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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 3

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NEWTI àïMrs. Bea :Jones was a r( visitor at Warkworth, Mvr. and Mrs. Wallace Me .Mr. and Mrs. E. We and Penny and Miss Mar FV iý1 b btI1,ý e QD ., -.I TIIERE WAS AN OLD GAL FROM COURTICE WHO SAID SITTING AROUND, MARES HER NER VOUS S0 WITH THAT BY GAWD SHE BECAME MOTHER MOD THE STORE WITH THE MOSTEST FOR SERVICE. NEW STORE HOUS... OPEN THUIRS. & FR1. EVENING 'TIL 9 Effective, ma y th our store wiI11 open at 9a.m. every morning. Wednesday 9 - noon. Everyday ,vis 1Bargain Dy a Corne in and see our new spring arrivails. Stil11 ti me to reg ister f or Swi m Su it Sewing Courses, sta rting Mon., May 7th PHIONE 623-2826 80 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVI LLE Rtary Club Sponsors StudeflIt ExchangeStudent The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2, 1973 ic-y Me styl Shoppe Speeializiig li: Perms - Colors Clairot Wigs, Latest Cutting Technbtq PHONE 623'-54.55 37,King St. W. Bowmanvitle 1 * E could be freely discussed. Mr. 9 A V 1 L 'Cm Phil Gilmen was nominated al chairman and he called on ecent Elliott were Sunday dinner vaious members-of ail three with guests a week ago with Mr. congregations to' express their errili. and Mrs. Jack Webster and opinions, or grievances, if ebster family, Toronto.. 1 any. ý motion was duly placedt garet Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Rowe of on the books tothe effect that, Janetville were visitors, Tues- ini the future, any objectionsb day, with' Mr. and Mrs. F. must be made prior to the S Gilmer. conclusion of the annual 4~A special meeting of the meeting, toprevent a simîlari Official Board of this Pastoral necunrrence to this one. Afteýr ;V Charge was- beld in our all wbo wished to had spoken. Sunday School hall, Thursday the u nanimous decision %was evcning, to deal with a few that things remaîn as [hcyv problems wich seem [o have wene, and Rev. Sncigrove wýas arisen since the annual meet- recalled. Uc was gneeted wîth ing. Appnoxîmately 50 inter- a hcar[y pat on the baek. and lues ested pensons wcre in attend- the singing of "He's A Jolly ance and alter Rev. Snelgrove Good Fellow". Perhaps on(. had ýopcned the meeting, proof of the latter is the fact officially, he withdrew to the [bat ho has continued [o snrve manse in orden that matters thncc congregations per Sun-;i -day oven a per iod ot tîve yeaî's. something nonotheî' 40 minister in this cnun[ny. would ou'1 lik frhave done&: OUIR iR e ILe Mrs. L. DeSmît retunned 0 ' homne [ho latter part of the lian FaMilyweek. aften having ,attended han Falicythfuneîal oftireds ùl Pl n forTiiisonbung. Uc had just it X atchers ertdhs 68th birthday a few days prion [o hîs sudden ýodtasting foods...even porki death. Gary and David Frost ot Oshawa'spent the weekend hon with [hein grandparents. joi ~ thereafter Mn. and Mns. L. DeSmit. ,joinet%3 dE EOKLYThere were 91--, tables in WEEKLYplay