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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1973, p. 9

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VALUABLE PLA VER - awards went to Dennis Sobil and Kevin Wýard of the Hampton Gardens Minior Pee Wee teamn. Playingin the Kiwanis Mfinor Pee Wýee Toulrnament in Oshawa on'the weekend, the Bowm--,anvilleteani were defeated by Aurora 5-1. Entering the Consolation series, Bownaviledefeate-,d Richvale 6-5, wîth Sobil the m-osi 't aable player. They lost the second game to Belleviille 8-0 with Kev in Ward the M.VP. Both bos ere presented with pucks froni die Oshawva Generals. CURLENG HITS JAPAN Jpan may have its first, curljinýg rnkby th iaî-compflete with Qntario- madue equipmentrngn from refrigý'eration to cloth- ing - asý a resuit of Ia hree-yeairslin effort by the Ontario Miistry of lndustry and Tourismn. Ten rep- resentatives of the Tokyo-based Tokyui Kosan ýcon- glomnorate arrive in Toronto April 18, primarily to attend the Internatý-ional Junior urliug Champion- ship ert East York CulgClubApi 19-22 and to seek out OntIarocuringequýilmn-itlsuppliers and manufacturers. AWARDS -,Jr. "C" - Max Johnson, winner of thie Hollingshead trophy for Hligh Scorer. Brian Gruïbb, the MFichael Puk trophy for Most Vluiable Player. Randy. Allen, the Carl Devitt trpyfor the player s;owjng the hest loyalty anýd team sp qirit. "uenl"- Steve Wntson, the Ro 'y Nichols trophv'I for HgetSco)rer. Ranldy Thiel, (ie SpoCentrophIy for Most Valabe laer "idet -Jeff Lgrthe Paul Marin esuorial TrophY for Most Valu- able Playeýr, Roy Gblis, the AleX McGrego0r Tropb1y for Hfigbesýt Scorer. Congratulations and bave a goiod summner. LUCKY PRtOGRAM vine at the Midget gamre on Saturday, it anift, Y $4525 was Shirley Brock,, LANl-BIl0YI mO0wESý S COINJ, T 7 FINGERIPS 'ui S P ECAL DISCOUNT FOR CShSALES BROCK'S BP SALES & SERVICE -We Servie Wsat We SeM, Phone 623-5487' 20 Ring, St. E., Bowmaiville1- Liberty Belles Kirkton 28521 32 R.obnson 26609 27 Lavigne 27253 26 Dadson 27251 25 Sheehan 26164 241/ Lanýd 26981 24 Gfbe;on 26710 24 Hortnan 26136 21 Stepens 26117 201/2 Bon, 26269 1e Roberts 26135 15 Coombe,,s -- 25799 15 Hf igh Single, 300, Siaan La- vigne; HIlh Double 591 (300, 291), Sjaan LIavigne. Top Averages C. Roberts 217, S. Lavigne 215, B. Stephens 211, S. Stain. ton 211, Marion Gibson 201, May Allread 198, M. K.irkcton 196, A. Bons 192, W. Combes 192, S.'Robinson 188, F. Land 187, P. Cornlsh 176, M. Lane 186, L. AdaIms 184. Pli HIL VOWLES ilEATING SPECIALIST IQueen Street PHON'E 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oil, Cas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions - Central & Window Llnits - Clare Heela& Findley Equipment free Estimates Budget Termns Availahle f-Inal Game - A Real Overtime Thriller- McGregor Mi'dgetsW En nrtario 'A'Tte Defeating Essex 3-1in Tough Sre by David Goheen ing fans \vatching. The vin eof hockey. Giy Cox sroreýLd aIand the pace speeded up. hinishsnig up thie Play fromn gave Bowman-ville the series, 2:36 trom Pearce Wý.(ýýýýicoxand Bowmanville had m OstofJohn Wood AL Grant Luxton, Il toek 70 inutes b dei(, it, three games te oc. Grat Luton ut te game1the play but wero hwrtdby but theMGegrMidgMets are The game 'vas 16 minutes Car Uti, sroing ro Anî excellent goaltending and e-1 ne roo of the arena almnosi thec A1i-Onýtaie M'idget "A"l old before eibher team was on Mack nzî ad John Wood ati r shoeting. !expU2Lode;,as local fans ihrewl Champions. the sc-oreboardcî Essex i1rw -frethe P, rilod ' jVoer At the regular 60 miinuitel'paperisan pennies on the ire.1 They defeated the determin- first blood as Dan Milîs