DI lrtl, BLACKBU-IRN-Bob and Joan <nee Westilke), thank God far the saf e arrivai o;f theirfirst child, a daughter Andrea Elizabeth, Fridy, April l3th, 1973 et Oshawa Geerl Hos- pitai, weighing 6 Ibs. 8 ozzs Proud grandpearents are Fare- well and Lela Blackburn, Salem and Frank and Doreen "Westlake, Sauna. Wh a yeny special thank you ta) Drs, Swuain and Hienderson, nurses on Wards SA anid 4F for their care and coacern. 116-1* SMITH-GrCegory and Darryi are pud ta announce the safe arrivai ai their baby sister, Carlene Leona on A-prIl j, 1973'Set OhaaGeneral Hospitai. Happy parents are Carl and Leona. 16W1 STAINTON-.Bruce and Mar- garet nee Shackleton>are plesed toamanouce the birtl of their first cdé]d a son, Ryan Toddi, ü' bs. 2 ozs., lMo(n. day, April 16i, 1973', et Oshia- wa Genieral opia.Prouc grand1parent's are Mr. nc Mirs. Donald Staýintcjv and~ Mr.an Mrs. Ken Shac(kleto-n, lo-i STEVENS-Jamnes and HÏelen (nee Miller), Misîssugsaï ae hiappy ta, ennaunce thie arriv- ai ai thcir chiosen son Bnian Jamres, brotheur-For Ssn 16-i Marriag-es SHANE- YE-Mr.and Mrs. Pet Ye-o are hiappy ta an- nounucethe marigeaitieir dalughtr Anne ne , ta en r.eth Shane son af Sgt. end ns. K. Shane of Edmonton, Aiberta. The mriaecere- miony took placeinJaispei-an March 30. he oupe re reýsidling in Edoinntoni. 6-1 Forthcoming Marriages Mn. mnd Mns Peteýr larrov er ai Timmins wishAtaia nounce the fIothcoming me riage ai thein dauLghiter Jani( ta Jerome(, son a)fi-Dr. and M0- Keith Bilieýtt, Bowmnanviil The mrarniage tata <-ke pIe My1-', 1973 n11St.Mtte CathedaL, Tirmis, Ont. 16-1 The io'rtcomning mairrie, is annauned ai Barbai Elizabeth. dug ofraiMr Fredenick Mley Vanstax and the larte Mn. Vanstone,1 MnI. Jame-s Douglas qBnîgnal son ai;Mn. nd rs. Douglî Larence niaî, Ancastc Ont, The -wedding ta tel plcSaturdlay, Mtay 119, 19'ý ejt Tiit Un1ited Chureiin- CORDNHaveyW.- Medex NAusing Home, Osh, w,ohndaApnil 15. 197T Harve CordnoaiBowmik ville in bis 74th yeer, beo-, ed, husbanid a I Henietta iLacr bent, dean feithei(r oaI Hwar( Rested et thenorhct Elil Ice wis lheld on Tedyaitei vleCemIete'ry.16 MOASE, Lucy Elizabeth-A the Oshawa Generai HOSPit an Fday, pnril 1,197 Lucy Eizab)eth- James, in ie 3rd ye:ar. VWiie aifthe 1lai Robent Moae. Ms. Moasýej suvvdby rnany ieces an nephews. Also prDec!,ý(ease by ûnc 'siste-r, Mrs. Clarenc Hayes, fiveboter, a'rr: Ben, owadEdwand an, Archie. Rested et the McIm tosh-Anderson iFuneralHo 152 King St.i. Ser vic wes beld iin the chapiel, Mon day, Aprniif-)16let 3pn.. Intel Ment Union Cemnetery. 16C-1 MUNDA-At shawa Ger erel Ha1osp)itlaon Tuesdrniý Apri 17, 1973, Ruby Lancasi er, 108 Scugog StI. Bawmanr villeaged 71 years, belove noi facte late von Mun day, dean mthe faiJaa 011Ms v~MatesTrer tan; Jeck, Maýlry (Mýrs. Miký Kirktonr), Bownnenv-ile.anc the- late Rayý. Reýsting et fth Mýloijs Funeî(ral CaeBovw man11ville forsevc on Thuirs daiy et 2 oclck -Iterrnený Bowmianville Cemecteny. 16CI- THICKSýON - At Memnia HEpti, Bwavil]le, a: Wednsda, Anil11, 1971 Williami Thickson, ageùd 14 years, bioedhusýbend ao Anne Shimyr, danfather a Judy PegyShe(rry and Bey. enl.y danson ai Margarei (Kerr) Thirkson and thlet( Dorville Tbickson. Servie was beldii th Morris Fun- eral Coer omnvlea Setuirday etil'cick.Inter- ment Bowmanville Cceeten For Bent ONE bedroom apartmenl 6293-4150 aiter 4 p.mn. 16-1 20 ACRES ai land in Bow. mianville. Phone 623-3758. - . - - - - - -- __ ___ - 7 ONE bedroomn apartmnent in Bowmanvilehated. PhionE CENTALlarge.,-nc ed- room en pertmient; stave, iidgeý heat suppAid. AButs only, Phon e 623-3230. 14-t. UNE bedroom eipartmi-nt, stave, iig.Available 7Maî,, lst. Couiple preierred. Tele- phone 623-7361. 