FORCLASSIFIED Tuesay,4:030 p.m. B3irths DEVOIN-Keitîhand Ether (nec Rosevea)r) are happy to announ.ce the birtb 0f their daugbt or, Alison iAnneic, on Apnil 16, 1973, ut Oakývill.e- TrafalgarMmo ilHospîital. 17-1 GOOD-Greoryis happy to un-noiunce the arnival of bis ne_'v brothert Geoffrey Arthur, 8 1bs. 3 o,-born Wednes-, day, April.11 1973 ut 1:44, Me1monialHospital, Buw- mant!v;ile. Pr-oud panents are John and Brenda (nec Far- row). Grandparents, are Mn. and Mrs. HryFarrow .and Mr n and 'rs. Walter Goode. Great granidparentiîs are Mn. and Mrs. R. Rogers, ail of Bowm'nvile.Tbanks f0 Drs. Makdos and Cunningham and mtniyfloor staff. 17-1 HO1AR Rii and Nancy are pleas;ed to announice thie birtb of a son, Brett Alexander, on Apnil 15, 1973, weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs., uat Oshawa General Hospital. Proud great-grand- mother is Mrs. Ethel Thamp- son of Bowmanville and great- grandparents, Rev. and ýMrs. Waiter 'Rackbam, Oshawa, First-timne grandparents are Mnî. and Mrs. Reg. Rack-ham, ]Pickier«intg, and fourthi-t imo gradprensMn. and Mrs. Stan HorErooklin. 17-1 MAGURE Dvidand M'arg (nee Crden)ure proud f0 annoucet-be safe arival of thecir son Craig William, 8 lbs. 7'z. on ApiLJ 11, 1973. A brotheri for Steven. Pnoud grandparents are Mn. John Magu,(ire and Mrs. Evelyn Cordeni,, both 0of Oshawa. A -veny speithnks to Dr. D. Cowman.l7-1 WILLAMSBoband Mar-; gueite (nee Camber) arc biappy f10 oannounce the arriv- ai f renton Scott, abrte for Mrubnrn in Oshaýwa General H1ospital, April 17, 1973, weigh1ing 8 lbs. 7, ozs. l17-1 Marpiiesz SHIAND - YEO-2Mn. and rs Pa t Yeo arcbpyto nnouc the arnageof thieir daugh- fr Ane _Maýrie, f0 Kenneth ShandIL, Soni 0f Sgt'. ane d Mrs. K. Shand 0f E Ldmronton, AI- mjony t ook paein IJasper on Maritch 30 The couple are ne- sidn indmonton'. 17-1f Forthcoming Mnli. and Mr21ïs. Reg. Bowien aret(, asd to anniounice the fortcoînng arnigeof -thoir Loriefo n.AlnJam11es Fitfson ol r.and Mrs. Percy Fintoff. Wedin g 10 tako pla;'ce on .Saturday, Junie secuind At:1,3 p., utTriniity 17-11, Mri. and Mrs.Doad I. B3ra lcy, azre pl-sed(oJ an nonc 1te) orhcm n mr-l Flintff, Sfl 0fMn. ad Mrs Pery Finoff 0 Mle Grove. he ma i o tkeý plauce at 3 p.11. on saturd]ay, June , ,1, 1 97ý3 ini Tiity Uniited Cburchi Bowmanille. 17-l, -Engagement- M.and Mrs. Jaick Bridger are happy i),,to zannounice the engagement 0ýf terdaughter Bniejn, to Kenneth Wilason 0of M.anid Ms. Wiliam McCacknal of Newcatle, 7-1 Rit. , Sudelandannunce ter arartto DMn. Bian Curtis, soff Mn. anid Irs. W'illimCurtis, TootoL. The weddin;lg vwill taire lalce May 12 utVooatn Uie Cburch.17-1 _ _ Deaths KER ÈS HAWý, PRhoda Rue (KirkF- endall)1i-Ir ew2rkton Wedne-sda, A ýpril 18, '1973, wife of thl ate Alfred Ker- shaw' , sister 0fo Ed and Frank stepI-siste r of Mrs. W. A Edger(Mle) the ,late Mrs .J BagnIell, 1\r1S.iteg. War- ren), StanLoîy and, Wesley Davey. Funeiradl \was held on Sturday, Apnîl 21sf f1rom tbc Jerrtt Funeral Home. Wi_- lowdale, followed by crem-n tion. 17-if .CARNATION' FLOWERS and SEED STORE, 33 Division Street Hospital Arrangem-ents Corsages Plants Bouquets We Send Flowers- by Wire Phone 6923-7141 or 623-5577 17-tf Carcts ol Thanks- We would liko f0 thuank the Enfield Community for the lovely bridge set presented f0 us lait Friday evening. Stuart and Mari ony Sam-is Centrullu, Ont. 17-1 I would like f0 thank the employeca of tho Depatmont of Transport. and Communi- cations for tho gift I recently neceived on my retîrement. Horaxce Peck. 17-1 My sincore thaDiý nka0 al those wlio visited me in Me- morill Hocspitul, sent flo)wens and cards. Special thanks fo Drs. John, H. B. tl, An- fossi, nurses and staff of flirst floor. lMemoriam I3UINS--In loving mnem-ory, 0f a dean husbund and father, Marteli Burns, who passed uway, April 28, 1963. To one we will neyer forget, Hqis absence to us is a sorrow, H-is loss we will always regret. -Lovingly remembered by wîfe Norma, cbildron Sharon iund Erie. 17-1 CHAPMAN-In lvigme- mory of a cdean busiband aundc father, Charles Fiednîc , passed awa Apri.l 26, 1971. RHis hf e was uniselfish, iFor other-s be livedi, Not for wbaýt be neceived. But for what be could give. A, suenit togt a secret teur. But heauýtiful memroies of Gaîl Palmer. 