Real Etate fr SaleThe Canadien Statesman, Bowmanville, April18193 9 CL~SSIFEA\ IOONO NEWS 1fMr ,and Mrs. Ny.F.Fisher Mrs. Elmer og n Eei Cf hwa and Mrs. Leroy on Sunday. A ~Hamilton of Orono spent the Mr. and MrsTmLws weekend with their faniily In Mr. and Mrs Eeet tpe 234 King St. E., Bow »fVille Acton, Ontarlo. ton have< returehoefm PetsAucion aleAucton ale AutionSals R al Etat forSal1Re--Esate-or ale623-3a393 Mr. and Mrs. Ardile Lunn spending thewitrhFo- REG ISTFRED D a c hs hu n d uesdaArl2-nulWEL udayApi 2t au OSEo sCneson St. E., FOURberoon twinhome,ý 0Arý,VePo and their daughter Mrs. R. ida. pups, born January 3rd. Tele- Spring Stockepr Sale at Lind- LIVESTOCK SALES Sui April 2th, startlng o obelt 135' x 150'. two years old, broadloom, two 1 eeViw olDionne vlsitedMr and Mrs. 'Mr. and 1. ige t phone Newtonville 786-2479. say Community Sale Barn. , mHwy. 115 just NorthPon 623-5948 or 623-34... baths, 'full bfisement, family Located n e a r Leskard. Lawrence Wlnslo at Mill- New York C0yvste hi 16-1 Angeline St. N., Lindsay, ai at Durham County Sales Arena of Newcastle, (Discount Furn- 16.2*e room, $30,500. Caîl Larry Beautiful stone and brick 7 brook on Thursdayof lest son-l-lwand agte r LABRADOR puppies, bl.ack, 1 p.m. Expecting a large Orono -Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m.,îture Barn). New cquality Doble 725-9708. Fred Cook room split lovel. Stone fire- week.0.Ce-t and Mrs. D. Gbsnadcl- reiserdexelen h quantity of good quality local Selling Horses, Cattie, Swine, furniture ordered sold by fac- Real Estate Ltîd. Realtor. place, 2 bathrooms double at- Mr .and: Mrs. Geo.C1eo ren of HilllrestLnOoo background. Phone 2-7î steer S helfers- and Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie tory. Livingrooni, dinette. BROKER ~ 61tce aae ag wm otHpM.adMs Recent dinnrgesaoMi cavs o ute nom-RiAcine n r-bedroom recrooi kitchen and n i pool. -Barn. Must be Orme FaIlisof Starkville, Mrs. and Mrs. Gordo oerwr tion or consigniment contact Prietor. 23-tf office 1urniture: - Stoves, "NANTED seen. $73,500.001. Termes. Cali Harry Balley, Mr. andMrs. Mr. and Mrs. JmSak r ;%V maueSaeeCt.Cr Lcs, rpitradfridges, lamps, sewing ma- Pat Yeo. Carl BillIngs were Friday cv- and Mrs. OrmeFilrndsn Shots, papers and spayed. Atuctioneer, Reaboro, 324-9959) BOB and FRANK chines, 120 base accôrdion, FRLCLRSDNT 7 ces om Vl nndne get fM.Hrzo Reasonable t good home. or 2774. 16-1 Mle electric welder and 3 kedroom Beautiful, brick bungalow and Mrs. Gordon Power. Mrs. Carlos Tabnroo Phone 983-5379. 