Trhe Canadiani Statesmn, Bowmanville, Aprill8 18,973 numerous other m a t e r i a 1» _______________________________goods are purdihased on credit MW PD aref front varlous stores whille the! e at a local lacthrà cia. C aThe fani yhead isuddenlyEni s O e 20 fPd isefli ofaimonthiy payments bill of over $:150 in many cases. the April 1'7, 1973 B~ruce. St., Oshawa, pieaded! Harold Eihot, 27, 537 11,W welfare does not- cover ther. Judge R. B.Baxter presid- "guit o edriving crlsl a r4St., OshaaAtaPuI s (hurc Dut CunelDoug Barber. Darlington Provincial Park enter, faýied te, appear today "but often they can't affrerd BesnsLae'Warn styled jackets were on view. Threeý cases dealing with'and driving'too fast, skidded an'd a bench warrant was ta- to. There's no solution but te assDciation with St. Paul's Then Off with the coats and thefs tain th Caadin Ure to a eatbond ar.Thesue. UU.C._W. presented "Fashiions on Io more Spring styles in sthef C.rmte anadian lire intamanestbound car. Thesue..o onl welfare.' for Spring" on Wedcnesday, dIresses, pant suits and even- streo!C.SewrtMcavs dmae oh ar Ws Frecd Elliott, 30, Enniskil-' "For somne people, it just March 28. Morec tha-n 2l00 ing wear. were deait wlth. Earl Tapley, $3,500. 'He wns fined $100, ]en, a brother of Harold, re- isin't -worth It to work"hc people enjoyed an evening Although the models were 11, of 36 Oeil St., Bown- costs $3, In default ton nys ceived a nine-month reform- sjýld. "Some people have so ranging froin exciting Spring not rfessioinai it seemed a,ý ville. pleaded -guiilty'" and George Darrach, Newcastle, atory sentence and threPemunny garnishe against thenri fash;ons to socializing over tho)ugh they, had gone throui thie fine was $150, costs $3, in received a fine of $20, costs m o nt h s indOeterminate £foi that they will neyer be ablE 2akýi and coffee. sonme extensive training. Theý. default 15 days and put on $3, ie defauit two days, for break and enter ie October to work long enough to pay SI Paul's with itls hig Wer,, Mrs. Myrtie Eade, Mr., probation for one year. He lailing to sec the road was 1972. For the November and themn ail off." cýîl asteprec ete Lill; ni Hooper, Mrs. Bett: was given 28 days to pay. He clear when backing from an December brea-mis the satine Asked h. h uve ~frC omment v ato )r Ms Nl cGeor r. aetHr had no previous conviction. ingle parking space n New- sentence applies, to run con- single welfare recipientst son Osboree 'and rsles. is eny(nero Terry R~ussell, 19, R.R. 6, <astie. H{e hjt a passing car en current. Duty counse asked conducted, Mr. Martin sl rha Mte in.Niss Jackie Davis and MVis Bowmainvflle, who pleaded F'eb. 24th. for s;trict probatti but thc the administrative staff mi Gahm Ith pan.Liedla Tennant. Assisting bEý "gutilty" IM'amch 27th, was put BReford George Cornish, age Crown dld not agree With int, and talks t e ah eh ipoks AI-weather coats rnighn the scene were M, on probation for two years 10. 2 St. George St, Bowmani- this. Too niany cottages -are lent and the recîpient imu, frein plaid casuai wear' to Davis, Miss Bo nnie Piper an and will report to the proba- ville, pleaded "guiltY" te being broken inte. His pie- have "a- good reason" for more forrmi mohair wýrap Louise Lyle. tion officer once a month. driving Octeber 8th, In Town- senteyice report was net 900d. being unemployed. Alfred Wayne Wickett, 26 ship of Darlington, whillehis Don Roy Sharp, R.R. 2, "There are jobs available, OrchIardviewv Oshawa, had a blond reading exceedcd .08. Newcastle, was charged 'by said Mr. Martin. He attribut.C 11 I Tns D w charge dismissed. He pieaded He sideswiped a. car on High- Const. Martin ie February, in cd the decrease In the num- "1not guilty".