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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1973, p. 16

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JOIN THE AT THE DAIRY 8BARN STORE _n oyShopp AND Enjy Soping from your Car! 10c EASTER Choco-late Bunnly ITI4 EACH $2.00 PURCHASE Open Good Friday HA4LF GALLON MAPLE LEAF ICE CREAM BACON MANY I 789c HUMPTY DUMPTY THE MINOST CONVENIENT Potato Chips WAY FOR ML N REG. 69eA FARIM FRESH DAIRY Foi; ONLY Y9C PRODUCTS SHOPPING DAIRY BARN STORES 215 KING ST. EAST 0F LIBERTY BOWMANVILLE 6.The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 18, 1973 Kmnig on a Colt." Re eý ed that Jesus, our H King's entry on the Palm Sunday was humn ENNISKI LLEN without pamposity, y, demeanour vas majesi Holy Week began withachleg from our mninister dre-w an interesting1 weatherwisef, perfect P a;F'm1and aur Sr. cholr's musical ill-ustrat;jti on t ar Sunday and our congregat.ion meýsage in their beautiful an- Qu.een Elizabeth Il. 0 enjoyed two spiritual treats, themn "The Palms". Rev. Hop- sponsalbility and conce. viz: A esg ruh lt isette is sermnon "The roused by theý question Èhte we are -00d1 and s-oldïers whýo arg climlng the "good ne, do our share in extendi Klngdom ail over the w~ spite of obstacles. Mn dys Ashton had a lai congregation in herc TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE the S.p. ring floe ordrmailypkkd u Of a..;o fering forsM. at aur churcirt the j'" special servicu N(7 ()teGood Friday>wI epcd j obes(cAtTrns doservice lowedhrc AftI~o pncake(br te ast by IOL poat 11:15. hAt the THR SDAYYM4 RI 2 193RiecKILsl y u 1dosevice apa for fie help ta put aur concei Up love into action by a ge S>pecialSpring Clean U offerlng te 'the Warld and Development Fund ing either af the nex Scuth side of King Street, Sundays the chi1dren',< Mondy, pri 23r, 173.nies collected in their Monda, Apil 2rd, 973,tins will be gladly ac North side of King Street, ta augrenet thadlts' Tuesday, April 24th, 1973. Wayne Beckett's an. A for comnpletion af thel Your extra trash, trimmings, etc., Projeet. at8pm should 6e ïpla-ed conveniently ont the a "Evenîngaof music Boulevard for this special pickup by 7:00 Jr. Cranl eader.e a.m.frorin the hospital for M' W. Griffin. We wish J. M. Mllroy, A.M.C.T. speedy recovery. Town Clerk-Admnitrito-r Mrs. Ruth MeGili _____________________the S. S. session witha Do .something19niceU for y,,ourself Open 1a BlonuSvngJs Accounti befjore Easter and earnw Rtoactive to pri t If you ailready have a bonus savings accouit with us -everi one- that youL just opened in the Iast few days-your new interest wilî be mnade reetr-oactive to April 1 St. *11ROYAL BA1< ~ the helpful bank Sece L.- MARTEN McLAY. your Bowrnanville -Manager. ise .$174 for Red Cross xplain- leavnlyLord Efgrï Students Rai e fisst ble sud O "'f l , 'et Ris ~ ~ tic. Ha pas-allaI eastily !)Ur ret n as ta ruoa cistizee, rorld in ireJr.ue n g y vasesj ave a SE IL sanctu- S E I L es areCANADA'S LARGEST United DRY CLEANERS at 10 service242 KING ST. E. usuai SPECIALS EFFECTIVE APRI1L 19-21 Cbam- N'S or LADIES' 2-PC. n ut- by aà he mi!] cse sel,-M lnancial ruand I 9 merousOR COMBINATION JACKET & TeOUSERS 1.elief DRY CJ.LEANED & HAND FINISHED Kt tva ls pela t Mr. à 'prIl 15 Mý,iss Gloria Wih (back the students was ta raîse $65 in a original goal - $7432-beaif of the local Red Cross craft