16-1 STAPLETON -hundreds of oIe items.rv -. Large barn. Valuable front: Congratulations te Mr. and- Mr.' RobertMfatasee April 30 - Far ~~~~Ternis cash.. Steve Bany, Auc- RA.tII well kept home onlmt Mrs. Alfred Plgott on their a patient i omail Livestock For Sale sod uto sale of farrn AUCTIONEERS tioneer. Preview, Fridlay, ia the Bowmanville area $195,000.00. Terms. Caîl Bill 40th WeddIng Annlversary. Memiorlal Hospt. GOSLINGS, White Embdenz. machinery, furniture, a n d Speializing in ail types of Apr'îî 27th, 1 - 6 p.m 16-2 ~~m Sutherland. Mr .and Mrs. Russell Chat- At Orono Uie Cue A. Venema, 263-8888 Hamp- antiques. Property of ADAM SA,'LES and ESTATES George Slia etno oor pn Iteana to.1-fKLIN'CANS, Lot '13, Con. 4 Phonie Newcastle 987-4767 Auction sale of fanm ma- 181 CHURCH STREET 74 Acres, Trout Streamn, cay wlth Mrs. Marshiall Chat- vice wlll be heda i .. to.1-fAsphodel Tnhip,4 n or Newtonville 786-2953 hnryadsm friueLimited woods tenton. and will incdeeFell ow ÏUERDAGS-4 edws fNorwood, on Hlwy, No. 16 for Mrs. A. Roka, haîf mile BOWMANVILLE REALTOR Manvers'hilîs, rolling Selic Mrs. Ida Plumb of Wiýrllow- ship of the LrdsSp. Herd comnpilses - 17 cow59, 7, to 4th Line and 1/ mile --est of Oshawa Wood Pro- 623-4428CalARNGENOO land. Beautiful retreat pnopi- dale vlsited lier sisten Mns. CongratulaiostM.Wm 6 yearling hetifers, 2 yearling,,suh Massey Ferguson Nor - W tLt 2 Concession. 2, GB~HL Cannot beGRENOO erty. Nean Pontypool, $35.000. Geo. Morton freom Wednesday Allia of KlrbyM,.A.e- buils, 2 steers, 2 herd sr'es sourcer mlth. ikene: NJW lker Liptay Ltd arlin~gton Township on Good ADNHL antb 1-668-8826 or Tennis. to Mondy.bic and Mnr. Aci uao gnandsonsInofrColossal 507 haler with 'Autioneers - Evaluators Frlday, April 20. Cases Model dupicaed hi 7roni Kendal HUis Congratulations to Mn. and thein recent bLnthas il calves, plus 2 horses n1 motor, 24' hay and grain ele- Livestock, Estate Sales D tractor, like new; tractor storey home. B r o a d1 O O in 1-655-4425 Col-4 c elret Very roll Mrs. Garfield Emerson Best At the llthanulsha pony. Package Dea1 $20,000 vao on wheels, lMassey Fer- Bld Heresîutvtofu eins f throughout. Garage. On 40ars1/2j.(h omr isEeeePrsyetlr orBtt, ollerot act - .1-E8.guson 3 furrow plow, 3 point, For Professional Servicecal harrows, 'i c a 1 e SI, scuffler. ar store v oatd iomng. 15 ine land whitgoesbich50ee. Mary Margaret Brown) on 4t.h in'Tiniity ie hrh Baty, olectat -46-71-4 section spring tooth han- STEVE LIPTAY chains, ladder, stoneboat, tool ersoe n wmJg ieadwiebrhtreterarae audyee-Bwavle 5531. 14-3 rows, drag harrows, 2 wheel R.R. 1, BOWMANVILE table, threshing belli gas tanîk, Asking only $32,500.00.' near goo acre conservation trailer, cultivator. Fulli Une 6263211 100- chichens, forks, some 45 ACRES - Goold fertile FOR SALE forest. Building permit avaîl- Ing, Apnil 14th, la Onono Unit- the Orono ntd hnl 4fan16mro-2r-6an3-cn211e7o Rc able. '$24,900.00. Ternis. Calcd Church. Rev. Basil E. Long Women atteaded HORSE SHOEING ofmacinryqp-tiy39offuides. an od. alerosatla. Idealiding sfite.Roy Fosten. officlated. The groom ils wlth Amanda C1xpa fEg tools, quantity oflumben, a 3-fucls.tur od aea Lk.