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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1973, p. 1

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V OLUME 119 16 Pages M"ust Have Run Out of Spare Parts 150 Per Copy NUMBER. 17 A peculiar birth took place about a monith ago on Howard Cryderman's farm, southwest of Bowmnanville on the Base Line. A caîf arrived complete with everything but a tail. Its appearance otherwise is quite normal, except that it hops lk a rabbit or deer instead of walking. This picture was taken on the wveekend and the caif wasn't too happy about having its photo taken fromn the rear, s0 Jim Crydermian had to hold onto it to keep it from taking off into the wild blue yonder. They figure when the f ly season begins, they'l1 have to dispose of the animal, it won't be able to shoo them off with its tail. WiJI 'Be- HeId at BHS Plans e!! Un 1 iderwaly fr Carer xpo 73 .on May d9 Planm are wil uner ay in Bownanville High Scbools aripn, raswl be represented 01rep0ration for areerExo '73 combining their efforts t10 by mn n d wmnknowledge- Io be lih la Bowmanviile High Jo at mnyreource people 'abe abouit their field 4)f work. Sehol n7edn;dY y9. trWom ndustry. commerce, gov- Events such as thîs career The G;uidance H- ds f Back-ernnen , ofssional and fiair are cdesigned c1to acquaint stck lake outieand evcars.My occupa- stdn s tegmeunts of the Woid fflwork as wePll as to * stîmulate- an early, examînation Harry Jose nonorea ) oliteir oainlineei n Career Expo '7:3 'li con C)îar air ocard dlurmng the day wb 01th Harry Jose HryJ. Jose ofNecse was Ihonoced itise, Durhamt CentralAgriuluralsocietys lJnited Churc-ý]is hastveel< i recognIition of1bi sddctd wor,,k and 1sup 1)r overtise yeacs flor ise nnuai Or')?o Mn.J ewspresa-nted xii a Certýificate f Mnt y Carlos Tamblyn, a past-preident of tise A gci cultur ai1Soceity (1951. Hc pcI'scdJoue forvubis conibuin mting tise Duhrba Centr'al Fair. Nwin bis seventies. Joue is stili active in tie agicultural sociey. ville was aWsopresented Wih a a i tise banquet in appre- ciaton for hésworkila te pasi foc ise-, fair oard. Paît P-eSi-ý dn10%9-0) Wliia Tam ToàIl tGntesfo CSic Fibh.ro0Sis TixiseSmuria, Bo-wmia- ville Ki-Inen ii)(1 e? man- cing tol ga-tes atI the e'ast and west end ofKing sL, in the curb lanes, h'oping mein- ïOriats wîlI sto)p andi con- tribute ta ilter .Cystie FiL- rssWeek camvpaign. Sijice 1964, wh-Ien Botv- mianivie Knmn ir-vine 'Jk'Brown was Distlrict Govener, approximat e 1 y $15&100 basabrun raiseti in this area for Cystie Fibreis and Ditrict 8, 3InCIUdlng more than 53 clubs, bas raiseti ever $300,000, Consderbleprogress bas benmateienlA ie f;ght agalnst Cysi bosi tbat affecýts 1 I . avery 1,000 eithren. Ten yetaxs age, Most C/F ciilirn iitiLe fore reach3ing schsool age. Totiay theystn a goocid chance of living be-yond t.befr teens, dtac te eay diagnoSis ai dexpert treat- ment. The outLay -fon tmg.ý- Mnt equlpmnent fcer C/F7 vie2- tÙms issageiganti May re.i te $2,0005 a year. please give geerosi whenye n se a toïligal>e or doutate tuou hetue cna tiat have been lcth stores,~ was b havebeen run) TUrN TO rPAGE TWO) for >parentls anid studenîts; rUPiN TO PAGE TWOI lA tai and senseless accident on Highwayý 401, Just east of the Liberty Street exit, claimed the life of a 30-year-old Belleville womnan, in the early morn- ing hours of Easter Sunday, April 22nd. Diane- rene Anderson w %as struck by a car in the eastboundi lane of the 401 whien she atteniptedl to cross the highiway on footi at 1:45 a.m. on Sunday, following a, domnestie quar- rel., Mrs. Anderson and her comnnvn-law ,,hiusband], Clif- ford Whfteman, agqed 31, or- igi*nally fromn theMac area, were retuirning from Toronto with their 1-othodson and another couple, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Keller of Belleville. (TURN TO PAGE TWOI Bd. Appoints Terry H-awkins New VPofBHS. The