16-J DELUXE, Wood's Tent Treiler $55000 ae week. Reserve inaw ion summner months. Call 623-2541 aiter six. 151-3f ONE bedrooni Liartmrent cen'trallIy loceated, pivate back yard and entrance. Availaible .4pril 30. Oelil623-3259. 16-1 NEW Office- Spece, separate entrance,, efçntie.Ap- ply Bill's Glass & MijrvrS Ltd,, 7 Diision St., 6-13-'51U or 6,23-7624 . - -- - 1(3-1 ONE bedroomn, fully iurniýýh. cd mon,-dem eapertment, cent- relly 4alceed, braadloorsi lst. Phone 623-O252 bctwcen 9 - 5. lui FOR CLASIID Tuesday, 4:30p. uarc1iU oi -±flUI1s1~ m e STORE PREMISES 2,000 sq tt. or more on main ~floor, or main and ether floor 4 Triple "A" Tenant- King St. Location Preferred Reply to FOURTH FLOOR 21il Yonge St. z Toronto, Ont. HYG IEIN IC Suppies- (Rubber-I goodls) miaileîd postipaid in -plain sealed enveIope with, price list. Six samiples 25c, 4' 24 sapls 1.00. Mail Orde-r De.T-28. NvRubrCo.,i B»z 91, Ilamilton, Ont, 1-52' Dance, Newtonville Hal Saturday, Apil 2M, 9-12. $5 per persn. ýWoods Orceflstra., Every body wloe. 1- Women's Hospital Au.xiliary Carda Party, Lionls Cenitre, WensaApril 25, 8 )'clfock. Refr-eshmnrts, prizes. S$100. Phone 62-54--3.16-1' Cl-ub 50 Penny Sale, Bake Sale andi Afternouon Tea in, Tyrone Hall, Wednesday, Mvay 9 starting at 2 p.m. Door prizes.ý Admission 50c. 16-1* i Thanks taal! friends who rvisited or sent flowers, alsa tspcial th"anks ta Bowmian- 1ville, Hockey Association, Dr. 1Hubbaird, nuirses and staff on «Surgical Floor. Mrs. Ruby Smnith. 16-1 .Many thanks toaail vho isent cards and flowers or vis- r ted me duringl my stay in .Memnorial. HospýitaL Speciai 3thanks ta miy famnily, Dus. Mc- Kenzie, H. Rund.le,, Mîkios and aiso ta the wonderfuil nurses and staff of first floor. Bertha Pwl. 16-i rWe wouid like ta express a ur sincere thanks ta aur Lfriends, relatives and family for the many cards, gifts and good wshsreceived on aur Golden Wedding Annlvýersary making it a day long ta, be rernmmbereid. RusL and Greeta Osbornxe. Iwouitld, likie ta express my 1since re thanks toalal friendos, rela-tiv-es and famîly for their visits cerds and gifts, also Drs. H. -B1. Rundle and John Rundie, nurses and staff af, the 3rd Fia or for' their care and kindnes(,ýs shown me dur- ing My recent stLay in Me-, Lmarial Hospital, Bowmanviile., Glaadys Avery. 16-1 McBride,-We would like ta express sinere thanks ta aur relatives, fniends and neig->i bars for their kind expressions ai sympathy in Ithe passin1g af dear brother, Edwin (Ted) McBrideý. The floral trilbutes, carda and (donations ta -worthy causes were sincerely apprei- teEthiel and Jack Cook. 16.1* We would like ta expres'sý aur heartfelt thanks and ap-ý preciation ta auir many dear friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their kind messages af sympqathy. floral tributes, donat,'ion1s and many other acts an Fkind ne(ss in the recent pass- In,, ai a beloved husband and father. We especially thaink Rev. Haynes and Rev. Snel- grave for their messages af camiant, ladies af Newtonnviile U.C.W.. and rideilnts oi New- castie Trailcr Park, Dr. Wm.t Grant, plbarrhanorary palîbearers and Morris Fun- eral Chapel for courtesy rend- ered et this sadi time. An -extraspeialthanks amq ber; i - fthe Local Union89 I....and MNr. and Mrs. Ro,(land Spencer. Myrtle Harris and iat-nily. 16-i In Memoriam ai Harold Clin)ton He!nning, a dean hlusband, father and graniaterwho dlied April !?, 197 0.1 To > ' ou oiy bhfrgttn T,)oothers, , part of the -'past, But taus Who laveud you ând lost yu, Yaur nmemory wili always lest. -Everi remem-nbered by his, wiie Hildai and Famnly. 16-Iý JOHNSTON-In iaving rme- mary üai a dear wife, mother and grandmnothien, Ethel, who passed away April 25, 1972. -Ever rmmee and sed- iy ýmissed by husband Johin and family. 