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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1973, p. 3

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M ,and Mm. ilia Chess- Man o! Richmond HII 'isited with Mrs. irene 7,Ma7cDonald., Mr. and Mrs. W, MMîcývahon visited viffh Mr. and Mrs. Jack DBieyý, Oshawa, on Slun- day and attended thse bap- tismal service foýr their 1infant daughter, Saýrai Lane, lainOr- ýno United Churých. Sarah Lane is the graaidda1,ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lornie Bowlins, Orono. Mr. and Ms.Vincent Jack- ,sortvisited i ,,th Mi[ss Evelyn MeKinnon, elvle lvfrs. !naPlmrand Mrs. Mldred Bristow are ,,in Kilng- ston attendlng Grand Lodge. They are àalso vtigMr.s. Bristow)v's, daughter ind sons- in-law, 1r. and Mrs,,. Meil Oigryzekz. Mr. and Mrs. Ronsa Cas-r are preseatl]y vacationing IniPlor-- ida. Ms-s. Gladys Mfale.omson celebrated anothber birthday! this past Fia.Ladies help- Ing to c0elebralt, also with birthdays ia April, were Miss L!la DviMrs. V-ý, ele Strong, MsTý-s. Ire-ne acDonald aad Mrs. Heprb Neais. Other guests were TMrs. Thompson, Mss. Mantle, Mvrs. Clar-ence Rowaa nd iMrs. oro.A quiet afternoon %,as spent playing cardis. Bowling League Mvixed BwigLau: Ladies' highsngeHatr Horslin 234; aie'higis tri- pie, Ghris INeals 671; men's high snge,.Jck B Eragg 234; men's hghtriple, Earl Mv,- Quaidi 679. Gamres ove2r 200O: Alta Curtis 234-9224, John Sniushall 2-5-226, Dois Rey- nds228,1JIm Kloepfer 203- 212, KathyBaEdluck 212'i, Heidi Porringa 204. Team s-ýtandings for second nihto!playoffs, total pn:AIli",ccts 6131j, Loons on homnes, farms, lots. cot tages, rcommrercl buildings. Mocnev foýr Ihomie improvements,cosldtn of bin foc:t for ony pur. pose -,Write ortepon colect to 10 n.m tdcy. 24- orlclsei-vjrce. Promrpt lnveýstment Co., 330 Say St., Totont 1 -1 6-366. 95 86 Evgs. 1 -416-2394913. Hamtblig Subs zpeovtnce:n >tmoerbids and repsir dmagýed tisse. A renowned reserchinsitute bas found a unique hmaling substance 'with the abilty to ebrinis hemaror- rhoids pinesaly. [t relieves itc.hing and discomfort in iutsand speeds up healing of iise ijred, hIcase after caae, whiie gently païn, akctoal reductiou ?hriflkage) t.o10lace Moet important of i--ot ..W ss.umintained o1s-apesiod Mmany montha'. Thios was accomnpliShed with a zew healing substane (Bioyne) whic.h quicklY lhelpe hl ciajure-d eLls and stimulates growth o! new Liue. No-w Blo-Dyne las offerzed in o>intL- ment and suppostory f'orm ecaled Preparsition 1-T. Aský for it at ail drug itore.Satifatin r yous-money jsfunded. APRIL 271 1973 D rama Wàrko p ~Gvsfine Performances at Bowmanville High School Auditorium, by Carolyn Benison WVyane -Wonnacott and John Amesbury, revolves around the Local audiences seceived a efforts o! the Mabdwomraa of special. treat Apt-il 12, 13 and 141 Chaillot, played by Dos-cen when the Bowmanville Drama Kitney, to sid Paris of seves-al WVoskshop presented The Mad- moocy-hung-y schemners, who womIan of Chaillot inla the would dests-oy the beautiful ýcîty Bomanville High Sehool auidi- in the belief that it stands on