* Mrs. Mary Clark, wlay 2., Readings were 170 mg Newcastle, for failing to have ber of welfare recipients thiS . l a icensed private lnvestiga- per 100 millilitres of blood his vehicle equipped wlh a yeair to the good weather. ê-1 Pli tor, stated she saw Mr. Wic- -ind second reading was .160. noise bumper and with fail- and the winter works pro- i Io C u igHE ur ment, place soi-e boits le biis in dcfault 15 days, and given ed. He was given two days toe "The construction compan- Once again Town CnIl speak Councîllor Mason raised lcft jacket pocket and go te 28 days te pay. repair the car and by theclies were able to work most bas tbwartedi an attemipt to bis hand, Mason did net give another arca of the, store. H-e Gary Nihili, 20, Newcastle, fourth day bad not and char- 1of the winter,," he said., aliow local barber shops to aeny reasons for bis objection, later paid for somo articles recreived a fine o! $25, cflst" ges were laid. For making al Mr. Martin said "Icemmon selct' their owa hours of in a close x ete, the motion at the check-out and wvas fol- $3, in default three days, for noise the fine was $20, costs law"' rarriage la recognized clesing. te allow the ameedmient was iowed from bthe store. Mý1r. trespassine on bbc property of $3, in default three days, and for family welfare benefits. A report was received from diefeaýted. As the matter now Wickett was represented by Cueen's Hotel, Newcastle. In for faiiing te sh~ow insurance "'This la often the arrange- bhe' law rirm- of Strike and standsl, the, barbers are re- Mr. K. Van Nest. Mr. Wickett July 1972 he had been sent a the fine was $50, ýcosts $3, ir, ment where there is a famnily Strike advising Council that quired te close their shops on stated tilat he had too many' registercd, icUer not te go In default five days. bead with three or -four de- lb was legaliy Possible te a1- Wednesdoy aifteýrnoons. articles in his hand and un-1Ithe hotel. On Morch 1lth last Douglas Davis. 18, R.R. 2. pendants," hie said. "There iow barbers te cboose, their, consclously put the boits il e wcnt ie to use the pay Bowmanville, pleaded "gu1lbV" may. be several children o! own hours. The report statedi bis pocket. 1 elephone when the charge te impaired drivieg Marcli one Or both o! the aduits." "it wvould bje possible tee0 ---- $150, tosts $3, in de! ault 15 lowaece for a "lhead o! tam- ing b)y-lawý% whicb provides for- c s i -days. Const. Gaylord was thb l]y"l witb tire dependants closing each WedniesdlaY and You re ivite toatted ou - nvesýtigabing officer. It was is $330 per rnonth. thnl ei P t ahbr Yuaeivtdtatedoralleged Mr. Davis bit a car on -Cobourg Star. ber whether li e closes either LM~ Couety Road 14 causieg dam- Monday or Wedncsday, or g'age amounting te $400, The wbether he closes on EnyW S Department o! Transport will M mmweckday. SeVc advlse him o! license suspen- Uw n f The two ladies on Council, On y Su V, ic se nt sien. Mrs. 0. Cobbae and Mrs, L. On ona maysuct Wm. T. Andrus, Port Hope, % IThrosber, pub forward a mo-rigndup v 1h Manpower for recelved a fine o! $50, ccstsM ion, te mnake the necessa-ry týheir anmuai b d fer a summer Mr.job The odds ias usual, see,,-m ,PP $3, In default three days, for amencdment te the by-lowv. M teý( be agaiest uis, as stated by drîing 65 miles per heur in (PROM PAGE ONE) Cobnsi, "I. ges -tht ilt crpeett efo e a 50 mile per heur zone on did net require medical birent- doese't mtter whcn ,-ny bar- apwroraiain Highway 2. Const. Gaylord ment following the railhp ber closes his sî A nowr organzatin.