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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 5

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LýCSTOCK It was pointed out the other Teewl en onn eveingtha fr sme ime1,service in the United Church as yooru correspondent, have next Sunday as'the dedication commi-nitted the sin of oission of the Memorial Carillon will in neglecting to report a fairly take place at 2 p -i..xith Rev. re-golar soci:al event ofi North Dr. HA. Mellow speaking. Blcktok.Onl Wedniesday 'Sunday School will] be, at its evenînlg, Mýr c. NilBaîl1ey was, usoal time. geniýal host to a poker party Quite a number of ladies attended byý Briani Hamilton, attended the U.C.W. Confer- Roy TFurner, M1erliin Soggitt ence held in Oshawa last and Roýy Cordenini celebration Monday and Tuesday. of bis wcirtinlg bis university Mc. and.Mrs. M. P. Fallis. coe exarniniation that day. Oakville, were Wednesday M1r. and Mrs. Jimi Staîker of guests of hiec sister, Mrs. J. A. SasktchwansPent a few Johnston. dayýs aon Blaickstock výisit- Mr. Alfred (Barney)-,Gos- ingtei Samnelis and Mount- ling, Winnipeg, spent several joy cousins 0on their way home days recently with Mr. and fromn Texas wh1'ere they spent Mcs. Wilbur Toms'. the wint ecr. Mc s . Staker is the' Tuesday evening Women's daughtec of Fred Mountjoy Institute Card Party winners woused to live in this were: Ladies' high, Ann district. Manns, second, Isobel Wright, Of Coortice wýas Sunday dinner third, Evelyn Ccagg; men's guet o Mr. Ama owlr.high, Gary Munro; second, r Erma Strong; third, Reid Rlent aCa for Cook.' A j O,(R WIEKEND Tuesday dinner guests of Ask for Rae- Mrs. Courtney Graham wece j COUNTYMc. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms CHRYtË'SLER-DODGE LTD. and Mc. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, M 2-2586 Enniskillen. __________________ Mrs. Edýith Butler of London who retocned to Class Reunion at the Hligh Sch-ool Reunion on Fridlay eveniing wavs a week-' end gsues,-t of Mc. and"' Mrs. Neil Bailey, HQoward and Tara Lynn. Durinig the weekend she was a gueLst of svealof lhec former soet and thocrough- ly enjoy' ed reniewing old ac- qu aintances. MIrs. Stanford VaýnCamii-p aJin'g with Miss Ruth Proutt of Nestîcton and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of Port P ery attended a shower in honour- of Miss Heather Morcison. at the home of Dorothy McDonald in Toronto on Saturday. His mn friends will' be pleased to know that Mr. Ed. Harris tbas returned home following sinus surgery in Oshawa Hospital this' past week. On Wedniesdaby Carmen Werry and Mrs,, Anne Hood called on Mrs. Hlili andi Mrs. C. Porter and famiily, on Mc. and Mrs. Herib Swaè i and were supper guests of Mcr. andMrs. Wiibert Werry.- Mc. and Mrs. Bill Mahafly were weekend guests of Mr. and Mcs. Bob Mahaffy in St. m"z*GOV'T SALES TAX HAS BEEN DROPPED on LL NURSERY STOCK Love/y 8vergreen Qro up 2 Mountbatten Junîper - 21i feet tal1 1 Spreading Hetzi Juiniper - 112 feet wide Ai 3 ome Lvely $ 39 H oie r c&n peci a/i $ 3 9 cE/lie cJouncatiOn Ail 5 Only $35.79 Plus 2 FREE Gifts 2 Mountbatten hiùniper - 2 - 2½/ feet, 2 Blue Danube Juniper -.- 1½", feet 1 Globe Cedar 1':-, foot globe NOW 2 ENTRANCES ?92 King St. W. 287 Bond St. W. Beside the Med;icýal Building ,)79-1118 EAST:- VAN BELLE Juvst 5 minutes' eastl of Oshawa on No. 2 Highwayv The "BIG" Garden Centre 622-41441 Marys. On Sunday they at- tended the christening of Rachelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Mahaffy and joinec a family party afterwa,ýrds a' the home of MIr. and Mrs, Rae Mahaffy, also of St. Marys. The Thursday eveninig Guild met at the home of Mrs. Gary Lomax on April 19. Our worship service iricluded the Easter Story. Used catalogues and cards are to be left at Mrs, Neil Bailey's by May 5 to be sent to the Ontario School for the Retarded at Orillia. It was