16-i PARKE'R-In avngmemory ai a dear so)n John (Jaqck) Parker wbo passed away April 23nd, 1972. Tho' lost ta sighit, To memory er -Ever rnmembened by M-vom and Dad. 161* PARKER, John G.», who pass-, ed away April 23, 197i2. They carry back bight ta thie camier the mnintage ai man,ý The ladls that will die in their, g;loi'Y andner be old. -Fodlyneembered by,,his !amnily. 16-1 PARKER, Chias. and Jessie- Restin, in Zion Chu1_rch yard ,vith thein friends and neigh- bors. A stonfeis but a .marker In a cemetiery tr,110 3u-t near anci de-ar innemy Mviy thoughfts Icaninat sh-are -Rcemnberedl lovingly bv-, Ruby. 16-1 VESTOVER, Thiomaýs F. C.- In mm of a dear husband and fathier, Thiomas, .;ho pass-, ed awyApril 2Oth, i969. Xlthugh e sile and make nofuiss, No one mnisses hilm more tha-n us. And when old times we ait recal Tar-tuiredifon Christ -Rv Richar1d Wunmrbranidset1 yasin Comnmnist prisons wheneL he su1ffere-d and "Vit- nesedunpeakauble tnorturps ta hnities.Hear him speak on husy,'Me[y 3 et 80 p..,St. Pa u 's Anglican Cahda,227 Bl(or st. E.-ý Toronto. Forl infoàrmatIonr cail 23-426. 6-1' Trentway Tours Western Canarda DptsJuly 2, 9 & Sep, 1 Fe-r further information contact BOWMWANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 lOng St.i., Bewmnanviile Phone 623-3182 CONnflUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NE-XT MONDAY 7:45,à 3.mni RED BARN - WA,,yNE ST., OSHAWA Trentwafy Tours TO Aaskxa Yukon Coastal Waters Cruise By Air, MVotor Coacli and Cruise Ship Eeparts: Janie 25 andAu.i For further informationi contact B1OWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTE 17 Kinig St. WBawmaaville Phone 623-3182 Blood Donor i',inic' Wed., May 2 - at - Lions Centre B O WV M A N 'V I L , E 1:30- 4:30 pa. 6:30 -9:001 p.m. Transportation Provided Plecase Cali 623-901,0 .TO0UR S -TO BOSTON AND CHICAGO VICTORIA HOLIDAY WEEKEND May l8th to 12lst 'or particlars conitac!t: TRVLCEN4TRE 17 K~ing St W., Biowimanvilîl Poe622-3182 Trentway Tours UMNINIER FUN SPECIALS TO Moosonee 3 DAVIS Quebec City 4 DAYS Agawa'Canyon & Mackinac Island 6 DA-YS For furtier iniformiationi BOWVMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRZE 17 King- St. W., Bommnville Phone 623-3182 ~ominng Lvents "Our previousiy owned cars and trucks are' totally recon- ditimned and guarateed. Vou may inispect them,,drive them, or hiave your mechanic check themi before making us an offer igainst our asking price. We elways have a good selectioli," MacDONALD FORD BOWMANVILLE 219 King St,. East - 623-4481 I'Where friendly, people mneet' Lost____ GERIMAN short-hein pointer, .5 months oîd, i Newcastle. Rewand. Phone 987-4326. Articles for Sale, 25" R.C.A. uiscd calour tele- vision, ini excel-,lent condition. Phone 623-3883. 16' 400( BALES ai straw, 30e per b',rubber-tire farm wagon. HaodSouch, 983-5183., 16-1 HIA'Y for sale, "in field", about 70 acre s, fi-;e m niles Cfnom New- castiLe. Phone 9412-2446 Ajaex. -16C-1 M4" BOX,[SPRING and maiýt- tres, Cdean, i-n good conditCion; twýAa dr.esser-s, ýuantity aif dish- oPhione 623-2295. 16-I GODNFalcýon trailerc, good codtomany ,xtras sk- inig $25:00. Phone 623-2437 evenne or Saturday., 16 -1 - NW8 x7 steel stocral shed, antique roîl to)p de-sk. 36 X 30'; anc- lowcubrd new picnic table. Phone, 62:3-58,37. 16-1-1 EVERGREENS, sl,îubs, corne trees, and Purpîe CoILumýbien raspberry- canes. Alsa, 1964 Studebaker, as is; best offer. Phone 623-4238. 16-3 BOY'S 3-speed model bicycle, sits baw with handiobar brakes. Two ýye-ars (oId. AIl parts in goodconiin,$5 ýPhone 623-4211. 16-1' ONE anly, used nref nigerator, twa) door, $150; anc onlyused aýutomaticwaer$2 in store; neonly uscd wnýin.iger wash- r,15in store,. Crnegie Crest Hrwr, '36 KinZ st. E. Phonie 623ý540e8. 