MAP Fr. red Stevens has returned frorn a very pleasant tnip to England whene shej visited wîth cousins and fiends in Sheffield, Man- ch ester and Louth. Mrs. Tom B3aker and Cath- arine, Solina; Mrs. Garnet Rlickard, Shaw' s, wvere Mon, day callens with Mirs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mlus. . Westaway, Cameron, spenit -a few days with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russeil and, îamiil1y. Corne and join in "An Hour of Song - wi th oun Junior Choir a opleG oUnited hrch Pent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae... COUNTY CHRYLER-ODGELTD. 6Z3-2Il LE GROVE on Sunday, May 6th at 'i p.m. Fireside following song serv- ice. The Junior Choir sang "The Angel Rolled the Stone Away" during the church'service on Sunday. They are under the capable leadership of Mrs. Cedric 'Russell with Miss Hilary Johnson as pianist. Rev. David J. Harris, B. Th., chose "Peace" as the subjccý of his message. Church and Sunday School services are at 9:45 arn. wýith nursery services provided for babies and small childnen. We welcome everyone to corne and worship with us. Mrs. L. C. Snowden was a recent visitor with Mrs. W. G: Morison, Bowrnanville. Masters Carl, and Alan Metcalfe spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bnownell while thein parents, Mn. and Mrs. Donald Metcnîf holiday- makes stereo worth listening to., Model 48261 BiLACK &HIT PORTABLE Reg. $129.95 Now $10911 Iod tel 4C684 26" COLOR REG. $779.0 Now $72900I KOOL ENTERPRISES 241IISO ST. BOWM:ANVILLE PHONE 623-3221 Dry Cleanling CaetSPECIALS CAN-,ADA'S LARGEST DRY, CLEANERS, SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MAY3-5 MEN'S or LADIES' 2-mPce. Suit or Combination Jacket&Tirous ers 98Ç ANY COAT $1" PLAIN DRESS 79Ç Drapes-20% /oOff' 79e, PER UNLINED PAN EL 89Ç PER LINED -PAN EL Itt a Hit qs Pee Wee Basebali Gets Underway ed in London, England. The members of Maple î1: Grove Girls 4H- Club, acconp- anied by their leaders, Mrs. Pnescott and' .Mns. Vander e Gast, enjoyed an evening of bowling at the Motor City Bowling Lanes on Monday. Mr. and Mns. Orvus Smithl and fairnîly, Oshawa, wvée Suinday gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Hanthorn and farnily. Mr'. and Mrs. Wallace N'c - Knight, Karen aind Donna, Ebenezen and n, .Leonard ..- ...- .. Bowlcr werc Satundaý7 even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and farnily. Weekend visitons with Mr. > and Mrs. Fred Wright and family wene Mr. Robent Des- rnond, Hamilton; Miss Mar- guerite Wright, Mrs. L.J.i * Bradford, Oshawa; Mn. Gary ;.. Shiels, Mn. Tirn Shiels, New- market; Mn. George Bonchuk, " Mn. and Mns. Ken Wight and .../ boys, Base Line and Mn. and ,-.'.,» . . Mns. Wayne Wright and I m ,. ..... .... .... farnily of Bowmanvîllc. ' Syrnpathy is expressed to Spriflg training began Easter weekend for, Mn. and Mns. Grant Bennett young, Recreation League basebail players and on the passing of his brother, the bail diamnonds in Bowmanville were invaded Mn. Hanold Bennett, Oshawa. Mn. Melvin Holmes isa on Saturday, April 2lst by hundreds of patient in Memorial Hospital, enthusiastie boys. This picture was taken at Lord Bowrnanville. We wish him a Elgin playground where the Pee Wee aged speedy recoveny. Mnr. and Mrs. William Mun- la'ETO roc, Coboung, wene weekehd -E V R O _guests',of Mn. and Mns. Stuart Morton. 1Mr. Ion Page has coxnpleted Phone Mrs.ý Fred Wright, his year at Scarbonough* 623-2589 with any niews items Univensity with the exception you would like published in the of a couple of exams yett Statesman. write. U.C.W. Easten Meeting Mn. and Mrs. Edwand Hofen Maple Grove'U.C.».'