Board of Education has appointed Terry C. Hawkins,,. currently a co-ordinator of Guidance with the Northum- berland - Durham Board, as the Vice-Principal at Bow- manvifle High School, effec- tive September 1st, 1973. Mr. Hawkins. will f111' the výacancy created by' Earl iWolff, who was recently pick- ed to succeed retiring B.H.S. Principal Len Lucas., Local Board, trustee AI Strikp was on the biring com- mittee and he expects Hawk- ins will mnake "an excellent "He's a good man" etiius- cd Strîke. "He'l1 beý doubly valuiable considering his back-l ground in Guidance," he add- eHawkins has been a guid- a nce co-ordinator with the Northumberland - D ur ham, Board for thep past four years.j Recently, he was iIn charge of the cmieawhich prepar- ed the Drocpout Report. 35-1 year-old Haxvkins Is married, with four chiidren and has teaching, certificates in no less thn seven subjects - HIs- tory, E n g 1 i s h, Geograpby, Maithiem-aica, Guidannce, Spe- cial EdulCation and even an elemetary chouol teaching p Prior to working as a Guid- ot f: sujeets inii hschools 1 npeterboroughi,Exeter .ýýouth Carie ton and Rich-! Imond, Ontario. ows rreI On Saturday nighit, 1,000 excited flans watched McGregor trophy), Steve "'Slip" Rowe, Jeff Legere (with the lIvost Valuable Midgets wipe out Essex hopes in a thrilling game here that went Player trophy), Allan Em-ar-d; back row, Coach Ray "ýWhitey" into overtime b-efore Bovvmanville came up wiffh the winning goals Preston, Dennis Bamnber, Ron Strike, Pearce Wilcox, Grant to win the Ontario final seriesthree gampes to one. Members of the Luxton, John W%ýood, Steve Livingstone, Boyd Knox, -Andrew championship teamn are, front row, left to right, Managerý Keith Mackenzie, Tom Nowlan, Mike Wilkins, Sponsor -Don MceGregor; Smith, Peter Demeter, Gary Cox, Rory Gibbs (with high scoring absent Nick Wind. trophy), Bob Strike, Capt. Joe Humierluik (with the J. H. Stafford' ___________________________ Bah'ista oJdKendal Couple HeIld at Gunpon Public Meeting ýNewcast le OPP A rrpest eS uspectL Areamembers of thie fBaha;'î f aîth are holding apul meeting in thebnqethal 1h FyngDJLi----- In Two Cottage B reak-Uln Cases 111n this Thuissday, Apr i 26th-j Ai 8:00 p.m. TV personality Ncwcastle OPP have arretathis lhomcne nOsh-awa 0on tag t o f OrQjo11n Moy M Li gthe Kendal incident. Pisley Max-ýwell. whose off -1 ed an Oshawa man who is b& sunday, April 23rd. The ar- 19721 n\ P oemn indicated stage niame is Mrs. P. Glen, ecd1:beth erson wo t seorl phnecaIlIS w will he thu eiealured speaker. committedtwo separate cot- 'sigofceswr os- bTbothPcases theCcottage0- The omnil tn ae break-ins in Clarke tbles J. A. Legete and-J. J. owners were mt b ama TRNTOPAEiiO is being lin iicojunctin onsipand fociby detinl- ,Chainmers. axvber tvihyaivi dat hýi with the Thoir Itenaion l tePowners at guoipoint.i Str.asic bas been charged Clarke To(2 wnshiip homes. P lace Thursday,,, Apil 2S'thý, in volved a. young mnarriedco nfineLment and two counts wIii the inciden-qt last ma, ai Weston mran), Mr. R. Jaeger, Ufa Israel. M is. G11nWillcopl in the Kendal area. 1(f) break and enter. Ho is was shot at after he managp.d For t'A al hi' one of nin" Bha' who Th suspect is Mario Strasic, al] ,ed to bho-the persun wh o eu n rB i will represent Canadia in 122, of 214 Tresane, Street iniconsimitted 5i crime similar to the unan acot, The f ollowivng revised ages iHaifa. Oshawa. Police arrestýed1 hiro the Kendal incident at a coi- Atfthe Kendal area*cottage ilpp,..,, , Fi nancial Report Indicates l9 2Yeqr of Exý Gjrowth for Bowm oniVacch 3th, Mr. and TMrhs. 