Ar oBack Acddrse ise Nc-w1y el'ected Deputy Covernor Bill McKay of Cnhour, lef-, is c'ý1 ongratu- lated bY Cneec Co-Chaîrman Alex Wiseman. __ Mlany, Area Younwîçg Pezopgle Hurt in Traffc Mishaps- Eight yean old oinOm.. Libenty Str oSth Street ~s, peal, noni St Bowanvl-ille police reportec1i thait the ýsmnd oy ra o utr frenmbbn tpre rc anld the cr nvnb yean' (,IdiMicha;el Creio ak way Ces, h o cane o stop"j sioi'WIý Young smo nd was t ake V BM fr clment rÈaila istin tKinsmens o bed Fuirdayic, at Linhe Kî'Cnsmren Confenence heu i Bowmafinillehis pad weekend ws mared nitay nigt when f'theomout-,of-ton i ime dsvered that their Inrn haizd been sbropen an. Eauj. ',nl ih ofWhitby an the0i omsl itaen n h west side of t e teat ap- proximat tey 0t. . Wheni rteosed mon Wedinesday, Aprill A 5yeu o lkicyls a fruaeto escap)e csenjous in-, jury -when ho ra out of the Bank 0, f Montreat prkig lt,ý neaný the four co)rners, anin lto the p)ath of ;an oncoming .car. Êarn Shckleonof W'el - lington Street 10 Bowmianville (TURN TO PAGE TWO) K-INSIMEN PLA11 CARNIVAL The Bowmanville Kins- men Club was granted per- missioný by Tow,ýn Council this week to hold a tm'o- daycanvltisum. The carnival is sehedIlled for the weekend of August l7th and l8th and willinl- lude a, parade on Friday ,nr !..VILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18,'1973 I5~ Per Copy VOLUME 119 m"','- -- Pagesc1' 'Nab Suspect lin u 1The offices .of Charterways Bus Knapp's Towing Major Bantams Down Paris to Win Ontario Titie C1ompany on ip son Avenue, were broken' into in the early morning hours o f Monday, April l6th, anid a "substan-C fiai" amnount of money wa sisolen f rom the premnises- Af ter investigat- ing the theft, Bow- manville Police des- patched a province- wide Telex bulletin advising other poli- ice forces in the ............ province of the ,.2 crime. Asuspect, 22-year-oId Mal- colm Hlarvey of Osh- awa, was arrested ..... near Cornwall on Tuesday and has been charged in.....--. . . . . connection with the On Wednesdlay ight at Memnorial Arena, Knapp's Towing Dan, Cox and Raipli Crydermian; back row, Coach George, burglary. MjrBnaswnteAiU Ontario Bantam 'A' chamipionship by Sainsbury, TramrRand Fox, Ji m Hutton, Paul Sobil, Brian According Vo police reports, defeatingF Paris in four straight gamnes. The teamn members, with Martin, ikm, Ted Putk, Rick Scott, Barry Shackelton, Rick Harvey was topped in a rou- the Ontario trophy are, front row, lef t to right, Gary Nemnisz, James, Sponsor H. Wi. Knapp, Manager, Jimc Peters. Vine chckbypolice i Mo- Geraid Brunt, Ted Trudeau, Capt. B'il Leamnan, Lenny Chappeil,, Effective Mày 1 st P tOfie tiT r n r~ ' by -Mandy Martin 1 Ail single employable wel-i fane recipients ln this area will have their benefits dis- continueni as of May 1, 1973, unless they are physicaiiy In- ocapable. on con prove that1 they cnntfinnijob. Be-ginining last week, the Nonhubelaniand Durham counties: welfare office is con- ducting a thoough investI-ý gation into al nle wrelfare- Accpt~sResig nation of Clerk - Administrator Clanke T -ownsbýip Counicil, b)e -deleted finom- a former at its Apil 3nid 1m-eeting, ac- resol)ution authic)izig a pay Ceed the nesignajýt ion0f inc,-ease of $500 per annum. Clenr Brce olis, efecILt ws dfeotend iand nuleni out A1pn-il 6tlh. of odnby the reeve. Coýuncil a1pproveni a-, motj(in Counclil approveni a motion that nv. Colins wýold be paini again, by thie Deputy Reeve in lieui of holidayvs, inpr-ni Councillon Keykoop, that portion ,Vo thu numnben 0f Isyhe neve ho authorized o wokdfr-om n 1i. lst 1973", presosnt'Vo counicil for inter- at the ra-Lte of 2pncenit0fve with all possibe speed his sly.Candidates for the position of DopuLty R eeve Kirlk Ent"- clerklý-administnatorý. ,wisl, sconded by Cuclo No action was taken at th-~ G. Heykoop, pnesented a mo- meeting Vo appoint an acting tion i"that .Mn. Collins' naine1 clerk. ýTax Decrease Indicated New Provincial Grant s HoI!d Up Town's Budget The 1973bdgeCIn te twnbudetOasil owstads of clBowmanville, which wýas V sowe adraseof 1.91 milîs CIE ERT RAM T hiave been pnesenited at the or bi c Residentiial (taxpay- There will be n checker' Apnil l6th meeting of the Town eîs) as comanedwu with îast nontest beîng organized by Couincil, bas been de!