-Ielbuligst.the PrmncesPatnicla Cana- land ,age anne, avstn e Rot - Cold - Corrective proximately 500 bales hay, 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Lawrence zoo fi. off pave,,-d highway. ; Kendal Huis dian Llght Infantny. grandpancnts'M.adMs Alo- STANDING AT STUD ap)proximately '100 bushela Antiques, furnIture, .ma- Harnis, Clerk; Cllff Pethlck. Asking -$28.500. Terme.i.6 acroe. 7 ooa, 3 bcdr- *M.s Johefri oweTroanoEastymo lChidas barley, round table and 4 chinery, etc., the property Of Auctioneen. 16-1 63-69 /2a hmAC7romE FABLM. -h with af ornt Estr che King Band Man chars, 2 televisions, couch, thie estate of the late F:arl 712AR_______aors irpae wobts petSna wt irpa-I c bureau, bedas, dressera, mron Argue, Lot 19, Con. 4. Mani- 5 year old, 1,200 sq. fi. bunga- 623-7661 ronsfipacwobtsetSudy ltbrpr- nhoo 0fM.Aci 'anelectric heat. Excellent view. enta, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Lunn's 8th blnha, nSn QUARTER HORSE bed, waahing machine, ches- vers Twp., 1 mile west of Special communlty auction 10w, 3 bedroomns. Gnod 1anAkn 4,0.0 ens oe.dyM.&Ms oetDon Horses Broken - Trained terfield and chair, rocking Bethany on 7A, then to, fourth sale to be held at Stirtevant's 30 x 50. North of Orono. i BETTER THAN NEW, 3 aî Ry oser Mrs.W.Alno K&ylao h LcMitsSho1Ra chairs, antique càbad ore ot, watch for signe. Auction Hall, 27 Hall 'St.'mile Off Hwy. 115. Aslpng bedroonibrick bungalow with Boa patient la the Bowinanville had a famfly bfe upna C ail John Lines kitchen table and chairs, dish- Saturday, April 21, including Oshawa, on Thursday e- $35,900.00. 1 breezway and attached gar- BwmanveMmoaiHsta.hen oefrhrfthr es, pots and pans, Westing- Willis piano (excellent con- ing, Apil 19 at 6 p..Sharp:16 age, stoniefireplace, extras too 'Owner transfenred. 3 bcd- MimeliveHoci fofaa-l. their o etaenM. Newcastle 987-4918 house refrigerator, many oth- dition>,' dining-noom suite. Refigerator, electi stove, numerous-to pnint, a beauti- rooni home, large corner lot. zenvIlle, Mr. and Mns. Orville and Mns. RaymodL n eItems.' Terme cash. No antique clock, antique' jugs 'hesterfieId suite, vanityaJ. fui home. iShacdeetreesandfenceing. Pnrie ocifadduheso agtr a 16-1 reserve. Sale 1 p.m. Carl etc. Fenguson tractor (eecent- centre tables, antique chairs, Peler Kowal r UT EUE,7/ aa iie hi utMs r n'M, Hksn utoer ebrl vehue)Ti llbe television love seat, chrome JST RE eC 7î onld s everal3extra .0s0 ocifaddagtn fduben adaadSsn V/anted to Buy 324-995!9. 16-2 an excellent sale. Fanm so]d suite, bookshelf, CIak dlning REAL ESTATE ACRES. with , mal barn e ol.Asin 34H. o avn Roitdbin un M M. and nd. Geald Lua BA~LED straw prgena'blyTernis cash. No reerve. Sale room table, TV,: radio and GENERAL INSURANCE pnekry, idea for horse, Caîl Dane Found.invstosaM.adMr, and Mrs. JeryDonezn wheat. Phone 623-7538. le-tf SATURDAY AP7-989L 21at e p ney cord playdend tes, d-eaf g52 King St. W. - Bowmanville building permit avaîlable for Bowmanville Charlie Garrand's. son Sean, Mn.adMsre USED Furniture and Appli- Auction sale of fan stock etHamp277-2989; 60nman ocndrendbes, rtsteinne63-43g oue ý1 Two bedrooni aluminuni Mn. Austin Bcacock, Black- Dionne, al c hw, n ane.PdysMreHm-and gimln, antity ffrni-Auctioneera. 