17-1 ý one 50 acar.C _____ Sudiy rissed by wife itubyB I would liko to thank the niFml.1- many friends and relativecs for the carda, flowers antivstsHYIUA re- ovingB during my stay in, saw e O0f adanhsbn ' General Hîospifal. Specijal fa1to n niahr who a thanks f0 Drs. MKniLan- passeti away Mu l,7,1971. N ger anti Fulford and, the Gone are the tiays wo used f0 nurses on the 7th Fluoor. 1aae, Venne F. itowo. 1-l But in our hearts you -are12 ulw ýýays there; t Wowudlike 10 thank ail The gates, 0f memony wi c( thos>oý who hleipt inany -way 'ý nover close, f0 muake tho Fiftieth We ,miss you mono than vorsany of our paens, n nyoe nows and Nrs. Poey tuxton Sr., a With tendei' love aund édeepi veny happy and mnemonable regret day. We who love yoo will nov rr MrIis. John WeIsh, forget J Fred Luxton anti -Satiiy misseti by wife Mary Poney Loxton Jr. 17-i and son anti daoghten-in-law. ______Bon anti Sonia, daughten and 2 1 wunt f0 lhank ail dean son-in-law -John and Doris anti foi1'k9 wbo sont carda, lettons, grandchildnen Na n cy andi flowers, gift s, visita, U.C.W., Wayne. 17-1i itev. Bushl Long, itov. Hop- kins, Drs. Anfossi, Sproull, JOHNSTON-In loving me- Speans, McKenzie, nurses anti mory 0f our dean mnothen, staff of Second Floor for.their Ethel Johnston, whýo passeti wondenful cane and kindnes7 away Apnil 25, 197,2. whi.le I was a patient theno. We do'nof neeti-a apecial day, 4 Frances Sutton., 17-1 To bring you t0 our mind, Forthe tiays we do flot think I wish fo thank rny family of You neighbors and fienda fori Are very bard f0 find. flowers, gifla and cards sent If ahl the world were ours, ta f0 me while in hospital, ince e give,an refurning home, and to those We'd give if, yes,an more, who visiteti. A su)ecial'thanks 'To secetiie face of mother dean lu Drs- H. B. Runtile, Me- Come smiling ut the doon. Kcnzic and J. Runtile, nurses -Too dearly loved to ever b' I anti staff of the and Finit forgotten, son David anti Floor. ,Crotoersi1- aughter-in-iuw Jewel. 17-11- ___KILGANNON-In loving me-0 My sincene thanka to mory of a dean fathen, Dave,a frionchi, ncýighbors, rellativeS wh'- passed uway April 27,E anti especially my fumiiy for 1969p candi, visils, favori, calls and 'Tii roses lac f hei nuptals, f plants while a patient in. 'Tii the beathen bas l iLf Oihawu Genenal Hospital andi dewe sinco coming home.. Special 'Tii the endi of lime, deanu Dati- thanka f0 Dr. Campbe,Dr)i Wc will rernembor you. 0 Mills and Dr. Madgwick anmi -Sadly mîisoti andti2evor ne- nioi sin g. staff. mombened by children Bonie, Elleen Barnaball. 17-1* Valenie. itebeccu and Davlii. 17-1e I sirtcerely wîsh f0 thank my fientis anti neigbbors f,ý ail thein kintinesi turing m-' rocent ihinoas,. for their kinti enquinios, visita, candi, floxv- ors antid kn sent, if wa- doophy apoifc;a i s o thanki ftnHo n urses on Floorq One anti Three ,,for thieir kî-nti n s .Margaret Wood. 17--, 1 woufld like f0 ex ress sincceothainkif0Ioil fionts. relatives ani fismiiy for thiLr visits, curtis ano ifta; al,9 Drs. H. B. ituntilo, John ituntile anti Dr. Grant 0f Oah- awa, nurses anti staff of thirti floon for thein cane ant iknti- noses shoLwn me during my r,-eont stuy in Memroial Roi- pifi,,Bowmýianville. A. Lauoenco Rohmliier. The family of the lute Ruby Munday woulti like to express thein incero thanks anti up- preciation f0 fientis, noigh- houri anti relatives for their acta of kintinesi, floral fnib- ofes anti donations to vuious wonfhy onganizations, duin' the recent bereavomont 0f a beloveti juot honanti grand- "nother. Special thanks tf) Rov. N. W. Oake, Unit 9 of Trinity -Unitedi Chunch anti Morris Fonenal ýChapel. Wanted to Rent OÔNE-EDROOM apartment. north endi Bowmanvilie, neeti- cd by May 31; reasonable rates. Phone 623-5231 affer S p.rn. ____ 7 Fn-r Rent PASTRE,100acres, Tyrono anea. Phono 725-4390. 