. Easten of Blairmone, Alta., are cur-!II meeting was held on Apil 9th rently spending a few days "i dentFlornceCrydrmantheU.S.. an Caada ns Iloi in the Christian Education with Mn. and Mrs. James Hall with 16 present: Presi- Gray in a round trip through denethemreetigreradnahoeUSA.acon anda.forer opocn e Foumetn dinTîme" neibrao conandsforme fooedby"Heornd's Praer Neiglectedof menion lic l, inloe unison. d'sPre falcftaate atetindthe *n Min ues of teMnchme t Service the e r ndday inute wof he M dappnoed. MeriseAnre andBottmey Treasre reJoandpRuelgveMasster enBottomley d honsre îorn Renezn tove sîfcofrmGen a tleondnt-iM a financial report. An invita- Master Dannyl Robinson wencF e thcon MayEenze tlst encd nmd aele itochUniht * Dhmon Vanamp stwilbhe dmn embcnship. ochrc spreer and mwill o bsies ofe A mben f elenonan. spediand hwas ptd srdof wenuereofa teltion* thnks iwas ceivd.Acd fm sae of rs. Caeî Baucn of th Wood for rcmied mins.Raneo r.ctil toadd theof Rt Wooifor shemewasing the numbe eto d theirw hosp witl in ctcborough.thenprs teeargostînle heeo f nltherWorhipeicent fenoon.a Mrs Bradbur 1wasm o tWhat DosEst c enta ote fa. rm f0 Mnand toý Yo"an doewas nted by Mr hs. J. Che ar ad isr. ndn Win rowand Merle Holftedby tolrs.JnCew aome in na with the neadînig of'the Easten Recenit overnight visitons Sfony and singing EasterwihM.adMsDoBow Ahyilogu "A Love to Bless were Mn. and Mrs. Crcw of Sft * A daiogue sprsetd yCatharines. Ah Ntios" as resntc by Mn. and Mrs. Dale Stinson 2 Win Brown and Merle Holfby spnteweedwt n4 aa nan e ,o,ýo atn friends in Niagara FaIls, raingLý(,1-, by WVin,"W t a On Sunday eeinApnîl 2 glcroius thing lîfe iýs and a a fine of unknow«,n onîgîn necipe for a full life", pointcd destroyed a frame bouseI out that hie ho loses his life (forrnerly the abode of Mns.* shahl save it.1 Eddie Fowlen sorne yeans M ~ 1 Appropiate duets were ago) in south-west Cartwright, sung by Merle Swallow and ml eto avr-at alnce Did M Derm 9 .Aand wright boundany. A lange- an i y saviour Die?. n log fractor (4-wheel drive with s "There is à Green Hill Fan winch) appancntly had been* Away" with ail joining in tie diven into the house and- last 'two 'verses. Merle Holtby ended up in the cellan whene if gave a neading "Eastcn addcd to the general confia- T Ecstasy". The meeting cosed ration. Fontunafely due f0, with the Benediction. Lunch the recent nains' the dead was served and asocial time grass which sunnounded theIL enjoyed. 1hus as mu n ,'nih f0 a Sports Schedule for Sa t., May 5th Basebaîl: Atom - Lord Elgin Park 9:ý30 a.m.; Ator - Memnonial Park 9:30 a.m.; "T1" Bail - Vincent Massev Pa,.rk 9:30 a. m.; Girls Sof tball -Central Sehool Grounds :30 a.m.;ii Soccen - Old High School Grounds 9:30 arn,; Pee Wee and Bautam Basebaîl - Lord Elgin Park 1:00 p.m. TRY TO B EAT GULF'S TIRE PRICES. ANYWHERE. c ROWN111 M78 4.-PLY NYLON W4HtITEWALLS You'rc looking at Gulf's bcsf wide-track ias tire(, value. If yplan f0 drive up fo 25,000 'tW iles on a set of tires we recomrnend -the Crown 178 Nylon. Over 30,000 Gulf Dealers across Noth Amierica honour the Gulf tire guarantee that's good for the life of the tread. VAWUES STARTAT DS-C)fRID<11FTRAWI (ARD'bRW(LAD(CI3 BO:0WMNANVILLE BOB COOK King & Waverley 623-3136 STAN SUDDAR D Flying Dutchrnan Guif 623-4181I NEWCASTLE EASTMAN STEEVES.... ...... ..... King Street 98740~3 G if T-PTRAILER 1SALES Hwys. 35& 115 C owethe God Veum ne. 987-5141 Comme toGuit. make it possible for those of us first on the scene to put if out early. The Cartwright Fine Brigade