row, left) and MNrs. frna Living three week drive but the The yountrsini the pic1tur Al hese tes1only acoulit will be proud of the students of Lord selves. they were able ta purchese withi raîsed. The remainder has been DRY CLEANED AND GENTLY byj arEgnPublic Sehool. h 'mny(sxpi s f s entt the Red Cross Youth in HAIND FINISHIED hoe Miss Wright is a Grade Three There were auction sales, a crutches, one quad c-an(, one Toronto, ire.h eehra Lr lnadse fashion show, bake sales and ommode chir r alh its e agee with the sentiments PLAIN bramaneged the school's Red Cross 'umpteen' othen projeets. After and a stuffed o rs. Living epesdb odEgnpîc hraFund Raising cempaige in two weekcs thre students had eùd the eqiuipmlent on)f pal Miiss M. Couch, "they dia opened March. The original goal set for raised almrost three tiniesjheirgr tjo. a brief worsi period, then the sing- R S7 9 ing practice was continued ifyrS. S. ,nniversi)ry Sunday, T 'YR O0 N E DRY CLEANED & EXPERTLY FINISHED We extend a heerty wel- An Easter morning Sunrisýe overlooking the pond, neari The meeting clased with a corne ta Mr. ând Mrs. Bnian Service in charge of the In- Tyrone miili. in case of bad ipoem fallowed by a social cup1 Hayes, their little daughter termediate and Senior Suni- weather the service will be of teýa, and two sons, who reside in day Schoal classes wvill be, held ln the church. Breakfast Margie Hall, Bowmanville, SNOWMOBILE the Howe Apertments. ýheld et 7:30 am. April 22nd, f ollows in the Sunday school spent Frlday nlght wlth Susan r.and Mrs. O. C. Ashton room., The congregation îs C ark nd Seturday night enI ye the presentatian par- D 1 V"n v wloe Rei\îain after break- Donna Somerville of Oshawa S I S$ tyfor Mr. and Mrs. Tom BL C ST C fast and join with the Sunday wes Susen's guest. WINPEETDWT- Fanning, in raseneath, Cam- Schooil at 10 a'clock for a ïMa. Harold. Gaskin, Daw- C WHEN PRE S UNE ITH miunlty Hall an Saturda ev- The afternoon unit of the special Easter program while son Settlemnent, Mr. and MasrgIC MNGSI cnig U.C.W. met et the Sunîdzy you await church at 11:15 a.m. R e L lnald Gaskin and faml COUPON GOOD UNTIL A special welcome home Scbool room. After dessert Gaod Friday unlted service Wesýt Hill, were Sunday 1 > APRIL 19-28 was expressed by the cblîdren lunceon group leader Flor- 1-n the Enniskillen church et guests of Mr. and Mrs. George aswie1 as aur community ence Larmer opened wilh a 10 Hpin'srAlcea.t M. GrceanlFan pem lCaunt 'Your Treas- Mev. R .Hpis e- A speedy rýcovery t r Hiemýîstra after their tbree tires". The hymn "He Liveth mion on Sunday miarning, wasand Mars. John -Mitchell who I weeksý' "back homne" vîit te Long who Liveth Weil" was entitled "The King on a Colt". H1olland. sung. An ex.,cellent worshlp The choir sang "Ride On, O Ma.andMr. MckBronconducted by Aileen Byers Great Red.eemer", with aurý Mrapn Grove, we re Turda on the theme "One Day at a, organist Mrs. Gordyn Brent. r. dinn Gre ergess t . Sainons.TI"gave ;a very worth- Any child fra ge six up,ý dýnI uess t MStîntiis.whihe message. Offering and wha wisbets to sing iu the' Mr. Floyd Beckett accom-l benediction concluided this chair on Anniversary Sunayl~t panied Miss Arvella Beckett section of thre pragram. Min- lis invi1ted ta practice on Tues- ta st. Catharines hast Thurs- utes were read and roll caîl day evenîngs from, 6:30 ta 7. day and attended thc funeral