üra was~ the netgig officer, The car was driven by Patbrlini However, otller memibers of Aoneervic ianc inormeda- Ft.,nk M.6th7 i:Ïon, o :11,Berardof Nwcastle.' Couei, ldby Lawrence the school dur:g the ;asr 1I m ~BowmanvIllc. chargc March * Mason and Don Allie, dis- week. Information is niow sa eSMa a i19 fSM truck for which bhcy wcre buggy on the Baseline Road le Motion. The girls' gymrnaistic teamjn CETEchecked a truck on Ilighway vehicle int a dibch. ece at Monday eiight's meet- and perforrme-dwe Marg "TH BB CIN AN RC ESTA" 35 and bbe markcrs explred le Foui Heilefontaina was driv- ing but whee Mayor H-obbs Skinner receivedseodj in-ý "THE OB CRNGANORCHETRA" Dec. 1972. Mr. Sisson said hc îng the vehicle at tbc lime of asked if there werc ony ebjec- termediate teamn, Arie ne Keact- had te abandon tac truck for bhc accident. A passenger, tiens te ailowing tbc mon te Ley won first and JaneRyn SMWORGASBORD BAR PRIVILEGES which tbey were. purcbased Norman Garinther o! St. olds won 5th je intermeàdiate and in order te get bi money Brune, ueI c was taken te' TfVtT aultîeg. Ie the novi11ce sec- Dress formai, but informai hm M cmisnngo Vte, PmTur rcied th cut of bcheplates uscd tenBH'opanngo nuis B R E ONtinbeamdin d Nely Meester onth truck replacement. He te a lcg lbe liad broken ie a i eýna i el ,1ýse Tickets - - - $15.00 per couple Owas found "guilty" and tbc previeus accident. Mr. and Mrs. B. Le ard le vaultieg. Anter th Tickets are Iimited fine was $50, costs $3,, and le Acsigt1OFrprs fmlOhw, lîe r lace was v.on by Miarilyn default five days. He was giv'- the duncbuggy iacked suffie- and Mrs. H-. Grace and famiKexeadncdfor Get yours early from any Rotarian e 28 days te pay. cnt weigbb olver the front axie, seccntly.1 The Jude teami broug-h, Rotary Club of Bowmanville The Department o! Trans- whicb rcsultcd in lack o! con- Mr. Tom Hodge bas retur- hom,.e six div ision cham-ps from, portation and Communications, trol over bbc vebicle. The cd cIter a week In Memoril' their cempetLit ion at Port liopel ___________________________________________appeared wibb tbrce ovcriogd teachine sustained $100' dam- Hospital, Bowmanvillc. c'Il e ran MaLo e fors charges and one for net bey- cgc. wisb bim a speedy recovery. lunder 130 is.Tomn Dillion ing on interprovinciai license. Bellefontaina bas been char- Dr. W. Beer spent a fcw fer under 145 lbs., M%'ax John- Osbawa Sand and Gravel gcd by the OFF with failirig days ie Toronto this wcek.. son for under 160 lbs., Helen pleadcd "guilty" te an- over- te register bbc vebicle. Mr. and Mss. Orval Greer, Hi szcyk for gris' light load and tbc fine was $100, * * Oshawa, called on Mrs. W. weight; Lîlîman Lavender for costs $3, and two weeks te Karen Dupuis, 18, from RR Hryae on Monday- girls' welter wveigbt and Jani- pey. Kiegs Presscd Metals, 6, Howmanville, went te BMH Mm-s. J. AJbrams, Tyrene, ice Artym fer medîum w ýeigýht. Kiemoute, were fined $50), vtb a sore nose followina. a called on Mrs. K. Roblin on T I M 'S r~~~osts $3, and Ryder rsuckmineir, two-cer accident on I'ia ensaingte Rentais, 672 Kipling -Ave-, Tbursday, April 12th, on Ring Several local people speýnt Toronto, 12, cost $3. Two Street East in thbc downtewn en enjoyable eveing a t the Rore cirgALL. fortov cDupus grl ws as-Couinby ShortbornD 55 KING ST. E,. O MN IL ydrTukRentaisOttawa, senger ie an automnobile driven Bakbc bs s 31 rcceîvcbyFed a$3 ie, ssSJones. o! cburchin lSutberlanid 4)! Bowmanvllîeý ____________________________for hauling fureiture from Town. The Joncs caýr sustained. Was guest speaker followvIng, Quebec te Ontario ibu an $200 domnage, os, did bb thes bcrh dinner. He sbowed colos-l interprovinciai license. vehicle le bbc mishap, which cd sAides e! cattie in Australia.1 P H 0 N E 623- 3:21Gorry Murphy, 19, Bo0w- was driven by Councillos Lucky prizes wcre gven te! mai ____________________ lo Pout.rd H.PcLk, iMss . Ctlck-, wihdriving wbilc impaircd, Mto.rd ey Bk, rownC. edp.ak Bi ~~~~pleadcd "guilty". Hie was driv- r.AdeBowEa OPEN THURSDAY ng eest en King St. and loqt PO YP L Marin, Miss Marilyn