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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1973, p. 10

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10The Canadian Stetesmnan, Bowmnanville, April 25, 1973 Miss Lila Davis, Mvrs. Mertie deacon Ashcroft, Anglican tina Cisa: SeryJohnston,. Thomipson, Mr. and M0rs. El- Churcli Rector; Mrs'. Jean Cavan, Grade_ VII ,Piano mer Rýodgers and -Mr, and Mrs. Argue. Solo: Karen Youngmanan Morton Davis were guests of Mr. Borrow, the 1973 nom- Betty A-nn-Morton, Bethany., M%,r. and Mrs. Vernie O'Con- inating commlttee, introduced, Grade Vi Piano Solo: Kim nn of Linidsay on Saturday. the new siate of, officers: Neals, Pontypool; Lois Dar- The ccasion was marked by President, Mrs. Diane Wilson- roch, Peterborough; Hellen a surprise birthday party for Vice-President, Mrs. ýChrist- VanBeek, Millbrook, Heather Miss Davis. Other guests ella Neals:- Secretary, Mrs McGill and Marlene Ryley of were Miss Ma.dllne Bogzs Beulah Robinson-, Treasuter, Bethany-. Grade V to Vil and IMr. and Mrs. Jack Rod- Mrs. Helen Melville, Record- Canadian Composer Class: gers, bothi of Peterborough ing Secretary, Miss Marion Sharon Palmer, Bethany. and M\r. and Mrs. Bryon Rod- McCamus. Grade I to, IV Canadian Com-' gers, Lindsay. . The following trophies wer(, Poser Class: Cheryl Preston, Mr. and MIls Vincent presented: Men's hÎgh single Bethany; Kim.Hoy, 'Baili- Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. was awarded to Jack Bragq boro; Janet McCue, Millbrook M1ansel Wright of Peterbor- who scored 320. The trophy Lorrianne Muliligan, Laurie oughL are attending the Grand was donated by Ryley and Ann Sisson, Dorothy Arm- ie Opry in Nashville, Ten- Sons and presented to Mrs stroflg and Susan Ryley, all nessee this wee7kend. Jack Bragg by Mrs. Bruce of l3ethany, and Debra Fallis, M'vrs. Thomas Jackson vis- Ryley. Pontypool. itedi with ber daughter. Mrs. Charlie McGill presented Marks awarded1 to ail con- Rnoss Hall. Whitby. the Cavan Motors trophy to testants were consistently M-. and Ms. Frank White Mrs. Beulah Robinson's team highi,nannging from 75 te 8G, visited with Mr. and Mrs. champion bowlers for the thie latter mark being sharedc Gerald White, B3owmanville. year. The members of her by Chieryl Preston and Kimc Mjr. and Mrs. Bill Hawes teamn were: ;Mrs. Isabelle Wil- Hoy. This final class dei.- dàid-faily wlth guest, Miss son, Mrs. Arlenie Wilson and serve special, menit as ail Brenda VWoods from O0-hawa, Jack Bragg.1 entrants received over 80 visited wîith Mr. andff Mrs, On behaîf of Mr, McCoy of marks. Every class i n vwhlich.ý Peter Borrow. M-ýr. an1d Mrs. Millbrook Plumbingl, J i m these young peopfle comrpeteod 'Bert Reid a-f Orillia were, also Kloepfer presented the Men's had fltotal entries of from 12 guests.High Triple trophy to) John to 2 coPeti tors. Thirty-four miembers of the Snushall xwho scored i892. Dav Golden Star Senior Citizens McReelis accepted,( this toh attended the play "Great for Mr. Snushall. Wkaltz"ý at thie Paramoujnt With a score of 219 Mrs. TRIL T7heatre in Peterýbrough on Chiristella Neals caiptured the- Wednesday. Oni their' jouir -tiop)liy for Ladies' High Av- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tîim, ney hiome., they s;topped for erage. Mr. Borrowv present- Oshlawa, Were recent get siupper at Cie _Mss Diana ed the trophy on behaif of with 'Mr. and Mrsý. Gordïon Resaurntalso in Peter- Frank's Real Estate. T'm boroughI. Irwin, Sargent. and Lowes Mr. and Mvrs. Alvin Souci Mrs. Normuan Ne-als, Elm- donated the trophy for Ladies' and