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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 2

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2Tite Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Mav 2, 1973 An Importanjt CORREC"nTION~ BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. IN THE BEAVER SPRING SALE FLYER FOR 1973, PRICING ON WOOD FENCING SHOULD READ PER LINEAL FOOTr. B E AVER Rudi - Linda - Mia 9 è 'BEAUTY MIIIII~SALON' wish to introduce two new staff mem bers who .,w.1-11joir them May 7th cJANET SMATHEWS P For Appointments à Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. KATHY _ BAKER For Appointmnents Tues.-Thurs. Fri.-Sat. IN THE BOWMANVILLE PLAZA PHONE 623-2931 FOR APPOINTMENTS IProvincial Court .May1, 1573 judge R. B. Baxter presîded1 witb Assistant Crown Att or- ney K. Stubington and Dutyf Counsel MIr. K. Van Nest. t Keith Humnphrey, age 30, 96 Kippeadavie Ave., Toronto, pleaded guilty f0 a charge of baving the care and control ofi a car affer havingc consumedi alcobiol February 24, Town- sh-ip of Clarke. Mr. Humphrey asked for an adjourrnment butý as the trial bad been set for r today the ýCrown objected. Const. M1arkle and Corp. Lee observed a car on thie south1 shoulder in the eastbouad lanet with lights on and the motort r-unning. Mr. Humphrey wasf asleep ia the front seat. H1ec didni't have a licence as if was suspended, Breath samples were .16 anýd .15. 11e wýas found guilty on the evidence and the fine was $1I50, costs $3 and la deft 15 d.s MWarlo Stralsic,'214 Tresane St., sh who appeared last week and was rmne fr one week on tlhe charge that be did ulwflyconfine ,Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Leo)d, Marchl 3oth last,, ro-ceivýed a furtberi romnand of on.e week a ind will be in cstdy jack D. Russeli, 39, R.R. 2, Warkworth, pleaided g7uilty f0 impaired driving onàMarch 25th, Towashîp of Clarke?. At .5 p.m. Const.* Forman received a complaint of erra tic driving on Highway 401,. Later the vebicle was found parked on the south shoulder of Higbway 35 with Mr. Russell lying on the front seat. Breath sample readings were .21 and .20. The fine was $150, costs $3, in default 15 days, liquor confis- cated and licence suspension by the Departmeat of Trans- port. Aadrew Yaworoski, 44, 224 Lupin Dr., Whitby, pleaded- guilty f0 impaired driving, March 25th in Bowmnaavîlle. Constables Schum-aker and Corporal Parker fllowed him and stopped him, on Hunt Street. He failed t0 stop at three stop signs. Breath read- ings were . 14 and J15. The fine was $150, costs $3, in default 15 days. The licence will be susponded by the Depart mont. Willet Norris, 38, Toronto, charged witb illegal posses- sion, receivod a fine of $50, costs $3, in default 5 days. Tne liquor was coafiscated. Cûnst. Mecoy stopped Mr. Norris an-d founid a case of beer and oneq bottle of liquor. Mrs. Karen McDonald, age 19g, .3 Durham St., Bowm-aný- ville, pleaded guîlty, through, betr busbaad to hiaving liquor in offher than residence on March 2, Township of Clarke. The fine was $50, cosf s $3. liquor confiscated. She waý; given 28 days to pay. Bruce Francis, 24, Orono, charged April 1 with driving to lef t of the centre lino when there was not a clear view, of the road pleaded git.Th~e fine was $'30, costs $3, in default 3 days. Mrs. Arlene MCrbRR 3, Bowmanville, chargedJ Apild 8. on Higbway 2 with folowing another car more closely tîhan wsprudent, pleade d guilty. A car waIs bit wt damag-e $300. Tbe fine xvas $'30, costs $3, la default , 3 days. charged and the fine was $60, costs $3, in default 6 days. Steve Adcock, Bowmaa- ville, pleaded not guilty f0 having liquor in other than bis residIence. Coast Markle checked -a, vehicle April 2, eastboundi on H Iighway 2. On the back seat was a 24 pint case of beer with one bot fie missing. AdIcock admitted if was i;s and 1Sa i d the bot tie was ouf wheni purcbiased. lie was found gi yas chare 11 e along the club's best wishes foi classroom and if the Board said Beilmore, "The teachers teachers into thîs position." the youtig people. Must eut staff it should fîrst don't intend or plan to do The teachers' contracts consider reducing ifs top- this. " "However " e he added, corne up for renewal at the er Ail tie Pennsylvania stu- heavy