__________________________________CareerEx, ~ Wide« Vani Students ot the area schools; mil will have a wide variety of Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auciîon Sales 'Real Estate foi Sale thesCre e Ep o '3 na y 9iiia RIDE fromn Bomanvllle to Auction sale of furniture, A CI~~ usaMylt la tBwavleHg col Port Hope, 9 a.m. Monday to apliances, antiques, etc., FRIDAY, MAY 1lth SALE O ýng auction for MrvnHar - Over 40 groups of repres;enta- Friday, and return. Please, property of Gabriel Grabow- Auction sale friue Grist Milli Auction Barn, per Farms ote on the 8thtvs rmte uiesids cai 63-598 181 ki,24 Smco S. N Prt ndantqusthepr pety0f EVTON TTT~ Concesion of Pickerin,,ow trial. trade and professional Perry, Saturday, May 5th. n nius h rpryo N W O VL E shiben NU ml es o h ROOM and board,-May toSe bisfo copee ls Mrs. George Lane, will be h1 ,ben ' il as f h areas'of work wiil be repre- August inclusive, five daysbSaleso12:30 p.m e Sence- .held in the village of Port Fia ,May 4th 'Markham-Picker:ing Towin.te, EAL UTATE MIM Ma sned. hsegous sc dasrae t123ay,.Td pnc-4 miles SýE. in-ouffvlle i Per week, W. J. Bowvers, Gen- îey, Bethany 277-2989,- Grant Perry, 64 John St. McClary 7:00 P.M. cîuding 55 eof BrwnSw i ______________ ayo hsegopsc eralDelieryBowanvile. erry Hapton 263-603refrig, automnatic dcfrost, Vik- Beaver Woodlathe, Beaver Hlsteins, springers, 28 sows **asteC1C.ndHsia SAuctioneers. 17-2 ing upright deep freeze,, Tap- Planer and Jointer, Skilsaw, fresh before salec time,20Sevceznluea ag WANTED someoe f0 ploughpin electric stove, chrome Mecr1uhad ( .p) hns 0va calves, hay, ?34 King~ St. E., Bownilfle number of vocational possi- garde2n, 100x150', Darlington. "WHITE ELEPHANT" table and chairs, 2 pechcester PnySadde', Teat Camper, ;traw, grain, shcelled corn, etc. 623-3393 bilities. whileý others such as Lot 10, Concession 10 at Cart- AUCTION SALE rield suite, large quantîty of Fîidges, Stoves, Chesterfield N;ote: These are good cattie Pharmnacy areiavailab1ecto the wright Townline. Also need To be held la Bethany, Sat., dishes and antiques, leather Suites, Tables and Chairs, ind pigs. Property expropri- Bowmanville Commercial student wt a specifie initer- truckload of manure. Cal' May l2tli, 1 o'clock, furaiture, tipholstered platform rocker, Ceffoe Tables, Hair Dryer and ited (ncw airport area'i R- collect. B. Headford (Toronto) dishes, clothes, antiques, etc. swîvel rocker, telephone table Chair, Continental Bed, plus freshments. Sale 1 ri-,. At - King, St. E., brick 6 room- est. 261368_____6____18-_______ Sponsoredoty-an liht 3 bymdeBebd-hany-Poat.y-nsgrmensandk noightWis,-3, opc wtmodemcù Iebcdo 26-62atr6pm 81Pool Official Board of United room suite, antique picture AnythqePrecosignatsadker soand ilons. leM rstomranth offsieId$40fr;000.