Duf!, contol nd rokeoffa tans PON ,YP OL rs.Jean Ashton, Ms. Bec-ý fermer. i car a a Write- nebb, Mms. M. Beabb, Mr. Son- ., . of f. Breathalizer meadieg ilred n Pu Rcar-d Moore, Howard Abbobt UN IL 9 00 plitres o! blood ajpd second Moeday evening on a business 1le 'received their share of! PICK-UP WHAT YOU NEED reeding was .1(10 meg. lichad tbip. îeeprîzes. D no previeus record. Damage Mr. and Mss. Jack Beiley FOR THE WORK YOUR te bbc bowe hydre installa- and baby daugbber, Sarab, o! PLANING N TH WEEEND.tion was$450. The fine was Oshawa and Mr. and Mss. N $1l50, cests $3, le defeult 15 Lamne Bowins, Orono, were SI days. Sna usso! Ms. and Mss. Fred C. Joncs, 41 Church Or7vill Challice. mmCR CI~~S chargcd Marcb lSth by Mr-. and Mss. Glen Bradley s es Afc Const. K. Bromley wibb bav- and Raedy spent bbc weekcndOD îeg liquor ie other thonbI hs ittheir cottage. FROM PAGE ONE) D y residence, received a fine of Mr. and Mss. Relpb Sharpe, $50, d G o dFri uy '$3, in default five who spent tbe winbcr ie Flor- ilbugOntarie. They discov- al Has le was gie ,8dy ida, wem-e in bbc village over cred a large amouet o! caýsh n, 7,flErnest Mileer, 26, 103 Buck- Mr. and Mss., Orville ChaI- Followîng qucsbioning, HarveyNo i .m ngbam St., Oshawa, cherged lice and Donna atbended tbc is undersbood te bave disclosedo witb driving wbile baving Best-Brown wedding le Orono bis involvement in the case' REGLA HORSRESMEMONAY cosisumed tee' mucb alcobol on Saturday cvening. The and informed police wbere bbc REGULARMarcb 9REbMpleeded "giity". groom Is the cldest son 0o!-Mr semaînder o! bbc money, most- APRIL 23rd Coesbs. Bird and D. Smiband Mss. Fred Best, !ermerly ly in coins, was bidden. ________________________________________ oseve acarcrssa lceo fo!Pontypool. Almost al o! bhc sînlen MAPL GRO E Jcation. She accompanled Mm-. Fred Wright, Bmian, Barbara MAPLE GRO ~E nId Mm-s.toFred 'Wright and ,nBerly Bcýeverlcy tevisit Mr. Nom-mari Ladies - pleese remnember Mm-s. Hem-my Freeman, bas re- Wright le Hillsdale Mennr, : c Maple Grave U.C.W. Eeg, tired as,;aur news, correspon-, Oshawa, on Sundlay evening. er meeting and Thank Offer-' dent wt oves 50 ycars o! Mr- Elmer Wright, Ring- *ng on Thumsday, April 191, iaiîh!utl service, and as ber ston, Mss. L. J. Bradford, eh 8 p.m. 'ucc-resor1 wish te bbhank ber Miss Marguerite Wrigbt, Oshi- Meple Grove cburch wIll on bebaîf oetSeus community. awe, wcre Mcnday dinncr bold a Good Fm-day service ah piease phenýe 62.3-2589, Mm-s. guesbs with Mr. and Mms.' 10:30 a.nî. on April 20M. Fred Wjrigbt, and bhelp kecp ________________________ Mapfle Orove le bbce ncws! on Palm Sundaiy, Rev. De- vid J. Hem-rris, B.Th., based bis DELI E HA KN & SE S sermon on "The Triumnphal - OTTH S IN EL Entry o! Jesus into Jerusa1- lem" hechirrenieedffeýChartered Accountants anthcîei"Hlosanna te tac Liv - OFCSIMA R.AND NCI1TE ing Lord", iaed lMiss lary FIES[ AORCNDANCTE Joheson favorcýd wibh a solo, BELL CANADA BUILDINE;x "Open bbc Gobes o! bbc Tem- (>SHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA pIc". Mm-. and Mm-s. Frank Cruik- PART,'NERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F C.A., RJ.A. shank,, Ajax, were supperi GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.41~. .ouests with bier sistes oand BURT R. WATERS, C.A. husband, Mm-. and Mm-s. Cli!