(Liyed by yen.le added, fI belieàve tîis Miss Helen Van Dusen. This theinrodcton f he roin eceas culdbesigiîcanîytournament wlll be an ope 1 lhu fflrodctiti t fic rovn- ec"sý' ')etournament to aIl Bowman- ciai BdEt on Apnil 1,11h. improved1) by i aiting untilthene ville residlents. For registra-, Ini a report o Council, oil'Fown kenough infoùrmatýion Výo calcu- tion information please cal! Clenk-Adiniistrator Joe m£cli- laie the new figure for pi:ovin- either Myiss Van Dusen at roy in icaed tat the bown 's c l rants. - 623-3587 or 623-7267. C.GÂIT Group Does Good Business at Flower Tea, Bake Sale 1-nocon, the Sunda'-y Sehool Hla!C.G.I.T. embers h were serving at teables. They ntrch w's paIckýd Witheage are, from left Vo right, Heather Gray, IRhoend eanson, bakipg and Cte customnary tea Kolleen Preston, JVII Alen, Julie WVray, Heather Alnyan, ilesu codiges re a qfw- t k'e eoa annOan ýeesadLn ors mut Wefure Denefits For~ Sinle Recilns "We7feel ti, a b oe incentive toecorg thm to becomne gainfuilvyepl cd," Reeve JayWhtngn, Suth Monaghan, socilsr- vices committee chairman, told countilq cotincil. Ar ,Mtn, hea d ofthe <TURN TO PAOE TMOI Sirens So.und Chamnpionship 1,,,dnts f BowmanvlIIC sittiig at hpome Wednesday ni;gh-t, mustav wondered whai;t ail thle commotion was about. F'ollowing the hockeY game in town, iu which Knapp'sý Towïngl Major Ban- tams deferated Paris to Wifl thr Ontarlo) 'A' Champion- ,hip. aý parade was organiz- ed m !ith the Fire Chief'S Stzti'm wagon loaded with players in1 the lead, Sound- ing the shrili siren at fre- quent ixntervaLs. l'ourbs for '" N' ' J I' E E Eate WekStliin Intensive Care 197-Te PstOffie Wil Carrier delivery; no Rural Route delîvery;n Wieket A treyerdT.yronie grlonoCont oad Four ann Výo, the left side o fihr skull, Seýrvice; no Parcel Deliver>'; is in serious condihtion in the co)lIlidl-d wth th side oýf ailerit cm~inlcontdact w ith no Street Letter Box rollec- Sick Childrnif ,s op it l in asncrShe wsknocked a ( ýside -mir-or. At, 5:2.5 pri., tion. Despatch of Mails: oot olwn nacdn nosiu ntemso.soyalradmisiohe East 6:00 p.m.; West 11:30 outside bhom nStna,3-rodPer Lblnd0fwaetanfenei 10 the Sic--k P.m. Aonil l4th.Sarougws the driver of Ch'ildren's Hospital in T'loronto. Saturday, April 2ïst, 197l'- Catherine Vivian, duhe h eil involved in the Tlhe laitest reportsiicoted -FïIl atrda srvie. of Mn. andi Mrsz. John Viviaýn mîuihp. tha se is 5stý1i'llte e- EaserMonay A of RR 5, Boxvn,.anville, 'vas Te yugVva ilwoieCn ntof the Toronto 1973-Fuli servic. ,piaving outsido leat turday takn1 owmnvle'sMm- bosp1ia. A slight1n-pn1 . afenor we si rd UIl optlwt aclto~mn een tili r Glcndit)- but shie ha-s not yet Will Bulid Moble Homes ui le The oc~ ~nwas nv4ia CoucilFialies oLand 5.16 acres of inidustiaïl ]nd Isq. ft. addition is to be added cated that Van) Hoof and hiave been purchased from-i the next year. Smith plan to construct a town of BowmanvilLe by a The 5.16 acres on Baseline building whîch they will rentý Scarborough. firm headed by Road, just east of Simnpson out to other industrial opera- Gerald Bouchard. Avenue, was purchasied at tions. The indications are that Mr. $3500 per acre, which makes The sale also caÀrnes an opt- Bouchard is in charge of a new the total purchase price a hitLe ion on an additional 3.37 acres venture whichplans to build over $ 18,000. mobile homes from their plant * * *L ft. plant will be, construclted announced at the, Monday, a re c this' year and another 25,000 April l6th, meeting of thé =C='.