The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, May 2, 1973 sdent and District Director £ 0247, D. Norman, ilwas~O ;tree- saplingahoeana _______________________w111 be 1Mrs. C. Swallow w1th A 71,Bttîare; oee pair of fertlerpl.A- Mrs. S. Jefferey as alternate. JLl lIlePJeI i GV1 279, à .Bsst.a r ar ni Lipropriately,HarVnBeie Mrs. H., Presoott told of the Ml's Shavlng- Lotion 0178, YRa eetdasteacin 4-H Girls Club and tiheir AI ' Brenda B u r ke; Tlablecloth ' 1 eer. $22 meecleoe o Achievement Day on April'riIrw 0790, M s A. Shaw; Pillow-e- the club's tres hnit Reportrs WfBrwnropore. lfl 7 cases 103n G Locomb; Kit-Bill Theisbure te) e R eports fromfor theGood Neighbors. coî 1 oin sa P n y ry wa ted Vest 1560, Mrs. Stathprn- o uso Samuels(hoe)adBb Mr.C re!anwco wùlýv1giia so-vn- dies 0447, Debra 1ýeySc-Tbclt19?A.M Si. Stevens (5frto2cfr W o e ' n tt t s ducted the business o! o-urIners and prizes -lor th1-e 0sh- t er 1574, Mrs. L. Alleni; Book ard; Siiampoo 1455, Joe Eth- Toron to C'onvention tillzer plUs?!, pnswr W o e ' n tt t s rglrAnnual Meeting. The' awa and District Cerqlý 17115, Fred Tippins; Perfume-er Knit ted Bag C067, Lynda fo h r-Attred oD.HB.Rde minutes of the ls c ueBamfor; Powduner1, Jref-Th hsannual Palsy Parent onclfoLr 0226. Florence Robbins; Soap Einod oce 23 eders; Saît & Pepper 0597, J. a, ru l9 rtheotar se- afor hs ert atndne e Bowmianville W. 1. our lives with love, there meeting were reaid b.y the'CrippedPChldrenPennyarir 030, TmfOwen Planp0é16 The-,monthly and Annual should he no racial prejudice secretary-treasurer, Mrs. H. held 3recenthy: !Marie McePhee; :Telephone In- fr o;Ty024 obeOpoo;Dst67 rs.igwas denvtednto ëth is194;ord ne tnngteclb( W.. ashldonApi Sh nforward as a Canadian citi- gave both the writtenr secre-LnhonCoh110 r.H.Ty173'.A'mo;Bg Evehyn Ahgel; Towels 0192,'ps ekn nTrnoh nube W.. ,-s el o Arl thinfiv epr ad hefiia-ýýAlbert Rose; Salad Bowh 0649, LFre esir ah odrofii representatives for record. the Sa1vatiýon Armiy Younig zen then Canada will be proud ctari' report and th e finan-L. Wood; Grceis '29, Mrs,: & Serviettes 1782, Sha.ron Ms .G an;Ceq 04, Barbara Harrison; Youth the Bowmanville club wr Billh Wilsor ofrmdta Pepe' al.Metngoendof us. Mrs. S. Buttery thaiiked rpr.Mr.SJfer .LcdosSçs 08 e->Potteri ateial156E.licGd.66 M Bain Cho- Pc 56,Ms rone;Prsdn Bh Wlon A I Alnh b et wit. hesigig o OCaad Ms.Bradley for her interest av h adtosrpot ld Douglas; Bath Cubes 0 943,ý Lloyd; MLvaterial05, A. Paats. B'r0, ~Swa e ea theM nttteOeand ahl '- ing tl. Aricultuy r)r eCndiafnocrt Bcher 0456, Yvette Besze; Pan- Scae113,Ms.S t;Witherspoon and incoming incoming ViePsdnt i- Stewrt' oletuored fnorýai, J ea abyS et 1347Î, Kite 125,K. Barrie; Soap ty ,Hose 02,Doriýs Owenr k 17, r. .Weks President for 1973-74, Harry ing 1973-74PesetHry petn h avSeatCol- The Annual meeting and the Industries'; Mrs. 1-. Prescott Mrs. L. Lefainîe: ToY 0640w, oîoî, Ann Brgr;Plo-'ad_57,E Co;n Coe 37,Sily Alle;CoCoknth