~- Antqus, res BckRocer.1ad uctoners 1-2 Doctor, 1Lawyler or take eutnRea±l state for Sale BOS-YUGMN Churcb. Lunch available at frames, Elnan electric sewing Pine Tables, Arm Chairs andia -_Trsurat. Alsking $40,0. BsS-YUN E ale. Ted Spencely Auctioneer. machine, 3 pc modern bcd- maermsorC.îNoPhyelis McRobbie. 1725 yu anno ~ _____ 18-2 room suite, Viking air coadi- mLymr." ah} oiet C ei"s_ ~ FRSL 1725 yu ai OwjOntioner, milk glass plate, Nip- NOTsICahEloinnileHy.N.2 .M WEEKLY pon bowl and plate, beehive Auctioneers A TDO CEDRS !3 Gres at petial with th îs ROVER SCOUTS LIVESTOCK SALES sealler, beaver sealor, large BOB & FRANK STAPEO IN THE ESTATE 0F FRED ris tandi. . bedmoom alumni-' ____ A f thr u c:May propery1of Mr. and ApRsonhaviOng fýtelIm omenly $49,900. es Caîl D. Shaw - 263-8168 at Durham County Sales Arena aîîd miscellaneous articles. !Toivn of Bowmànville, in the, me, aI o62ins3-76-. 181Ooo-EeyTus,73 .l.Terras cash, Sale at 12:30. AuctionaSale on Saturday, C)utvof Durham ýdccc sdob l garag,90implermn _____ ____Selling Horses, Cattle, Swine, Reg and Larry Johnson, A îMa 2th, poountfMrynd Al csosiýv ii adeln:rscdTem. Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie tioneers. Ph. (705) 357-3270. Mrs. Clement J. Boyd, fi îgainst the Estate of Fred Ed- rond'li cRbi. 2378 Wanted ta Buy Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- Gerald Graham, clerk. 18-1 PontypooI -Furiture, An- wr -u olatpe ofthelBowinanville Area 1 CEo ae prietor.23t tiques, placs Two edcc- Town of Bowmanville in the! 3 bedrioom, bright and clo s te N 2 1and50().gh USED Furniture and Appli- trie stoves, one fridgc and County, of Durham, whodidherbuglw maclt.wy AS NG$350 ances. Padys MarketHamp- BOB nd FBANK aturday, May 5 at 1:00 P-m. freezer combîned, beach swlnor_ about MaI-rch îthi, ,eîaîo1om9at73 gr O MAVLE j it ans ud' akt ap O n R N Clearing Farm MachinerY stacedlr-ion l9ILE,'73t sl ton 263-2241. 26-tf ST P E O uto o u ety ýLazy Boy chair, other chairsjarre rqircid to file suchage, patio and fenced 75 x 147 cd 2 bedroom bungalow withI fl"HIGEST Prices paid for Scugog (Noitheast of Port îotbeba octoTV amswt-h aesigaed1lot. Goiod area. Only S27,000.attached garage on a large cars, trucks and tractors. A JCTIONEERS Perry), being -5, miles North kýoasoles, two double bedsoa ieo re the 3lst day of' feris., Cali Phyllis McRobbi. wauter fianit lot 100 x 200. Pho,,ne Ackerman Auto Wreck- Speializin,- i al types of of 7A Highway' on County two, washing machines, kit-iMay, 1973; thefete.teun.ýîo1wavleLT n OSo OS ors, 623-5756 or 623-7112. AE n SAE Road No. 7, thon 1I-mile East. e eds ahbsisal dersigned wiîî distibulte thd3WalIl OS n OSo OS _____ 15-8 Phone Newcastle 987-4767 lat Texaco Station, Con. ha P, W dae ad crti asset3 f heUad 2stt , av- Lox-ely two bedroom homne Spncr 63-25 -e---ile 86-2953 !Scugog. Seuling: Cocksbutt uitcases, chitet ofdr'awers, iag regard oly te h cnm vith sepnrate dining room Esi 16tf1250 diesel tracter with load- ibicYcles. tricycles, maIe bud-'thonfie.te firelc.deahdga. ae Rbno - 6339 Dead Stock Service