sn, onil, spent vale, visited with Mr. and High Single, which was pre- Sunday il his parents, ;Mr. Mirs. Carl Sm-ith. Mtr. and sented to Mrs. Doris Reyn- and Mrsi. larold Souch. Mrs. Ernest Boýwan, Oropo, lds by Mrs. Borrow. Mrs. Mrs. Llew HallowelI was a also vîsited wt r and Mrs' Reynolds' score was 294. dinner guest with Mrs. Bill Carl Smith. The Consolation Trophy was Reid, Orono, Saturday. BwngBanquet wofl by IMrs. Helen Melville's Mrs. Johnt Murphy and Mrs. Mvrs. Belle Smith presided teami which consisted 0f: Mrs Dorothy Stark are enjoying a at th-e Behav Bowling Helen McGill, Mrs. Heather holiday ini England. Leaguie Banquet held on Apnil Hlorslin, Mrs. Doris Reynolds Tuesday. l ast week, a bus 14 in the, Parisb Hall. The and Earl McQuaid. Mrs. Irene Joad of ladies left Starkvii1l Prestdent, Lloyd Davidson, MacDonald presented the at 10 arnm. for the Fbi wIas unable to aittend. trophy, on behaîf of Ross Bazaar, oot.I a As guest speakeýr, Arci- Neals. Toe ordyondteveryone en deacon Ashcroft welcomned tlie The Kopper Kettle TrophY joyed the trip.eni gussand he reviewed thle for Men's High Average was manspo)rts onecould enî,zgg awarded to Eanl McQuald- who Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls In despiteaing years and ex- scored 218. The- trophy was were recent visitors with Mr. plained that gn()d sportsman- presented by Mr.- and 'Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Power, shpis necessary at ail times. Iviii Williams. Orono. H-e con)cluded,, by.saying "the Mrs. Diane Wilson was The Eýaster Service at Shi- gamne of life", is a challenge awarde'd the Ladieýs' High loh was well attended with to al of us, and if we play, Triple withi a score of 755 the message "God's Wonder- that gamYe honestly and fairlyMr.Ja Agu pregented fui Surpriseýs" by Rev. T. J. not onfly will we beniefit our*- the 1trophy o (n bebalf of, New Snelgrove. Mrs. Manrie-i ieves. but thoseý around usSrvcDyClaes Caswell, ecsle a wilasob 'ft. Cashi awardsý were- given to guest sololst and beicr s 1ecton Rev. Ficko also haid uwords thefoloin people: Hligh -as "Tbe Old Rugged Cros,.,s". of %welcome for thegstetrpe with handicaip of 772 Mr, Siielgrove ,vas ai Sun-: spoe f 'eig -godcitizen, a aarded to Mrs. Mriel day ý,dinner- gu(st wt r especialy a (ood Cnda clelshigh single with a and"Ms.,rm Fals Ciitizen. a ýs h ' tlte zes;'tianicap 0f 30 7 was'awarded In wbich "O Ca'nada" 'wa1s to Mrs. Hleather. Honslin;: high surig by ther Canadlians we iil with a handicap of OB0U7R teRussian - Canaidian hioc- -wasaare to Lloyd David- O IU R key game pwa p led l'heon1, tand hlgh sing~le with a gieses lhearttily ijoined in the handicap orf 301 was awarded HRE .CRE sinýýing of "O canada". to Jim Kloepfer. The hadtableý consisýted of It was decided that th- The death of Harvey Wil- the(f, lwin opopie: Mrs. bowling banquets should b- liams Corden ccurred attC Beclle Smilth, Mir. and Mrs. alternatedc between the three Medex Nursing CareCete Williamns Mrs.Trn Mac- village ofl Bethany. Pontypool Oshawa, on Sunîday, April 15, Donaldi, Rev. Ficko), United and Cavan as players from 1973, foliowing- a brief llnecsS. Church i nister; Mr. aindeach area participated in the He was In his 74th year. rs. Pete Borrow, Mr,. and bowling. Sno h aeGog n 1Mrs. Jamnes Kopf ich- The altcrnating otf bowling Adeline (Williams) Co)rdn-, niiswas alsoi discuissed. Mr, he was born in Kendal andî JOHN Mrs. Willia-ms,, owners Of attended Kendal and Bw lihe Bowling Lanies, presented manville schools. 