tpeecte et intes fM astin-ti election o! niew officers was . llan Nadelau; Chair !4.ce 6 71,,nCaod css0448, EJ lll o lee, inteso!lat metngreported for 'Famîly qnd ae 43 .Clairm-ont,; Can- ks18, rsA.Sih The BowmnanvIlle club hadi spots in theclbNetyas Treaýsi.rer,'s report was given, Staning Committees for the Swallow re-ported for 'Educa-1(1267, Marian L Bath Set! Plastic Cps 13, vtt SipesîoBndSu- Landry; Towehs 0074, Mr ain shInga balance o! $396.66, past year was given by the to n ulua civte'!1362, J. War4l; Cups 1372 , jOe~ Childt'ï Dress 1500i, - Burdock; Scales 1997, Mrs. J pno osia-n rw, hc ata, tio ad ulurl ctviie':ity, suite In the Royal York PercY Crape d Nae M .Yd bMMr. . RL di, ec-fahawng: AgrcuturGan Mr. s.sBs ereortdr freartnforaksa687 M Loke;aDoisMcMhon Ma te ri i Bown; lacmat 190,Nor i-atl bt, nfrtuatey.Ho-McLan ondied hy Mrs, RR Patfield that Canadian 'Industries, Mrs. E. 'Citienshlp and, Worîd Af- Pilow Cases 0718. J. Tno 0945 Jean Scott; Knitted W:ma.n rus Nizio: DIsh 0229, Margo tarian Witherspoon indicrited the bills be paid. Carried. Twist;, Citizensliîp and World fis;Ms .C nwe e Knitted Dress 1721, E. Mrs. Alex Wilson; Corresponden-e was read. Affaîrs and Resolutions, Mrs. piorted for'Rsltos:M. lace;Shaving Set 0906G, LOiS! oouin Book 1707, MikeRdig'orms ablet;e PCove 1730, ta I o e epeaa 'Resoorthlutions'et:igS Bttr; dcaio ndCu-WM rs. ormzSeetSPeltat 173,ed, themselves o! the room., Ch fo he a intetgSuttery; Edutcation nd. Cul- W.Brown reported for the Wencz; Sat &Pp Ç71Waln ilo ae 15,H rs n eron. H- le cornmented that the Osh- ,1) prorameofth yar e hetualAciviic. rs L Bt-'Good Neighbors Commrittee' Wdfome)aws14, Tero-sa Rosseau: Quilt 16122, iT -Shirt 0476, Joan Hanley; awa.Rotarians ended up with February meeting whien Mr. tery; Family and 'Consumer The Public Relations offîcer's* Stephen Wood; B3oo 058,R. Ralph Campbel; ish16.rm: Dish 1508, Mrs. B. Sturgeon; an awful lot o! food and Douglas Barber, Bowmanville Affairs, Mms. R. Munday for written and financial report McFarland; Toy 133 Mrs' rs. Sweet; Towels 1886, Mýïrs rtninnft Slippers 1294, A. P ot t er; hIquor to taire home. 1a-rwstesekr n Ms li;Crtr r.M had been prépare(! by Mrsq. MacDonald. B. Visscher; T'oy Set 0296', Brooch 0453, 2B. Morey; Shav- PeietWlo eotdA EFE Wisean;P.R.., rs.C. Wm . O'Neill and read by, Mrs. i fe hv 44 rsDl Robbie Harrison;:B han ke t On April 2, 1973, The Rid- ing Lotion 1653, Mrs, Thelma that the tWilonrotedé CônFEL. mreeting when Mrs. S. Cawkerv, Downey for Mrs. A. Cryder- H. Bradley. Mrs. C. Greenhaia Pillowcases 1449, Loisýe Ms 1035. Gordon Woodcock; Slip- ing Hqorse Establîshnný-ts ActIFrost; Trays 1254, Mrs. Hol- vention ' vas The Gap Be-_ Nestieton, was the speaker and man. Each canvenor moved the gave the Tweedsmuir Curator terson; Drainbjoaird 1661, Bn pers 0230, B. Stainton; Per- 1972 and the Rogulatians wont mes; Perfumo 1503, Mr. An- tweon Govornment and Busi- AS £HE FIEL her topic being "pollution",aotina.hrrpotadreport. Mrs. W. Brown withnie Cla.yton; Cologneo O114. fumne 1433, Bonnie Macey; into effocttinr ntri.This drews; Duster 0234, Mrs. Bar- ness. Toronto talk-show hast IDNTNG' Ral Caîl "A Current Event" these were seconded by Mrs. Mrs. H-. Bradley wil!lo1ok af- Barb ibr Socks; 136,5, K. Poncho 0680, F. B3raiey; Col- le-gisiation will bDring ail cm rasin; Aftor Shave Lotion John Gilbert o! CHUM Radio and "Pay YOurF Fee was C. Johns.