tfi ,e adcage, tvo ch 1lc] DATED at BCaall. g. oseto nov high schooe 'MarySmt ___________________or (real good), M-H gas trac-'i c t I Cl t 1 hl Slt tor, Int., 16-rua seerddill on follets, electrie lawn mower, thiq 27th day c(f April.7, 973. \king S26,900. Caîl Atidrey 786-2283 NewtonvIlIe FarmesAttnton SATURDAI', MAY 5, 12:30 ruhher (like new). N-H haler. play peas, radie, one swivclil rederick CanierenHuta Plainl. Banner Passant 823-3258 DEAD iSTOCK SERVICE MACHINERY - FURNITRi- 7' mower (P.T.O.), Cock- choir, wheelbari-ow, chester- 1 oad eo12 ËExec-utor', aadý Bow-manville RolIy Spencer - 82-7694 at 'M'ARGW1LL FUR FARMI Auction sale including A-C!shu"t side-rake, Int. combine, field, body massager, twe Pie- ýMargaret Hutten, Widovw. by, omrilprprywt undcer new management and WD 45 tracter, A-C WD trac- Cockshutt cultivators, dises,ni tables, single bed. aute- - heir solicitors: omec18-Ipet wt owaeirship. We appreciate a tor, A-C 7' mower, 'A-C sie-3fur plow (3 pt. h.), dicinaie rnn ahnpc- 8500 sq. ft. of 2 flooî- factery caili from you when anece.ssary. ake, McCormick No. 46 balerharrows, manure spreader, able TV. Other articles teel BARBER AND KELLY spoce. Fotgs n to Peter Kowal, Jr. Caîl collee-t 263-2721 ýA-C cultivator, New Idea wagon on ubber, 500 lbs.loumel-o)us te mention. Alt ap-: 28 King Streat West streets cf 132' -and 107' plu REAL ESTATE Lic. No. 416C73 manure sproader, rubber-tir- fertilizer, lawn mower andi pliances ia good voî-kiag con-i Box 1591 eroibic brn pts NEA ISU NC R.R. 5, BEwmaaville, Ontarie cd wagon and rock, Frigidaire lother misceloneous items. cition. Lunch will be sorvedil BOWMANVILLE, Onaie epairate diniag ooni. Askiag GEEA ISU NC R. W. OWERIN LTD. uprig,ht freezer, washiag ma-Quantity eofufýrniture, includ- Sl ie1:0pm wn 82'500 o m.Ct hli13 igS.V omnil 8-tu chine,, pine chest of drawers. ,îng washiagq machine, combia- Fitzgerald, Auctioner. Phoae i Mcltcbbie. Phone 623-2453 extension table and 6 chairs a:iion fridge. clotheps dryer, etc. ý277.2959 Býethany. 18-il NoticePntpoDirctBcsokaeeihyie Buiesdrop leaf table, 'pine clin- .Terma cash. Noù _______tpolDsritBieisok ca board, washstands. number Form solci. HnyKh u- Acin îl tfriu NOTICE OF ANNUAL 9 ce -oln ad part- lacre farm, eiîghlty okhe Opportunity of crocks, copperier an- tiOn -Services, Whîtby,- 668- ýaad extra large quantity et1 MEETING OF l odd a rnae o .)good ay loamn soul, creekad - - EARN ONEY IN que china lamp, becis and 61g0, 17-2itools andi scr-ap steel for thei SHAREHTOLDERS thiree roads. Ideal retu-eat o îi n lre a'.tw-t1e EAN30E N dressers. Numnerous other. Publie True, poet tTHE PORT DARLINGTON ýinvestrnent propertx-. Asking hse.Asing $85 ai,000.str SPARE TIME articles.' The property et Mmiý. WLVSA~ AY th !Mr. Steele, 150 Meadowvaleý HARBOUR COMPANY SO00 Terms. Call Donc Mon ormea te re-stock Ctf'id Soaley, Lot 10, Con.: 10:341a.m. Ave., West Hill (take Lawsonl TAKE- NOTICE th;dtfthe