wes answered by the 16 mem- The cburçbh stewards are' of their cousin, the laite Mr. bers and one child present. busy with their sprlng can- J AND Harry Breckerley. Bay 0f Quinite Conference lis vass throughout tbe-manth of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb ta be held in the Kingsie April. If you happen ta be wer(e visitors Seturday night Church, Oshawa, an April 24 mnissed and wish ta giv, pleaseqe atMr. and 'Mrs. C. Stainton's. -rnd 25. Next general meeting phone Mrs. A. J. Hoar or Mt e o Mte i l Mn. and Mrs. R. Byers and wihl h behd an 'May 8th. The MNrs. John Vaneyk. M t e o a e i l -Mrs. L. Bradley, Bowmanvllle thenie was; taken by Gladys Thse PIne Ridge Knitting were WeT(dnesdaY d i nn er Thonipson with a f0i "Chris- Needies 4-H Club attenqýdd gust t A. Sharp's. t ianity lainil" Plans werre Achievement Day et Black-1 Mn.endMrs HeveyHoe made for the Curling banquet sock April l4th, when three and mly Lindsay, were ta be hed on, May 5th. The:irls gt their County Hionrs Suinday supper guests et R. rmeeting cleed w beinedic- for completing six projeetsNWOE Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry mer. Southan Pleasance and Heether returned bomenes1t Sunday Congratulations toDeniut.,l'Cngauaios M IVI f f froni holldeying in the Sunny McL, hînwh i giils. South, and0,were dinner guests Masters Degree in MnY hans taa100ho ieII wiat r n r.Jn or.Nutrition thîs past week. He heperdrIet nae Ta pwthter W UI b ** -ifted family, Bowman- bas acceptedapiinapprdieadgv aes viille., fpoiona By ai reports they did very" Teleaders of the 4-H- Vign Feeds In Calgary. Ha ie Tyrriahe n o group went ta thank ail tise and Mrs. McLaughiL'u Ieft an girls and parents for a suc- Wcdnasday for their hm qe t asinte newC.,E cessful Aciievement Day and pas iisIfr. bsbon ing Saturday, April l4th;ý for al tiseir ielp. s withsfomhh orDeni about 32 attended. Mr. Jini Mr. and Mrs. Lornn Lamb cmuiyg Pengelly of Brookîin sisowed U TL F R H R N T C wer Sndy dinnar guests of -hsnwedavr itrs and gave a comn- Mn. and Mrs. E. Tnewjn. Qute a number fromi this tary on fine figisting by airi Mr. nd Ms. WyneBec- area are In Part Perry Hsi In France, Northcrn Ontario -lr ad Ms.Wane làWc kett attendcd tisa Thanipson- tal, John Venning Roy Mc- aind Saskatchsewan. Ashton weddlng ln Oshawa ou Leughlin are be-te patients, Tyrone U.C.W. met Wed- Go r - MTr. and Mas. Wayne Bec. turned home after unr- the C. E. Wing wîth Mr-,. krett, Penny and Pauline were going a series of tests-. Joan' Lloyd Sleman 'ln tee chair Sunday cvening dinner guests Matt ils still wit-k bair mather Tise meeting opened wtis an: et a famiy gathenng iseld at Mrs. John Venning wbiin re- E.asten poem and hymns. Mrs.1 O ur N w S rn a ýo s a rvn - Mr. sud Mrs. William Ash- co0vering frani a severe case Carl Clark and Mrs. R. Glas-_e p ig F sho s arvn tan's, Saline. . af plauresy. Mrs. Tom Horton pail lad tise devotional on tise w ek y iMn. end Mrs. Ralpis Lamnb is et home but not wall. Bat- maaniag of "Eastar". Mnfs. w e l . 1end Laslay wara Sunday visi- tan heaîth la wisbed for ail Gordyn Brent played a lovely tors etiMansd Mrs. F. H-um- these folk. selection on tisa orgen. Soma m as, Peterborough. M. an rs a i y impressions of tie Presbyter-1 Miss Alice Stevenson, Wl!