a torium.I vast oil-field. The plot folilows The play, writtea by Jean the tradition of most moral, Giraudoux and diseted by tales, but it is saved fsos the Dingaliags 5989,, Bcd Posts 565, HUopefuis 5600, Dingbatýs 5519, Go get'ters 5528, Dad- eyeý: 514, Happy gang 5507. senior Citizens On Wedaesday, Ap.Ril lth, Mss. MacDonald, tise district nusse, gave an lntesestiagi ýco)mmentas-y on the privileges tise Golden Star Senior Citi- zeëis can have b y contactlagý her at Millibsook Medical Cen- tsr-c os- at Graindvieýw Sclh-oL. TPwo nurses work wvith tiseýý tamiAly doctes- Ia givlng these services te indivciuals. She, empDhasized tise need for senî- ior citizeas Vo exercilse lanVise fresis ais- wien possible, and take special note o! their dieV. Pamrphlets on good lhealtis fori seniors were distributed. Tise Senior Citizens accept- cdà an inviation o visit tise Grandview) Scisool for tise nextmetn on April 25tis, whe.,n Vise pupils will entes-- tain 't'hem. wlth three one--act plays. Cars will leave tihel Paslis Hall at 1 o'clock. i Tickets were dIstributed Vo' be sold on a quilt and tise draw w-ill be takea on May 9, at tise meecting aVtishe Pasisis Hall. BIago and crokinole will be tee mrain entestalament thsaï,day. Birthidays and anniversar- les wes-c hoaous-ed by two bcatifully decorated cakes, made by Ms-s. Gars-y DeGeer, which with Ice creamn, îmade a deiciaus lunch folowing the cuchre game. Mss. Drives- teok pictus-es o! tise bIs-thday' and ariniversary parties. Wlanes-s for tise cuchre game wes-e Mrss Sts-oag aadi Mss. Driver. Miseelaneo sShowver On Fsiday evening, April l3thi, -amiscelPaneous soc iwas held in tise Beteany Par lis Hall, hononing iss Susan Masters. M,,iss Masters plans3 to be masicd fin Camnpbe1-ý ford on May 5tis with Rev.Ï Kehis A m, formerly oi! Bethaniy, of!lciating.Asitn Suasan in opening ber gifts wevre ber slaVes- Juane, sIster- in-law Trudy, Kathleen Mos-- ton an-d Linda Portes-. Tishe winne-s o! thse two cotests dusing tise eveaiag woe Mrs. Pat Jones and Ms-s. Francis Jackszon. Tise miscel- lanieous showcs- was arraaged by Mss. Reae Sm-elt, Ms-s. Belle Smith, Miss Kathleen Mosto, MssLiada Portes-. Two moen were es wyont a desert Islam! In the lddle of the Pac!ifie for some tre years. One day they stepped to thse skiore of, tise i sland an,,d stood gazing out onto the horizon. Sudde-nly, one pte a bottie being washed ashore. lie raced out bio the surf land4ý pulled it ini. I was One of those ne'w klng size Cc4a-Cola botties lie looked at It; then suddenly, * frighteni'ng Tealizatiocarossed bis mind. "Zoo", ho shreked, *lweve srnl CLOTHES CA E IP-T: Curtalins ad rpes wlldisintegrate trosp atmonpherle andi *Cd deposits unle2sa tley are cleaned at leat once every mix montisa. B.OWMA,'NVILLE and DISTRICT CANCER SOCIETY1 ANNUAL BLITZ DRIVÉ BOWMANVI LLEl CL=EANERS 1LTD. ý 84 KIN"G ST. W. 623-552 "We Specialize Ini Sirt Landerinig" uisual piousness by somle o! the delightful comcedy lines wxhich rua throug il. Mss. Kitney was la coatrol f her part at ahi times, ailthoUgis it wvas djiffîcuit ta believe that. anjyone wxouldl consîder the