at tho card party in the Community Uall, Friday, Special...We invite currenit mem- ovening. with these winne's: [berso any weight reduction group ta igh lady, Mns. Gladys Dines: tra nsfer ta only $3 o join. low lady. Mrs. A. Pantridgo:(' ________________________ high man, Cecil Joncs: ,lou For information on a class man, R. Bruce. .50-50 Dra, near -vou, cali Toronto Argus Curtis. -1 Julie Gray ot' Orono visited1 (416)> 789-7676 ber grandpaî'en[s. Mn. and ,hors of Ontario Lîmîted 70 NIs. C. U. Lane for à few davs WesTorntoM5M (,k- lasi week. c Wet, Trono M5 IC ýÀA -y Mn. and Mns. Jack Etiott,1 ;ocaion of Organizations for Weight Watchcrs Mnr. and Mrs. David Imlach1 es r-monthly in Canada< and Mn. and Mns. Jirn [mtach wene in Toronto, Saturdaý evening., attending a Retire- ment Party ton Mn. Alvini Bai ley ai [ho home of bis daughter. Mn. Bailey bas completed 50 v cars omploy> 7'Y ment xith tho Rexaîl Dî'ugs 'om P.and wer among [ho bus son gerSchooixvho etI Saurda Carolsp end o rsays in oht PA nmiscelaneous thi'ida shower n ieiioor ot Mfiss Karen Selvig of port HIope xas held cS~oouhone in tho Sunday Sobool hall, Satunday atternoon. -~ N rs,. H. Triîin spent thc ~' wekendat Castleton witb hoi a, ad begins working1 Ji Jwl.aso tî'om iWaterloo Inisex I spet the eokend ai [ho ýIER 'INCE ST. [ gllov. Sncîgroves Sunday monning topic was -'The dawn ff Fouir Corners) ot Anothen day". emphasizîng the neality of [ho Resunroc- itcIi for It! lion. The choir sang 'It Took is UeHartbi'eak", Mî'Is. Mary Wade and Grant ___ (e'e Sunday visitons witb n . and Mi's.B. G. logolShv. l'Tornt. Mn. and Mns. C. R. Faî'now, accomnpanied by Mir. Stan Buîo'-ofniBowmanville -xx ene I>. 1 Mi.'Millaïýo. ii Sunda', visitons xx th Mir. and, <nilo. îi Lstrhol dax s1 Mrs. John Cross at Milton. WtiM' id M' X, Visitons îth Mn. and Mns. " " Mx i'te Harr'is and family ( i'tulatîoos ko Shelley were Mrl. and ?vNs. Vince Kmsat/ xvlO plcîced tin 'fobiiî and childnen and Mn. ( nudî'I I lano se'tit eai's and Anstey Green of Westpnnt. ut dci'and a lun second int Sni-ny to heai' Mns. Green, Piano Solo iin a ctass ofi 17 in1 NHî'.arris' motheî'. is ili and ; î'ad't ini hospitat Xýli' ;îCo'don Hlland and Visiois thi'ough the w'eek Missl'a Whitlock. Str'eet.s wi[h Mi",. Agnes Burey ,ecll.,, 'leS,",,ayguests n n. Keith Butey and Daid of M.. n(,dMsiax x\elx' WXatenîo and Mi'. Bani Bunloy le's amC tiamix. Miss Pal oft Oshawa and Sunday suippcj' \\-i iuîck anid Miss Kie guesi wei'e Mn and M»Ys Ron \'ttxx t'csait' peiitng a I'x Bulev ni Nexwcastle. d<l,in i taxa Sympathy S oxpressed no '\11n;1110 Misr. o dBr'oil tonner i'esidentb of nun x illge 'andt %'W axxc(Tuii40% xxciiton' Mi'. and Mns. Jim enaî xhosýe nitîxson lDon Kenidaîjl ,,ithi Rex'. and XI î'siStolový va i l i a motor accident iîîix nia d tntly. ipte.1 lu [ho Barji U1 - yýlSaU;1!Mn.1and \i's,'l'>m Bkei' &awx inughl. u4rsad i x 'n'0wird velgxisit- Kunatsare, noxx lvig i u1t fiîMrndi(tNi'.Keithi Scai'brough nd [bat [hcOr itiistoil. Ehtt'iiP/. ieast h of Mi'. K