Founci 623-3965. Nnt-h-e ar cm ailollet aeiy cfr-em N etofRachewshirpon Hw mi 20 OSTIS Roaci at West Hill, off Kingi-lAnnual Meeting of Shre old wmitetBomvvll, xcl By eis ofe The Port Dolatno~avelent soif, îwo boras, large T pe hig quoitn ci-pr ete Mnhse nHy' DAIRY EQUIPMENT ton Road by 401 , , h bath, forceci air ateci(lispesrsivour area 7A, Sale at 12:30. Farm solci.Watch for signs. Two 1,, Habu orpn wl e Faimuly, home, foui- bcd-Ilieuse, wvth ah No selling'. To quoîify, nusÏ Lloyd Wilson and W. D. At-. HEBERDOWN HOLSTEIN trial drill prse;t-20 eo t76Sue te tl, o large sereeneci roiseci oit heating. Gooci investmnent havecar refreaes 1000 00 kinsen, Sale managers anci DISPERSAL for the Estate ofi;gallon cil tanks; three 36" bedlewmanville, On t or io, on01 ec'aiop, iipaeprpry te $3000.0O0 ah. ve te Auctioneers. 17-2 the Late Heber Down, 1, miile 'lathes; one large steel planer; Moaday the 4th day et June, îîe' two of thef many extras ian! heepreels cflanci. New- twvelve huri îveekly con net west of nrookuîn on Hy.No n hpr;oeler; o 17,a h en f80 iýISecletapitdadt rville area: I 35 ocres level time.We esabiis yourinute Farmsoli- Aucien slo.o150 Heaci, 5Registeredq,ower haeksaw; one large andithe eeîg local timne, for- designe~ldwiîaiig. To arrange'~~ ihpn;1 9ar We 2stiî'ýis1 Y(',", oue. ar sod Autin sleof,50N.I.P. Registereci Grades. cao ismalQuebec heater; onelthe followiag purposes: , ppointmrent 'Li.)viewý, contactpace with spring pond: 1, 35 For persona lievwWrite: Livesteek, Implements andi 30 Grades. D.H.I.A. Testcd for large Brigg aci Stratten gos[ 1 . To receive and conidler Put Yeo. Pl'iceci at $4-Q,500. acr-e parcel w'tth gravel pit icuigpoe ume. Householci Furnture. 33 heaci mony ycors. Several records engine, four cylinders; twothe Report aci Finarnial Bewdley n ev uh BV.DISTRIBUTORS cf Hereford and Holstein Lip te 17,000 -18,000 IL 120 bearing presses; beach dmi11 Statemneat of the Auditer; uliglt v[ ýý&Hn Limlited cattie, 12 Hereford aci Hol- Milk Cows, 90 bred ad open Presses; large number oet dec-ý 2. To eleet the Directe rs eto Biligltfwt xclet Immnaculate thiree-bedrooml Dept "A" itein heifers, 21 Hereford andi heifers aci calves. The cattle trical mtr ogn uo;heCmayt od .vîew of Rice jiake-. Gocdilarea. bungalow, g a r o goe, paved 1117 ffiliddele 1, moor rigngacre eaci. iPriceci from drive, in gond ieidential area, 117Tecumsteh Road, East, Hostein steers 1 te 2 years'are goci sizendiniexcellent '2 h.p. to one hp.; large jnt the aext Annual Meeting,'5,500. Ternis.CotRyF-clstehpia.S280 WINDSOR 20, Ontario. .!olci; 1968 Int. 504 diesel tract- condition.' Also selling: De-,amouat et electrical parts; )f the Shiaielolders; : 'turs-coe osopig S280 ci, o, power stccriag, fully equip- lal Pipe liae milker - No. 771Iarge pile steel siding; two 3. To appoint the Auditor' oi. Very central 1'~ sterey - iec with 2001 Int. manure va.»cluum pumpil, units, 108 con imaîl ai- cempressors: weld- ind authorize the Directors te ExecutiveHome home, alîuminumn sidiag, gar- Auction Sales 1leader, Int. W4 Super gos trac-' Delaval B3ulk Ta--nk <2' yeors ), îing equîpmeat: mociel 12001fix their reaiuneratioa; Campbellcroft age, paveci drive, coulci alsoý 196 tt.13 bS. manureteoci caris, Woen power -,60 cycle 220-440 volt 200 amps 4. To transoc uhfrhr 23 otbnao.OI eicm rpry Autotoea et oks pedr, 68PTO;30b Int.chfuter 20 No.thiiali, 33t ie n7"poery Saleal Ie, srowerme, 1968 M-F o. self ifnloýacing feed dort, 2 oat'arch wetder; box electrical mci other tbusiness as njiaytaaciing home ýwith modemr s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hedranml pwrmwr,16 - o olr, John Deere 3010 Die- weldiag mcdi; chesteu.fielcijoroperly come betore théifeatue. AItl ths on 28 acies Atter heurs- Cal ofhei Haydon, one miees aeP 96MF ie el T actor olader, John scuite: weldiag gouges aci meeting. !of fuît gî-cwa olk, mpe .Beh - - 6356 etEniklen nS0tuldayI rake M.F."plough,3-bs, 3 N254ÉPTO evenling, May l2th fumntre t., F.pog,3I' 3De N.1PTC. malul'eitips. This isa large, interest- DATED aýt PortDaintwîcod. Aig $70,000. j atn - - 6339 trma shw oe n 4' boy elevator. snow DoeJ.ue o.- 63-e9 Browmanvili1a cott age bo 1r,3PI.; 1966cG. uC 1/ ipeader, Dual vwheel trailer ing oidunusuial sale. Termisithiq 2401 do" forAnr;l. r1973 'Termos...Call Ry Foster. 6356 cotlciy1,g:tat p.. Salle to-n tmucký with rock (heavy ix 16firock. Eqiuiprnient will seli casýh, ne reserve. Sole time,»BY ORDRER0Fr THE BOARD 18-1a - v_5ç -- setr're. Ciglff t P .rhi Nol y ~a uytraiter w ,Iii at 1 p.mi. This large sale 51hi ay S J p1 J. Thompsa, Kendal Hliîlis 8 Au ý-irack, 1' -grain ouger, iing tar prmpty I 1:3 0 Za.n1. sharp.fVIe1ýS K;ngf, Au rîji o- 'I.Tbm o"eauliful bo n n 6.6 ______________ itteer. 18-2 lawa mn rowe, ýdouble dise, mto- SaleCI dr over. LunchlýeraiCroe 7555. csdn.acres Iceec ildnc i ustanaing i ile, euty qupea, ul vilable. Lloyd Wilson aci! view. 7 cooms, 2 bati, tire -i ----- tilr'Jlr qimetfl ua lc, lcreha.Akn - une of macbiaery, grain W.' D.'Atkiason, Sale Monao DEDAY, MAY îGth !Rea leEtt a t '!400Gdti heo. CAlkioy x~iaixer -Vismunt 21cu. ft. depigers aci Auctioneers, Ux- 1 0am Solci - Auction Sale=..Cu omi otL~I Lîptay itd. straw, VENESLLuÂEstte21 eu.S46IL0RoyecKo II- Y A uctio n ers - valuat r eeze, 2 b la ck a d w h ite tele- tb rid g e 4 16852-3524. 18 - 1 L iv s o , l î , î~ ~ R S O S B 1 . c u l e o t r A T Lietok *state Sales visions, 2 pine tables, dinet te 1 seme Fuî-niture, 55 beoci et quires house with 3 berimoomni,1 Orono tal il hir,', rses 1bstein cattie, 3 îegistereci must ho in gooci condition,. Hgbpodcivfar.95i623-4403 Blood Hlorses taleoftu4charsa2dressesAY i1 lth 52 i-oes.23 atue cwset, tonmils u Boman FrProfessional Service cal]antique kitcee152cuacboard7,mtireHt s' jithin e misofl%ý,n - SEELP ca9' x 12' rug, polo lamp, new,1 Far,-n Sold - Auctien Sale lthese large numbei- fresh andlville. No ealtors pleose. 