17-1I FURNSHED ýï)upst aira bacëhelo- g ipurtment. Phone 623-2746 '64 Liberty St. N. 1 17-2 \PART'IMENT for rent. Aduits only. Contrai. Telo-phone ) 23-3303, 9 .m. - 5 17-tf IPHREE betiroorn bouse with garage, PRighwu,,y 2, juif East 3f Newcustle,. Phono 987-4706. 17-1 ONE bdroomapatment,ý îeateti, pivafe enfrance and bath; aduita only. Telephono 623-21711. 17-1 CENTRAL, largo, one bcd- -coin apantmonf; afovo, fnigo, hout aupplieti. Adulifs onhy. Phono 623-3230. 1--ff ONE-BEDROOM apantmont, sfove, fritige. Availabie Muyý lst. Couple preferreti. Tele- phono 623-7360. 1 17-1 DIILUXE Wooti's Tont Trailer, $50.00 a woek. Reserve now for somrmer montha. Cl 623-2544 affer six. 15-3f TWO1 rooi for ront, funnish- oti on unfunnisheti, on Hwy. 2 nean Maple Grovo; suit gentle- man, abat aien. Telephone 623-5211. > 171l' NEWCASTLE-One bedroom' iurnishe iart ment. Gooti used ti uber, 2x,10 andi 2x6. Cal '623-4129 or 668-4940 Wbitby. 17-I 135 ACRES of landi, 3 miles nortb 0f Tyrono. Gooti for corn, bariey or potutoos. Tele- phono 1-519-446-2519 evenings. 17-2 .PASTURE for rent, Newcastle- area, water avuilable. Phone~ mornings this week, .728-1469. Sarne number cvenings next week. 17-12% 150 ACRES of good potato or grain land, n'ontb of Bowman- ville, lOth and 6tb Concessions. Trelephone 519-449-27-15 or 263-2394. 17-2* M'vORDEN-In loving memory of oui Mother and Grandmnoth- er: who left us April 29, 1970. -Lovingly remnembered by Stan, elen and Ron. 17-Ile STEWAIT-Ining memry of a dean Liusband aýnd father,ý Athen- Steart, ho pssed. away Apnil 29th, 1966. -Reembned and sadly mrissed bIy Alice and famil. 17-1 -Comn- q ciEvents-, Fish) and Cjrs.Al youl Can11 eat, every Saturday, $1.49. Ac:res Restaurant, Taunton Road.17-2* Rumnmage Sale, Saturday May 5 from 3-5 p.m. at Knox Christian School. Scugog St., Bov-manville. 17-2 Eu.chne party. Newtonvil'ý HlFriday, April 27, 8:15 rmsin5Mc. Ladies brings 'unch. Everybody welcome. 17-1 Cartwiight Higli School annual Aýt Home, Friday, April 27. Muisic by 'Merry Makers", Brlickstock R'ýcreat;ion Centre. ~kdane sleon tickets. 16-2 B(,Ls trip, McMichael Gal- lery 0)f Canadian Art' at KILeinbunvg, Saturday, May 5. poordbyv The Canadian olb f WesI t seats Lavailable. Cal, 623-7150. 17-1 Annual Meetin of the Norf-humberlandc-Dunham Tu- beýrcul1osis ani itospinafony Discase AscatoWednea- day, -May' v23rti ut the Green- wooti Towor MfeHigbway, No. 2, Port Hlope, ut 8:00 p.m. 17-1 Bsa ain Dance (couples onySafunday. April 28fh. The Couniitny, Edifion, incluti- ing itot i Caig anti Jimnmy Whifcrnan. Four miles easf of Ncwtonviibe on No. 2 anti four miles north on County itoati 65 or tbree miles south of Elizubetbvýilie. --- 177-1 "HALF TRUCK COUNTRY' wiil be pluying ut the QUEEN'S HOTEL NEWCASTLE APRIL 27th and 28 and MAY 4th und 5th DANCING - 9 to 1 17-2 l8tb Century Refinishing Schcoi, hearn how f0 reaforo original finish to olti furni- fore without stripping. Two complote sessins. May h6thi ut St. Paui's Church H-all froni 2 f0 3:30 p.m. anti 7:30 f0 9 p.m. Tickets av.ailablo fromn St Paul's UCW membens on Abernethy's Paint Store. At- miss:oni $1,00. 17-2 ESCORTED TOURS FOR SUM1ýMER anti FALL -- 1973 ,Swit5zerland, Austria, Germ- uny andi Scundinuvia - 23 days Departing May 30, 1973 Western Canada andi Alaska - 21 days - Dopunting Jonc 3, '73 England, Scotianti andtiIrelund 2)3 days - Dopant. Jonc 12, '73 SotlAmnica anti Mexico 21 days - Departing Juhy 4, '73 Maritimes and Newfoundiand 18 days - Dcparting Juhy 8, '73 Spailn andi Portugal - 22 tiays Departing, September 63, 1973 BOX 149 -THORNHILL, ONTARIO PHONE 889-5643 15-3 WOOD VIE W COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 p.m. RED) BARN -' WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf Trentway Tours TO Alaska, Yukon AND Coastal Waters Cruise 'By Air, Motor Coachanti Cruise Ship Departs: June 25 and Aug. il For