chasacter ise portrayed to be insane. loe ir er performance seemed to strengthen that o! the supporting cýastthius gsvinig us onle o' those e"noee--ul momnenit"presentations, Comnedy was a major factor in the success of thlis particular paand much oif' it was supplied by JohAmýieslbu.ry, as the radical Rag-picker, Howiard Rundie, asF the street Jluggler., andj.especia-lly byJean Sheridan and Wynine Wonniacott, who 1 ' Satus-day, April tn was ai very happy day for Ms-. and M-.E. F.Russell son whcn they ha-i the pleasure o! ",rceiving hc"-icns ea tives and famnily on t-heis- Golden Wedding Asnives-sas-y at Trinity Uinted Chus-ch Hall, l3owmal'n- Vifle. Qn April î,l, Greeta Mlay o! Ms-, and Mlss.Albert E- Beliman and Russeil Osbor-ne, son e! Ms-. and Mrs, iJ, Frank Oshos-nae wes-e unite-d ini mas-nage ian omn ville Methodist Chus-ch by R-ev, S. C. AMoore. Afltes- their mîas-nage tey settled oa tise !aily farm, Lot, 333,Con. 2, Clarlke, whiere thcy continued the traditional opera- tion o! apple growing and tis bs-ediîg o! rcgistes-ed Short- hora cattleup until 1963 and 1964 whca t heïrir a-m was sold, but reserving an extra house theyv had bujit on rtisefas-nl bes-e thley now residle. Ms-rs. Osborne attenxled Bow- manlville Pubb i andHigis Sehools, She is ai Registered Nurse who graduated fs-osa Wellesley fHospital, Tononito, in Junle, 192L. Shostly alter mas-- niage she became active in tise cammu'nlity a1nd aPssisted in organizing* No. 9 Home and Scisool Club and wa2,s honiored ais its fisst President. She alo lectus-ed to tise White Shwid Club in Bowmtanville, an organ-1 ization ta help undes-privliged ch ilds-en., Ms-. Osborne lbasbeen active ia many tas-m osgnizailItios. Somne more recent as-e President o! Quinte Cattie BreedersBeie, in 1960 - 1961; President o! Eastcmni Breeders lac., Kcmrptville ini 1964; for 20 yleas-s ses-ved on tlise local and as-ca Scisool Boards. Now a memnber a! 'the Commit- tee o! Adjustment for tise Townshsip o! Clar-ke; a miemrbes- o! Session in Trinity Unitcd Chus-ch, Bwavle and ai member ai t[ne Usais- !as- 41 ycass He is a Past M(aster of Durhiamr Lodge Na., 66, -New- ca)stie;, elected as District DeuyGrand Master o! O(n- tas-saDistiNa. 10 in199 Paýst Fis-st Principal of Pales- tine Chaptes- No. '249. Bowmaýn-î ville; elected Granfld Superi- tendenit o! Ontas-lo District iný 1967T Ms-. andïMs-s, Osbos-ne wes-e fot te tahave alil their famnily pi-usent' Betty <Mss. (Kees janSens) who flew home 1fJrom Hlolaxnd; Madeline and D-ouiglas-MacLcod and daughtes- Elizabeth, Lonidon; Lenore andî Robert Coulson, and. family, 1Laurie, Casý-oursec and Richard, Oshawa; Eleanios-aadt Jack O'Neil and girls, Kelly and Terri, Caurtice, and this- son James Osisosne., Congrtulatons y telegrair) fsrn Roland Michecnes-, Gov- ý,rnor-.General o! Canada and aft'ernoon: -Miss Marion Bell- maýn, Mrs. Beacher Barrett, Mris. Joh3n Claytoni and Ms Ralph iýthe evening Mr, John His, Mrs, Earl [Osborne, Mlrs- Orville Oshor-ne and Ms Gordon Martin., Those servinig were relatives and ifriends, nf the district. SO" N Mr. and Mrs, Tom.