0. iio râ. i 'Ve0*0 e u an- Mark Mced, bot h iag-ed 20oune bythe Recreation wec hadcufedandtid j Det.:"T"Ba 6 years andi in their bedroom over nightinde er as of January Th',ongculemnae (o ) f the 1cuýrrenj-t yeaýr, LionIs escae eclythenex mQn- tom8 yarsandunder il ingandcaled he PP.How yers t ae a 0fJanuary 1St evrwen thIle plc fiesof i cretye, ,Pec We The Cnadin Stesiac, ao ad uner 15years of ae as an OPP ar[jtsissketch anrd du- of Januair,, 1st of thecu i-rrent. -The 1972 financlal report end 'of 1972. Wth the inbcrý- (à 4 ~~~~for tise town of Bowmavil,le of housing ,,startis ,ltd bI sh w K w ni I 'd was pr:sented at the lastlt:his yeac tise population? rateStatement Bow man vile Police counicil meeting and If mrdi- wl undoubtedly' continue to * - - ~accelerated growth in almost Bowmanvle offlcially be- Coming So n I ,. M M ~al aspects of the towr,. came a miimlio;olrnilves l altIel ~ J increase over the 1971 total expenditures topped the $'2on o n a l was tise greatest' in at îeastî million mark. Theexact totali r f i .c,"d ei tise last 10 years and pr7obably was $2087,360, an increase of' i tfeetconcerning th'- T more. An-addlionai-l 4412 res1- over $150,000 more than 1971. liovernmYent's pýroposai of re-1 Two 17-year-oild oma-gae ise nsishp. U n i r a y ' o adents were addje(1t'O Bcw-] 0f thîs budget, $1.5 millin, tcuc1turinig of local govern- vjlle- vouthi xvere jIn volved in 23ya-l ok inei ymanvlile'$ population bring-f were raised tiscougis local meunt east of -Metro is expeet - Pta ciciet nSmso fTr-noi lwask fortunaevito ing tise total f0 9,304 by tise TORN TO PAGE TWO) led f0 made tisis week in 4htýIse vene laci St ody Soro1- oid seTrolt ousinurywne Osiaws tsc o n d annu ai tise ovenIing tiere viill be ium on Friday, May 41h, comin- _____________________________On tario legislafure, accocding ý',ng April 21-t. aie to neotat tsecujrvýe KansMusic Festival wili caseslatise. baroque cnd înencing at 8 p.m. Admrission f0-- - t Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.,j (Uý,sr-taCrd' get under way Wedniesday, lassical secftion. Elementary .ID E E P-uhm.Chiristopiser Terlisune 0.f 108,> cggfetaIGu' Api 2fs n rnticugsan sii sioo aniwîîfor tis concert will be $2 for' Corner and crashei d his r-ar IhIelashe agratdelih Street was pulling oufi unil, Ma r.h ot fEsdl on- aduîfs and 50e for children. M i 0ftise driveway of 73 Simsýý, Wel ver 601) entries bave ing and afternoon on Wednes- Tickets are available from alI I E fpeý aoialigtc A venueýdn oel'rý ar ui been eceivd fortise 84 dy. Osawa Kwanias, Wlsorshore ,hafý tE, Ontario gov- wisen bis car collîdedacdntocre erySn eromnt ay otonclde-isewiti anautmoile rivnw day niorning, April 22nid. cla-ssesof com1peztton. Ciaýssý Mayor James Pottiî'ary %will and Lee Music Store, Alto De1.. '>A -, m n,,111 b n,,c Osat R Ch î Wlarli ha atooil , ivnb Tise pole was broken Info MoeSpleTs aainBOTTLES - >Oîot ru and th u..pack~s wî e o ort oe ougarea 1n uteve ilulme of R.R. ,Boý-thsree pieces an-d tise Vignjevic ncuejýuifabout eeyhn fiilyopen tise Festival MscSpleT)ýCaain-ý O v 'inil frm oalslos to chorall on Wednesday evenîng aoonev tory vf uslc and the prowl thîs Saturday,picking up bottles. They'1l be tise.propo)sedl-lisawa-centred avle car ingcurced $800 damage ta, frofl sin Steet'nd nrth nd o theregion, bocause of strong op- 1Tise total danage tf0 bots tise-ribt side. Ti-le accident groui, fom .oodw\indcs to :00p.m. at O'NeilCollegiate. tise Canadian Automnotive Mu- operatîng on ConcessinSre nporhed0 h osition voiced by both local' vehýices sas be îimtdw investigated by PC L. din Adsethigne a erchesatra an ope ngt be-ras an dudctrsfr bsyertown, while the othiers will be picking up South of King municipal politicians and var- ,f$80 Police Constable K. iar f tie 1ownaiville Ad1ju1dications are h e in g' t ()'Neill. Donald MeKellar, o0f tise Lt-ibe washingc cars at St. Paul's Church. If the wahri helc hd ntieMauiinPub-,Tlise ubi s ecoeat. versify of Western Ontarlo god teies o u wllbeof toermi lic ray St. Gore',S..all adjudteatlnns foc which Miss Jeanne Pengel'ly and A-poal aîgLocal Man is L gio1a rv Andrew's 'and Sîmroe Street Ibere vwîl] ho a nomin, 11drew Markow of tise Rylwnosor çgîvîng the 1noe