further information contact BOWIMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE '47 Ring St. W., Bowrmanvîlle Phone 623-3182 Blood Donor Clinic Wed., May 2 11- at - Lions Centre BO0W MA N V1L L E 1:30- 4:30 p.m. 6:30 -9:00 p.m. 1Transportation Provid ed Pieuse Caîl 623-9010 16-2 T B E N T WA Y TOURS TO BOSTON AND CHICAGO VICTORIA HOLIDAY WEEKEND May l8th to 2lst iror purticulurs contact- BOWMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 King St W., Bowmunville Phone 623-3182 15-3 Trentway Tours SUIMMER FUN SPECIALS TO Moosonee 3 DAYS Quebec City 4 DAYS Agatwa Canyon& Mackinac Island 6 DAYS For further information c1ontact 11OWMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 King St. W., Bowmanviile Phono 623-3182 16-3 ,articies toi Saile BOY'S bicycle, 24". go)od con- dition., Caîl 623-7448. 17-1 ÉA-RN boards. -Telephone 623-7712. 17-2* CEDAR fence rails. Apply at Burketon Garage. 17-1* Aiticles toi Sale_ USED Furniture and Appil- ances. Paddy's Market, Humpi)- to,263-2241. 26-tf STUDEBAKER Service, new a,.nd used parts. Gruhumr's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf TR'D P. f fl('IT q A/ - T..-.., - Coming Events Dance, Newtonville Hall, Saturduy, April 28, 9-12. $1.50 per person. Woods Orchestra. Evenybody welcome. 16-2 Montb of May is Open Bowling Month ut Liberty Bowl Ltd. For resonvutions Ph-one 623-5663. 17-4 St. Paul's Hi-,C -Canwash. $1.00. Pieuse .support US; Saturd-ny, Apnil 28, 10 arnm. - 4 .. Church u t Silver- St. 4th BwavleCub )Packl will hl a offle d rive, Sut- urday, pnil 28th, 1973, 9 i.m.. - ,--,ouLi f King Sreet nly. Dance in Pontyp1-ool Com-i riunity Centre on Saturda,, April 28. Music by "Little Bit ..ountiry". $4.00 per couple. Bar. 17-1 On Saturdai April 28, 3nd 3owmanvilleý Cubs will ho holding à bottie drive inUthe inca, Concession Street u ýnd North. 17-1 St. John's M3ranha Groupr Spring Rummagný,e Sale, A'pril 26th fromn 1 i.m. t 9 in the Great fHall. Tea aýnd cookies. 17-1* Trentway Tours TO MARITIMES AND CAPE BRETON ISLAND 14 DAYS - M.any Departures Newfoundland 22 Days - Departing Aug. llth Gaspe 8pays - Departs JuIy 22 & 29 For further information contact BOWMlAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 King St. W., Bowmanvillc Phone 623-3182 MONSTER BINGO THÎJRSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Sponsored by, Oshawa M3inor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION OSHAWA 30-tf The regular me et in g Hu the'N ornt h u mbe rlan d and Durham County Board of Edocation wiil ho beld ut 7:30 p,.m., Apnil 26 in Campbel-11 fond District High ScShool. The public are cordially invit- ed f0 attend. 17-1 Osuca Barn Dance, coup' les only, 'Suturday, April 28, leaturing "'The C ou ntni-y Edition", incloding itod, Crai, and Jimmy Whitemun, 4 miles east 0f Newtonville on No. 2ý and 4 mil-es nontb on Countyý Road 65, or 3 miles south o- Elizabethville. 17-1i Trentwary Tours TO Western Canaidc 21 DAYS D9'eparts 3u1y 2, ý& Sept. 1e For funther information contact. BOWMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTREý 47 King St. W., Bowmanville Phone 623-3182 1 7-1ý _FARM tructoýr, Ford-Ferguso, veny good condition, 3-pt. bitch. $600. Phono 263-2307., BROWN patterned, double knit, $150 suit, like new, size 40. Asking $55. Caîl 623-4112 anytirne. 17-1 TWO sturdy valanco hourds, two sets of continental bcd legs. Cali 623-3200 Thursday noon. 17-1 LADY'S all-weuther coat, like nevv, navy with white stitch- ing; size 11. Culi 623-7009 ufter 6 p.rn. 17-lf WEDDING -dress, - sizo 5 und Juliette headdress with should- on length veil. Phono aftt o 5 pm., 623-3633. 17-2* MOFFAT hoavy- duty stove, gooti condition; 12" wheel and lire, now, for trailen. Phone 725-1979 affen 4:30. 17-1 P65 HALF-TGN 'Chev. truck, 4- ýh.p. tiller, new; 19-inch poweur mower, new. Phono 6î23-2610, W. H. Brown. 17-1_ EVERGREENS, shrubs, some trocs, andi Purpie Columbian iluspberny canes. Also, 1964 Studebuker, as is, boit offer. Phono 623-4238. 