lati'allier Mn Keit h t'ixdernian and :tccurn-edonly twýo \teoks ago. uiis. Zion. xent' Surnday .Anothon successf'ul dance v isîtuins xith Mn aand Mrs. uiîder [ho auspices 0f'[ho Hall Ive'et 'ndérinani. Coritnttee was held in Com- Miss, Brn'ida Yeliixlees m un it x Hall on Sa t udav a t ith' Junior' Far'moi' 'vening. Music supplied by I 'i <\i icial I iî'ect<iis 11t't'tinig Woîods'Or'chestra.niiGtuelph <ixon tht'e oed Next Sunday imonning in nornIPMn. d Mis. (Phas. Ming churchi [ho special speakerta id xx it'Sundax' isilois wxIl ho Mn. Royal Moulton and xx ih Mi's. ui )îaNoi'on. Mla'k- ils topie'. 'Alcobol and Dnug brui. ('oncorns". Time: 10 a.mi. Mir. IIox Mc(;ilI. Eniskil Attention, al vou Sports lo.'ianiid ' Mi' 'l'ointBarriie, Fans: Be suî'e in lune in Radio Row niaitvillIt. xx't'i'edini' -'t 1(1 (H'( on Satuî'dav mnornings at i1:05S tu hear gril s it ii tt i'.and 'XXados Wold nf> Spots' '. In.Ca aîmi conducted bx Gr'ant Wade. ton aiiy all local>lbasebal tans. comn- li'. and Mi's, Ait Boox ci' plete wxtirintoi viexxs. n 0(1 taîiiils .Oshaxwa.,xx'oto Suindax calloi's on Mi-'S.Do- iîthx l'asc'te anditdtnils' K ENDAL But Snoxxden spent st (nit Wetdot 'dayx 'niom g six ti'daxxxithKeiîv iex' t iît t i ion Rt raIinotortu M [ i- naiîd rs. Evt'ot t Spires, t tslaxxa ti) attend tho Bay ni v isitt'd xi b i '. 1ýElij on Quinte .\nnu1-al t' COn-. (<ti t'î'ou. sx t rcie ht t ii Kingsx'îexv 'Miss; Naît Alleno. Tor'onto, i ited ('bui'ch. Tht' guoS[ Spent Satuu'iday xvih Mir. nd spearîtnvas[t'e Re\-. Nornmaiinl's. X'ts Xelloxlees. lctticattei' xvich' the Mri. anîd Mi's. WosN'l ladi es xx ro Cliévdted i io pesuaiidcMissNan Allen. gro(ulb [fin adIscussioiippt ind. 'î'îortî.,xert'Satunday sup- A tZast x buLtî ut' ichooiî xxas' pe'rgu'sts <ti Mîs.('lai'e Allin, sel x cd a t tileit' n i hou '. RBo\\t ilarixl e.- Sue tali ieinîbt'rs nf Kendal Sxc"ladies, friom tho XX e& CIOO5Intiut have been cîîîîiiiunit v atindt'd the eAito hi [iontui assîst niithoe t X'cuite'eiico ai Khigs- prt'pa mittini it'eSp:n ri wî'x (lrchi. oshaxx' t pt'i ig ofth[bu (rotno tls NI s. fliton Titîk , iec' con \,xon'lixiîg îe \[\-O xas aSîa s suppoi guesi n to huila outit il ii ho appi't'ciat meidMis.Hamynnv ox and cd tarnily, Xli' anti Mns. George Mei' toi'an LititaîtrîlxMI'. and Mrs. Eddie ('outou". anidlMr.iand Xli", Gt'ît -MacDonald xve 'i11011 rtngsoîrît' Wxhot xxere at o'îmliinrSaturdax ,tot aticithe[lc x dditg nif'lMr- Do-xtuglas eu'ccî'anCd Miss .Xi leneXaikei. Mn aîand Mn.', Reg llitt s pont [hoexxeekeîd xxiti Mi'.> and Mnrs Neil Ellinit aîîd [anitlý ai [hein cottage on ('atito's Lakt' neai' Merry Sheeban . . 28,578 Sanginson . .27317 Huisman . .... . 27226 Moore .... 27045 Sîebaî'th ....... . 26821 Toxvnsley .... 26654 lligb Single Ma uina - 263 11g I)ouble Dorothy Moore - .40( (<251. 