623ý'acres %%ithi high bar i' 0'itarter Home in Oshawa 1, OW AY 'LE pale book rock, 2 mirrors, t LivesteeR, Implemnents aci'sPrnginig. Ail colws are unit 4325. 18beoas.9roora bouseloimpne- VILLE aient bo sheci. Gooci Springs toci. erombnglwo 416-263-2117 3dFrntuýe 7 had 6' x 127' lot. Taxes only 416-263-2117 leaf plates, flot irons, croeks. et Shecîhocnanoac Gallowaylunit breediag for 20 ycas!Real Ejstate for Saeo200asky. a 1750.O 3t ollampi, lantera, smoll elee-icaIlle, 16 mature Shorthomnil oîtinhefrsbîdfrmil 3-ftrie kitchen appliances, manv cows due in May, breci Here- Nvme eJnay1 -i--o~avîeOhw Aucio Sle- Studa, tho husbociitems aci ford; 13 mature Galloway stcia heifers 1yasli 9Atatv plit bungalow. i Newly de-coroleci 3 bedroom' 1:15 p.m. aturSaeenlarge quantity et antiques. cewi due June aci July, breci cave 1 1 mos. olThs9i - 3 bdrora iaihc ecýebngl- n oc sz o Moy, S5th, 11 m.a'avo ho popety et Alvin Masters, Hieoc 8 hrli aci s1t e.ce.Ti s3 euunfiihd e oincnao, nago ie o Produets warehouse on Hwy. Lot 14, Con. 6, Cavan Twp., Hereford stocker steW, s. 1 yr. oa high gracie herd ofaiHo-' ith bar, broadloom incilivinýg witb cietacheci garage. Asking 28 i n ftie village of Bewdiey, 110 miles south et Peterbor- olci; 19 Angus aci iieretord steiîîs. Officially Icientifieci - mcm acd iniing room. Aîk.-- .3,000.00.' r'o'nsisting eft hall rack, wash- ough on Hwy No. 28 (Fraser- steers, 1 yr. olci; 3 Heî-etord Grades under the NIP ai-- tg $39,900. Caîl Bill Tuman- 'Vacant Land stanlds, large pine chest ef ville) aci 2 mlles west. Terni steens, 9 meaiths'elci; 3 Hoe- grain ad records will' be - - Building lot in Ca-van 101' dcwrchromeu suite, &rm cash. No reserve. Furiture forci heifers, £6 moatbs olci; avoilobie day cf sale. Ail cews Nwovleý 5' Aknjs 4000. chaiÏrs, simall tables, becs, sale at 12,Noon. Machine sale î9tus John Deere 4t)20 diesel ýwill be prcgnamcy clîcekeci be-1 etioville x 351'-Act asknti uio $40000 dining oomli table, chairs, :it 2:00 p.m. CaIlle sole a!tradter, power sifit, power fore sole. 1964 M.F. '65 ciesel 623.-2503 eioaeitne bouse with A ato bsoe cubhes, glossware, ouilomps, :30 p.m. Carl Hicksem, Aue- steecin gaci brakes, pulley trocto- w it h muîti-power, 13,1 acces, lai-go bora, situaleci Near Soaya dock, picture trames, books' ioneer, Reaboro, Ontario.i equippeci' 1971 John Deere power steering, Freeman manl-1 Bowvmanville - eIder 3 beci close te, 401 clover leat. Ideoýl, 4 ocres- $12.500.00 eletîic lPawn mower, steel 1-705-324-9959. 17-2.212o diesel tîactor, pove uî-e leader, grovel bueketý, mcm brick bungalow,ý on lo)t!coc1niei-. Bush anci spring.! 7 acces- $13,500,00 caibinlet, ciîl stand, electrie sîeriag, 'lully equippeci, ap- manuire bucket, saew bladei70xl138, close te sebools aci Asking, $60,000 witb termi,9 ccswtrbueoc grnder. olis, aci other ati- AUCTION SALE drxmtl 8 r. 91oc pulley. Super W4 I.,401 Hîwy. A Sg24000 witb edrvihtk oktn oa$50,0 f l11 being deasigneci. SAURDJohAYn Deere plough, 4-16's itractor (goci>. 