t frtwrot Ciuce:E a s t dl a I e anîdcag of 2.5c. C nnsorva-tocy of Music, Tar- that sffi greengraidy O'Nui Colleglatesý. G radledlTiseFetivl'f Stars, a con- onto, Giles B. Bryant, Dlrcec- ,Msufigoigrpdy pin ooclasses wihi L e liseld ,erf feturn he out-tandln,, toc of Mýusie, Upper Canada ensdymrning and af- ýomrpetitors, w\ill hociseld ai College aind Borts Berlin Of ALARM Tesa aternoon on King Street West, a lernon a tie Library and in Eastdale Collegiate adtor-tis Univers!ity of Toronto. srebeablrnaayndatmtalyorew Y o ng uet S ates t C rnialstaff conitacted the Fire Chief to find out where the grass fire w-as this timre. There wasn't any. Turns out, ....~.... .. !a traveller who apparently carnÎes some valuable' 4 ~ merchandise, has an ,alarma rigged up to the trunk of r.his car to foil wolb rb ers eforgot to turn it off: whnulading and away it wvent, startling mn shoppers and storekeepers. Quite a Ïadget. PEOPLE I-WIN - T'he Ontario gov't. backed away [romi its seven per cent taýx on energy yesterday, but the juimp from-r five to seven will remain on the other itemus, so car dealers and others houd have a good w'eekend gathenîcrng in buyers trying to save a buck. Not too miany realîze that th'e federal government Sslaps a 12percet sales tax on suchb items as- printing, then the province takes the selling price plus the 12 per cent an-d on May lst will charge seven per cent înstead of five on the total amnount. A tax on tax. SPRING FORXVARD - This wveekend, the dlocks go - aeadan ilour as Daylight Saving Time comes into C ffect early Su.nday morning. For a few weeks, 2~ mothers vw111 have problems persuading their young 'children it'~s time to go to bed whiledakeshn' airrîved, but it usually straightens itself out quickly, and we get the hour back later in the year. LINE REAY? -Trout fishermen will be out in ful force around midnight Fri'day nght and early1 Saturday morningc for their first day of trout fishing.ý If the weather warmis up a bit, the speckled beauties should be in plentiful supply, along with the rainbows and browns. T.-here's certainly plenty of water for Tm--is Fniday evenîng and Saturday afternoon, Bowmanville's Figure Skating them in the creek-s. Club wîll hold its a.nnual Skating Carnival at the Arena and it promises to be a colorful evenit. Along with more than 100 local skaters, there will be several BIG TURNOUT -- Good Friday was such an ideal dayy Qutst'aniding guest artists inelud;ng these two young people fromn Oshawa, ithat golf courses in the area report great business. B3arbara Underhill and Jim Sorochan. Barbara is only nine and Jim 11, but thley Erinli Golf course was packed for the biggest day in Ieady have won fi rst place in the Eastern Ontario Sectionals and the Western its history. Bowmanvrule Country Club will have it.s Winter Invita tional coimpetitLion and two weeks ago were invi ted to Montreal to first run this weekend. It was a bit wet for play on the give an exhibition perform-ýance. !Easter weekend. Saturiday, April 21sf- was»te keys is Legion President' iMîllioniaires Night at Bowmagn- Bd Major-, vho ",ql the win- ýville's Canadian Legion Hall-nng ticket. 0f course, it's riot to upcising iatPrsdn and en Neki(lef) isancEd 'veas tise seller of the prize- mian who carne away feeling wýinnn ice. osl 19c prtywealtby.V He wo)n the, the 1,000 tickets la theraw 1973 Chevrolet in the back- Itmarks the tid týinte in the ground of the Picture. past five years tha-t' Presiden't, Prcsenfing tIhe wînner with lMajer has sold the winDning ticket on a Legl-joî car ciraw. In another draw made at Ithe Legioni on Saturday, Jake JOof Osh-awa -wCnjt home with 50, hieHarry Locke oçee.$75 as. scc.oad-prize Iîs iwt t10 difficulitounder- stan-d why thley cali M*I- lionaires Night. BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 25,1973 i:m NUMBEPL 17 wno

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