2391 I11gb ,'veraPe Murv, Huisrnan -- 205 Mrn,(]dMî's. tFrai ik ('ook aidî Nrs. Edil li Mitchell. [oxvniauil le. accomnpaîî ed Mn aiîdXiý'Iiik Westlake [<s [lie StoiddandFutîî'aHomec Stî'xx rt ('oppiiin, ida MXr. and Mis, Rîtti ick and I isa. XXhif[h. xer una suppei' gu'sn liaîdXi' Ross Ko)ssaiz atîjd tu~ Xl' aîl XIi'. Buce Tiîîk xx nt Sauidax suppî' guests nf Mn. iid Mr', Neil Tink, tslxv.anti alsi x e Sun- XX' A. OimiîisOi. Bî'ookîin. Anv (10 vxish iîg [o 'get tickets lor [ho Tr'avelling ('lînistons evetiiiî'g at Solina Hlall ounXMay 1- can procur'e [bout tixtm any'miiîiîben of the Ilaîl Board. .\li'. Doniald Potîci' and Miss îBridge'Lt Pslaîîzeî'. Boxvmait- viille. xisited vvi[b n.and Mi's. Alex Potter. Mir. and Mns. Doug 'Flet, Miss LindaFloît and Mr. Ken. Biannic. Bowmanx'ille, were Suntday \suipper guests of n. and 'Mrs. Don KeýHl .Bow- About 60 friends an-d neig-ýl bons of the Solina commn-unity Diet...yl Canac Mea Weiglb Enjoy nutritious, gç Adeliide DanieLs; Weight Wai 491 Lawrence Avenue Member of the Canadian Assc 1400 classt IlX't'nnx1) pireset'ittd tlin 1 bl tloet' ai d tfat'eand il st. Kt'ntaiid ('iidx hoth le tîttiîîg î'eplies.'H'ion !SalIy Laiîgitîaid led il- l'e Ivvlloitlles xvhic'h io '.Luniicwxas ser'xed e loxxei' hall anid a goî<d itg xvas eiioyed bx' ail -('it. ORNO N EW S i's. Ralph Ellis of' Belle- Sunda,\ evening dinner guesis ville was an ox ernight guest oi f otMi' and Mrs. Doog Uird of Irs. Fred - cett on Tuesday Whlitby. of last week. Mr'. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- Mi.. and Mns. Mel W. lvii, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Downes are returning to Po\ýer and Mi-. and Mrs. reside in Meat'ord after seven James Stark wvere dinner vears in Orooo. Mir. Downes, guests of Mr. and Mrsý. Orme reutired as mnanager of' Oronio Fallis and son Uaïrvey ot* Uvr vra Vepag o.' Sta,-rk% ' lleon VFfldy venng Mi' an Mr. larod BR.~ Mi,' aod MrI-;C,dv!n am i. andMisHaodBn fDviinSîeteenyr- t,'owc-lough of Wesleyv il](-uredhome from spendinig spent Sundav afternoon with the winter inFoida hei' sisteî'. Mrs. Geo. Moi-toni Mr. anîd Mns. m.Glanville INI. Altan Walkei' of> Torontn of' Cobourg isite-d his brot her' -peut last xveek with his Mr. Robert lnvleoný Mon- miotheî' Mis. Joe' Walker and Jay evening. visited his f'athen Mr. Walker, Mrs. ('bas. Peers oifCal- who is a patient in the Oshawa gary. Alber'ta, has re[ui'ned Hospital., home atter v isit:ing her par- Mi'. Henry Cantrell î'e[urned ents Mn, and Mrs,. Evan homne last week t'romn a four Quantrill and othor relIativ-es yveeks visit with relatives aind toi' 10 days. fî'îerds in England. Amrong the ouit of«-town Mir. and Mrs. Reg,. Su[toii guests, who attended [he visited Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Mne-aki wedding in l)ayes of' Nestleton on Thuirs- ThoriiiI on Sa[urday afiter- day of' last week. 0010Iwerei(: Mr. and Mrs. Oî'ono Senior Citizens' mieet -Doga Walker of<Oshawa, ing on Thursday at 8 p.m.. M adI Mrs. Br'uce W. Mav m3d in the 100.OF. hall. Mereer of Hampton, Mn. and Congratulations [o Mr. arîd Mî's. Kennoth BaIl and daugh- Mrs. Douglas George Mercer, ter Mis.,s Susan BaIl, Mr. and the, tormer Miss Arlenie V. Mrs., Lavenne Patterson, Mn. Walker of Willowdale on their and Mrs. Harry Mencer, Mr.' înarî'iage on Saturday afier- and Mrs. Roy vMercer, Mrs. J. [noon, April 28th in the V. llnMn. and Mrs. Ted Thornhill United Chuî'ch. The Coathamiï groom is a son of Mr, and MrsM Mr. and Mrs. Cen. Bowers Geo. Mencer,' of Nestîcton vsiedMr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Syer mrs. Reg- Suttoný, on Monnday ,f Cavan were Sunday supper eeig ,uests of Mrs. Wm. H. Oî'onio Uii!