1972 New Hol- termns mortgoge. Colt Jan Oud-, los Auctoneer JohnhyciMaYie5rset:anci power mower xitb hay sinrn .We bave c ltslokiag for Rogr am ser isenui-mount, hdali cetiio 181Complete Pemitîdale Dis- Job-i Deere 24T halr1ocibale conditiorier altachmenî î19,2 Bomnile-oer1,50ocsp-prts th r persal. 86 heaci e reg. aci ejector. 2 John aDeee -tonMF4î'î. q 1.stoey homre ini tho aorlheaBv~amiîwlhu bos. fyuar grade Holstein catîle,'50 reg-iwagons with hal. ok Newv Hollanci manui-e 'preaci area close te sclhool, goci; Nothv -est section. Delighl-;tbînk--ing et selling, raIl for AuAclion sale et furniture istereci, 36 gracies, 21 register-l 16, 1964 John DeerePTO Int.~ 14 teî ulia starter home. Asking $2-1,50OOJul 4 bedrcom family home in'fait aci( efficient service. fMr. aci Mmi. John Van cd mature females, 14 reg- iproyer. 197,) Glenco 12' culti-!îoî-; 1971 A-C BlcE 3 with terras. ain excellent area close lei for -- ._ - -ý 1 lLord --4 . Cetra oaiDulh! .8c-k Gibbs - - 7315 îanmees mies, pîctures, oast. Termýs cash., nuorsrv.Frntî ale at 12 Noon - Kay Brown -- 623-3150 , stoler lwn sin, ni.Machiaery sale at 12:30 p.ra. Machine sale aI 1-00 p.ra!Roy Foster - Oronoü 983-5801 tires, plus hundreis etf011,cr Dairy equiprncat ad caIlle CaIlle aI 3:30 p.ra. Carl Htck- Bil-- ay- rn 9352 miscellaneous articles 100 niu- aI t,1 pra. Catalogues avoil- son. Auclioneer, Reabomo, On-mug BlTrasy-rno9352 coilt a rs im.TrsCarl Hickson, Sales Manager tarte, î7053249959. n dFl e a ana rket a nu3-7-59 cash.t Myles King, Auclioneer anci Auctiomeer, Reaboro. FINE QUALITY iBhStelni-6230 anci Cartage. 725-5751. 18-1V324-9959. 17-2 MONUMENTS AND Sale uhrPland- -623-3563 Rea Esat fo Sae ARKERS aga eNorm Wethenup -723-4809 - REAL. EýÀ jAFFORD C'4 mUuý ik '¶ ýrr»rPTvw fdEnua ubM<o [~cIMted-Akv~1SALES ~EA ' R RREPRESENTATIVES W. are interested in Interviewing people Who are either already iicensed, or have passed the "Introduction to Real Estate" course. Only career minded people neeti apply, We o11cr you the facilities andi help neeessary to earn Excellent Incomne. For personal interview eall Bill MeFeeters. Dcxys 723-2265 Evenings 725-1726' 15-tf Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 Phone Whitby 688-3532 1:00 p.m., to 5:00 p.rn. AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Cail 623-3874 or 623.3881 Rummage Pick-Up Sponsored by: 1 YOUR B.H.S. BAND and PARENT-BAND ASSOCIATION fJaIZZU L 1 Zo LJUIN1 - i SPECIAL DISCOUJNT FOR CASH SALES BROCK#S. Bp MULTIPLE LISTING SEIVICE! SALES & SERVI.CE Oshawa & Distrîct We Service What We SelF' Phone 623-5487 Real Estate Board ~ t . omnll 'I _________________________________________________________________________ Care organi Dopai manvýil anci Ce stimIu. thleir v previci Ihat m '73 WiII Present y of Exthibits ?