soon anrivcd to super- vise openations with the O.P.P. bcing called in to investigate the source of the bunned tractor and suspicious cincurnsfances. Local Mi TeS Bay Ridges youngsters were holding tneir practices. The rnighty swing by the would-be basebali star. at the~ plate was good for an infield single. That catcher would be wise to wear a mask or risk having his nose flattened bv a foui tip. ,, ,,,,,,,* e,, e *ee, *e e e s s ses, * e * e * e e * *s s e e s e e e e e e e e e e* t e e e May 4th and Sth e at e e ~MacDONALD FORD g e 80 WMAN VILLE THE DO-IT-gYOURSELFER itock 1! e e e LUX-ACLAD ALUMINUMI YOU CAN APPLY IT WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL HELP BONDED BC BOARDL MINIMIZES THE OLD MLI IPROBLEM 0F DENTING, TOUGIIENS UP TIUS LIFETIME AITERIAL 50 STHAT IT LOOKS GOOD FOR MANY MNORE YEARS. PREFINISHE» WHITE. 9HORIZONTAL SIDING $94 .~~,BNDLE0F9 RUNNING FEETr -~BUNDLE 0 0 RNIGFEET . 46. NOCAREALUMINUMSOFFIT ANDALL THE ACCESSORIES FORA JOB YOU CAN BE PROUDOF. PACEMAKER 'ORAGE SHED .ARGE 8' x 7' SIZE PROVIDESOVER300CUBIC FEETOF CONVE NIîENTSTORAGE. COMPLETE- 1READY TO ASSEMBLE $ .88 *CONCRETE CLEARANCE- 7 ONLYM * MIXINSULATED STEEL PEASE DOORS * , n.Combination of Po:rtlanid Pre-hung and prirned - 4 rightý haud opening and 3 lefti *__ cenentandwashd ad grded hand. 2*88" x68. Ideal for front, sîde or back entrances. The Bowmanville Consum '/ Ili.. sand and'gra et iin convellient - ' qmureu. 1 LUC 1141 UroareIt Ara. ers' Gas Mites confinucd their I0 b.'1,s dointin vr heBa SEaite 5u. AVAILABLE AT COURTICE Ridges squad this seasonb', DrA ILLI ~YU STORE ONLY I eliminating thcm for th'e P,9* k, rBA fourth time in fournamient I_________________________________ action. The score was 52ini favon of Bowmarille. 41BER ,J )O L ëCZ IK The Cassquad fook a long ~A A EO S U BRADPL LA~C FODSNSi tm ogef rolling and *CiOlaance --Cotoured Plumibing 3 Only-NO. 525 5SOniy-No. 303 golfender Kenny 'Woodand 3 was caled upon f0 make many Vanit" Sink ,Iwith Rîm Stainless Steel Single BowvI stops. Barry Cullen finally* Y BAT H TU B S 1" onWiem scored, the assisfs goingfto 12GL-,$5 aT larwt eg Bc,3Hl Captain Bîly Hogarh and 2 L 1GRE E N -REG. $99 oC e rto Clear $21-"»eu. 0 Ricky Erwin, who is skating cxtremely wcll of late. Erwin*TO$ 4 5 19eai scored a goal, the assisfs 5 O l o 1 o r H l ,D u l t i l s t e going to Rod Plain and i CLEAR $44--5cNo.1199 Fu HlDobeea-lesSte Hoganth. This was a power- uON*NY Square Bowls with Ledge BackI play manker.... Bay Ridgcs sconed f0 nar- 9*-ONE ONLY '1 rwthe margin f0 2-1, but g~,WHITE TUB 2 O CEAR $39.50 TIPý Cullen came ight back and Ni.___ CONVENUNT LOAIN sconed bis secondorking Cipd ~ W.WS assisted by h-r- ork50 Hoganfh i , iCOURTICE'YARD In the second stanza, "The SAW Bay" continued f0 fine shots al, ODCOO àVRE $3 WOOD BOWMANVILLE, and S'ALESROOM the Eowmanvillc cage, this * AnCLR EERE é-3 time Bian Ruddy making the TRAP TOILET - COURTICE ROAD i stops, a couple of them_ _ _ _ _ _ brlin.WA&FrHFOUS4E LUMBRERLAND. AND Billy Sainsbury fined the W R*I fEB OO S . 1* fourth Bowrnanville fally, IAfDIM I I ,oBLRSTIAT pouncing on a loose puck, the L _______ x assists going to line-mates IMeMillan Drive 0 T .5ON A -< Plain and Jeff Logan. * and Bonid Street Jk IN G r. W. "-*NWAYf._________________ Joc Nihili, on a fine solo »owntown shwa. 401 HHWY effort, sconed the final goal for I end of the garne. Bowmanville will now meet i ~ ~ ~ ~ -~u...u,~in~ umin n Malton, an ext remely fine à JjjI fl ljJ1 * ItI HIIf 5ILLî1IUi1h II IFEi I li! team, Sfra at 11:05 a.rn. u m m u m u m ~ m m m m m m m m m SPECIAL MOI,