1.n- 1922be each of the laer with a marie th frer enrie!tta "bowling" ash t[ray, and Mrs. Lam1bert who sutrvives>,. SDoris ReYnoelds won the lucky The deceased hlad resided at N< iwssi ~MsiaFesival io AÂgyIa St fo r 46 f'et SeIveralyon pianists from and moGvfd to Beomavîlle Betblany a'nd the, surroundin'g fromi Kendal'. He was an r- area (pupils; of Mrs. WÇ. Mc- 1ployee of the Goodyear Tire Genierai Insurarice Mahîi1ion, Bethiany) pàrticip-ated j& Rubber Companypln for most successfully in the r-mn years, retiring on Auxg- FIRE and AUTOMOBILE cent Peterborough Kiwanis ust lst, 1965, and he wasa INSURANCE li Music- Festival. imember of St, Pa-ul's ie Entraints and the lasa in Cburch. Contct: hich each' competed are as Surviving, besides bis wife, HARRY VOEpRMAýN flow:Piano solo, ilyers1 are a son, H'oward, two grand- 623-311 tr623-nd0 under: Timmy Ciffordsons, Grelggand John Cordexî, 63-31 633950 T.E. illbro, adJ nyCr-a sister, Mrs Ena rMcMullený, 33 KNO T. . i,' Pop'-.Piano solo0, , and a brother, Staleyah 0 BOWANVLLE yers and Lunder: Karen Row- Bowmanville. an, ava. Grde II Sna- The funeral service was held from the lÇorthýcutt -. liott Funerai Home, Bowmian- MONEY ON iile, on Tuesday, April 17th, with Rev adTurner of- QUAITY iciating, Initerment was in DX PR >EMILUM Bowmnanvlle Cemetfery. Palibearers were M. ss FUEL OIL Ray Glbbs,' Harry CollacuLtt, a nd STOVE OIL David Maguire, Roy MMl len, Wayne Lambert and, __________________________________________ Douglas Cooke. G ~Numierous Iovely florai tri- i là; butes attested to the higia es- teem in whîch the ecesl was heid, amlong which were those froin the Savtn F IJIizl3u 1 LArmy Home League, the M4a- pIe Leaf Circle and the Bow- % m~nanville Hockey Associatlin. Several donations were also macie In his memory to the:ý H1-eart Fund. baseball team. Surviving, besides fis wife! and parents, are three daugh- ters, Kim, Viecria anyýdMc- elene, and a son, Richard, Two Aisters, Tilly and Ge-rafid- .~ime, and a brother, Brad, alsO N~~iri ~~~EN survive. sevcwaj hleld on Sa-turday, Apnil î4th, fromthMoisFnrlC- IAI~ ~ R. Hayne and Rev. TI. Sne1-, grove offficiating. tem t was in Bond Head Cemeterj,ý Corne in [and ask for Touched Me" were phayed ojn: the organ. SanpleS, of Our different cheeses. Among tihe niany Iovely floral tributes,,, evidence ,.of diret frjIlthe .esteem in which the de-ý Chesedirctfron ur cheese factorcy ceased waq' held, %was or.e from Local Unifon 894. at Wakwrth atfator picS. Honorary palIbearers we-re at fatory riceMeýsrs. Alex Ma-rtin. Bi! Johnsjon, Larry Mobore, D'IVE Si7tuated on Hlighways 115 aud 35 Hubbard, DBi h Kbali an. zt Gulf Station, Bob Wassell. Mal h ilnes, LE"e HI, .Ra- oit ile foGrth of Newcastle., land and Ernest SPencer,[ Doug and Tnseph HarrIs. YVIK BeAND, ro,,, Coceifrateâ 12-fl-ou tins COrange Juice 31s1.OO CANADA FANCY, FROZEN ,A&P Peas 12-o;. p k 271y BANQUE? BRANO, FROZEN, CHICKUN,, UPKCIY, MEAT LOAF, SALISBUJRY STEAK Meat Dinners Iî-oZpkg 491 Carnation, Choice Quality, Frozýen 2-lb pkg% French Fries 2 for 89c SUPER.RIGI4T RED BRAND GRADR "A" BEEF ROASTS PORK ROASIS SHOULDER LOIN ROAST BONIN PRTO BRISKET R PLATE 8 8PORTION Pork (Chops lb g8îSiEBao 88 FRES4 O~ Buit Roast lb88,e SCHNREDERS BRAND Min i SiZzleCrs 1-lb ac Pal88 5x ÎA UGARiA coI Polish Sausage ' 8 S.44 M, riANO.BÇKI-BC Pe.Pperoni PiZza1-o 88 SaS> UIN$ BRAND, eJlK, l 4 BF&PQR% WîenersîlvDc pac68 PLIRNS BRAtn, SSUD Cooked Ham 6éozacpac 8 8WEWATER, FROZEN PLUEmATE, FROUN4 Haddock FSH&ci:Is 10-os pkg58 FREEZER Qý,JUEN INNERS Siic-A Twe,4Y j ViiPamrnaR a Wuiai hiîoP $Aur tco6 t4 FROZEN FOODSI.

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