15-2 tgood conditivrn), girls' CO E O HOPIG:::, LOTS and LOTS of LOTS.1 home wlth sepanate dinîng stock, was a Friday visiter at Mn. and Mns. Aci ua0 ton 263-2241. 26-tf ______CLOSE__ kOPPI rooni and tone fireplace. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Gar- Onono. Mrs.R.Donwa ind roênbiyce loyd o ,Cn ,Mnoa DSESLSL F chai-,. washingcismachineg beda.alo elbrti completeordn kichie e had, bungalow with garage and Elsie Spencer - 623-3259 Asking $2 6,900.00. Caîl Aud- Mn. and Mrs. M i ceh a ci1 Mn. and Mns.Rselavr oldpormoe. LCaloTy,, 2 miesno ,rth0fSa- HACKEY HOSEO opee ice ubadpvddie rcdrgt 14 owr. -4 ave, /'ile s othof7mies-HC E HORSE RWN AN booksdishes, lampa, occasion- pave, drv.AtPt nce:ngh a e oisn 2339, li.Strenge, 'Scarborougb, werend. and Mrs eti 983-5919 Orono.144gae1/ l ato7misHOS DRW VEHICLES al chairs, rugs, vinyl, box $3M0 c tOc: arSmt mes 2-75ryPain CARS, trucks and tractons for south of anilla, 1/ mile east SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1973 spnlng and mattresses. record HOME WITH INCOME::MrySit Bw ivlle recent visitons at the Lloyd of Stankville, M.adMs twc g chage arto artcsHooîen, ad r -2 efod catfe, the property of player, TV traya. List net 8 roon 1 1/ -storey home cent- 786-2283 Newtoavillc Olden three bedrooni aluni-Ashton home, e alo 263-2508.Par Auo PrtsHolk cwan Heerd alet, R HRL . ATNcomplete, hundreda of other rally located la Bowmanville. Banner Passant -623-3258 muni home. Large famuilv Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton day evening dne usao ca-à lve bm idkcw eeroand & SR 1HA ONSF PTO articles. "'termes cash. Ahl Has 2 batha, basement, Igar- Rolly Spencer - 623-7694 sized kitchen with L-sbaped \vcre guesta at the Beat- Mn. and Mrs. LvrePte- caIGHEST pr(erfodîcesl ON furniture welcome. Sales age. Ianerial nice condition. 16C-1 living room on large tneedý lot. Brown wedding en Saturdayý son, DivisionStet HG STpie adfrCharolisclvs,,5steers ri- Toroatc>, Ontario, Canada roioe xîs sîeC0 ens--Asking 29,900.00, CalI Aud- et Orono.Eatrretg. crtrucks and tractoi'5. ing 2 years, nu and corner Fincli & Warden Av.) Kinig, Auctioneer & Cartage, PERFECTain. This 3 bGI.. Phone Achenman Auto Wreck- Hostein yearlings,, 3 baby EFC,:Ths3ed ers, 623-5ï56 or 6237112. beef, 350 White Rock hens 12:30 P.M. 725-5751. 