16-3 BROADLOOM SALE-s rîch colours 0 f No.'1 Acnjilan plush. Reýgular $16.95 square yard - Sae8.95 squatre ydc. Factony Brouioom Distîbutrs,81 Rlichmiond iStreet Wost, Oshu- wa -576- 55 22.1- BlEAKs zprniyer, ,ý cyl. Wicn sini moogood Condition. Cal 62-3-710-,31. __ __- ____ -16-2"' INDOCOR-OUTDOOR - H-eavv Poly"pI'opDlene woven face withý dense ruibbenr back. Al coloDurs. Gouarant ced No. 1 quul.ity. 9 m 12 - stili $35.95. ýFactory Broudloomn Distnîbuý- tors, 81 R Iichmond Street West, Oshawva 576-5522. 16-8 PUMP orgun with pipes. For informat ion ceuh Nestlcton Presbytonian Cburch, 986-446'-; on 986-5118. ___ 1- SHAG BiIADLOMi- Secia purchase - Mediium length - dense pile shug in 10 popular" colours. Regulun $10.93 pe- yard, - for limited tirno only $7.95 'per yard. .Factory Broadloorn Distributors, 81 Richmond Street West, Osha- wva, 576-5522. ___ 16-8 ÉSCREENED 5andi unscreonoti ,opsoil for sale; also sund gruvel anti fi. Pick up or delivereti. Phono 623-3412. 15-8 NEW '2-pco. living noom suite, golti anti white cut veivet. Uîking $400; excellent con- dition. Phone 623-5231 affen 5 p.m. 17-1* N-ýE-WCASTLIE Trailor Park & Sales -Your district Rdmbler Truiher Dealer. New anti u.zet trailons. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf SPECIAL Sale - 1972 Case tractor (stili undor warranty),' hydraulie drive, lif t anti rot o- tiller, with 38" mowor anti 38" snow blowe. Fulpnieu $2,550. Inqoine ut 728-1706. 17-2 REMNANTS-Enda of Rolia - Mill-ends - Huge Selection - Ail No. 1 Quality - Ail 12 foc- wide - Longtha fnom 2 foot f0 20 foot. Values f0 $20.00 pern square yard. Our Clearance Pnico 4.95 anti 5.95 square yard. Factory Bnoatihoorn Dis- Inibufons. 81 Richmond Sftreet West, Oshawa, 576-5522. 16-8 ONE-YEAR-OLD Electrohox -'acuum cheaner, $150; gooti a1tier Ehectrolux vacuums $30, o.ricfy of othen vacuum. dean- "'S. $15 anti up. Tolephone 087-4446. 16-2 LEISURE Living - N e0w Houri! -Montiay, Tuestiay. Tbursiay anti Friday. 1 p.m.- 9 p.m., Wednosday, closeti al d2y: Satorti1ay. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sýunday. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Camp- ena, truck campons, truck caps. travel frailers, fiffh wbeels. "iot'r homes Phono 623-4700; M'swnv 2. E"st of Zoo. 16-S USEl) EQUIPMENT I.H. B414 D) TRACTOR l ive' P.T.O., 3-pt. bitcb, conipitely ovohauleti $1850 I H. FARMALL Super "C"l TRACTOR with 2 row Souffler - Excellent condition...............--- ---850 ýDAVID BROWN 3-furrow 3-pt. hitcb I'LOW 100 MA'SSEY F. 4-now mounteti CORN PLANTER ----. ----495 JOHN DEERE FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR -------- ---- 75 JOHN DEERE 15-mun Combinution DRILL.--- -350 MASSEY No. 1 BALER 265 CASE BALER, w-,orki;ng condition.---.---100 J-MAR EQUIPMENT CO. 134 Ring St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 623-5689 115-3 ADAMS FURNITURE 26 King St. E., Bowmaniville - 623-3808 1i2-6 County Broadloomn 1742! Brock St., South of 401 WHITBY - 668-8895 "' The Lowest Prices Anywhere 2-yoar Installation Guaruntee Beautiful Wurebouse Selection 4-tf R iUGCIS 9 x 12 froin $59,9q5 WALL TO) WAýLL CARPET froin .$4.95 sq. yd. Free estimates. Large selection of, colons A/DAMS FURNITUTRE 26 King St. E., Bowmanville i623-3808 12-6i THE THRIFT -SHOPý King St. W. (rear of Pet Shop) We seil on consignment and accept donations Many GIFT ITEMS avuiluble 13-5 ANDREWS TV TOWERS and ANTENNAS LINS1TAL-LED AT 'Low BRates Colour Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 24-tf INSTALL AN, Q) FURNACE So BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six monthls Cal IABVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service'Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206,Orono or Zenith 14620. 