- 1kw to Boston on Thursday, !. whme tendeed. e aem e nnd b ow e a o n lodle asSndysuprcombining bsnesand atoewh tNcedW r ;gues(t ofMr and Mns. L. lioliday. Mr. and Ms-s Bob'5:ory ta 10sre Mrs. Stan Hall 8u K I G S . V S Lamb.Kyte, Tas-anto, are staying frmTur.rupW EnaSTva Mr. and Mrs. R. Vistue, with Karenanad Jason In Éteair ,saur sceratany for sevenal Judy and Laurie wane recent absence. yaars. It was declded ta place PO E6322 dinner guests of Mr. and i'%s-. Saveral of thse university to Ese iis l e Allen Martin, Bowmnauvilla. suat r oe aigchuncis. Our guests for tisa Mn. and Mnsý. E. R. Tayplorcamtad tisairc yare- Javnceeveuing iwere MliS. Leonerd' conltd hi er aieSteintan and ber daughter "Your Authorired Husqvarna Dealer were waekand guests of Rtev. Crawford,, Linda MeLaisia nMns. Kil Crydern wh and Mars. 'Robant Sherviu and and Bs-an Lee. shwdpitrs an cci-Deosrtr ahn eIig$00OBîwL famunl, Picton, and attanded Ma. su Ms.anL. saio' Mn1. and Mrs. F. Petheck hostess for tise Caudace Unit trip ta, Alaska and Yikoni. Scerbarough, ware wîtis jý on April loth et 9:30 a.m. _________ parents, Mn. and Mns. S. Pth Alma Dufi opeued thse meet- ick, an Sunday. ing with a poem1, "A Littlea Mrs. 'David Staintoin, ýCa- Bit af Sunsisine"Yinutes bourg, 'Mn. and Mrs. K. Cny- were -read and roll cal] ans- dernma and girls, Zion, Misvered with a spriug flower.' Ahic Stvensn, lllodas A business peslod followed. wlee vistns onr tee weak: extmeigt b ,ya neye beaun eceut visitas-s wItis taiese whieutiey crucifiad my e thisais- raudparauts, tisaiH. Lord" lu her usuel lovaly: Satin Wahîiut - 68" uf 1Caebc hir c" Buffet- uc McGIl'î;. VOice-, Ms-s. K. MoGill offered 60"h TBuefxfet t-96 L Ght iii hutch Mn. sud Mas. George frwiu prayar. Ms-s. C. Avery intra- uth-Tbexenso9Litin at aleadSxC ir wane racent visitas-s of Mas. duced our guest speaker, M-s Malbel Boweutý, Bobeaygeon, G. A.Miyld f'em~* S ~ 0 sud Ma. and Mrs. Angus King, Brooklu Manse, who- read th e o l 5 5 0 iiy $ " -) Little Bsitem,. scriptune, 1 Cas-r., 15 chapten,--W'ny Ms-s. Roy TrewIn sud Was-- sud gave u., a splendid ad-_ Irau, Etobicoka, Ms-s. C. E.1ds-ess. She told af thee inlflu- C nin na Hlorn, Osbhawa, ware raenrtence mnusic bad on bier lifairtne t i dinuen guests with tee E. and home sund how It -nflu-AA sewïns. ene u inss for Christ. IB d MiUss Mfarguerite W r i gb t, Tise offeIng was receivad by O.,shawa, MIss.L a usr-anc e Mrss. R. Steuger aud Ms-s. J. 39 s1w as$6 9 Wrigit ToýrQnto, Ma. sud Ms-s. McLaughlliu. An Invitationi $ 9 9 E. Wrigbt, Miss Betty Wrlght was exteuded to averyaua taý attendad the eBasbenshop Cou- enjay lunc-h sud a social tume Iveution nlutise Civic Auditor- l lntee Suuday scisool roons. Ope n 7 Days a Week 7 a.m, to 'Il p.m. i mg gggla had a car accident last week. turned home on sunday Mr. and Mrs. BihI Stacey, --eir wInter holiday Ini Fw- Evelyn and Donald, INewLo iIda. ville, were Sunday vIsitors of Little Kathy VivIan, daugh- Mr. and Mis. Paul Vaneyk ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joh,. and family. Vivian, was hit by a car oý Mr. and Mrs. Stan Sormer- Saturday and rushed ta Sick X ville and Donna,- Oshawa, Chlldren's Hospital. Miss Marie Peters, Mr. Barry Mr. and Mlrs. Stan Hall Sission, West Guilford, were moved to Bowinanvlle. They Saturday guests of Mr. and will be midssed by the coin- Mrs. Carl Clark. munlty, having lived here a Mr. and Mas. J. C. Cook re-ilnuniber of years.--

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