.auty an, e ai. for... FLOVVEq For your wife, parents,, son,, son-in-law -doughter, daughter-in-law, nephews, nieces., EASTER LILIES Lovely beautitul sturdy Faster Lillies, the tradi- tional Symbol of Easter Surprise Mom & Dad or your Grandiparents or for, your church, with E aster Lillies from Van Belle. $ 3 50 and Up Daily Delivery _ROSES 1 Beautiful potted baby roses that can be used outdôors after f lower- irig. A gift of thought- f u 1ness! Daily Deliverv Stunning Arrangement of colorful CARNATIONS AND MUMS set off with Bunny tails in a low dish. Excellent for coffee table. $4andUp Daily Deivery BLUE HETZI JUNIPER (4 foot spread) 10E A true blue-green color, sujItedý ideally for the foundation lnnq 1 1/2 fee- 2 feel 69 COLGRADO SPRUICE Lovely shaped evergreefl ina pyramid fomi,a mnu st- for)ýa ba ck ground planiting9. 3 feet tali $10.95 for OnIy $29.99 PLUS 2 FREE MUM PLA.NTS HARDY GARDEN VARIETY iRed( Paul SCalet HawVthorne 8 fee iGlbe Cedfar Baiil Sbaiped -1 'ee [IIeZ; Junipeýr Spreader -1 ', ee 1 Dwfarf Albeif SpruICe -- Pfeet CINý ORWAY MAPLE Ideail shade itre,, large datrk greenlevspr t ' v ~~Ides finequckshde 6ft. S8.95286 10 ft. 14.95 2 28.99 12h.18.ý95 2 -34i.99 VAN BELLE GARDEN'S BEAUTIFUL JUNIOR EVERGRECENS!! Globe j Col u rnar -&. Narrow Broad Py r a;mIdal Ail Pyramids 15-18 înches each $.5 3 or more $4.39 10 for only $39.99 2 MAountbatten iuriper - 2l'2 feet fl-0 1 Spreading Hetzi Junîper - 1% feet wîvde Lovely Home Grown SPecimens $23.99 'SUNDL« 0F joy- Beautiful mixture of fresh cut flowers daf f odils, tulips, Iris, MUMS, and roses for thai specialI somieone Delivery Daily Colorful POTTED MUMS n a gay variety of colors $450 and up Daily Dellîvery Gay Sprigtime artistically arrangld for Easter In a gold-tonie boli Daily, Delivery A shapely desiqn of CARNATIONS und MUMS n a milk glass footed Vase. $100 BLUE DANUBE JUNIPER (3 foot spir(-d). e!Lovely, tye oig nafan shpe 01r1ngbush. Deeýp blujegr coloIc ' 1,foot spreajd. MOUNTBATTEN JUNIPER Considered to be the best all round pyrarnîd evergreen. Ils pleasing light silvery green tex- ture makes tl an eye cace.Plant in pairs or altithewentrance of the home 2 -21/- feet 212 -3 feet $8-95 $9.95 YELLOWff GOLDEN PFITZER V2 IE ( ot ped SKYROCKET JUNIPER (8 to 10 feet high) Truly a siender bejut, r sqvery bai dy, sud anrd vw-ill take a lot oi isilverygee hen colotr. Sidarely and pleasing. Ones ,welln shade or sun, andiroj very rapicdly. A nýatural !ýformodem rihomes. 2 212 fee!t 2/, -3 feet VAN BELLE GARDEN'S BEAUTIFUL JUNIOR E VERGR EE NS!! WE DELIVER DAILY WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVIULE WE DRLIVER DAILY WHIITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVIULE ran TWO VERY FRIENDLY LOCATIONS OPbEN ON GOOD FRIDAY VAN BELLE EAST Just 5 minutes west of Bowmonville on Hwy. No. 2 The BIG Garden Centre 623-4441 623-4442 Oshawa Bowmanvillii 3Mi.3Mfii. Hw.no. 2 - 401 Hwvv. On Hwy. N o. 2 3 mi. from Oshawva 3 mi. fromBomnie K WEST BondSt There aire now 2 entrances- 292 King St. W. 287 bond St.W. Beside the, Medical Building KingSt 579-1118 Oshawa llaimili nom 14LO-UP