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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1973, p. 15

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SOLINTA W. 1. Solina Womien's Institute Met On ApFri l l th in the Hall for their final meeting of the y ear's programn. Miss Pearl Leanch, president, wes in charge for the opening. The 4-H Feshion Show took place first. The 17 girls were totally responsible for this, but had been trai*ne'd by their leaders, Mrs. Fred Watson, Mrs. Donald Taylor and Mrs. Harry Kýnox. The stage was decorated to represent a cir- eus stage. RedI, white and blue streamers, belloons, and ani- mals stuffed and picturedl, formed the beckgrounîd. Dch- hie Drew acted as aninouncer and described eech. model as she displayed the sportswear garments she hiad made. The following girls took part: Annette and Collette Taylor, one In red, the other In blue. playsults; Mary Row- seIl In green and white sep- arates; Nancy TravLss in tur- quoise blue separates; Sally Larnaid in green skirt, top and jacket with plaid trlm; Jane i4s in a blue sklrt and top with cherry red decora- ton; Valerie Taylor in a brawn flered skirt wîth gold blouse: JanIce Yellowklees In a gray aqnd orange dotted dresýs with orange coîIjar and ouf! trlm; Nancýy Knox in gray paýnts anrd blazer, the blouse was flow.,ered wlth short sleeves; Renate Gerat- schek in blue pant and blap- er with vest; Marilyn Knox In doule-breastedl white bla- zer, black and white plaid pants and red blouse; Joyce Hancock in mauve pants, white under-blouse and short- sleeved mnauve top; Donna Hancock, black and white check pants and vest wlth white blouse; Susan Best, blue pants and top accomipanied wilh a white blouse; Kather-ý mne Knox in blue and mauve dottedi pants and top; Paye Langmeaid, blue pents and short sleeved top with lo>ng- sleeved pink blouse; Debbie Drewi (comminented by Paye), red and white check pants and jacket top had whlte col- ler andi cuffs. After the Fasion Parade.ý %hile we were admirlng aIlý the attractive models, Feye Leng maid a n cd Katherine Knox preserited the threP leaders with gifts (crystal bud vases). the girls therc. are two, Nancy Kn-rox and Debbie Drew, who will re- celve Pronvincial îHonorurs at their Achievemient Day en Seturday, Aprîl 14, at Black- BYAM' PLUMVBING & IIEATINC and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONARIOJ Phone 263-2650 15 Queen St. stock. Mrs. Charles Langminaid pre-sented these two girls with silver creem, sugar and trays on behaîf of th Insti- tute. Both Debbie and Nancy replied fittlngly, thanking -Il their leaders, the Institute and their mothers for helping them echieve the twelve clubs required to win Provincial Honours. Miss Leach continued the meeting w1th the usueil busi- ness. Mrs. H',owerd M\illsonj, secretary, rend the minutes and corresponidence and thne treasurer's report. Viola Ashton reported on Our recent Casserole Luncheon wihichi netted $354.28 - real success. Mrs. Tomn Baker mov- ed a vote of appreciation to Viola for being ln charge of the ticket selling. AU mem- bers agreed wt this. Miss Leach mentioned that two dozen tee /towels had been purchesed for the hall. These were dlsplayed. 1t wes brought to our attention thet e new sign points ta Soline et the corner of Taunton Rd. and Soin d. We owe thenks to 'Mr. Carruthers, our M.P.P., for thLs. The District Executive meeting, hecid recently et the home of Mrs. Howard BradI- ley, was reported on by our District Director, Viola Asý-h- ton. She -nniouniced our Dis- trict Annuel vwould be helcI et Newtonville church on May 9th. We will bave five dele- getes, but enyone is welcom-e tÀ, go. The 'District Annuel wiIl be held next year la Sa- line. Deleglates, Miss Peerl Leeh, Mrs. Howard Miilîson,, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. Wes-' ley Werry and Mrs, Tom Ba- ker. Mrs. Ashton also an- nounced thet the TravellingJ Choristers will comoe to our i!ýll in May. Eerly in May Mrs. Fred Watson will attend the W. I. Conference in Waterloo. 1WVe are remninded thet our May meeting wlll be aur 7Oth Annlversary Celebration. The group leaders will notify us on the details for this. We have now received two maga- zines, ordered by Our secre- tery - The Canadien Consumn- er and one on the Metrie Sys- tem of Welghts and Meesýures.1 These wlll be, studled et meet- ing"s tocame. Mrs. Howevrd Bredley, our District President, then spoke te us. She said she especielly enjoyed the 4-H Girls' Fash- in Show, and reminded lUs of the Achievement Day. Mrs. Bradley then read an Eastcor poem on Festing and Feest- ing, then a second one or Plantin, ln our Gardens - pees, squash, lettuce, turnip, în weys ta give us reel cher- acter in k-indness, generosity* ,' patience and neighbarllness. Our roll call as - Some- thing new I Intend tA plant In mýy garden this year. As eech member replied she paid her fee for the comlng yeer. At thîs point, Mrs. Williamý Clark, leadier o! group Agri- culture and Canadien Indus- tries, toock the chair. She called ou Mrs. Larry Spires for the muotta, Whet we tfhink, are th-, five most important words or expressions. Barbare listed these (1) I am proud of yo'u, (2) Whet is y aur opin- ion? (3) If you