ý Carried. Minutes of ter Our press reports. Mrs. w. Pesthiil; Vase 0053, Joyc ouring Set 0136,. B. Iws iw. mrcial riding, horse estab- 18,EieSle ihw ce smdao o ao taken. the last-Aifan meeting were Laid seconded ail these re - Virtule; Kite 12,56, K e v i n Knitted Cover 1450, Mrs. lishments in the province cases 793, Jane Essex; QuÎlt discussion o! the Convention's Distrct Drectr tMr e an ar edScray-otsocheporthad ben Wood; Golf Covers 1511, M. Masterson; KnittedBag 1 C666, under the jurîsdiction of te1,307, Alhen Wilson; Towe lheme. lncluded on, the panel BuLttBrdoitdfrootb'Traurrs o(twa ivnmoved by thre one giving the Cooper; Beauty Set 1363, .Mrs. Clayton; Youth Pacir 1644Vtc1ay1 viesBrach 1i1, Ms E. Wood; Casserole wveroMinistr 0f Labrh DititBar !Drctors by Mrs. M. Flintoif. Auditor'sý- eot BinCafrýS,ýeýc ogn;Bl n ý teC i iiityo iý_,DraâLtl.ic.Jh uradOt metn.District Annual to he re-port was given and mver epr. rwnws rinCrwor;S atri Ms HdinABalrniGceufthl ntrturnsey0! 51,BabraLntd HnFJhnMnoandu. 9trnNwtnioib r.A od ecne y Mrs. W.Bowa! 31 , et eaa;Y u0315, Joanne Crydermani; Gro1- TeRdn os sa- Tier Set 0305. L. Adams; spoken Toronto businessmaný hed aycharge of the election of of-! Pack Î)1389, E.Encot Can!- ceriesý 1214, Marlono Dw-iihmnt At rvses asys sh 07783, Lisa Hooper; Photo John Bullocir Jr. $1n75teChubrach innesrt ben rs.epTwit. Carrs.ieç. Mues'-ficors. Mrs3. H. Brafdley wias, noy; Game 1316, Jane Barta; e of licensing and regulat- Alum 008, L. Harrison;: Wilson indicated he foundý donate $1 for each dlegate. day. Mrs. H. Bradley, District rprY!.h ointnwo- aiyanhosmr far, e' hvigSt003 rar ettaltotor" ,e oa0es03, a muen; infrmatsuieondeodmu, e h PennIies for fincidshiip wil ho Prcsident took charge of the rmpotftwahe nrad by cMrs. H.Ms H reco Euat A1ia,,n efer;sh gt 057, Grc,,:f iing e orIcfouseoin pro-e n;ToeIl6, ourh;tnfora th h et eend t~e.Hucî i oh u-election of officers for t e e a eÏ brof memnbers on rail, num- comfing year. Ail offices were Baly.Atrth1ia r-aC ulural Atvtis rsIMKigt-lasSth9deviigisuctioni iig efo r a 09 .W We ou rgo e t aoaryPUMIG& TN beýr of members present. rumr- dociared vacan.I' a oe suits o! the election a sh ort CL Swllw; Ctizenship and M'ýrs. S, Kitchen; Crib Shceet T'ns include etabhishmentrIs Riey; Candle 0017, Peg Hart; tionyoralzwhtRay at twsmvdinstallation service was con- Worid Affairs, Ml'rs. Gese;14194, Don Mitchell; Cookbook where no spécifie or sprt at Hoseý 1794, 1. Cameron; 1 inl about," he commonted. and AIR CNIINN bër of aeýw nebers, a copy :y Mrs. C. Downey, seconded diictdd by Mrs. W. Brown. Resolutions, Mrs. L. C. Snow- 1579, Ralph Campbell; Fruit charge is made forridfing or TOv' 1533, Mrs. Browanlee; 'In other Rotary' Affairs: of, branch programme ta, ho hy Mrs. S. Buttery that Mrs. Mrs. C. Greenhani, presi- don, Mrs. F. Stevonsý, Mr. . 