- Baker, Mtiss Helen Ba ker, Toronto. aadj Mr. Jamies Baker attended the Johnson-Johnson wedding atI Ehene'zer church on iSaturday and the reception followingc at the Georgian 'Motel. Dale Freitag, saa was a weekend ilvisitor with Ms-, and Mlrs. Everet Crydermîan. Mvr. and Mrs. R. Frases wes-e Mvrs, Robert Gill, Bowmnanville. M/r.ý and MUrs, Ray Goyne, Courtice; Mr. and IMrs, Garnet Goyne, Audrey and Don, Ebeal- ezer; Mr. and _Mrs. Johin Goyne and famdyl, AMr. and MIrs. Lorani Pascoe an*d boys, Oshawa, Mr. and MIrs. Wayne Beckett and Igirls, Enniiskillen-, MAr. aad IMr.. Chas, Lang-maid, Tom and Faye, Miviss Sally Langm-aid and Mr, Torns Barsie, Bow-1 mnanville and Mr-. and -s. Musray it attended a fam.lily gathering at Élhe homIe of!Mrý and Mrs. Williami Ashton for Mliss Chris Goyne and Mr, Johil Pead whoas-rp stigfromr England. Mr. and Mdrs. James Cherry, Charlene and Matthew, Mrs. G. Lutz, St. Catharines were weekend guests and Miss Jo- anne Slack, Oshawa, and Ms Peari Leachs were Sunday supper guests of Ms. and Mrs, Clarence _Bray and famiily, Mr, and Mrss Robert Mal-ý colm, Brougham; Mr, aad Mrs, Waltcsr- Brooks and Barbas-a, Green River, were Suanday visitors wiith MNr, aad.Mss, John MUr. and IMrs. Er-nest Hock- aday were Sundfay visitors with Mrs. Myrtie Cats-on and Ms-. and Mrs, J ames Bail and David, Dowasview, and Ms-, aad Mrss Theo Boag and Ms-, iaad Mrss Los-ne NIMorehouse, Thorahili. Ms-. ad(! MIssChas, Lang- miaid, Tom and Paye, Miss Sally Langmnaid and Ms, Tom Bas-ne, Bowmanville; Ms-. John Werry, Ms, lerb Tiak, Ms-. and, Mss Murr-ay Flett anidSissi Pearl Leaci were gilests at the1 Thomnpsoai-Ashitoni wedding a1 Kingsview, Church, Oshaiwa, onl Saturday and several others fromi the commrunity attenied thedance after the receptîion. -Mr and Ms-s. Hlarold Pascoe visited Ms-, and Mrss.Gos-don Leask, Brooklîni, Ms. and Mrss A. F, Aber- aethy, MVanilla, were Sunday visitos witn mr,, and Ms-s.Don Taylor and familIy. Ms. and Mlrs. Everett Spir-es hiave retuned fromi a very enjoyable thtree mnonths stay in Florida, M-, and NMrs. Rloger Roberts and Jeffrey, AMaple Grove, Mr. and Mrss Richard Potter and Jennifer, Bowmrfanville, visitedi with Ms-. and Mss. Alex P'otter. Mr, and _Mrs. Jim Gordon and Russ, visited on Suniday with M.and Mrs. Alvin Yeoý and ý Scott and M,\rs.Spne Gordon, Orono. Also Ms.Ai! Gordon and Ms-s. Cliff Gor-don, Whithy- MIrs. Tomn Flett, Columibus, Mrs. C. Westlake, Bridgenerth; 1Mr, and MNrs. Murray Flett, Mýr, Ken Barrie, Bo->wmanville; Ms-.1 and MVrs. Don Kellett, Terr,, Bowmiaavile, wvere Sunday dîni- ner guests of Mr. and MUrs. Doug Flett and Linda, the occasin being the eiebration, of three b irthdays. Congratula IotoMs-aïaid i 's. Ken sho whose mar- niage took place at Kingsviewý Chus-ch, Oshiawa, on Saturday- i udvdinner guests of -Ms-, adMrss Frank Westlake, 'Shirley and Kevin, wvere Ms-., and 'Mrs, Býih Cfoo, Scarbor- )ugh; Ms-. Gordon Westlake, Waterloo; Miss Brenda ichm-idt, Kitcheïier, and M\1rs. ~.Mitliell, Bowmnanville and 3unday callers incluide-,d Mr. Kelly, Bowmiaaiville; -Mrs, Cyrîli Smith, Valerie and Robert, Fleetwvood, Ms Don