opencd Norm K err lied thegmero mark, the score remanod 2-2 After the ire 'vas rleared and edr Ese- squar 4-2 in a real the scorine from Worm Kerr.I Dan iMiîs. and the game wcnt into a 10<with only a minute left, Essexj hiard-hitting, excellent skating. hockey match here Saturday1l niiglitwili about 1000 cheer-, Revised ScJ For IntermE MaIy 19-Bo)wmanvîlle ,tr O)shawa, '7:30 pm MUay 21-Pýort Hoe t _Bow- mnie,2 p.m. . May 1-Ohaw at Kenidal, MaVL -K'a- t t ope 7:3 0 p. m. May 2-Po)rt Hope at Osh- aw,7:30 p.m. May 27-Kendal at Bow- manville, 3 M,-,y 30-Bowmanville at Kendal, 6:30 p.m. May, 30-Oshawa at7 Port Hope, 7:30 p. June 2-Bowninville' at Oshawa, 7:30 p.m.. June 2-Port Hope at Ken-, dal, 2 p.m. June 3-Oshnawa at Bow- manville, 3 p.m. Jlne 6-Bowmanville at Port Hlope, 7:30 p.mi. Ju-ne 6Ohw at Kendal, 6:30 p.m. June 9-Kendal at Oshawa, 7:309 p.m. iLune 10-Port Hope at Bowrrianville, 3 p.m. lune13K da at Port Hope, 7:30 p.m. lune '14-Oshawa at Bow- mIranv-ile, 6:30 p.m. lune 16-Port Hope at Ken- dal, 2 pmm. lune 17--Kendal at Oshawa, 7:30 par, lune 20-Oishawav at Port Hope, 7:30 p.m. June 21-Kenidal at Bow~- mvie,6:30 p.m. lune 23--Poirt Hope at Oshawa, 7:30 p.m. lune 24-Bowmarvlea Kendal, 7 p.mi. June 27-Bowmn.ivlle ýat Port Hope, 7:30 p.m. lunie 29-Kendul at Osha- a,7:30 p.m. lTuly 1 -Eowimanvflle at Oshaw'a - Kna at Port Hope- Tournamrent at Port Youtl, Bowlilng Bantam Girls A. Luixton 5, Richards 0; Haynes 5, J. Luxton 0, Gib- son 5, Westlake 0; FaIrey 3, Willatts 2. Teamn Standing - FaIrey 49, Haynes 45, A. jLuxton 42. Westlake 36, Wllatts 22, Gîb- son 29, J. Luxton 28, Richards High Single - J. VanGoor 159, S. Heath 159. HiFgh Double - W. VanGfor ?03, S. Heath 293. Halîman 5, Bond Ù; Rich- ards 5, Carswell 4). Teamn Standing - Carswell 40, Richards 40, Bond 33, Halîman 27. 111gh Single - BP. Richards 168. HIgh -Double - B. Richards 306. J"nlor Girls Taylor 5, Gray 2; Chow 7, Mitchell 0, Holroyd 7, Brooks Teamn Standing- Gray 70, Holroyd 58, Taylor 57. Brooks 38, Chow 36, Mitchell 35. Hligh Single - H. Gray 241, B. Taylor 201, A. Chow 201. High Triple - B. Taylor 572. Junior Boys Stacey 4, Lane 3; Blshop 7, Reynolds 0; Coombes 5, -Led- dy 2. Team Standing - Stacey 66, Lane 59, Reynolds 55, CoOmn- bes 50, Leddy 38, Bishop 26. High Smige - G. Lane 270- Z51, L. Bishop 241, G. Coom- bes 241-231, R. Stacey 237, B. Dykstrai 229. HIgh Triple - G. Lune 717, R,. Stacey 663, G. Combes 649, L. Bishop 631. Seior MIwemI League Cowle 7, Roberts 0; Brad- ley 7, Masterson 0; Coombes 7, Davey 0; Gray 5, Brooks 2. Team St;anding - )Bradley 7q, Combes 68, Robecrts 64, Cowle 49, Davey 41, Gray 37, Masterson 35, Brooks 30). Hig1,, Single - M. Roberts 283-250, G. M..asterson 250, D>. Bradley 268, W, Coomnbes 290), K. Piper 252. Higli Tri ple - M. Roberts 735, W. Coombes 681, .D. Bradley 675, C, Cowle 60, Legion Ladies H. Avg. - Joan Sutellife 2161 ,H. S.- Bernice Paý 295' H. T. BernIce Partnier 720 Bruce------45,448 33 Sutcliffe-----44,553 22 Sheeha-n ---- ----42,234 21 Partnier.........---43,558 19 200 Qamem Bernice Partner 295, 237, Lorraine Bruton 239, 229, Lorna Ad air 234, Grace Do- ney 226, Mlvary Gray 223, De- nise Annaert 222, Dot Rich-1 ards 220, NyhIi Sheehan 213a, Diane Howarth 214, Mel Mc-i Nulty q09, Mary Westover 205, Joan Suteliffe 203. A4verage* Joan SuteIlIffe 216. Fran Bruce 201l (47), Nyi Sheehan 200 (45, Delise AnLnaert 192, Jean Burton 18, Mary West- over 1,"9, Bernice Part-ner 189 (45), Irene Wvhitney 185, i- da Slxrnnick 194.«, MrY Gray 19 1t Teson tnawas Bow-] The third pe;iod t-wazs -eal i, .nute overtime period. 