(,d Churcb Wo- Rohînson. menfheld terMaymetig Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence on uesday. Units 1,2 and ) in Harris and, son Charles ýwère theý Main HTall int the anften- Here we go again. Throwing temptation in the paths of ail those true blue, Iifelong G.M. drivers, right here in your own home town. r-nticîng them wit'h Pintos, Tornnas, Mavericks, LTD'S, Broughams, Mustangs, T- Birds and Ford ,trucks. ( If our pnices happen P1 ta be ijust as enticing, what canvwe say?) We're the only Ford petunia in a G.M. pa'tch, General. So nàturally we've got to 1listen better. We decided to locate as con- veniently as possible at 219 King Street East. F-r >We've gota great service manager, Archie Groth.- If something noon; Unit 3, at the, home of Mrs. NormaEn Groots and Unit 4 in the Upper C.E. Audi- torium, both at 8 p.m. Tuesday evening. OBJTUÂARY MIRS. TALMAGE TAYLOR Mrs. Talmage Taylor died suddenly at [ho Oshawa General Hospital. Saturday, April 28, 1973. She lived in Enfield. Born Dec. 23,' 1893 in Raglan, [ho former Eva Violet Brent was [ho daughter of the laie Mn. and Mrs. William Brent. She was educa[ed in Raglan whene she was married March 20. 1918. She is survived by ber husband. Talmage Taylor. [bî'ee daugbters, Mrs. Reg Titeomnbe tPearl) of Van- couver. B.C.; Mrs. Robent Smith Exvelyn) of Scar- boî'ough: Mis. Lesley Johnson [Jean) of West Hil; seven sons. Ray, Ross, Jack, al ni Oshawa; Gor'don, Donald, C/ca ners C/uc/de -l broke mv ng ýiagemienit.' the girl confided to her friend. *ivfeelinlg', are changed completely [rom i wbat they w ere liheu 1 accepted hinm.-' -But w hIy do you still w ear the ring?" asked the friend. -'Oh-', replied the girl in sui-prise, "nsy feelingys tow ard the ring aie just the saine." !0LOTIHES CARE HINIT: I)irt and grime have eutting action on fabries. Brush garmnents IrequeutlN and reniemiber, dix elea ning rernov s dust, dirt and Plan (o Attend... CAREER EXPO '73 Bowrnanville High Sho May 9th CCLEANERS 84 ING ST. W. 623-5520 MLANER "We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" A i en I Ofl i wlLtii< fo LS special showing of the $ 15,000 * 'CANADIANA' COLLECTION of LINDE Star saph i re s a nd ru4b ies For one week only, you can view' a collection of superb jewellery the like o! wbich y'ou will seldom see: diamoîîds, pearîs set into the glorious pieces whichmake up the 'Canadiana' collection, and at the heart of them LINDE Stars, magnificient stones of a perfectin unknown even to the richest of ancient kings. LINDE Stars-mran-made rubies and snppires-capturec tue ire. the pulse of