moved to change the price to $3.00 per plate for catering to correspond with other groups of the community. The ar- rangements for the catering to a summer wedding were discussed and will be lef t until next meeting for confirma- tion. The'lists were Given out for Mother's Day supper. Karen served a lovely deéssert with tea and coffee. Our next meeting will start at the Parîsh Hall to set the. tables for the supper. TYRONE Friday evening there were 1.5 tables of Progressive Euchre. Winners were Mrs. jýdith Clemens, Karen Cuath- arn, Alvin Spencer, Mrs. Marjorie Blanchard, Re6id Cook, Mrs. Winnifred Cam-er- on. 50-50, Laverne Clemens. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa.,wereý recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare. Mr. and Mgrs. Stan Goble visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble- Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs, B. Sta.ndîsh and family, Seagrave, were 'Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roy and Debbie. Debbie Roy' entertaîned sorne of her school chums last Thursday for ber birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman anid Betty visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sparkes,' Oshawa, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Neal visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Chris- topher of Port Hope on Saturday evening. Sun day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Neal 'were Mr. and Mrs., Donald Smith and Dana, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. .Mervyn Smith and childcen, Port Hope.1 Mr. and Mrs.i George AIl- dread were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rèeginald Gaskin, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Isabelle Perg- etr and daughter, Monica, Mrs. Violet Horning and son Brian of HamilIton were, weekend guests of Mr. andMrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family, Orono, wece Sunday afternoon cali- ers. Mr. zand( Mrs. A. Youngmian iznd( Betty w'ee Sunday ý.ýguests f 'Mr- andc Mrs. Jackson Wray,Osaa Mr. and Mr-s. Arthur Young- man attended the 60t1î Birth-i day Party of Ganaraska Etebekah Lodge, Port Hope; Vionday night. LADIES'MýONDAY-'i NIGHT LEAGUE-- Team Standing ,S. Davis E. Moore J. Patfield D. Brooks B. Osborne H. Rogers D) Bradîeyv J. Bragg5 M. Co0le 14I. eue Pins.... 43939 43879 42699 42891 4260ii 42429 42177 41890 42192 41337 40706 41449.A' "Cash -Flow is the modern. way to borrow, based minlily on whaict yvou earn - fot what you own." well had to own in rgs-like a house, or bonds, or othier scuri ties. Now. h-ioweveç2r,.ie have changed. An.d it Toronlio Dominion, we're glad ofiît. ...~. Today. when you corne to us for a loan, we look at Nyour earnings and expenses- or what we cai our "Cash-Flow". To -work ouIt y Cash-Flow, simply write downv hiow rnueh you earn, and how rnuch you pay \ouîit in fixed expenses. What's ,left ovýer is the money you can afford Io spend, or ae or pay back in instalments when you want to borrow, Cash-Flow is a re,,alistie guide to how rnuch yo'u can comfortably borrow, lIt Says John Pogue, canp ut the things youj want within your TD Manager, Bowmanviîîe reach Foi: help Inwokg out your' Cash- Flôw,: see uLs any time. We'11 show you howv you can ',puýjt it to work to ge t those thing thatare iportant to you. TORONTODOMAINION The bank wvhere people really do make the difference, J. W. POGIJE, Manager 319 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ý,Ont. Marrîed in St. Tall standards of white g iant munms. glajdioli and pink carnations, wîth- white tapers. decocated St. Andcewý's Pres- bytecian Church,Bo an ville, on April 6th, 1973, when Rev. J. S. Gilchcist united in, marriage Jean ElizabethBel daughter of Mc. and, Mrs. -J. A. Bell, Bowý,manville, aind Kris Robin Blalson, sont of Mc. and MVrs. Geraîdi Balson, Hamp- ton. (jiven in mnacriageý by hec t