16-1 rooni brick' bungalow near Bowmanville 15 Fo Catlogue Wrie - ,Mix usineJori & psterr 158(laying wel), 30 cockerels, 30 FrCtlgusWieshopping in Bowmanville l i uiswt lean Jorhinte 2 nr Suffolk ewes. due around sale WALKER - LIPTAY LTD. The undersigned auctioneer in perfect condition. Has -in thls case it will pay you Instructions tume, 2 'Suffolk rama, quantity Auctioneers will seli by public auction, buwo-ye icin ihhngaolw bas, g oo ted Large Selection of RIAEof hay and straw, 1500 bus. 68 Sherwood Forest Dr. fanm machinry, 40 head of 'bult-in range::: Rec. rooni bun-groena sandPo t Offic I~TT'1N T~k~ f oo miedgrin II.. o. Markham, Ontario, cattle,, quantity of furniture withl fireplace. Garage: Pav-.bsns ohl aeyu HAMS - TIIDVEV ~ "'pull type, McCormick manure Co.4nilnto onhp 3550 em.montgage payments. Only (rilrR.R. No. 1 Co.41alntnTwsi,$550 ens 2-53 $34,D00.00 whieh includes cool- $1.00 a week type) good condition, McCor- Bowmanville, Ontario,' haîf mile east of Zion on the FARM WITH STREAM::: ers, scale and other equip-AiTo QaltGrd "" Cbc u aesFrt nik ri n eriie ed Telephone (416) 263-2117, Taunton Road, right on top 85 acres wî'th large bouse and Bowmanville - olden 4 be& ment. Caîl Kay 'Brown.AiTo ultGrd"- dhc u atsTrt nigrain and ertminiery 15-2 of the hihl, on Saturday, Apnil barn: Has long rond frontage: nodm home, very ccntrally Bwinil THE MUSIC BOX quantity of furnitune, antique 2ltAlid utiaoFrHshanoadseaaonlcted, close to achools and BOWANV1Aý PLAA sdebi aniqu rokerAucionsaleof ntiues8-N tracton, 2 furrow 3-pt. Ideal investment: Priced rlght shopping, on lot '37 x 150. 3 bcdroom bungalow in LUCAS ARTHUR'S BOWMANILLE LAZAbidesod, a ti e rokradü uctinisale 0f atiues plow, trailer, hay platfonm, et $85,000. Ternms. Asking $22,500 wîth ternis. Bowmanville. 3 yeans old. FULLY COOKED - BONELESS Phnd2-41 sressetale, mwn tingdck.and u sd fu:1iture, aturay, e ac nndrnocautFinished nec. nooni with ban. Phone63-5471 ayrupcletts. mnyote Anl ls.1:5 .. Svon g-tractor, New Holland 7 ft. 119 ACRES : : NEWTON- Bownville - nice, coin- Asking $39,900.00,. Caîl Bill 6-tf ca F a at12:3. Re. an d y 8 t heVilgeW mower,' New Hollaad hay VILLE::. 3 parcels of land: paet bungalow in the nonth Turaasky. D N E A c oh. aleo,2AuctRg.ondrBwdy,cinsthige of asconditionenpacker, bale e- Gosiderablë gravel deposit. end area, wîth paved drive, Notice Ph Jhnone,5) 37-320. 0r- bcd Vicringof kichenva-tor. two-wheel trailer, grain Ponds.Old house: Btter In- grgnwfurnace adaln:Newtoaville Area Slced or by the Piece aldGrhaiClrk Sagav cuhord wsbtads vniy.grinder, bay wagon and rack. vestigate this one. Only $119,- muni sidlng. Askiag $26,500. 10 acres on good noad with KID RG R E ladies will serve lunch. 