16-1 CARNATION LWRSand SEDSTORE 33 Division) Street PLANTS We Send Flowers by WVire Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 16-1 Aticles îor çiîe' 1 Articles tor Sale jIVeaa Stock, bervicel, - I A----_ _1----- -- 1 --yir . PERMANENT factory hielp wanted. Apply J. Anderson Smnith Co. Ltd,, Nwate APPRENTIÇE for hairdi'ess4- ing, no experience necessary, wîilllng to learn; further in- formation cali, write, or in person La Renaissance Salon, 1533 Steeles Ave. E., Wýillcw- dale,22-645 16-1 THE Toronto Star requires a transfer agent to deliver papers to carriers' homes in Býowmanville. Approxirnate- ly tw-ý.o hours per day in thr afternoon. Truck requfrel. Phone 7281-5117. 7 16-1 NURSES AIDE 'Experience Freferred Phone 623-5555 Strathciven Nursing Home 15-2 1-1 '73 LIONEL'731 TODAY'S BEST PRICED Hard TopJ Campers SAVE Il' S$S$S$ $769.00 Complete te $2279.00 - 7 Miodels KAMPING UNLIMITED Sa-les - Service Rentais 1 Mile North on Town Line Rd. (East City Li-mits) Oshawa 728-9942 Mîon.-Fri., Hrs. 930a.m-9 P.m Sat. - 9:30a.O - 5 pan. Sun. 1 Pam. - 4:30 p.m. Dance at Sauina Hiall, Satur- ;day, April 2ist. Raiymond .Avery's Orc-hestraj. 16-i annuel At H!ome, Friday* , April 27, Musir by "erry akens", BLackstock Recreation Centre. Advaince sale aontiks.1- C01ur'tice Seconclary Sohool Musical Evening with DEEP RIVER HIHSC1HO01L BAND and C.S.S. BAND with OTHER ARTISTS April 27th, 1973 8:00 P.M. et COURTICE SECONDARY SCNOOL A1duits S1.00 - Students 50c ESCORTED TOURS FOR SUMMER and FALL - 1973 Switzerl'and, Austria, Germ- any and Scandinavia - 23 days Departing May 30. 1973 Western Canada and AI'aska - 21 days - Departing June 3, '73 England, Scotland and Ireland 23 days - Depart June 12, '73, Sogth Aniericàanad Mexico 21 days - '-epmrting Juiy 4, '73 Mariti mes and Newfoundland 18 day's - Depan:itin-g July 8, '73 SPain amd PortuLai - 22 days Depar,îting September 6, 1973 BOX 149 THORNHILL, ONTARIO PITON E 889-5643 Cars frSl 1968,LMUT'odrne 1971 2150YAAA mtr cyclýe gd condition), price $40)0. Ph-oneý 62.3-7477.16' '67 GMýC bah-ton, fetsd box, 6- standard, radJio, fair conition. Phone, 728-7679. 16-1 '70 BUICK LeSbecstm A-i condition, fully powevred, ail new tires, 2 doari hardtop' CeIl aiter 7 p.m, 623'ý-2859. ' 66 ME'RCURY, rebuîlt mataýr and -transmission, power ser ing, brakes and back window. $500 or best affer. Caîl 623-5927. 16-1 1970 CHE V Impala, 2-dr. hardtop, V8,, eutomnatic, pow- ePr steering and braikes, radi,, godconditon A- g$25 pool 2717-2982. 16-î' Dance ta the mu,,sic -ai Fay Adams and the Country H-its in J4netville Commnunity Hall, Saturday, April 21. $4 per couple. Luných served. 16-1., Trentway Tours TO MARITM1RS AND CAPE BRETON ISLAND 14 DAYS - Many Departures Newfoundland 22 Days - Depariing Au-. Mis Gaspe S1 Days - Departs JuIy 22 & 29, For further information contact BOWMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 King 'St. W., Bawmanville Phone 623-3182 ___________16-3 Osaca Barnn ccuples onnly-, Saturday, Apnil 2lst, featulning-, "The Blue Lights", 4 miiles -est af Newtonville on No. 2 and 4 miles north an Cunrty 0'd 5, or 3 miles south aof Elizabeýthvilie. 16-1 MONSTER BINGO THURSAY -7:45p.ml. Spansored by Oshawa Minlor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION~ 0-SHIlA W-A 30-tf TRAVEL CENTRE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, APRIL 20 SATURDAY, APRIL 21 FOR TUEL EASTER WEEKEND USED EQUIPM.EN,ýT I.H. 9414 D TRACTOR Live P.T.O., 3-pàt. hitch, conxpletely overhled pà$1850 li.FA AL Sutper "C"' seuffler - Excellent condition...............---850 DAVID BROWN 3-furrow 3--pt. hitch PLOW ---.----- 100 MASSEY F. 4-row rniunted CORN PLANTER -- ------- 495 JOHJN DEERE FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR .--.