06 64, M. Bradley; Gift Certi- instruction, but is includdRu-g06, 47 Hfarland R. Rotarian Knox Heriry spon- TYRONE, NR IO u ha4nded inta district. M. Flintof be secretary for the dent, was ln charge of a few ,vBradley, Mrs. C. Greenhanm, ficate 0801, Nancy Lace; Bath ais 'part o! a lump sum pyAa;Ci uî 92 a oe nipopuacin Poe2325 seoved hy Mrs.CDwMs L. Butteryvsecin.Care ovded bynew items of business. Ms.Mrs. W. Brown; Press Secre- Powder 0231, Mrs. Barras*iin et that includes other Hoaper; Quilt 0203, Rquby prior ta the ^officiai program ____________ socondeddby rc Downey Mrs. R. Bteth ; sened y S. ,leffery was asked to go ',Dtiitry, Mrs. W.-Bow'Foy 0317, Mrs. D. Clark; Toy servics.. Stephens. _________ by danating' a white blrchi______________ Fitire Sh 4 for dsrc o Mc . afedthtw aethe Officers Conférence in ____________ces.__________ takon ouf of funds. Carried. plurality and standing vt.Wtro nMyi osbe Muýïved h)y Mrs. S. Buttery, Carnied. Mrs. Patfield read the as our delegate Mrs. G. Bosse seonded hy Mrs. M. Wiseman new shate o! offices MvdIs unable Vo go. It was agreeçl 'p th-at we support the request a! by Mrs. R. Patfield, seconded that we have a Pot Lucir Sup - li4r District Board o! Dïrec- by Mrs. Johns thatý we accept tost ave the order o! s uc-,Ih work a! the nominating pMA MDmeee n ajue tüýs o lation with the U.C.W. Mrs. ceussian 0f the harst branch for commiittee. Carried. .Hri odesget Dýstrict Annualand the hanh Mrs. H. Bradley conducted ion o! a future visit ggePar- in, cha rge o!f emrimbe in the installation a! new allcers' j Ê woM saa.TeBac ailphaibeticail order. re. for 1973-74 as folows: PastExctv mein wll e Moved hy iM/rs. R. Patfiehd, sec- President, Mrs. R. Munday; heîd on May 7th at Mrs. C. oned by Mirs. S. Buttery we President, Mrs. C. Dawney; lst'Geeha's pqstpone tire M1ay mreeting one Vice President, Mns. M. Wise- Mr.CSalwcnerOZTN week until Myay loth. Carried. man; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. for EduCatinwas w oe-in hr Tn K Pr, 7.E Clectuin was taken which E. T wist; Secretary Treasurer, fo! Eutee oll ain p ram oun tta 6. Mrs. M. Flintaif; AssistantTemtt Fwrtnsae Delegata"o the District Secretary, Mrs. L. Buttery;Th otIFwrhngýar IGDOKUSùA al>qVIL E Annual are Mýrs. C. Downey, District Director, Mrs. S. But-, opened more , rnes by mis- IA00 OS Mýs. S. Buttery, Mrs. M. Fliai- tory; Alternate, Mrs. O. Bragg;:aeta temut. rs.O U 05IU F 'fMrs. E. Twist and Mrs;. Branch Diroctors, Mrs. 0.