ather. the bride wore a formaI g own of white orcganza with crystal pleating on hem- lino and long sîceves, and baby -pink cibbon enhanced the mýineti lace tcimmin.g. Her foor-tier illusioni veil was caught by a tiaca of tiny\ pink cosebuds. She carcied set heact roses, stepha,-notis and baby's bceath. Miss Margaret Bell, sister ot the bride, as maid of bonor, wore a white organza__gowaq M1 othier's Fellowship Group The Canadian Statesman, 13owmanvili1, May 2, '1973 15 ...........I a ý C'; onat nL , 11IrUi,-, a delicious lunch, prizes, a HAYDON luckly draw on a Mr. and iVrs. James Heath, rabbit crecated by a member Ottawa, vîsited Mrs. Heath's Mrs. Doreen Lamb, and won oncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Diane Werry. Prizes Charlie Garrard on Sunday. were taken by Low Man, E. A. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- Werry, HighMan, Joe Sweet; card, Barry and Lori Ann High Lady. Betty Pascoe. Low were also Sunday viîsitors at Lady, Hilda Wright. Mr. and Mrs., Charlie Gar- Mrs. Geo. irwin was a rard's. recent visitor of Misses Louise Mr. and Mcs. John Lock and and Marjorie Mclntosh-, son and Mr. and Mcs. Albert Lock, Port Hope, were Sunday Whitby. callers at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mr. and MVrs. Ross Sharp, Graham's. Kathy and Gordon, spent Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis, Easter weekend with Mrs, Hampton, were Sunday caîl- Irene Greg ,g and family at hoer. t the Lloyd Asbton's Glenhobirnie Md., Mrs. Gregg Mis.,-Mat Innes, Miss iîes.rdb with therpfam- Susan Botley, Deep River, holidheShavsf m- ntario, spent a few days with ilies.Beth and Barbara Ashton.- ,Miss Chris Goyne, Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. B. McDonald, Pead. England; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. E. R. Thompson, Mr. D. Murray Flett, Solina, were K. Thompson, Bowmanville; i-ecent ,sopper guests with Mr. Mc. R. Thompson, Hampton, and Mrs.' Wayne Beckett,. visited Mrs. A. Thompson.* Pernny and Pauline. Mr. Lloyd Thompson, To- Mr. n-d Mrs. Donald Larnb ronto, having spent a few days andfaiy Bailiehoro, were with hîs mother, Mrs. A. Fcidaye\eèning callers at Mr. Thompson, returned to bis and ýMrs. S. Lamb's. home in Toronto on Friday. M.and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- Lamb, Baysville, were visit- burn and Susan, Orono, were ors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sunday supper guests of Mr. Lamb.1 and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mr. and MVrs. Wayne Bec(k family. ett, Penny and Pauline. ac- MIrs. Lloyd, Slemnon and companied by Mr. andMr Susan were Sunday evening John Siemon, ee oda allei-s at Mrs. A. Thom-p- evening dinner guests of Mcý. son 5. and rs. e g eavng, Mc,.,and Mrs. Ross Ashton Ancaster. aiccompanîied Mr. and Mrs. Forty-one "younig at he(act"' Harold Wright of Oshawa and Senor itzen wre iîstsofvisited Mc. ai'îd Mrs. Ted Senor itienswer gustsofMcLaughlin aýnd Paul, Fenel- Mother's Fellowship and ý) Falls on Sunday. U.C.v. Monday noii for the Mc. and Mvrs. J. Potts and Annuajl Senior Citizens dinner ïMary visited relatives at party'1,. Following dinner, prîz- Collingwood on the weekend. es and favors wece disti'ibut- Enniskillen lJ.C.W ladies ris Robin Balson Photo by Rehder1 flowered with pink roses and trmmed with a wide sash of deep pink chiffon. She carried tioîsThe bridesraidM ed-ý (. The foilowing prizes were Lynda Clarke aý nd MrPiss w'ýon by Mrs. Cecil Rahm with Balson,,%wore, pink Swiss-dot- .