Westlake, London-,Mr.andciMrs. Johni Ovenidea and Samnuel, Oshawa, Ms-. and Mr-S. Nelson Fice, Port Perry, and M- Robert Black- bumri. Mrss.Greta MCsmcCol- umbus, was a Sunday supper j guest wïth Ms-. aaid M-,Russeil Vice. ! Friendship Club Holds Meeting a Triniîey United 1 The April meeting o! the FVriendshii> Club o! Trinity1 Chus-ch was held in tis chus-ch hall Fs-iday afternooýn, April 1321, with 44 ps-sent. Ms-m Ted Mvors welcomied- thse gs-oup, lniiudling two peu, members. Thse worsbip and rgris played Mme. Constance -iýa Mýlle, Gabrielle, respecivel,, Cathy Godftrey lJent great authi- ority to the roIc of fMme, Josephine. The rest of the cast, whether in minor or imajor). roles, aire to be congratulatcd on thleir per-' formances, surely thie resuIt of much hardwo- and genuineý cnjoyment of theis- rotes, Bob Kerr- and Bob Sheridan also deserve special mention for set desiga, and conistructio-n, sue B3ryson and Junie Bonfor costumnes, iand MrartShea and Ca. for mnake-up. In fact, the only major flIaw la1 tis play is that flot enough people tujrned out to suec;1t.1If you didn't, you mnissed an] cvcning of fine entetimet on tise Easter theme, was laý OBI TUARY charge of Ms-s. Brooks andl Ms-s. Blair. Ms-s. Brooks read1 JAMES I. LOWVERY a beautiful poem "An East;es- Atrarlncs0Ieea Meditation," followed by a mnonths, James H a s- tw e il- solo "Il walked today where ýLowes-y, eldest son o tis e late- Jesus walked," beautifuly Johin Lowery and Ellen Jane rendes-ed by Ms-s. Weathes-all, Powcrs, died on Mas-ch 13, accompanicd by Ms-s. A. Cole. 1973 at M-emorial Hospital, Ms-s. Blair, assistcd by Miss Bwavle nhs8t cr Cates-ne lai, ten resat.Borai on Lot 8, Con. 8, nortis cd her colos-ed slides o! thelof Keadal, be spent bis early "Passion Pla,,, at Oberamn- eyars on th ise hme farmn, cx- mergau, 'which thcy had at- cn-pt for crne year In Torontoi tcnded. Ms-s;. Blair's comme- and anc year overseas. On ta- o ie itue asma July 28, 1921, he mars-led E. lnterestIing and Inspirnag for Catherine Cochrane. Ia thse this Easter scason, and was spxring of 1927, he môved to lnterspersed by two othes tise fas-mi nos-tiso!, Kisby sýolos at suitable initervals by whee horesIdcd until he s-e- Ms-s. Weatherall, It was tired in 196)2 Vo 'ive at 'Kirby. alone -tise Saviouar prayed" Besides his love for the soul, and "He Lives". Mss Brooks Ha-,twell was very intcrested followed with a brie! alk on in township and community Jesus choo-sing his dIsciples, affairs. A member of Clar-ke and the special attrIbutes o! TrownsliP Counicil-for 10 years cacis one. A prayer by Rev.' he- was elected Wardcn of tise Oake closed the service o! United Counities in 1953 and wosship. wapsesented wi!th a Life 1 ýMmber4hipCertificate ia the Ms-. Qake spoke a fev words, Formes- Warden's Association o! greeting, telliag of bis la- at is Golden Wedding Anal- tes-est ln our club, anId bis versas-y on Julyý 28, 197 1. 