administration, main- "the Board rnay drive the ofAug--ust, 1973. dents mnade a point of express- tenance and other supporti,,",i1 ýC l11 ing their appreciation to the staff, rather than its teach- Bowmaville Rotarians. Lt 's ers." According to Beilmore'i such gestures which make figures the Northumberland- DE LOI TT E, HASKINSi & SELLS themn weîcome guests in Durham Board empiloys 36 Biowmanville and first-rate administrators, including 15 Cha rtered Accounta nts dîplomauts for their sehool and consultants and five superin- OFFICES IN MIAJOR CANADIAN CITIES tow. Ohe Roary rs tendents and their assistants. BELL'CANADA1 BUILDIN<i Inla rItttý Affair To date, the Teacher-Board OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWAE ai alWlff.Relations Committee bas met W LenLuas ndEar O five times without resolving I'ARPTNERIS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F C.A., R.A. ePrincipal and Vice-Prinicipal the studeat-teacher ratio GORDON F. SEDGEWICIK, C.. t BU11S, respectively, joined issue. BR .WTRCA sthe students for the Rotary. We're hopéful that there HONR.AER728-7527 sluncheon-. Other guests at the won't be any problemn of mass P O E 7 87 2 m ieeting included Norm Dunn, rosignations and strikes," ______ for numnerous previous of- Gog rlnail from fonces. Judge ,,Baixter sent-Oswa andi Rick Moore, a onced hiro to 90 days in jail guest ot, Knox Hleary., w-,ithi a $50 fine and five dlays to' Rotary Past Presîdeht Keith rua consecutive. Billett (1962-63) was congrat- MaIlcom Harvey, 22,160) tdo i rcn ifdy WViliam 1Sf., Osbawa, who )was u ____o______ntbithay picked up A)pl t 6tb in connec- ZOO NOW OPE N utio -ih ebek n ne omanville Zoo .is now at CBrewy)us Company open for the season, and bas appeared todaýly but was agaîin quite a fewý new, young remandod for one week lin amnais wandering about that custody to appear MAay 8 for wr bora in rocent weeks. ple(a. A beach w,-arrant is out If the weatber clears for this for his rthzrRnnt.alHarvey_--.A"- -- Peter F. Leaman, 36, R.R.6-(), - Bowmanville, charged with' 25. impaired driving March 14,Pen pladd guiltv. Breath tests ilIUiU were . 18 and f19. The fine wa s (From P'age one) 1 $150, costs $3, in default 15 stdetswo ae ctnga days. The Departiment "Illheros.M.Ladrao advise hfim of his licence outî1ined the plan of activities suspension. tltflelpfrl! Brian Douglas Cowani, 17, 8 ha hs ee ln p orth Fine Street, Bowmanville. Pe'sylvniutudeon. gc charged March 13 with he You inicth Cmth ote attempting to steal gasolinecairan N(iNwtcated hatRt-g from Floyd Johnston appear- aian N eil e tn n his ed and was found guiîty. wfAn rae h on Consts. Smnith and Ricard people to an informai evening received a cati to the Fina at the Newton home in e station where a fire had been Enniskitlen, Wednesday even-à started. Cowan was the first at ing., Severalý of the students a the scene and was questioned. commented afterwards that à He admitted smoking a cigar- they were most impressed ir ette while taking the gas with Newton's rustîc homiei which ignited. He was re- and Neil's photographie stu-dio M manded to May 22 for a and that they thoroughly pre-sentence report. enjoyed the evening. EarI Cobbledick, 24, New- Immediately after the Rot-h castie, pleaded guilty to ary mneeting, the group of impaired driving, March il in students and their escorts Newcastle. Const. Helmer beaded for the Goodyear plant checked a car in a ditch with for a tour of the facilities engine running and Mr. there.' On Friday a full day of Cobbledick in the driver'sclseatBSaschded sea. reah eadng wee 17which should have provided and .17. The fine was $150,thAmrcnwihaloeu costs $3, in default 15 days.teAeiaswihacoeu The licence will be suspend ed look at Canadian education. by the Department. Friday evening they had a Robert Wayne Thomas, 19, chance to socialize with BUS 36 Smith St., Port Hope, who students at a dance la the high was remanded March 27 for a school. pre-sentence report appeared Rotarian AI Witherspoon, today. 