16-1 chest of drawers, set of fourMFtaor anr red,00,rwilslseaaly Bowmanvillc - Older 3bcd acres,9o.00bushtermod valp BONELESS DELVN chairs, pine fable, bed-cbcst- weîding table, arc, welder After houre - Call: rooni home la the nonth end,îi90O0wtbers.Cl eried.tbls.dck .1 acetelynIe, corn scuffler, clse6o -'ol.Billsarer Tunansky.RO N STA uc riltbe.eo i tracter, baîf ton J. Barton - - 623-3098 chome. Asi Go$2.50 t rerra ON SEKBra fs REGISTRATION Saturday, April 28th - Auc depression glass, ruby glass. Ford truck,, Hydrein iiutoniatic G. iieeeh - - 2-26Bere 8 cebos fnilvlo for: West Courtice, North tien Sale of Livestock and crocks, dibheassware5,6pic-e.reset 3-fu,500ow louh, io de- Courtice and Courtice Implenrients, 29 hcad of Char- turc franies. -books, utîlity pg du'ctive l'a.nd. Gdod-86 bacstok rL - 00 (en a olais ettle, Charolais bull 14 table, television, 3 hae snig-othcutiaor vKoan- - 235681 c tc na odPatro nvtdhue Ak TA OS Highway area at montha old from Artiste, 4 1,1~iiijm~,un 0 head IcM~tle, some ' Ask- STEAKer ROAST BACn hom W etori mature cows wtli caîves by &thcr items j numrousnto heifens, few ,sprnagera, cows on lot 210. x 105, close to new îing $95,000.00. Caîl Bill Tur- ide,. 6 cows due soon. ne- mention. Roe annister and calves. Ëurniture and Scugog road. Askiag$150 nsy U . 16-1 Some 0f isAthesenearticlesB 16-1Bownianville - lot On No, 2 Bwmnileb.* Unite buhsh.s.i6 open heifers -Uld pHwy., 2,25 . 187. Asking '20 acres juat outg.ide town for, South Courtice, Maple These cattle are not record- CrpTerolmah n is cash.2,C00ff Pettck..imbety fftmnvleo ROUEDARM N P Grove Eat and MpeGrove cd but allhbave unit breedinL, Carp ntqesrs' tools maci-Auctioncer. L1betv t.Norh.- 100fi West at A.-good herd of cattIe. WD A-'C th. poptyeaof tutet RA O Bancroft area - excellent 87 fronag Smaîî bouse and MEXICAN FRESH IS nov' crop tracter, good; WD ppy, O Cci M IaebrSTR)AA L2 acre netreat property withl 1 barna. G o o d nvestmeat Maple Grave A-C row crop tractor with teLteCec . r adurn WP, SATUR 0AY AFIL 2 acre lake. Asklag $15,000 $70,000.00, haîf doln five E TUc manure loader, M.H. haler,Lo4,C. 1 MaesTp,2:0?-43 with ternis.yer terni. Cal Nonm Weth East School PTO: Cockshutt 7' power 2 Concessions North. of A at MACJUNERy - FURNITURE Orono Pot1poîana-î acr eup tW I mowen,' Int. ide nake, Int Jaevletra rtocn ANTIQUES la Aresin Onono. Party buihding lot facing on good Large Sizmue9arg Sz on seed drilh, M.H. 17-tooth culti-"csiîons south of Jaaetvihle. Auction sale inchuding Case woodcd with creek runnin.2 rond. Asging $6.800.Nsten Fr. pi 7 93 vtr4scin rghr ýe 2mlewsSaturday. 5 crsnKrN:te7n n Fn, prl27 17 vto,4 ecinsdrg a- he: mie4Mt.3 tracton (excellent con- through frontage. Building 50Arsna Nsptn n rows, Melco 32' bay elevator, Xýpril 28. including chrome dition), Case 3 furrow trip permit available. Propenties Edwin Jeans - 623-7152 mile off Highway No. 7. Pond. ___ TIME rubber-tlred wagon wlth rackez suite. bedoI suite, deen henni plow,- Case 'S tractcir, like this are scande. CALL lIjac McDonald - 623-3911 5 bc'dnoom home, old barn. 10 dz nianure apreader, Woods ec- fez, etc., Wheel Hanse rid- Oliver 50 baher, Sedore man- NOW! l. ak99 acres bush.. Fruit trees. 