ý A. Barnes, a'formner mnemnber, G FOR lack ta hoe the altennate. Mov- Bragg, Mrs. WX. Malhey, Mrs. had prepared the motta, that FNYIF edh rs .Butrseod G tpltn ubi eltoswas read hy Mrs. H. Cy~ IGA F IN AEUC I Uf A 6 ASSORTEO VARIETiES16 led o! five L cent ifwsedo nd-GatCuat a! ubTweeluiroHs-Inan. She said, "Many tir-io EA H ! oz. FINSn n' inn .r ed by Mrs. Bain there be a Officer, Mrs. A. Crydlerman weve peed lete bymisflLVUES 3 FORVr, i UMJ> VflLfR w orur, namre tags at oach tory, Mrs. M. Wisemn; Cards, taire and written 'oondhy PRI0E PACK20F UE meting. re. Mrs. R. Patfleld; Pi4nists, m istk'u ecntd h.,~115$ JACK'S IMFG PRE-PRICED 59cl ~Ms S.Butry rorm e ragg, Mes. S. Buttery; With aUr rnatths. We need ta C OC TM T SJFRr r o rnv n e C eS T ITE 2 AK convener, c a n dor the guest Auditars, Mes. A. Wood, Misshnrcrfiybeaesei O sçýýeaker Mes. H1. Bradley, Dis- W. Cryderman. ing. If We rememhei' to, hurt IGA PURE 4F triet Presidont. She brought Standing Cammittee Conven- no one, wO wilh prohahly havt VIT ir I 9oRL$*APEROF0SAR gsrcý,ings from thec district and ors- Agriculture and Cana- lestroule. t helpesotal ho i bU I D E ! FOR iln., 0' KS g4lve anin ,-to,,restiag papen on dian Industries, Mrs. S. But- teotd1atepronlo-WAyer ArER ROLLPO.~ $ Citîzeiýnhîp. >he said citizen- tory; Citizeaship and Warld, lems o thrs. ORANGE PEKOF OSE sipis dtorminod by the way Affairs and Resolutions, Mes Mrs. W. Laird introducedB G ~ ~ livo, you can be a goad E. Twist; Education and Cul- argetsekr r . I GA TA~RIISBAPI ICE OYPO ciizen lai small simple way, tural Activities, Mrs. L. But- Cryderman, son o! one o!fu 2F A B G fi~ al- ays hofrcnl and keep tory; Family and Consumer members. Jîm Is a teacher IGA PINK LOTION E 32 lÀf iI MIUU q FR ou~~ nnnds fro iato and f611 Afairs, Mrs. A. Blair; Social at Solina at a special schooNT PLSI mr-S. P. Porter. Mrs, R Pa-t- tald of the activities o! a fier- Foi:~ F 0$ 1VA TINS field, Mrs. A. Wood and Mrs. mal day for the two toa3chers, UA BA EDRÏ O AkM STH RECd ~Dwlne.y, new Presi- Rtý4ýNscRIE FAMIaayPACK 15 ns WM S '1'ere asked i),f Jim- about the RWTE A VPCK5VRE S EL hc a Braach Boardi o! Dinec- wok t.dn t h calC O OLATE PCAND ~ tors meeting at ber Place on We wore made very aware Cf Apnil 30th and Mrs. L. But- the wtorthhe woek that isl l toywilhol. hrg U!te eing done nt the school and POST CEREAL o May eetng ad Nsthtontheinterest shawn hi' the guests. Meeting cîosed wi,,th the Mirs. W. Laird thakdMn uu singing o! (God Save The Queon Crydermnan for his necel IVUI EIL1 adlnhwas served by the address and questian period. PWEE E E G N JIL incag.Tire meeting elosed wit~h theejABc r Mrs. E. Burkre caaçlucted an MAPLE GROVE W. L. auctIon o! somof- articles brought by the members for Feh The Annual Meeting o! the'a brna and buy sale. Lunch Wonen' Institute was held o!cLis e adcfe a late .E Hl o pil9hserved hy the group in charge. _ at 8 p. M . C. Greenham, Ls fOfcr president, was la charge o! Past President, Mrs. S. Mer- the following busines.The tn rsdn.Ms .Gen roll eaul was, pay your f ees ham; hst Vice Pros., Mrs. H. I and maire the sound O! your Prescott; ,2nd Vice Pros., Mrs. PORTION PRTIO Tfavorite animai. H. Bradley; Secret ary-Trea- It was decided ta discuss a tirer, Mrs. H. Bradleyv; Ass't. yes, it's a go tino ta) check future visit ta the "Erland Sec.