----- - 5 JOHN DEERE 15-run Combination DRILL . ----- 350 MlIASSEY No, 1 BALER 265 CASE BALER, working condition ------ 100 J-MAR EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E., Bowmaniville Phone 623-5689 r~15-3 UÏSED Furnitureý and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, 263-2241.2-t S TUDEBAKER Service, newl and. used prt.Greheam',.s TRACTFOR, Massey-Har -Ponyi, new ires and mator Hydrauie catralle'd impleý- monts. Phane 623-2996. 14-4 NEDaPRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PVUMPS REPAIRS 'TO ALL MAKES HARVEY PARTNER Orano 983-52064-zenith 146?,) fields, alknd iUsed Furni- ture, Antqos ndAppliances. P aùd d'ys Meeýket, Hmtn 263-224-1. ______ -.___ 26-tf BEDROOM sitecampoiete; dining suite,, 9-piece; chester- fiel d s ite, ail Brm-a teak- waod,ne.Mt sell. Sacri- fice.Phn 1-4-91 3-t DAHLIA bulbs, 5 fo)r $1, nursery stoIck, evergreeýns, ilawering shru,,bs, -white "birch, weeping wil]ows, mepies, etc. G. Hantemiînk, R.R1. 2, New- castie 987-4430. 15-6 a ROOMS COMPLETEL1Y FURNISHIED NO DOWN PAYMENT Low MxthyTerms Free Delivery AI)AîM S FUR NIT URE 26 King St. E., Boîvmanville 623-3808 1- County Broadloom 1742 Broch St., Sauth 0 f 401 WHITBY - 668-8895 The Lowest Prices Anywhlere 2-year Installaýtion uaane Beautiful Wvarehlouse Selection 4-tf R 1_ G s 9 x 12 from $S59.9.5 W AL TO WALL CA,%R PEÉT from $4.95 sq. yd. Free estimiates. Large selection of colors AD)A MS F U RNITURE 26 Kingf St. E., Bowmanville 62Q3 - 3F,-88 --12-63 ýTHE THRIFT SHOP King St. W. (rear of Pet Shop) 'We sel on consigaiment and accept donations Many GIFT ITEMS available ANDREWS TV TOWERS and ANTENNAS INSTALLED AT Low Rates ALSOSPEIALON Colour Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 INSTALL AN D FURNACE HUMIIFER or 110TWAE ýý ýs0 HEATER ,o payments for six menths Cail HIARVEY PARTNER, Vour ESSO Service Degler FREE ESTIATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service _41-tf OSAA TV%# &ntennas and Towers RIOTORS INSTALLED UHF-'VHF - 'Coiored Aeriais 4,Its. and Homes> Pre-wired REPAIRS Workmanshi0 Guaranteed .MI priced ta SAVE You Mioney, Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager -. eLrigeration and ATyrjliance Service Commercial and Dwmestic 1Refrgeration - MtIk Coolers Phone- BERT SYER Days f623-5774 Nights -623-3177 Lainder Hardware and ELECTRIC 1-- -D --A- -1-tf' Plumbinq, Heating and Electrical COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL and RESIDENTIAL F R E E ESTIMATES R. R. 1 Orono 786-2471 COURTICE SEPTIC SERVICE .Septic Tank Cleaning and commercial Pum-ping Doni't wait until you hlavel problems, Service Requirements should be 3 - 5 Vears Phone 725-0302 115-4 EME-ÉfCRGENCY and REG;ISTEEï 4readRN A. FL n attxe hn HOUSEHOLD help once or twice vweekly, good remnuner- ation ta righit person. Black- stock 9M-4229. 16-1 REGIS'ERED Nursing Adist- ants, Nurses' Aides, experi- ence preflerred, IRecuired lin~- mediately. C211 987-4252. 16-2 TRnuCK -driver, -rellable, start- Irn mmedlately, full time. 11 lams,., Grove Orchairds. Phone Newcastle 987-4563. BABYSITTÉR, five dy e ýweek, in my home, northi end a, town, start May 10 to ap- proximnate-ly July 20. Phonce WATER for sale eand diver- ed. CelCliii Pethick 623-2313. 29-tf WRNG~-aser lken ewv, $50 Phno987-5119 New-,ý BR,,OADLOOM vlSALE-S rich colouns aof No. 1 Acnilan plush. Reular $16.95 square yard - Saie $895 square ydl. Fectony Bnoadloom Distribrutors, 81 Ricbmoind Street West, Osha- wa,. 576-5522. 16-8 BEAN sprayer, 4 cyl. Wiscon- suti matar, good conýdition. caIl 12-FOOT inoulded plywoad; boat with 15 ih.p. mator. con-, trais and steering, and trailer. 6i23-72725. __ _ 16-V* INPOOR-OUTDOOR - Heev 'y Polyprop)yle-ne waVven face withi dense rubber back. AH, colours. Guananteed Na. -1, quality., 9 x 1'2 - stili $ý35.95.ý Factory Broadloom Distribu- toas, 81 Richmiond Streetý West, Oshawa. 