24 Hour Service 41-tfl OSHIAWA TV Antennas and Towers ROTORS INSTALLED HF.VHF - Colored Aeiais PIS anti Homes Pre-wired REPAIRS %iorkmanshiî» Guaranteeti 111 pniccd to SAVE You M1oney Phono 623-5122 T,- HAMILTON, Manager SEED GRAIN TOP QUALITY Best Variety o! Oetts and Barley Aiso high-yieldingFUTNK'S Seeci Corn CERESMORE FARMS ,LTD. Carnet B. Rirkard anti sons R;R. 4, Bowmanviile, ont. Phono 623-7150 11-12 73LIONEL '73 TODAY'S BEST PRICEl) Hard Top Campers SAVE $ S $ $ $769.00 Complete toe,$279.00 - 7 Moûdels KAMPING UNLIMITEDý Sales - Service Rentais 1 Mile North on Town Line Rd. 1(East City Limita) Oshawa 728-9942 Mon.-Fri., Hrs. 9:30 aim.-9 Sat. - 9:30 u.m. - 5 pan. Sun. 1 P.m. - 4:30 pm 14-4'1 1.irlrtcles lot Sale ENGLISH saddle, excellent condition. Cail 987-4710. 17-1 QUANTITY of second cutting alfalfa buy. Phono Frank Houg, 263-2082. 17-1 TWELVE-bushols Hertu seed banley, cleaned and tneated. Phone 263-2160. 17-1- SWIMMING Pool Chemiculs - We Discount Ail Chlorines - PH - Increaser - Reducer. Algiban and Stubilizers. For Pool Chem-ical Bargains ge oin our mailing list. We won't 1ho ondersolci. Factony Broad- loom Distributons, 81 Rich- mon(,td Street West, Oshawa, 576-5322. 16-8 STE WART'S SEED CORN Eariy Maturing, High Yieid- ing, Fast-drying Vanicties HARVEST BEFORE WINTER 77 - 100 Days MANY VAIRIETIES NOW IN STOCK R. BRUCE TAYLOR 263-2741 LIV eStOCk Foi Sale - Help Wanted- GOSLINGS, White Embden. REGISTERED Nurse and R.N. A. Venema, 263-8888 Hamp-, A. Ful and part time. Phone ton. 1-f9741.6-tf HORSES bourded, box stalîs,1 REGISITERED Nursing Ass-ist- standing stails, good outside unts, Nurses' Aides, experi- past une. Cuhl 263-2972 aff or once pneferred. Required im- 5 p.m. 17-6 mediutely. Culi 987-4252. -{ - 16-2 Work Wanted SERVICE Station attendant Well Drilling. Cathmar and auleaýman, some meéchan- Well Drilling Ltd., Pontypool.î'ca'l expenience bolpful, maie Phone 705-277-2504. il-tf~ or femule. Phono 987-5141 17-1 CUSTOM corn planting withl International air power plant- FUjLL-TIME gas ban attend- ter. William R. Cox, Phono aInta required ut the Essd 623-7189. 14-4 - Cen-tre, Highway 401, New- . --pî7rs -castle, $2.50 per bour, eom- MVOBILE WeLding lepis0 pany benefits; must bave own construction and fanm equip- -transportation. Appîy in ment. Len Benscbop, Phono porion. -1 i 70-3573510 1 THE Toronto Stan requires a PROFESSIONAL paperhang- transfer agent fo deliver ing and painting 'undentaken. papers to carniers' hom-es In Free estimates. Caîl Vince Bowmanville. Approximute- Moore 623-3568. 15-3- ly two hours per day in the TUT-RIG -ailaffernoon. Truck required,. fÏËI7dby teachen n Phone 728-5117. 17-1 subjects up to Grade 8 foi the next three monfhs. 18i REGISTERED Frank Stk- Apt, 4. 17-12: Nursing Assistant' WATE weis bored,30" trie To work with Geriatirie o'- WIl ning. Tele Residents - Phone phiono 31U-2030. Represontativo STRATHAVEN Hatrry L. Wade. Tolephone NURSING HOME 1 -87-4531. 16-tf 1 623-5555 OLD buffet, refinisbod. Tele-1Pny inw irse andmatr.s phiono 623-3273. 17-1 Hydraulie controlled impie- DOMINION, piano, $50 on best monts. Phono 623-2996. 14-4 offor. Phono 263-813'8. 17-1 1- - 1_______ - NEEl) a PRESSURE SYSTEM?, SEB3AGO pottuos; mixed SUMP PUMPS balod huy. Phono 263-2675. 1'-1IRPARSTO ALL MAKES BUILDING, 15' x 1, froc for HARVEY PARTNER neoa;central. Caîl 62ý3-2227. Oono98-5206) - Zenith 14620 17-1: 41-tf8 WATERfor sale and dlvr c-d. Cali Ciid Pethick 623o-2313.DUESSERS, Beds, Chester- 29-f foltsalkinds 0,f Used Furni- _____________________turc', Antiques and Appliances. 1500 BALES hay. H. Pnina, [Puaci d y' sMak, Hampton Rit. 1, po, 263-2988. 26ý3-2241. 17-1 BEDROOM suite, complote, EIGHÎT foot bout, 2½ .hp. diiig suite, 9-piee; chosteor- motor. Phono 623-2746(, 164 ýficEl' suite, all Purma teak- Liberty St. N. 17i-2 xvood, new. Must soul. Sacni- GOOD quality hay,. Phone hn 1-241-5971. 31-rf oveniga betwe-cn .6 - 8, D.AHLIA buibs, 5 for $1, 987-44395. 17-1 nursery stock, evengreens, Tefiowoning shrubs, white bircb. 2"RA Used ColounTe eweping wilîows, maples, etc. visioni-, in excellent condition.G Hartemink, Rit. 2, New- Phoo 63-383.17- cstie 987-4430. 15-6, BROWN_-chester-fieId a n dý_ mnatching chair, ini good con-1 3ROOMS, dition. Phono 623-4148. 