ý Bowmanville <jouncil, -i1671 a - %- o W- d IBITS Ne PIECES ~ WHAT A BLOW -- on Saturday about 8:00 p.m., the Arena was closed bt Manager Roy Neads hap- peeto be inside; he'd corne up Vo check on the freig equipment andi heand someone banging on the front door. A main and two teenlage girls ,vere outs1ide. "Where is the other arena ha town?" "There isn't one," repieni Roy. "Well, wbere is the Essex team-- playing" 'Vn Essexý," sou oy The man's face almost turned purpie as he Ltrneni Vo his daughter ann akd -Wee nd you get the iniformation they were playing here" Seems thje mon liv-es about two or th-ree blocks from the Esse-x arena and drove --ail the way here, 20 miles. Roy quietly closed thie door, being allergie Vo violence aï-d the sight nf blooni being shedi. Wonider if the, chap will corne bock for the game this Saturday night. COMIE sON SMELTS - East Beach is piled! high wihstsps imbers and chunks of wood thlat .wre washed up during the storm on April lst. Who is -oing to dlean iît up? One chappic visiiit-g the area feels thtere wiIl be nio Iroble2m once the smielt start runnjing. The xiiglit fishker- men will humn everything that's there, instead oàf briniging in rubber tires and stripping rail fenices in thie areak.IluÉthe imeantimie, the water isn't- shoinhg any signs of recedinig. EASTER -- Many places of buL.siniess andi induýs1ry will be c1cosed on Good Frhday, andi churches in the area are hold 'ing special Easteýr serv.ices on Sun-day, as outlined on the chuirch page. Even Ilosport Park is getting, into thie oct, by gvigawýay Easter eggY(s1 Vo Vile first 1,000 children attending the races on Sun- day. So Lehw his gesture doesn't s!eem quite in keeping wth the spirit of thle day, but mayý.be we're a biLt on theý square sidte, EAGER BEAVERS - In this edition, thiere's an àdvrieen advising citizens that student workers -will be avoulable onz Friday, April 20 andl( Fridaýy, May 4th, to help Clean Up Bowmvyan- ville. Chck the advertiseen't ansd take advan- toge of the o)pportunity to have assistan-ce in idyîng up youcýjr place, in readiness for the sum- mer season. They're ready anld eaoge.r to do procticolly anything you nced. FESTIVAL - In order thait none of the wi.ning: contestants inth KiwanisMuc Festival in Peter- borough,,I wil be mîsseni, t-he various mnusic teachers f-rom sehools in the area have been invited Vo se.nd in. their list of winnlers. They rnay noV have arrived byprsine inwic case they'1l be includedl in next weýek's paper. HïArPPY EASTER WEEKZEND! Peru an dhofas"be-nd Jameso Smth sana riceofS5, spoke-sman for the town mîdi-- Thse Building Inspector's Report for the monith of March revealcd that 49 building permits wcre is- sued iasV month with a total construction value- of almost $%4 millioni. 48 of the 49 per4nits wene granted for residential con- struction, repnesenting over $770,000 ln bouses. It ap- Peurs that the boom is on. Outstandir, enlaid. COBOURG TAXES DROP Cobourg-'s town counill onnounceni thI. week tbalt theinrsieta iire would be 10%, lower than last yeor- Bowmanville councîl has tnot finalize i the budget fr this yean, wiigto x'e- ceive definite ,information -concerning the provincial s-gran-ts. laims Flood Respon4sibility annnt shirk its share of re ponsýibility for the high wa t4, levels of the lower grea akes nor for the damage thal the ,vels have caused to hmsand property, Allan Larne(PC _ Northumber- landi-Durham) said Thursday. -Mr. Lawrence spoke at a meeting of the Commons' vlronrmePt. Mr. Lýawrenc,,e said It was idiotic Uo daims, as Mn. Davi-s had earlie-r, thbe ccause the hlgh water level problem lin- volved property' , which was primarily a Provincial and municipal matter, that the' IoderaI gove7rnmienithad no t nte nest or fep n ib lt or the c urrent situation. Musicians Performn Here On Saturday evening, an appreciative thoutg.h not as large as hoped for audience, atte-ndied a conicert of sacred, secular and classical music at Trinity UniedChrc. heevntfeatured the outstanding North York cýhorus ulnder directiojn of Dwý jýiht Bennett, Head of the music departm-enit of Victeria Park Seconday SchooIfolloedJ by two accomplished pia-nists,Myn Torrie and Glenda Vry Miss Varty is pictured aboe,4!-sta she began her portion of the program,. CharterwayM,-Bus Brglarized aiosx oï 150 Per Copy NUMBER1 f i