9:30- 11:30 a,ým- tric ginder, set ot beavy mng lawn niowep (used only atielaeCksu 7niW354$490.0.Trm.alNo D ESP IA WHL TI adsleighs, set 0f ight sleihsfewtiniea), ox yoke cutterunehoaeCoksutag ow- nom rp taindit ak, aan candie maker, huge suppîî er, rubber-tire ao ih fem rprty Ucelea Meffonald- 623-3911 Wetherup. CUT No. 1 SMALL ONTARI 25ls 1: 15- 3: 00 pari. mi, full hne of machinerv -) tol includiag beach saw, rack, MeCnik mnr prmn ulig asuhUodACIOI-7532-2770 Ar ou Considerlug a quantity of Thuothy,, Treefo lathe, router, drill press, etc.arae,6seto arw,%sla prtct ih~azz Rout - 725-0353 ALE r RASFR Lot and Concession numbers an6"alased a, ta his will be an excellent sale McConmick cultivator, ide- pivate entrances. 'Incom 1 16-1 W Oe ar q pdto handeR ar eqiedfrbu oue eayduyeecrc tveFr sl. em cs. aerake, poste, steel poste, large $500.00 monthhy. Listed at P T T E 1 ~ are rquîrd forbus1outesaheaytdutseletnic toveFiinmsoldTe$37cas.0Sal00.'GET CASH TODAY your home- needs anywhere Chldren must reach thir th deep freeze, wringer wash. er a 1 72989Ted Grpnce e orquantîtsr1 apmo etle, $7,0000 FOR OU> APPLIANCES iniCanada and U.S.A. (Limit 2 bags te a custorner) The pntopertMy o rEthe WenytHmpon 26-203or, Case bammermihl, 70' end- T G Proof of age blrth certificate, Hutchinson, Lot 24, Con. 8 Auctioneera. 16-2 as bIT, 1062 ppe otiac(sla) 3 b aaedroo grach bunahlw STATSMANCoast tolDtTOASTMASTER HOT CROSS Sv 0 le required. Puillie HealthOp Twp., 2 miles eat 0f extension table, 2 nocklng cd nec. rôoon, games nooni and C L A S S 1 F I E D S Real EState Servi Nurse will be present. 15-2 Lînýdsay on Downeyville Hwv A C INS L his atqecarws-laundry rooni. Nicehy land-- PHONE 623-3303 c and 1 mile noth. Terme cash A C INS L chirs, mahnei9qecdi n shcaped lot - 68' x 155'. Ask-& Mortgages 'Wanted No esev sfn i od G'tMI uto a roon suite, chesterfîeld and i ig $39,500.00. FINE QUALITYAte9:0.mcalB n or u ne es4c _______________Sale at 1:00ý p.m. Carl Hick- NEVITONVILLE occasional chairs, 9 x 12 broad- 3 Bedroom Bungalow MONUMENTS AND Dolores Ross - - 725-1498 REDUCE YOUR son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont.. Frda oni rug (l year), library On Olive Ave. Newly dec-1 MARKERS Kay Brown - - 623-3150 SPECIALII! 324-959.162 G odtable, moustache cup. ida rtd eahdgrg lh, n otr-Ooo935~ AYFE 3,2k-9t5ve, harnesa behîs, ine pivae riv e. nccd l yFot e ' ~BhTrnky- Orono 983-5420 MLILLSTN SEICfeders, - pig t roughs, -ful line to"'i' uontrctr anrert.. .o . - - rrn ______________________ana_________________ of modemLISTING-malnta n-d, preader, Papec corn; cutter, Flexible barrow bale buacher. , " " ~ npe uas0 i.T .6mahiey.Plntaten.M--MVouatjoy, Hampton. SUMMIT - Assorted Flavours 12Glo Oshawai & Districternfs cash. No reserve. Sale cutivator, Otaco wagon, Int. -ster. Massey Ferguson 145 M. .