576-,5522. 16-8 PUMP orgn with pipes. Fan infomaton au Nestleton Preshytenian Church, 986-4460f or c'86-5 118.'i- GLADIOLI bulbos, $ý4,50 per 100ù, $40 pen ,000: dahlias and some pe)rennial plants.'Cali FFIAMAJE house for sale, ta be ne-move'd off lot wlithin thnee, mnontbis. If înterested, tele- phione 98-5103 Orbno. 16-i SHA'G BROADLOOM,; - Special purchase - 'Medium .length - dense pile shaýg In 10 poplena colaurs.Reur $10.95 per yard - for iimited time anly $71.95 per yard. Factory Broadloom Distributors, 81 Richmnond Street West, Oshe- iva, 576-5522. 16-8 SC7REENED eand upscreened topsoil fonral;ilso send, grvland fuI. Pick ut)or deiivened. Phone 623-3412. 15-8 Farmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE at ÏMARGW1LL, FUR FARM underi new management and awnerhip.We appreciate a cal] irom you when necessary. Cai coilect 263-2721 Lic. Na. 416C73 R.R. 5. Bowmýanvi1e, Ontario R. W. BOWERîNG L.TD. 8-tf Work Wanted TUTORING byexricd ttchter for cbjildren Gr. 1-5. Phione 6 2 3-4 126ý. 16-1C Weil!Dnilhing-. Cathmar ]We11 Driling pLtd, Pontypool. Phani-e 705-277-2504. il-tf CUSTO-M corn planting with International, airc power plant- ten. WlimR. Cox, Phone 623-7189. 14-4- M OBIL1,E Weldinrg-Re ýp-airs ta construction andi farmi equip- ment. Len Ben schop, Phone- 7 05-357-351 0.14-tf PRO FESSIONAL papenhang- ing and painting undertaken. Fnee esiats CallVince Mioare 623-3568. 15-31ý, WA'ATE1% wells bared, 30, tile. Ward's Wel Honinig. tele.- phone 312_-2030. Representetive Ifearry L. Wade. Telephone WATER wbtl red or driii- ý(d. Canaýda Driiling Company, Phono O, sbewe 576-6004. Re- preýsentative Hanny L. Wede, Nevate987-4531. 22-tf, AL -G.-OSBORN E Carpet - Upholstery ProessonalyCleaaed FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 BOWMAN VILLE JACK BURGE-SS- OIL. BUýRNERS - FURNACES CLEANED) PLUMING EPAIRS PHO1NE HAMPTON Mal 263-21,51 MalAddress. P.O. Boex 43- wxav1e ýDARLINGTON MASONBY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMEVS& FIRIePLACES Phone 623-2176 BOB BEERMS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating, Plressure systems New Werk and Repiairs Service and Estimiates Caîl 623-2641 Do-n Brooks & Son Citstosa Builder of Finle Homnes ýSpeciaists lan Interlor and' Exterior Repairs and Remjod- elling. You namie it - we cani dlo it! For Free Estimate Cali 723-6176 or 623-2301 _ _ - --- _ __ 16-8 ý FRANK BRINK Trenching SEPTIC TANK INSTA')LLATION RIt. 1, HIAMPTON 263-8155 NO SUNDAY CALLS it Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches - Drains loundations and Septie Taniks Dug and Backfille.dr GRAVEL IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 986-4737 in sx w lr '4: ce f i J REPAIRSPeterborough - Victoria - REPAI, Northumberland & Durhamn Counties 124-Hour Service Roman Catholic Separate School Board Caîl Anytime TENDER Apts,- Hoes - Ofee Teniders will be recelved by the Business Administr'ator, Stors - actoies 2010 Simncoe Street, Peterborough, Ontario, up to 3:00 p.m. 0"eCa -, We handIe it AIII Thursday, April 26, 1973 Written Eï,stimates - Qýuiclc!l for new Fire Escapes, Stýair Enclosure, Heating- Systent end ALL WORK GUARANTEED Fire Ala-rm Systera for St. Michael'e Separate School, Wizard Building Uiest Ave., Wesý-t, Co)bourg. Servces td. Plans and Specifications 2re on display at the PetLrborotugh Servics Ltd. District Cntuto Exch2nge, the Oshawa and District Newcstle987-760Construction Exchiange end ma2y be obtained Ifrom the offices Newcatle 87-460 ao the Board on paymrent of a returnpable deposit of $21et' J.A CK R US S ELL The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.' ~-. - 1 H1AIRDRESSERS r e qu ired. J*,r BýowmanviIle. One part-, timo aOne fuli-time, gaod guar- antee, plus commnission. Cuit- ting experience preferred. Also) person for shaimpoo.ing. Phone _725-8710. 