, Chapmnan. Orono Annette Haines of Nestieton. gram in Oshawa when the and granddaughter Mis s Mrs. Haines fashioned a very O;shqwa Chapter (SPEBSQA> Mandy Chapman'0f Bideford, unusual Easter bonnet which Sw ere hosta to the Ontarlo Dis- England, were Sunday ealu- Nancy mnodelled Ilke 'a pro- trict Convention. Groups crs. fessional. were present from other .On- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Browni When the gifts were pass- tarloj Centres to thrill their Oshawa, visited on Saturday ed and admircd, Nancy ex- audience with an excellent evening with Mr. and Mrs. pressed appreciation ta fri- rendition of old and new fav- Grant Thompson. ends for their kindness, for orites. On Sunday evcning Mr. and the lovely gifts, and eXtcnded Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- Ms Clarke Williams and anl Invitation toail to visit liamas attended the auctIon sale Miýrs. Arnold Wiliamns and her. of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser ýfamily were dinner guesta of. Lunch concluded this happy at Port Hope on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis and occasion and the usual nelgh- were evening dinner guests boys, Bowmranville, to honor borly visit, was enjoyed. of Mr. and Mrs. George Fin- a couple of birthdays. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid mie. Mr. and Mars. Sain Cawker.ý The regular mionthly rheet- Mn2. Florence Thompson, Nestîcton, spent SundaY visit- ing of the Presbyterian Lad- Toronto, la spending a few ing relatives la Toronto. les' Aid was held at 7:30 p.m. days wth her sister and hus- Saturday visitons at the aIt the home of Mrs. N. John- band, M4r. and Mrs. Lawrence Cawken farm were Mr. and stone. Mrs. Geo. Heasllp, lst Cooledge. Mr. and .Mrs. Gor- Mrs. im Cawker of Man- vice president, welcomed the don Cooledge and falY, chester. ladies and thanked the hos- Caesarca, visited for Sunday Bridai Shower tess for having the meeting. eventing dinnen with hîs par- On Friday evening, Mrs. Mrs. H. Visser, president, was ents. Lawrence Malcolm-. assistedl unable ta attend. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman. Lisa by her daughter Lorrle, was The hymaj "When ISurvey and friend, North Bay, spent hostess for 'a miscellaneous the Wondrous Cross" 'was fol- the weekend with hen parents, shower ta honon bride-elect, lowed by the Lord's Býrayer, Mr, and Mrs. George Bowers. Miss Nancy Judson of View- repeated la unison. The devo- The George Bowcns were lakte. tional was taken by Mrs. Suaday supper guesta with Nancy was given a seat Of Johnstone, usiîng the Easter Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bow ens, honor amldd a bower of wed- message as the theme. John and Brian, ia Oshaçwa.digbisaferhchhee-MsRuh rutertry The Switzer Brothers pr,,- dn elatrwihsei-Ms uhPotscea vided a gala evening of entci ceved a corsage from the read the minutes and, report- tanament lan the Recreatio, hostess. ed on finances. Current busi- Centre, Bla,,kstock, on Satur- Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Port ness was discussed and each day evening, Their gospel Perry, presided aIt the piano member la to brlng an idea singing, ,with a flair, and for a sing-song. Maay favour- for, a way to raise money to the next meeting. r O The roll cail using the word fo «"Palm" In a Bible verse was well responded ta by ten *EU members. Fi e The MIzpah benediction followed the sIagiag of "*Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross." Seals.eMr roGranTompsn anf readings by Mrs. G. Gilson, MisR. Prout. Lunch was served by Mrs. Johnstone, assisted by Mrs. LeShaw, and tihe apprecia- dnwas exprcssed by Mn., R. Glass. In thse Presbytenian Churcis Sunday. morning. Mr. Rick Glass chose "1Jesus' Triumphal Entry into, Jerusalern' as thse theme for his message on Palm Sunday. Pilate's ques- tion "Are You a King?" The people scorned and disowned Jesus. Ail sinners crucilicd, Hlm. Mrs. .