-"MnadMs.Rs Ashton at :0 pm.Car Hckon14-tooth cultivator, Int. 3-fur- bushel manune apreader. Full e Mr. w ae Sndny .OEveîgvstr CE R A i 9 Rel stte~ordAuctioneer, Rbo, Ontario,,r'w plough, 3 - 11', nt 2- line of modern maclhinenyl,, .s ,, of Mn. [CE ns. anol Ra saeBadfurrow plough, 2 - 1l's; grain quantity of humber and nails *b ngt san, aa carld _____________________ 10524959 1-2grinder, 50' endîcas drive belt, 40 tons of stacked corn, hay -7,> ~. on Mns. Nerb McLaughlia;, 2-wheehcd trailen, Homelîte and grain. Easy.lothes dry- AF E.-E Real Estate for Sale chain saw, 2 Chore,.Boy units, er, Frigidaire 2-doon refrig- -.-4Oshpwa.A. omsn iited -set of single discs, fullI Une eration, lampe, tables, chester- - H.îi ,Mi I ___________________of niachiaery. Aprxmt-fedad4carsf c her daughter Mirs. F. Osmond, Quatiy o m x g ain. - isel.d ekan'4 a rswvsofa ir, -. : an was lunchon Tu e st f ddaC NDyE J R ~REAL ESTATE ly 2000 bales of mixcd hay. qnd matchirîg chair, floor pol- -. .r BwnvîeonTedaCC L TE SAL ES piece chestcrfiehd suite, book- 9, ful lcngth rmimos, plate Carol, Bowmaavlle. CHOCOLATE LIQUEUR CH(CLT KCrlIMITUU M case, chairs, rocking chairs, gzlass mirnor. dressing table. chsto daerexesin1 rwe -et ba adMns. W. Manian, Sunset, NOVELTIE* FILLED BUNi E EALTR EPESENATIES ceat f dnwen, exensin ' draer ceat.boa aad~-'z' ~ '~" LoLodg, Bwmanwlle Spelt eOCOATESETC _____________ table, drop-leaf table, deep tniotor. baby's cradle and 'bed. W. are interested in interviewing people who are either lampe, many other itemýs. The hbeld items. Property of Authorîzed Dealers for1 daughter, Ms. J. Potts. Cli nadbos rtn already licensed, or have passedl the "Introduction te Real property of Ivan Chysdale, MILTON MeCRACKEN, Lot CONVERTIBLE and JACUZZI EQ IMENT Mn. and Mrs. Rosa Ashton Estatee course. Only career minded.i people need apply. W. Lot 14, Con. 4, Dumnien Twp.. 19, Con. 5i, Douro Towaehip., callcd on Mn. and Mrs. ROY ~ K CT ~ ~ - FE! 13 miles east of Peterborough 2 miles aorth of Lakefieldl on 1 eagln Blackstock, Su- wD i K S R A S ~ offer you the faities and help neeessary te earn Excellent on Hwy. No. 7, and 8 miles Hwy. 28 ta Melody Ina, take i KLR NUD UaMEEhPjJMING 00 S a ning.-. -PAKN income. For porsonal interview eall Bill MeFeeters, noth or 3 miles north-east of Stoney Lake Road to Pine- >sIID IVUM~~r. and Mis. John d"' WaswTerme cash. No grove 'Cheese Factory, % ~mlc Phone 623-3058 ad ns.dy vDeeen ar. omofdMarkt, DaYs 723-2265 Evenings 725-1726 Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. soqth, firat fanm. Termes Phone aryDeer n "ESTABLISMED 1936" Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, cash. No reserve. Sale1 5 Bernard S3t. B mnvl bos, Blackstock ,on Sumday Reaboro, Ont., 1-7û5-324-9959. p.m. Carl Hickson. Auction- Mn. and Mis. Cecil Woôd,ý 73-77 King St. W., Bowinianviile 6334 1-tf 15-2 enr, Reaboro 324-9959. 16-21 Oshawa, were Saturday even-