-Treasnrer, Mrs. S. Doyle: ýlInUranice On lboats, camping Lee Homne" at our group District DIrector, Mrs. S, Mac- LJCOSCLFRI andi spa)rts equsprneVnt - also meetings. Tickets for aur Des- ton; Ait. DIst. Director, M,,rs. laliysort Lunchean and Card Party F. Stevens; PublicReain family cciden aninbMay '.ere, distributed ta Officer, Mes. H.CrdmaiENR U ovg. Be sure of proper mebr.BacÏîetrMs ïinsiiranEce with afreirl Mrs. H. Cryderman told oBrwMs. Wmn, O'Nelll hyF jamecs Ins1rnc1 Aenythe business discussed at, the Mrs. S. Doyle: Pirntst, Mrs (PRODUE 9Ç U..A.) c. Limited. ~~District Executive, meeting. Wm. Laird: Auditors, Mns 'I I i ONPRKCIP S.U The District Annual Is to ho Jeffery, Mrs. E. Foley; Good Iheld ila Newtoaville, on May Neighhbor.qMes, W. Bnown1 IRdmma House NOW OPEN, 7 DAYS A WEEK Cerne in anid ask for Samnples of Our different cheeses. Cheese direct froni our cheese factory at Warkworth - at factory prices. Situated on Highways 115 and 3 5 at Gulf Station, onue mile north of Newcastle. Office : 1,5 Elgin St., cor, a! Horsey St. Phone 623-55109 Office Houes: By appoinitmont Dental DR. ANGUS M1. BLAIR, D.D.G. 26 Frank Street, Bawmanvilie (noar Domninion Sto)re) Office houes: 9:30 ar.9p.m. including Saturdai' Telophane 623-3181 Dr. W. M. RUDELL, D.. 22 Kîng St. E., Bowmanvil;le Office Houes: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Clased Saturday and Sunday Office Phiono - 623-5790 DR. WILLIAM KENT, DDS Professional Bhdg. Bûwxnanville 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 Office Houes: Weekdaya 9 -. 5 Teleplione 623-7349 Are you puzzled eibouF are cf Ires>, vegetables? copy of a smo»l book thc te buy, store, prepore, serve Canadien produce. s especially useful ta nev and Fts free. Simply writE ation Division, Canada 1 of Agriculture, Carling A tawa, KI A 0C7, ernd as> of 'Fres>, Canadien Veg( Mr$. Greenqa aoable tb pinlq" te groups. CuN2,5 write- 125 The Queerswl ýM;Y 1H .' "'"'"= u iVUK PILAI ripLo % FlIR' 'lm avitn @LuIeb 1 -FOR WE RESERVE THERGH TO IIMlT QUANTITIES proper sFcr- ' If sa, get a lt te-ls ho- ?,acok mdc *ý The book ýw brides te to Infcrm- Department Avenue, 0E- c for a copy etaibles', ýtulk "shop- 59-6633, or aMY, Tarant., PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., THRIJ. SAT., MAY 2, 3, 4, 5 ~PÀ. ~,.~BO~IYIISIMPORTED DINNERWARE BY ENOCH WEDGWOOD (TUNSTALL) LTD. StorE collecling y set todoy' One specrol (volumm2 15 1 49ech) CU No. 1oiy O THS WEEK:5 Unique Volume -pln15 1.4y hbound ONLY9 volms op 'i. oumne, eeityWITH A PURCHASE 0F $500 OR MORE lstcFed. Stort your colleien nowFPLLLNE0 CCESSORY PIECRS ON SALE AT ALI.TIME SeHatth & 8eautyAid $pecials- RED Ok GREENTOorTHPASTE SM CLOSE*UP ~2 EUA ORuNSCNTE (OEOOÇiRANT> BAN ROLL-ON CINNAMON-SUGAR IGA APPLE PIE T. aE. $ oz SIZE 1 240Z AOC FAmliLY tzl 4