-, ford Swallow, on Sunday. P O E 7 87 2 H appy birbbday to bobh ladiesP ON 2872 on Tuesday bbc l7tb. _________________________ Mss. Roy VanCamp visiterý with, -Ms. Sam Snowde,I Hillsdale Marier, Oshawa, en IEU Tbursday aftcrnoon.I ie Ms.Frank 1Leaveil, Col- Fiv arkâe *s"" lingweod, Is visibing witb, her dand e Ms.nemd on-iBesse. r 9 adu s.Got r don-ie-ia, s Miss Mary Anri Doyle, Lon-àS 1 ePt borne witb ber parents and1 Ibroîbers, Mm-. and - Mm-s.. Ste- *phen Doyle ai-d sons. * Mr. and Mss. Don WVagner,' * Orangeville, visitcd t.heir auril' - and uncle, Ms. ond Mm-s. Gem- ndon Desse. Ms. and Mss. Jim Geuld and Michael, Trenton, visibedý Ms. and Mss. Hazen Gould on Sunday. ý Mm-s. Norman Burgess, Tom- ente, speet a wcck wibh .Mrs.I Roy VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Archie WiesI Peterborough, w er e recent guests o! Ms. and Mss. J. Ar- thur Barries aedMiWs5 Gm-are Bannes. Wc welcome Mr-. anid Mss., Gary Stinsoni and son (bbc former Joycc Milis) who bave mcvcd into bbc home o!, ber parenîs. M'U. ai-d Mrs. Ceci] MOilîs bave mioved te a home' ie B3owm-aeville. Ms. aruid Mm-s. la7en Gouîd ihave bad bis niother from tNew Bruniswick as a visitor. 1 Mm-s. W. H. Brown and Mss. -Stepbeni DoyIe wcre co-bos- tesses fer a' shower for Mss., 1Donald Boyd ci(nýec BDetty Ellen Kuhe1-ke) et bbc home o! Mm-s. Doylc on Apnil 12th. Conrigat- 11Ltions, Ms. and Msrs. Boyd! Sunday guesýts witb Ms2ýI. -ad AliS. IHoward Crydermn-s ther, Ralph and Jlmwer Ms ,d Mms aisCryderma aedIC Susie, Guelph, Mr, and: Mr. en Crydermran, Osýh- owM.and Ms.David Cm-y- demm an cd Kailthy1, Bose Line, and Mn. Daneyv Cox -Powmýanille.j Ms.Keitb B1ickeil, Napa-1 1 cce, was a weekend guest o! 1ber pa-rent,MnAi. arId Mss. Arîbulr W. _Martin, Mastic Rd.' Mm-Uad m-. IHareld Clarke,ý Islingten, wvere recent visitorls iwith Mm-r. zad _Ms.Gordlon Miss Baiir ba rea'Wrîgbt, Gu!elph University, bas rc-, tiurned home for summer va-' Is Your IEATERKýS Saturday, May 5th 5:00- pa. AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Cali 6ý3-3874 or 623-3881 Ruînmage Pick-Up Sponsored by: YOUR B.H.S. BAND and PARENT-BAND ASSOCIATION at Hofe DYTKSTRA'%S o Vlo FOOD ,MARKET %WWE NOW CARRY so tbey bave te bave pretty' ~ Miss Meona Malcolm spent, Clrisagood proof," he said. thc weekend with Missý >At bbc courtîes council ses- . Dapbnc Van Duputt of R.R.ý- ALL SALES FINAL What is more natural sien, Reeve Whittington Was , Pontypool.' than youir love? asked If bbe welfare depert- The Ylvertan Hi-C raisedi ment could legally s t o p a considerable, emeunt O!NOREUN And reflecting this lqve montbly payments. "meoiab" os a mestlt o!ý theirNORF D is Clarissa. "lWe were told deficiteiy " 'Stam-vathon~ - no eab1 ing for 24 tbey cen be,"' said Reeve Ihus Un!ortunately, lb woldcl With sunlight-polished leaves cfgo!d. Whittingbon, "If tbcy are un- appeasr tbatrost o! thewremig, A damnd oltaie:themon, he8111,employed and pbysically fît." people were ndulging 3n Ibisj A iaon sliaie te oo, hesuThe number of welfae-em--. brthemaku*ofJ.J*Au, useicss exercise for abesity.ý youî love. cipients rccordcd ah the end afl wnud, Oufbmdffluu. Branching outi to share the f eeling of February Is down from laàt SPECIAL DISCOUNT, Oid Fire Hall C a.r$250.0 1973, there were 731 welfare FOR CASH SALES Alil the things you are. $200 recipients in, the United Cepn- lt eccvs rm #m ROKS P Up for, Sale The single wclfare recip- B O K b B rIS a mdth, epedlngen hut-Councillor Don Allun had te, Jng, erli seideductie' SALES & SERVICE be persistent but he finally 7Kn t le&.bMactinoalod educe "Wc WeService Wheb We SIP ow cuci ntoiseaebbc In[heowmanvioul rIece$22,000 elfes Openchseth îom n t*î ents. lie recountcd a "typi- Chum ch Street. Instea,cOue Th urs - 'til 9 _______________________________________ ca" case of a yeung teeeage 20 KingSt. E., Bowmanville cil' wlll cali tenders fr bbc' ____________ toupie.The furnibure andi_____________ sale of the building. A COMPLETE LINE 0F Health Food Products Start EACH DAY the Natural way with Vitamins - Minerais - Pure Fruit .Iuices and Vegetable Juices NATURE'S PURE FOODS without additives ROLLED OATS, UNBLEACHED FLOUR, -CEREAL, ETC. also NATURE'S NATURAL COSIMETIC PÉODUCTS Corne In and. Bromse Around 1di