please! (4) Thank you, (5) 1. Then she tolcI us what wve shoulcI shop for emnong these - generosity. kindness, patience, sense ofi humor, goodness and frIend- ship. Then Mrs. Ross Kos,tz Pleyed two Easter hymns wlth variations, "In tihe Garden" and "The Old Rugged( Cross". This reelly tauched our heerts. Marilyn Knox, wýho is ýfam- Box 86 port Hope 885-6329 l SIN URANCE HOME LIE .AUTO .COMM!ERCIAýL To keep your farm running you depend on your equmpmenf. To keep yourý equipment running, depend on your Texaco Farm Distributor. When yourequiPmen't runs infoo vertlmeTexaco's fuels and lu bricants keep things rurining smoothly. Your Texaco Farm Distributor delivers top quailty products and service you can dependi on. A. L. E'AIRN LT.omwe ENNISKILLEN 263-2291 HAMPTON 263-2282 Women's Institutes OBITUARY EPHRIM WRIGHT Funeral servic for- Ephriamj Wright, of 234 MGiiStret,ý Peterhorough, %vas held on II'uesday, April 3rd at Ponty- pool Uunited Churo(h, Rev. Gordon Ficico officlating. Mr. Wright died Seturcley at a 'Lekefield nursing homec. Hle was predecased by bis. wif-, the formier Mavïry Thare, laughter Ruby, five brothers a nd six sisters. Mr. Wright is survivedl by Sons Newton o!o Oshawe, Stan- .ey and Earl of Pontypool end1 deughters Violet (MrIis. Reg. Davis) of Peterborough and Ella (Mrs. William Miirray) of Oshawa. Burial was in Pontypool The Cenadian Statesm an, B3owmnanville, April. 18, 1973 ous for ma)king speeches, de- monstrated her oratory again for us in presenting her ].atest wlInner on "Youth". She cde- seribed the emnotions and at- titudes of ycuth today in coxnParison with thnat of older generations. She b e 1 ie ves youth of to.,day understhnd, themnselves and lnov. how to 1succeed. This concluded Vhe 5program portion. 1ýThen came our election of .offleers for the coming year. 7First the Minutes Of Our last aninual meeting and fînancial [report for the year were giv- en b ertr Mrs. Helen 3Milison. The audlitors, Mrs.~ Ralph Davis and 'Mrs. Rujsseli1 Vice confirmed this report. Each convenor for the year presented her report: Farnily lançi Clonsum er Alffairs given by MsCLngmaid. for Mrs. B. Tlhk; Resolutions, Mrs. H. Knox; Education, given by Mrs. C. Bray for Mrs. W. Hills; Clizenshlp and World Affairs, Mrs H. Yýejlowlees; Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries, Mrs. S. Spires; Cur- eter of Tweedsmuir Hlstonry, MrS. 1B. Hooey; Public Rela- tions Officer, Mrs. W. YeIlow-; lees. Ail reports were Inter- esting and well giveni. Mrs. Howard Bradley took the chair for the election. The nominetlng committee, Mrs. C. Langmnaid as spokesman, Mlrs. T. Baker and Mrs. Wmr. Clark gave their report. Ti-e followIng were elected and linduicted,: President, Miss Pearl Leaoh; First Vice Precs., Mrs. W. Werry; Second Vice Pres., Mý- rs. F. Watson; Sec'y.- TrasMrs. H. Milîson; Ass't. Sec'y.Treas., Mrs. J. Snow- den; District Director, Mrs. Wmn. Ashton; Aleternate, _Mrs. B. Tlnk; Public Relaitions Of- ficer, Mrs. W. Yellowleesý; Curator, Mrs. H. Yellowleecs; Pionist Mrs. C. Bray; Assist- ant Planîst, Mrs;. D, Pascoe; Branch Directors, Mrs. W. Werry, Ms C. Langmaid, Mlrs. F. Watson, Mvrs. L. Brome, Mrs. R. Crydermran; Auditors Mrs. R. Vice, Mirs R. Davis; Commlnttee Conven- ors, Mvrs. R. Davis, Mrs. D. Flett. Mrs. Bradley conduct- ed the installation of these officers. MisLeach resumned, the chair and made severel an- nouncements, especially one that the officers and group leaders and assistants nleet at her home, on April. 25th at 8 p.m,ý to plan the next year's program. After thanklng ail on the program, we closed by repeatlng the Ode. Lunch of fruit salad and hl-omemade rolîs .was served hy Mrs. Clark and hier group. Tables were decorated with baskets of Easter eggs and bunnies. An- other Institute year Is history. MAPLE GROVE W. 1, The March meeting cf th,-e Women's Institute wais held in the C. E. Hall on the l2th et 8 p.m. The roll call, Neme a Canadlien Province and Its Premier or emblemnatic flower. It ,ves decided to asic for a FoodI Forumn. No. 1 choice, "Poultry Please"; No. 2 choice, "Rouànd, the World Dinlng." A suggestion for another year cOuld bce "Nutritlous food maýrketing, how te buy and teach us to be g-ood shoppers." A i9tter wi.sradfrom ou-ýr adopted child. It was docidedd to have a "bring and buy" donation to raise money et each meeting. A Dessert Lun- cheon was set for May et i p.m. in the C. E. Hall wvith cards to follow. The commit- tee in charge to be Mrs. J. Hurrie, Mrs. H. Bradley and Mrs. F. Stevens. AIl memnbers were -remnind- ed to have their reports for April. Mr--. L. C. Snowden 1iad started -a resolution as regards smeall lebelling on, rugs, tinned goods, etc., but this wvas too late, so will be prepared properly for another year. Mrs, Gordon Besse, con- venor of "Ctitzenshlip and World Affairs", presided for the followlng program. Thel motta, "Leýt us put into atio cur, better impulses, ,,traight-1 forward an"',unafraid" wasý commented on by Mrs. Besse. She said, "This motto couldý be sumnmed up in the word "courage". To take the Initila-ý tive, to face up to the Prob lems and trials of life and go forwevrd. To do this we musti have courage. 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