the world's rarest gems. You wltt marvet at their beauty. The centre piece of the 'Cn.nadiana' collection is the $75100ne- lace illustrated with a magniticent 42 carat star ruby and nal hundred diamonds set in 14 carat white gold., This one-of-a-kind collection is not for sale but other splendkd LINDE Star jewellery is ... for ladies and men . .. at popur prices. on view from May 2 to May il uJ(ooper's Jfewellers q3owmnan vil/e goes amiss, it's his job to find the troub'k-ýle and make sure it's fixed. Marty Stelîs our body shop manager. Is i'four faultwve picked another winner? Alil i ail, General,. we apolagize for the fact that a few more G.M. customers may gét lured înto Ford's by this kind of price and service combination. But if you were the Ford dealer in Bowmanvil le, General, Swouldn't you dio the sa'me thîng? Sure you would. Les MacDonald Ford.We gg to 1 n ,,be EN BOWMANV'ILL, OSHAWA TOO. Al1an, of Blackstock; Keith of Reaboro: two sisters, Mrs. Maude Hughson of Whitbyý Mrs. Russell Redbourne (Rose) of Etobicoke; 23 grandchildren, and one great- grandchild. Mrs. Taylor rested at theý Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Service was held in the chapek on Tuesday at 1:3W p.m. Interment ini Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. R.C Hopkins officiated. GET CASH TODAV rOR 'OU) APPLIANCES THROUGH STATES MA N C 1, A S S 1 F 1 E 0 S PHONE 4623-3303 Rent a Car fopr A DAY OR WEEKENý,D Ask for Rae COUINTY CHIIYSLER-DODGE LTD. 623-2586 ry OLINA galitheru t' a t'e Silina iHall on oit iih 'i \ni h tîiit[[o b rXi. aid xx il NI sý Ken ir htnî (nîds xveî'e chîil (ýou'i e n the tari t ho id ex 'iîiitg xxIc t'people xveî'oM Iîss ga rtlb'irinig ani îd t hit'i Mi'. Bij'oce su i 'Fiiik cni htd Kentnîd (~Inidy tir i llel hile ftî'î[anid Miss Pear'l iin Il: l'nirt'nd anitaddî'oss and v\x(t'1 thiet ',Mn. Neîl 'link anîd Mr.' pies Six studentsjfI om FraInklîn. Statesonîn. Fonzo. l)ave Steele (partly BUIS i. Lucille Sturdevant and Pennisxtaniia. mrei Bw The Pnslai tdnshidden ýand Tom Albert. Dawn W 'ýitherspoon tromi manx 11e lasI wek or aare s mtd ! his pooapid Behind thern are Steve Svves- ClakeU tour day. Rota r v-spons ýord Ithnil host s'tudé'Is f; rpm BUS 1e.i Bof) strike and' Bill The distinguishied looking exchange. The voung Amenarestanding beside them, Lander. gentlemen n the back row cao high school students ereare, from luft to right, treated to lunch at the F,1\ling Seated. i the front of the D)iîectlv hehind the Easter Ilotarian Morlev Wýatson, Len Duichman Motor Inn hy the ý2pîcture is Eileen Relîiz and 111vý is Jennifer Rehder, from, Lucas, BU'ýS principal: Earl Rotai'ians and atterv'arjds he)(side-her is her BUHS counter-BS and to the right of Miss Wolt'e. BUlS Vice-Prinjcipal. posed for a picture for the p Iart. Janet D)raper. On the Koehder. are Theresa Jones and Rotarv- ýyouth Commllittee, ci)uch behind Elleen are John from) Pa., Jane Wilson from Chairmllani, Jack Landeî'. ClInt Àm à

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