16-1' Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE TENDERS FOR EQIPMENT Sealed Tenders,' pîainly marked as to contents, will be received not later than 121 o-'cloc:k Noon on Tuesday, May 1, 1M3 at the Roaid Department Of- fice, Orono, Oritario, for the followlng ecquipment: (1) .Approxîmirately 32,0 lb. capacity truck as par specifi'cations, equipped with box, snow,ý plow and ving. (2) Approximately 30,000L lb, capacity truck as per specificaitions, truck chassisi e'quipped vwithý oneý hopper type sander. Tcrnders must be submittedf On formns supphied byth Townshi p. Furtber informa- tion and tender farms may be received fromn the undersipa ed at the Township Road Office, Orono, Ontario. Low-i est or any teànder not neces- sarily accepted. M. L. ROSS, Road Superintendent, Township of Clarke, Box 57, Orono, Ontario.' 15-21 TEN D E R TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE SALE 0F LAND FOR BUILDING LOT Tenders will be, received for the purchase af a Building,, The propeýrty is described as bigin the Town ai Bowman- v.ilIe' CIOunîtyof Durhzim and as Lot No. 1, Plan 681, Zon- ing Residiential. DYmi"1 ons ,e ppraxlm- ately as follows: Frontage on Saunders 'Aveneue ,...ea5l fi. D)epth............. -180.7,7 ft.; Ara .--.......9,038.50 sq.f. it For aiyv further inforrria-1 tion apply ta the und.ersignied. Envelopes should be cleajrly rnarked as to contents and be delivered ini the office af the .idesi nen later than !:00I pý.m.o Monday, May 7th, 19731. The highest or any tender rnay flot neces.sarily be cept üd. J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T., Town Cierk-Admninistrator, 40 Temrperance Street,, BowmnvileOntario. CLASS "A" MECH",Nl required at MâcDONALD FORD Fiat rate with guarantet Good Workïing Conditions Pheone ARCHIE GROTlI Service Manager 623-4481 -Housekeeping Staff REQUIRED FOR CLEAi'I'NG ROOMS, ETC. PHONE 623-3373 MOGTOR INN 1 New Dutch Oven R E S T AUl R A N T HIGHWAY 115, ORONO Requires Pull and part-time xperlenced WVAITERSIWAITRESSES DISHWASHERS and GAS ATTENJDANTS Please ealu 983-5001 Northumberland and Dürh4ïm County Board of Eduicationt Kindergarten teacher re- quired fo.r Hampton Junir Public Schanol - duties to ,orn- menceMay 21, 1973, uintil end of the school year. Please forward wrltten ap- plications stating quaýlifica- tions, experience and re-fer- ences to: Mi'. G. Gleiba, Principal Hlampton Junior Public School Henmptotn, Ontario 16-1 Jensen Steel Ltd. WAREHOUSE SUPER VISOR Mnst4 be familiar with ail) phases of steel proecessng- shetarilàg, satwinig and plate, burning. Cail 728-7318 for appointment Senior Bookkeeper as Assistant to Contf'oller Experienced i ýGeneral Aceounting (e.grs, bank re. inventory centroi, etc.) REQUIRE IEDIATELY Plemase Cai MR. SMITH at Curvply Wood Products Orono 983-9171 Registered Nurses RE GISTERED Nursing Assistants 11mmDediate opening for Reg- istered Nurses, full and part- time positions-, aiso Registered Njursing Assistants, part time. In à FuIJy Accredited 131-bei Active Treatmçent Hospitai MIust have current registrationl Eccellëlnt frîinge bepefits ;And w,,rking conditions Appir te D1RECýTOR 0F PERSONNEL SER~VICES , Memorial Hospitaxl Bowmanville, -Ont. Tenders 'Wanted TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Canadla Post Office i3 inviting tenders for the con- veyance of Her Maýjesty's 'Mail over Oshawa Rural Route No. 2. This service will, operate Monday ta Saturday inclusive, Tendeýrs wîIl bce accepted froa ay persan 21 years of age or aider or from business firins residing or operating within a reasonaïb1e distance af the area covered by this mail Service. Closing date for re-ceipt of tenders i Toronto' is Wednesday, 25th April, 1973 at 3:00 p.m. Fui.pa>ërticulars as to the detail of trayel, tender foýrma, ecmay be obtainied fromi the Postmaster at Oshawa, Ont- aria, or from the Director, Central District, Ontarick Postal Region, Room 430, 21 Front St. West, Toronto, Ontario MW3 1lA5 - telephonie -416-369-3173. _______________________15-2 FAN-CYMas $1.95 a bulshel; faIncy Spýies, $3.'5-0 a bushel; fancy Deliclous, $3 a bushiel. W. T. Cox, nruth af B.T.S., JO5HN ;Deere No. 40 3-point hitch with row crop cultivat- or, fertiizer attachment; a-lso two fro plough. Phone 623-7695. 