11e was charged with the. principal at Clarke High dangerous driving, November Schoot, had a fuit day lined uip 27--by Const. Legate. The on Saturday. liJe escorted theý, constable observed a driver students to Toronto for a and passengers change places sight-seeiag visit to sc on County Road 8, Township of attractions as the Ontuario Clarke. They took off at a high Science Centre in Don Milis rate of speed. Breath teasts and the Toronto-Domnion were taken and r eadiags were Centre. Also iii stno for the( .11 anid .10. H1e \as on ernylai students was prbto tt1 h tim. 11e !bas di.neur at Lichee Gr ln, i now gonç back to live with is he heart, of Tor-onto's China- family at Garden Hill. Judge town district. Baxter put Thomas on f urther At the Rtary etigal pra ines mtdsix Americans displayed an Seveal ine wee mtedadmirable amount of poise .out for exceeding the speed and stage presence as tbey linjît. Robert Paul Garrison, aeabifdsrpino R.R. 2, Orono, charged April 9 gvari briasect f dertomo with going 70 in 60 mile zonevaîuapetofhirom received a $20 fine, costs $3, in town and high, schoot in default 2 days. H1e was clocked radek2liudntTo by Const. Kozak on Taunton Gae1 tdn o Rd.; Andy Louws, 8 Barbara Albert gave a capsule run- St., Bowmianville charged down* of his home town March 15 with travelling 60j (Population 10,000) and the miles in a 50 mile zone on high school, wbicb is nearly Highway 2 received a siiliar twice the sîze of BUS (If fine. Mike Grycek, 52, 337 includes grades seven through Olive Ave., Osbawa. cbairged 12). Franklin H. S. is ippar- Marcb 31, on Highway 401POwith enfly situated in a valley next driving '100 miles in a 70 mile to the Alleghany River. zone pleaded flot guilty. H1e One oi the young ladies, maintained his car could not Eileen Reitz, spoke about the reach that speed but Const. music program ait the scbool, Marcb had proof that the wbicb inctudes a 140(j me speed of the cruiser was right. band, a 90 voice chboir-, as well H1e was found guilty as as a " pep band" that plays ait basketball games and a Don Kemp marching band which puts on (FromPageOre) haîf-time shows atth football 21sf. Also, the car draw was- Anoer !te il, h held on the' same night and nteofhegrTe- 1,000 tickets at $5 per ticket esa Jones, described a large, wer copleèlysold out. nearby school for the mentaliy were ompltelyretarded where hier father During the month of April works as the farm man ager. Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion was able to assist the The school treats 2,800 retard- following organizations with ed children and grows most of donations as shown; Bowman- its owii food requirements. ville Lgo Cub Pack $200, Morley, Watson, who was on Cancer Society, $500, Canadian- the committee that arranged Figure Skating Association fic fdetechne passed $360, Vfimy1, Night, 1sf World R,7ý War Vetrn along wîth Vets from Divadalïie $165.25, Orono Public School Band $350, Legion Pipe Band regalia Dear Editorn Please accept the thanks of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club for your. last minute w a rtic le re o u r C y stic F ib ro s is 1 1, 'M1 Toli Gate fund raisîng scheme. We would also like to tbank A -rn 1the citizens of- Bowmanville land area for donating so generously to Cystic Fibrosis Research. Our good friends L I àdonated over $800,00 for this n D Y Lators should, begin to roil in rapidly. Quite soon, Bow- mnanvitle's unique zoo ',w.ill also hoe jainmed with school b-uses Mainufacturerk's Special fr IN 511.VER PLATE and STAINLESS STEEL FAIA ARE FOR LIMITED TIME - MAY 1 - MAY 26 International 1847 Community silverpiate Rogers Bros. 5-pce. -Oneida, 5-pce. place settings reg. Iprce,ý9 1pcîl i'6 K r )Hprce '4 126 Oncri; 11.95 5i 1 26- GailAndl 6> 2-Rrir> 126 I Reflectr-n not çh'wn) place settings Spie17.25 ii4) 126 -Affection 15I26-Spanish Crown 17ý 126-Artstry 1 each of teaspoon, dessert spm~n, fork, salad fork, hollrjw each of teaspoon, soup/dessert spoon, fork, s.aIad fork, hvol- handle knifc low handie>-knife. ALSO MANY SPECIALS ON STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE DROP IN NOW and ORDER YOUR PATTERN - NE VER BEFORE AT SUCU SAVINGS Phone 6,23-5747 Ce{ooper fgewezlei.s Xstci Bowm an ville OSHAWA KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL *~ IAY4Ib 1:00 pi -m EASTDALE COLLEGIATE FEATURING OUTSTANDING PERFORMERS INCONCERT*** fr ADMISSION: ADULT $2.00 CHILDREN 50q TICKETiS AVAILABLE FROM ID. ALTO MiUSIC SUPPLIES OR MEMIBERS 0F OSHAWJAKIWANIS CLUBS

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