17-1 COMPLETELY FURNISHED) ______ NO DOWN PAYMENT FOURI-borner elccl ic stovo, Low Montbly Terins $3;wringer wushing ma- chine, like new. $50. 623-7264.Fee eivr ~iAîIY ~Jeep, 1952, excellentL nunning, new rings, $1,150. Nepwcastie 987-4710. 17-1 190MUSTANG "Bois" 302, 4-speeti, magi. Lic. iFBD283. 623-4483. 17-1 1967 RAMBLER Amroican, 6 6 (23-4482. 17-i '5MALIBTU conver1tble, gôod miechanical coitiioni, boit offer. Phoneý 263-2638. 17-i '196ý9 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2- tir. H.lT. Lic. EYBO097. 623-4482. - 17-1 19' G-MC 3 ton truck, 26,000 mniltes, gooti shape, roasonably pnicoti. Phono 623-4329. 17-1 109 RAÀMBÏLER Aricrcaný, 6 cyl., if d. transmission, Lic. EDl52. 623-4481. 17-1 '65 AUSTIN 1100, radio, inow tires, new muffler and valve job. Caîl alter six, 623-2173. 17-1": '72 TOY-',OTA Celeca with extruas, 14.000 miles, $2,500 or boit offen-. Phone 983-5091, Orono. 17-1 1969 MVUSTAN;G Grande A.T 390 high Performance. Loati- cd with options. Lic. EBM724. 6293-4483. 17-1 1964 (iMC ihaîf-ton-truck bloc, short, narrow box, good c-ondition, $350., Telephone 263-2307. 17-1 '65 CHEV. stop-van, '64 itamb- 1er Classic, '62 Cadullue con- vertiýble. Phono Hampton 263-2387. 17-1 TRUCK anti camper, sloeps four, atovo, fnitigo anti fucili- fies in perfect condition. Tele- phono 623-2746 or apply ut 16,4 Liberty St. N. 17-2 1970 CHEV. Custom Sport huif-fon Fleetaîie, 8 cyl. 350 motor, aufomafie transmission, power brakes anti sfeering, excellent condition. Phono 263-8167. 17-1 "Our Dreviousiy owned cars' anti trucks are totaliy recon- ditioned andi guaranteeti. You muy inspect them, drive them, or have your mnechanlo check them before making us an offer ugainst our usking price. We always have a gooti MacDONALD FODRD BOWMANVILLE 919 King Si. East - 623-4481 Wbere friendiy people meet' i 14-ff DO YOU WANT A SMALL CAR ? '7 Velkswagen 411 Model, 4- tir. Sedan, 4 apeeti trans- mission, oniy $2,000 miles. This car retaiied for $4,600 Lie. BAY556 - Now only $3,699. '72 Toyota 2-dr. Hurdtep Cor- ola Deluxe, 4 speeti trans- mission, only 8,000 miles. Lic. EBD174. '72 Toyota 2-dr. Sedan, 4 speeti transmission. Lie. EBV736 '72 Firenza SL 2-tir. Couch, .4- cyl. ovenheuti cum, 4 speed, with beautiful kuitteti bueket seats,, only 3,000 miles.- Lie. EBFO53. '71 Vega 2-dr. Hatchbuck, 4- cyl., overhead cum, aunto-! matie. Lie. EBK862. '70 Volkswagen 2-dr. Station Wagon. 4 speeti trans- mission, radio, a 'real hundy unit. Lic. EBF478. '69 Cumero 2-dr. Ilardtop, Fully equippeti. Lie. EBF483. '71 Cornet 2-dr. Coach, V-S, automatie, radio, white walis andi dises. Lic. EBFO54. '71 Fireu'za Deluxe 2-dr. Coach -4-speeti transmission., Lie. EBL3O4. CO0W AN i PONTIAC-BUICK 166 Ring St. E., Bowmunviiie Phonte 623-3396 31-tf 174-1 NURSES AIDE Experience Preferred Phone' 623-5555 Strathaven Nursing Home 1- CLASS "A" MECHANJO required ut MacDONALD FORD Fiat rate with guaruntee Good Working Conditions Phone ARCHIE GROTH Service Manager 623-4481 JACK BURGESS 17-1 OIL BURNERS - FURNACES MAINTENANCE eetiin 1 3LEAN El must be experienced î inmo- PLUMBING REPAIRS ern industrial Relaying Sys- PHONEHAPO teins and Control, AC and DC HAMPON otors, Moton Control, Switchi 263-1.51Gear and Variable Speed Mail Address: drives. Must have had ,a P.O. Box 43 - Bo wmanville recognized apprenticeship or 30-tf approved trade school train- ing. Reply in writing, to St. D.ARLINCTON ýMarys Cernent Co., P.O. Box MA ON Y 68, Bowmanviilleý. 17-1 MAINTENANCE REPAIR Brick, Block, Stone reqirRS~ON wht CHIMNEYS &ý FIREPLACES least four years, welding and Phone 623-2176 miiIvrighing experience in 49-tf the repair and maintenance of ___________industrial machinery as con- BOB BEEIRS tained in a cernent plant. 