11e hocpe for o)ur future calarge- wasý an Hlonoras-y President ment. o! Cla-qke Towý\nsisip Ps-ogrecs- Those takia'g part were sive 'Conses-vative Association. hanked by Ms-s. Morris for Ani ardent Orangemnan for tiseis- help!ul and auttractiveoves-r 60 yens-s, hie was a past contributions. Master o! Kendal L.O.L. No. Plans for tise June meeting 405, rarely missing a meeting: tvvv dicu-sed an itwa.s a Past Master o! tise District, werediscsse, aa 1V County and Scarlet Cisapter deciýded Vto find out what ar- Lodges and a mrerrber o! tise rangementsr could be made tai Royal, Black Ps-eceptory No. visitthc McLaugl-in iihome'~ Trnlewsas and gas-dens in Osisawa. Pat aster o! orono Lodge After a brie! pcriod O!fin-A..& A3.No,.325 an(, a Ing old gospel bymns with m rember o! Palestine Chapte-r Ms-. R os s allowell at Vise No. 249, Bawmýianvïile. piano, [laits 1 and 9 servoed The deceased was a Lath at tables a lovely lunch theyful and fervent memnber o!, badl pse-pred, and w es-e irby -Unitcýd Chus-ch, ses-- thankcd b,,,Ms-s. Morris. inlg on tise Board and for many 9 -. i am, $6&00 a Couple Tickets availabte aM the schoof. THE MINE In EA GTEas oum :eP1,800 D W >ýn BEAU GATE p, you ov e out to open countryside, open mreactows and rolling hils,,And you're surrounded by fabulous recreation areas in 'the heart of the great Pine Ridge. Your new homne is located complete with shopping and estabisheci schools, Featuring Up tb 4 bedroomis. Most homes have lots large enough for a pool, and full basements, fo complete a famnily room, 'The world of Beau Gate is perfect for the family who wants fo enioy ilife,, eefor *youreIf~ today! PHONE Z576 ý 4281 The Canadian ,iStatesmnan, Dowmanville, April 18, 1973 years as a teacher o! tise Young Peoffle's Suindayv Scisool Clasa. Left to moura tise 1oGss o! a loved one are iswie broth- er Lyall and wfeBeat-ha, four sons and t'heir ýwives, John and VeInaý, James aând Doreen, Gos-don and MasJorc, Lloyd and ala,1 grand-, children, seven great gran,-d- chiildr-en an-d several nieces and aiephews with tiseir f ar- ilies, Hle was prcdeceased by twon isters, Ethel (Mrs Sam Searle) and Hazel (Ms-s. Ail- bert Mos-ton> and a brother On Mas-ch 316tW funeral services were conducted by i is pa.stoir Rev. Basîl Long at Kirby Cisurcis. Tise rany floral tributes and tise large concourse o(d frienda aad neigisiors present attested to tise estein in which tise de- ceased was3 held. Pallbearers were Bill Boyd, Dick Moston, ,-Reid ýCochrane, Lawrence Harris,. Reg. Elliott and Clar- ence Allin. Flower bearers were John MêKelvey, John tNiej enhuis, Don Tennant, -Jim Ard, Ken Henderson, Harold ilRanisberry, Don Cochrane, Clair Chiapman and Rosa îBýoyd, Intermnent in Orono &4? Clairol WIgs Latest Cutting Techn1ques PHIONE 623-5455 37 King St. IT Bowmanvlle PINTO * AVERICK * MUSTANG, *TORINO *FORD *LTD *BROUGHAMý *THUNDERBIRD *FORD, TRUCKS F'ROM1 "The Frie ndly People" PHIONE 1623-4481 216 KING ST. E.,OMNIL Ei7 TTI SCEGY 1WRAY 2 SCINI, BWNANVLL Take ilwy. 401 e-bry t 0nrht ýhvy 2 te rgh (as)tosip4' AvE- -îgt o Sle Taiz r It~ afamilaffaf Bowmanville's New ennrr RECENHT FORMER BHS STU DENTS DICII.K VALLEAU QUARTET BOWD'j'MANVILLE GOLF and COUNTR'Y CLUB The Kenora 770 LESS THAN 30 HOMES LEFT! FROM Es38,OOO"

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