-Henry Visser sang 4'Wth Ris Stripes1 We Are Healed.1" Ia the United Church, Rev. Victor Pansons chose "SIde Taking Sunday" for his ser- mrio n, reading Mark il: 1-11, Palmas are significant as they- drew attention whea they were stnewn on Jesus' path 'Pas Nie entered Jerusalem. The ýýi 1-14ochoir sang "This la My Pray- - er". Thse Sacrament of Holy, Communion was eomrnemor- ated. Three members were welcomned Into the congrega- tion by letters of transfen. a. *~ eEastern Star News Tlhe meeting of Blue Rayl Cardinal' Tykeo-s Defea,ý,,t Indians Unfortunately, the presentation ceremnony was completed in the Tyke Recreation Mug final when The Statesmnan photographer arrived and Danny Elliott and Gary Owens of the Cardinals who received the trophy had already lef t. So, these four inembers of the team agreed to fi in for them. They are, front, Timmy Whyte, standing lef t ta right, David Hancock, Marty Erwin, anc Steve Burrows. The Cardinals defeated the Indians 6-2. K A Last Saturday the P.Tr.A. of! Kendal Scisool sponsored a movie film ia the scisool audi- torium for the young folk of the.,village. lt was entitledi "01a Yellar" and proved very poplar according 'c tise ne- sponse of children out to seci t.The Kendal Women's Imati- tute met on Tuesday enIag. April 10th at thse home of Mrs. Wm. Turansky with aine members present. Mrs. J'. Henderson2 our president, opcaed thse meeting and the minutes o! the Marcis meet- ijng were read and adopted by our Seccretary Mrs. A. Low. It being tise nth for the election. o! officens ail mcm- bers went back mbt office, wlth the exception o! the Sec- retary. Mrs. Wm. Turansky is tû replace Mna. A. Low in that capacity. Plans werc fia- alized for the Penny- Sale t0 behcld la May la these chool auditorium. There la 10 be a Tuppewae party aI 'Mrs. WM ,ýHowy'a home on April l8th to obtain articles for .Our penny sale. Thse members have been invited to join Starkville ladies on a bus trip to Toronto on -ApnIl l7th to visit a fabric centre. I A taaty lunch was provided by Mrs. Carl Langstaff and >Mrs. T. Grossen. Thée next meeting is to bc aItihe home of Mrs. Garland Catiscant. On Wednesday cvening a shower was held at thse home o! Mrs. George Mercer in lhon- or of Miss Arlene Walker, bride-elect of Douglas Merc- er. The co-hostesses for tise, shower werc Mrs. Bnian Fos- ter and Mrs. Doug Walker. The bride -10o - be rcceived many beautiful and useful giff s for -which she thanked evcryone. The wedding la to be in Thorahili. Beat wishes go btiste young coupfle. Thse last card party o! this season was held Friday even- eing la the Orange Hall. Tise P ucky folk for tise eveniag were as fôllows: Lady's high. Mns. 30e Jillison:, lady'a low weat to Mrs. Carol Davis: g gnt:ashtgh. Roger Downes; gent's1lWRoy A. poster. Thep lucky draw prize for the -ladies waa won by Mrs. A. Downes and for the gents Mr. e R. Elliott. The 50-50 draw n was won by Mra. Ana Cooper. f- There was a very good turn- ýd out 10 cisunci on Sunday el morning as tisene was a Dedi- cation Service of new hymn t books ia memory of four of :p our deccasèd members. The ENDAL lowing: Miss Selina Thèrtell,i Mr. Wm. Jackson, Mr. W. H.1 Poster'and Mn. Trucanan Gar- hutt. It being Palm Sunday Sacramenit service ivasa aso held. There was an invita- tion from Newtonville Chuircis for ail to attend their service on Good Fniday. Mrs. Edna Winn and daugh- ter Bernicc of Oillia were ..aturday dinner guesta of Mn. and Mrs. Garland Catiscant. Mrs. M. E. Poster returnnd home tisis Sünday afler spend- ing the winter months among friendsanad relatives la Ten- nesee, Virginia and Buffalo. Patients admitted in Me- monial Hospital, Bowmanville this week were Mn. Fred Winn, Jason Therteli, youngest son of Mn. and Mrs. Gary Tiser- tell, later he was releaaed and isis brother Kevin was taken la with a bad' bura; also Mn. David Mercer who got his hand badly cul at work. Mn. and Mrs. Larry Evans and infant son were at her parents, Mr. and *Mns. Clan- canceTiserteli on Sunday.1 Sunday visitons with Mrs. W. H. Poster were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bycra and family of Wclcome, Mn. Robt. Car- ruthers and fansily of Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk -aad threc sons,,Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Foster and son of Newcastle; Mr. and S4rs. Thos. Poster of Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Leigiston Walsh of Vittoria and Mr. and Mrs. Donàld Welsh and son o! Walsh. LOSE SEM-FINALS Hamipton Gardens Minor Pce Wees baot thse semi-final round 0f the King Clancy Tournamnent to Ted Reeve Arena team; two-game 'total goals 5-4 On Tuesday evcning the Miner Pee Wees loat thein finst gamne 10 a Ted Reeve team 3-2. On Saturday,',Bowmanville travelled to St. Michael's Anena for thse second game againat the Ted Reeve team, the ganse ending in a tie, 2-2 Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND ASýk for1 Rae . .. COUNTY CHIRYSLER-DODGE LT». Newcastle Lions Club DA NC featuring JIM COYLI and the Cabi, TV Boys