137 ELIN STRET p l inwriting to 137 LGI STEET ST MARYS CEMENT CO. Plumbing - Heatinq Box. 68, Bowmanvilie, ont. Pressure Systens 1- New~ Work and Repairs IHELP WÎANTED ËFR Service and Estimates EXTRA tNCOME Cail 623-2641 Men iiand womienanly agc - , 33-Vlaan, d-gi4e Don Brooks & Son ]i)rprc 1ftfor men xith jobs'and Custcom Builder of Fine Homes womnen with school age chîld- Speeialists in Interior 'and ren. Training providedi For Exterior Repairs and Remod- information write to Regional elling, You naine it - we can Supervisor, 1200 Belvedere do it! For Free Estimate Cali St., Oshawa. Give your tee- 723-6176 or 623-2301' phono number, please. --7-3 16-8* TEXAS OIL COMPANY - Wants Persoji Over 40 for FRANK BRINK We nmavlep who Trenching can make short auto trips. We SEPTIC TANK are willbng to pay top carui- INSTALLATION ings. R.R. 1, HAMPTON $15,000 ln a Year 263-155Our top people in other partsý NO SUNDAY CALLS earnings. Contact custom11,ers 11-tf arounri lowmanvil1e. Air mail B à L _L ý _GL A S _S- W. B. Diekerson, Pres., South- western Petroleuin, Box 789, and MIRRORS LTD.w Ft. Worth, Tex. 17-1 7 Division St. - Phone 623-5187 ______ Bowmanville, Ontario Wanted Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Stormn Windows AN -FILdean. Týeep-hone Store Fronts - Float Mimrons 987-4378, Newcastle. 17-1 Fattcrned and Colored Glass --Mad- or n on0 and lazng 1-tfBowmanville. Ask for Joyce. Ref rigeration Caîl 623-7512. 17-1* Appliance Service Ls Commercial and Domestie itAINCOAT, n e a r Tnity Church on Sunday mornlng. Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Finder please contact Mrs. Phone BERT SYER Geo. W. James,- 623-5413. Days - 623-5774 17-If Nights - 623-3177 ________________ Lander Hardware Notice and ELECTRIC L.t C. Mason, Q.C., Law Office closed May 2ndi to June 3rd inclusive. Dunig this DAVE's ime will le in Office Tues- Plumbing, Heating day evenings, 9:00ý - 10:00' p.m. and Electrical Pets COMMERCIAL_______ ____ INDUSTRIAL and KITTENS free to good homes. RESIDENTIAL Telephone Verity Sylvester F R E E ESTIMATES 623-7305. 17-1 R. R. 1 SPRINGER Spaniel, female, Orono 786-471 diencf andi field trained, 33-tf boarding. 1-983-9,385. 17,-1'ý COURTICE Prbe female Boxer, spay- ed, two years old, excellent SEPTIC SERVICE famnily pet; needs a good home, $45. Please call for Septie Tank Cleaning and ap)pointment, 623-3958. 17-1 Commercial Pumping Don't wait until you, have Dead-Stock Service Service Requirements should Farmers, Attention bc 3 - 5 Years DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGW1LL FUR FARM Phone725-302 ndernew management and __________15-4 ownership. We appreciate a EMEBENCandcaîl frorn you when necessary. m Lic. No. 416C73 FIRE INSURANCE R,R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario R. W. BOWERING LTD. REPAIRS 8-tf 24-Hour Service Wanted to Buy -BALED straw, preferably CallAnytme weat.Phone 623-7538. 13-tf Apts. - Homes - Offices USED Furnitune and Appli- Stores - Factories ances. Puddy's Market, Hanip- On Cl -W hniei Alton 263-2241. 26-tf, One ail Wehande itAilOLD and broken bicycles, also Written Estimates - Quiek! old powern mowers. Cali ALL WORK GUARANTEED 983-5919 Orono. - 1 14-4 CAS, trucks and tractors for Wizard Building wreckîng, bigbest prives, n tow charge. Parr Auto Parts Services Ltd. 263-2508. 14-4* Newcastle 987-4760 HIGHEST prices paid for AJACK RU SSELL Phone Ackerman Auto Wreck- il ý! 1 17-6 TWO bcdnoom apartment, al services, stove, fn;idge. Avail- able May lst or June 1sf, Close to shopping. Telephone 623-7264. 17-1 U40-ud15-V -1- 1- -1 Ennisille, R.R. iLIGHT frucking anti otd jobs, Ennisiller, R.R. c1caniý n g yards, basemnts, 17-6 affîca, etc. iteasonable rates.i Froc > eglimates. ,Telephone Cars foi Sale 623-2337. 1~: 1969 VOLKS-WAGEN, Lic. WATER wells toned or dnîîi j EBFO48. 6 23ý-448,,2. 17-i cd. Canada Drîlling Company,~ Phono Oshawa 576-6004, Be- '69 FAIRLANE, gooti con- presenitative Harny L. Wadc, dtion. Phono 983--5422. ,;ewcastle 987-453 1. 22-tf C,7_-_1. AL G. OSBORNE 1970 PONTIAC Cafalina 2-dr. H.T. Lic. EBL327. 623-4481. ýCarpet - Upholstery 17-1 Professionally Cleaned 196 PNTIC,4-r.,auo- FREE ESTIMATES mate.Li. EL94.623441. Phone 623-2002 . ~ , ..~ I BOXVMANVILLE