(Expo '73 bas beeni people octualiy working in izeci by the Guidiance Ihat type ef occupation. Not ahl 'Iments et the Bow- occupations coulci possibly be ilie, 'Cor'twrighh, Clarke representoci but a studeat con ourtice Higb Scbools te finciraony et the :eniümon ote students te consider interesîs that ho may' have 'ocational future aci te consiciereci as .well os the le on epportun-ity for oppertunity te explore a new' to discuss some coreors one or twe. ay interest thora with Jewel Collection on Display at1 Would yeu beliove star sapphireýsaci rubies et a perfectin unknown oven te the richest et ancicat kingsI Yeu con see thora right here in Bowmnaaville at Hoopor'1s Jewellers -- as part et a collection of fine jowellery appropriaf-ly nameci 'Cpna- diana'. The tascinoting part of this collection is the LINDE Star. Wbat is a LINDE Star? A synthelie rubyý or soppbiro which captures the tire, the depth aci, as jewellers like te put il, 1!he,,'waher et maturai LINDE Star sopphires have a faFciaia'ýig histery which1 Hooper's gees bock ho the Second World War. To guard agait a shortage et synthetie sap- phires frora Europe, Union Carbide was commissionoci ho develep an improvoci- version et these bord-woaring sap- phires for use in vital machin- ery. Anci se, eut ef the making et compasses, ronge tinders, tank aci airplane parts camne Lhe beautiful stones whicb m ake tmp th 'e Linde 'Canaci- iana' collection. Stones se true, se deep, se brilliont that only' a practiseci jeweller, equippeci wihh a loupe con tell À?theditterlnce OO'< HOPPING and L KC FA KKINU !! THE HOME 0F QUALITY and SERVICE POKK BUTT - LEAN - WELL TRZIMMED Roasts or Chops 891b SWIFT'S EUROPEAN STYLE Breakfast LIVER LOAF BACON store Sliced CANADA 11ACKERS RANCH STYLE lui Store Sliced BO0LOGNA 5 9 FRESH DAILY PRODUCE SPECIALS!! DOLE No. 1 BANANAS A2 lb. 9 FRESH TlENDER I*.GREEN ASPARAGUS 4 l9b BUDGET PRICED No. 1 SML NTARIO 25 bs. POTATOES TOASTMASTER' AGAE' Tea Biscuits DON UTS Save 28e Save 10e THIS WEEK'S BUDGET H11-C - 418-oz. Tins PRICED SPECIALS ORANGE DRINK 3 for 99c Bmck's - Both at sa-ve 10e 1 JAR 0F PICKLED ONIONS 8ou 'and 1 JAR 0F SWEET GHERKINS %c VIVA - Assorted Colours 2 Roll Pk,. PAPER TQWELS 59C I URîTAN - 24-oz. Tin Save lOc Meat Bail Stew 59C PURITAN - 24-oz. Tin Save 10e Beains and Wieners 59c BUtTTERNUT £TOAISTMUAST ER MARGARINE White Sliced Protein MARGRINEBRE ADI 100% Pure Veg. Oi lo 99sc LoO WeIntroducing U We ow carry a complete LQ"%Kselection of Health Food Products Start EACH DAY the Natuiral way with Vitamins - Minerais - Pure Fruit Juices and Vegetable Jluices NATURE'S PURE FOODS without additives ROLLED OATS, UNBLEACHED FLOUR, CEREAL, ETC. also NATURE'S NATURAL COSMETIC PRODUCTS Corne In and- Browse Aroutnd DYKSTRA'S Food Market SELECTION and SATISFACTION ASK ABOUT MEAT and CHEESE PLATTERS for your party Largest Selection of DELICATESSEN 1MEATS and CHEESE 77 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3541 _____________________________ T 1- 8