'pulied the golendr nn plavers from Knap] manville's as the team settlediplayoff hockey or iiThrfe-rees Vth about two mtes to )Grant ut onsordinto the, a1other good season ands anvet ile, 3 m hedule 2 7p.m. Kendaýl, 6:3u e kiPo op, de i to Lrryals ,egu Hp,7:30 ip.m. plete, nnýd t'L ander I,! Har-eaefr boh shdle.Aprfl >16th Hope. juîvy 1 (r fiijished ihad1theuhigh sînil 1e I HsghSingle, - -S. Cain July 4 -Oslawa- at Port Osha, 7:30 pa. psiton.Landers now mit 40. Don Oe wone h 'i ighHghTil Hope, 7:30 p.m. july 2 ot oea K-tePbpi Cola em3inrsrecwt hTl~ H vragle - -D. Bain July 5-Kendal at Bowman- dal, 2 p. ,m, io f th tfisishedule -ý1 forte h inlwk H. A eae Stadg ville, 6:30 p.m July 22-Port -ope a ai, ioshp Thie wnngchedule had Eltoni Brock Pins July 7--Port Hope at Osha- 1'Bowmanville, 3 tcamn wilî bc presenited Wtixihhig-h triple î4.whl S avs419 wa, 7:30 p.m.1 July 25-'Bow;manville at the John M. Jamnes annuial ] VnMerhd a344 or 9174 July 8;-Port Hope at Ken-i Port Hope. 7:30 p.m. t eamn trophy.;',1a ýnNie hd 1344.Mor391 dal. 2 p.m., July 28--KendaI at Bow- I The members of thie La:-4Se 5caî,n 40926 July 8--Oshawa at Bow-'manville, 2 p.m. er, team are Captain D)ave jTh'len's Maor eague ý,J« Patfieldi 39957 manville, 3 p.m, July 28-Port Hope at Osha-j Rey-nolds, Morley Etcher, Ros oraetstar.ts this Wrcd-,D, Brooks - 39615 July 11-Bowmanville at wa. 7:30 p.m. !Wright, Dale Terry, Jaï,,I :fesdaiy and then the banquet, B. Osborne 39519 Port Hope, 7:30 p.m. July 29 l3owmanville st Lander and Glen Edmonidso,:n. laMay will wind up a verv H. Rogers 39410 July 11-Oshawa at Kendal, Kendal, 7 p.m. '1The Pepsi Cola team mm surcessful season for thýeiJ. Braggý 39455 6:30 p.m.4 August I Kendat at Port ibera are Capt. AI Ohre e' Major. See you aIl at D. Braidley. 38900 July 13 Kendal at Oshawa, Hope, 7:10 p.m. IDr. H-. B. Rundle, E!v)lwn baquet when we wiii give!H. DepDew 38836 7:3 0 p.m. August 2 Oshawa at Bow-1 Dickcy. Pat Murphy. Don e1 ut over $2,000.00 in prizes M. Cole 38073 Juîy 15-Port Hope at 'Bow- ville, 6:15..5 Bagneil and George Bebeex. a nd cash awards. Wcw! O. atfield 38452 p's m-ýoving up sounds like rcoming up. h'i t ropiîc al oas Ms m m______ i WINNEBAGO MOTOR HORMES Hfonda àMo4orcycles 100 Neiv and Used 1>Jolinson Outhoaîd 1Mot0ors New 'and Used Sidewinder - Princecraft Aquarian Boat s Eib)reglass Ski-Fiee $100. Truck Caps $269. Installed Best Deals at 0ONTARJO SPORTS fHwy. 115, Oronio 983-5444 Open Evenings Z: Th!e Canuadian Statesman, Bowmaniiville, April 25, 1973 CO UMRS GS IMITES - advanced into the C (hamapioishilp Ro-unid iii the Mvississauga 1 Paperweight Touirnam;ent. Bowmanville won 3-1 ov-er Chingacousy in the two-game total goals first round. The a squad meets Baýy Ridges in the next round, game tie 11:00 i.m., Suinday, April 29th. LACRý'OSSE AND BLOOD- A combined program to attr'act volunteer blood donors and to promote interest in lacrosse throughout Ontario is being con- ducted by Red Cross and the: Ontario Lacrosse Asso- ciation. A "free" admission ticket to any Ontario Lacrosse game is being provided by the Lacrosse Association for each donor who attends a blooýd donor clinie from April 3Oth to July 25th. It is estimated that 80,000 tickets will be distributed. Dates and times of local blood, donor clinics will also be i.nclud- ed inà Lacrosse Association member teamn advertis- i-vg. 1it is hioped that. this programn will improve blood do; nor attendance, particularly durîng the slack sýuj-mmer period, as well as genefate enthusiasm for Lacrosse, Canada's national sport, ELIGILE -We understand BbStrike, Gary, Cox, Tom Nowlan,Per Demeter and Jeff Leg- ere have anoiter year in M4ge hockey. With Ex 1

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