()pennies in ber purse, Mrs. ted dresses with white em C. Garcaird who shone hec broidecy trimi and carried huIsband'is shoes, Mrs. R. 1)ýqet fý0idaisies. Hpis r.T. Elliot, Ms bouquets of whiteGarai- Mrs. Keith Billett. aunt of Rbtegr, Mrs C. rrard f twho bakembread, Mcs. C.tE. thegro, apreis iedat the 1-bar, î-ecent permanent, Mr. oran, and issTia oosWallaýce Pascoe, the lucky one Betnwas Mroloist.pof the dish washing husband, BestmanwasMc.PhiipXho said the ficst time he won Baýlson, brother of thegroapieftr asngdhs and ushers were Mr. Bryýce a hre feryeasigdhe Balson and Mc. Dan'iel foir ý, rs, Mc. Lloyd Wilkins. Ashitonj ), r-recetly milia cowM c j. lR. Ormiiston1, a Attending the reception at irecent hair cut, Mc. and Ms the- Flying Duitchman iMotor Wallace Pascoe, molst reuent Inni, were guests from )Peter,- xwedding annivesayMrs. M., borough, Bobcaygeoni, Gan- J. Hobbs, most îecent birth)-i anoque, Kingston, Aja, Toc- day. Mrs. Ulahà Chambers onto, Lindsay, Gooderham, favored with piano selectionis London, Hampton and Bow- (J nid favorites, foillowed by an manville. e. joyable sing song, Mcl. F. w. Be sure to vîsit our next Beltone Service Centre HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. E., Bownianville THURS., APRIL 12th IP.m. toa 4 p.m. If .IRNGSERVICE DIANNE BERNATH 410 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontarle Phone 745-3244 ENNISKILLEN Our very, deepest symah eebruh on Sundlay. ,is exten'1de d to all memlbers of ndMs Caec the famnilies of the ,late NMrs. Ave\ere unaceinn TalmdgeTaylr wosesud- dinnier gessotfMr.nd I.Ors. dendethocurre'd last wek- ouiwJhnto Lindsay. end. A iînost laat vnn A beautiful Sm-(Undaymornîing \,as ej db 4 ussat .was one of many reas-ons to) our ommunit Hllwn the induce a congregation 0of some 40 worshippers to attend the1 rnorning service een in the, face of losing one hu' le due to daylight savýing time taking effect at2:0anj Sund'ay, Rev. IHopkins'eucdtg message told his people of the five or six special appear- ancus of Jesus in a phica* and spilritual formn to individi- jaL and groups after Cal\- ary's houir. Rev. T. Ellioit assisted ouir ministeri in theKI Saraet of olyComn ion with Eiders Rloss Ashton, u i(eith McGill a'nd Wilf rid Bowmaun al:o priiaigi the dsrbto of theic ce ruentsi prpared by Mrs. John Slernon. Th-e choir's delightfli ainthomw as an adtoa message( in their rendering The 23rd Psalm to the lively tune of "Happy Wanderer." Sunday School was opened cie l' briefly býy Secretary Mrs. Ruth McGill with singing practicefor S.S. Anniversary continuing under Mrs. Ulahî Chambers' training. A special O n meeting of Superintendent [E. Wright and S.S. staff took place in the S.S. room re S.S. Anniversary arrangeme.nts.ý The Junior Choir and leïar'l Virs, Chamnbers,- ejoyed a ý wh i e surprise of a asty lh afte Sunday School prepared an ;erved by several ladies. A m l f nice way to express ouY ippreciation to this fine young group who wish to say a W »n genuine "Thank You" for this reat. Rev. and Mrs. Hopkins are enjoying visitors at the Manse vho are their intimate friends Rev. and Mrs. T. Elliwiottf N Kirkton, Ont.- Mc . and Mrs. O. C. Ashton attended a family h ouse B WM N L E varming' party for M.and O M N IL *frs. Chas. O, Ashton in their horne at "Sumiit Pae,177 38c Nonquon Rd . Ap 160, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwiïn were Sunday dinner guests of Gl r Mr. and Mrs, Ted Webster, G q Mctb. ad Ms.Hra Mhrb. adMs enýn do winýe h Iaass and family, Mr. and 'fr5. Ray Vanmeer and farn- y, Bowmanville, were callers t Mr. and Mrs. K. IFil' IT'S nd family.. We are pleased to report Mrs. Roy McGill seemis to be much better and should be orne from hospital soon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- on, accomlpanIied I Mr. and Virs.Eln Dickey and 'elma, Bowm 1-anvi lie, to visit \Ir. and 'Mrs. Garnet To1V1S, n a 95 9 ti a h X' il ai i aI a - -I.' G WEST: entertained the Senior Citiz- ens of Enniskillen, Enfieid, Burketon and Haydon to a Aiicious dinner. After dinner 4 sing-song was led by mrs. Bowman and pictures were shown by Mr. Franicis Werr W EARERS )Better service for your hearing aid mean2 better hearlng for yeLu /lýý výLO-U/-, lw

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