1 '72ý STARCI>AFTlha r d top7 camper trileýr, sleeps six; stove, icebox, cuýpboar'ds, pro- panj-e tank; spare neyer used. 9)83-5045 Orono. 16-1* N-FWCASTL.E Trailer Park & SIales-Your district Rambler Trailer Dealer. New and used raler, ighWay No. 2,Newcastle, 98ý7 -5 13 1. 16-tf PREMý,NANTS-Ends of Roils- Mill-ends - Huge Selection Alh No. 1 Quality - AUl 12 feeýt w1ýide - Lengthis from 2 feet to 20 feet. Va]i -ues to $S20,00 per square yr.Our Cle'arance Price 4.9,5 and 5.95 squar,îe y-ard Facitojry Droad lomr Di- tributors, 81 Richmond Strecet West, Osbawa, 576-,5522. ObNE--YEARý-OLD Eleétrolux vacvuum clener, $150: good olIdeij Electrolux Vacuums $30. varieýty aothe1,r vacuum cean- eýrs, $15 and uLp. Telephone 987-4446. 16-2 DWARF apple trees, 2 years ai;6.000 M9 M1elntosh, 1000 M26 Mclntosh, 1,000 1VM6 Redi Dellciaps,; 81 per tree, mnini- mnum onder 10 trees, Celi Roy Trudeau 623-7176. 1-2 LEISURE Living - e w Hours! Monday, Tuesday, Thursdey and Friday, 1 ,r. 9 p.m.; Wednesday, closed al day; Seturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sundey, i p.mi. - 5 p.. amp-- ens, truck campers, truck caps, trevel treilers. fith wheels, mnotar homnes. Phone 623-4700; -Highiwey 2, East af Zoo. 16-5 SIM'Mil-ý,ING Pool Chemicl We Discount AIl Chlorines- PHi - InrieE.ser - Reduce. Agiben and Sta'bUizers. For Pool Chemrrical Bargaini get on aur mailing list. Wýe won'tý bc undersold. Factory Bod loom -ý Distributors, 81 Rich-1 mand Street West, Oshawa, 576-5522. 1- FAMEQUIVMENT - International Tractor, -model' 956D; International Plough, M4odel 540, Massècy Ferguson Baler, Madel 12; 'Massey Fer- guson MowerIode! 31; -Mas- sey Ferguson Rake, Model 371 Geo. White Hay Wagon with Bale Body; 30s ft. Bale Elevat- or with -! h.p. miotor; 16 fit. Grain Auger. This equip- ment was purchased new and has been weii maintained. Itý van be inspected Avril 141, 15 and April 21. 22, at the WVan-ý Iess Farmn which is iocated 2 miles East of Orono on the Sommerville Rd. (Con. 5>. Each item wiil be sold for the highest cash offer. 15-2 FOR ALL VOUR Gardeninq Needs ST'OP AT CARNATION Flower and Seeds 33 Division St., Bowmanvïlie Garden Seeds From lS1c Pkg, PEAT MNOS S, FERTILIZERS NýSEtDTICTDES, LAWN SEED BULBS. STRAWBERRV and ASPARAGUS PLANTS. Phone 623-5577 IrTE N DER Tenders will be received for he puriohase ai property which wes the forml-er Fire Hll of thie Town af Bowrnan- ville'. Thie prapeýrty is descri'bed as bcing in the Town ai Bawv- nnilCounty ai Durhemn, and as part of Lot 124, Block 'ý"on Grant's Plan. Dimecnsions are e-pproxli- ately as foilows: Frontage on Chtxrch Striet - ,51, 8 iEtt Lin'xit.....102' 21/*" iauthi Limit.....51' 0" West -Limît- 99' 9r%'" Are-a-------5185 sq. ft. - t shah.1 be a condition ai aIe thet the building et pres- ent oib the lot shail1 be remnov- cd within thnee months ai h f r~'o ai al. E elesshould be cieanly rnnked as ta cantents and be lelivene-d in theý office of the undersigned no- later than :00 p.mr. on ýMondaýy, May 7th, 973. The highest or any tender uxay niot necessarily be ec- Cepted. J. M MILROY, A.M.CT., Town Clerk-Administrator, 40 Temperance Street, Boawmanville, Ontario. uoming bvenis Help Wanted ; HeiD Wanted